Re: [ilugd] Debian Wheezy coming on 05.05.2013

2013-05-01 Thread Vivek Puri

Can *buntu carry on if Canonical were to pull the plug and close shop today?

possible but unlikely. Most probably people will switch to other distro 
like Mint.

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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Disk Failure in LVM

2013-01-22 Thread Vivek Puri


In a LVM implementation on RAID 0 disks, if a disk fails and new disk is
put in place of the failed disk, do we have a method of restoring data on
the failed disk?

Not in case of RAID 0 .

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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Please post this !

2012-12-20 Thread Vivek Puri

On 12/20/12 4:34 PM, Pawan Kumar wrote:

Hi Everyone,
I am working with Wipro,3+ exp as perl developer and i hv to attend Oracle
intv on Monday.They are expecting me to have Linux knowledge also.Please
help me with an useful source of intv ques which I can prepare in 2 days.

It does puzzle me that you have 3+ yrs of experience in perl and no 
linux knowledge. In any case just understand following commands you will 
be almost there ;)

man man
man bash
echo Linux is an OS | sed 's/an OS/not an OS but way of life/'
echo -e #include stdio.h\nint main(){ return printf(\Hello 
World\);} | gcc -x c -   ./a.out


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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Shocking and Sad news.

2012-12-13 Thread Vivek Puri

On 12/13/12 1:00 AM, Kishore Bhargava wrote:
12-12-12. What a very very sad day. We lost a very dear friend, Raj 

People who knew and have met Raj will always remember him as a lively 
and humourous person - brutally honest and a man of principles.

Raj was a founder member of the Indian Linux Users Group and a very 
active member of the Free and Open Source community. Well respected 
and extremely knowledgable, he was often sought after for advice which 
he readily dispersed.

Raj loved to have fun and encouraged everyone around him to do the 
same. He loved his food, his movies, his music and being with friends 
and family.

A brilliant hacker and much respected for his pioneering work, he will 
be missed by one and all.

Rest in peace, Raj Oldmonk Mathur.

Although I met him only a few times this is a sad news indeed.
Deepest condolences to his loved ones. Rest in peace, Raj Mathur.

Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] [OT] Android trouble?

2012-04-16 Thread Vivek Puri

Once you near your free usage quota(80% of whatever), you start getting
redirect to this airtel smartbytes page, prompting you to buy additional
usage, even if you do not want Additional usage.

Its a scam, in trying to get you to buy quota which you may not need.
For example, I had 3GBs left, and 2 days in my current cycle, yet, it
became a pain to surf due to frequent redirects.
I composed a very long post on a forum, and it was lost due to this silly
Airtel is becoming airhell.

Yes this is Airtels' doing, I dont understand the reasoning for this 
redirects specially when they send you SMS and email about the 
threshold. Whats worse is if you are d/l a large file it will get 
trashed and you have to start all over again.

Also dont buy smartbytes, you will just end up getting more frustrated 
as they will redirect every hour to tell you the status of smartbytes.


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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Understanding File Permissions

2012-02-29 Thread Vivek Puri

File permission basics:

File/Dir can have 3 access levels : owner, group and others
File/dir can have 3 types of permissions: r(ead), w(rite), e(x)ecute

Now directory cant be executed do it has special meaning. When a 
directory has execute permission it means the user can cd to it or 
look at its content.

Note: there are other permission and other details which you can read in 
details online or using man

-bash-3.2$ ls -d root
drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4096 Feb 29 13:34 root

this means owner = read/write/execute
group = read and execute
others = read and execute

-bash-3.2$ ls -l /root/deleteme
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 29 13:34 /root/deleteme

this is called the evil permission it means anyone can 
read/write/execute this file.

I log in as normal user say User1 and I run
rm /root/deleteme
I get:
rm: cannot remove `/root/deleteme': Permission denied
But intrestingly, User1 can edit the file deleteme and delete the text in the file!!

