file sharing question

2001-11-19 Thread Anjali Madhekar

With CVS 1.11, Can I share a file between two folders? How can I do


Info-cvs mailing list

Question - commiting modified file

2002-01-10 Thread Anjali Madhekar

When I generate some files during the build, they appear as 'modified'
in CVS. when I do a 'diff' the exit status is '0' indicating that the
files are indentical.
1. Do they have 'modified' status due to the file creation time stamp?
2. Out of 20-30 files that are generated, some may actually be
different. So how do I checkin only those that changed? Is there some
thing like a force checkin which allows me to checkin all files with the
updated comment? (Though the file appears 'modified' CVS does not seem
to commit it if it is actually an identical file, is this correct?)
3. After doing a 'commit' on a file that appears modified but is
identical, CVS does not check in that file. But the file continues to
appear as 'modified'. How can I get it to show the status as current?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Commit Problem

2002-01-22 Thread Anjali Madhekar

You get the error because you are trying to commit to the tag 'vuelto_multimoneda
POS_Z'. If you need to modify seperately from the main trunk, you need
to specify the tag as a branch cvs tag -b 'My_Tag'.
If you trying to modify on the main trunk, don't run the second command
cvs checkout -P -r vuelto_multimoneda POS_Z .
"Federico Vaca ( Invel )" wrote:

I'm using wincvs , and y checkout
my working copy of my project andget it ... 
*CVS exited normally with code 0* cvs checkout -P -r vuelto_multimoneda
POS_Z After that , i modified a file , and when i try to make a commit
, get : cvs commit -m "Commit del archivo bat, federico-." l.batcvs
server: sticky tag `vuelto_multimoneda' for file `l.bat' is not a branch
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first! *CVS exited
normally with code 1*  What can i do ? Atentamente,
Federico Vaca

Re: "it is in the way" problem

2002-01-25 Thread Anjali Madhekar

I have my CVS repository all setup
and working but occasionally I am seeing some really strange errors. Every
once in a while when doing an update I get a whole bunch of "move away
file X, it is in the way" errors. This seems to happen quite randomly and
I haven't been able to pin it down. Anybody ever experienced something
like this? Heres
the CVS command I'm using to update my working copy: cvs
-d :ext:user@server:/repository -z3 up -d -I ! -I CVSI
believe this error occurs when/if you have deleted/moved etc some of the
CVS files that are created at checkout. It helps to delete that directory/module
and checkout again. Subsequent update commands will not have the error.
Jason Allen wrote:

have my CVS repository all setup and working but occasionally I am seeing
some really strange errors. Every once in a while when doing an update
I get a whole bunch of "move away file X, it is in the way" errors. This
seems to happen quite randomly and I haven't been able to pin it down.
Anybody ever experienced something like this? Heres
the CVS command I'm using to update my working copy: cvs
-d :ext:user@server:/repository -z3 up -d -I ! -I CVS Any
help is appreciated, Jason

Re: "it is in the way" problem

2002-01-29 Thread Anjali Madhekar

I do not know what goes on in the CVS folders - it is best to leave it to CVS.
As someone pointed out in  an earlier reponse, if you get the "it is in the way"
problem it is best to start fresh i.e. delete(or rename if you have local
modifications) the existing folder and checkout a new copy. If someone creates a
new folder which is not in your working copy, the update -d will always create
it for you.

I am not sure this helps, but once you start getting the 'it is in the way'
errors, I have not found a way to get CVS in synch with the working folder.


Jason Allen wrote:

> Well this is how it happens:
> The folder on the client contains one directory (/media) that was checked
> out of CVS correctly, all subdirectories have CVS folders with correct
> Entries, Root, and Repository files. The CVS folder that is in the same
> folder as \media contains one line:
> D/media
> The folder on the server has been updated and now has the /include and /src
> folders in addition to the /media folder. I do an update and I get all the
> "its in the way" errors for all the files in the /media folder. During this
> update a Entries.log file appears in the root CVS folder containing the
> following two lines:
> A D/include
> A D/src
> While the CVS/Entries file still has this line:
> D/media
> If I do another update I still get all the "it is in the way" errors but the
> Entries.log file dissapears and the Entries file is changed to this:
> D/include
> D/src
> With the media folder having dissapeared from the Entries file.
> Any idea why this would be happening?
> Thanks,
> Jason A.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Larry Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Jason Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:41 AM
> Subject: Re: "it is in the way" problem
> > Jason Allen writes:
> > >
> > > I've narrow it down and it looks like this is the problem. There is a
> > > directory that was added later and isn't in the working copy, when I do
> the
> > > update I get all the "it is in the way" errors, everytime. If I manually
> add
> > > the directory to the CVS\Entries file, it works fine.
> >
> > That implies that the directory *is* in the working copy, but that it
> > didn't come from CVS.  Perhaps someone copied the directory and files
> > from somewhere else directly because they didn't know how to get it from
> > CVS (you have to use update -d to create new directories).  Once you've
> > gotten yourself into such a mess, about the only thing you can do is to
> > rename the directory, do an update -d to get it from CVS, diff all the
> > files and manually merge any changes, then delete the original non-CVS
> > directory (and commit any changes you made in the new directory, if
> > desired).
> >
> > -Larry Jones
> >
> > I won't eat any cereal that doesn't turn the milk purple. -- Calvin
> >
> > ___
> > Info-cvs mailing list
> >
> _
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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: log only changed files

2002-02-15 Thread Anjali Madhekar

I think you may be able to use the CVS rdiff or patch command to list all the files
that changed. But it will not list the actual changes.


