Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-23 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 03:41:12PM -0500, Derek R. Price wrote:
> Eric Siegerman wrote:
> > [if] the ,v file has an appropriate vendor branch, but the latest
> > revision on that branch is marked "dead", then of course the new
> > release tag should be added to that dead revision
> No it shouldn't.

I defer to your (much) greater knowledge of CVS internals.  I
suggested this *because* it's what happens with unchanged live
files, and it seems cleaner to me to treat unchanged files
(whether live or dead) in the same way, unless there are reasons
to do otherwise -- "make sure special cases really are special"
and all that.  I'll take your word for it that there are indeed
reasons to treat these cases differently.

> > Should this be based on the import branch number, rather than
> > name?
> Absolutely not.  If the same vendor branch name was used in both cases then it should
> already be an error if they point at different branches.

Do you mean where someone does this?
cvs import  foo vendor1 release1
cvs import -b 1.1.3 foo vendor1 release2

I wasn't trying to address this case, which is clearly an error,
but rather Nathan's Case 2 below.  I guess I was unclear.  Sorry.

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 12:53:25PM -0800, Nathan Herring wrote:
> CASE 1: Vendors using different vendor branches (not just names).
> [importing on vendor branch A does *not* check "dead"
> revisions into vendor branch B]

No argument here!

> CASE 2: Vendors using different names, but same vendor branches.
To summarize:
cvs import foo vendor1 release1
cvs import foo vendor2 release2
with no -b option either time.

After looking into this more closely, it seems each of us is
right some of the time :-)

Under Nathan's assumption -- that this happened because a user
was trying to create a second vendor branch but forgot the -b --
he's right; his proposed behaviour works better.

But there's another way this situation can arise (which is the
one I was thinking of when I proposed my change): if the user was
trying to import a new release into an existing vendor branch,
but mistyped the tag name.  I'll call this "case 3", even though
it's isomorphic to case 2.

In case 3, my proposed behaviour works better -- if a file is in
release1 but not in release2, the user does *not* want it to
appear on what they intended to be the *only* vendor branch.
Thus, it shouldn't appear on either actual branch, and my way, it

But note:
  - Cases 2 and 3 are both due to user error
  - Both of them have other problems, which keep them from doing
what the user wanted (as opposed to what they mistakenly
asked for :-)

Thus, it doesn't seem to matter much which way this particular
decision goes; it comes down to arguing over which error users
are more likely to make.

Unless, of course, there are more *non-error* cases; if there
are, what's right for those should win over both cases 2 and 3.


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-23 Thread Nathan Herring

Eric wrote:

>Note that if all of these conditions are met except the last one,
>ie. the ,v file has an appropriate vendor branch, but the latest
>revision on that branch is marked "dead", then of course the new
>release tag should be added to that dead revision -- as happens
>now for an unchanged "live" file.

I'm not sure I necessarily agree with this. For most purposes, a file
missing a static tag is equivalent to a file containing a static tag to
a dead revision. Mostly, it would just take up room on the server. If
you can think of a real reason to have this, let me know.

>But perhaps that's what Nathan meant by:
>>   AND that branch has the same version as the branch version
>> on import
>in which case, all I'm questioning is whether the following
>condition should go away:
>>   AND repository file has a branch with the same name as the
>> argument

I ended up sending the e-mail in a half revised state accidentally, so I
didn't end up explaining why we need this. 

First, thanks for pointing out my errors!

Here are two cases we wish to get right:

CASE 1: Vendors using different vendor branches (not just names).
$ echo 1>vendor1
$ cvs import -m vendor1_version1 tst vendor1 vendor1_version1
N tst/vendor1

No conflicts created by this import

$ rm vendor1
$ echo 2>vendor2
$ cvs import -m vendor2_version1 -b 1.1.3 tst vendor2
N tst/vendor2

No conflicts created by this import

$ rm vendor2
$ cvs import -D -m vendor1_version2 tst vendor1 vendor1_version2
R tst/vendor1

No conflicts created by this import

This deletes file vendor1 because a file exists on the vendor branch
we're importing to (1.1.1), and doesn't exist in the import list. This
doesn't delete file vendor2 because it doesn't contain the branch 1.1.1.

