(no subject)

2002-03-27 Thread Edmund

Info-cvs mailing list

revision moving

2002-03-27 Thread Edmund


I'm new to this list so please forgive me if I've asked something
that has already been asked before(likelihood of this is very

I've been using CVS on and off over the past few years, but have
managed to install it on my NT workstation. (I tried to install the
CVSNT server but had some problems, so I just dumped it
in favor of a locally mounted system using WinCVS).

Anyway, I created a new branch (r2_1_4_a) for one particular
file (hist.wfm).   I then proceeded to modify the source under
the preconception that I was working on the new branch.
(Please don't laugh..I'm still a little confused with the concept
of branches.)  So I theoretically have two versions (2.0 and
one for r2_1_4_a).

After commiting the changes, I then looked at hist.wfm's graph,
and boom it hit me.  The commited changes were done with the
main-trunk source and not my branch source.   So now the
version is 2.2 in the main trunk as opposed to 2.2 in the
r2_1_4_a branch.

What I'd like to know is how do I move the revision from the
main trunk to the r2_1_4_a branch?  I don't think merging is
the right answer here as that'd make the r2_1_4_a branch
into the 2.0 trunk.


Info-cvs mailing list

Remember the girl I told you about?

2002-03-27 Thread nasty992
Title: Untitled Document

Know the secret of fucking hot young babes? Get 
  the liquered up! It works everytime, they get drunk and start 
  craving cocks!
You know those hot bitches that won't even give you the time of day. Those 
  nasty little sluts that you
  just want to pound your dick into until they bleed?? Well 
  now is your chance to finally see that
  unattainable girl. 
  These stupid cunts get drunk and just show everything..they fuck, suck and prove 
  to you just how 
  nasty they are. Don't miss out 
  on a chnace to finally see that cunt get fucked in the ass!
This girl does it all

Click here and enter your email to cancel further mailings!

Info-cvs mailing list


2002-03-27 Thread sbright


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Production builds of software projects...

2002-03-27 Thread Paul Sander

A different method that I've been using successfully for years is a
mechanism called "buildrefs".  It's a primitive publish/subscribe
tool that allows a build to advertise various resources in the form
of paths, and another build to query for such resources.

Some of my projects use this to compute a -classpath parameter for
the Java compiler.  I also use it to compute various other environment
variable and makefile variable settings.

For this to work, the thirdparty products are typically stashed in
their own baseline builds.  The advertised resources are sources or
products stored in the baselines, and the list of published resources
is also under source control.

References to the baselines are usually computed in a repeatable way,
then checked in (along with other build state information) for

If you're interested in learning more about this, you can find the
definitive sources for these tools at http://www.wakawaka.com/source.html

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wondering if other development teams restrict access to 3rd party jars as
part of their production builds. We are limiting the source of 3rd party
jars in the sense that developers can't just add a new dependency. They must
submit a request to use an existing jar, or a request to add a new 3rd party
jar to version control. The point of this is to ensure cross development
teams use a common set of versioned jars.

My question is related to CVS checkout and/or export. As part of our build
system we maintain a list of 3rd party jars per product and/or component. We
pass into the ANT build script the list. Problems...
1) We can't pull the list as one pull from CVS... Any ideas?

2) We can not pull from one project into a specific directory. Always need
to copy the jars from their project structure into the project under
construction. I'd like to be able to pull files from one project into a
different directory. Any ideas?

I'm using the CVS command from ANT. Are others doing the same? How do you
control dependencies? Do you allow developers to checkin the dependencies?
We wanted to control this because we would have the same jar in many

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list


2002-03-27 Thread ÅÆÍø



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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Maximum connections to the server

2002-03-27 Thread jazzvale

"Bill Biessman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> I believe the standard NT workstation license limits you to 10 remote
> connections.  The server licenses support as many connections as you pay
> for.
> I have a w2000 professional system that I use as a server and it also has a
> 10 connection limit. This was a big pain as more and more people started
> working in parallel.  Whoever was number 11 got denied until one of the
> connections timed out.  The default timeout on windows is huge (hours?) so
> you couldn't simply get a cup of coffee and try again.  Efforts to change
> the timeout by messing with the registry failed.