So what is happening is you have given r/w permission to everyone. That 
means file can be read or edited by everyone.

But as files are content of directory and you dont have write permission 
on the directory. You cant delete the file itself.


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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Reports from SVN log

2012-02-23 Thread Vivek Puri


Have you looked at : ?


Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Reports from SVN log

2012-02-23 Thread Vivek Puri

Have you looked at : ?
Just read your message again and you have in fact looked at svnstat. 
What limitation did you faced?

Otherwise as mentioned before Fisheye is probably the closes match.


Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Increasing fonts of the website dynamically

2012-01-30 Thread Vivek Puri

Can i do the similar thing for background and other stuffs provided in
mit website? Please help.

Yes you can. I think this thread has enough info for you to get going. 
Only thing missing is for someone to write the code for you ;)


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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Increasing fonts of the website dynamically

2012-01-27 Thread Vivek Puri


What we store font size in php session and have different CSSs for each? or
is there any short method to do this?

There is no need to generate different css. You can ember CSS font-size 
property in the generated html though php, which can take value based on 
font size from the session.


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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] [Oracle Weblogic] Problems with weblogic

2012-01-24 Thread Vivek Puri

Hi Rajkamal,

My project is using Oracle weblogic server, but everytime I hit the url on
the browser I kkep getting this error message:

Failure of Server apache bridge:

I am new to oracle weblogic server, searched many site but all have vague
answers. Can anyone help me sorting out this problem?

The most important questions first :
Are you running this on Linux ?
Do you believe the problem is related to running it on Linux ? if yes  
Have you tried running this on Windows or Sun Solaris ?

If the answer is no to any of these questions then this is not the right 
place to ask this question. Otherwise you need to provide more technical 
information for anyone to be able to help you.


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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] [Oracle Weblogic] Problems with weblogic

2012-01-24 Thread Vivek Puri


Well, this is hardly a list where questions on closed-source
software like Oracle Weblogic are on topic.

What if the software is run on Linux ?
As its perfect to mix open source and closed sourced softwares, I think 
it is fair to raise such question ... as long as the person raising the 
question has taken effort to ensure the problem is not related to closed 
sourced components. Although that doesn't seem to be the case here ;)

With better tools like Jboss and glassfish  available in Open source 
world we should encourage people to use Oracle Weblogic because 
sometimes best way to teach someone is to let them shoot themselves in 
the foot.

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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Best open source Electronic Document Management System

2011-12-01 Thread Vivek Puri


Can any one suggest best open source Electronic Document Management System,
which has keyword search for PDF docs, emails. There is around 200GB data
stored in shared drive accessible to whole team. Its is an archive of docs,
but of no use because of lack of intelligence in tagging and searching.

You should seriously look at alfresco (  ) . It 
is quite feature rich and capable to manage document requirements of 
small to large team. It uses a Lucene as its text searching engine.

You can evaluate its community edition , which is open source. In most 
of cases that is sufficient.


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Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] How to make Amazon EC2 root partition size of 160 GB

2011-11-08 Thread Vivek Puri


I have a small ebs amazon ec2 instance and i want to know , is there a way
i can have the root partition of full available size which is of 160 GB.
currently sda1 which is of root is of size 10 Gb.
and /mnt of 150 GB.

In other words i want to resize to 160 GB so that other 150 GB available to
/mnt is also available to '/' .
Pl. advice, i have raised this ques on amazon discussion forums but of no
use (no reply), also i dont want to create a new instance of size 160 GB.
but to resize one.
Is it possible?

As others have mentioned it is not possible. I would also add that even 
using LVM it wont be possible ( maybe technically possible but very bad 
idea). You see that while 10GB is an EBS volume which is persistent by 
default, the 150GB is ephemeral storage that means if for some reason 
your instance shutdown or you restart the instance that storage will be 
reset too with any data on it gone forever. So any attempt trying to 
create a combined volume, if at all possible, can potentially result in 


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