CASE 2: Vendors using different names, but same vendor branches.
$ echo 1>vendor1
$ cvs import -m vendor1_version1 tst vendor1 vendor1_version1
N tst/vendor1

No conflicts created by this import

$ rm vendor1
$ echo 2>vendor2
$ cvs import -m vendor2_version1 tst vendor2 vendor2_version1
N tst/vendor2

No conflicts created by this import

NOTE: at this point vendor1 == vendor2 == 1.1.1

$ rm vendor2
$ cvs import -D -m vendor1_version2 tst vendor1 vendor1_version2
R tst/vendor1

No conflicts created by this import

With the heuristic I described, this would also do the "right" thing,
since it checks the name of the vendor branch as well as the branch
version number. You don't want to delete the vendor2 files, and the only
way to make sure it's not a vendor1 file is to make sure it doesn't have
the vendor1 branch tag.

This is somewhat important, as most people don't generally realise that
if they specify a different vendor name, they won't get a different
vendor branch, but rather they'll be on the same vendor branch with the
new tag assigned.

You can end up royally screwed if you have different vendors with the
same file that you import into the same location, failing to specify
different branch versions, and then use the delete feature on a
subsequent import where the file doesn't exist. However, this is
certainly an extreme case, and not the normal.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-23 Thread Derek R. Price

Eric Siegerman wrote:

> Note that if all of these conditions are met except the last one,
> ie. the ,v file has an appropriate vendor branch, but the latest
> revision on that branch is marked "dead", then of course the new
> release tag should be added to that dead revision -- as happens
> now for an unchanged "live" file.

No it shouldn't.  The only time I can see _any_ reason to do this is for the tag used
in the import during which the file was actually remove and then only to mark the
import which deleted the file.  This information should more likely be in the log
message.  The dead revision really only needs to be attached to the branch.

> Should this be based on the import branch number, rather than
> name?  That is: if, in the above example, branch-tags "vendor1"
> and "vendor2" both referred to branch 1.1.1, then they'd be
> considered identical for this purpose; vendor2_file1 *would* be
> deleted during the "third" import.  But if "vendor1" and
> "vendor2" referred to different branches, eg. the vendor2 import
> had been:
> $ cvs import -m second -b 1.1.3 tst vendor2 vendor2_v1
> then, as Nathan says, vendor2_file1 would *not* be deleted during
> the "third" import -- indeed, in this specific case, it wouldn't
> have to be deleted, since it wouldn't be on branch 1.1.1 in the
> first place.

Absolutely not.  If the same vendor branch name was used in both cases then it should
already be an error if they point at different branches.

Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
The Gothic idea that we were to look backwards instead of forwards for the
improvement of the human mind, and to recur to the annals of our ancestors for
what is most perfect in government, in religion and in learning, is worthy of
those bigots in religion and government by whom it has been recommended, and
whose purposes it would answer.  But it is not an idea which this country will
   - Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 1800

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-23 Thread Derek R. Price

Eric Siegerman wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 09:19:32AM -0500, Derek R. Price wrote:
> > Basically, import would have to look up the tip of the vendor branch
> > before execution to obtain the list of files present during the last
> > import.
> Not "before execution".  Instead, "import" turns into a classic

I have no idea what you are talking about, but I think my method is the
easiest.  Anything else would be overkill, I'm pretty sure, and I think the
checkout of the branch tip before import is unavoidable when implementing
this feature (barring currently unimplemented caches & metadata...).


