Re: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, July 9, 2001 at 01:03:36 (-0400), Lenny Foner wrote: ]
> Subject: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"
> And with that, I'm outta here.  I'd be happy to suggest ways to
> implement this idea, and to discuss the engineering trade-offs made
> in implementing it.  I'd even be happy to spend some effort on some
> patches, although I'm not necessarily volunteering to do -all- of the
> work.  However, I will -not- respond to yet another scream from Greg
> saying, "You must not do that!"  Life is too short.  If no one else
> thinks that this is an idea worth pursuing, or if everyone else is so
> cowed by the thought of having Greg yell at them for days that they're
> unwilling to start, or if I'm told that no such patch will be accepted
> to CVS, then it will die here.

I won't be the one screaming about the problems you introduce by
arbitrarily changing output of CVS.  The authors of all the front ends
that try to parse its output will do the complaining.  Been there, done

CVS is now a widely used legacy program that's integrated with in some
very strange and wonderful other tools.  You have to do a lot of
analysis and verification of a lot of other tools, and present concrete
plans and propsals for public examination, before you go barging in and
changing the way it behaves, even if all you're doing is changing some
error message text.

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, July 9, 2001 at 01:03:36 (-0400), Lenny Foner wrote: ]
> Subject: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"
> In that time, you've come across as basically a reactionary force,
> in the original meaning of that term---in other words, just about any
> change to CVS has launched you on a crusade to preserve the One True
> Original Implementation, even in the face of lots of people who might
> rather it behaved otherwise.

You're obviously not paying attention to what I'm writing.  Please try again.

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Per-directory sticky tags - a possible bug?

2001-07-08 Thread Reinstein, Shlomo


I'm using CVS version 1.10.7 on Windows (not using the client/server model).
I have a CVS project that is made of some directory tree, where the topmost
directory does not contain any files:


The root directory of the project ("root") does not contain any files; all
files are located in the sub-directories of "root".
When I use "cvs update -r tag-name" in the working directory of "root", CVS
updates the project to the version indicated by "tag-name". In the CVS
sub-directory of each working directory, it creates the "Tag" file which
indicates the sticky tag.

When "tag-name" is not a branch tag (i.e., it is not the name of a branch),
the "CVS/Tag" files in the sub-directories of "root" contain the right
thing: "Ntag-name". However, the "CVS/Tag" file in the working directory of
"root", contains: "Ttag-name", as if this is a branch tag. This means that I
can (I tried, and it works) add files, modify them and commit them in the
working directory of "root", while I cannot do so for the sub-directories.

Is this a bug in CVS? If not, can you explain to me the idea behind this?

One more thing that is somehow related to the above: My group always treats
a whole CVS project as a single entity - tags are always applied to whole
projects and not to specific files/directories of a project. Given that, is
there a way for me to know whether my working copy of a project is set to a
branch or not? (not just to a branch tag, but to a tag that belongs to a
branch) (Let's say I forgot if I checked-out from a branch or not)

Thanks a lot,

Info-cvs mailing list

"cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Lenny Foner

Greg.  Greg, Greg, Greg.

I've been watching your traffic on info-cvs since about August 1996.
That's over 100 meg of traffic.  Of course, not all of it is yours.

In that time, you've come across as basically a reactionary force,
in the original meaning of that term---in other words, just about any
change to CVS has launched you on a crusade to preserve the One True
Original Implementation, even in the face of lots of people who might
rather it behaved otherwise.

You've generally shouted down many attempts to change CVS via bluster,
zillions of increasingly-inflammatory messages (in which the count of
exclamation marks increases exponentially over time), and apparently
having more time than anyone else who cares to shout ever more loudly
about what -you- want CVS to be.

People who don't have time to spend arguing with you simply leave.

This is a common occurrence in all sorta of fora.  Various experiments
in self-governance in MUDs, for example, have failed by being taken
over by people who have no lives.  Such people spend more time
shouting than people with better things to do, and win by driving
everyone reasonable away.  This effect has been documented by numerous
academic papers which look at the sociology and anthropology of online

On this list, -you- seem to have that role.

