Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Larry Jones
Kaz Kylheku writes:
> This is as it should be. The TYPES file represents the project's
> policy; some random user command should not override that policy. If we
> don't want .exe files in the repository, the add command should defend
> that decision for us, even if weakly.

I happen to disagree, strongly.  Repositories are not homogeneous -- you
may not want executables in your module, but I want them in mine.  And
file name suffixes are not unique and reliable indicators of a file's
type.  My .doc files are plain text, thank you very much, not MS Word
documents.  There's nothing I hate more than software that thinks it
knows more than I do and refuses to let me do what I want to do.

-Larry Jones

Somebody's always running my life.  I never get to do what I want to do.
-- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...

2003-06-06 Thread Eric Siegerman
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 02:19:44PM -0700, Peschko, Edward wrote:
> [ Larry Jones wrote:]
> > Damn straight. If you want software that thinks it knows more than you
> > etc...
> But that goes contrary to the dictum "there's more than one way to do it".

Umm, you've got the wrong Larry :-)

No way is that expression generally accepted computing wisdom.
It's just a summary of the philosophy (to use the term rather
loosely) behind Perl's design (or rather, lack thereof).


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
When I came back around from the dark side, there in front of me would
be the landing area where the crew was, and the Earth, all in the view
of my window. I couldn't help but think that there in front of me was
all of humanity, except me.
- Michael Collins, Apollo 11 Command Module Pilot

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Frederic Brehm
At 10:08 AM 6/5/2003, Larry Jones wrote:
There's nothing I hate more than software that thinks it
knows more than I do and refuses to let me do what I want to do.
The principal of least surprises should be Commandment #1 of the Software 
Engineers Ten Commandments (requirements for the other nine are still being 
collected :-)

I agree that "cvs add" does just what it should do, but I can understand 
the desire for a "cvs add-with-ignore" command.

It wouldn't be too hard to write a shell script "cvs-my-add" that trimmed 
the list of files on the command line based on the contents of ./.cvsignore 
and called "cvs add".

In order to get the build-in list and the $(CVSROOT)/CVSROOT/cvsignore 
list, you would have to do ugly things in a shell script, or build a new 
command into cvs. The current list of CVS maintainers does not seem to have 
the inclination to do this.

Hey, it's Open Source. If you want it bad enough, you can add it. If you 
make it a separate command (or possibly enabled with a special option to 
add), then there's a chance it might be accepted by the current maintainers 
for the next release. I think that there's some file named "Hacking" or 
something like that which has requirements for getting something into cvs.


Frederic W. Brehm, Sarnoff Corporation,

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Alexandre Augusto Drummond Barroso
Sometimes we need to protect some users from themselves.
Usually I don't do what I'll describe here with regular IT 
users, but I have an exception: non technical users that 
creates docbook documents in the company I work for. 
The only thing they know is to click buttons in a specified 
If they do something different, they just don't know how to 
proceed (and usually don't even know witch button they 
pressed before something goes wrong). These days this kind 
of user is rare but they still exist. For this small group 
of users I use to create specific configurations and scripts 
(altering CVSROOT module's files like commitinfo, taginfo, 
and so) and I use to create macros to minimize user 
interface interactions and to avoid errors.

But I advise you to use this approach just for this almost 
extinct specie of end user.