On my W2000 server I can keep-alive up to 35 connections
simultaneously, if i try to create more the socket is closed by

> I ended up writing a script that uses some nt utilities to determine how
> many connections there are and how long each has been connected but idle.
> If it goes over a limit, I use another NT utility to kill the connection.
> This has pretty much solved my problem for my team of about 20 developers.
> I have not gotten the too many connections error or named pipe error in
> months.

Thanks, but now I can't try it.
I suggest you to try to upgrade your w2k professional to w2k server.
By my side i'm gonna try on W2000 Advanced Server to see if the
mazimun connections is superior


Valerio Bottari

> Here's the script if you are interested.  It's been hacked several times, so
> please forgive the style.  Whenever I start the server I start this script
> (it is an endless loop) in a window.
> Bill
> ###
> #!/bin/bash
> typeset deleted_one="no"
> typeset -i max_session_time=10
> typeset -i num_sessions=0
> net session
> get_num_sessions()
> {
> num_sessions=$(net session | wc -l)
> let num_sessions=$num_sessions-6
> if [ $num_sessions -le 0 ]
> then
> let num_sessions=0
> fi
> echo num_sessions=$num_sessions
> if [ $num_sessions -ge 8 ]
> then
> let max_session_time=6
> fi
> }
> proc_line()
> {
> typeset -i hours
> typeset -i seconds
> typeset -i t
> typeset computer
> let hours=1$1
> let hours=$hours-100
> let minutes=1$2
> let minutes=$minutes-100
> let t=$hours*60
> let t=$t+$minutes
> computer="$3"
> #   echo "proc_line( $* ) time=$t"
> if [ $t -ge $max_session_time ]
> then
> echo "connection time $t for $computer, kill "
> net session $computer /delete /y
> deleted_one=yes
> else
> echo "connection time $t for $computer, ok "
> fi
> }
> proc_session()
> {
> typeset line
> while read line
> do
> proc_line $line
> done
> }
> kill_old_sessions()
> {
> net session
> net session \
> | cut -c0-20,69-73  \
> | awk '/\\/''{print $2 " "$1}'  \
> | sed 's///'\
> | sed 's/:/ /'  \
> | proc_session
> }
> ###
> top()
> {
> echo ""
> echo" url=ServerSessions.html>"
> echo ""
> echo "Server Connections Status"
> echo ""
> echo ""
> }
> middle()
> {
> echo ""
> date +"Information gathered %D %T"
> net session
> echo ""
> }
> bot()
> {
> echo ""
> echo ""
> }
> gen_html()
> {
> top
> middle
> bot
> }
> ###
> sleep_a_while()
> {
> typeset -i x
> let x=$1
> while [ $x -ge 1 ]
> do
> printf "%3i\r" $x
> sleep 1
> let x=$x-1
> done
> echo
> }
> ###
> #
> # run at least one pass
> # if an argument is passed, run continuously, once
> # every five minutes
> #
> while true
> do
> tput home
> tput clear
> get_num_sessions
> echo $num_sessions >> killsession.txt
> date
> kill_old_sessions
> rm -f  e:/tools/apache/apache/htdocs/ServerSessions.html
> gen_html > e:/tools/apache/apache/htdocs/ServerSessions.html
> if [ $deleted_one = yes ]
> then
> deleted_one=no
> net session
> fi
> echo
> echo
> echo "sleeping before next search for connections"
> if [ "$1" = "" ]
> then
> break
> else
> sleep_a_while 60
> fi
> done
> echo goodbye
> sleep 5
> ###
> -Ori


2002-03-27 Thread Dan Langille

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 00:14:32 -0700, James Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > > Is it possible to have cvs (or WinCVS) hit a server over an ssh
> > > connection?
> There are many ways of doing this. I do this all the time with my laptop. 
> > Yes.  I did it this way: http://www.freebsddiary.org/cvs-remote.php
> A nice article. Thanks for pointing it out. *bookmark* 

Thank.  Although most of the articles are FreeBSD-centric, they cover a
wide variety of topics and many if not most contain information which can
be used over many OSs.