I'm going to respond -just once- to your latest scream, and then I'm
going to abandon this thread no matter what you say.  I don't have the
time.  If someone informs me that patches to make CVS easier to use
would be accepted, I may well write some.  Other people might, too.
(Obviously, I'd be more than happy to participate in a discussion of
how such a patch should be designed.)  Of course, the more likely
outcome is that any patches intended to make life easier for the
users, no matter how rational, will simply be shouted down by you.
Thus, there -aren't- any such patches, because nobody wants to waste
their time writing them when you'll try to shout them off the stage.

This is the sort of behavior that leads to forking the code in order
to make progress.  Perhaps this should have happened years ago.  Of
course, maybe the most productive approach would be to create the Greg
fork, and the fork everyone else uses; that avoids having two large
but splintered groups of users, as seems to have happened with the
*BSD forks of various things already.  I should note that I am -not-
the first to suggest a Greg fork; this alone might give one pause.

Given your repeated screams of "RTFM!", I must conclude that you hate
CVS' users and wish to punish them.  (It's especially ironic in this
case, since you've said yourself that this particular error message
never got documented in the M to begin with.)  I don't share that
viewpoint.  And, given the message traffic on this list, I'm willing
to believe that the people who write here asking questions don't share
that viewpoint, either.  And I'll bet that those few selfless
individuals who seem to spend a great deal of time answering their
questions don't share that viewpoint, either, and would rather that
users could be made more independent.  What's wrong with empowering
the users?

Now, let me address your particular points.  As I see it, they are all
strawmen, but you need to have them in order to bluster more effectively:

o  You've said quite clearly that making things easier for users is
inherently bad, e.g., that they must not be enlightened through the
actual error messages, but merely given -just- enough information to
be able to find out something about the error in the manual.  This
seems an extremely curious attitude; I wonder if it is widely shared.

o  You've spent lots of bluster talking about time and resources, but
have failed to actually mention what resources those are.  I contend
that those resources break down into an insignificant amount of memory
and load-time (and you did not refute those), some amount of CVS
developer time, and some amount of time to make sure that front-ends
can parse the results.  It is my contention that the developer-time
required to dramatically improve the situation (see below) is
insignificant when compared to the users' time, and the time of
those who read this list, that is wasted by not doing so.

o  You claim that front-ends cannot handle more-useful documentation,
but that's clearly a strawman argument.  As I demonstrated, it
wouldn't be hard to embed some unique identifier into -every-
message that CVS emits, and front ends can trivially look for it.

o  You claim that I must clearly be inexperienced, both as a programmer
and in CVS internals, to have made the assertions I did.  Having been
a programmer since 1973 and the days of the PDP-8, I can assure you
that I'm not.  I've done work in speech recognition.  I've helped
build Ada compilers.  I was a systems programmer for many years on
Lisp Machines.  I've done more communications-related programming than
I can remember.  I've built commercial expert systems in a var

Re: The hated $Log$ keyword

2001-07-08 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 10:39:52PM -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> The "evil" thing abou RCS keyword design is that they contain their
> values when stored in the ,v file,

Mmm, yes.  If it stripped out the values at commit time, and just
stored the keywords, all these *#(! merge conflicts would go

> and that they contain their markers
> when they appear in a "frozen" file.

Why is this a problem?  I very much prefer it.  Suppose, using
SCCS or raw RCS, I accidentally edit a file I haven't locked.
With RCS, once I've seen the "permission denied" message, I can:
  :!co -l foo

The SCCS equivalent would inappropriately freeze all my keywords.

OK, that's a really dumb thing to do when collaborating with
others.  But then, I've rarely collaborated using raw RCS, and
never with SCCS; by the time I had coworkers who were willing to
consider version control at all, I'd discovered CVS :-)

> This was one of the several things that hindsight shows us SCCS did
> right in the first place, especially when you're using it as an
> underlying tool for delta management in something like CVS.

I don't see how one could even do CVS-style unreserved checkouts
layered on top of something which handled its keywords the way
SCCS does.  Should a checkout give you the values (in which case,
the magic-keyword-ness is lost on commit), or the keywords (in
which case, why bother with keywords in the first place since
they never get substituted)?