Fabian Cenedese wrote:

> Hi
> With cvs log -rLAST_TAG:: I get a list of all files and the changes they had
> since this tag. Unfortunately the state of every file is printed out, even
> if there
> wasn't a change at all. If only few files changed I have to look through all of
> it to find them. I know, scripts are a nice way to filter output. But I just
> wondered if I can make it output only those files that I wanna see (selected
> revisions >0).
> Thanks
> F. Cenedese
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: lock-modify-unlock model and cvs admin -l

2002-03-25 Thread Anjali Madhekar

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
[ On Monday, March 25, 2002 at 10:30:55 (-0500),
John Lippiello wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: lock-modify-unlock model and cvs admin -l
> [ On Friday, March 22, 2002 at 15:51:42 (-0500), Greg A. Woods
wrote: ]
> >
> > Why would you consider using a tool that is explicitly designed
to force
> > the copy-edit-merge model of development if you're not willing
> > embrace that model?
> All I can say is, that's a very good question.
Good luck answering it then!  ;-)
In the mean time you might want to look harder at analysing whatever
fears you might have about the copy-edit-merge model, look at some
the many studies showing how well it actually works in practice
(including the one in the original CVS-II paper in the distribution),
and maybe even take a look at one of the thousands of publicly available
CVS repositories for various freeware projects and see some actual
examples of this model working in practice (you'll probably want
to pick
a project that has lots of developers, for example FreeBSD).
I agree that a deeper look into the copy-edit-merge model will help reduce
the fear. We used a reserved lock model before switching to CVS and I understand
why you would start looking at lock features of CVS ! But we are doing
pretty well with the copy edit merge model. And yes, it did take some believe-in-what-so-many-are-doing
and some actual playing with it to realise its benefits and overcome the

Re: why does wincvs show all files as modified

2002-04-11 Thread Anjali Madhekar

Just fyi...we came across the exact problem that all files appeared  "locally
modified" after the daylight savings time switch. And yes, 'status' is the best
way to work around this problem.

Thanks for the detailed information on this WinCVS bug/problem.



> Hi,
> This is a follow-up to an old thread about WinCVS showing files as "locally
> modified" when they haven't been changed in the working copy.
> We're using WinCVS 1.2 on Windows NT, solely using the CVS client bundled
> with WinCVS.  Our working copies are only managed through the GUI.  No
> command-line checkouts or anything.
> Shortly after the Daylight Savings Time switch (I'm in the U.S.), I got the
> all-locally-modified problem that others have described.  I checked the
> timestamps in the CVS/Entries file, and they seemed somewhat strange.  Most
> of them had the correct UTC time, but some seemed to be off by an hour.
> After doing a "status" on the directory, these incorrect timestamps all
> changed by an hour, to the correct UTC time.  So I'm experiencing the same
> daylight-savings timestamp bug already described in this thread.  The
> problem is clearly not the timestamp of the file on disk, nor how WinCVS
> interprets the timestamps, but the checkout or update that initially sets
> the CVS/Entries timestamps.
> The main thing I wanted to point out to the newsgroup is that taking the
> "status" of the directory is a very simple workaround, and it's what I've
> recommended to our developers.  You don't have to change the WinCVS
> installation or blow away your working copy.  Whenever I have suspicious
> "locally modified" files in WinCVS, the first thing I do is "status" the
> directory.
> Jim Doyle
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: synchronizing local with repository

2002-04-15 Thread Anjali Madhekar

I would recommend use the following command:
cvs -n release dir
The release command checks that no uncommitted changes are present.
It indicates that a directory is no longer in use and safely cancels the
effect of cvs checkout. Use the global "-n" option so that release will
not actually do anything, but only report all uncommitted changes.
I'm trying to automate the following:
Commit all modified files.
Add all files present locally but missing from repository.
Merge all files (if possible) that are edited locally and on repository.
I'm trying to eliminate as much human error as possible due to
developers forgetting to keep the repository consistent with their
I'm assuming that this is possible with cvs.  Is it possible to
this with existing cvs commands or will I have to add intermediary
stages e.g. generate a list of all files requiring adding and then
iterate over the list adding each one.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Bug tracking tools that can be integrated with CVS !!

2002-04-23 Thread Anjali Madhekar

> I am looking for some bug tracking tools that can be integrated with
TestTrack PRo (from SeaPine) integrates with CVS. I have seen a trial
integration and do not know how well it integrates on a full scale.
 I am looking for some bug tracking tools that
can be integrated with
CVS. Currently I have CVS repositories on AIX 4.3 server.
Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Thanks inadvance,
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