Re: cvsweb

2002-08-02 Thread Matt Riechers

> What's the current status of cvsweb?
> I see that in the README Henner Zeller notes that he's not a perl
> programmer and that he suggests it be rewritten.

Viewcvs may a better choice. It is a perl-to-python rewrite of cvsweb,
and is actively developed: 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS hangs on checkout of large project

2002-08-01 Thread Matt Riechers

> I'm trying to use CVS to import a large pre-existing project -- the files
> are about 1 Gig -- and I'm having problems with the checkout.
> The import goes fine, but when I checkout, it hangs at one particular file.
> It seems to be the same one every time, but this file is unexceptional --
> it's a 12k text file with no unusual permissions.

What does the CVS trace (cvs -t co ) say?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Migrating CVS database and users from NFS to pserver

2002-08-01 Thread Matt Riechers

> We decided to convert our database from NFS to pserver, we hope our
> database corruption problems with the history will go away.
> What is the best way to migrate the users and the database?

The "database" is just a directory. Are you moving the repository to
another location or machine? If so, you'll just have to move the tree by
hand, otherwise leave it alone. Setting up pserver is the same either

> Our first attempt failed since we realized users could not be migrated
> by simply changing their CVSROOT. We discovered that the CVS/Root files
> contained a copy of the path to the database.

You might be able to get away with changing the CVS/Root files, as long
as none of the files on the server have changed. The fool-proof way to
migrate existing sandboxes is to have the users checkout fresh trees
from the server (and then copy any changes to the new tree by hand).


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Repairing repository

2002-07-29 Thread Matt Riechers

> > What's wrong with 'cvs update/commit'?
> Lots!  The sandbox's state information doesn't correspond with
> the restored repo.  I don't know what the results will be, but it
> could get ugly.

Oops. You're right. If CVS/Entries has files dated newer than the
repository, update will fail. To bring the tree up to date, you'll need
to checkout the lastest tree, and then diff and patch the "good" tree by

My apologies.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Repairing repository

2002-07-29 Thread Matt Riechers

> Will update then mark all files which
> are different from the repository as commitable, so I can just commit
> them and be back where I was?  If so, my day just got considerably
> brighter...

Essentially, yes. It will be as if you had checked out a fresh tree, and
just updated those files by hand.

You may want to consider the fact that any files that had more than one
commit since the backup will be modified as one big change, so you could
lose the original intermediate change histories, but the end result will
be the same.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Repairing repository

2002-07-29 Thread Matt Riechers

> I have copied the backup in to create a new repository.  Now I
> must identify the files in the current working tree which are newer than
> (different from) the files in the repository, and get them comitted.  Any
> suggestions for the easy way to do this?

What's wrong with 'cvs update/commit'?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: One server, multiple repositories?

2002-07-25 Thread Matt Riechers

Alan Dayley wrote:
> Can I have one CVS server but have access to multiple repositories?

> The documentation is not explicit on this, unless I just missed it somewhere.

You missed it: 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to diff Microsoft word file in CVS?

2002-07-25 Thread Matt Riechers

George xu wrote:
> Hello all:
>   I want to use CVS to manage our document(MS word format) and track it. Can
> anyone tele me how to diff Microsoft word file in CVS?

You can't usefully diff binary files with CVS. You need to use an
external diff program, if possible.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: a question about loginfo & commit emails

2002-07-23 Thread Matt Riechers

Isaac Claymore wrote:
> I'd love to
> include the log message, i.e. what '-m' specifies in a
> 'cvs commit', in commit mails, but cannot figure out
> how to retrieve that information.

The commmit message is passed to the script via STDIN.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: file type exported (unix/pc)

2002-07-18 Thread Matt Riechers

pootle monster wrote:
> I am using CVS thru tortoise (
> When I update my files I find that the files that get to me are in PC format
> not unix

The CVS client uses the native system's format for text files, so if you
use a PC client, you'll get PC-formatted files  with CRLFs. You should
use the same client as the platform you work on the files with. Crossing
clients and platforms like I assume you are doing (update on Windows,
work on UNIX) is just asking for trouble.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How do I fix this one? (working in the wrong dir/module)

2002-07-12 Thread Matt Riechers

"Mullican, Catherine" wrote:
> Due to an out of date install doc, I checked out, modified, and checked in
> files in directory A.  And then was told I should have been working with
> directory B instead.  I've got B checked out now, but how can I best get my
> changes to files in directory A into the parallel files in directory B?

You have to do this outside of cvs. Assuming A and B have some files
that have the same name, you can diff B to A and patch B with the


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: checkout different modules at one?!

2002-07-12 Thread Matt Riechers

Leif Hanack wrote:
> hello,
> i have heard that it should be possible to check out different modules only
> by checking out one file. in that file the different packages are mentioned.

Ampersand modules might do what you want:


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: recursive add ?!

2002-07-12 Thread Matt Riechers

Leif Hanack wrote:
> hello,
> i have a simple question. i'm using wincvs 1.36 and wonder why i can not
> find a recursive add command?

There isn't one. You have to add each new directory "by hand" before the
contents of that directory can be added.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Searching the "Info-cvs" list

2002-07-12 Thread Matt Riechers

Jonathan Hodges wrote:
> Does any one know of an easier way to search the old posts than to download
> the raw text archive and search through it?  Is there a site somewhere that
> might have indexed the archives?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs update and file date

2002-07-11 Thread Matt Riechers

Mirco Bova wrote:
> HEllo all,
> I noticed that when I delete a file from the working directory to restore it
> (i.e. I run cvs update on the entire directory) The file is restored but the
> modification date of the file is the current date/time instead the date/time
> when it was last commited or the original mod. date/time.
> This breaks my make chain leading to unwanted rebuild!
> Is there any way to avoid this?

