RE: Activity-based CVS shell

2000-05-24 Thread Peter Ring

It's a very nice idea. Essentially you are continuing what CVS started as (a
bunch of scripts wrapping RCS up to be more useful).

Kind regards,
Peter Ring
Forlaget MAGNUS
A Wolters Kluwer Company

-Original Message-
From: Cees de Groot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 8:59 PM
Subject: Activity-based CVS shell

We just closed an evaluation of source management systems, and the good
news is that we are sticking with CVS, Rational ClearCase lost the race. One
thing we learnt, though, from talking and reading is that a lot of ClearCase
customers take the time to define a process around the product, supported
by shell-scripts, triggers, and whatnot. We feel that we want to do the
same to CVS, so I am currently busy writing a shell around CVS (in Python)
that offers an activity-based interface to the repository. The user
won't say "I want to create a branch", but rather "I want to start working
on bugfix xyz" - the shell will take care of branching, deciding when and
what to merge, etcetera. I'm also planning a close integration with the
bug tracking system we use, Bugzilla (so that a developer can click a button
"Start work on this bug", which results in creating a branch etcetera).

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-01 Thread Peter Ring

Quite often these days, CVS is not something that you choose -- you get
chosen by CVS, much as you get chosen by Microsoft operating systems and
development tools, simply because it's ubiquitous. Like it or not, there's
not much respect for original design goals in the ways of the world.

I suppose that 'full RCS compatibility' is not a goal by itself -- if you
might as well use RCS, then why use CVS?

I'd like to bring attention to one particular offspring of cvs: subversion.
Have a look at The project is near it's
second major milestone, and plan to have an alpha release mid May and a 1.0
release late June.

BTW, here's another way to use currently available features (aka
cvswrappers) to avoid the poor loosers munging their binary files: Rather
that listing patterns for known 'binary' files, you list patterns for known
'text' files, but default to binary, like this:

 # text formats

 #default is binary
 * -k 'b'

Remember that cvswrappers doesn't work if you connect to the repository
using a remote protocol (e.g. pserver); you must put a copy of the
'cvswrappers' file named '.cvswrappers' into each users home directory.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Greg A. Woods
Sent: Saturday, 31 March, 2001 2:19 AM
To: Gianni Mariani
Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

[ On Friday, March 30, 2001 at 07:07:14 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?
> Your point is well taken.  However, time are a changing - source code is
> only text. Image, sound, movie, geometry, encryption key, etc etc files
> all parts of modern day applications.  All these files need to be version
> managed just like regular files.  If we could apply an rcsmerge on these
> kinds of files, then it would be ideal.

Yes, what you say is all very well and fine.  What it means though is
that CVS is not the correct tool for use in such a diverse environment.

Obviously my point did not sink in properly though so I will say it more
clearly:  PLEASE go use something else

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: problem with LF <--> CRLF trasnlation

2001-05-16 Thread Peter Ring

I'm 'messing' with line endings all the time. Usually, I stick to Unix
conventions, because *nix tools tend to be more fussy. Most decent tools on
Win32 don't care. If you work on Win32 and use Cygwin tools, go with the
current default and use binary mounts; that will give you the least amount
of problems. You can tell WinCVS to use LF in the administrative files, and
it will coexist happily with the Cygwin port of cvs; the 'native' port,
however, needs CR/LF in the administrative files.

Kind regards,
Peter Ring

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: problem with LF <--> CRLF trasnlation

2001-05-17 Thread Peter Ring

While there might be some good reasons for native ports, the idea of native
'text' formats seems completely bogus to me. At least, it should always be
an option, preferably per file (as is keyword expansion and merge

Kind regards,
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Eric Siegerman
Sent: Thursday, 17 May, 2001 8:39 PM
To: info-cvs
Subject: Re: problem with LF <--> CRLF trasnlation

I'd still prefer it if people used a native CVS client for their
platform, of course, but as someone else said, they do insist on
living dangerously...

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Is CVS free for commercial development?

2001-06-24 Thread Peter Ring

Using cvs comes with no strings attached, except that you can only
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation. That is, if you
redistribute derivative work, you must release the derivative work under the
terms of the GPL as well, implying among other things that you must make the
source code available. This is why GPL is called a 'viral license'. See GPL
version 2 at

IMHO, the GPL has little effect for corporate deployment of cvs. You can
safely use the distributed binaries and source 'as is' for any purpose you
see fit. Any adaptions or customization is likely to be implemented as
scripts that are not 'infected' by the GPL. And the projects in which you
use cvs are are no legal way affected by the GPL because of your *use* of

You can also develop and deploy *derivative work*, e.g., yet another
authentification scheme or cvs client, but only inside your corporation. You
can only distribute derivative work outside your corporation if you make the
source available under the terms of the GPL. If in doubt, ask a lawyer.

In any case, corporate users are also welcome to contribute patches,
scripts, user guides, constructive criticism etc.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

PS: I wonder whether a cvs client could be developed in a fashion that would
make it not subject to the terms of GPL? This might be useful for
interfacing non-GPL (BSD-style absolutely-no-strings-attached or more
proprietary) software to cvs repositories.

PPS: If you have an evening to spare for interesting reading, search for
'viral license'. You might also want to study a bewildering variety of 'open
source' licenses:

PPPS: Micosoft doesn't like GPL, see
g=ltnc and You
don't have to be pro-Microsoft in order to see some issues with GPL, see

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Is CVS free for commercial development?

