Re: listing symbolic links recursively, with dir listing

2001-01-18 Thread David Glick

Or you might try:

find . -type l -exec ls -l {} \;

David Glick
Transmit Consulting, Inc

- Original Message -

find . -type l -print

finds all symbolic links in the current directory and any subdirectories.
prints their paths too.  however, it doesn't print the output like 'ls' 
does, so you'd have to do something else to get the link's target.

a better way would be to write a perl script to get all the symbolic 
links and then use readlink() to get the link's target.

Colby Allred
Advanced Hardware Architectures

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Hanser, Kevin wrote:

> I've just imported a directory structure into CVS that has a lot of symbolic
> links in it.  I've written a script to restore these links from a file that
> lists what they are and where they point.  However, I'm having trouble
> finding all the links now.  I need to be able to recursively list all the
> symbolic links, and what subdirectories they're in.  I can do a 
> 'ls -lR | grep lrwx' and that will show me all the links and where they
> point, but I can't tell what subdirectory they're in.  I need to be able to
> list them out and have the full path/filename listed...
> Does anybody have any suggestions on how to do this, or know of a utility
> that will do this?
> Thanx
> Kevin Hanser
> System Administrator
> Merchant Internet Group
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: listing symbolic links recursively, with dir listing

2001-01-18 Thread David Glick

You make it too simple.  From the "Real programmers don't eat quiche" manual:

"If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand and harder to modify"... 

David Glick
Transmit Consulting, Inc

- Original Message -----

> From:  David Glick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:  Thu, 18 Jan 2001 15:36:52 -0800 (PST)
> Or you might try:
> find . -type l -exec ls -l {} \;

Or (depending on your version of find):

find . -type l -ls

(When I taught an Intro to Unix course, I recommended that my students re-read 
the find man page every few months.  Every time I re-read it, I find something 
I didn't know before.)


Chris Garrigues http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/
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Austin, TX  78751-3709  +1 512 374 0500

  My email address is an experiment in SPAM elimination.  For an
  explanation of what we're doing, see http://www.DeepEddy.Com/tms.html 

Nobody ever got fired for buying Microsoft,
  but they could get fired for relying on Microsoft.

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Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-03-31 Thread David Glick

With all due respect, Greg, I think Gianni made some very telling points which CVS 
will need to address if it is to survive.  I'm an independent consultant, and I try to 
bring CVS into each organization I work with.  I'm sometimes successful, but I fail at 
times for exactly the reasons Gianni articulates.

With the proliferation of MSWord, IDE project files, etc, no reasonable person can 
argue that non-text files are not a necessary part of most projects these days.  If 
CVS does not 'grow up' and attempt to support the new development environments, it 
will slowly be replaced by something that does, and CVS will ultimately become a bit 
player, promoted by a few fanatic users who try to make its case at every opportunity 
(whether appropriate or not), and ignored or laughed at by the majority of the 

I've heard your same arguments applied to Forth, OS/2, Geos, Clarion, Lotus 1-2-3, 
Wordstar, UCSD P-System... the list goes on.  I'd hate to add CVS to the list.

David Glick
Transmit Consulting, Inc

- Original Message -

<--- snip --->
[ On Friday, March 30, 2001 at 07:07:14 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?
> Your point is well taken.  However, time are a changing - source code is not
> only text. Image, sound, movie, geometry, encryption key, etc etc files are
> all parts of modern day applications.  All these files need to be version
> managed just like regular files.  If we could apply an rcsmerge on these
> kinds of files, then it would be ideal.

Yes, what you say is all very well and fine.  What it means though is
that CVS is not the correct tool for use in such a diverse environment.

Obviously my point did not sink in properly though so I will say it more
clearly:  PLEASE go use something else
<--- /snip --->

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Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-01 Thread David Glick

Don't be silly, Greg; abusing other software wouldn't be nearly as amusing...

BTW, I *do* get it; I just don't agree with you.  I've spent most of 20+ years 
listening to people just like you explain why something shouldn't/couldn't be done, 
and then finding ways to make it happen anyway.  Clearly, other people feel the same 
way, because CVS does support binary files after a fashion.  I just want them 
supported better.

Because I respect someone as certain of themselves as you are (even if you're wrong), 
I'll let you know what the answer is when I find it.

David Glick
Transmit Consulting, Inc

- Original Message -

[ On Sunday, April 1, 2001 at 08:26:32 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?
> Your discussion below exposes a perspective which is about as far off from
> my own as you can get.  I will go as far to say that your goals are very 
> different to most that are using CVS today.  I will stretch even further 
> and say that there are about as many different goals users have for CVS 
> as there are CVS users.

You people just don't get it.  CVS adheres to design principles that are
completely contrary to your requirements.  You CANNOT succeed with it
given your current goals!  It's irrelevant how many users have made the
wrong choice and are using CVS despite the fact that its design is
contrary to their goals.  A wrong choice is wrong no matter which side
you look at it from.

Please go find some other software to abuse, and hopefully this time
you'll choose some non-free software and you'll be able to pay it's
maintainers to change their design if it doesn't happen to fit your
goals!  Maybe you'll be lucky and you'll choose some non-free software
that has a significant "market share" too.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

- Original Message -

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread David Glick

I'd argue that I do get it; you just don't get that I get it.

Your statement "CVS literally cannot support binary files..." should be changed to 
"CVS does not currently support binary files in a way that is consistent with the 
philosophy of concurrent editing".

If we can agree with the above statement, then this immediately leads to two possible 
approaches (or three, if you continue to argue that binary files should not be 

1) Violate the 'concurrent' philosophy with regard to binary files, and implement a 
locked checkout to allow for straightforward creation of deltas and avoid the messy 
problems of figuring out how to concurrently update binary files.

2) Allow for concurrent checkout of binary files, but disallow concurrent commits, 
e.g. only a user that has updated to the current version will be allowed to commit 

Neither approach is ideal, but both provide a step in the direction of better support 
for binary files.  I'm sure there are other approaches that may well satisfy other 
people's needs, too.  There may even be a way to fold binary file support completely 
into the CVS philosophy; I'm just too busy right now to think it through completely 
(and, unfortunately, I'm *way* to busy to actually do the work... sigh.).

- Original Message -

Clearly you do not get it at all.  CVS literally cannot support binary
files in any better fashion without becoming something that will no
longer be a "Concurrent Versions System".  It was designed specifically
to force concurrent editing and that design goal permeates the way it
works through and through (despite the valiant attempts by others to
bend it to suit their twisted ideas).  You cannot throw out the bath
water without throwing out the baby in this case -- they are one in the

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Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-03 Thread David Glick
ashing old argurments or coming up with 
anything new.

>> I'm just too busy right now to think it through completely (and,
>> unfortunately, I'm *way* to busy to actually do the work... sigh.).
> I can appreciate that.  However it's no excuse though for blaming CVS
> for being designed the way it is.  It's not even really a valid excuse
> for using CVS when some better tool would make your work more
> productive.

I'm not blaming CVS; as I said, I *like* CVS, and I fully buy into its general 
development model.  I do believe that the 'Concurrent' in CVS is what makes it 
superior to most other tools.  Having said that, I'd like a better way to handle 
binary files, even if its not 'concurrent' in this instance (and I accept that this 
*is* contradictory ).

David Glick
Transmit Consulting, Inc

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