I don't think so. Updating a file to old or new revisions means the file
has changed, and all changes should force a rebuild for the dependency
tree to remain consistent.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Undoing cvs remove

2002-07-11 Thread Matt Riechers

Mike Ayers wrote:
> Allow me to (embarassedly) answer my own question: simply do a cvs add of the
> filename and it will be resurrected for you.  I found it in the Cederqvist,
> and it matches my intuitive notion of what to do, which, due to my attempts to
> fix the problem before reading the directions, was not possible at the moment.
> /|/|ike
> Mike Ayers wrote:
> >
> > I inadvertently performed a `cvs remove` on a file in WinCVS (I
> > wanted to delete the file, then update it to get rid of changes I had
> > made and get the archived revision back).  How do I undo this (i.e. not
> > commit the remove and get the file back)?

You can also "get the clean copy" of the file with 'cvs update -C' (or
with the WinCVS menu option).


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: branch name change

2002-06-26 Thread Matt Riechers

> How can one rename a branch.  We created a branch label and after some work
> realized that the branch name is wrong.  Instead of recreating another
> branch from a base line and try to figure out what needs to be added, I
> would like to change the branch name.
> We tried to use the following command;
> cvs admin -nNEWNAME:OLDNAME and got the follwing message;
> cvs aborted:usage is restricted to repository adminitrators.

You don't have access to the admin command. Find your repository admin
and ask them to help you.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: WinCVS tree commit

2002-06-25 Thread Matt Riechers

Mike Ayers wrote:
> Using WinCVS, I would like to commit all the commitable files in the tree.  
> I select the top directory and run commit from there, it doesn't seem to work,
> although it does appear to be recursing and doing something (what?).

Without seeing the output you are getting, I would have to guess that
the "something" is each directory that CVS is traversing. Are you sure
there are files that need commiting? Please post the output from the
update and commits.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and access rights

2002-06-06 Thread Matt Riechers

Sascha Reetz wrote:
> Hello!
> I  want  to run a cvs server for several projects. I gave every user a
> Unix  User account. It is important, that not every user has access to
> every project. I thought it could be smart to handle this by unix file
> access rights. But it do not work correctly.

Using file permissions is usually the simplest way to handle it, but
what exactly is your problem?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS Configuration on Windows 9x

2002-06-04 Thread Matt Riechers

Marcelo Saldanha wrote:
> First, from my concept of Client/Server,
> I supposed there should be 2 cvs programs, sort of a Listener and a
> Client. But (if I didn't get the wrong file...) there is only 1 file
> (cvs.exe).

> First of my problems, this cvs.exe was command-line program. If it was
> the server, no problem, I can deal with command line. But for the clients
> I *must* have GUI, or at least something very easy to use.

According to your statements below, you already have *several* GUIs...
CVS only comes in command-line form. The GUIs are just front-ends to the
command-line program.

> Since there's no installation, I don't know if I have to setup something
> else,
> or should I just setup the remote repository via this cvs.exe and starting
> using it.

There isn't any automatic setup, per-se. You usually only have to
configure some environment variables to get it working. See the manual
for more help: 

> I've also got many GUI's for cvs, most written in Java, like jCVS, WinCVS,
> SmartCVS, TortoiseCVS, etc... but, (what the heck) they're all need CVS and
> Java SDK or JRE already configurated.

I've only used TortoiseCVS and WinCVS, but you can use both to configure
the environment for CVS.

> By the way, what are the differences between pserver and those other methods
> of accessing the cvs server?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Disabling TELNET access disables login to CVS

2002-05-22 Thread Matt Riechers

N Garry wrote:
> If I disable the TELNET access to my Linux (Red Hat 7.2) machine running CVS
> 1.11 (using pserver authentication), my users are not able to login to CVS.
> Haven't been able to figure out how to reslove this.

How did you disable telnet access? What do you get when you telnet to
port 2401 (pserver) on the server? FWIW, I have a server running pserver
w/o telnet (ssh instead) with no problems.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: FW: Help w/ CVS

2002-05-21 Thread Matt Riechers

Caroline Neal wrote:
> I am working on a project that requires customer headers and footers and
> cannot find where to edit them in the CVS program.  Is it possible and if so
> how?

What headers and footers would those be? Are you trying to use keyword
expansion? Please be more specific.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: list of modules

2002-05-10 Thread Matt Riechers

Torb wrote:
> hi
> is there any way och getting a list of the modules?
> i use wincvs 1.2 with cvsserver on a linux redhat 7.2 and i found a macro
> that should list the modules, but it doesn´t...

Does $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/modules have something in it?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: FW: Extracting All Versions of a File From CVS

2002-05-03 Thread Matt Riechers

Laura Hopkins wrote:
> I'm trying to extract _all_ versions of a CVS file into a directory.  Any
> ideas how to do this or whether it can be done?

The following will generate and run a script that will do the job:

cvs log $YOURFILE |awk '/^rev/ {print "cvs up -p -r" $2 " " rfile " > "
rfile "." $2}' rfile=$YOURFILE | $YOURSHELL


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Can I check out a new directory without getting the files in it?

2002-05-03 Thread Matt Riechers

b_dompe wrote:
> Is there a way to check out only the directory
> even if it contains files?

No. What are you trying to accomplish by doing that?
> Alternatively, checking out the directory with just one specific file
> in it could be adapted to what we need.  But we can't have it
> retrieve every file.

Without knowing what you're trying to do, I would suggest that you
should handle this with your build process, not CVS.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about CVS on Windows NT

2002-04-26 Thread Matt Riechers

Nicolas PEZRON wrote:
> so I have configured my inetd.conf file on the server,
> this is the line I have added to it :
> "#CVS server
> cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /opt/cvs/bin/cvs cvs
> -f --allow-root=/cvs/CIDRE/CVSROOT pserver"

Make sure you have an entry in /etc/services like:

cvspserver  2401/tcp

> I have also created a passwd file in my
> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT folder, this is my passwd file :
> "int:"

This looks ok.

> so, I should be able to connect to the server with the
> user int because I have configured my CVSROOT on my
> WinCVS client like this :
> ":pserver:int@cidre:/cvs/CIDRE/"

The entry in inetd.conf says that your repository path is
"/cvs/CIDRE/CVSROOT", while your $CVSROOT is set to "/cvs/CIDRE/"; they
have to be the same. I'm guessing you want to remove the extra "CVSROOT"
from your inetd.conf.