> -Original Message-
> From: Greg A. Woods [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 9:58 PM
> To: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List
> Subject: Re: .cvsignore file being ignored
> [ On Wednesday, June 4, 2003 at 16:34:23 (-0700), Peschko, 
> Edward wrote: ]
> > Subject: 
> >
> > It is in the sense that you are forcing people to do extra work.
> > Extra work == extra possibilities for error. 
> You simply cannot ever stop users from causing themselves extra
> problems, no matter how much you might want to try.
> You can only train them as best as possible and hope that the training
> sticks or eventually catches on.
> > argh. people do "cvs add *" all the time.
> I personally don't know of anyone who does "cvs add *" all of the time
> and without understanding that it will do exactly what they tell it to
> do.  (That's not to say that people who I know don't do this sometimes
> and without the outcome they expect -- but I've never observed anyone
> doing this after having done it once and learned that it's 
> not the right
> thing to do, just like "rm *" is rarely the right thing to do.)
> If you do know such people then it is your duty to teach them to use
> their tools more properly!
> > Why not change CVS and let them do this
> Because it's FAR too late for such a fundamental change.  You 
> can't just
> arbitrarily invert the way the UI and a key feature like the 
> .cvsignore
> file works in a widely used tool, especially when that tool is used by
> other tools that you don't maintain!
> Arguing various minor features, and discussing blue-sky ideas is one
> thing, but if you really want to see the fur fly you just go ahead and
> try actually making such an arbitrary change in tool like CVS and then
> try getting the masses to use your new version!  ;-)
> > if the administrator doesn't mind?
> The "CVS administator"?  As in the manager of the CVS repository that
> the user is using?  What do they have to do with any of this 
> other than
> maybe being partly responsible for the ignorance of their users?
> > The 'trivially undone' part isn't the point.
> Yes, it is the point, actually.
> CVS does what you tell it to do.  If you change your mind then you can
> always undo what you've told it.  With "cvs add *" the undoing is even
> easier than with most other sub-commands because at that point nothing
> has yet modified the repository and no permanent change has 
> been made to
> anything.
> You can't stop the user from running "cvs add foo.temporary", but the
> user can trivially run "cvs rm foo.temporary" without you ever knowing
> about it.  The effect of and the undoing of "cvs add *" is _literally_
> NO different, not one bit different.
> If you really want to stop your users from doing stupid things with
> filename wildcards then you should force them to use a shell that
> doesn't support such "dangerous" features.  That is the only correct
> solution to your problem which doesn't involve someone having to
> actually LEARN something.  (Heaven forbid that anyone ever 
> have to learn
> anything about how their tools work!)
> > The point is that 
> > you are forcing people to go through extra hoops to get
> > stuff done,
> Nobody's forcing anyone to use wildcards or even to use shells that
> implement wildcard filename matching.
> The wildcard matching feature provided by many command-line 
> environments
> is one that helps people avoid having to go through extra hoops to get
> stuff done.  If people are instead abusing this feature and 
> thus causing
> them

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Jenn Vesperman
On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 01:02, Frederic Brehm wrote:
> At 10:08 AM 6/5/2003, Larry Jones wrote:
> >There's nothing I hate more than software that thinks it
> >knows more than I do and refuses to let me do what I want to do.
> The principal of least surprises should be Commandment #1 of the Software 
> Engineers Ten Commandments (requirements for the other nine are still being 
> collected :-)

> I agree that "cvs add" does just what it should do, but I can understand 
> the desire for a "cvs add-with-ignore" command.

> Hey, it's Open Source. If you want it bad enough, you can add it. If you 
> make it a separate command (or possibly enabled with a special option to 
> add), then there's a chance it might be accepted by the current maintainers 
> for the next release. I think that there's some file named "Hacking" or 
> something like that which has requirements for getting something into cvs.

Agreed. cvs add -i, or some such. 

Then you can put it in your .cvsrc as a default, so that you always get
the behaviour you want, and the rest of us get the behaviour we expect.

Jenn V.
"Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.
   My book 'Essential CVS': published by O'Reilly in June 2003.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Larry Jones
Peschko, Edward writes:
> Why the resistance to what would be a trivial feature?

Because even trivial features are expensive.  They clutter up the code,
the test suite, the documentation, and the users' minds.  In this case,
it encourages a bad, some would even say dangerous, habbit (expecting
software to second guess you and do what you want instead of what you
told it to do).

-Larry Jones

I like maxims that don't encourage behavior modification. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Thursday, June 5, 2003 at 15:45:52 (-0300), Alexandre Augusto Drummond Barroso 
wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: .cvsignore file being ignored
> Sometimes we need to protect some users from themselves.
> Usually I don't do what I'll describe here with regular IT 
> users, but I have an exception: non technical users that 
> creates docbook documents in the company I work for. 
> The only thing they know is to click buttons in a specified 
> order. 

Yes, exactly.

Non-technical users should be given a (G)UI that's more intuitive for
the kind of work they do, _or_ they should be trained suitably so that
they will no longer be classified as "non-technical users".

Note that I am what I think most people would call an experienct
"technical" user, however most of the time I use PCL-CVS as a front-end
to CVS.  I only use the command line when I have unique requirements
that are not easy/possible to do with PCL-CVS.

I.e. even technical users can sometimes make better use of their tools
when they are given an integrated environment.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Peschko, Edward
>> If we don't want .exe files in the repository, the add command should defend that 
>> decision for us, even if weakly.

> I happen to disagree strongly . . . There's nothing I hate more than software that 
> knows
> more than I do.. etc. etc. etc

But that's what I don't understand. The idea behind .cvsblock (or TYPES or whatever) 
is to be able 
to *customize* the software to be able to exclude files. You don't need to use it! If 
you've got
directories where you know what you are doing, put a blank .cvsblock file in it!

Why the resistance to what would be a trivial feature?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Thursday, June 5, 2003 at 11:42:37 (-0700), Peschko, Edward wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: .cvsignore file being ignored
> But that's what I don't understand. The idea behind .cvsblock (or TYPES or whatever) 
> is to be able 
> to *customize* the software to be able to exclude files.

