Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-05-15 Thread Laine Stump

Echlin, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There are problems with binary files in cm. when you start adding many
 revisions to an archive you get an archive file that suddenly becomes very
 large, with some documents having a size of 6 to 20 megs even 10 revisions
 is a large file to hunt through to get at the particular version of the
 document, and with our particular industry the documents are live for the
 life of the system they describe and that life expectancy is 40 years.

This may not be the case for the document processor program you're
using, but many word processors allow saving in .RTF format, which is
a text file. People using such a word processor (MS Word is an
example) could just save all their documents in that format, which
should greatly reduce the size of diffs between revisions.

 That and let me specify what program I will use to show the diff of that
 type of file. (Word does diffs of word files, excel does diffs of excel

I know how to make Word show me a diff of two files from the menu, but
don't know how to do it from a DOS commandline, and I've been *dying*
to find out (I could then setup tkCVS to use it); I even searched the
MSDN documentation and didn't find anything. Do you (or anybody else
on the list) know how to do this?

Note that subversion ( *will* have
support for diff plugins, I believe both for viewing and for storing
(not sure about the 2nd).

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-05-14 Thread Echlin, Michael

I know I am getting into this one about an eon to late but here's my 2 cents

We are a company that while we do create code wew normally create documents.
Our current use of CM tools in various projects and divisions is all over
the mapo from tools that cost tens of thousands a seat to rcs and cvs for
free. In any one project you will find one tool in use because using more
then one is just a waste of time. So we want a tool that can handle our code
well and also our documents well. Unfortuantly the documents are in the
company standard word processor and so are binary. One of the current CM
tools handles binary files way different them it handles text files. 
There are problems with binary files in cm. when you start adding many
revisions to an archive you get an archive file that suddenly becomes very
large, with some documents having a size of 6 to 20 megs even 10 revisions
is a large file to hunt through to get at the particular version of the
document, and with our particular industry the documents are live for the
life of the system they describe and that life expectancy is 40 years. This
soon makes management of this file very hard due to file size. 
This tool does things a little different. It creates an archive for the
document by creating a sub-directory (only for binary, for text it uses the
same old RCS file) and keeps each copy of the file there individually the
name of the file being stored with each rev stored with the number (1.1) as
the name of that version of the file, and keeps the ,v file where it always
has been, but this file contains everything else about the file such as log
history, ...

I think this might be a good adition to the way cvs handles binary files.
That and let me specify what program I will use to show the diff of that
type of file. (Word does diffs of word files, excel does diffs of excel


-Original Message-
From: Alexander Kamilewicz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: April 6, 2001 10:39 AM
To: David H. Thornley
Cc: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List
Subject: Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

David H. Thornley wrote:
 Here's the situation I'm looking at.
 We do most of our work in conventional programming languages like
 C++ and Java and Perl, and these work very well with CVS. We use
 HTML for some documentation, and that generally works well
 (although I have little experience with CVS storing the abominations
 you get when saving as HTML from Word).  We have things like
 release branches and patch branches.  What this means is that
 CVS works very well for most of the stuff we do.
 On the other hand, there is stuff mixed in there that is not
 source code.  One example would be image files for the HTML.
 These files are most conveniently located in the same directory
 as the HTML files, and in some cases source files.

This is very similar to my environment, although as well as images we
have lots of .mov, .fla, .swf, .doc, .xls,  assorted binary files.

 This means that we have three choices.
 1.  Continue to use CVS, accepting the problems with binary files.
 2.  Use a combination of CVS and some other system that handles
 binary files better.
 3.  Switch to another tool entirely.

We do #1.  The only problem with #1 is that you're going to have a
repository that grows rather rapidly.  We realized that and invested in
a Network Appliance.  My repository is now 33Gb large.

However, since the bulk of our problems with binary files is:  Here's a
new version of that image/movie/flash/whatever, have fun we decided
that it would be pointless, at this point, to move to another SCM tool
when CVS fits so well into the toolkit of the developers doing the .htm,
.jsp, and .js files.

I think it's worth noting that one of the pre-eminent SCM tools for
version control/management of images/flash/movies, called MediaWay,
doesn't store diffs but stores a copy of every version of every
element ever entered into and/or modified in its repository.

That's basically what CVS does.  So CVS isn't particularly far away from
that functionality.

If you have a need for a tool that provides more and better information
on complex binary files (images/flashes/movies), then you can do what we
do.  Buy MediaWay, have the graphics dudes use it, and use cvs import
when they have new versions.

It works OK for us.


Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-06 Thread Alexander Kamilewicz

"David H. Thornley" wrote:
 Here's the situation I'm looking at.
 We do most of our work in conventional programming languages like
 C++ and Java and Perl, and these work very well with CVS. We use
 HTML for some documentation, and that generally works well
 (although I have little experience with CVS storing the abominations
 you get when saving as HTML from Word).  We have things like
 release branches and patch branches.  What this means is that
 CVS works very well for most of the stuff we do.
 On the other hand, there is stuff mixed in there that is not
 source code.  One example would be image files for the HTML.
 These files are most conveniently located in the same directory
 as the HTML files, and in some cases source files.

This is very similar to my environment, although as well as images we
have lots of .mov, .fla, .swf, .doc, .xls,  assorted binary files.

 This means that we have three choices.
 1.  Continue to use CVS, accepting the problems with binary files.
 2.  Use a combination of CVS and some other system that handles
 binary files better.
 3.  Switch to another tool entirely.

We do #1.  The only problem with #1 is that you're going to have a
repository that grows rather rapidly.  We realized that and invested in
a Network Appliance.  My repository is now 33Gb large.

However, since the bulk of our problems with binary files is:  "Here's a
new version of that image/movie/flash/whatever, have fun" we decided
that it would be pointless, at this point, to move to another SCM tool
when CVS fits so well into the toolkit of the developers doing the .htm,
.jsp, and .js files.

I think it's worth noting that one of the pre-eminent SCM tools for
version control/management of images/flash/movies, called MediaWay,
doesn't store "diffs" but stores a copy of every version of every
element ever entered into and/or modified in its repository.

That's basically what CVS does.  So CVS isn't particularly far away from
that functionality.

If you have a need for a tool that provides more and better information
on complex binary files (images/flashes/movies), then you can do what we
do.  Buy MediaWay, have the graphics dudes use it, and use cvs import
when they have new versions.

It works OK for us.


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-03 Thread David Glick

 [[ Could you please learn to format your text so that it can be properly
 displayed on the average terminal?  Thanks! ]]

Since I'm using an Open Source mail agent (which I'm trying to find time to contribute 
to), I'll take this as an enhancement request and add it to the list... g

 Your statement "CVS literally cannot support binary files..." should
 be changed to "CVS does not currently support binary files in a way
 that is consistent with the philosophy of concurrent editing".
 If we can agree with the above statement, then this immediately leads
 to two possible approaches (or three, if you continue to argue that
 binary files should not be supported...):

 No, unfortunately we cannot agree on that statement.  It is wrong (in
 fact it's completely self-contradictory!), and it points out why you're
 "not getting it" (at least to me).

Well, you're right this time; I don't get it.  How is my statement contradictory?

 1) Violate the 'concurrent' philosophy with regard to binary files,
 1) and implement a locked checkout to allow for straightforward
 1) creation of deltas and avoid the messy problems of figuring out how
 1) to concurrently update binary files.

 That's what plain RCS, plain SCCS, and other basic tools built atop of
 them do today.  There's a multitude of such tools, both freely available
 and proprietary.  If this is your approach then drop CVS and choose one
 of those tools.