I'm trying to think of how one could get this to work.  You'd
have to do some kludge like:
  - check out with values only into the user's sandbox (actually,
SCCS itself gives you no choice, if I recall, since the only
way to get keywords only is "get -e", which also acquires a

  - at commit time, do a merge between:
  1. a fresh checkout with values only
  2. another fresh checkout with keywords only
  3. the sandbox file
i.e. diff (1) and (2) and apply the results to (3) as a patch

Shudder!  Every commit becomes a merge; it happens at commit
time, not update time, so the user can't inspect the results; a
conflict is guaranteed if the user so much as touches the
keyword-values or their immediate vicinity; two revision
checkouts per commit.  Have I listed all the problems yet?
Likely not...

> >   - why do you put $Header$ in the "totally evil" class, not
> > merely evil?
> $Header contains information that has no business ever being seen in the
> file content, especially in CVS, though even in plain RCS use it is
> bogus.  If you move your repo all that info becomes wrong even though
> nothing else has to break.

Point taken.

> Well over a decade ago I argued for [...]
> a way to expand just the relative path-prefix within
> the repository

Now that you mention it, I seem to recall wishing for the same
thing (not quite a decade ago), but never got around to griping
about it.  Maybe I should have :-)


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: The hated $Log$ keyword

2001-07-08 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Sunday, July 8, 2001 at 20:13:40 (-0400), Eric Siegerman wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: The hated $Log$ keyword
> I thoroughly agree about $Log$, but:
>   - what's evil about the rest?

The "evil" thing abou RCS keyword design is that they contain their
values when stored in the ,v file, and that they contain their markers
when they appear in a "frozen" file.

This was one of the several things that hindsight shows us SCCS did
right in the first place, especially when you're using it as an
underlying tool for delta management in something like CVS.

>   - why do you put $Header$ in the "totally evil" class, not
> merely evil?

$Header contains information that has no business ever being seen in the
file content, especially in CVS, though even in plain RCS use it is
bogus.  If you move your repo all that info becomes wrong even though
nothing else has to break.

Well over a decade ago I argued for something half-way between $Id and
$Header in RCS, and I repeated that plea when CVS-II first appeared.
What I wanted was a way to expand just the relative path-prefix within
the repository.  It would have been doable in RCS without much problem,
and with CVS it's actually trivial (though I think CVS still contains an
implementation bug that would make it harder than it should be, and of
course CVS modules attempt to be way more than anyone ever needs,
further complicating the issue).  As it is I usually end up hard-coding
the module name and relative path within the module into my ident strings.

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Sunday, July 8, 2001 at 19:27:07 (-0400), Lenny Foner wrote: ]
> Subject: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"
> No, it only says that you can't.  It doesn't explain WHY, which was
> precisely the question that was asked.

Well of course not!  RTFM!

>  Nor, apparently, does it help
> anyone who ever gets it---they say, "Yeah, so, I'm root.  What's the
> big deal?"  And then (a) they waste their time asking the list, and
> (b) they waste all -our- time reading their question, and (c) they
> waste a few peoples' time who answer them.  Seems suboptimal to me...

You'll never eliminate "RTFM" answerable questions, not even if you put
the whole stinking manual right into the code so every message is as
verbose as humanly possible.

> Maybe if it said "You, whomever you are, cannot commit files as 'root'!"
> (complete with the explanation mark :-)
> That doesn't help the users, whose immediate next question is, "why not?"

The immediate response of any sane person who asks such a question
should be to RTFM!
> That's not a real suggestion though -- CVS error messages should remain
> as stable as possible so as to facilitate ease of maintenance of wrapper
> and front-end programs.
> You're kidding, right?

Nope, not at all.   Not one iota.  That's a very very serious concern.
I dare you to write a front-end to CVS (as it is today) and say otherwise!

> You're actually arguing that error messages must remain fixed for all
> time because someone might have based a wrapper on them?

No, I'm not saying that either -- I'm saying they must not change
without due cause.

>  Whatever
> happened to the concept of exit codes?

What about them?  They serve an entirely separate purpose.

>  Whatever happened to the
> concept of the localization of all text emitted by a program for the
> user's native language?

What indeed!  Do you have patches to implement this feature in CVS?

>  Whatever happened to any pretense of design,
> not to mention professionalism?