What you don't understand is that this decision was made a long time

CVS already provides a way to *customize* the software to be able to
exclude files.  It's called the "ignore" list and it is customized with
the .cvsignore file and the '-I' command-line option.  However this
particular choice of implementation requires that there be a way to
explicitly track changes to specified files that would otherwise be
ignored, and that is done with the "cvs add" command.  If you want CVS
to continue to ignore some of your files then don't add them!  RTFM!

> You don't need to use it!

You can not have it both ways.  I.e. you cannot have an "ignore" list
that blocks and a "block" list that ignores.  The decision about how CVS
works was made when the "ignore" list was chosen and now that's the way
CVS works.  Like it or lump it.

If you really want it the other way around, and embedded directly in the
main program instead of in some wrapper or front-end, then I humbly
suggest you fork CVS, call your version "SVC" or something, and do it
your way.  CVS is "free" software, as in "free speech".

> Why the resistance to what would be a trivial feature?

It's not a "trivial feature" -- it is a complete and utter reversal of
the current mechanism of handling file lists for "cvs add".

If you don't understand that then you must really not understand the
full implications of wildcard filename expansion at the shell level.

Why don't you try approaching your shell vendor and ask them to
implement your feature for you at the shell level where you seem to want
it to be?  That way CVS will never see any filenames that you don't want
it to see.  Good luck.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Kaz Kylheku
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Peschko, Edward wrote:

> >> If we don't want .exe files in the repository, the add command should defend that 
> >> decision for us, even if weakly.
> > I happen to disagree strongly . . . There's nothing I hate more than software that 
> > knows
> > more than I do.. etc. etc. etc
> But that's what I don't understand. The idea behind .cvsblock (or TYPES or whatever) 
> is to be able 

I think that .cvsblock is silly; the tiny semantics difference between
that and .cvsignore is not worth it. The cvs add command should ignore
things that match .cvsignore, period. Those who disagree: what part of
``cvs'' and ``ignore'' isn't clear?

An interactive error would be a reasonable compromise. The software
notices that the user requested to add files which match the .cvsignore
specification, and so brings up a menu: add this file anyway, skip it,
apply this action to all the rest.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Thursday, June 5, 2003 at 14:00:12 (-0700), Kaz Kylheku wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: .cvsignore file being ignored
> I think that .cvsblock is silly; the tiny semantics difference between
> that and .cvsignore is not worth it. The cvs add command should ignore
> things that match .cvsignore, period.

Because it was decided long ago that "cvs add" would be how all files
would be tagged for adding to the repository, including those that would
otherwise be ignored by default.

> Those who disagree: what part of
> ``cvs'' and ``ignore'' isn't clear?

What part of "Do What I Say!" don't you understand?  CVS just does
exactly, and only, what you're telling it to do when you give it a file
or a list of files on the command line.  Why should users have to jump
through extra hoops just to cause CVS to do what they're trying to tell
it to do in the first place?

If you don't want to add a file then do not include its name on the "cvs
add" command line!

This basic UI decision is part of history now.  Like it or lump it.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Paul Sander
>--- Forwarded mail from Greg Woods:

>[ On Thursday, June 5, 2003 at 14:00:12 (-0700), Kaz Kylheku wrote: ]
>> Subject: Re: .cvsignore file being ignored
>> I think that .cvsblock is silly; the tiny semantics difference between
>> that and .cvsignore is not worth it. The cvs add command should ignore
>> things that match .cvsignore, period.

>Because it was decided long ago that "cvs add" would be how all files
>would be tagged for adding to the repository, including those that would
>otherwise be ignored by default.

I agree with the first part, but I don't believe that the second part
was really considered by the designer and the implementation came out
the way it did by default.

Consider the use of "cvs import", which obeys the .cvsignore file.  From
and end-user perspective, it's not unreasonable to expect the following:

- CVS behaves the same way with regard to processing the .cvsignore file
  during both add and import.
- CVS gives warnings or errors when a file named on the command line is
  omitted due to the .cvsignore file.  Ideally, it would issue errors
  and leave the Entries file alone.
- The "cvs add" command provides an option to ignore the contents of the
  .cvsignore file, just as "cvs import" does.

>> Those who disagree: what part of
>> ``cvs'' and ``ignore'' isn't clear?

>What part of "Do What I Say!" don't you understand?  CVS just does
>exactly, and only, what you're telling it to do when you give it a file
>or a list of files on the command line.  Why should users have to jump
>through extra hoops just to cause CVS to do what they're trying to tell
>it to do in the first place?

Why should users jump through hoops just to have CVS not do something they
don't expect?  If users are told that CVS is configured to ignore .o, .a,
and whatever types of files, then CVS should do just that.  It should not
just sometimes ignore them.