 You cannot make CVS do #1 without changing it into something that cannot
 be a "CVS".  (Indeed the watch/edit facilities can help developers who
 fail to work in the "concurrent editing" mode communicate, especially
 when they haven't already got other good ways of communicating amongst
 themselves.  These features are not a substitue for #1 though and they
 only help a tiny bit with the binary file issues.)

Greg, what you're arguing here is that it is impossible for #1 to be implemented 
without changing the repository.  I agree.  However, it is certainly feasible that 
this change would be fully backward compatible with the repository as it exists today. 
Of course, it's also true that the repository would *not* be 'forward compatible', 
e.g. you could not use an old CVS server on a new repository with regard to binary 

However, I disagree with the notion that I should drop CVS for something that supports 
binary files better.  I *like* the way CVS supports source code editing; I think it 
makes development groups *more* productive.  But binary files are almost always an 
annoying problem in most modern development environments that I have to find a way to 
deal with.  The current support CVS has for binary files is ok, but not great.  Better 
binary support, even if it fails to fully support the 'concurrent' philosophy, would 
at least allow me to leverage the benefits of CVS for what it does best.

 2) Allow for concurrent checkout of binary files, but disallow
 2) concurrent commits, e.g. only a user that has updated to the
 2) current version will be allowed to commit changes.

 That's exactly what CVS does now.  The problem is with the "update"
 part.  CVS currently forces the burden of choosing between one version
 and another on the "loser" of the checkin race.

Perhaps you can educate me here.  I was under the impression that CVS did not supports 
deltas when dealing with binary files, but rather copied the modified binary file 
completely.  Is this not accurate?

 Neither approach is ideal, but both provide a step in the direction of
 better support for binary files.

 If you don't like the tradeoffs of #2 then don't use CVS.  Period.

Or else modify CVS to better meet my needs, assuming that it also meets the needs of 
other users and doesn't impact its use by 'old timers'.  Now, if nobody but myself 
would find these modifications useful, I fully agree I should go find something else 
to use.  However, in the short amount of time I've been monitoring this list, this 
issue seems to come up a lot.  You can argue that it's because those people are 
newbies and don't 'get it'.  I'd argue that it's because CVS is flawed in this 

  There may even be a
 way to fold binary file support completely into the CVS philosophy;

 You really should read the relevant threads in the past four or five
 years of this forum before you promote such a mistaken idea!  ;-)

g I'll add it to my reading list.  However, you're doing a great job in summarizing 
the arguments.  I'm just curious if I'm rehashing old argurments or coming up with 
anything new.

 I'm just too busy right now to think it through completely (and,
 unfortunately, I'm *way* to busy to actually do the work... sigh.).

 I can appreciate that.  However it's no excuse though for blaming CVS
 for being designed the way it is.  It's not even really a valid excuse
 for using CVS when some better tool would make your work more

I'm not blaming CVS; as I said, I *like* CVS, and I fully buy into its general 

Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-03 Thread Bruce Tiffany


One VC product I've seen that uses an RCS-ish back end handles binary files
approximately as follows:

At the time they are created in the database (repository), they are examined for
a presence of certain nonprintable ascii characters. If these are found,
the file is marked in the database as binary and handled as such from then on.
It's not perfect, but works right about 99.9% of the time without the user
having to explicitly specify binary/text. Diff and merge are still available,
and fail on some binary content, as they probably should. So the concurrent 
editing part is lost for binaries (not that I've ever team-edited a gif
file), but at least the central repository and versioning remains. 

I agree with someone's observation that most projects are no longer pure 

-- Bruce Tiffany

Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-03 Thread David H. Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
 [ On Monday, April 2, 2001 at 09:56:28 (-0500), David H. Thornley wrote: ]
  Subject: Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?
  Philosophically, this seems to be a Platonist approach to
  software tools, and you're in a community of Aristotelians.
 No, you Aristotelians are invading a community where you don't belong.
Y'know, it can be really difficult to figure out whether you're
surrounded by Platonists or Aristotelians.  

 Funny, but around here the paint cans come with their own opening tool

They do?  I've always used the screwdrivers.  (Am I buying my
paint in the right places?)

 Indeed the reason there are people prying versions of binary files out
 of their CVS repositories is because people generally do just choose to
 use the first thing that drops into the palms of their hands instead of
 taking the time to find the right tool for the job.  Unfortunately in
 the more virtual world of software engineering people are incredibly bad
 at making even roughly correct estimates in how much time they might
 save, or how much more productive they might be, by choosing the first
 tool that appears in front of them instead of doing a proper analysis
 and searching for the right tool.
Here's the situation I'm looking at.

We do most of our work in conventional programming languages like
C++ and Java and Perl, and these work very well with CVS. We use
HTML for some documentation, and that generally works well
(although I have little experience with CVS storing the abominations
you get when saving as HTML from Word).  We have things like
release branches and patch branches.  What this means is that
CVS works very well for most of the stuff we do.

On the other hand, there is stuff mixed in there that is not
source code.  One example would be image files for the HTML.
These files are most conveniently located in the same directory
as the HTML files, and in some cases source files.

This means that we have three choices.

1.  Continue to use CVS, accepting the problems with binary files.
2.  Use a combination of CVS and some other system that handles
binary files better.
3.  Switch to another tool entirely.

Realistically, (2) isn't going to fly.  CVS and the other system would
have to be too closely intertwined, and nobody wants to learn another
SCM system.  This leaves (1) and (3).

The problem with (3) is that CVS is very good for most of what we
do.  We need things like branches and concurrent development, and
the fact that it has been working for a long time with few
problems.  Our source code is the company's most valuable asset
(not counting people).  Reliability and confidence are good things
for this.  If we were to go to another system, we would not have
the same trusting feeling, and would go through a learning curve.

I'm not saying we're going to use CVS forever, but any replacement
needs to have much the same features as CVS or productivity is going
to take a real hit.

So, if somebody can point to a SCM system that has the same reliable
reputation, doesn't cost too much, and does the same sorts of things,
I'm listening.  Otherwise, in a world where none of the tools
exactly match my needs, I'm going with what seems to me the best
choice, and right now that's CVS.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Peter Ring

Quite often these days, CVS is not something that you choose -- you get
chosen by CVS, much as you get chosen by Microsoft operating systems and
development tools, simply because it's ubiquitous. Like it or not, there's
not much respect for original design goals in the ways of the world.

I suppose that 'full RCS compatibility' is not a goal by itself -- if you
might as well use RCS, then why use CVS?

I'd like to bring attention to one particular offspring of cvs: subversion.
Have a look at The project is near it's
second major milestone, and plan to have an alpha release mid May and a 1.0
release late June.

BTW, here's another way to use currently available features (aka
cvswrappers) to avoid the poor loosers munging their binary files: Rather
that listing patterns for known 'binary' files, you list patterns for known
'text' files, but default to binary, like this:

 # text formats

 #default is binary
 * -k 'b'

Remember that cvswrappers doesn't work if you connect to the repository
using a remote protocol (e.g. pserver); you must put a copy of the
'cvswrappers' file named '.cvswrappers' into each users home directory.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Greg A. Woods
Sent: Saturday, 31 March, 2001 2:19 AM
To: Gianni Mariani
Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

[ On Friday, March 30, 2001 at 07:07:14 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Your point is well taken.  However, time are a changing - source code is
 only text. Image, sound, movie, geometry, encryption key, etc etc files
 all parts of modern day applications.  All these files need to be version
 managed just like regular files.  If we could apply an rcsmerge on these
 kinds of files, then it would be ideal.

Yes, what you say is all very well and fine.  What it means though is
that CVS is not the correct tool for use in such a diverse environment.