You should learn some more about the history of CVS and its
development.  I'm sure such knowledge will enlighten you significantly!  ;-)

> If that's -really- the concern, then I submit that a much more stable
> mechanism would be to number all the error messages uniquely, and emit
> that number (perhaps surrounded by some sequence of characters not
> ever used elsewhere in error messages---though be careful of
> filenames!

This is a viable scheme, but it would take quite some doing to make CVS
(as we know it today) implement it.  UNIX System V took a similar
approach, though I don't know exactly how far they got.

> Sounds like should be amended to do a grep for every error
> message through the manual and at least make sure that it appears
> -somewhere-.

Hmm  I think it would be easier to analyse the code and create REs
from the printf format strings  At least then you know where the
variable bits of the messages are, and even what type of data to expect
in those places

Such a tool would have much wider application than just CVS, of course!

> Why?  What a waste of space, energy, resources, time, effort, etc.!
> Because one implementor's effort saves n thousand people's time,
> that's why.

I think you vastly under-estimate the needs of the maintainer.  This is
no small problem we're talking about here!  I would submit that it
simply cannot ever succeed without at least partial automation, and of
course such a drastic change would require a very significant amount of
up-front work, even if one did draw upon existing practice (eg. have a
look at the code in Postfix).

I know of what I speak -- I've been around this block more than once

> Why force the user through an extra step?  He's already staring at the
> message.  Why not help him to understand what he's looking at?

Why force an expert user (not to mention a front-end driver program)
through all the extra verbiage?  Why not help the user learn to become
an expert user?

> I really rather dislike execessive verbosity in error messages.
> Is telling the user what he did wrong, and why, "excessive"?

Yes, absolutely.  A simple error number is insufficient except for the
most expert user (or front-end program).  An error message must give
just enough information to provide context and memory/search clues, and
absolutely no more.

We're not talking about some kind of fancy GUI-driven DWIM application
here!  If you want all that extra crud all the time then please put it
only int he fancy GUI DWIM thing, not in the underlying _tool_.

>  You
> sound like you're saying that all CVS error messages should simply be
> "?", like a certain well-known text editor from the early 70's, when
> memory was many cents/bit.  Or perhaps they should just be "abend 34117";
> after all, that's what the manual is for, right?

There was a significant UI advantage to that scheme, but of course it
can only be taken so far!  ;-)

> Inscrutib

Re: The hated $Log$ keyword

2001-07-08 Thread Eric Siegerman

On , July 7, 2001 at 18:22:09 (+0100), James Youngman wrote:
> Subject: Re: The hated $Log$ keyword
> What if there was a keyword like $Log$ but which expanded to the
> entire log history (with comment leaders)?   This would avoid the
> merge problem and surely cannot be too expensive to compute.

It would indeed avoid the merge problem (or at least reduce it)
... but it's *impossible* to compute in the presence of branches.
CVS doesn't keep around enough info to know which revisions of
which branches actually contributed to the rev in question.
(That's a problem that wants solving for other reasons, of
course, as has been discussed in the past.)

On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 05:49:30PM -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> RCS keywords are evilly implemented at best, and $Header, $Log, and a
> few similar are just totally evil from the get go.  Avoid them like the
> plague.

I thoroughly agree about $Log$, but:
  - what's evil about the rest?
  - why do you put $Header$ in the "totally evil" class, not
merely evil?


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

"cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Lenny Foner

Date: Sun,  8 Jul 2001 18:28:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg A. Woods)

[ On Sunday, July 8, 2001 at 16:00:55 (-0400), Lenny Foner wrote: ]
> Subject: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"
> You know, given how often people ask this question, maybe some
> paragraph of your response here should be put INTO THE ERROR

Well actually I would have thought the message was already very very
clear all by itself -- if maybe a bit terse for anyone with English as a
second language.  It does, after all, say exactly what it means.

No, it only says that you can't.  It doesn't explain WHY, which was
precisely the question that was asked.  Nor, apparently, does it help
anyone who ever gets it---they say, "Yeah, so, I'm root.  What's the
big deal?"  And then (a) they waste their time asking the list, and
(b) they waste all -our- time reading their question, and (c) they
waste a few peoples' time who answer them.  Seems suboptimal to me...

Maybe if it said "You, whomever you are, cannot commit files as 'root'!"
(complete with the explanation mark :-)

That doesn't help the users, whose immediate next question is, "why not?"