>If you don't want to add a file then do not include its name on the "cvs
>add" command line!

Not a valid argument when wildcards or xargs are in use.

>This basic UI decision is part of history now.  Like it or lump it.

The fact that a feature is implemented in a certain way does not make it
immutable.  It can, and should, be changed if ease of use is increased,
provided no utility is lost.  Justifying a broken UI because "that's just
the way it works" is nonsense.

>--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Thursday, June 5, 2003 at 15:23:16 (-0700), Paul Sander wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: .cvsignore file being ignored
> I agree with the first part, but I don't believe that the second part
> was really considered by the designer and the implementation came out
> the way it did by default.

Actually it was.  Search your list archives.

Usually every time it's been discussed since people are much quicker to
understand what Larry and I have been trying to say.  Perhaps that's
because previously more of those questioning this behaviour have had a
deeper understanding of what wildcard filename expansion really imply to
how command line interfaces work and how they must be used.

Once upon a time I posted:

CVS' "add" command, when used on a new file, tells the local
working directory that the new file is "source".  The CVS ignore
list can declare that a file is not source, *BUT* CVS is allowed
to over-ride the ignore list.  A "known" file will never be
ignored no matter how many times or places you put it into the
ignore list.

I.e. "cvs add" and .cvsignore compliment each other.

In other words the ignore list is _NOT_ used to control which files CVS
acts upon.  CVS always acts upon the files you tell it to act upon.

The ignore list is used only to control which files _not_ warned about
when CVS is operating in its normal recursive mode, since otherwise CVS
would warn the user to take control of all the files it finds in the
workspace.  The purpose of the ignore list is quite explictly _NOT_ to
prevent the user from telling CVS to treat a file as source which it
would otherwise ignore but rather it is there only to prevent CVS from
being too noisy about files it isn't already tracking in the repository.

> Consider the use of "cvs import", which obeys the .cvsignore file.

That's a historical artifact as well, though perhaps one that might be
easier to change than with "cvs add".

If I'm not mistaken the ignore list feature was originally designed only
to be used during "cvs update".  Conceptually its purpose is to deal
with working directories whenever CVS is doing its own directory

I'm not sure when exactly "cvs import" first honoured the ignore list,
though with hindsight we can see that it should never have done so.
Unfortunately things only got worse when .cvsignore files were honoured
even when '-I !' is explicitly specified.  See the manual for further
discussion of this.

If you recall my proposal to enhance "cvs add" you might remember that I
suggested the new version would behave (with respect to directory names
given as command line parameters) as follows, simulating "cvs import" to
some extent, but at least fixing the documented bug in "cvs import -I !":

  - "cvs add dirname" will recurse through the specified directory
adding all new ``un-ignored'' files if the current directory, or one
of the parent directories, is a valid CVS working directory (as
above).  (including if "dirname" == "." || == "")

  - Nothing will be done if no new files are found to add.

  - "cvs add dirname" will honour the '-l', '-R', and '-I' "Common
Options" just as every other command which operates recursively.

  - "cvs add -I ! dirname" will not ignore any files, not even those
listed in any .cvsignore files, except of course all CVS
administrative sub-directories and their contents.

  - If "CVS" (admin subdir's name) is specified explicitly it will be
(silently unless -) ignored.

  - Variations of "newfile", "path/to/newfile", and "dirname" will be
accepted simultaneously on the command-line (just as with other CVS

  - no explicitly named file or directory will ever be ignored, even if
it would be ignored by the current "cvsignore" list (i.e. "-I !" is
not necessary for explicitly specified names that would be otherwise
ignored if they were simply implied by recursion)

I was reluctant to write the proposal this way and gave in only for the
case where the command line parameter is a directory name and thus would
trigger recursive operation.

We should have been happy with running "make distclean" before running
"cvs import".

> Why should users jump through hoops just to have CVS not do something they
> don't expect?

Because you can't have it both ways

The decision was made long ago and it has been happily accepted for many
years now.

> Not a valid argument when wildcards or xargs are in use.

Paul, please go back to basic unix school.  I.e. learn to use your tools

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Mark D. Baushke
Paul Sander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Consider the use of "cvs import", which obeys the .cvsignore file.  

Yes, that 'cvs import' obeys the .cvsignore file is somewhat broken.
The '-I !' command-line option should be honored and should NOT process
either local .cvsignore files or the global CVSROOT/cvsignore file), but
it too late to fix it now...

The big thing to remember that is different between cvs import and cvs add
is that an import happens immediately while an add does not happen until
the 'cvs commit' occurs and any time up until the 'cvs commit' you may
remove files from the list of those that should not be committed.