Obviously my point did not sink in properly though so I will say it more
clearly:  PLEASE go use something else


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread David H. Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
 [ On Sunday, April 1, 2001 at 08:26:32 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
  Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?
  Your discussion below exposes a perspective which is about as far off from
  my own as you can get.  I will go as far to say that your goals are  
 You people just don't get it.  CVS adheres to design principles that are
 completely contrary to your requirements.  You CANNOT succeed with it
 given your current goals!  It's irrelevant how many users have made the
 wrong choice and are using CVS despite the fact that its design is
 contrary to their goals.  A wrong choice is wrong no matter which side
 you look at it from.
Nope; CVS adheres to design principles that are at least somewhat
compatible with our requirements.  The fact that people are using
CVS for the management of binary files implies that somebody can
do it and be successful.  Nor do I understand why this is inherently
a wrong choice.  I can understand why it would be the wrong choice
under some given circumstances, but I have a great deal of difficulty
with moral absolutes in open-source software.

 Please go find some other software to abuse, and hopefully this time
 you'll choose some non-free software and you'll be able to pay it's
 maintainers to change their design if it doesn't happen to fit your
 goals!  Maybe you'll be lucky and you'll choose some non-free software
 that has a significant "market share" too.
Philosophically, this seems to be a Platonist approach to
software tools, and you're in a community of Aristotelians.
What this means is that I believe we don't have archetypes of
programming tools, in which CVS is judged on its similarity
to the archetype of program source control systems, but a whole
lot of existing tools, which are judged on certain criteria
(philosophically more accidental than essential) such as usefulness.

I apply this sort of philosophy for other tools, also.  I don't
wonder about how screwdrivery a screwdriver is, but rather how
easily it turns screws and how durable it's likely to be.  Given
a paint can, I don't go to the hardware store and buy a tool
to open paint cans, I pry off the lid with a screwdriver.  It
isn't designed to open paint cans, is not intended to, and is not
sold for the purpose.  I would assume it's harder to remove a
lid without bending it with a screwdriver than with a specially
designed tool (with a screwdriver, you have to pry gently around
the lid).  However, I have screwdrivers and a place to put them.
I don't want to buy and store a special paint can lid opening

Heck, I don't even want to write to tool manufacturers and tell
them that they need to make screwdrivers more paint-can-lid

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Mike Pumford

 Remember that cvswrappers doesn't work if you connect to the repository
 using a remote protocol (e.g. pserver); you must put a copy of the
 'cvswrappers' file named '.cvswrappers' into each users home directory.
Actually it does now. It changed somewhere around 1.10. 


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Paul Sander

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The goal of CVS is to to *exactly* what it does and has always done
That's it.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.

If this were really true, then the developers of CVS would have packed
up and gone home long ago.  CVS continues to evolve, but not in the
directions that some of us would like to see.  CVS didn't always have
a client/server implementation, for example.

The fundamental design of CVS can accomodate many features discussed in
this forum, many of them more readily than a client/server implementation.

CVS will survive in exactly the places where it fulfills the
requirements it was designed to fulfill.  If those requirements ever
completely go away, or if any other tool comes along that fulfills those
requirements in an obviously better way, then maybe CVS will cease to
"survive", but that'll be a good thing and we'll all rejoice when it

If you put CVS into organisations where it won't do anything but confuse
them and cause them troubles because it's the wrong tool for their
requirements then you're doing the WRONG thing!  It's no damn wonder
that sometimes you fail to convince some clients to use CVS!  They don't
all NEED it  You fail in those cases because you have failed to
understand their requirements and to correctly do the job they hired you
to do!

CVS, like all software, is very maleable.  Like any software tool, it can,
and it should, evolve to suit the needs of its users (and not the other way
around).  There are limits to how far CVS can go while retaining its identity
and its niche, but it has a long way to go before it begins to challenge them.

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Sunday, April 1, 2001 at 14:00:20 (-0700), David Glick wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 BTW, I *do* get it; I just don't agree with you.  I've spent most of
 20+ years listening to people just like you explain why something
 shouldn't/couldn't be done, and then finding ways to make it happen
 anyway.  Clearly, other people feel the same way, because CVS does
 support binary files after a fashion.  I just want them supported

Clearly you do not get it at all.  CVS literally cannot support binary
files in any better fashion without becoming something that will no
longer be a "Concurrent Versions System".  It was designed specifically
to force concurrent editing and that design goal permeates the way it
works through and through (despite the valiant attempts by others to
bend it to suit their twisted ideas).  You cannot throw out the bath
water without throwing out the baby in this case -- they are one in the

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Paul Sander

Unfortunately, there are enough members of the CVS community who just don't
seem to understand the necessity of many proposed features, and who are
influential enough to defer or even actively discourage their introduction.
Examples of such needed features include full support of non-ASCII file types,
directory versioning, more complete and robust refinement triggers, and even a
generalized merge tool registrar.  These things have been discussed for years
in this forum, and numerous implementations have been discussed.  Nevertheless,
the preference to apply 1988's technology to 2001's programming problems
remains compelling for some.

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be sufficient interest to either
accept such new features into the mainstream, or to splinter off a new
development effort to produce a more capable tool.  RCVS was one attempt to
open up and encourage development of new things, but it didn't work out as
was hoped.

So, you have the following choices:  Design and build CVS v2.0 from the
ground up and make it a useful tool.  Cripple your software development
effort enough that the existing CVS can handle it.  Use something else.

Using something else is the fastest and easiest way to get what you want
(and the cheapest in the long run), but crippling your current process may
be the fastest and easiest way to overcome some immediate hurdle and limp
along until the next crisis arises.

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With all due respect, Greg, I think Gianni made some very telling points which CVS 
will need to address if it is to survive.  I'm an independent consultant, and I try to 
bring CVS into each organization I work with.  I'm sometimes successful, but I fail at 
times for exactly the reasons Gianni articulates.

With the proliferation of MSWord, IDE project files, etc, no reasonable person can 
argue that non-text files are not a necessary part of most projects these days.  If 
CVS does not 'grow up' and attempt to support the new development environments, it 
will slowly be replaced by something that does, and CVS will ultimately become a bit 
player, promoted by a few fanatic users who try to make its case at every opportunity 
(whether appropriate or not), and ignored or laughed at by the majority of the 

I've heard your same arguments applied to Forth, OS/2, Geos, Clarion, Lotus 1-2-3, 
Wordstar, UCSD P-System... the list goes on.  I'd hate to add CVS to the list.

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Gianni Mariani

Peter, you say: "Remember that cvswrappers doesn't work if you connect to
the repository using a remote protocol (e.g. pserver); you must put a copy
of the
'cvswrappers' file named '.cvswrappers' into each users home directory."

I have evidence to the contrary.  I just tested it using :pserver: .

BTW - I love the default binary cvswrappers.  That is exactly what I was
looking for.  I should have figured that out sooner, it's obvious. I would
like the file check before checking in though !

Anyone have a cool list of all text file extensions ?


-Original Message-
Peter Ring
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 11:52 PM
To: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List
Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

Quite often these days, CVS is not something that you choose -- you get
chosen by CVS, much as you get chosen by Microsoft operating systems and
development tools, simply because it's ubiquitous. Like it or not, there's
not much respect for original design goals in the ways of the world.

I suppose that 'full RCS compatibility' is not a goal by itself -- if you
might as well use RCS, then why use CVS?

I'd like to bring attention to one particular offspring of cvs: subversion.
Have a look at The project is near it's
second major milestone, and plan to have an alpha release mid May and a 1.0
release late June.