2001-06-26 Thread Peter Ring

I was actually thinking of this new Microsoft EULA when I asked. Not that
I'd like to do a non-GPL client; and it would probably be necessary to study
not only the protocol documentation, but also the cvs source code, i.e., it
would be difficult to prove that I had not lifted a bit of code from cvs.

Microsoft is under pressure to release source code to Windows (or break up
the company), and have begun talking about 'shared source', which is why you
see so much noise about licenses.

In any case, the requirement in the EULA about not using 'viral' software
will be quite difficult to enforce in practice. I think it is a rather
defensive move.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Matthew Riechers
Sent: Monday, 25 June, 2001 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: Is CVS free for commercial development?

Lan Barnes wrote:
> Matthew Riechers wrote:
> >
> > Peter Ring wrote:
> > >
> > > PS: I wonder whether a cvs client could be developed in a fashion that
> > > make it not subject to the terms of GPL? This might be useful for
> > > interfacing non-GPL (BSD-style absolutely-no-strings-attached or more
> > > proprietary) software to cvs repositories.
> >
> > As long as the client doesn't link directly to cvs code, you are ok. You
> > would either have to write your own code to handle the connection
> > protocol, or implement it as a simple wrapper to the cvs binary.
> >
> I fail to see why anyone would want to do that. Go to
> and read the GPL (or even better, have your lawyer read it). Yes, CVS is
> GPL and so are many of its clients, but this fact has absolutely no effect
> on the license status of any software source maintained in a CVS
> repository. So writing a new client just to be something other than GPL
> makes no sense.

Exactly. The license of the client is irrelevant, especially when it's
just a command-line wrapper. There *are* programs that fall into this
catagory (to answer Peter's original query): UltraEdit, Visual
SlickEdit, Visual Studio, etc. The licenses of the clients in these
cases are proprietary, but who cares? It doesn't have any *added value*
feature that "embraces-and-extends" CVS; it just calls a program and
captures the output in a useful way.

> {NB: IANAL, but recent stories on /. and elsewhere indicate that the
> Microsoft EULA for the .NET SDK may forbid the use of GPL software tools
> conjunction with the SDK. If this is true and is enforceable, then using
> CVS or its GPL'ed front ends for archiving your own .NET SDK source code
> may violate your EULA.}

IANAL either... BTW, how many lawyers *are* on this list? :)

M$ seems to be trying to do an end-run around non-M$ licenses, by
bringing two otherwise disjoint things (code, storage mechanism) under
the same tool/system/license. So now I can't use my (possibly homegrown)
GPL'd [place utility here] to develop with a M$ SDK?!? This *could* have
an effect on how even simple intefaces (like the ones described above)
are handled legally. *shudder*


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cvswrappers, .cvswrappers and client/server

2001-09-13 Thread Peter Ring

What is the current wisdom wrt. cvswrappers?

We are using cvs 1.11 (or 1.11p1) client/server (via ssh). I've a
.cvswrappers file to help make sure that the occasional binary file doesn't
get munged, like this:


  # anything else is binary
  * -k 'b'

A previous version of cvs didn't really support the cvswrappers in the
repository over remote protocols, so I got into the habit of having a

I believe that I've observed that I actually have to have the entries with
no options (like '*.c') in both the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers and the
~/.cvswrappers if *.c should not get added -kb. I tried to digest the source
(wrapper.c), but must admit that I find it difficult to gather what exactly
the code is accomplishing.

Would I be better off with the more traditional list of known binary formats
in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers and ~/.cvswrappers, like

  *.[Aa][Cc][Gg] -k 'b'
  *.[Aa][Cc][Ll] -k 'b'
  *.[Aa][Cc][Mm] -k 'b'
  *.[Aa][Cc][Ss] -k 'b'
  *.[Aa][Cc][Tt] -k 'b'
  *.[Xx][Ll][Tt] -k 'b'
  *.[Yy][Bb][Kk] -k 'b'
  *.[Zz][Ii][Pp] -k 'b'

Is the wrappers code designed to work in an 'additive' fashion so that the
entries with options could be in either the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers or
the ~/.cvswrappers (or a local .cswrappers)? What takes precedence in case
the options are different?

Kind regards,
Peter Ring

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: keyword substitution generates ^M

2001-09-15 Thread Peter Ring

On Win32, I use the Cygwin cvs port and NTemacs with the pcl-cvs package.
MS-DOS style files end up in the rep with a CR at the end of each line, and
gets checked out the same - in effect as good ol' MS-DOS files. It's
perfectly feasible to have a mix of CR-LF and LF end-of-record files in a

I just have to take care 1) not to let anyone use Win32 'native' cvs to
check out those files (that would add an extra CR in their sandboxes), 2)
not to use Win32 'native' ports of CVS in the same sandbox; the Cygwin cvs
port doesn't like CRs in the administrative files, and 3) use editors and
tools that does not change the end-of-record format. Most good text editors
on Win32 detects and preserves the end-of-record format.