In an different world perhaps only the new directories would be added to
the repository on a 'cvs import' and the import tree would become a
sandbox with all of the files having been 'added' to the repository, but
not yet committed. That different world might allow folks to make sure
that their master repository still worked properly with all of the new
imported files... Ah well, that is not this world today.

The way that 'cvs import' works was made long ago and a change to it
will not likely happen even though there is some merit in the fact that
a cvs import may appear to do the 'wrong' thing when some files have
local changes and others are unchanged after a cvs import occurs that
makes some of those new files visible, but not all of them. (I am still
pondering the order of an import versus work on a branch problem raised
in a different thread.)

In general, best practice would have you add a local change to all of
the imported files so that nothing on your HEAD would change when you
did the import until after you had merged all of the changes forward to
the HEAD... not everyone likes that methodology, so that is probably not
what folks do today...

> From and end-user perspective, it's not unreasonable to expect the
> following:
> - CVS behaves the same way with regard to processing the .cvsignore file
>   during both add and import.

In theory, a user can type 'cvs import -I !' and have *all* of the files
imported... well, as long as they remove all of their .cvsignore files
first and emasculate any CVSROOT/cvsignore files. How do you proposed that
'cvs add' users get ALL of they files they explicitly request be added to
the repository added? Mind reading software is notoriously slow to get
into production for some reason.

> - CVS gives warnings or errors when a file named on the command line is
>   omitted due to the .cvsignore file.  Ideally, it would issue errors
>   and leave the Entries file alone.

I find this idea of an interface to be ugly...

> - The "cvs add" command provides an option to ignore the contents of the
>   .cvsignore file, just as "cvs import" does.
> Why should users jump through hoops just to have CVS not do something they
> don't expect?  If users are told that CVS is configured to ignore .o, .a,
> and whatever types of files, then CVS should do just that.  It should not
> just sometimes ignore them.

This sounds like an education problem to me. If you tell them that
whatever they put on the 'cvs add' command line will be added to the
repository, and that is what the command does, won't they expect that

CVS is NOT configured to ignore .o .a and whatever types of files. It is
configured to suppress complaining about them when they are found in a
controlled directory.

> >--- Forwarded mail from Greg Woods:
> >If you don't want to add a file then do not include its name on the "cvs
> >add" command line!
> Not a valid argument when wildcards or xargs are in use.

But the point is that any argument to cvs add is valid. That is what we
have been saying all along...

If I need/want to do

   cvs add lib-a-purchased-library.a

to add a .a file obtained from a third party to my sources, why should
cvs ignore that I have done this? The cvs command is not able to
distinguish this from the

   cvs add *.a

command in a directory which contains only the single
lib-a-purchased-library.a file.

> >This basic UI decision is part of history now.  Like it or lump it.
> The fact that a feature is implemented in a certain way does not make it
> immutable.

Certainly, the software is not immutable. 

You yourself have the sources and therefore the ability to do anything
you wish to them. I have no problems with you choosing to do anything
you wish to your copy of the sources and I encourage you to make the
changes you believe will improve the product and deploy them into your
environment for testing and production. Feel free to update your sources
as often as you wish out of the repository or periodic
source distributions.

If your patch is particularly elegant and desirable, who knows, someone
may add it to the repository for you.

However, you may find your time is better used if you go and use
Meta-CVS instead of vanilla CVS. It appears to already have the feature
you desire and Kaz Kylheku has been very responsive to prob

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-06 Thread Larry Jones
Mark D. Baushke writes:
> The big thing to remember that is different between cvs import and cvs add
> is that an import happens immediately while an add does not happen until
> the 'cvs commit' occurs and any time up until the 'cvs commit' you may
> remove files from the list of those that should not be committed.

No, the big thing to remember that is different between import and add
is that add takes an explicit list of files to process whereas import
does not.  .cvsignore *never* overrides an explicit file specification
by the user (nor should it), it only affects what files CVS processes
when it's generating the list of files itself.

-Larry Jones

My upbringing is filled with inconsistent messages. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...

2003-06-04 Thread Mark D. Baushke
Peschko, Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hm.
> I have a .cvsignore file in each of my directories with the following entry:
> *~
> and yet when I say:
> cvs add file~
> it happily accepts the file, puts it in for committing. when I cvs
> commit, it commits the file.
> umm... shouldn't .cvsignore block these entries from being even processed?


A user should be able to add any file to the repository that they wish.
The .cvsignore file is to reduce the clutter on an update or diff
operation, not to prohibit those files from bein able to be checed into
the repository.

It is perfectly acceptable to have both .* and * in the .cvsignore file
so that a user is never 'bothered' with a list of files in the directory
that are not cvs controlled. This does not mean that no files should be
allowed to be added to the repository.