BTW, here's another way to use currently available features (aka
cvswrappers) to avoid the poor loosers munging their binary files: Rather
that listing patterns for known 'binary' files, you list patterns for known
'text' files, but default to binary, like this:

 # text formats

 #default is binary
 * -k 'b'

Remember that cvswrappers doesn't work if you connect to the repository
using a remote protocol (e.g. pserver); you must put a copy of the
'cvswrappers' file named '.cvswrappers' into each users home directory.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
Greg A. Woods
Sent: Saturday, 31 March, 2001 2:19 AM
To: Gianni Mariani
Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

[ On Friday, March 30, 2001 at 07:07:14 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Your point is well taken.  However, time are a changing - source code is
 only text. Image, sound, movie, geometry, encryption key, etc etc files
 all parts of modern day applications.  All these files need to be version
 managed just like regular files.  If we could apply an rcsmerge on these
 kinds of files, then it would be ideal.

Yes, what you say is all very well and fine.  What it means though is
that CVS is not the correct tool for use in such a diverse environment.

Obviously my point did not sink in properly though so I will say it more
clearly:  PLEASE go use something else


Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Larry Jones

David H. Thornley writes:
 Nope; CVS adheres to design principles that are at least somewhat
 compatible with our requirements.  The fact that people are using
 CVS for the management of binary files implies that somebody can
 do it and be successful.  Nor do I understand why this is inherently
 a wrong choice.  I can understand why it would be the wrong choice
 under some given circumstances, but I have a great deal of difficulty
 with moral absolutes in open-source software.

People successfully use hammers to insert screws.  That doesn't mean a
hammer is the right tool (or even a good tool) for the job.

 Heck, I don't even want to write to tool manufacturers and tell
 them that they need to make screwdrivers more paint-can-lid

But that's exactly what you're doing with CVS.

-Larry Jones

Wh. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Paul Sander

Greg's statement below is flatly untrue.  We've discussed this very topic
at length in this forum many times in the past.  His argument is based on
the fact that the RCS "merge" tool cannot support merges of arbitrary
file formats.  It doesn't even support merges of arbitrary ASCII formats.
And yet, the CVS community attempts to use it in that capacity all the

There are application-specific merge tools for numerous file formats,
some of which are useful for software development.  Others don't exist
but can be written without great effort.  When all else fails, there's
always the trivial binary or trinary file selection algorithms.  And don't
forget that there are the many existing text-based merge tools that people
prefer using, such as the one supplied with Emacs.

Inserting a registrar into CVS to allow shops and users to specify the
particular tool required to perform a merge is not a fundamental change to
the CVS design, but it is a small generalization.  And it's one that will
greatly benefit the CVS community in general.  Such a mechanism does NOT
affect in the slightest way ANY aspect of the concurrent development model
that CVS implements.  (It is basically just parameterizing the hard-coded
path to the RCS-supplied merge tool, or its equivalent in the librified RCS.)

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ On Sunday, April 1, 2001 at 14:00:20 (-0700), David Glick wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 BTW, I *do* get it; I just don't agree with you.  I've spent most of
 20+ years listening to people just like you explain why something
 shouldn't/couldn't be done, and then finding ways to make it happen
 anyway.  Clearly, other people feel the same way, because CVS does
 support binary files after a fashion.  I just want them supported

Clearly you do not get it at all.  CVS literally cannot support binary
files in any better fashion without becoming something that will no
longer be a "Concurrent Versions System".  It was designed specifically
to force concurrent editing and that design goal permeates the way it
works through and through (despite the valiant attempts by others to
bend it to suit their twisted ideas).  You cannot throw out the bath
water without throwing out the baby in this case -- they are one in the

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread David Glick

I'd argue that I do get it; you just don't get that I get it.

Your statement "CVS literally cannot support binary files..." should be changed to 
"CVS does not currently support binary files in a way that is consistent with the 
philosophy of concurrent editing".

If we can agree with the above statement, then this immediately leads to two possible 
approaches (or three, if you continue to argue that binary files should not be 

1) Violate the 'concurrent' philosophy with regard to binary files, and implement a 
locked checkout to allow for straightforward creation of deltas and avoid the messy 
problems of figuring out how to concurrently update binary files.

2) Allow for concurrent checkout of binary files, but disallow concurrent commits, 
e.g. only a user that has updated to the current version will be allowed to commit 

Neither approach is ideal, but both provide a step in the direction of better support 
for binary files.  I'm sure there are other approaches that may well satisfy other 
people's needs, too.  There may even be a way to fold binary file support completely 
into the CVS philosophy; I'm just too busy right now to think it through completely 
(and, unfortunately, I'm *way* to busy to actually do the work... sigh.).

- Original Message -

Clearly you do not get it at all.  CVS literally cannot support binary
files in any better fashion without becoming something that will no
longer be a "Concurrent Versions System".  It was designed specifically
to force concurrent editing and that design goal permeates the way it
works through and through (despite the valiant attempts by others to
bend it to suit their twisted ideas).  You cannot throw out the bath
water without throwing out the baby in this case -- they are one in the

- Original Message -

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, April 2, 2001 at 01:13:35 (-0700), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 If this were really true, then the developers of CVS would have packed
 up and gone home long ago.  CVS continues to evolve, but not in the
 directions that some of us would like to see.  CVS didn't always have
 a client/server implementation, for example.

Hmm...  I think you're mixing up your history with present day here.
The CVS developers did pack up and go home.  Even the ones who picked up
the torch after them have themselves packed up and gone home long ago.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, April 2, 2001 at 01:02:26 (-0700), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Unfortunately, there are enough members of the CVS community who just don't
 seem to understand the necessity of many proposed features, and who are
 influential enough to defer or even actively discourage their introduction.

Paul haven't you ever wondered why that's so?  Perhaps you've got it
backwards.  I would suggest that there are enough non-members of the CVS
community who are jealous of the CVS community and would rather twist,
rip, tear, mould, spindle, and otherwise manipulate the CVS community so
that they can join it without changing their own ways.

 Examples of such needed features include full support of non-ASCII file types,
 directory versioning, more complete and robust refinement triggers, and even a
 generalized merge tool registrar.  These things have been discussed for years
 in this forum, and numerous implementations have been discussed.  Nevertheless,
 the preference to apply 1988's technology to 2001's programming problems
 remains compelling for some.

That's because most true programming is still done with 1970's
technology and so something neat-o-nifty and new like CVS is highly
applicable to most of our daily work and actually makes us more
productive.  I doubt there would be any *BSD releases if it were not for
CVS being exactly what it is!
 So, you have the following choices:  Design and build CVS v2.0 from the
 ground up and make it a useful tool.  Cripple your software development
 effort enough that the existing CVS can handle it.  Use something else.

Hear! Hear!  Three cheers for Paul!  Now could all you people who don't
like the way CVS is designed please follow his helpful suggestions?

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, April 2, 2001 at 08:51:31 (+0200), Peter Ring wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Quite often these days, CVS is not something that you choose -- you get
 chosen by CVS, much as you get chosen by Microsoft operating systems and
 development tools, simply because it's ubiquitous. Like it or not, there's
 not much respect for original design goals in the ways of the world.

Fortunately CVS is anything but ubiquitous.  Even within the open source
world (whatever the heck that is! :-), CVS is not the choice of all the
masses (and of course it's never been the only choice).

 I suppose that 'full RCS compatibility' is not a goal by itself -- if you
 might as well use RCS, then why use CVS?

The issue has more to do with keeping the repository in a standard
format.  This is of enormous importance in assuring backward and forward
compatability.  A repository is literally something that keeps all of
your eggs in one basket.  If you start messing with the weave on that
basket without first removing the eggs then you're as likely to have
them all drop right out the bottom.

One other reason to do this is so that should someone who has a better
idea, and the time to implement and support it, come along then he/she
can be assured that pulling stuff out of any given CVS repository
without having to write custom code to handle what would effectively
become a proprietary (well open, but unique) and possibly changing

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, April 2, 2001 at 09:56:28 (-0500), David H. Thornley wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Philosophically, this seems to be a Platonist approach to
 software tools, and you're in a community of Aristotelians.