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
170. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-23 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 09:19:32AM -0500, Derek R. Price wrote:
> Nathan Herring wrote:
> > Import knows the name and branch version of the vendor branch, has a
> > list of files to import, and has a list of files already in the
> > repository. This is all it needs to know. Now use the following
> > heuristic:
> Basically, import would have to look up the tip of the vendor branch
> before execution to obtain the list of files present during the last
> import.

Not "before execution".  Instead, "import" turns into a classic
merge(*) -- which I guess "update" already is.  So one has to add
a scan of the repository directory, and the reading of any
repository files that aren't in the directory being imported, but
it's still only one-pass.

* I mean "merge" here in the traditional "sort/merge" sense,
  not CVS's "merging revisions" sense -- don't you love
  overloaded jargon?


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-23 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 10:30:19PM -0800, Nathan Herring wrote:
> Larry writes:
> >How is import supposed to know to do that, though?
> IF import file does not exist, 
>   AND repository file does exist, 
>   AND repository file has a branch with the same name as the vendor-tag
> argument
>   AND that branch has the same version as the branch version specified
> on import
>   AND the most recent revision on the vendor-tag branch is not marked
> dead,
>   create a new version on the vendor-tag branch marked as dead

What he said!

Note that if all of these conditions are met except the last one,
ie. the ,v file has an appropriate vendor branch, but the latest
revision on that branch is marked "dead", then of course the new
release tag should be added to that dead revision -- as happens
now for an unchanged "live" file.

> P.S. Here's a second example:
>   $ mkdir vendor1
>   $ cd vendor1
>   $ echo 1>vendor1_file1
>   $ echo 2>vendor1_file2
>   $ cvs import -m first tst vendor1 vendor1_v1
>   N tst/vendor1_file1
>   N tst/vendor1_file2
>   No conflicts created by this import
>   $ mkdir ../vendor2
>   $ cd ../vendor2
>   $ echo 1>vendor2_file1
>   $ cvs import -m second tst vendor2 vendor2_v1
>   N tst/vendor2_file1
>   $ cd ../vendor1
>   $ rm vendor1_file1
>   $ cvs import -D -m third tst vendor1 vendor1_v2
>   R tst/vendor1_file1
>   U tst/vendor1_file2
>   No conflicts created by this import
> NOTE: It didn't remove vendor2_file1 [NB: this actually said "vendor2_file2";
> I've corrected what I assume was a typo  -ES ], because, depsite the fact that the
> import file did not exist, the repository file did not have the original
> vendor1 tag, and so CVS assumes it wasn't part of this vendor's import
> and leaves it alone.

This is the only part I question -- and I do mean "question"; I'm
not asserting that it's wrong, but wondering whether it might be,
and asking people to think about it.

Should this be based on the import branch number, rather than
name?  That is: if, in the above example, branch-tags "vendor1"
and "vendor2" both referred to branch 1.1.1, then they'd be
considered identical for this purpose; vendor2_file1 *would* be
deleted during the "third" import.  But if "vendor1" and
"vendor2" referred to different branches, eg. the vendor2 import
had been:
$ cvs import -m second -b 1.1.3 tst vendor2 vendor2_v1
then, as Nathan says, vendor2_file1 would *not* be deleted during
the "third" import -- indeed, in this specific case, it wouldn't
have to be deleted, since it wouldn't be on branch 1.1.1 in the
first place.

But perhaps that's what Nathan meant by:
>   AND that branch has the same version as the branch version specified
> on import

in which case, all I'm questioning is whether the following
condition should go away:
>   AND repository file has a branch with the same name as the vendor-tag
> argument


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-23 Thread Derek R. Price

Nathan Herring wrote:

> Larry writes:
> >How is import supposed to know to do that, though?
> Import knows the name and branch version of the vendor branch, has a
> list of files to import, and has a list of files already in the
> repository. This is all it needs to know. Now use the following
> heuristic:

Yeah.  Basically, import would have to look up the tip of the vendor branch
before execution to obtain the list of files present during the last


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Re: Graphics

A picture is worth 10k words, but only if the words describe the
picture.  Very few arbitrary sets of 10k words can be adequately
replaced with a picture.