The simplistic distinction between 'binary' and 'text' is rotten anyway for
several reasons. I'll just mention a very basic one. While ASCII (ISO-646)
and UTF-8 encoded files can usually be dealt with as is on any platform
(anybody still using EBCDIC?), it makes a real difference whether a file is
ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-2 or whatever encoded. If you want to edit a text
file (and those are the kind of files that cvs is meant for, right?), you
sure want it to display correctly in your editor. Can't be done without
information about the encoding.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Larry Jones
Sent: 14. september 2001 20:59
To: Andreas Fabri
Subject: Re: keyword substitution generates ^M

Andreas Fabri writes:
> I use cvs from within emacs under bash on NT.
> When I add a keyword and check the file in, cvs
> perfroms keyword substitution, but unfortunately
> also puts ^M at the end of each line.
> How can I avoid this.

Work on a platform where text files don't end with .

CVS works on text files.  Text files on NT are *supposed* to have ^M at
the end of each line.  Proper NT text editors know that and don't
display them.

-Larry Jones

Pitiful.  Just pitiful. -- Calvin

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RE: The future of CVS & Subversion

2001-09-21 Thread Peter Ring

SourceForge is going to offer SV as an alternative to cvs (see

I perceive SV as a nice alternative (just as plain RCS, fancy BitKeeper,
artsy PRCS, ambitious aegis, etc. etc.). It might be able to attract a large
community, just as CVS has done it. Time will show. But CVS won't go away,
and I'd never bet the farm on anything that new. Why not start with CVS (or
whatever now), and consider SV a year from now?

Kind regards,
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Andrew Johnson
Sent: 21. september 2001 21:04
Subject: Re: The future of CVS & Subversion

Larry Jones wrote:
> Richard F Weber writes:
> >
> > Is subversion ( the future of CVS, or is
> > it being developed by a totally separate group of individuals?
> It's a completely separate project.

It's interesting to note though that one of the key developers Karl Fogel
wrote one of the most comprehensive books on how to use CVS, and that
Subversion is positioning itself to eventually take over many existing
users of CVS by fixing many of the issues that have never been resolved in
CVS (and arguably can't be because of its design).

- Andrew
Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add,
but when there is no longer anything to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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RE: Checkout text files with the Unix LF (Oxa) - from command line

2001-10-07 Thread Peter Ring

pfff ...

There's NOTHING except perhaps Notepad and a few other useless accessories
that need CR/LF as end-of-record on recent Windows operating systems.

If you have access to a Win2K box, please do me the favour to write a little
cmd or batch script with only LF as end-of-record, and run it.

BTW, if you use the Cygwin port of cvs for the command line, you can get the
desired behaviour. You certainly don't
need the full package of ported Gnu and open source applications; selecting
'cygwin' and 'cvs' should get you going (no guarantee). If you want to use
cvs through ssh, there's a nice description of a minimal install at, though you shouldn't select
the 'DOS' option. Who cares about Notepad.

What's flawed is the idea that the end-of-record format in any text file
should be inherently determined by the operating system. Would you also like
your OS to determine what character set you should be allowed to use?

Kind regards,
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Mike Castle
Sent: 5. oktober 2001 19:41
Subject: Re: Checkout text files with the Unix LF (Oxa) - from command

On Fri, Oct 05, 2001 at 09:40:14AM +0200, PS wrote:
> I use WinCvs with checked option "Checkout text files with the Unix LF
> (Oxa)".

I would consider this a design flaw in WinCvs.

> And then I have a problem, because all updated files have every second
> empty. What to do to run that option (Unix LF) when I use cvs from command
> line in Windows.

You don't.

Either check the files out on a Unix box, or make it part of your build
process to transform the files from native format to Unix format.

check out file1.native

switch platform:
  case DOS|NT:
dos2unix file1.native file1.unix
  case UNIX:
cp file1.native file1.unix
  case MAC:
mac2unix file1.native file1.unix
error out unsupported platform

use file1.unix

We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan.  -- Watchmen
fatal ("You are in a maze of twisty compiler features, all different"); --

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RE: Checkout text files with the Unix LF (Oxa) - from command line

2001-10-09 Thread Peter Ring

Files are not suitable for the host (of your sandbox). 
They are suitable for certain uses in certain contexts. 
The host may or may not be part of the use, and the 
end-of-record format may or may not be important for the 
host. For example, I might need to manage configuration 
files for a multi-OS product. While I have both CR (MacOS), 
LF (*nix), and CR/LF (CPM/MS-DOS) end-of-record files, 
my editor (emacs) deals with this transparently, and the 
OS that holds the sandbox have no use for 2/3 of the files. 
Why should I need to check out files on a Mac just to do 
something that might as well be done on Windows or Linux?

The canonical end-of-record format in RCS/CVS history files 
is LF. This has the interesting consequence that you can manage 
text files with CR/LF end-of-record as if they had LF end-of-record; 
there is just an CR as the last character of each record. Whether 
this is acceptable or not depends on the uses of each file. 

IMHO, there's no safe way to infer the encoding (character set) 
etc. except by managing some metadata explicitly. This is why 
SGML, XML and HTML files (which are text files by any account) 
have explicit statements about their encoding, except that 
UTF-8 is the default encoding for XML files, i.e., UTF-8 is 
assumed if you do not specify something else. UTF-8 has some 
nice properties that makes it suitable as a default encoding 
for exchange of files: there's no byte order that you must know,
because each character is encoded as a sequence of bytes, and 
most letters in Western alphabets get encoded in one or a few 
bytes. For many purposes, you can deal with it as if it was ASCII.

