[ilugd] [Commercial] Invite suggestions for Open Source India Week (LinuxAsia)

2007-10-17 Thread Janani Gopalakrishnan
Hi all,

LinuxAsia is now morphing into a bigger avatar -- Open Source India Week --
a three city event that will start on a Monday from Bangalore and end on a
Friday at Delhi, with a stop at Mumbai on a Wednesday.

How is it different from LinuxAsia as it was?

1. OSIW will be held in three cities: Bangalore, Mumbai and New Delhi

2. The tech track will, almost entirely be, 'by the techies, for the
techies' (and that's precisely the reason for this email: to request you to
shape it!)

What is the goal of the event (what sets it apart from other FOSS events in

1. OSIW is not focused on specific projects, but on the technologies and
concepts behind these.

For example, workshops on technopreneurship through FOSS models, embedded
systems, developing applns for mobiles, the future of Web programming (hmm,
maybe even more power in the user's hands!), etc. What's more, it is not
just about software but spans the entire gamut of IT solutions that qualify
as free/open source. For example, technologies like the T-Engine also find a

2. Also, OSIW aims to foster entrepreneurship through FOSS models.

If any of you run companies based on FOSS, please come forth and encourage
others. Perhaps it would also be a good idea to bring in venture capitalists
and get to know their views on FOSS companies, how to pitch to them, etc. It
would also be nice to highlight what is hot and what is not in terms of tech
domains so that those with start-up dreams know where to invest their
energy. Also, I always wonder
how some projects like Ubuntu rose to fame much faster than others, maybe
others would like to know that too.

3. Companies can also come forth to conduct customised workshops for techies
and users.

4. The FOSS India awards have also been launched and will be given away at
the event. Entries are invited (http://www.openitis.com/openitis/index1.php)

I am launching a discussion on behalf of the non-profit FOSII
(http://fosii.org) to seek the suggestions of the community on workshop
themes, preferred topics of discussion/talks, suggestions for the event as a
whole, possible help to link up with keynote speakers, etc -- these will be
compiled and discussed with the OSIW/LA team.

The wiki is up at http://www.linuxasia.net/twiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome --
look forward to your suggestions. If you have any nits about the past LA
episodes to dig up, I am not the person to discuss it with. But if you have
any suggestions for the upcoming event, I am all ears. So, even if it is
criticism, disguise it as suggestions please!

I request you to please share your thoughts on the Wiki, and please spread
this message across the community, so we get more suggestions (already
posted on Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and Goa GNU/Linux user group mailing
lists). Perhaps you can also discuss this at your respective LUG meets and
share your collective suggestions with us.


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

[ilugd] [Semi-commercial][Discussion] What should Microsoft do?

2007-09-13 Thread Janani Gopalakrishnan

I would like to seek your views on something...

Microsoft is criticised much by the FOSS community -- one or the other
aspect of it. Their software, their ways of doing business, their attitude,
whatever. My belief is that whenever somebody criticises they will also have
a potential solution in mind -- and I felt, why is it that the solution
aspect is barely discussed wrt the Microsoft issue :-) So, I am throwing
this question open to you...

Is there some aspect of Microsoft that you do not like? If so, what? And
more importantly, how do you think they can correct this flaw of theirs (if
you think they can)?

I would really appreciate it if you could share your views on this.

Look forward to your response.

And before I end this email, some clarifications...

(a) I was actually discussing this subject off-list with some FOSS veterans
and users, when a friend suggest that I get out of the acquarium and throw
the question open to the LUG mailing lists. Sensible! So, some of you might
have already received my query on this off-list. Apologies for the
(b) This post is not commercial because I am raising this discussion in an
individual capacity. That said, it might end up commercial in the future...
because if this discussion turns out very interesting, I wish to offer
snippets to Linux For You for publication (with the permission of those I
wish to quote, of course).
(c) I am posting this query on more than only ILUG mailing list BUT I shall
make sure the summary of the entire discussion reaches all the LUGs. If I
offer it for publication, it will be available (licensed under creative
commons) on the Open Content section of LFY's website openitis.com, so it
will be available for all to see. If not, I will post a summary on the LUG
mailing lists.