> I keep my personal install notes available on-line for doing exactly this
> because some have found them useful. Your mileage may vary, of course. 
> http://www.ifm-services.com/people/jamesk/papers/cms/cvs-win32-client.html

Be careful.  That's how that website got started:
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: XML interface to cvs

2002-03-27 Thread Dan Langille

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 00:05:56 -0700, James Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > The primary reason for wanting CVS repository data in XML format is for
> > data interrogation in order to populate a database.
> Ah! This is very useful information IMHO. 
> Unfortunately I'm not aware of any pre-built softare that does this. Others
> may be able to complete my gap in knowledge. 
> If there isn't, then:
> 1) If your needs are narrow, it seems it would be pretty simple to write a
> small wrapper around CVS. This could be run locally as a script or as a
> daemon listening on a port. (I'm assuming a Un*x environment where such
> things are common practice. Windows IMHO is a big pain in this area.) 

Yes, it's *nix.

> 3) A simpler possibility if you need information to be collected upon commit
> (for example), one could trigger a program per the various "*info" files in

That would be useful.  But would make it difficult to add a new project.
When first starting off, you need to populate the database to get a
starting point.  For ongoing data collection as the project proceeds, data
is collected from the mailing list messages produced upon each commit.

> 4) Others smarter than me probably have better ideas. 

I want to avoid starting another project.  If the feature/tool is there,
I'll use it and expand my own project.  Adding and supporting another
project will only dilute my existing resource pool.  But thanks.
Info-cvs mailing list

Question about commits in CVSROOT and running loginfo scripts

2002-03-27 Thread Mark

When I tryed to have a loginfo script read the writers file, it seems that the
administrative database isn't really rebuilt till after the loginfo scripts
have completed runing. The writers file read by the loginfo script always sees
a writers file without the changes I just commitied. (The loginfo script was
reading the actual writers file in the repository). I had to have it use the
workarea copy to read the accurate contents. Is this the correct operation of
the admin files in CVSROOT on commits?

Is this the same with all other files in CVS? One thing that has cause issues
for me is that it seems cvs maintains locks after a commit while the loginfo
scripts are running (I had found out about these lock issues trying to add to
the commited file's log message in a loginfo script). I had to fork the script
and exit the parent to get cvs to release the lock, though I am not sure what
is really happening or what I really did to get things working. Can anyone
elaborate on how cvs deals with locks after a commit and into the running of
loginfo scripts?



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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about commits in CVSROOT and running loginfo scripts

2002-03-27 Thread Noel Yap

--- Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I tryed to have a loginfo script read the
> writers file, it seems that the
> administrative database isn't really rebuilt till
> after the loginfo scripts
> have completed runing. The writers file read by the
> loginfo script always sees
> a writers file without the changes I just commitied.
> (The loginfo script was
> reading the actual writers file in the repository).
> I had to have it use the
> workarea copy to read the accurate contents. Is this
> the correct operation of
> the admin files in CVSROOT on commits?

Since loginfo scripts (or at least loginfo itself) are
CVSROOT files themselves, it makes sense that CVSROOT
files are updated after loginfo scripts execute.

> Is this the same with all other files in CVS? One
> thing that has cause issues
> for me is that it seems cvs maintains locks after a
> commit while the loginfo
> scripts are running (I had found out about these
> lock issues trying to add to
> the commited file's log message in a loginfo
> script). I had to fork the script
> and exit the parent to get cvs to release the lock,
> though I am not sure what
> is really happening or what I really did to get
> things working. Can anyone
> elaborate on how cvs deals with locks after a commit
> and into the running of
> loginfo scripts?

If you do this, you introduce a race condition.  For
example, more than one loginfo script may now be
executing.  If you need to use CVS commands within
loginfo, try either using RCS commands, or create a
temporary module who's archive files are symlinked to
the real module's archive files.  Do not fork unless
you're positive race conditions won't affect you.


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Info-cvs mailing list

CVS for Windows: Bug using diff?