I really don't know what should be the preferred end-of-record 
format. I tend to favour LF because *nix is in more widespread 
use than MacOS and because the CR/LF format introduces an extra 
and superfluous distinction between 'binary' and 'text'.

Kind regards

Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Thornley, David
Sent: 8. oktober 2001 17:07
Subject: RE: Checkout text files with the Unix LF (Oxa) - from command

> -----Original Message-
> From: Peter Ring [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> What's flawed is the idea that the end-of-record format in 
> any text file
> should be inherently determined by the operating system. 
> Would you also like
> your OS to determine what character set you should be allowed to use?
What, then, is the OS-independent way of marking an end of record?
There are several that occur to me as possibilities, and which have
been used by various operating systems I am or have been familiar with.
All of them have advantages and disadvantages, and have been selected
for various reasons.

I've also worked on systems that mandated EBCDIC, ASCII with assorted
variations, several CDC display codes, and Unicode.  There is some
grounds for standardization here, but should it be on ASCII, Unicode,
ISO 8559-1, or what?

The CVS idea that the program, be it client or server, uses whatever
convention is suitable for its host, does quite well when people refrain
from mixing that which should not be mixed.

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RE: line ending conversions

2001-10-09 Thread Peter Ring

If the problem is that you need CR/LF for files in a Windows hosted 
sandbox, but only LF when those files are checked out in a *nix
hosted sandbox, you need the CR/LF to LF translation. The binary from 
the cvshome site will do it,
There will probably be some issues with the administrative files in 
the sandbox if you just switch; be prepared to check out a new sandbox.

If you do not need CR/LF in your Windows sandbox, or if you don't 
mind CR/LF in non-Windows sandboxes, you can just stick with the 
Cygwin port of cvs. The CRs will be preserved, as you have observed, 
and will appear in non-Windows sandboxes. You might not need the 
CRs though; NTemacs does fine without, and can be set up to default 
to *nix-style line endings.

On Windows, I use the Cygwin ports of cvs etc. together with emacs and
PCL-CVS. All mounts are binary and I'm happy as can be. Files that 
absolutely must have CR/LF tend to be specific for Windows applications 
anyway, i.e., they are of no use to applications on any other OS.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Matt McClure
Sent: 9. oktober 2001 19:11
Subject: Re: line ending conversions

On Tue Oct 09 2001, 11:08, Roman Belenov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matt McClure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > But I have also noticed some text files in my repository that have CRLF
> > line endings.  I think I understand how this happened, but just to
> > confirm...
> > 
> > The files were created with GNU Emacs on Windows 2000, which uses CRLF
> > line endings, by default.  They were committed to the repository using
> > Cygwin CVS.  Does Cygwin CVS assume that LF is the "form appropriate to
> > the operating system on the client", and thus neglect to convert the
> > line endings?
> Cygwin has concept of binary and text mounts (you can use 'mount'
> command without arguments to check mount point types on your
> system). In binary-mounted directories, CRLF<->LF translation is
> not done for text files so that LF itself is treated as line ending.

Thanks.  I remounted the directory in textmode.  But it still seems that
files I add to the repository get added with the CRLF line endings.

[mlm CVSROOT]$ pwd
[mlm CVSROOT]$ mount
C:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
C:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
C:\cygwin on / type system (binmode)
c: on /cygdrive/c type system (textmode)
[mlm CVSROOT]$ cat > test
a line with a CRLF ending
[mlm CVSROOT]$ cat -A test
a line with a CRLF ending^M$
[mlm CVSROOT]$ cvs add -m "" test
cvs server: scheduling file `test' for addition
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
[mlm CVSROOT]$ cvs ci -m "" test
RCS file: /usr/local/mvroot/CVSROOT/test,v
Checking in test;
/usr/local/mvroot/CVSROOT/test,v  <--  test
initial revision: 1.1
cvs server: Rebuilding administrative file database

In the repository:

[mlm@cvs CVSROOT]$ cat -A test,v
locks; strict;$
comment^I@# @;$
date^I2001.;^Iauthor mlm;^Istate Exp;$
@*** empty log message ***$
@a line with a CRLF ending^M$

Similarly, if I check out a file that has LF line endings in the
repository, they are not translated into CRLF line endings on my

Any ideas?


"I don't believe in rivalries.  I don't believe in curses.  Wake
 up the damn Bambino, maybe I'll drill him in the (behind)."
-Pedro Martinez
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RE: Checkout text files with the Unix LF (Oxa) - from command line

2001-10-09 Thread Peter Ring

cvs doesn't work, people do. Assumptions become invalid.

The concept 'DOS text files' is a stale leftover from CP/M. 
Who cares if there's a ^Z to mark the end of a 'text' file? 
I don't see any hands up. There's no end to the amount of 
grief those pesky ^Z have caused. Anyway, most work on a 
Win2K box can be done with either CR/LF or LF. MacOS-style 
can be a problem though. I have not tried VMS-style yet ;)
and probably never will. But you have got a point there.

In my philosophy, I need to save a bit more information about 
each text file. E.g., the record format and the encoding;  
just a minimal amount of information about inherent properties 
of each text file (what makes it a text file).

Unless I use and expect UTF-8 by default, there's no way to 
be sure that I don't munge text files with characters outside 
the ASCII repertoire. This isn't that much different from 
the question about what record format you want for each file 
in you sandbox. Basically, the distinction 'text' vs. 'binary' 
is too simplistic. You cannot infer what encoding I want, why 
should you be able to infer what record format I want? 