-- Mark

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...

2003-06-05 Thread Peschko, Edward
> No.

> A user should be able to add any file to the repository that they wish
> The .cvsignore file is to reduce the clutter on an update or diff

I disagree. If I say 'cvs add * in a directory, I surely don't want to pick up extra 
files, like vim's .swp, and ~ files,
or maybe .bak files, or whatever. If I *wanted* to pick up a file like this, there 
should be an option, like '--force'.

Perhaps there should be another file called '.cvsblock' that filters files on the 
client side?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...

2003-06-05 Thread Larry Jones
Peschko, Edward writes [in long lines]:
> I disagree. If I say 'cvs add * in a directory, I surely don't want to pick up extra 
> files, like vim's .swp, and ~ files,
> or maybe .bak files, or whatever.

Then don't say that.  Or follow it with a "cvs rm *.swp ..." to "unadd"
the stuff that you didn't really want to add in the first place.  But
don't complain when CVS does exactly what you tell it to.

-Larry Jones

The game's called on account of sudden death. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...

2003-06-05 Thread Peschko, Edward
> I disagree. If I say 'cvs add * in a directory, I surely don't want to pick up extra
> files, like vim's .swp and ~ files.,

> Then don't say that. Or follow it with a "cvs rm *.swp ..." to "unadd"
> the stuff you didn't really want to add in the first place. But 
> don't complain when CVS does exactly what you tell it to.

But that's no good - its error prone, and it puts the onus on the user to get it
right. If I'm a cvs administrator working with lots of newbies, I don't want them
to clutter up the archive with a bunch of junk. 

That's why I suggested '.cvsblock'. Its simple, separate, solves a usability question
and is newbie friendly. Experienced people (administrators) would create it, newbies
wouldn't even know its there. And with true ACL, you could make it so only the 
could change it, or maybe block it on the server side.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...

2003-06-05 Thread Larry Jones
Peschko, Edward writes [still using long lines]:
> But that's no good - its error prone, and it puts the onus on the user to get it
> right.

Damn straight.  If you want software that thinks it knows more than you
do, Microsoft will be glad to oblige you.  The philosophy here is that
the user is in control and the software should do what it's told.  When
you create a file, you add it (note the singular); "cvs add *" is a
mistake (if for no other reason than it also tries to add the CVS

-Larry Jones

The authorities are trying to silence any view contrary to their own!
-- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...

2003-06-05 Thread Peschko, Edward
>> But that's no good - its error prone, and it puts the onus on the user to get it 
>> right.

> Damn straight. If you want software that thinks it knows more than you
> etc...

But that goes contrary to the dictum "there's more than one way to do it". You didn't 
on my .cvsblock proposal - Nobody's forcing a user to make a .cvsblock file, its up to 
you (or a cvs
admin) to set it up, and use it. And if users want to override the .cvsblock, they 
could make a 
local copy with a ! in it... 

I don't understand, I'm not asking for a change in the current cvs behaviour, I'm 
asking for a 
(new) feature request (and a fairly benign one, at that). What's the big deal?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...

2003-06-05 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Wednesday, June 4, 2003 at 13:04:30 (-0700), Peschko, Edward wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...
> I disagree. If I say 'cvs add * in a directory, I surely don't want to
> pick up extra files, like vim's .swp, and ~ files, or maybe .bak
> files, or whatever.

Regardless that's the way it pretty much "must" work at this point.

If you don't want to explicitly add all the files then do not use any
wildcard pattern that expands to any name you don't want to explicitly

I hope you do realize that wildcard expansion is done by the shell, not
the utility -- the invoked progam never sees any wildcard expression,
just the resulting list of files.

I hope you also know you can "cvs rm" all the files you had not intended
to add before you commit and you'll know for sure that you've added
files you didn't want to add at any time you see the list of new files
to be committed (e.g. with "cvs -nq update").  It is extremely trivial
to deal with any accidental "cvs add".

> If I *wanted* to pick up a file like this, there
> should be an option, like '--force'.

That would be minutely better than your next suggestion, but it's still
really very unnecessary and would seriously break backward compatability
of the command-line user interface.

(Note too that "cvs rm *" and "cvs rm -f" have VERY different
consequences and thus they started out with a much different interface

> Perhaps there should be another file called '.cvsblock' that filters
> files on the client side?

Then who gets to mediate between that and the existing .cvsignore list?

You can't have it both ways and it's far too late to change this kind of
arbitrary UI decision in CVS now.