That's not a real suggestion though -- CVS error messages should remain
as stable as possible so as to facilitate ease of maintenance of wrapper
and front-end programs.

You're kidding, right?

You're actually arguing that error messages must remain fixed for all
time because someone might have based a wrapper on them?  Whatever
happened to the concept of exit codes?  Whatever happened to the
concept of the localization of all text emitted by a program for the
user's native language?  Whatever happened to any pretense of design,
not to mention professionalism?

If that's -really- the concern, then I submit that a much more stable
mechanism would be to number all the error messages uniquely, and emit
that number (perhaps surrounded by some sequence of characters not
ever used elsewhere in error messages---though be careful of
filenames! probably it needs to be ina known location, like the start)
along with the error text.  And, of course, the easiest way to do that
would be to put all the error messages in a big enumeration, which
guarantees no duplicated numbers (because it's the compiler assigning
the numbers), and makes internationalization simply a matter of
translating the messages that appear in that table---which is probably
in a single file.  This isn't rocket science---it's how any number of
programs are actually written.  Obviously, you have to make sure that
nobody ever inserts a new message in the middle and upsets the
numbers, but hey, that's easy enough to enforce---in if
necessary.  (Or, you move away from numbers entirely, and use unique
strings---checked by whatever routine builds the table to -guarantee-
that they are, in fact, unique---hence avoiding any ordering at all.
This is how VAX/VMS did it, so typical error messages that looked
like "DCL-F-NOFILE, no such file FOOBAR" and you know what emitted the
message [DCL], how bad it was [fatal], and had a unique string if you
really wanted to search for it in a logfile [NOFILE].)

Hence, a typical CVS error message might instead look like:

  ##CVS-Error 23##:  cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

  Since root is usually a shared account, CVS won't allow you to commit
  as root unless it can figure out who you really are.  Logging in as
  yourself and then su'ing to root will usually allow CVS to figure out
  who you are, but logging in as root won't.  If you're sure you want to
  be able to commit as root, see CVS_BADROOT in src/options.h.  For more
  information, see section 23.4.5 of the manual, or http://foo/bar.html.

Wrappers can search for the "##CVS-Error 23##".  Users can ignore that
part, though they can use it in bug reports as a shorthand.  But users
-do- get something that actually explains what they did wrong, exactly
where and when they need it, and without forcing a shift of attention.
Those attention shifts are very costly in terms of productivity.

I think what maybe surprises people about this is that usually 'root'
can do anything and usually error messages say "you must be root to"
Obviously though a source code control system has different security
requirements than a filesystem.

In this particular case, you may (or may not) be correct about what it
is that "surprises people".  I'm making a more-general argument than
just this particular error message, of course.

> Yeah, I know, I know, everyone will say "that's why you're supposed
> to read the manual!", but it's obvious that either (a) people aren't
> reading it well enough, or (b) it's a little too buried.

It isn't even in the manual, as far as I can see.  That's maybe the
worst failing of the manual -- there's no (even partial) list of the
error messages in one place with lin

Re: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Sunday, July 8, 2001 at 16:00:55 (-0400), Lenny Foner wrote: ]
> Subject: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"
> You know, given how often people ask this question, maybe some
> paragraph of your response here should be put INTO THE ERROR

Well actually I would have thought the message was already very very
clear all by itself -- if maybe a bit terse for anyone with English as a
second language.  It does, after all, say exactly what it means.

Maybe if it said "You, whomever you are, cannot commit files as 'root'!"
(complete with the explanation mark :-)

That's not a real suggestion though -- CVS error messages should remain
as stable as possible so as to facilitate ease of maintenance of wrapper
and front-end programs.

I think what maybe surprises people about this is that usually 'root'
can do anything and usually error messages say "you must be root to"
Obviously though a source code control system has different security
requirements than a filesystem.

> Yeah, I know, I know, everyone will say "that's why you're supposed
> to read the manual!", but it's obvious that either (a) people aren't
> reading it well enough, or (b) it's a little too buried.

It isn't even in the manual, as far as I can see.  That's maybe the
worst failing of the manual -- there's no (even partial) list of the
error messages in one place with links to nodes containing their

> My basic point here is that, industry-wide, far too many error
> messages are far too terse.  They should include paragraphs of prose,
> pointers to manual sections, URLs for further clarification---and
> probably all -three- of them.  Why not?