Good luck.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about CVS on Windows NT

2002-04-26 Thread Matt Riechers

Nicolas PEZRON wrote:
> finally, I have decided to use WinCVS as a client and
> a server Unix as a CVS server
> when I try to connet to the CVS server, I have the
> following error :
> "cvs login: authorization failed: server cidre
> rejected access to /cvs/CIDRE/ for user int"
> I don't know how to configure the passwords
> there is a menu in "Admin" which is "WinCVW" and there
> is a place to put the folder for the passwords
> I don't know what to put here

You need to configure passwords on the server, not the client. See the
manual for details:


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Remove a folder with WinCVS?

2002-04-25 Thread Matt Riechers

Peter Davis wrote:
> Matt Riechers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> > Subject: Re: Remove a folder with WinCVS?
> > From: Matt Riechers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Newsgroups:
> >
> > Peter Davis wrote:
> >>
> >> Does anyone know if there's a way to remove a folder with WinCVS?
> >> We've removed all the files in the folder, but when we select the
> >> folder itself, the remove option is grayed out.
> >
> > CVS can't remove directories; it only controls files. To remove empty
> > directories, you need to "prune empty directories" (cvs update -P). In
> > WinCVS you can select this option in the "Globals" tab of the "Update
> > settings" dialog.
> Thanks.  Will this remove the directories from the CVS database next time
> a commit is done?  In other words, if I do this, then do a commit, and
> then do another update, will the directory be re-created by the update?

Sorry if I wasn't clear before. 'cvs update -P' only prunes directories
out of your working copy; not the repository. See the manual for more
details: <>


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Migrating from VSS to CVS..

2002-04-25 Thread Matt Riechers

uj wrote:
> Can any body having experience on how to migrate from vss to cvs.

I have never used it, but there is a vss2cvs script at
 that may prove useful.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about CVS on Windows NT

2002-04-25 Thread Matt Riechers

Nicolas PEZRON wrote:
> may I stock Windows files in my CVS tree on Unix or do
> I have to use a version of CVS for Windows ? (I tried
> to see for WinCVS but if I can use CVS on Unix, it
> will be better for me)

If it is easy for you to get at files on the UNIX box from Windows, then
you don't necessarily need WinCVS. In that case, you should make sure
that your Windows editor doesn't change the file line endings to DOS
format. If that's a big problem, you might be better off with using

> I have also heart about cvs on windows but with a unix
> cvs server, how does it work ?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Remove a folder with WinCVS?

2002-04-25 Thread Matt Riechers

Peter Davis wrote:
> Does anyone know if there's a way to remove a folder with WinCVS?
> We've removed all the files in the folder, but when we select the
> folder itself, the remove option is grayed out.

CVS can't remove directories; it only controls files. To remove empty
directories, you need to "prune empty directories" (cvs update -P). In
WinCVS you can select this option in the "Globals" tab of the "Update
settings" dialog.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: pserver client and server on same machine

2002-04-22 Thread Matt Riechers

David Everly wrote:
> Does using a "pserver unix client" which access the "pserver unix server"
> on the same machine as the client cause any problems other than those
> which are normally encountered using "pserver unix client" to access
> the "pserver unix server" on a remote machine?

What problems do you "normally" encounter using pserver?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS hangs intermittently

2002-04-22 Thread Matt Riechers

John S O'Sullivan wrote:
> I running CVS version 1.11.1p1 on cywin b20 (I am unfortunately locked to
> this version of Cygwin). CVS uses a local repository on an attached network
> drive.

Many troubles have been reported with CVS and network file systems. Try
the client/server setup instead if possible. See the list archives for
*lots* of discussion on this topic.

> It has been running for 2 months. In the last two weeks I have noticed a
> tendency for CVS to hang. The behaviour is as follows. When you issue a cvs
> command it will run but not will not complete.

Try running cvs in trace mode (cvs -t) to get a more detailed picture of
the problem.

Good luck.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: PROPOSAL: Addressing the list's spam issue:was: [GB2312] ±ÜÃâåeÎóµÄÍâÙQÐÐäN·½Ê

2002-04-08 Thread Matt Riechers

R P Herrold wrote:
> Proposal: I propose to undertake to offer to moderate. If so
> designated, in moderating, my moderation will initially
> consist of turning on the option to catch and hold, pending
> discard, all non-subscriber posts.  I seek to manage held
> posts at least daily, often a couple times during the day (a
> subscriber's posts would continue to go straight thru ...)
> All HTML, non-English (within the bounds of non-English
> speakers' good faith efforts), and spam will be silently
> discarded.  Posters who post non-conformant meeting the
> foregoing criteria will be silently unsubscribed.
> Qualifications: I manage/moderate and admin several local
> lists, and moderate/admin the rpm-list over at Red Hat
> -- "CVS developers" -- How say you?



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: HOwdo I restrict access to different directories within one repository?

2002-04-05 Thread Matt Riechers

vishalvenkatram wrote:
> I wish to give users selective rights on some of the directories.
> Like only a check out from certain directories and no check in's.

You can't do that with CVS. Use file permissions.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Modify administrative files upon commit

2002-04-05 Thread Matt Riechers

Stefano Costa wrote:
> Dear readers of this list,
> I have this problem: I'm using a few scripts (perl mainly) that are called before 
>commit (specified
> inside commitinfo) and I'd like to maintain these scripts along with the other 
> administrative files. So I added their names to checkoutlist and they are correctly 
>checkout after
> commit into $CVSROOT/CVSROOT. But I didn't find a way to modify their attributes so 
>that they
> are set executable *after* having been checkout, any idea?

The files should have been executable when you commited them. IIRC, once
a file has been commited the permissions are frozen, so trying to commit
a new revision as executable won't work. One way to fix this is to
manually set the permissions on the ,v file in the repository itself.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and Release Management

2002-03-28 Thread Matt Riechers

Tony Schoenbachler wrote:
> I've browsed the documentation at
> and I don't see any direct examples of how to label a
> software release.