I'm just lucky that XML files by default are UTF-8 or else 
declare their encoding explicitly; this takes care of the 
encoding problem for me.

Of course I like the abstraction of 'variable-length-record 
files' that cvs provides. I just don't like cvs to second-guess 
me when I know better. At the very least, keyword expansion 
and record format translation could have been different options.

Kind regards,
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Larry Jones
Sent: 9. oktober 2001 17:05
To: Peter Ring
Subject: Re: Checkout text files with the Unix LF (Oxa) - from command

Peter Ring writes:
> The host may or may not be part of the use, and the 
> end-of-record format may or may not be important for the 
> host. For example, I might need to manage configuration 
> files for a multi-OS product. While I have both CR (MacOS), 
> LF (*nix), and CR/LF (CPM/MS-DOS) end-of-record files, 
> my editor (emacs) deals with this transparently, and the 
> OS that holds the sandbox have no use for 2/3 of the files. 
> Why should I need to check out files on a Mac just to do 
> something that might as well be done on Windows or Linux?

You're missing the whole point on the way CVS works.  You don't have
files with specific line endings, you just have text files.  When you
check them out on DOS, they have DOS line endings and you can edit them
or whatever with your DOS tools.  When you check them out on Unix, they
have Unix line endings and you can edit them or whatever with your Unix
tools.  When you check them out on Mac, they have Mac line endings and
you can edit them or whatever with your Mac tools.  When you go to
deploy them, you check them out on the platform you're going to deploy
them on and they get the correct line ending for that platform.

In your philosophy, what would you do with VMS files that have a two
byte binary line length followed by the bytes of the line with a NUL pad
byte if required to make the number of bytes even and no line ending
characters at all?!?  In CVS's philosophy, it just works.

-Larry Jones

Fortunately, that was our plan from the start. -- Calvin

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RE: choice of extension languages for a heterogeneous client/server version control system

2000-03-19 Thread Peter Ring

Why not all of them? Or is this discussion about which is needed the most?

I'd like a well-designed basic framework that allows several language
bindings. I'd probably be most happy if the first three language bindings
were Python, Scheme, and Perl.

If it has to be only one language, I might be tempted to opt for Java. While
Java is by itself a bit too low-level, you might also consider the fact that
a Java run time engine is pervasively available, and that a lot of nice
client/server code is being developed for Java.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

RE: Line ending confusion

2002-02-19 Thread Peter Ring

Or you can check out on the Windows box using a CVS client that doesn't do
EOL translation. Both WinCVS and the Cygwin port of cvs can do it. BEWARE:
this will also create CVS control files with LF as EOL.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Matt Riechers
Sent: 18. februar 2002 16:24
Subject: Re: Line ending confusion

> The files were imported from a directory on the same system on the
> repository, but they  had CR/LF endings since they came from a DOS
> system.  Aha.would that mean that CVS did not line ending conversion
> because a client was not being used and it assumed that the files had
> the native LF-only line endings?


> If my theory is correct, I believe I can correct it by changing the
> files to Unix line endings on my Unix client and committing the files
> again, no?



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RE: ANN: cvssh - secure ext-to-pserver bridge

2002-02-22 Thread Peter Ring

Please share!

While we are at it, are there any practical way with CVS on Linux (i.e.,
without ACLs) to control access on a per-file basis?

We need to control access on files that cannot (i.e., CANNOT) be logically
arranged into disjunct directories. So I can't rely on the usual mechanism
with a number of project groups, sticky bits on directories in the
repository, and direcories and files owned by project groups.

Is *info scripts the way to go? It's easy enough to control commits, but I
can't find an obvious way to prevent checkout or update from getting
everything. Except by somehow controlling the group owner of each individual

This is not Fort Knox, mind you, we just have to take reasonable measures
that good citizens cannot compromise each other.

It would be a lot easier if I could rely on ACLs supported by the
filesystem. Oh, but wait; it comes to my mind that we do have servers
running a filesystem with ACLs ... It's just that we don't like them exposed
outside the firewall.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Douglas Finkle
Sent: 22. februar 2002 04:17
Subject: RE: ANN: cvssh - secure ext-to-pserver bridge

Sorry, I've gotta jump in for a minute... Greg is right about
SSH v pserver, however.

Well, key management is a bit of work, and so is setting up a
well hardened cvs server. The key mgmt part it's easily scripted.
If I had more than a dozen users that's what I'd advise scripting
the administration.

I'm actually completing a setup aas described, and will be happy
to share it w/ the list when I have a bit more time. I just wanted
to add my 0.02 in defense of the SSH solution. For an externally
facing server it's the only sane thing to do.


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RE: text files with Unix LF

2002-04-21 Thread Peter Ring

Depends ...

The way you ask the question, the answer is probably 'no'.