2002-03-27 Thread Garvin Hicking

 Salutations, info-cvs!

I am using CVS NT (Local Build 27) for maintaining source control over my 
local Windows-Development-files. I used only basic functionality so far (checkouts, 
commits and update). Today I had the problem to review an earlier version of a file. 
When I use "cvs -n diff -l -r 1.2 " (with existing versions, no matter what 
file, no matter what revision) I get the following error:

cvs [diff aborted]: (start_server internal error): unknown access method

I can, though, check out files with this revision and use WinDiff for comparing those 
files. But I thought that would be builtin-CVS functionality, and it works on my linux 

Is this a known bug? Am I doing something wrong?

Bye,...[ icq  #21392242 |
 Garvin   ...[ www.supergarv.de |

... *"I will not waste chalk." - B.Simpson*

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS for Windows: Bug using diff?

2002-03-27 Thread Matt Riechers

Garvin Hicking wrote:
> I am using CVS NT (Local Build 27) for maintaining source control over my 
> Windows-Development-files.


> I get the following error:
> cvs [diff aborted]: (start_server internal error): unknown access method

Are you running cvs entirely on the windows machine, or do you have a
remote server? I haven't looked at the code very hard, but I don't think
start_server() should be called if you are using cvs in local mode.

What is your $CVSROOT environment variable set to?
What about the CVS/Root files in your working directory?

> I can, though, check out files with this revision and use WinDiff for comparing 
>those files. But I thought that would be builtin-CVS functionality, and it works on 
>my linux machines.

What about other commands that operate on the working directory, like
'cvs log'?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS for Windows: Bug using diff?

2002-03-27 Thread John

I had the same problem when using the CVSRoot as a local protocol.  When I redid my 
cvs setup, cvsnt was configured for
pserver.  Now WinCVS does the diff correctly.  

So I believe that there is something wrong with the diff command when accessing the 


On 27 Mar 2002 14:03:00 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Garvin Hicking) wrote:

> Salutations, info-cvs!
>I am using CVS NT (Local Build 27) for maintaining source control over my 
>local Windows-Development-files. I used only basic functionality so far (checkouts, 
>commits and update). Today I had the problem to review an earlier version of a file. 
>When I use "cvs -n diff -l -r 1.2 " (with existing versions, no matter what 
>file, no matter what revision) I get the following error:
>cvs [diff aborted]: (start_server internal error): unknown access method
>I can, though, check out files with this revision and use WinDiff for comparing those 
>files. But I thought that would be builtin-CVS functionality, and it works on my 
>linux machines.
>Is this a known bug? Am I doing something wrong?

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Quiry

2002-03-27 Thread Larry Jones

shwetha writes:
> I have installed wincvs.But i am facing a problem.It is giving an error as
> can not open .cvspass for reading .nosuch file or directory exists.

That's a bug -- just create the file by hand (an empty file is fine).

-Larry Jones

Ha!  Wild zontars couldn't drag that information out of me!  Do your worst!
-- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about commits in CVSROOT and running loginfo scripts

2002-03-27 Thread Larry Jones

Noel Yap writes:
> If you need to use CVS commands within
> loginfo, try either using RCS commands, or create a
> temporary module who's archive files are symlinked to
> the real module's archive files.  Do not fork unless
> you're positive race conditions won't affect you.

In most cases, you can use CVS commands with the global -n option (no
execute) to ignore locks.  That's a much better method than either of
the above. 

-Larry Jones

Oh, now don't YOU start on me. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: revision moving

2002-03-27 Thread Larry Jones

Edmund writes:
> What I'd like to know is how do I move the revision from the
> main trunk to the r2_1_4_a branch?  I don't think merging is
> the right answer here as that'd make the r2_1_4_a branch
> into the 2.0 trunk.

There isn't any way to move a revision, so you're going to have to
create a new revision on the branch and then get rid of the bogus
revision on the trunk.  What I'd suggest is:

1) Update your working directory to the branch (or checkout a new
working directory on the branch).

2) Merge the changes from the trunk into the branch:
cvs up -j2.1 -j2.2 hist.wfm

3) Commit the changes to the branch.