Why?  What a waste of space, energy, resources, time, effort, etc.!

All that's really necessary is that the documentation contain
descriptions of the error messages.  With 'info' documentation the
searching for the meaning is extremely simple.

I really rather dislike execessive verbosity in error messages.

Specifically for CVS though error messages should be kept as stable as
possible and short enough that when fully formatted with an average
filename they don't exceed 80 characters in length.

>  After all, we're no longer
> using 300 baud teletypes where a long error message takes a minute to
> sit through.  Nor does it matter if the executable is 10K larger
> because the error messages actually tell you what's wrong---not in an
> era of 1G OS's and 10M applications...

Size and speed aren't everything (though they're certainly still very
very important -- far more important than you seem to think!).

Maintenance is also incredibly important.  I think it's far better to
have very good documentation and to keep it up-to-date with lists and
descriptions of error messages rather than to have to maintain the same
text in both the code and the documentation (or come up with some
convoluted scheme to try to merge one from the other).

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

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2001-07-08 Thread SPY HEADQUARTERS



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Re: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Larry Jones

Matthew Von-Maszewski writes:
> su to root worked like a champ.  Thanks for the work-around.

Perhaps I understated things a bit in my original response.  There *are*
security concerns with committing as root -- be very sure you know what
you're doing.  Even better, just don't do it.

-Larry Jones

The surgeon general should issue a warning about playing with girls. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Matthew Von-Maszewski

su to root worked like a champ.  Thanks for the work-around.


-Original Message-
From: Larry Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 3:27 PM
To: Matthew Von-Maszewski
Subject: Re: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

Matthew Von-Maszewski writes:
> cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'
> Is this an intended security feature ... or am I just being stupid again?

It's an intended feature, but it has more to do with maintaining
accountability than security.  Since root is usually a shared account,
CVS won't allow you to commit as root unless it can figure out who you
really are.  Logging in as yourself and then su'ing to root will usually
allow CVS to figure out who you are, logging in as root won't.  If
you're sure you want to be able to commit as root, see CVS_BADROOT in

-Larry Jones

Mr. Subtlety drives home another point. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

"cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Lenny Foner

Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 15:26:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones)

Matthew Von-Maszewski writes:
> cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'
> Is this an intended security feature ... or am I just being stupid again?

It's an intended feature, but it has more to do with maintaining
accountability than security.  Since root is usually a shared account,
CVS won't allow you to commit as root unless it can figure out who you
really are.  Logging in as yourself and then su'ing to root will usually
allow CVS to figure out who you are, logging in as root won't.  If
you're sure you want to be able to commit as root, see CVS_BADROOT in

You know, given how often people ask this question, maybe some
paragraph of your response here should be put INTO THE ERROR

Yeah, I know, I know, everyone will say "that's why you're supposed
to read the manual!", but it's obvious that either (a) people aren't
reading it well enough, or (b) it's a little too buried.

So why not actually spell the entire thing out in the message?  It's
not like brevity is required in these things.  I'd say you should just
take everything after the first sentence above (e.g., starting at
"Since root is usually...") and just add it to the error message.

If that were done, some large percentage of FAQs would stop being

If that were done to many of the other common screwups, many more
people could also be instantly enlightened, instead of asking the
list.  It speeds them up (they don't have to (a) try to find the
message in th emanual, or (b) compose a message, send it, and wait for
a reply), and it might even make life easier for people who are using
CVS whose native language isn't English and who aren't using some
localized copy---after all, the more explanation there is, the more
likely that some subportion of it will be intelligible enough that the
user will understand it.  [My favorite example of this---and it's even
for a native English speaker!---is the compiler error message saying
"FOO is multiply defined", which invariably causes some subset of
those reading it to say, "What in the world does multiplication have
to do with what I"m doing?"  It -should- say, "FOO is defined more
than once" or "FOO is defined multiple times"---just a teeny bit of
additional prose can do wonders.]