Use tags: 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS for Windows: Bug using diff?

2002-03-27 Thread Matt Riechers

Garvin Hicking wrote:
> I am using CVS NT (Local Build 27) for maintaining source control over my 
> Windows-Development-files.


> I get the following error:
> cvs [diff aborted]: (start_server internal error): unknown access method

Are you running cvs entirely on the windows machine, or do you have a
remote server? I haven't looked at the code very hard, but I don't think
start_server() should be called if you are using cvs in local mode.

What is your $CVSROOT environment variable set to?
What about the CVS/Root files in your working directory?

> I can, though, check out files with this revision and use WinDiff for comparing 
>those files. But I thought that would be builtin-CVS functionality, and it works on 
>my linux machines.

What about other commands that operate on the working directory, like
'cvs log'?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Maximum connections to the server

2002-03-26 Thread Matt Riechers

jazzvale wrote:
> > I'm wondering about connection timeout and connection limit.
> > So, the questions are: does the connection have a timeout (how long is
> > it?) and is there a
> > limit of maximum connections to the server?

Connection settings are configured by whatever starts network services
on the server. They have nothing to do with CVS.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Configuring cvs from source distibution to RH box 6.2?

2002-03-22 Thread Matt Riechers

"Joseph G. Mercado" wrote:
> Okay...i wan to run cvs 1.11p1 from source distirbution on Linux box 6.2.
> Can anyone help me how to configure this?Manual would be a good help.

Read the INSTALL file that come with the cvs distro.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: sharing cvs root?

2002-03-13 Thread Matt Riechers

"Hanser, Kevin" wrote:
> My boss seems to think it would be a good idea to share our CVS root so we
> can easily browse it.  I don't think this is a good idea... can anyone give
> me the pro's or con's of doing this?

The repository root ($CVSROOT) is useless for "browsing" since you're looking at
revision files vs. usable source code. You could maintain a checked-out copy
that is updated daily, or try a web-based viewer like ViewCVS


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question

2002-03-08 Thread Matt Riechers

Kenny wrote:
> I have one project it has about 1200 source files. can
> I use CVS to track by the file instead of the project.
> So that I can only checkout one file.

I'm not sure I understand your question. You can checkout individual files from
a repository with:

cvs co path/to/file

Is that what you are asking?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: please help me

2002-03-08 Thread Matt Riechers

Javed wrote:
> Hello,
>I am new to cvs but not new to programming in
> general. I am working on a software in which i need to
> to be able to see a version of a file - which is
> stored in cvs -, as it existed on a particular date
> and time. And to access the file i dont want to
> checkout a complete module.

You can checkout a file by giving its full path in the repository:

cvs co path/to/file

If you want to look at a particular revision, use the -r/-D options.

See the manual for details: 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVSROOT/modules

2002-03-08 Thread Matt Riechers

> Which cvs client command will add entries to
> the CVSROOT/module on the cvs server?

There is no cvs command to do that. It's just a configuration file in the

cvs co CVSROOT
[edit] CVSROOT/modules
cvs ci CVSROOT/modules


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs threads not terminating

2002-03-01 Thread Matt Riechers

Kent Hulick wrote:
> Yeah, I agree.  The ssh threads don't terminate either.  I can't tell which
> is causing which, though.
> It would seem to me, however that the ssh threads would bw waiting for the
> cvs threads to finish their businss and give a terminate command, rather
> than the cvs threads waiting for ssh, which would indicate a cvs problem.
> What additional information would you need?

If other commands executed via ssh also hang ('ssh host ls', etc) then I would
guess that it isn't a CVS issue.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs threads not terminating

2002-02-28 Thread Matt Riechers

Kent Hulick wrote:
> I'm using cvs version 1.11.1p1 with Red Hat Linux 7.2 connecing to an
> external server using ssh and ssh-agent.  The ssh connections work fine, and
> cvs actually works, but the threads don't terminate.  I have to kill them
> manually.  If I don't use ssh-agent, the commands terminate normally, but
> (of course) I have to enter my password contantly.  Killing the threads
> manually isn't such a terrible deal, but it does mean cvs won't work with
> any ide, which would be very nice.
> Does anyone have suggestions for me?

Without more details, it sounds like your ssh-agent is to blame.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: WinCVS - Browsing the Repository

2002-02-21 Thread Matt Riechers

Matthias Klein wrote:
> Hi,
> does anybody know, if it is possible to browse the CVS-Repository
> running on the CVS-Server within den WinCVS-Client, so that your able to
> checkout files not just by entering their names.

How else would you checkout files?! If you want to view files without checking
them out first, you could use a web-based browser like viewcvs.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: VSS to CVS

2002-02-18 Thread Matt Riechers

Nick A Edwards wrote:
> I am looking for a utility which will allow me to converts a Microsoft Visual Source 
>Safe (6.0) to CVS (currently 1.0.6). I need to make sure that historic versions are 
>also taken.

vss2cvs may be what you want (I have never used it). The first hit via google


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Line ending confusion

2002-02-18 Thread Matt Riechers

> The files were imported from a directory on the same system on the
> repository, but they  had CR/LF endings since they came from a DOS
> system.  Aha.would that mean that CVS did not line ending conversion
> because a client was not being used and it assumed that the files had
> the native LF-only line endings?


> If my theory is correct, I believe I can correct it by changing the
> files to Unix line endings on my Unix client and committing the files
> again, no?



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: It is possible to forbid tagged modules

2002-02-15 Thread Matt Riechers

izabella szekely wrote:
> Hello!
> My question is:
>   Somebady (who has read/write access to the
> repository) checked out a tagged version from CVS and
> he can removed some modules from this tag.
> How can I stop this?