4) Go back to the trunk (update -A or switch back to your original
working directory).

5) Remove the bogus changes:
cvs up -j2.2 -j2.1 hist.wfm

6) Commit the fixed revision to the trunk.

Also, you said:
> Anyway, I created a new branch (r2_1_4_a) for one particular
> file (hist.wfm).

You almost always want to branch the entire directory, not just a single

-Larry Jones

I told her to expect you to deny everything. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list


2002-03-27 Thread zxco

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2002-03-27 Thread seola92

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Info-cvs mailing list


2002-03-27 Thread 国际贸易联讯网
Title: ×î¾­¼ÃÓÐЧµÄÍâ󿪷¢·½Ê½


International TradeNet




































































Re: Client CVS implementations ( was : Re: XML interface to cvs )

2002-03-27 Thread Oliver Fischer

Oliver Fischer - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Does anyone know of any implementations of the CVS client part of
> the client/server protocol in Perl, Python, C ( besides the CVS binary :)
> Ruby, etc. ? Java is nice, but since the core application is not
> running in a VM and it's mostly stateless between executions, I
> don't see an advantage to using the Java implementation.

I am writting a moment a perl wrapper too yacvswrapper... ;)

> AFAIK, the "official" CVS doesn't have the various functions split
> into a library, it's all implemented in the binary, right? ( I've browsed
> the source, I obviously haven't read it since I'm asking this ).

Unfortunately cvs is a monolithic binary. I thought about a native perl
binding, but I discarded the idee after looking at the sources. To have a
libCVS with a nice and extendsible API would be something great and give CVS
a new boost.



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Client CVS implementations ( was : Re: XML interface to cvs )

2002-03-27 Thread Rob Helmer

Hi Oliver,

Yes, a libCVS would be nice. A google search on "libcvs" turns
up some interesting results, there might be a nice starting point

I am seriously considering implementing an abstracted version
of the client/server protocol in Perl, I was sent a perl module that
already does a few of the functions ( I sent a private email
to James Richardson regarding an old post in the CVS archives,
he sent me what he developed ).

The client implementation currently doesn't deal with meta-data
directories, but once that is in and the client/server implementation
is complete in the module I *think* it should be perfect for the
project I am working on ( since SandWeb is a CGI, I'd rather have
it live completely in Perl than to make calls to external programs.
There are *alot* of pros/cons to this approach, the #1 thing I
don't like is not reusing available Unix programs like SSH and
CVS. I do think that it makes a more consistent, multi-platform
choice to go pure OO Perl though, and any modules we come up
with can be reused easily on CPAN ).

However, this is probably a long term sub-project, and thanks to
other members of the list we will probably use some expect/ssh/cvs
hackery to get SSH support for SandWeb in the short term.

Rob Helmer

On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 08:56:24PM +0100, Oliver Fischer wrote:
> --
> Oliver Fischer - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Does anyone know of any implementations of the CVS client part of
> > the client/server protocol in Perl, Python, C ( besides the CVS binary :)
> > Ruby, etc. ? Java is nice, but since the core application is not
> > running in a VM and it's mostly stateless between executions, I
> > don't see an advantage to using the Java implementation.
> I am writting a moment a perl wrapper too yacvswrapper... ;)
> > AFAIK, the "official" CVS doesn't have the various functions split
> > into a library, it's all implemented in the binary, right? ( I've browsed
> > the source, I obviously haven't read it since I'm asking this ).
> Unfortunately cvs is a monolithic binary. I thought about a native perl
> binding, but I discarded the idee after looking at the sources. To have a
> libCVS with a nice and extendsible API would be something great and give CVS
> a new boost.
> Bye
> Oliver
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list
> http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-cvs

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Attic Resurrection

2002-03-27 Thread Dennis W. Bulgrien

How can I resurrect a file on which I performed cvs remove and cvs commit?
I wish I had never done it.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about commits in CVSROOT and running loginfo scripts

2002-03-27 Thread Mark

--- Larry Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Noel Yap writes:
> > 
> > If you need to use CVS commands within
> > loginfo, try either using RCS commands, or create a
> > temporary module who's archive files are symlinked to
> > the real module's archive files.  Do not fork unless
> > you're positive race conditions won't affect you.
> In most cases, you can use CVS commands with the global -n option (no
> execute) to ignore locks.  That's a much better method than either of
> the above. 