If you use these files for Windows software development, i.e., using Visual
Studio or similar, some files must have CR/LF line endings aka "DOS text
format" (or was it CP/M, see

Selecting 'Unix LF' does not imply that some text files cannot have a CR as
the last character on each line; just that they will also have it if you
check them out from a Unix workstation. I.e, if you select 'Unix LF', you
can have both 'Unix style' and 'DOS style' text files. But you must then
- use only tools that don't care about line endings
- use editors (like vim, emacs, TextPad, etc.) that take care not to trash
line endings
- *not* use CVS clients that translate line endings (add an extra CR)

If you want to use another cvs client than WinCVS, you might need adapt to
it. Some will (in practice) only work with the Unix text format, and some
will only work with the DOS text format. The problem is related to the
administrative files (in the CVS subdir) which must be _either_ Unix style
or DOS style in a sandbox. I'm not aware of any CVS client that handles this

Kind regards,
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Iqbal Shaikh
Sent: 19. april 2002 13:39
Subject: text files with Unix LF

Hi  all,
We have got  our Cvs Server running on SunSolaris.
We checkout files using WinCvs Client on Windows.
The files are then edited on Windows using  gvim and checked in back to the
cvs server.
Just want to know if  while checking out files ,
should  we have the  following enabled  in WinCvs Client
Checkout text files with the Unix LF (0xa)
What will be the problem if we checkout files without enabling the above
Please respond.
Thanks & Regards

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: merge mode for XML

2002-04-28 Thread Peter Ring

One of the most widespread uses of XML is as a neutral storage
and exchange format for documents. In these cases, avoiding XML
or SGML would just imply going back to Word or FrameMaker (and we
don't want that), or to LateX or Texi, which are similar wrt.
merging. Or HTML, an application of SGML. And anyway, a lot of
documentation for open source projects are being written or
converted to DocBook, and will be maintained using the same
revision control tools as the rest of the projects, i.e., cvs.
So we are going to see questions about XML or SGML pop up more

Many of the issues wrt. cvs are essentially not much different
from maintaining documentation written in LateX or Texi format.
Except you can't assume that authors will be using vi or emacs.
A lot of different tools will be used -- that was one of the
main points of using SGML or XML.

It is common sense to break up a document into mini- or
micro-documents with each their own lifecycle -- just as you do
for programming source code. The concept of storage management
is built into SGML and XML at a very low level. The customary
way to do this is by declaring entitities, symbolic names for
storage objects, which can then be included in other documents
at appropriate places. XInclude and XLink (and for SGML, HyTime)
also offer ways to include or locate parts of documents in terms
of parse trees.

But how about the physical storage format of each file? Authors
will often be using different XML or SGML editors that will
'beautify' the XML or SGML source in different ways, introducing
spurious differences and conflicts. Another source of spurious
conflicts are character encoding, namespace declarations, and
order of attributes; most documents can be stored in a number of
different ways with no loss of information for the intended use.
But a simple diff will show a lot of difference that's not there,

Until proper XML repositories become as ubiquitous as cvs, we
might as well find a way to live with it.

The character encoding is easy to control -- SGML and XML are
very explicit about it, and editors do in general handle encoding

Namespace declarations and attribute order are tricky. Things
can be normalized, see Canonical XML,,
but full canonicalization of a documents will be too much.

The 'beautify' problem is even worse., i.e., how to introduce and
remove whitespace in a way that makes cvs behave meaningfully.
I have not yet found a simple recipe for beautifying SGML and XML.
Here are some of the options:

The most generic, simple and safe way to break XML or SGML into
lines is unfortunately not too pretty. Keep any line breaks
already present in the source and, in addition, break just _before_
the markup delimiter close character '>' on the start tag, e.g.:

$ osx xml.dcl beautify.xml

Beautifying XMLPapagenoBreak inside markup like
this: some text.Papagena

Some tools can beautify in a way more suitable for human consumption:

$ xmllint --format beautify.xml

  Beautifying XML
  Break inside markup like
this: some text.

Keeping white space in character context while beautifying is a simple
way to avoid problems with NOTATION linespecific AKA xml:space='preserve'
AKA . But the reason we needed a beautfier in the first place is
that editors put in different amounts of whitespace in different places.
If someone out there have a nice and robust XSLT stylesheet for
normalizing/beautifying XML, please publish!

There are, BTW, XML diff tools. See e.g.:

The first one can be used as merge tool. The other ones can produce a
XML diff file that -- given a proper XML patch utility -- can update one
one XML file to become the other one.

There are, to the best of my knowledge, no freely available stand-alone
SGML diff tools. Some editors, e.g. ArborText Epic, can do a very nice

kind regards,
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Greg A. Woods
Sent: 26. april 2002 23:45
To: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List
Subject: RE: merge mode for XML

A better approach is to avoid XML entirely in the first place -- it's a
really really horrid syntax with all kinds of goo that's usually way
over-kill for the application, being SGML based and all that

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: merge mode for XML

2002-04-30 Thread Peter Ring

I tried not to argue about the virtues of SGML/XML -- the fact
is that it there and any non-propriatary alternatives have
similar properties wrt. meaningful diffs (and thus merge).

My IDE for editing XML and SGML files is usually emacs+psgml.
I like the idea of extending PCL-CVS to invoke another diff
tool (but I'll probably not get around to exploring the idea).