Tags don't work that way. Tags are contained in files, not the other way around.
You can restrict tag operations with $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/taginfo. See the manual
for details 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: problems with simple cvs update - changed file is not updated

2002-02-13 Thread Matt Riechers

Heirler Stefan wrote:
> cvs checkout foo.c
> ... do nothing with foo.c, but others commit changes to foo.c
> cvs update foo.c
> no changes are retrieved

Assuming you can reproduce this:

What does 'cvs -t update foo.c' say?
Does 'cvs log foo.c' show the other changes that you don't get?
What does 'cvs status foo.c' say after the update?
Does this happen to everyone, or just you?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Adding new sudir/src files to existing repo

2002-02-12 Thread Matt Riechers

> I have been testing and testing and testing...  I thought, gee what if I
> forgot to include a subdirectory and its source files when I initially
> created the repo???  How would I go about adding it.  It looks like what I
> tried worked but when I went and checked it out and tried to add a new file
> there it wouldn't let me.  The error I got was "do cvs checkout first".

I'm not sure I follow you. Are you saying that you couldn't add files to a
checked-out working directory? The error message implies that you are adding
files in a directory not checked-out by CVS. Perhaps you could post an example
of what you did to add the files...


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: trouble with pserver : inetd go down for ten minutes !

2002-02-12 Thread Matt Riechers

Patrick Goldbronn - SFME/LGLS wrote:
> > Each time you run a cvs command, it opens a connection to the server, and the
> > number of times you're calling cvs is over the server's connection limit. Some
> > solutions/workarounds:
> Right, but this connections are not in parallel, so there is one
> connection at one time (I suppose ! Perhaps shell run in parallel ?).

AFAIK, you can't assume that the connection is closed when the process exits.
There is a delay as the connection state progresses from connected to closed.
Parallel connections would only increase the number of concurrent connections,
and you'd see the error sooner.

To see what I mean, run netstat and your script at the same time to monitor the
connection states.

> > 1. Avoid putting cvs calls in loops. Instead, do something like 'cvs log
> > $files_list' or 'find files |xargs cvs log'
> no because I want information for one file and I make something if it
> has some information

If you want info for one file, why is the log call in a loop? And what's
stopping you from parsing more than one log entry at a time? If you must call
cvs each time, you'll have to include a delay or do something else to keep the
connection count below the limit.

> I have put in my inetd.conf "nowait.120" and all work fine 

I avoided listing this option in my previous post because it will only delay the
problem. When you have a sequence of calls large enough to hit the new limit,
you'll be stuck again.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: trouble with pserver : inetd go down for ten minutes !

2002-02-12 Thread Matt Riechers

Patrick Goldbronn - SFME/LGLS wrote:
> When I do a script that ask for a list of cvs file to do an action like
> this :
> for f in "$files_list"
> do
> cvs log $f
> done

> When I see in log file, I find :
> inetd[13407]: cvspserver/tcp server failing (looping or being flooded),

Each time you run a cvs command, it opens a connection to the server, and the
number of times you're calling cvs is over the server's connection limit. Some

1. Avoid putting cvs calls in loops. Instead, do something like 'cvs log
$files_list' or 'find files |xargs cvs log'
2. run the script on the cvs server machine (local mode)

> I suppose cvs server can support many clients requests at same time but
> I'm not sure !

It can, but it depends on inetd to manage those requests, so it also depends on
its limitations.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: has anyone had any experiences with web interface?

2002-02-12 Thread Matt Riechers

Urs wrote:
> I am researching any possibles web/html/php interfaces to cvs and any
> problems related to this. Can anyone point me to where I can find some info?
> Any help would be appreciated.

Take a look at viewcvs .


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS errors: "Unknown error 523"

2002-02-12 Thread Matt Riechers

Vinh Cao wrote:
> Does anyone know this error: "Unknown error 523"? when our engineers do:
> cvs update or cvs co -r

That appears to be a catch-all error handler in the server code. It also appears
that you've interpreted the error vs. posting it verbatim. What is your cvs
configuration (authentication method, os, cvs version, etc)? When did this start


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about CVSROOT/taginfo file

2002-02-08 Thread Matt Riechers

Miguel Angel Cuadrado wrote:
> I have modified the CVSROOT/taginfo file in order to execute a script
> when an user make a TAG.
> If I do a tag in a directory that contains 3000 files, the server aborts
> the action and returns 'Argument list too long'

Your shell is choking on the argument list. What shell are you using? Using that
shell interactively, go to the directory in question and run 'ls *', and you'll
see the same message. Try a different shell, if possible.

A better solution would be to reorganize your directories, and perhaps your
build system. Performance may be seriously degraded (depending on the
filesystem) when you have that many files in a directory, and those files most
likely shouldn't be managed under CVS to begin with.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question: How to ignore generate files when we do cvs update

2002-02-07 Thread Matt Riechers

Tom Choi wrote:
> We have several generate files and never commit them to our CVSROOT. When we did
> cvs update. And then I saw "?" for generate files.
> Would you tell me how to ignore generate files when we do "cvs update"?



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: import vs cvs co -c

2002-02-07 Thread Matt Riechers

E B wrote:
> how do I create a module from the client?
> If I do it with cvs import, I dont see it
> using cvs co -c.

You need to add it to the $CVSROOT/modules file.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Installation on Linux and accessing WINCVS from W2K

2002-02-06 Thread Matt Riechers

mw_in_bru wrote:
> I have installed CVS on Linux RED HAT7.1 using Xinetd (on port 2401).
> For the client I am using Wincvs1.2 on W2K.
> When I try to start a process on the Linux box I receive error "CVS
> exited with error code 0"

WinCVS prints this after every CVS call. An exit code of 0 means there were no
errors. What CVS command were you running? Did anything else print to the

> Reading the Xinetd log produced: there is a message
> (paraphrasing): "starting unix process and then this immediately
> dies."

Please never paraphrase error messages. You need to post the full message
(obscuring only sensitive info, if necessary) if you expect a useful response.
You might also try the troubleshooting section in the manual:


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Finding out when the last checkin occured into the repo or a directory in the repo.

2002-02-06 Thread Matt Riechers

Sanjay Bhatia wrote:
> I'd like to know if there is a command to do any of the following steps :
> 1) Find out when (what time) the last checkin occured in the repo.
> 2) Find out when (what time) the last checkin occured into a specific directory
> of the repo.
> 3) Find out when (what time) a file with a particular extension (e.g. .c,
> .java) occured in the repo.

