Re: Hardware test error 4SNS/1/40000001:VDOR

2012-07-21 Thread druidygal
I just wanted to update this post. I decided to see if I could get an 
update for Tech Tool Deluxe, and after I installed that and ran it again, 
the things that had failed in the previous runs now pass. (Format 
Check, Directory Scan, and Volume Structure). Yippy! 


 Late 2006 iMac
 Core 2 Duo
 OS X 10.6.8

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Re: Hardware test error 4SNS/1/40000001:VDOR

2012-07-14 Thread Dan

At 9:04 PM -0700 7/11/2012, druidygal wrote:
It's me again. The gal with the kernel panic a couple of weeks ago. 
I took out the bad RAM that I had recently put in the machine, and 
it helped stabilize things (no crashes or kernel panics). I ran 
Applejack as per Bruce and Dan's instructions. But Tech Tool Deluxe 
is still showing the same failures. (Format Check, Directory Scan, 
and Volume Structure).

Quit all apps.  Run Disk Utility.  Do a Verify Disk pass on each disk 
volume.  Does it report any errors?

It has been slow loading pages, and sometimes it won't load a page, 
so I have to refresh it once or twice to get it to load (this would 
be web pages like Amazon or Facebook mostly). I also get the spinny 
beach ball quite often.

How much free space is available on your HD?

Are you having any difficulties with the machine with other apps - 
things NOT involving the 'net?

What browser are you using?  Have you tried clearing its caches and 
cookies?  When it has problems loading a page, is it just pages from 
that one site or do all sites fail?  ...Quite often, having to 
refresh pages to get all the elements to load, is an indication of a 
network or site problem.

This evening I ran the Apple Hardware Test, and in the first pass it 
detected the error, so I ran the extended test, and it came up with 
the same error. 4SNS/1/4001:VDOR

Could just be a power manager issue.  But at this point, you're 
talking about three errors; can't tell if one is caused by the other 

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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Re: Hardware test error 4SNS/1/40000001:VDOR

2012-07-14 Thread druidygal
Hi Dan,

Okay, I ran Disk Utility, selected mac HD and had it Verify, and it found 
no errors. (appears to be OK). Cool!
Of the 160 G on my hard drive, I have 132.76 G of free space. 
I use Safari for browsing, and I cleared caches and cookies a few weeks 
ago. I do get the spinny beach balls when opening iTunes app. I don't have 
to refresh every single webpage I go to, no. So maybe it's just those 
aforementioned websites then. 
I also ditched the Ad Block extension today, since I read in another post 
that that can cause big lags in pages loading. 
Well, maybe I'm worrying over nothing. 
I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something important or that there 
isn't something else I should do. 


On Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:04:50 AM UTC-4, druidygal wrote:

 Hello All,
 It's me again. The gal with the kernel panic a couple of weeks ago. I took 
 out the bad RAM that I had recently put in the machine, and it helped 
 stabilize things (no crashes or kernel panics). I ran Applejack as per 
 Bruce and Dan's instructions. But Tech Tool Deluxe is still showing the 
 same failures. (Format Check, Directory Scan, and Volume Structure). 

 It has been slow loading pages, and sometimes it won't load a page, so I 
 have to refresh it once or twice to get it to load (this would be web pages 
 like Amazon or Facebook mostly). I also get the spinny beach ball quite 
 often. I mention this in case it's related to the hardware test issue. 

 This evening I ran the Apple Hardware Test, and in the first pass it 
 detected the error, so I ran the extended test, and it came up with the 
 same error. 4SNS/1/4001:VDOR
 So I looked that up online and it sounds like a logic board issue? Does 
 this mean it's on its way out? What else should I do? It sounds like the 
 cost of replacing it would be nearly the price of a new computer. :( Drat! 


 Late 2006 iMac
 Core 2 Duo
 OS X 10.6.8

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Re: Hardware test error 4SNS/1/40000001:VDOR

2012-07-14 Thread Dan

At 5:52 PM -0700 7/14/2012, druidygal wrote:
Okay, I ran Disk Utility, selected mac HD and had it Verify, and it 
found no errors. (appears to be OK). Cool!


Of the 160 G on my hard drive, I have 132.76 G of free space.


I use Safari for browsing, and I cleared caches and cookies a few weeks ago.

Do it again.  Safari tends to get slower and slower as its cache 
grows.  Ditto for its cookie and web site icon databases.

Another thing to try is to enable the Develop menu in Safari (via 
Safari's Preferences).  Therein are items to quickly enable/disable 
various features.  I've found that sites are often linking to the 
likes of facebook -- which causes their pages to take forever to 
load.  If you turn off JavaScript then visit those pages, *bam* they 
load at warp speed!

I do get the spinny beach balls when opening iTunes app.

Yea, that's normal.  iTunes does a lot of farking around when it 
launches.  It checks the integrity of its data on your HD, then it 
talks to Apple quite a bit.  It can take quite a long time for the 
SPOD to clear if your iTunes library is large.

I don't have to refresh every single webpage I go to, no. So maybe 
it's just those aforementioned websites then.

Try to note which sites give the most pain.

I also ditched the Ad Block extension today, since I read in another 
post that that can cause big lags in pages loading.

Yea, but it might just be some of its settings too.

...In the mean time, to get back to the errors from TT and AHT, it 
might be a good idea to update your backups, just in case.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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