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] [off-topic not] vision of an enlightened indian mystic oncopyleft

2007-09-11 Thread Janani Gopalakrishnan
 as a private study, have been researching past two years on the indian
 philosophical view and 'darshan' on copyrights. haven't found much.
 anyone else stumbled across something?

Examples from India's history, culture etc are cited often in propagating 
the philosophy of freedom - of software, of knowledge, of intellect. Yet, I 
only end up more confused every time I think about it.

(a)Dronacharya asks for Ekalavya's thumb just because he hid behind a 
tree and learnt warfare as Drona taught the princes. If somebody learnt from 
you like that, would you not have lauded the student - brilliant, to learn 
archery without eye contact with the teacher! How fair and how 'free' was 
Drona's act? Many tutors are known to have expected guru-dakshina. I don't 
blame that - after all, they need to earn a living. But such a cruel 
punishment - makes you wonder (though I have no texts to back this idea) if 
Drona punished Ekalavya not just because he saw him as a potential threat, 
but perhaps also because he got to learn some of the specialised war 
methodologies devised by Drona?

(b)   Bhakt-Mira, Tulsidas, Surdas, Saint Thyagaraja, Muthuswamy Diktishar, 
Shyama Sastry (the holy trinity of Carnatic music), Gopalakrishna Bharathi, 
Purandaradaasa etc - great composers who left behind timeless classics for 
us to sing, hear and rejoice. They all left their signatures on their works. 
Try removing 'Mira' from a Mirabhai bhajan, try removing 'Guruguha' from a 
Dikshitar Kriti or 'Thyagaraja' from a composition of the saint's - the 
notes just won't flow, you cannot sing it right! Well, my question is - many 
of these people were saints, they gave up all worldly pleasures, they 
propagated their music at temple halls, wherever the devotees flocked, 
without expecting anything in return. Yet they could not give up pride over 
their works? Despite their immersion in Bhakti, they did not forget to leave 
their signature on even a single work? They could give up physical pleasures 
but could not give up their ego wrt their intellectual property? Would not 
their works have lived on even if they did not affix their signatures to 
their compositions? Don't throw the question back at me - I am a normal 
human being who wants my work to be credited to me even if I open it up 
under CC - but they were saints!

(c)On the other hand, recipes, home remedies, folk music - these are 
perfect examples of free knowledge transfer. I don't know who first found 
that Tulsi tea can relieve the symptoms of common cold! I don't know who 
invented idly and dosa! I don't even know who first found out that rice 
could be boiled and eaten or that curd rice is yuuummmy! Do you? But I know 
that whoever found all these things - they were truly brilliant people - 
unsung heroes and heroines!

Perhaps this is what they call a chequered past?! Myriad examples - some 
highlighting free knowledge sharing, some otherwise. Or maybe I have not 
understood the mythologies and history well enough! Correct me if any of 
what I've said is wrong.

When I am not even able to understand the historical/cultural view on 
copyrights - I don't want to attempt talking about India's 'philosophical' 
view of copyrights :)


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] [off-topic not] vision of an enlightened indian mysticoncopyleft

2007-09-11 Thread Janani Gopalakrishnan
 excellent points by nagarjuna, janani and gora.
 nagarjuna: you're right about classical brahminism being an earlier
 incarnation of a proprietary knowledge model. 

I think I missed Nagarjuna's post. Was it sent off-list?


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] The MS trojan horse in Linux Asia 2007

2007-02-08 Thread Janani Gopalakrishnan

 So when it comes to Microsoft advertising in Linux magazines and
 sponsoring Linux events, where you see red, I see an opportunity, of
 an equal footing, at Microsoft's expense. Linux and FOSS is clearly
 better than Windows, we just need to cut through MS's FUD. Mailing
 Lists will not do that for the average Joe, such collaborative events

In LUG style, +1

I totally agree! Who had the stalls next to Microsoft at LinuxAsia? Did they 
use it well? (Apologies, I couldn't attend LA as I was busy getting married, 
so somebody who attended please throw light on this!!)

CXOSummit had an audience of stakeholders and decision-makers, many of whom 
would have attended the expo as well... so, now wasn't this a platform to 
show Vista and Red Hat/SUSE/BOSS or whatever distro you place your bet on 
right next to it... on both sides of Microsoft's booth... so, the users 
could have seen with their own eyes that Linux and OSS work just as well as 
the Microsoft products they are so used to?