Use the history command: 'cvs history --help'


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Developer branches

2002-02-06 Thread Matt Riechers

Van Ung wrote:
> Please please remove me from the distribution list.
> Does any one know how to get off the distribution list.  Thanks.


> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Follow the link above, go to the bottom of the page, and read the directions.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs advice

2002-02-06 Thread Matt Riechers

"Alvarez Lorencio, Maria Jesus" wrote:
> I read the info-cvs e-mails every day, the cederqvist and everything that I find but 
>I´m not very sure. The program has not be installed yet (don´t know which version is 
>going to run) but the day is arriving...and I´m terrified.

The only way to learn a new tool is by using it.

You don't have to wait for CVS to be installed for you, unless you don't have
internet access. You should get aquainted with CVS by creating a scratch
repository with a few sample files to get the hang of it, before you deal with a
production system. When you aren't sure what some command does, you can always
go back to your scratch repository to try stuff out w/o fear of damaging
something important.

There is a learning curve to CVS, but day-to-day use is pretty easy. Karl Fogel
has written a great book on CVS that you might find helpful:


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Limitations of CVS under Unix, Please?

2002-02-04 Thread Matt Riechers

"Datla, Raghav" wrote:
>Are there any specific limitations for CVS under Unix?.

Probably. You need to be more specific.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to create a mirror CVS site?

2002-01-31 Thread Matt Riechers

Aram Ter-Martirosyan wrote:
> Is it possible to have a
> mirror CVS server on site just for emergency when the internet is down, so
> they can do some work.

CVSup should do the trick: 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS utility offered

2002-01-25 Thread Matt Riechers

Rob Ries wrote:
> The utility I have written is a perl script / shell script that, as safely
> as I could possibly make it, gets rid of that user from the watch lists in a
> project.
> I think that this might be of interest to others. Do you have any
> recommendations as to what I can do with it? [Now there's a setup line if I
> ever heard one...]

Posting it to the list would be a good first step.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs [commit aborted]: out of memory; can not reallocate 95683558 bytes

2002-01-24 Thread Matt Riechers

Sachin wrote:
> hi,
> Thanks for the info. I have checked that I have enough of swap and tmp
> space free. Inspite of that it gives me an error. I have tried
> checking in a file size of max 60 MB. After that it cribs and starts
> giving the memory error.
> there is some limitation from cvs side itself. any more help would b
> appreciated.

You should probably ask yourself if you really want to manage that file with CVS
in the first place. I'm guessing that it's not a source file, and therefore is
not something CVS was designed to handle easily.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: listing available modules from a server

2002-01-24 Thread Matt Riechers

Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
> How can I get a list of modules available for checkout from a cvs
> server? Is there a cvs command for that?

'cvs co -c' will dump the module database.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: how do i start the cvs server

2002-01-22 Thread Matt Riechers

> Hi,
>   i am using linux redhat 7.2 machine. how do i start the required cvs
> server so that i can remotely login useing "cvs login". is there any kind
> of documentation for that.

The manual would be a good start: 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: releasing software with cvs Q.

2002-01-18 Thread Matt Riechers

Alan Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to somehow tag files within a project such that when
> checking the files out they get installed in pre-specifide locations on the
> file system . I am not reffering to the -d option. I need to develope an
> automated release mechanism.

You can tag files, but what you do with those tags is outside the scope of CVS
functionality. Rearranging files after checkout is what a build system does, not
a revision control system.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs not commiting changes

2002-01-18 Thread Matt Riechers

kamalshah20 wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been facing this problem for some time now.I check in my code,
> but the next day when I check out, I find that my changes have not
> been updated.I thought the problem was probably forgetting to commit
> etc. (!) but this is happeneing to others as well.

Could you post an example of what you are doing, expecting, and getting instead?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: connecting to repository on a linux machine from win2k machine

2002-01-18 Thread Matt Riechers

Sriram Viswanadham wrote:
> Thanks Matt for the reply,
> i've tried to connect to the repository on linux
> machne from wincvs on my win2000 mahine. Let me put it
> in steps i've done to be more clear -
> 1. "vsriram@cin1161:/usr1/vsriram/myCVSROOT" - here
> cin1161 is the machine no of the linux machine, and
> the cvsroot is at myCVSROOT. I've specified this as
> the CVSROOT in the dialog for menu
> 'Admin->Preferences'
> The first Q i have is - what is to be specified for
> the Authentication feild - The list contains
> local,pserver,rhosts, ntserver and ssh.
> Since i'm connecting to the repositry on linux, i have
> selected 'rhosts'.

Why? The fact that the server is running linux has nothing to do with the access
method. You have to check the server to see what method it supports (if you
haven't set it up yourself).

That said, you should probably try pserver next. If you want to know if the
server supports pserver, telnet to port 2401 and hit 'Enter'. If it gives you
'cvs [pserver aborted]: ...', it is supported.

> "cvs.exe [checkout aborted]: cannot fdopen -1 for
> write: No such file or directory"

'rhosts' means your're using rsh to connect to the repository. What happens when
you run a remote command on the server with 'rsh'? If you get 'connection
refused', it's likely that the server doesn't support it. Again, you probably
want pserver.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: help on cvspserver (in linux mandrake environnement)

2002-01-17 Thread Matt Riechers

> Hello,
> I don't manage to start the cvs pserver service on the linux server, though i
> think the files /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services are well configurate  (whith
> cvspserver on port 2401). I've buid a repository in a /usr/local/cvsroot
> directory.

The relavent contents of /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf would help diagnose
the problem.

