> So when it comes to Microsoft advertising in Linux magazines and
> sponsoring Linux events, where you see red, I see an opportunity, of
> an equal footing, at Microsoft's expense. Linux and FOSS is clearly
> better than Windows, we just need to cut through MS's FUD. Mailing
> Lists will not do that for the average Joe, such collaborative events
> will.

In LUG style, "+1"

I totally agree! Who had the stalls next to Microsoft at LinuxAsia? Did they 
use it well? (Apologies, I couldn't attend LA as I was busy getting married, 
so somebody who attended please throw light on this!!)

CXOSummit had an audience of stakeholders and decision-makers, many of whom 
would have attended the expo as well... so, now wasn't this a platform to 
show Vista and Red Hat/SUSE/BOSS or whatever distro you place your bet on 
right next to it... on both sides of Microsoft's booth... so, the users 
could have seen with their own eyes that Linux and OSS work just as well as 
the Microsoft products they are so used to?

Call it a flat world, a level playing field, whatever you will, but the only 
way a product (or philosophy) can survive is by competing with others! By 
making open source a "cult" rather than a "philosophy" and "expecting" 
people to adopt it, you only lose opportunities to gain more followers. 
Rather than expect everybody to understand, absorb and live by the 
principles of free and open source right in the beginning, first show them 
the produce! Show them that Linux and FOSS works not only for the geek but 
for the desktop user too, show them it works for businesses, show them it 
works just as well as what M$ sells. Once they see the merit in the 
products, they will automatically adopt the ideals as well... not vice 
versa. There are more people who are drawn to a religion from its customs 
than the other way round! And well, if you see something as a rival (or 
well, an enemy) then stand right next to them and say, "We are better!" 
rather than block them away from the scene.

Makes me wonder... M$ dared to bravely step into alien turf (well knowing 
that most attendees at LA are going to be Linux followers and not Microsoft 
fans... think, if somebody stood in front of the Microsoft stall and loudly 
argued with the rep there about the merits of Linux, how many people do you 
think would have objected... now, that's a hazard M$ could have faced), but 
we hesitate to give them a small place to stand in our ground? Doesn't it 
show the community's doubt in its own abilities? Do you think any of the 
saadhus at the Kumbh Mela will worry about Christian, Muslim or Buddhist 
missionaries attending? You cannot convert a staunch follower! And for those 
who're not staunch followers, Linux/FOSS stands a better chance when placed 
right next to Microsoft and projected as superior "in comparison"!

Look beyond religion at humanity. Look beyond Linux/FOSS at technology. 
Because that's how the hoi-polloi sees it! Only when you see the broader 
picture can you prove yourself in that vast world!


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