Call it a flat world, a level playing field, whatever you will, but the only 
way a product (or philosophy) can survive is by competing with others! By 
making open source a cult rather than a philosophy and expecting 
people to adopt it, you only lose opportunities to gain more followers. 
Rather than expect everybody to understand, absorb and live by the 
principles of free and open source right in the beginning, first show them 
the produce! Show them that Linux and FOSS works not only for the geek but 
for the desktop user too, show them it works for businesses, show them it 
works just as well as what M$ sells. Once they see the merit in the 
products, they will automatically adopt the ideals as well... not vice 
versa. There are more people who are drawn to a religion from its customs 
than the other way round! And well, if you see something as a rival (or 
well, an enemy) then stand right next to them and say, We are better! 
rather than block them away from the scene.

Makes me wonder... M$ dared to bravely step into alien turf (well knowing 
that most attendees at LA are going to be Linux followers and not Microsoft 
fans... think, if somebody stood in front of the Microsoft stall and loudly 
argued with the rep there about the merits of Linux, how many people do you 
think would have objected... now, that's a hazard M$ could have faced), but 
we hesitate to give them a small place to stand in our ground? Doesn't it 
show the community's doubt in its own abilities? Do you think any of the 
saadhus at the Kumbh Mela will worry about Christian, Muslim or Buddhist 
missionaries attending? You cannot convert a staunch follower! And for those 
who're not staunch followers, Linux/FOSS stands a better chance when placed 
right next to Microsoft and projected as superior in comparison!

Look beyond religion at humanity. Look beyond Linux/FOSS at technology. 
Because that's how the hoi-polloi sees it! Only when you see the broader 
picture can you prove yourself in that vast world!


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] The MS trojan horse in Linux Asia 2007

2007-02-07 Thread Janani Gopalakrishnan
Hi all!

First off, let me tell you that I had and have no intention of jumping into 
this debate, though I've been quietly watching it since the thread started. 
Second, let me tell you that I'm pro-OSS but not anti-Microsoft and that's 
not abnormal... many won't admit it if you do a +1 voting here but I bet 
there are quite a few people here who take a balanced view of both 
proprietary and open source software. What works, works.

But something happened this morning related to this thread, that I want to 
share with you... just a small interaction that set me thinking and I guess 
it might do the same to you.

I was telling my dad on the phone about this debate about Microsoft in 
LinuxAsia. My dad is a chartered accountant who calls a spade a spade, he 
uses both proprietary and open source software, he knows about open source 
software, but not to the depth of analysing every word in every license and 
interpreting the terminology and stuff... let's say he has a commoner's view 
of the whole thing. With his basic knowledge he asked me something, a 
profound question which I now throw open to you all to answer to yourself 
(since I agree with Sankarshan that it *is* time to close this long-drawn 
and unfruitful discussion)...

Isn't open source about being 'open', isn't it about a free market, isn't 
is about giving everybody a chance, isn't it about higher talent and ideals 
winning over lower ones, isn't it about people making their own 'choices', 
then what is wrong in Microsoft participating? By trying to shut Microsoft 
away from the Linux world, aren't you shutting competition away, and in a 
way playing at their own 'closed' game? To the best of my understanding of 
'openness' as a word (and not as any hi-fi tech term), if one wants to fight 
Microsoft, the right way is to stand right next to them and prove you are 
better! Put up a stall right next to theirs and say, 'Hey, here, our 
products are placed on a level playing field, next to each others', now you 
judge for yourself, aren't the OSS offerings as good as Microsoft's?'

Makes sense in an extremely earthy way, doesn't it?!


Janani Vikram Gopalakrishnan

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Re: [ilugd] The MS trojan horse in Linux Asia 2007

2007-02-07 Thread Janani Gopalakrishnan
 it isnt - it is a philosophy on how to make software.

I know it's off-topic, but since you say this... what a narrow view, 
Kenneth, it's a pity you think of free and open source as a philosophy 
applying only to software. Check out creativedot for example! A real 
philosophy, in my view, breaks narrow walls... and mindsets!


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 