No, you Aristotelians are invading a community where you don't belong.

 What this means is that I believe we don't have archetypes of
 programming tools, in which CVS is judged on its similarity
 to the archetype of program source control systems, but a whole
 lot of existing tools, which are judged on certain criteria
 (philosophically more accidental than essential) such as usefulness.

Hmm  Indeed that's about the current state of software engineering,
and in particular software configuration management.  Unfortunately the
entire industry has a lot to learn about SCM, and even the academic
community just barely have academic ideas about how all of this stuff is
supposed to work.

CVS is, BTW, just one tiny part of the toolset necessary to help
automate SCM, and it's not particularly good as such tools go either.
However it fits the basic mold of Unix software development very well
and as such it has helped the Unix world achieve a higher level of SCM
and to become more productive as a result.  Other tools might have been
even more successful at meeting these goals, but either they weren't in
the right place at the right time, or they are not yet invented.

 I apply this sort of philosophy for other tools, also.  I don't
 wonder about how screwdrivery a screwdriver is, but rather how
 easily it turns screws and how durable it's likely to be.  Given
 a paint can, I don't go to the hardware store and buy a tool
 to open paint cans, I pry off the lid with a screwdriver.  It
 isn't designed to open paint cans, is not intended to, and is not
 sold for the purpose.  I would assume it's harder to remove a
 lid without bending it with a screwdriver than with a specially
 designed tool (with a screwdriver, you have to pry gently around
 the lid).  However, I have screwdrivers and a place to put them.
 I don't want to buy and store a special paint can lid opening

Funny, but around here the paint cans come with their own opening tool
(which co-incidentally is a multi-purpose tool that also opens the beer
bottles you'll be handing around to all the friends you've invited over
to help you paint!  :-)  Most stores hand out two for every can!  :-)

Indeed the reason there are people prying versions of binary files out
of their CVS repositories is because people generally do just choose to
use the first thing that drops into the palms of their hands instead of
taking the time to find the right tool for the job.  Unfortunately in
the more virtual world of software engineering people are incredibly bad
at making even roughly correct estimates in how much time they might
save, or how much more productive they might be, by choosing the first
tool that appears in front of them instead of doing a proper analysis
and searching for the right tool.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, April 2, 2001 at 11:22:32 (-0700), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Greg's statement below is flatly untrue.  We've discussed this very topic
 at length in this forum many times in the past.  His argument is based on
 the fact that the RCS "merge" tool cannot support merges of arbitrary
 file formats.

Well, sort of.  It's a little deeper than that, of course.

  It doesn't even support merges of arbitrary ASCII formats.

Well, no, but that's partly the point!  ;-)

 And yet, the CVS community attempts to use it in that capacity all the

And with remarkable success, success that's been scientifically
documented ever since CVS-II was released.

Indeed there are several other tools with the same basic design for
support of concurrent editing and they are equally successful.

Of course programmers who have used CVS for a long time will inherently
learn little tricks that make actual merge conflicts even less likely to
occur except where absoutely necessary.  Indeed there are even
programming tricks that can make accidental hidden conflicts less

And of course the CVS source itself provides a half-decent example of
the benefits of automated product testing.

 Inserting a registrar into CVS to allow shops and users to specify the
 particular tool required to perform a merge is not a fundamental change to
 the CVS design, but it is a small generalization.

Yes, but one that would require a rather drastic revision to the
repository format.

  And it's one that will
 greatly benefit the CVS community in general.

I'm not so sure.  If it were so it would have been done long ago and
offered back to the community.  As it is we don't even have a sample
implementation to show to the community and to prove that such a forward
change in the repository format would succeed.

  Such a mechanism does NOT
 affect in the slightest way ANY aspect of the concurrent development model
 that CVS implements.  (It is basically just parameterizing the hard-coded
 path to the RCS-supplied merge tool, or its equivalent in the librified RCS.)

I agree whole-heartedly.

I'm just not restricting my view to one set of concerns

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-02 Thread Paul Sander

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Inserting a registrar into CVS to allow shops and users to specify the
 particular tool required to perform a merge is not a fundamental change to
 the CVS design, but it is a small generalization.

Yes, but one that would require a rather drastic revision to the
repository format.

  And it's one that will
 greatly benefit the CVS community in general.

I'm not so sure.  If it were so it would have been done long ago and
offered back to the community.  As it is we don't even have a sample
implementation to show to the community and to prove that such a forward
change in the repository format would succeed.

co -p common-ancestor-revision file  .file.base
co -p other-contributor file  .file.contrib
my-merge-tool --base .file.base --contributor .file.contrib file

This algorithm can be easily implemented with CVS (in fact, I believe it
already is).  And it does not require any change to the repository format,
other than providing a means to specify what my-merge-tool really is.

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-01 Thread Gianni Mariani


We heard you already - we just don't agree with you.  There is very little
point saying the same thing over again.

rant type=philosophical disposition="ignore if uninterested"

WE (TM) (the philosophical WE) each have our different goals, there is 
absolutly no reason for them to be the same and MANY reasons for them to
be different.

Your discussion below exposes a perspective which is about as far off from
my own as you can get.  I will go as far to say that your goals are very 
different to most that are using CVS today.  I will stretch even further 
and say that there are about as many different goals users have for CVS 
as there are CVS users.

So, when YOU (TM) (the philosphical YOU) find everyone else is doing 
the Wrong Thing (TM) you might find it fruitless and more often negative
to convince THEM (TM) otherwise.  A more productive approach may be to 
accept that THEY (TM) are just different. It does not mean you have to
agree with THEM (TM). It does mean however you stop arguing with once
THEY (TM) acknowledge and reject your point of view.



-Original Message-
Greg A. Woods
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 11:28 AM
To: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List
Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

[ On Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 05:57:31 (-0800), David Glick wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 With all due respect, Greg, I think Gianni made some very telling
 points which CVS will need to address if it is to survive.  I'm an
 independent consultant, and I try to bring CVS into each organization
 I work with.  I'm sometimes successful, but I fail at times for
 exactly the reasons Gianni articulates.

Come on you guys  CVS's goal is not to "survive", whatever the heck
that could possibly mean in a free software community!  Survival and
market share are not just oxymorons to free software, but in fact are
dangerous concepts that can only damage good free software (look at the
horrible mess in things like Mozilla, KDE, and even most GNU/Linux

The goal of CVS is to to *exactly* what it does and has always done
That's it.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.

CVS will survive in exactly the places where it fulfills the
requirements it was designed to fulfill.  If those requirements ever
completely go away, or if any other tool comes along that fulfills those
requirements in an obviously better way, then maybe CVS will cease to
"survive", but that'll be a good thing and we'll all rejoice when it

If you put CVS into organisations where it won't do anything but confuse
them and cause them troubles because it's the wrong tool for their
requirements then you're doing the WRONG thing!  It's no damn wonder
that sometimes you fail to convince some clients to use CVS!  They don't
all NEED it  You fail in those cases because you have failed to
understand their requirements and to correctly do the job they hired you
to do!

PLEASE learn to understand your requirements and learn to use the right
tool for the right job.  You do not use a hammer to turn in screws and
you do not modify your hammer to make it look like a screwdriver because
if you do then you won't have a hammer any more!

You've got absolutely NO excuse for using the wrong FREE tools!!

We do NOT need any false CVS evangelists who preach it as a hammer for
all screws  It is already a monopoly in the niche it fits in, and if
you can't figure out what niche that is then don't evangelise it (and
you probably shouldn't even use it either)!