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-22 Thread Nathan Herring

Larry writes:
>How is import supposed to know to do that, though?

Import knows the name and branch version of the vendor branch, has a
list of files to import, and has a list of files already in the
repository. This is all it needs to know. Now use the following

IF import file does not exist, 
  AND repository file does exist, 
  AND repository file has a branch with the same name as the vendor-tag
  AND that branch has the same version as the branch version specified
on import
  AND the most recent revision on the vendor-tag branch is not marked
  create a new version on the vendor-tag branch marked as dead

NOTE: You don't touch files in this case that are missing the original
vendor-tag branch tag, as they were never part of a previous import for
this vendor (at least as far as you specified).

NOTE: If you remove the original vendor-tag from the file, it will no
longer assume you've imported it, and if you reimport using this
feature, it will not mark it dead, as the heuristic no longer has any
way to determine that it was part of a previous import (for this
vendor). However, I doubt many people are going to do this accidentally
or have some strange reason to do this.

Now, it may be that the current code (which I have not inspected) only
looks through the import list and makes changes to the repository. In
that case, you'd have to have a second iteration that looks through the
repository list and matches it up against the import list, and in the
case of missing files, checking to see whether it (1) had the vendor

Here is your example altered as I would see it with the above new
functionality. I'm using -D as the special new option for this feature.
I'm using 'R' as the code for I've removed this file from the

$ echo file1 >file1
$ echo file2 >file2
$ cvs import -m first tst NET FIRST
N tst/file1
N tst/file2

No conflicts created by this import

$ rm file1
$ echo file3 >file3
$ cvs import -D -m second tst NET SECOND
N tst/file3
R tst/file1
U tst/file2

No conflicts created by this import

Now, file1 would have revisions 1.1 (alive), (alive), and (dead).

Furthermore, if you were to check out tst to either NET or SECOND, you'd
get exactly what you wanted.


P.S. Here's a second example:

$ mkdir vendor1
$ cd vendor1
$ echo 1>vendor1_file1
$ echo 2>vendor1_file2
$ cvs import -m first tst vendor1 vendor1_v1
N tst/vendor1_file1
N tst/vendor1_file2

No conflicts created by this import

$ mkdir ../vendor2
$ cd ../vendor2
$ echo 1>vendor2_file1
$ cvs import -m second tst vendor2 vendor2_v1
N tst/vendor2_file1

$ cd ../vendor1
$ rm vendor1_file1
$ cvs import -D -m third tst vendor1 vendor1_v2
R tst/vendor1_file1
U tst/vendor1_file2

No conflicts created by this import

NOTE: It didn't remove vendor2_file2, because, depsite the fact that the
import file did not exist, the repository file did not have the original
vendor1 tag, and so CVS assumes it wasn't part of this vendor's import
and leaves it alone.

-Original Message-
From: Larry Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 8:59 PM
To: Eric Siegerman
Subject: Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

Eric Siegerman writes:
> If, as someone suggested, "import" were to check in a "dead"
> revision on the vendor branch, I presume both versions would
> work.

How is import supposed to know to do that, though?

-Larry Jones

Aw Mom, you act like I'm not even wearing a bungee cord! -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-22 Thread Larry Jones

Eric Siegerman writes:
> If, as someone suggested, "import" were to check in a "dead"
> revision on the vendor branch, I presume both versions would
> work.

How is import supposed to know to do that, though?

-Larry Jones

Aw Mom, you act like I'm not even wearing a bungee cord! -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-22 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 05:18:12PM -0500, Larry Jones wrote:
> You have to use the new
> release tag (it's the absence of that tag that indicates that the file
> should be deleted).  So, instead of suggesting -jNET:yesterday -jNET,
> CVS should be suggesting -jNET:yesterday -jSECOND, for example.

