Re: [Imap-uw] Unread flag always on after reindexing

2009-03-13 Thread Dag Nygren
fredag 13 mars 2009 04:18:58 skrev  Mark Crispin:
 I am very confused reading this message.

 Why did you run mixrbld and mixdfix?  These are very powerful tools that
 should only be run in specific circumstances.

 What were the exact text of any complaint messages which you received?
 Those message are very specific.  Paraphrasing them in a problem report
 destroys their usefulness.

 There are several messages in mixrbld, mixdfix, and the mix driver in
 c-client; but none contain the string out of sequence.

 I have no idea what kmail and horde/IMP webmail do.  Have you tried access
 with Alpine?  If so, what behavior do you see?


Compiled and tried with alpine. The same thing happens:
If you read a mail of the problematic ones, it is still marked as new when you 
leave apline and return again.

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Unread flag always on after reindexing

2009-03-13 Thread Dag Nygren
fredag 13 mars 2009 10:00:18 skrev  Mark Crispin:
 The only reason to run mixrbld/mixdfix is if the mix driver reports errors
 and refuses to open the mailbox.  You probably ran mixrbld/mixdfix
 unnecessarily, and that caused your problems.

Ok. Didn't see any warnings on them creating problems. Thought it was more 
like fsck. Just rebuilding the metadata from the raw messages.

 However, since you paraphrased the message, this is only a guess.  Please
 do not paraphrase messages.  It wastes time.

My memory isn't good enough to remember the exact wording of a message 3-4 
months ago

 I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but it is almost certainly


 If the mailbox opens, it is not corrupt in any way that mixrbld/mixdfix
 can remedy.

So that is a good enough test? Will remember that in the future.
Of course the current problem indicates tha opposite as it very well opens, 
but still doesn't work as expected...

  I saw mixrbld as a means to fix this by rebuilding the mailbox. Ran
  mixrdfix after this as I saw nothing at all in the mailbox after the
  rebuild. Now the mails are there, but half of them always marked unread.
  And cannot be marked as read whatever I do.

 I don't know what you did with mixrbld/mixdfix, but neither tool does
 anything with the status file, which is where seen state is kept.

Is ther any documentation on mix? 

  Just checked the source code and the actual message was from mixrbld and
  was the one on row 181, printf (Data file %s UID ran backwards.
  Isn't that out of sequence.

 The text out of sequence does not occur in Data file...ran backwards,
 and thus is a paraphrase.  Please don't do that.

OK. But is does mean the same thing :-)

 If you got a Data file...ran backwards message, it is likely that some
 expunge operation did not complete properly.  mixrbld will recover from

Shouldn't a rerun of mixrbld be clean in that case?

 mixcvt should have made a clean mailbox.

Didn't do that.

 I suggest that you try to find some expert who is local to you to look at
 it.  There is nothing obvious that can be diagnosed from the other side of
 the world.  It is obvious to me that there is more to this story than what
 you say, but unfortunately I do not have the time to investigate it.

I do know my way around C-programming and how to read manuals. Just wanted to 
know if there is something simple I could do before digging into a protocol 
analysis. Any other mix analyzing/fixing tool I can use?

 Unfortunately, I can't offer the same level of user assistance than I did
 when I was working at UW, and you seem to need much more assistance than I
 can offer.  I'm sorry.

Understandable. Just wanted pointers in the right direction (and to mix docus)


Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Unread flag always on after reindexing

2009-03-13 Thread Dag Nygren
On Thursday 12 March 2009, Dag Nygren wrote:

 After running mixrbld my mix-format inbox always shows about half of the
 box is unread, both in kmail and accessed from my horde/imp webmail.
 Trying to mark the mails as read doesn't do anything.
 Have also tried using mixdfix. Doesn't change anything though.
 Had complaints about mails being out of sequence from one of the tools,
 don't remember which.
 The mailbox has once been transformed from MH to mix format, but worked
 fine for months after that. Could this explain the numerous out of
 sequence messages from the rebuild process?

 Any hints on how to fix this. Now it is a bit hard to spot new mails...

Answering myself here:

Did the following:

- Copied all files in my INBOX to a new folder recover
- Test access showed the same problems
- deleted .mixstatus
- Access gave me an error on status not available
- touch .mixstatus
- Reopen mailbox
- Mark all read
- Now they stay marked

In other words: The status file is messed up by my rebuild of the mailbox
Comparing the erring .mixstatus with the newly created (by the Mark all 
read) shows that the last 8-digit hex code is the only difference (except 
from an occasional flag of course)

Now my question is: What does the last number mean?


Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] Unread flag always on after reindexing

2009-03-12 Thread Dag Nygren


After running mixrbld my mix-format inbox always shows about half of the box 
is unread, both in kmail and accessed from my horde/imp webmail.
Trying to mark the mails as read doesn't do anything.
Have also tried using mixdfix. Doesn't change anything though.
Had complaints about mails being out of sequence from one of the tools, don't 
remember which.
The mailbox has once been transformed from MH to mix format, but worked fine 
for months after that. Could this explain the numerous out of sequence 
messages from the rebuild process? 

Any hints on how to fix this. Now it is a bit hard to spot new mails...


Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] imapd namespace

2008-12-10 Thread Dag Nygren


I see my imapd offering #mh and #mhinbox namespaces even if I don't have any 
MH mailboxes (any more). Is this normal? Horde and IMP webmailreaders have a 
problem with it as they are using the first offering as the prefix for among 
others the sent mailbox and so are tring to open #mh/sent.

Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] imapd namespace

2008-12-10 Thread Dag Nygren

Quoting Mark Crispin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008, Dag Nygren wrote:

I see my imapd offering #mh and #mhinbox namespaces even if I don't have any
MH mailboxes (any more). Is this normal?

Yes, it is normal.  The NAMESPACE command reports the supported
namespaces.  What is supported does not changed based upon what you
currently have.


Almost guessed that this was the case, but many thanks for confirming.

Horde and IMP webmailreaders have a
problem with it as they are using the first offering as the prefix for among
others the sent mailbox and so are tring to open #mh/sent.

That is a bug in those programs.  #mh/ is NOT the first namespace
offered; in fact, it's the LAST one offered.

Yes, thank you.

And I found the problem:
As IMP was earlier using #mh/sent IMP thought that the new /sent I  
tried to set up was the same box as before and never changed it.  
Setting the sent box to something else first and then back to /sent  
made it behave.


This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] Fixing corrupt mix mailbox?

2008-12-05 Thread Dag Nygren


How do I fix a corrupt mix mailbox?
The error message is:

Bad message token in mix message


Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Mark mail as archived

2008-08-21 Thread Dag Nygren
 Yes, you can define your own flags.  The flag is created the first time
 it is set in a message.

Thanks Mark,

I now have it all almost together, just one thing
is quite messy:

Is there an IMAP command to only list the
message id:s of messages with my user flag
Archived set (or not set) ?

Cannot seem to find a SELECT syntax that would
do this.


Imap-uw mailing list

Re: [Imap-uw] Mark mail as archived

2008-08-21 Thread Dag Nygren
 Dag Nygren wrote:
  Yes, you can define your own flags.  The flag is created the first time
  it is set in a message.
  Thanks Mark,
  I now have it all almost together, just one thing
  is quite messy:
  Is there an IMAP command to only list the
  message id:s of messages with my user flag
  Archived set (or not set) ?
  Cannot seem to find a SELECT syntax that would
  do this.

 Look into the IMAP SEARCH command instead ... that is how you can 
 filter your messages.

Thank you but it seems like the SELECT can do it for me, the
user flags ar just confusingly named keywords in the RFC.

Thanks to all


Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] IMAP annotation utility

2008-08-18 Thread Dag Nygren


just in the process of converting my old MH mailstore to mix and run into a 
problem with my mailing list archiving connection. It would need to annotate 
the mail as archived when it is.

My question is:

Is there a simple command line utility to add an annotation to a IMAP mail?
Or a Perl iinterface for ANNOTATE?

Imap-uw mailing list

[Imap-uw] Modified MH backend

2006-09-15 Thread Dag Nygren

Hi there,

I am still using MH here for different reasons and needed
a IMAP server that can do a bit more than the current one.
And so I used the source and modified the mh backend a bit
getting a quite OK result. The modifications are:
1. Using the , prefix as a deleted flag for the messages. This
  gives me a real delete mail functionality
2. Using the sequence file for the unread attribute, so the server
  can indicate which mails are unread.
3. (Mark will not like this) Making the INBOX point to he
  MH inbox when there is a .mh_profile available in the users home

The code is tested quite a lot, but is still sure to contain bugs, bt
if there is anyone out there that want it, just ask.


Dag Nygren   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oy Espoon NewTech Ab phone: +358 9 8024910
Träsktorpet 3  fax: +358 9 8024916
02360 ESBO  Mobile: +358 400 426312

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