(and yes I do use Mozilla -- it's the best free software of its type
that I've been able to find and it fills more of my requirements than
anything else like it)

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-01 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Sunday, April 1, 2001 at 08:26:32 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Your discussion below exposes a perspective which is about as far off from
 my own as you can get.  I will go as far to say that your goals are very 
 different to most that are using CVS today.  I will stretch even further 
 and say that there are about as many different goals users have for CVS 
 as there are CVS users.

You people just don't get it.  CVS adheres to design principles that are
completely contrary to your requirements.  You CANNOT succeed with it
given your current goals!  It's irrelevant how many users have made the
wrong choice and are using CVS despite the fact that its design is
contrary to their goals.  A wrong choice is wrong no matter which side
you look at it from.

Please go find some other software to abuse, and hopefully this time
you'll choose some non-free software and you'll be able to pay it's
maintainers to change their design if it doesn't happen to fit your
goals!  Maybe you'll be lucky and you'll choose some non-free software
that has a significant "market share" too.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-04-01 Thread David Glick

Don't be silly, Greg; abusing other software wouldn't be nearly as amusing...

BTW, I *do* get it; I just don't agree with you.  I've spent most of 20+ years 
listening to people just like you explain why something shouldn't/couldn't be done, 
and then finding ways to make it happen anyway.  Clearly, other people feel the same 
way, because CVS does support binary files after a fashion.  I just want them 
supported better.

Because I respect someone as certain of themselves as you are (even if you're wrong), 
I'll let you know what the answer is when I find it.

David Glick
Transmit Consulting, Inc

- Original Message -

[ On Sunday, April 1, 2001 at 08:26:32 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Your discussion below exposes a perspective which is about as far off from
 my own as you can get.  I will go as far to say that your goals are very 
 different to most that are using CVS today.  I will stretch even further 
 and say that there are about as many different goals users have for CVS 
 as there are CVS users.

You people just don't get it.  CVS adheres to design principles that are
completely contrary to your requirements.  You CANNOT succeed with it
given your current goals!  It's irrelevant how many users have made the
wrong choice and are using CVS despite the fact that its design is
contrary to their goals.  A wrong choice is wrong no matter which side
you look at it from.

Please go find some other software to abuse, and hopefully this time
you'll choose some non-free software and you'll be able to pay it's
maintainers to change their design if it doesn't happen to fit your
goals!  Maybe you'll be lucky and you'll choose some non-free software
that has a significant "market share" too.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

- Original Message -

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-03-31 Thread David Glick

With all due respect, Greg, I think Gianni made some very telling points which CVS 
will need to address if it is to survive.  I'm an independent consultant, and I try to 
bring CVS into each organization I work with.  I'm sometimes successful, but I fail at 
times for exactly the reasons Gianni articulates.

With the proliferation of MSWord, IDE project files, etc, no reasonable person can 
argue that non-text files are not a necessary part of most projects these days.  If 
CVS does not 'grow up' and attempt to support the new development environments, it 
will slowly be replaced by something that does, and CVS will ultimately become a bit 
player, promoted by a few fanatic users who try to make its case at every opportunity 
(whether appropriate or not), and ignored or laughed at by the majority of the 

I've heard your same arguments applied to Forth, OS/2, Geos, Clarion, Lotus 1-2-3, 
Wordstar, UCSD P-System... the list goes on.  I'd hate to add CVS to the list.

David Glick
Transmit Consulting, Inc

- Original Message -

--- snip ---
[ On Friday, March 30, 2001 at 07:07:14 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Your point is well taken.  However, time are a changing - source code is not
 only text. Image, sound, movie, geometry, encryption key, etc etc files are
 all parts of modern day applications.  All these files need to be version
 managed just like regular files.  If we could apply an rcsmerge on these
 kinds of files, then it would be ideal.

Yes, what you say is all very well and fine.  What it means though is
that CVS is not the correct tool for use in such a diverse environment.

Obviously my point did not sink in properly though so I will say it more
clearly:  PLEASE go use something else
--- /snip ---

- Original Message -

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-03-31 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 05:57:31 (-0800), David Glick wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 With all due respect, Greg, I think Gianni made some very telling
 points which CVS will need to address if it is to survive.  I'm an
 independent consultant, and I try to bring CVS into each organization
 I work with.  I'm sometimes successful, but I fail at times for
 exactly the reasons Gianni articulates.

Come on you guys  CVS's goal is not to "survive", whatever the heck
that could possibly mean in a free software community!  Survival and
market share are not just oxymorons to free software, but in fact are
dangerous concepts that can only damage good free software (look at the
horrible mess in things like Mozilla, KDE, and even most GNU/Linux

The goal of CVS is to to *exactly* what it does and has always done
That's it.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.

CVS will survive in exactly the places where it fulfills the
requirements it was designed to fulfill.  If those requirements ever
completely go away, or if any other tool comes along that fulfills those
requirements in an obviously better way, then maybe CVS will cease to
"survive", but that'll be a good thing and we'll all rejoice when it

If you put CVS into organisations where it won't do anything but confuse
them and cause them troubles because it's the wrong tool for their
requirements then you're doing the WRONG thing!  It's no damn wonder
that sometimes you fail to convince some clients to use CVS!  They don't
all NEED it  You fail in those cases because you have failed to
understand their requirements and to correctly do the job they hired you
to do!

PLEASE learn to understand your requirements and learn to use the right
tool for the right job.  You do not use a hammer to turn in screws and
you do not modify your hammer to make it look like a screwdriver because
if you do then you won't have a hammer any more!

You've got absolutely NO excuse for using the wrong FREE tools!!

We do NOT need any false CVS evangelists who preach it as a hammer for
all screws  It is already a monopoly in the niche it fits in, and if
you can't figure out what niche that is then don't evangelise it (and
you probably shouldn't even use it either)!

(and yes I do use Mozilla -- it's the best free software of its type
that I've been able to find and it fills more of my requirements than
anything else like it)

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-03-30 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Friday, March 30, 2001 at 07:07:14 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 Your point is well taken.  However, time are a changing - source code is not
 only text. Image, sound, movie, geometry, encryption key, etc etc files are
 all parts of modern day applications.  All these files need to be version
 managed just like regular files.  If we could apply an rcsmerge on these
 kinds of files, then it would be ideal.

Yes, what you say is all very well and fine.  What it means though is
that CVS is not the correct tool for use in such a diverse environment.

Obviously my point did not sink in properly though so I will say it more
clearly:  PLEASE go use something else

 Here is some interesting work in this area:

Yes, and I was aware of it well before most of the rest of the community
was, but CVS does not xdelta, and in fact cannot without breaking it's
current design goal of keeping the repository fully RCS compatible.

(note that even though RCS can store binary files, CVS cannot deal
properly with RCS'ed binary files in its repository.  CVS runs on top of
RCS, not the other way around!)

 We both agree, cvswrappers is a band aid at best.

No, if that's what you think then we do not agree.  Cvswrappers are a
mistake that misleads users into thinking CVS is something that it just
cannot be.  They can only cause problems.  They should never ever have
been added to the "official" release.  They should in fact be removed
before the next major release is made, if indeed anyone ever gets brave
enough tot make a "major" release.  If some poor user can't find a way
to do without them or to use some other more appropriate tool then that
user is free to maintain his or her own local version of CVS with them
still integrated, and since CVS is free software that user is free to
make either the patches or the integrated release freely available too.

 As to MYSELF developing a new versions management system, there are plenty
 of people doing that, I would just confuse the situation.

If you were to build a tool that filled your needs explicitly, and then
freely offered it to the world, just as the authors of CVS and CVS-II
originally did, then perhaps you'd clarify things.