> When i try to start the pserver manually (in /usr/sbin) i get the message "cvs
> [pserver aborting] bad port auth start:"

cvs pserver is meant to be run from inetd. What messages do you get when run
from inetd?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: abt wincvs

2002-01-17 Thread Matt Riechers

vsriram6 wrote:
> hi,
> i have the cvs repository on a linux machine in the same network and
> i'm working on a windows2000 machine. I have installed winvs in my
> machine. How can i connect to the repository in the Linux machine and
> check it out on my windows2000 machine  

Have you tried to access the repository? Perhaps posting the specifics of what
you have attempted so far (that didn't work as you expected) would help.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs 1.10.7 server + WinCVS

2002-01-16 Thread Matt Riechers

Claude Johnson wrote:
> I have a user who is getting this error:
> cvs add -kb FAQs.doc
> cvs [add aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if
> any)

An error on 'cvs add' implies that 'cvs co' worked. The user probably doesn't
have write permission in the directory they are trying to add the file to.

> Running "cvs -t add -kb FAQs.doc" on the CVS server from a Bash
> shell yielded this:
> Starting server: rsh -l jberman cvs server

It sounds like the $CVSROOT environment variable uses the :ext: method on the
local machine, when it usually only contains the repository path. If local
access doesn't work, it's almost certainly a permissions problem.

> Everything I've read in the Cederqvist or in the info-cvs archives
> answers this question with "upgrade to 1.11.1p1" which is not
> exactly the best or most justifiable answer.
> I can't (won't) upgrade right
> now because of the possible disruption.
> Can anyone point me at
> somewhat accurate documentation about (or even just tell me) [1]
> what is failing here and [2] how to correct it.

Upgrading the server won't solve your problem, but it will give you better leads
to help you (and everyone else) figure it out.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: desperate for help with WinCvs and VC++ 6

2002-01-16 Thread Matt Riechers

Shawn McLean wrote:
> If I checkout files from the cvs server (mandrake 8.1) onto my windows
> machine (windows 2000 pro) using WinCvs, everytime I try to compile or run
> the exe, it requires a full compile, compiling every source file each time
> (even though I havn't made changes to those source files).

What files are changed when you run the update? If any project/IDE files are
changed, that might trigger a full rebuild...


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: how to remove a project

2002-01-11 Thread Matt Riechers

Massimiliano Cialdi wrote:
> I want to remove a project. I think that is not enought to remove the
> project dir in the cvsroot.
> So, how do I remove a project?

Delete the project dir(s) and any related entries in $CVSROOT/*


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: syncing two sandboxes?

2002-01-11 Thread Matt Riechers

Janning Vygen wrote:
> No i have a lot of changes in my local sandbox. Is there an easy way
> to sync this local sandbox with my remote sandbox?

Not with CVS commands. If you are trying to synchronize between two filesystems
with the same line-ending conventions (unix-unix, windows-windows, NOT
unix-windows!), perhaps rsync  could help.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: pserver and ssh on 1 server, possible???

2002-01-08 Thread Matt Riechers

Wolfgang Kormann wrote:
> in my /etc/inetd.conf (SuSe Linux 7.3 prof.) is the entry for the pserver
> repository
> cvspserver stream tcp nowait root
> /usr/bin/cvs --allow-root=/usr/local/cvsroot pserver
> if  I build a 2nd repository on the same server and want use ssh protocol
> for access...
> is this possible on ONE server and how? ...or is a 2nd server required?

I'm assuming you want one repository that can be accessed via pserver and ssh,
and that you have ssh working...

A given repository can have any number of access methods. The pserver method is
unique because it is the only method built into CVS. The rest, like ssh, just
treat cvs as another program on a server somewhere. For access via ssh, set your
$CVSROOT to use the 'ext' method. If you want pserver access, use the 'pserver'
method. You don't need to setup the repository in any particular manner, just
the client environment. See
 for details.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: changing editor

2002-01-08 Thread Matt Riechers

Jonas Meurer wrote:
> Hey ho,
> I'm using cvs, but my problem is that it uses an editor like emacs
> or so on. I would prefer to use vim. In which config can I change
> this?

This should help: 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to add cvs user?

2002-01-02 Thread Matt Riechers

King Chau wrote:
> How to add cvs user?

To what?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: diff after update

2001-12-20 Thread Matt Riechers

David Hugh-Jones wrote:
> sorry if this is an obvious question, but after doing a CVS update, how do I
> diff files?
> Here's the scenario:
> I am working on a file. I haven't committed any changes. I do a general cvs
> update. I notice that that file shows "M".
> How do I find out what the cvs update has changed, between my old uncommitted
> version, and the new version created by the update?

Unless the message said something like "merging changes into local copy",
nothing has changed to your local copy. It just means there are local changes
that aren't in the repository.

See  for details on the
output from 'cvs update'.

If it merged repository changes with your local changes, you can diff the
previous revision against your local copy to see the recently merged changes and
your uncommited changes. For example, if the new repository file rev is 1.2, and
you were working on 1.1, do 'cvs diff -r1.1 foo.c' to see the merged changes
with your local changes.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS methodology for resources shared between projects?

2001-12-13 Thread Matt Riechers

Harlan Lau wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know what the CVS methodology is for
> handling resources which are shared between projects.
> This seems like a common problem and I'm sure there are
> solutions which I'm unaware of and I hope you will point
> me in the right direction.

Modules handle this for you:


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How can I search the archives...

2001-12-12 Thread Matt Riechers

>...without downloading the whole 48 MB from
> (I've just joined the list, and would like to do some research
> before posting.)

There are other archives listed at 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Files have escape characters in it (0x00-0x20,0x80-0xFF)

2001-12-12 Thread Matt Riechers

Julien Reynier wrote:
> Hi,
> I use WinCVS on NT and I connect to a pserver on NT to.
> When I try to import my tree source from my local box to the pserver I
> get some strange message :
> Warning : Files have escape characters in it (0x00-0x20,0x80-0xFF)

Please post the exact error message and the filenames it's choking on. Taking a
wild guess, I'd say it has something to do with binary files.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: meaning of "P"?

2001-12-11 Thread Matt Riechers

Felix Moedritscher wrote:
> just on question:
> what does the "P" mean, when I do a "cvs update"?
> normally I expect a "U", but in one case I got a "P" in front of the file,
> which was updated...

It means CVS used a patch vs. replacing the whole file.
See  for details.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS Urgent Help!