You could try to write a wrapper for yourself that inverts the sense of
things, by scanning through the ignore list and through the command-line
list of flies, filtering out those from the command-line that match the
ignore list unless "--force" was turned on, but such a thing would have
to forever remain an easily distinguished wrapper to the existing
command-line UI since other tools and users will always expect the
existing UI.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...

2003-06-05 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Wednesday, June 4, 2003 at 13:41:14 (-0700), Peschko, Edward wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: .cvsignore file being ignored...
> But that's no good - its error prone,

Ah, NO, it is definitely _not_ error prone!

> and it puts the onus on the user to get it right.  If I'm a cvs
>administrator working with lots of newbies, I don't want them to
>clutter up the archive with a bunch of junk.

"cvs add" is an action that happens only in the workspace and it is
trivially undone.

If your user's can't "get it right" before they "cvs commit" then you
really need to re-train them and to do so quickly and vigorously!

Even with the current hack of "cvs add directory", adding unnecessary
directories to the repository is not really much of a problem either.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-05 Thread Edward Peschko
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 07:11:07PM -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
>and if you do not want me to do so in return then set your reply-to
>header appropriately ]]

It is not possible for me to set my 'reply-to header' appropriately. The only
way I can see my email on my unix server is to forward it from Sorry about 
the only way I can post to the list is via my stupid exchange server.

If you want either of these things changed, please contact the list administrator, and
tell him to fix the problem with my email address. I've already done so, and he's 
at it.. but if others complained, I'm sure it would get fixed faster.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-05 Thread Peschko, Edward
> I hope you do realise that wildcard expansion is being done by the shell.. not the 
> utilty...

Of course I realize that.

> I hope you also know you can "cvs rm" all the files you had not intended...

Of course I realize that.

>> if I *wanted* to pick up a file like this, there should be an option like '--force'

> That would be minutely better than your next suggestion, but its still really
> very unnecessary and would seriously break backward compatibility... etc

That's why I suggested a new feature.

> [about .cvsblock ] Then who gets to mediate between that and the existing .cvsignore 
> list?

No need for mediation. The point of .cvsblock would be to scan, and filter, arguments 
on the 
*client side* before they are sent to the server. Do the wildcard expansion, filter 
the arguments 
going to the server.

Looking through the code, I already see you do filtering on the server side, for the
possibility of people doing 'cvs add * (in src/add.c)'. Do it on the client side as 

.cvsignore does filtering on the server side. It explicitly passes back an Ignore 
based on what it finds in ignore, and the client doesn't print anything. Making the 
consistent would be easy, simple make a .cvsblock link to .cvsignore and you'll block 
files that you ignore, and vice versa. I could see some issues if people had different 
and .cvsblock files, but caveat emptor - its an easily fixed problem if you aren't 
running cvs
in quiet mode.

The more I look at it, the more I see that this is a philosophical point of contention 
than anything else... This is a ADDITION not a CHANGE; it isn't an 
'arbitrary UI decision' - if people would want to use .cvsblock, they could, 
if not they won't. Personally, as a cvs admin I don't want to maintain
extra cvs wrappers. I don't want to clean up after newbies by saying 'cvs rm' 
all over the place... I just want the feature, would use it, and want the 
bundled with the client so I don't need to install anything else.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-05 Thread Kaz Kylheku
On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Peschko, Edward wrote:

> No need for mediation. The point of .cvsblock would be to scan, and filter, 
> arguments on the 

You want it, you hack it!

Meta-CVS works as you want. It has a TYPES file which can specify that
files having a certain suffix ought to be added using a given CVS
expansion mode, or that they should be ignored.

This is honored for every file that is passed as an argument to ``mcvs
add''. If you do ``mcvs add foo.o'' and .o files are to be ignored,
nothing happens.

This is as it should be. The TYPES file represents the project's
policy; some random user command should not override that policy. If we
don't want .exe files in the repository, the add command should defend
that decision for us, even if weakly.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-05 Thread Greg A. Woods
   and if you do not want me to do so in return then set your reply-to
   header appropriately ]]

[ On Wednesday, June 4, 2003 at 15:48:58 (-0700), Peschko, Edward wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: .cvsignore file being ignored
> The more I look at it, the more I see that this is a philosophical point of 
> contention 
> than anything else...

It was only "a philosophical point of contention" _before_ the "ignore"
feature was implemented.

Now it has been implemented, and it is cast in stone because it is a
fundamental part of how the UI is designed to work.  Like Larry has been
trying to tell you:  CVS does what you tell it to do.  If you don't want
it to do something then DO NOT TELL IT TO DO THAT THING!

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-05 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Wednesday, June 4, 2003 at 16:34:23 (-0700), Peschko, Edward wrote: ]
> Subject: 
> It is in the sense that you are forcing people to do extra work.
> Extra work == extra possibilities for error. 