My basic point here is that, industry-wide, far too many error
messages are far too terse.  They should include paragraphs of prose,
pointers to manual sections, URLs for further clarification---and
probably all -three- of them.  Why not?  After all, we're no longer
using 300 baud teletypes where a long error message takes a minute to
sit through.  Nor does it matter if the executable is 10K larger
because the error messages actually tell you what's wrong---not in an
era of 1G OS's and 10M applications...

Thanks for listening...

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Larry Jones

Matthew Von-Maszewski writes:
> cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'
> Is this an intended security feature ... or am I just being stupid again?

It's an intended feature, but it has more to do with maintaining
accountability than security.  Since root is usually a shared account,
CVS won't allow you to commit as root unless it can figure out who you
really are.  Logging in as yourself and then su'ing to root will usually
allow CVS to figure out who you are, logging in as root won't.  If
you're sure you want to be able to commit as root, see CVS_BADROOT in

-Larry Jones

Mr. Subtlety drives home another point. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Sunday, July 8, 2001 at 11:16:40 (-0400), Matthew Von-Maszewski wrote: ]
> Subject: "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"
> Is this an intended security feature ... or am I just being stupid again?

VERY intended!

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

"cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'"

2001-07-08 Thread Matthew Von-Maszewski


I get the following message attempting to make a commit locally on the CVS

cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

$CVSROOT is properly set.  All is fine if I switch to another user.  File
permissions in the repository look good too.

Is this an intended security feature ... or am I just being stupid again?

Matthew Von-Maszewski

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Merging different types of files

2001-07-08 Thread John Minnihan


>I don't see how the cvswrappers file can help me, because for the *same*
>files I would like to see a different behavior, depending on the command.
>When I check-out/check-in source files, I would like the keyword
>substitutions to take place, e.g., I would like $Revision$ to be expanded to
>the version of the file.
>When I merge source files (in branches), I would like to avoid the keyword
>substitutions so that I don't get "false conflicts" about the keywords.
>Is there a solution for this? Is there a simple utility that eliminates the
>"false conflicts" generated by the keyword substitution?
>I read that I can determine a filter to work on each file based on its name
>when the file is checked-out or checked-in, however, the manual also says
>that these options are not available when you work in a client/server model.
>(We currently don't use client/server, but we'll do so soon.)
>-Original Message-
>From: John Minnihan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 8:57 PM
>Subject: Re: Merging different types of files
>Define the file handling in cvswrappers, such that the expansion mode is
>appropriately applied on a per file basis rather than wholesale via a
>line switch.
>This technique is discussed in many places (probably this list archive for
>>and in general we're interested in the keyword substitution feature for
>>text files. However, the binary files are stored in the repository with
>>"-kb" option, to prevent the keyword substitution and the line-ending
>>conversions from taking place.
>>What is the right way to merge such a project?
>John Minnihan
> RE:
> Content-Type:
> text/plain
> Content-Encoding:
> quoted-printable
A... now I  understand your original question.  I wrestled with this 
one some time back, and ultimately just turned off keywords.  You can 
get the log info using other techniques.  It doesn't have to be embedded 
in the file.

John Minnihan

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Merging different types of files

2001-07-08 Thread Reinstein, Shlomo


I don't see how the cvswrappers file can help me, because for the *same*
files I would like to see a different behavior, depending on the command.
When I check-out/check-in source files, I would like the keyword
substitutions to take place, e.g., I would like $Revision$ to be expanded to
the version of the file.
When I merge source files (in branches), I would like to avoid the keyword
substitutions so that I don't get "false conflicts" about the keywords.

Is there a solution for this? Is there a simple utility that eliminates the
"false conflicts" generated by the keyword substitution?

I read that I can determine a filter to work on each file based on its name
when the file is checked-out or checked-in, however, the manual also says
that these options are not available when you work in a client/server model.
(We currently don't use client/server, but we'll do so soon.)


-Original Message-
From: John Minnihan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Merging different types of files

Define the file handling in cvswrappers, such that the expansion mode is
appropriately applied on a per file basis rather than wholesale via a
line switch.

This technique is discussed in many places (probably this list archive for


> and in general we're interested in the keyword substitution feature for
> text files. However, the binary files are stored in the repository with
> "-kb" option, to prevent the keyword substitution and the line-ending
> conversions from taking place.
> What is the right way to merge such a project?

John Minnihan

Info-cvs mailing list