If not then perhaps you should become an early adopter of whichever of
these other new systems you think will in fact actually meet your
explicit requirements.

  The reason I
 choose CVS is because it is prolific, people I hire are likely going to know
 about the system. I'd rather fix CVS itself - that is if I get time to do
 it - along with my 100 other unfinished projects.

Then you chose CVS for exactly the wrong reasons and as a result you
made the wrong choice because you ignored the fact that it does not meet
your real requirements.

CVS is not something that tries to gain market share at all costs --
quite the opposite as it is free software that very nicely and properly
fills *one* niche in the software configuration management tool set.
Because it is free software you are free to mis-use it, but you'd be
better off realising that you're also free not to use it at all.

Choosing CVS because you percieve that it has market share despite the
fact that it obviously does not meet your real requirements demonstrates
that you do not understand how to make effective use of free software!

Demanding that CVS properly handle binary files either demonstrates that
you do not understand your own requirements or you do not understand the
goals of free software and the reasons why a tool like CVS would be made
freely available.

 My suggestion to you, as you offered so many to me, is to think about a
 broader use of CVS as not only a concurrent versions/merging tool but also
 as a database off all components that are used to build products

Excuse me, but CVS is not anything but a *source* code control tool that
was *explicitly* designed to support, nay to force, the ability for its
users to concurrently edit source files!

Anyone who tries to use it for something else, will inevitably run into
problems such as you have.

 - some of
 which are not text; that I need to version successfully and satisfies the
 ACID semantics (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability).

Then you absolutely need something that is not CVS.  Period.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-03-30 Thread Gianni Mariani

 Greg A. Woods
 Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 4:19 PM
 To: Gianni Mariani
 Obviously my point did not sink in properly though so I will say it more
 clearly:  PLEASE go use something else

We clearly violently disagree, obviously there is no point in further


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-03-29 Thread Rob Helmer


Well, I won't ask why you want ot check any of this stuff into 
CVS ;)

You can just do this :


to cover all possible capitalizations of .doc files, for instance.

Rob Helmer

On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 09:26:06AM -0800, Gianni Mariani wrote:
 I want to kinda set and forget my cvswrappers file.  I have a 
 mixed Win/unix dev environment and I want to set and forget 
 which file are binary and which are not.
 SO - I created the following cvswrappers file (all ~700 extensions)
 that are most likely binary. I got it by scanning my Win drives
 for all extensions, running 'file' on them and removing any extensions
 which 'file' reported as 'text'.
 Any better ideas ?  Is this a dumb ass thing to do ?
 *.386 -k 'b'
 *.3GR -k 'b'
 *.3gr -k 'b'
 *.603 -k 'b'
 *.850 -k 'b'
 *.852 -k 'b'
 *.866 -k 'b'
 *.ACG -k 'b'
 *.acg -k 'b'
 *.ACL -k 'b'
 *.acl -k 'b'
 *.ACM -k 'b'
 *.acm -k 'b'
 *.ACS -k 'b'
 *.acs -k 'b'
 *.ACT -k 'b'
 *.act -k 'b'
 *.ADP -k 'b'
 *.adp -k 'b'
 *.ADV -k 'b'
 *.adv -k 'b'
 *.AFM -k 'b'
 *.afm -k 'b'
 *.AHQ -k 'b'
 *.ahq -k 'b'
 *.AIF -k 'b'
 *.aif -k 'b'
 *.ANI -k 'b'
 *.ani -k 'b'
 *.AP0 -k 'b'
 *.ap0 -k 'b'
 *.API -k 'b'
 *.api -k 'b'
 *.APP -k 'b'
 *.app -k 'b'
 *.APS -k 'b'
 *.aps -k 'b'
 *.ATI -k 'b'
 *.ati -k 'b'
 *.AVB -k 'b'
 *.avb -k 'b'
 *.AVI -k 'b'
 *.avi -k 'b'
 *.AW -k 'b'
 *.aw -k 'b'
 *.AWX -k 'b'
 *.awx -k 'b'
 *.AX -k 'b'
 *.ax -k 'b'
 *.AX_ -k 'b'
 *.ax_ -k 'b'
 *.BDR -k 'b'
 *.bdr -k 'b'
 *.BFONT -k 'b'
 *.bfont -k 'b'
 *.BLEND -k 'b'
 *.blend -k 'b'
 *.BM_ -k 'b'
 *.bm_ -k 'b'
 *.BMP -k 'b'
 *.bmp -k 'b'
 *.BS -k 'b'
 *.bs -k 'b'
 *.BSC -k 'b'
 *.bsc -k 'b'
 *.BTR -k 'b'
 *.btr -k 'b'
 *.BX -k 'b'
 *.bx -k 'b'
 *.BZ2 -k 'b'
 *.bz2 -k 'b'
 *.CAB -k 'b'
 *.cab -k 'b'
 *.CAT -k 'b'
 *.cat -k 'b'
 *.CBD -k 'b'
 *.cbd -k 'b'
 *.CBK -k 'b'
 *.cbk -k 'b'
 *.CDR -k 'b'
 *.cdr -k 'b'
 *.CDX -k 'b'
 *.cdx -k 'b'
 *.CGM -k 'b'
 *.cgm -k 'b'
 *.CHI -k 'b'
 *.chi -k 'b'
 *.CHM -k 'b'
 *.chm -k 'b'
 *.CHQ -k 'b'
 *.chq -k 'b'
 *.CHS -k 'b'
 *.chs -k 'b'
 *.CHT -k 'b'
 *.cht -k 'b'
 *.CHW -k 'b'
 *.chw -k 'b'
 *.CL_ -k 'b'
 *.cl_ -k 'b'
 *.CL4 -k 'b'
 *.cl4 -k 'b'
 *.CLASS -k 'b'
 *.class -k 'b'
 *.CLB -k 'b'
 *.clb -k 'b'
 *.CN_ -k 'b'
 *.cn_ -k 'b'
 *.CNV -k 'b'
 *.cnv -k 'b'
 *.COM -k 'b'
 *.com -k 'b'
 *.CPE -k 'b'
 *.cpe -k 'b'
 *.CPF -k 'b'
 *.cpf -k 'b'
 *.CPI -k 'b'
 *.cpi -k 'b'
 *.CPL -k 'b'
 *.cpl -k 'b'
 *.CTM -k 'b'
 *.ctm -k 'b'
 *.CTX -k 'b'
 *.ctx -k 'b'
 *.CUR -k 'b'
 *.cur -k 'b'
 *.CW -k 'b'
 *.cw -k 'b'
 *.DA_ -k 'b'
 *.da_ -k 'b'
 *.DB1 -k 'b'
 *.db1 -k 'b'
 *.DBC -k 'b'
 *.dbc -k 'b'
 *.DBF -k 'b'
 *.dbf -k 'b'
 *.DBX -k 'b'
 *.dbx -k 'b'
 *.DCA -k 'b'
 *.dca -k 'b'
 *.DCF -k 'b'
 *.dcf -k 'b'
 *.DCR -k 'b'
 *.dcr -k 'b'
 *.DCT -k 'b'
 *.dct -k 'b'
 *.DCX -k 'b'
 *.dcx -k 'b'
 *.DE_ -k 'b'
 *.de_ -k 'b'
 *.DEL -k 'b'
 *.del -k 'b'
 *.DESKLINK -k 'b'
 *.desklink -k 'b'
 *.DF_ -k 'b'
 *.df_ -k 'b'
 *.DFT -k 'b'
 *.dft -k 'b'
 *.DIB -k 'b'
 *.dib -k 'b'
 *.DIL -k 'b'
 *.dil -k 'b'
 *.DIR -k 'b'
 *.dir -k 'b'
 *.DL_ -k 'b'
 *.dl_ -k 'b'
 *.DLG -k 'b'
 *.dlg -k 'b'
 *.DLL -k 'b'
 *.dll -k 'b'
 *.DLS -k 'b'
 *.dls -k 'b'
 *.DOC -k 'b'
 *.doc -k 'b'
 *.DOT -k 'b'
 *.dot -k 'b'
 *.DOX -k 'b'
 *.dox -k 'b'
 *.DR_ -k 'b'
 *.dr_ -k 'b'
 *.DRV -k 'b'
 *.drv -k 'b'
 *.DS -k 'b'
 *.ds -k 'b'
 *.DS_ -k 'b'
 *.ds_ -k 'b'
 *.DSK -k 'b'
 *.dsk -k 'b'
 *.DST -k 'b'
 *.dst -k 'b'
 *.DSX -k 'b'
 *.dsx -k 'b'
 *.DSZ -k 'b'
 *.dsz -k 'b'
 *.DTQ -k 'b'
 *.dtq -k 'b'
 *.DWR -k 'b'
 *.dwr -k 'b'
 *.EBX -k 'b'
 *.ebx -k 'b'
 *.ECW -k 'b'
 *.ecw -k 'b'
 *.ELM -k 'b'
 *.elm -k 'b'
 *.EMF -k 'b'
 *.emf -k 'b'
 *.EN_ -k 'b'
 *.en_ -k 'b'
 *.ENU -k 'b'
 *.enu -k 'b'
 *.ENV -k 'b'
 *.env -k 'b'
 *.EPS -k 'b'
 *.eps -k 'b'
 *.ERO -k 'b'
 *.ero -k 'b'
 *.ES_ -k 'b'
 *.es_ -k 'b'
 *.EWL -k 'b'
 *.ewl -k 'b'
 *.EX_ -k 'b'
 *.ex_ -k 'b'
 *.EXD -k 'b'
 *.exd -k 'b'
 *.EXE -k 'b'
 *.exe -k 'b'
 *.EXP -k 'b'
 *.exp -k 'b'
 *.FAE -k 'b'
 *.fae -k 'b'
 *.FAV -k 'b'
 *.fav -k 'b'
 *.FCS -k 'b'
 *.fcs -k 'b'
 *.FIL -k 'b'
 *.fil -k 'b'
 *.FLL -k 'b'
 *.fll -k 'b'
 *.FLT -k 'b'
 *.flt -k 'b'
 *.FNT -k 'b'
 *.fnt -k 'b'
 *.FON -k 'b'
 *.fon -k 'b'
 *.FPT -k 'b'
 *.fpt -k 'b'
 *.FPX -k 'b'
 *.fpx -k 'b'
 *.FR_ -k 'b'
 *.fr_ -k 'b'
 *.FRT -k 'b'
 *.frt -k 'b'
 *.FRX -k 'b'
 *.frx -k 'b'
 *.FTG -k 'b'
 *.ftg -k 'b'
 *.FTS -k 'b'
 *.fts -k 'b'
 *.GID -k 'b'
 *.gid -k 'b'
 *.GIF -k 'b'
 *.gif -k 'b'
 *.GPD -k 'b'
 *.gpd -k 'b'
 *.GPT -k 'b'
 *.gpt -k 'b'
 *.GRA -k 'b'
 *.gra -k 'b'
 *.GRF -k 'b'
 *.grf -k 'b'
 *.GZ -k 'b'
 *.gz -k 'b'
 *.HDR -k 'b'
 *.hdr -k 'b'
 *.HL_ -k 'b'
 *.hl_ -k 'b'
 *.HLP -k 'b'
 *.hlp -k 'b'
 *.HLX -k 'b'
 *.hlx -k 'b'
 *.HT -k 'b'
 *.ht -k 'b'
 *.ICM -k 'b'
 *.icm -k 'b'
 *.ICO -k 'b'
 *.ico -k 'b'
 *.ID -k 'b'
 *.id -k 'b'
 *.IDB -k 'b'
 *.idb -k 'b'
 *.IDF -k 'b'
 *.idf -k 'b'
 *.ILG -k 'b'
 *.ilg -k 'b'
 *.ILK -k 'b'
 *.ilk -k 'b'
 *.IN_ -k 'b'
 *.in_ -k 'b'
 *.IND -k 'b'
 *.ind -k 'b'
 *.INS -k 'b'
 *.ins -k 'b'
 *.INX -k 'b'

Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-03-29 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 09:26:06AM -0800, Gianni Mariani wrote:
 SO - I created the following cvswrappers file (all ~700 extensions)
 that are most likely binary. I got it by scanning my Win drives
 for all extensions, running 'file' on them and removing any extensions
 which 'file' reported as 'text'.

I've seen extensions that are sometimes binary, sometimes text
(eg. MS uses it for some specific binary format, but some
freeware packages use it for text).  Can't remember offhand what
they were; maybe *.inf?


|  | /\
|-_|/ Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-03-29 Thread Gianni Mariani

I've had a number of suggestions below to do a more complete coverage of

Thanks to all who have responded, I have attached my cvswrappers file -
consider it public domain. *STANDARD DISCLAIMER* ... I take no
responsibility yadda yadda, it IS YOUR FAULT if it breaks your files, melts
your computer, wastes your time or money and does unpleasant things yadda
yadda and it probably will yadda.*/STANDARD DISCLAIMER*

As to Rob's question below, the answer is 'I have no idea and I don't want
to think about it - too much'.  So I figure it's best to spend 20 minutes
making an all encompasing cvswrappers file and if someone forgets to
remember to do a "cvs add -kb" then I might just have saved myself 20
minutes of fussing.

Turns out that I have already run into this problem - even in a *nix
environment with someone checking in a tgz file and it getting munged, and
then later in another company when they checked in a bunch o MSVS projects
and WAV, BMP and a bunch o files, I just don't remember the extension of,
which broke.  So this time it's a pre-emptive strike - although I will still
be bitten - I know I will, it will probably less frequently.

I would actually call this a major deficiency in CVS - it should probably
assume binary by default, or even use the command 'file' to detect the file
type on adding a file. Destroying files by default is just not recomended 10
out of 10 times - just at a guess.

I rant ...

Good evening - sweet dreams 

-Original Message-
Rob Helmer
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:03 AM
To: Gianni Mariani
Subject: Re: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?


Well, I won't ask why you want ot check any of this stuff into
CVS ;)

You can just do this :


to cover all possible capitalizations of .doc files, for instance.

Rob Helmer


RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

2001-03-29 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 22:21:29 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?

 I would actually call this a major deficiency in CVS - it should probably
 assume binary by default, or even use the command 'file' to detect the file
 type on adding a file. Destroying files by default is just not recomended 10
 out of 10 times - just at a guess.

WHOA!  Hold on just a moment here!

"CVS" is the "Concurrent Versions System".  It was explicitly and
knowingly designed to handle *concurrent* editing of *source* code
(i.e. the stuff that's logically mergable with diff3)!  Versions of
binaries files are, by definition, not possible to merge in any logical
way with diff3, ergo CVS does not deal with binary file formats.

This cvswrappers crap was a poorly thought out add-on that does not do
very much good for anyone and which tries its damndest to go against the
core design of CVS from the inside out.  If you use it without fully
understanding the implications then you only get what you deserve.

If CVS destroys binary files by default then that's OK because storing
binary files in CVS in the first place is a user error -- it's not
designed to handle them in any complete way whatsoever.  RTFM.

If you want some kind of file and versioning management tool that has
some of the characteristics and features of CVS (eg. the user interface,
and/or the remote access protocol) then write such a tool -- just don't
call it CVS.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list