If, as someone suggested, "import" were to check in a "dead"
revision on the vendor branch, I presume both versions would


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-22 Thread Jerry Nairn
Title: RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

>Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 2:18 PM

>should be deleted).  So, instead of suggesting -jNET:yesterday -jNET,
>CVS should be suggesting -jNET:yesterday -jSECOND, for example.  And it
>should suggest it reguardless of whether there are any 
>conflicts or not.

Is there any reason it shouldn't say something to indicate that "yesterday" in this suggested command line is really meant to be some time between this import and the one before?

Something like:
Where "yesterday" should be replaced by some time between this import and the one before, if yesterday is not in that range.


Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-22 Thread Larry Jones

Laine Stump writes:
> If you want to modify your statement to say "Doing a merge using the
> tags placed on the branch at the time of the last two imports" (or
> something similar), we'll be in complete agreement, but currently the
> merge that cvs suggests does nothing of the sort, so either your
> statement is incorrect, or there is a bug in cvs.

My apologies -- you're absolutely right.  You have to use the new
release tag (it's the absence of that tag that indicates that the file
should be deleted).  So, instead of suggesting -jNET:yesterday -jNET,
CVS should be suggesting -jNET:yesterday -jSECOND, for example.  And it
should suggest it reguardless of whether there are any conflicts or not.

-Larry Jones

Girls are like slugs -- they probably serve some purpose, but
it's hard to imagine what. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-22 Thread Laine Stump

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones) writes:

> Laine Stump writes:
> > 
> > That's great, but your example doesn't use the tags normally suggested
> > in the results of imports, eg "-j NET:yesterday -j NET" (which in this
> > case wouldn't work anyway because it had been less than a day between
> > imports, but that's beside the point).
> No, but it shows that the basic functionality does work.  If it didn't
> work for you, then either you're running an old version of CVS.

Nope. 1.11 server, straight from (post-1.11) CVS on client.

> or you did something wrong.

Unless the cvs import command is giving "wrong" instructions, I am not
doing anything "wrong". CVS is not performing as you described in your
original email message on the subject. Note the emphasized phrase

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones) writes:
> Doing the merge that CVS suggests when there are conflicts (even if
> there aren't any conflicts) will mark the appropriate files for
> deletion.  Committing the results of the merge will then delete them.

If you want to modify your statement to say "Doing a merge using the
tags placed on the branch at the time of the last two imports" (or
something similar), we'll be in complete agreement, but currently the
merge that cvs suggests does nothing of the sort, so either your
statement is incorrect, or there is a bug in cvs.

As for your example, it is *not* doing the merge that the cvs import
command suggests. It names specific tags (eg -j FIRST -j SECOND),
while the cvs import command recommends using two *branch* tags, the
first with a date offset specifier (eg -jNET:yesterday -jNET).

When I use specific tags as you did in your example, it does of course
work as you say (as I said in my last reply). However, when I use
branch tags as suggested by cvs import, no files are
deleted. Following is an example based on yours that demonstrates what
I'm talking about - note that 1) I used the merge command recommended
by cvs import when it found a conflict, and 2) nothing is marked for
deletion, as your message claimed would happen.

(One small deviation - I used "-jNET:'2 minutes ago'" rather than
"-jNET:yesterday" since it had been less than a day since the first
import. The results would be the same if I waited for another day and
then used "-jNET:yesterday" however. If you remain unconvinced, I can
do the same command over again with a one day wait in the middle ;-))

 # date; echo file1 >file1; echo file2 >file2; cvs import -m first tst NET FIRST
 Thu Mar 22 15:08:46 EST 2001
 N tst/file1
 N tst/file2

 No conflicts created by this import

# checkout a workspace and modify file2 to create a conflict on next import

 # cvs co tst
 U tst/file1
 U tst/file2
 # cd tst
 # echo more file2 >>file2
 # cvs commit -m"local commit"
 Checking in file2;
 /vol/cvsroot/tst/file2,v  <--  file2
 new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
 # cd ..
 # rm -rf tst