If cvs -n is used, then how is the loginfo script suppose to modify the log
message of the commited file?

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having a remote CVS repository use my local CVSROOT

2002-03-27 Thread Terrence Brannon
From: Terrence Brannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed Mar 27, 2002  09:38:40 AM US/Eastern
Subject: Re: [netlabs #457] Re: ready for dbi.perl.org

On Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 03:21 AM, Robert (via RT) wrote:

When I run this command:

   cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/private co perlweb/htdocs/dbi

it creates a directory CVS which looks like this:

total 32
drwxr-xr-x6 metaperl  staff   160 Mar 27 07:28 .
drwxr-xr-x  205 metaperl  staff  6926 Mar 27 07:28 ..
-rw-r--r--1 metaperl  staff 2 Mar 27 07:28 Entries
-rw-r--r--1 metaperl  staff16 Mar 27 07:28 Entries.Log
-rw-r--r--1 metaperl  staff15 Mar 27 07:28 Repository
-rw-r--r--1 metaperl  staff44 Mar 27 07:28 Root

but I already have a CVSROOT as my CVS setup is this:


setenv CVSROOT /Users/metaperl/cvsroot

and the place where I check things out from this directory is /Users/metaperl/src

so how can I check things out from the cvs.perl.org repository and have it add to my CVSROOT
directory /Users/metaperl/cvsroot instead of creating /Users/metaperl/CVS? And I assume the
directory perlweb will simply be created wherever I am, so I simply need to be cd'ed to
/Users/metaperl/src whenever I run whatever command you tell me to.

Re: Attic Resurrection

2002-03-27 Thread Larry Jones

Dennis W. Bulgrien writes:
> How can I resurrect a file on which I performed cvs remove and cvs commit?
> I wish I had never done it.

Note that you can use "cvs status file.txt" in your working directory to
get the status of "file.txt" even after its been removed to find out
what the dead revision number is.

-Larry Jones

You should see me when I lose in real life! -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about commits in CVSROOT and running loginfo scripts

2002-03-27 Thread Larry Jones

Mark writes:
> If cvs -n is used, then how is the loginfo script suppose to modify the log
> message of the commited file?

The loginfo script isn't supposed to modify the log message.  What in
the world are you trying to do?

-Larry Jones

I think your train of thought is a runaway. -- Calvin's Mom

Info-cvs mailing list

Free XXX Pics and Videos Updated!!!

2002-03-27 Thread tobin
Title: Free XXX Pics & Video Updated!



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2002-03-27 Thread houshen2616



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help for pserver

2002-03-27 Thread Alex sheh

Dear all:
 I setup a cvs server on redhat 6.1 with kernel 2.2.12-20, with shadow file for 
system user authentication, with glibc-2.1.2-11.
I modified /etc/inetd.conf , restarted inetd , and I exec following commands in 
window box ,
 c:> telnet 2401 
and typed foo

pserver reply : cvs {pserver aborted]: bad auth protocol start :foo

according cvs manual, pserver should be ok.

but when I login cvs , auth error .
I login on linux box $ cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvsroot 
or $ cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvsroot login

all not work.

I have a passwd file at $CVSROOT/CVSROOT with following content:

// alex is a real system user, *** copyed from /etc/shadow and I know its 
cleartext, I try to login by three users, but all fail.

and $CVSROOT file mode is 777 and alex belongs group cvs , who is the owner of 
$CVSROOT, and no $CVS_PASSFILE set and I can use cvs on linux box like this:
$cvs import 
$cvs co 

What can I do , if I really want to use pserver.
Do you need more info?

Thanks in advance.


