[ilugd] (no subject)

2004-04-12 Thread satendra_cs

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[ilugd] Re: Now the Only Way Microsoft Can Die is by Suicide

2004-04-12 Thread Rahul Kumar
Phew! this one really took the wind out of me :) But tell me, 
- do you think IBM, Oracle and everyone else will just let Java wither
  -- just as IBM has come out with SWT, dont you think others could
  continue the good work.
- What about the extent of adoption of Java -(i feel java has acquired a
  critical mass )
- Do you think a highly committed developer industry will just move over
  to C# or .NET or whatever ?

- What if the developers of Sun move out and form a new company and
  continue Java development (if Sun is no longer interested, would it
  stop them ?)

- Another small point- the article says Sun will move back to being Unix
  server sellers. From what i read, Linux is hurting Sun real bad in the
  server market, and it continues to increase inroads into Suns market
  share. Can Sun survive on selling Sun machines ?

I am not an analyst at this high level - i agree that this could have
far-reaching results, but not necessarily the downfall of Java, and not
necessarily the rise of C#/NET.
Possibilities that come to mind:
a. IBM playing a lead role in Java development, perhaps opensourcing it
b. An opensource spinoff of Java that gathers industry support
c. Sun fights hard for Java and itself, realises painfully that OSS is
the only way and finally goes open.

Either way, i am not sure how Sun will survive.

For a year atleast it was clear that Sun had to do something radically
different to survive:
- Linux was eating up its server market
- Java was not making much money for it (Sandip i dont agree that Sun
  One/IPlanet/whatever was really making enough money for Sun).
  This marriage was the last thing expected, but then there were no
  other choices that made sense to McNeally. (Would opensourcing Java
  have saved Sun ???)

Anyway, i am keeping eyes peeled for other articles on this, let us know
if you come across anything further.

 On Sun, 2004-04-11 at 00:57, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
  While articles of this guy generally contain sweeping jumps to 
  conclusions sometimes...this time I am in quite an agreement with him. 
  If LL would remember, I have been predicting something big about to hit 
  the software world soon, and people will never know till it hits them.

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Re: [ilugd] [x-posted]Re: [FSF-WG] Bill Gates quote

2004-04-12 Thread Varun Varma
Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
To be fair to Billy the Gate, all marketing men round the world think 
the same way, and this practice (of making customers addicted to their 
products)is actually taught in some way or the other in marketing 
classes at business schools throughout the world. So while you are at 
blasting at Billy, take a look at business practices of FMCG companies 
in the brick and mortar world.
The difference is that in the FMCG world, no single company has created 
   [or probably has been allowed to create] the kind of monopoly that 
Microsoft has. I can understand Procter  Gamble giving away free 
toothpaste to kids to get them addicted, but the fact is that people 
have a choice, which PG can't control. Here's how PG would be 

- Started threatening toothbrush manufacturers that they would not have 
access to early releases of the next version of their toothpaste and 
their brushes might not be compatible, forcing other manufacturers to 
make brushes which are not compatible with anything but PGs 
toothpastes. This might sound a bit exaggerated, but I think the point 
comes through.

- Started threating it's distribution chain that they better stock just 
their toothpaste or else...

- Spreads FUD about how other toothpastes are high maintenance, require 
exceptional technical skills to use and can lead to broken teeth if not 
used properly, thus leading to a higher TCO. There is fine line between 
claiming that your product is better and scaring people about other 

The thing about anti-competitiveness is that, well, it's 
anti-competitive. It's when you stop improving your products/services in 
order to compete and start using any/all other pressure tactics to 
ensure a market position.

Note: I have nothing against PG.

Varun Varma
Mindframe Software  Services Pvt. Ltd.
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Re: [ilugd] [x-posted]Re: [FSF-WG] Bill Gates quote

2004-04-12 Thread Ankur Rohatgi
Hash: SHA1
On 04/12/2004 05:08 PM, Varun Varma wrote:

| - Started threatening

Ok i am being a flamebait for this email, but what the heck ...

As much as i hate MS for my own reasons, i have to say they are what
every business would dream of being. Yes they do have unusual and
sometimes illegal practices but they other guys cave in largely because
they want to be associated with MS , for no other reason but profit
themselves. They do have choices but they choose the easy way of
aligning with MS so they continue to make money. The fact that MS has
the largest share is not because they made people use their products at
gunpoint but at one time their OS was indeed a good product and people
just got into using that product.
The fact that the OS turned into something else later and the large user
base is being exploited by MS now, is a different story.
- - Ankur.
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[ilugd] Legaltorrents!

2004-04-12 Thread Sandip Bhattacharya

Summary: This is a collection of legally downloadable, freely 
distributable files, both net.label electronic MP3s and other media items,

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya
sandip (at) puroga.com
Puroga Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Work: http://www.puroga.comHome: http://www.sandipb.net
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[ilugd] Procmail issue

2004-04-12 Thread Kapil Sethi

Is there some special term used for embedded email messages (mails as

How can I use procmail to forward messages in above format.

I have already configured procmail to forward received messages in their
original format.



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