You need to restart your computer

2010-10-07 Thread Drew Anderson

 Hello All,

   Yesterday I got the kernel panic message, You need to restart your 
computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the 
restart button (in 4 languages) on my 1.3 Ghz eMac G4. I've been 
getting that A LOT on my iBook G4, and a few times on my Sawtooth G4. 
All running OS 10.4.11. It just seems a wee odd that 3 computers would 
all start doing that *AFTER Apple announced they no longer support Tiger.

   On the Sawtooth, one of the memory banks had mis-matched memory 
sticks. The other was matched. I pulled the mis-matched sticks  so far 
I haven't seen the message there since. (knock on plastic)

   The eMac though, uses a single memory stick expansion (If I'm 
remembering correctly) The iBook, definitely uses a single memory stick.

Any ideas what to do here?


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Re: One step removed?

2010-05-21 Thread Drew Anderson

 I installed AirPort cards in both of them...

Could be that the airport card was defective or not fully seated.

- Dan.

  I think that did it :-) I re-installed the card  used the eraser end 
of a pencil to push it a wee harder into the slot. It felt like it went 
in a little deeper  it's been working fine since...

Thanx Dan


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One step removed?

2010-05-12 Thread Drew Anderson

Hello all,

I hope that the eMac falls within the parameters of the One Step 
Removed from iMac, since there is no eMac group that I can find?

Anyway, I have a couple of eMacs:
#1 - G4, 1.25 Ghz, 1 Gig RAM, OS 10.4.11
#2 - G4, 1.42 Ghz, 1 Gig RAM, OS 10.4.11

I installed AirPort cards in both of them to eliminate some of the Cat-5 
cables in my work area. the 1.25 Ghz has worked perfectly on Airport 
ever since. The 1.42 Ghz worked fine until I put it to sleep the first 
night. When I woke it up the next morning, the hard drives spun up, but 
the screen stayed black. I tried a restart, it stayed black. I powered 
down  powered up, it stayed black. I powered down, pulled the Airport 
card  powered up... It stayed black up to the user log-in screen. Then 
the picture came back  it's been working fine on hardwire connection 
ever since.

Anyone have experience or ideas about what's goin' on?


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