2001-12-06 Thread Matt Riechers

> Hi everyone,
> We are using CVS to manage our xhtml. files on an internet site.  We have one
> main directory and 24 sub-directories of xhtml files on CVS in total.  We've
> made a new sub-directory, added it to the repository.  All changes were
> committed to repository.  When I ran cvs -n update this morning to check status
> of files, I got this error message ? /culture/broadcasting.  (Culture is the
> directory, Broadcasting is the subdirectory).  I know that this error message
> means that files have not been checked into the repository and are not being
> ignored.  What am I doing wrong?

Are there other files in culture/ that have been added correctly? If so, the
broadcasting file was never added, otherwise culture/ was never added. If you
still can't add the broadcasting file, posting the commands you're using and the
responses you get may help.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: bug in cvs annotate?

2001-12-03 Thread Matt Riechers

> Matthew Versluys wrote:
> When running the 1.11.1p1 client and server and performing a cvs annotate on a
> binary file the NT command line client never completes the operation (or at
> least takes much longer than I'm willing to wait) and has to be killed.  If
> you perform a cvs annotate on a folder which contains binary files the same
> result occurs.
> Cheers,
> Matt.

So don't do that. What type of non-mergable (binary) file can have arbitrary
text usefully inserted into it? Help me understand this...


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: pruning

2001-12-03 Thread Matt Riechers

Dave Brondsema wrote:
> I have a directory that is empty except for a cvs directory and its 3
> files.
> I have tried 'cvs update -P' but the directory is not removed.  I tried
> deleting the cvs directory and it's files so that the directory was truly
> empty, but then I got an error message: *PANIC* administration files
> missing

This was obviously the wrong thing to do. CVS correctly ignores its own admin
files when pruning. From which directory are you running 'cvs up -P'? Does CVS
create any files when you run 'cvs up'?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: removing from rep.

2001-11-30 Thread Matt Riechers

"Michael L. Hostbaek" wrote:
> Hello,
> I currently have say 6-7 modules in my repository, and I'd like to
> re-import a few of them... Which way is the smartest to do that ?
> To delete the modules from the repository (how would I do that)
> or just to try and import them again ?

Why do you need to re-import existing modules?

One approach is to rename all the modules you want to re-import as
"whatever-old" and then re-import. This has the advantage of keeping track of
everything you've done, but takes more space. If you just want to start over,
you could do your above mentioned method.

> Another thing, how do I allow root to checkout/commit ?

The short answer is "you *really* shouldn't do that". This has been covered
*several* times on this list. For instance:


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Command line tool for CVS under win NT?

2001-11-28 Thread Matt Riechers

Michael Großer wrote:
> I need a "cvs.exe" or similar,
> but I do not fint such tool in the internet. Who knows a source
> where I can get such tool for windows NT?

You can get a CVS Windows NT binary from


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Command line tool for CVS under win NT?

2001-11-28 Thread Matt Riechers

Michael Großer wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm looking for a smart command line tool for CVS under Windows NT.
> I don't want use tools like winCVS, TkCVS or jCVS. I want simply
> input some plain CVS commands into a line.

What's wrong with the command shell?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: query abt multiple repositories...

2001-11-27 Thread Matt Riechers

Thirumal Raj wrote:
> I want to
> configure multiple repositories in an single server which is running on
> linux.But if we configure the inetd.conf(daemon program )we will give the
> path for only one repository.

inetd doesn't really care how many repositories you have, although it may have a
size limit on the command in inetd.conf. You can call a script to do the setup
from inetd.conf to get around any limits.

See the manual  or the list
archives for details.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs binary files to only one copy

2001-11-21 Thread Matt Riechers

Mark Schlegel wrote:
> I would like to cvs some binary files with the -kb option, but they are
> so large that I
> would like to only retain the current/latest copy.

What happens when you want to retreive version x.y of your project? Would it
depend on specific versions of the files?

If the files are derived from some other source, put that in CVS. Otherwise,
keep the files out of CVS, and just track the revisions by hand.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Branching from Working Directory

2001-11-20 Thread Matt Riechers

> Hello,
> I would like to create a branch based on my current working directory.
> Well the problem is that the current working dir contains a lot of
> locally modified files. I dont want them to be reflected in the main
> trunk but only in the new branch.

If you create the branch with 'cvs rtag -r_some-other-tag -b branch-foo module'
you can move your working dir onto the branch with 'cvs up -r branch-foo', and
your local mods will now be commited on the branch. NOTE: you may also want to
rename your working dir to reflect the fact that you're on a branch to avoid


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Q: documentation for VSS internal formats somewhere?

2001-11-16 Thread Matt Riechers

Heiko Nardmann wrote:
> Does anyone have some documentation how the MS VSS program stores its files
> on the remote file server?

You might have better luck on a VSS list.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and Excel

2001-11-16 Thread Matt Riechers

> Mark Hewitt wrote:
> I have a colleague who wants to derive some code development
> tracking metrics for our CVS hosted products.  This needs to
> be done using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in a relatively
> automatic way.

How complicated is the spreadsheet? It could be generated via script as a
comma-delimited file that Excel could import directly.


Info-cvs mailing list


2001-11-14 Thread Matt Riechers

> Alex Flores wrote:
> How do you look at the comments that are entered upon checkin.

What is wrong with 'cvs log'?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: What could go wrong with this scenario?

2001-11-14 Thread Matt Riechers

Marcel van der Boom wrote:
> That might be better I don't know ...
> chmod g+s does according to man page:
> ...set user or group ID on execution (s)...
> What exactly does that mean in this context of CVS?

A good description from the list archive:

What is the underlying problem you are trying to fix?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: What could go wrong with this scenario?

2001-11-14 Thread Matt Riechers

Marcel van der Boom wrote:
> Essentially the script should change all group and ownership
> assignments of all files below the project dir with something like
> chgrp -R cvs_project /cvsroot/project
> chmod -R 770 /cvsroot/project

Why do you need to do this? It sounds like you want 'chmod g+s' instead...


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