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2002-03-27 Thread dcpo
Title: Mail


2002-03-27 Thread dcpo
Title: Mail


2002-03-27 Thread dcpo
Title: Mail


2002-03-27 Thread dcpo
Title: Mail

[±¤°í]°íÇ°°Ý½Ã´ë Ä«¸®½ºÅ¸

2002-03-27 Thread Ä«¸®½ºÅ¸
Title: °íÇ°°Ý ¼¼°è¸ÆÁÖÀü¹®Á¡-Beer Ä«¸®½ºÅ¸-

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2002-03-27 Thread 叶峰

   We are express overseas airfreight Ltd ,wehandle the transport by air imports and 
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CVS with a single java classes directory

2002-03-27 Thread Matthew Hunter

I am working on a number of different projects in Java, all of which share 
a number of classes, and also contain other things (web apps with associated
config files, .jsp files, etc).  I would like to use a single classes 
directory containing all the actual .java files, and put each separate project 
in its own module, each of which would contain the classes directory as a 

So, it would look like this:

|-> org/foo/bar.java
|-> com/foo/bar.java

|-|->classes (pointing to above module)

And so on.  There are a number of different webapps.

I've tried making each classes directory a symlink to a single classes directory.
This works reasonably well, but I have to create the symlink by hand each time.  
Also, I would like a bit more flexibility than this offers -- branching the 
"classes" directory at a given point for a released version, for example, so that
I could always build a working webapp even if incompatible changes have been made 
in the classes directory.

I figure this has to be a common problem with a reasonable solution, so I've 
tried a number of things to resolve it.

At first blush, using the modules admin file seems like the best solution, by
creating the webapp module as an alias that looks something like this:

webapp real-webapp -d webapp/WEB-INF/classes &classes

(ie, checkout real-webapp to the current directory, then checkout classes
as a submodule to the just created webapp/WEB-INF/classes)

Using this gets me an aborted checkout with the message "No such directory

I've also tried defining an alias:

webapp real-webapp -a -d webapp/WEB-INF/classes classes

(very similar intent to the first one).

This gets me the same error.  What am I overlooking?  Is there a commonly 
accepted solution for this problem?  Do I need to look somewhere other than CVS?

I'm primarily operating via pserver, if it makes a difference.

Matthew Hunter ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: help for pserver

2002-03-27 Thread Larry Jones

Alex sheh writes:
> but when I login cvs , auth error .

What's the exact error message you're getting, and exactly what version
of CVS are you running ("cvs version" or "cvs -v" on the server)?  If
you're running CVS 1.11.1 or newer, check your syslog for messages from
CVS (it logs under the daemon facility).  If you're not, I suggest

-Larry Jones

Ha!  Wild zontars couldn't drag that information out of me!  Do your worst!
-- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Attic Resurrection

2002-03-27 Thread gul colak

I also have the same problem, and I wonder copying
content of Attic directory to my directory in CVS
repository works? Or any other way, thanks

--- Larry Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dennis W. Bulgrien writes:
> > 
> > How can I resurrect a file on which I performed
> cvs remove and cvs commit?
> > I wish I had never done it.

> Note that you can use "cvs status file.txt" in your
> working directory to
> get the status of "file.txt" even after its been
> removed to find out
> what the dead revision number is.
> -Larry Jones
> You should see me when I lose in real life! --
> Calvin
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list
> http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-cvs

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RE: Attic Resurrection

2002-03-27 Thread Shubhabrata Sengupta

Once you find the dead revision with cvs status then all you have to do

cvs update -j  -j  file.txt

and then do a cvs commit file.txt


-Original Message-
Of gul colak
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 11:44 AM
To: Larry Jones; Dennis W. Bulgrien
Subject: Re: Attic Resurrection

I also have the same problem, and I wonder copying
content of Attic directory to my directory in CVS
repository works? Or any other way, thanks

--- Larry Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dennis W. Bulgrien writes:
> > 
> > How can I resurrect a file on which I performed
> cvs remove and cvs commit?
> > I wish I had never done it.

> Note that you can use "cvs status file.txt" in your
> working directory to
> get the status of "file.txt" even after its been
> removed to find out
> what the dead revision number is.
> -Larry Jones
> You should see me when I lose in real life! --
> Calvin
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list
> http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-cvs

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