SGML and XML files are really just serialized representations
of parse trees, infosets, and an infoset can be serialized in
many equivalent ways. So diff'ing XML and SGML alike need a
validating parser, i.e. one that uses a schema such as a DTD.
There's a class of simple XML documents that live and
die without getting near either a DTD or revision control.
Without a schema and accompanying documentation, there's no
way to tell the semantics of the XML document, and not much
point in version management.

kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
From: Greg A. Woods [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30. april 2002 19:09
To: Peter Ring
Cc: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List
Subject: RE: merge mode for XML

[ On Monday, April 29, 2002 at 08:31:24 (+0200), Peter Ring wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: merge mode for XML

I sort of agree with the logic of the arguments for SGML and its
derrivatives, but I find the rhetoric about it being "the only choice
because it's the best there is" (something I've heard whined about for
nearly two decades now) to be nor more than self-serving, at best.

As for source code beautification issues w.r.t. XML, well those are no
different than when dealing with any kind of source code primarily
written and edited with an integrated IDE.

For instance PCL-CVS, the emacs front-end to CVS, allows one to re-do
merges with ediff.  I don't know if ediff could be extended to use
external diff tools (and also perhaps alternate merge tools), or not,
but that may be the best way for users with immediate needs to proceed.
(I.e. even if you're not an emacs user, treat emacs as an application
framework and use emacs+PCL-CVS+ediff as a stand-alone CVS interface.)

> There are, to the best of my knowledge, no freely available stand-alone
> SGML diff tools. Some editors, e.g. ArborText Epic, can do a very nice
> compare.

Would not a full stand-alone SGML diff tool be required to understand
the DTD in order to do a proper job of knowing just how different tagged
elements relate to each other in order to know whether or not they have
to be included in any delta or merge?

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: merge mode for XML

2002-05-01 Thread Peter Ring

I might just sit back and watch the show, but I like to be part of the
fun ;)

DTDs are certainly not enough in a lot of situations, and XML Schemas,
RELAX NG, or what-have-you won't ever obliviate the need for documentation
and project management.

But sometimes, well-formed XML is worthy of version management even
when no-one bothers about a schema. For example, you might need to save
some of those short-lived XML-formatted messages for a regression test.

Also, there is now a trend towards a more Unix-like 'tool-set' approach,
in which different parts of a chain of processes are responsible for
different tasks. While it might be valuable early in a proces to validate
an XML instance, it might be a waste of resources later in the proces.

There's also another interesting trend: HyTime is slowly being re-invented
in XML incarnation. Which to me is proof-of-concept: you can dream up
another syntax (and a full-blown SGML parser might even be able to parse
it, given a suitable SGML declaration), but in the end, it doesn't make
much of a difference whether you write something or
(concept something) or \concept{something} or whatever; the fundamental
issue is the same: You are not really supposed to look at the markup
except as an expression of structure.

Which was what started this thread: how to diff and merge in a meaningful
way, i.e. in a way that knows that  isn't
different from  in a way that most XML
applications should care about. You can come this far with just well-formed
XML. When it comes to whitespace in character context, things get really
interesting. XML in essence leaves it up to the application what to do with
whitespace, so you have to know the application in order to decide whether
a whitespace difference matter. A DTD or schema helps a lot because you
can then ignore whitespace in element context.

BTW, I stumbled over yet another XML diff, this one written by
Norman Walsh:

and a small feature about whitespace and prettyprinting XML:

Kind regards

Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Gary Bisaga
Sent: 1. maj 2002 17:12
To: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List
Subject: RE: merge mode for XML

Sorry, this strikes me as just a little bit extreme. I agree that you ought
to write DTDs or schemas (just yesterday I had to make one of our developers
do so, and our own internal XML infrastructure requires them). But to call
documents without DTDs/schemas "not XML" and unworthy of configuration
management is certainly not supported by the XML spec or common usage. For
one thing, as I'm sure you know, the XML spec does not seem to deprecate
well-formed XML documents. When I was in the W3 XML working group (1999)
there was certainly a group of us (not everybody) who believed that
well-formed documents had a place in the world.

And if we take this tack, what about constructs not declarable with DTDs?
XML Schemas will certainly improve this, but many people are not using them
yet. Are DTDs with "ANY" declarations also not XML, since they really don't
describe the semantics of the document? Since DTDs can't describe data types
or other restrictions (such as field length), is any DTD'ed document "not

DTDs and schemas are good and should be used wherever possible. But there
are realities of life.

<>< gary

-Original Message-
Greg A. Woods
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 1:56 AM
To: Peter Ring
Cc: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List
Subject: RE: merge mode for XML
> There's a class of simple XML documents that live and
> die without getting near either a DTD or revision control.
> Without a schema and accompanying documentation, there's no
> way to tell the semantics of the XML document, and not much
> point in version management.

Amen.  I couldn't agree more!
Those who dare call such things "XML" are sadly mistaken.

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Info-cvs mailing list

RE: How to keep unix eoln in repository

2002-05-14 Thread Peter Ring

Your repository files do have unix-style eol ... it's just that there's a CR
at the end of each line ;)

This will happen un-intentionally if you use a cvs client with no eol
conversion (e.g., the Cygwin port) and stupid editors that munge eol. If
your Windows-hosted developers really need DOS text file format, they should
be using a cvs client that does eol conversion.

kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Sent: 14. maj 2002 12:56
Subject: How to keep unix eoln in repository

is there any simple way how to keep unix ends of lines (eolns) in
the repository?
Despite the fact that our compile & link platform is UNIX, some
of our developers edit source files on windows. And they always
forget to change win eolns to unix eolns...
Is it possible to set/write a trigger which would convert eolns
in text files during cvs checkin?
If not, is there another chance?
Thanks a lot,
Dusan Juhas

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RE: merge mode for XML

2002-05-14 Thread Peter Ring

A paper that will interest you:

(preliminary version)


"Database design commonly assumes, explicitly or implicitly, that instances
must belong to
classes. This can be termed the assumption of inherent classification. We
argue that the extent and complexity of problems in schema integration,
schema evolution, and interoperability are, to a large extent, consequences
of inherent classification. Furthermore, we make the case that the
assumption of inherent classification violates philosophical and cognitive
guidelines on classification and is, therefore, inappropriate in view of the
role of data modeling in representing knowledge about application domains."