You simply cannot ever stop users from causing themselves extra
problems, no matter how much you might want to try.

You can only train them as best as possible and hope that the training
sticks or eventually catches on.

> argh. people do "cvs add *" all the time.

I personally don't know of anyone who does "cvs add *" all of the time
and without understanding that it will do exactly what they tell it to
do.  (That's not to say that people who I know don't do this sometimes
and without the outcome they expect -- but I've never observed anyone
doing this after having done it once and learned that it's not the right
thing to do, just like "rm *" is rarely the right thing to do.)

If you do know such people then it is your duty to teach them to use
their tools more properly!

> Why not change CVS and let them do this

Because it's FAR too late for such a fundamental change.  You can't just
arbitrarily invert the way the UI and a key feature like the .cvsignore
file works in a widely used tool, especially when that tool is used by
other tools that you don't maintain!

Arguing various minor features, and discussing blue-sky ideas is one
thing, but if you really want to see the fur fly you just go ahead and
try actually making such an arbitrary change in tool like CVS and then
try getting the masses to use your new version!  ;-)

> if the administrator doesn't mind?

The "CVS administator"?  As in the manager of the CVS repository that
the user is using?  What do they have to do with any of this other than
maybe being partly responsible for the ignorance of their users?

> The 'trivially undone' part isn't the point.

Yes, it is the point, actually.

CVS does what you tell it to do.  If you change your mind then you can
always undo what you've told it.  With "cvs add *" the undoing is even
easier than with most other sub-commands because at that point nothing
has yet modified the repository and no permanent change has been made to

You can't stop the user from running "cvs add foo.temporary", but the
user can trivially run "cvs rm foo.temporary" without you ever knowing
about it.  The effect of and the undoing of "cvs add *" is _literally_
NO different, not one bit different.

If you really want to stop your users from doing stupid things with
filename wildcards then you should force them to use a shell that
doesn't support such "dangerous" features.  That is the only correct
solution to your problem which doesn't involve someone having to
actually LEARN something.  (Heaven forbid that anyone ever have to learn
anything about how their tools work!)

> The point is that 
> you are forcing people to go through extra hoops to get
> stuff done,

Nobody's forcing anyone to use wildcards or even to use shells that
implement wildcard filename matching.

The wildcard matching feature provided by many command-line environments
is one that helps people avoid having to go through extra hoops to get
stuff done.  If people are instead abusing this feature and thus causing
themselves problems then the right solution isn't to force everyone else
in the world to change how they do things, but rather to teach those few
users who are having trouble to either make more appropriate use of such
powerful features as wildcards; or else to avoid using features which
might not do what they want or what they intuitively believe.

The next thing I'm afraid you'll be saying is that "rm *" should always
warn the user that they're about to delete all their files.  Well, no,
that's just not how these things work.  Are you really sure you fully
and deeply understand the actual and implied consequences for users (and
more imporantly in this case the implications for application user
interfaces) of pattern-based filename expansion in the command shell?

> not DWIM.

On the contrary, CVS _is_ doing exactly what you mean!  If you're
confused about what you mean to do then that's not CVS' problem!

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: .cvsignore file being ignored

2003-06-09 Thread Fabian Cenedese

>We should have been happy with running "make distclean" before running
>"cvs import".
> (snip)
>find . -print | xargs rm

We use cvs in our IDE for the customers. Upon creation of a project there
are already many source files from the (embedded) OS. These files are
already precompiled as a convenience for the users as they take much
time to compile. Just imagine you'd have to compile first the whole MFC
every time you make a new VC project.
As the IDE knows all files which are in this project it's not a big problem
to call cvs with every filename separately, even for seemingly recursive
operations. So I don't have to rely on "import" or "add" to ignore some files.
But still when I can use them I do. But deleting all the object files just
for some big cvs command and then recompile everything again is not
an option.
I wouldn't have a problem with that, I often do recompile everything. But
for the end users it wouldn't take long for them to start complaining about

>(Alexandre Augusto Drummond Barroso:)
>The only thing they know is to click buttons in a specified 
>But I advise you to use this approach just for this almost 
>extinct specie of end user.

Extinct? You wish! We need to deal with them all the time. No, we can't
teach them as they don't want to, they just want the software to behave
as they expect. And as we rely on them as paying customers we have
to try to do it their way.

I can understand the objections against "cvs add" using the ignore list
from a technical POV. I also often have to thell the users that this and
that is difficult to do or not possible at all. But from the user POV this
new behaviour would be more consistent and understandable. Cvs ignores
everything in the ignore list, ALWAYS. I also ran into problems when I
started to use cvs, I just have learned since then that it's not so.

bye  Fabi

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