Also, a search for 'semantic interoperability' should return some
interesting hits.

To tell the difference between two (or three) sequences of bytes is not too
difficult; comparing two sequences A and B to determine their longest common
subsequence (LCS) or the edit distance between them has been much studied.
GNU diff is based on an algorithm published by Eugene W. Myers in 1986.

To tell the difference (distance) between two semantic structures is
difficult in a very fundamental way.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Glew, Andy
Sent: 13. maj 2002 19:32
Cc: Gary Bisaga
Subject: RE: merge mode for XML

> > Motivation: schema changes in most existing relational databases are
> > onerous.
> For very good reason.

And what is that reason?

OK, I admit that some RDBMS applications in production
need stability - just like some systems software applications
(the kind Greg seems to work on, the kind I used to
work on) value stability above all else, and actively
want to make it hard to change things.

However, there are other application domains
- in programming, the domains attacked by agile
methodologies like XP (eXtreme Programming).
{Donning asbestos underwear, expecting Greg
to flame.}

An application area that I frequently work in nowadays
is experimental databases - databases for experimental data.
I want to archive all of my experimental data in a form that
allows me to do arbitrary SQL-like queries over it.

Problem is, as I continue my research, the format of
my records is continually changing.  For example, a few years
ago I might have recorded CPU MHz and Cache Size as
configuration parameters - now I have to record at least
3 different cache sizes, as well as multiple clock domain
frequencies. Not to mention that the observations that
I record are constantly changing.
Rather than continually reformatting my database,
adding new fields which are "Unknown" or "Null" on old data,
I find it easier to add records containing fields that were not
known earlier.

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Line Breaks

2002-05-31 Thread Peter Ring

Another potential source of confusion could be DOS-style text files checked
in as binary files (from any CVS client on any OS).

BTW, Windows applications are often more forgiving about end-of-line style
than Unix applications. I've been living and working 'incorrectly' for some
years now. Those few text files that absolutely must be DOS-style are anyway
of little use in a sandbox on a Unix workstation. So all my text files are
Unix-style, and a few of them have a CR at the end of each line.

kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Larry Jones
Sent: 1. januar 1601 01:00
To: Willi Richert
Subject: Re: Line Breaks

Willi Richert writes:
> the CVS doc says that it handles the different
> line breaks of windows and unix platforms by itself.
> I.e. if I check out a file under unix which was
> checked in under windows I get the unix line breaks.
> Is that true? In my CVS it does not work. Do I have to
> put on certain switches to get that behaviour?

Yes, it's true, provided your CVS clients follow the rules.  The
standard CVS release works correctly.  WinCVS and the cygwin version of
CVS can both be configured to work incorrectly, using Unix line endings
on Windows.

-Larry Jones

All girls should be shipped to Pluto--that's what I say. -- Calvin

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RE: [Fwd: CVS, Cygwin, IDE and Emacs]

2002-06-12 Thread Peter Ring

Which Windows IDE is it?

Emacsen (gnu or X, any platform) are pretty agnostic (ie: accommodating)
wrt. line-ends. A shame some people never get to like emacs; there's also
this very nice VC mode specifically for CVS, pcl-cvs, which is my primary
GUI interface to CVS.

On Windows, I use also the command line (cygwin) and occasionally WinCVS,
TortoiseCVS, tkcvs, or jCVS.

WinCVS can be told to behave globally (per installation) to treat 'text'
Unix-style or DOS-style. For me, this setting depends on which other CVS
clients must be used in sandboxes on that machine, since CVS clients are
rather unforgiving about the administrative files (in CVS subdirs in the

TortoiseCVS is becomming popular, I guess mainly because it's easy to get
going for users that loathe command lines, and it's easy on the CVS admin
wrt. support because it's 'just there' where people need it (it works as a
shell extension to Explorer), and comes with a ssh client integrated. But
text files (the administrative files, actually) must be DOS style for
TortoiseCVS to work.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Mike Ayers
Sent: 12. juni 2002 05:08
To: Eric Siegerman
Subject: Re: [Fwd: CVS, Cygwin, IDE and Emacs]

Eric Siegerman wrote:

> My wording was imprecise.  I meant "get CVS to start taking them
> out, as it's @#(! well supposed to do".  There's no way to tell
> CVS to do this; it's supposed to just happen.

Hmmm - if it's "supposed to just happen", then that may explain it.
Specifically, I am checking in DOS format files from a Unix format
environment, so I suspect that my (Unix format compiled) CVS client just
assumes that I have Unix format files and does no conversion, as it would
need to, ordinarily.  Your discussion of CVS internals in this regard
this theory, if I read it correctly.  Then the answer would be to use WinCVS
after all, which would canonicalize the line ends for me, yes?


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