# make some changes in dir to be imported - remove file1, modify file2
# so there will be a conflict, create file3

 # rm file1
 # echo more imported file2 >>file2
 # echo file3 >file3

 # date; cvs import -m second tst NET SECOND
 Thu Mar 22 15:11:27 EST 2001
 N tst/file3
 C tst/file2

 1 conflicts created by this import.
 Use the following command to help the merge:

===> cvs checkout -jNET:yesterday -jNET tst

# Note that at this point, more than two minutes have passed since the
# first import, and less than two minutes since the 2nd (only a few
# seconds, actually). The fact that it gives us the change to file2
# from the vendor branch verifies that we have the timing correct.

# cvs suggested "-jNET:yesterday -jNET", but we know that it hasn't been
# a full day yet, so we use '2 minutes ago' as the time specifier.

===> # cvs co -jNET:'2 minutes ago' -jNET tst
 U tst/file1
 U tst/file2
 RCS file: /vol/cvsroot/tst/file2,v
 retrieving revision
 retrieving revision
 Merging differences between and into file2
 rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
 U tst/file3

# (Note - no messages indicating files scheduled for deletion)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-22 Thread Larry Jones

Laine Stump writes:
> That's great, but your example doesn't use the tags normally suggested
> in the results of imports, eg "-j NET:yesterday -j NET" (which in this
> case wouldn't work anyway because it had been less than a day between
> imports, but that's beside the point).

No, but it shows that the basic functionality does work.  If it didn't
work for you, then either you're running an old version of CVS or you
did something wrong.

-Larry Jones

These child psychology books we bought were such a waste of money.
-- Calvin's Mom

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-21 Thread Laine Stump

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones) writes:
> [ example of cvs import followed by merge auto-deleting files ]

That's great, but your example doesn't use the tags normally suggested
in the results of imports, eg "-j NET:yesterday -j NET" (which in this
case wouldn't work anyway because it had been less than a day between
imports, but that's beside the point).

When I do *exactly* the command suggested by cvs import, no deletes
are scheduled, even though it has been more than a day since my last
import. (Yes, I just tried it again to double-check).

Here's what you first said:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones) writes:
> Doing the merge that CVS suggests when there are conflicts (even if
> there aren't any conflicts) will mark the appropriate files for
> deletion.  Committing the results of the merge will then delete them.

That still is incorrect - apparently this is only done if you specify
exact tags in the command; it doesn't happen if you use branch tags
and/or date specifications (yesterday, two days ago, etc) as the
command suggested by cvs import (ie "the merge that CVS suggests")
does. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether this is a bug in CVS,
or you misspoke ;-)

Anyway, I'm glad to know that there is a way to make it work, even if
it doesn't work when I follow CVS' instructions.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones) writes:

> Laine Stump writes:
> > 
> > This was the first import in about 6 months. All the differences in
> > files, and new files, were merged correctly. However, your message had
> > indicated that file deletions would also be marked when I did the
> > merge; this was not the case.
>   bash-2.02$ echo file1 >file1
>   bash-2.02$ echo file2 >file2
>   bash-2.02$ cvs import -m first tst NET FIRST
>   N tst/file1
>   N tst/file2
>   No conflicts created by this import
>   bash-2.02$ rm file1
>   bash-2.02$ echo file3 >file3
>   bash-2.02$ cvs import -m second tst NET SECOND
>   N tst/file3
>   U tst/file2
>   No conflicts created by this import
>   bash-2.02$ cvs co -j FIRST -j SECOND tst   
>   cvs checkout: Updating tst
>   U tst/file1
> ==>   cvs checkout: scheduling tst/file1 for removal
>   U tst/file2
>   U tst/file3
>   bash-2.02$ cd tst
>   bash-2.02$ cvs ci -m merge
>   cvs commit: Examining .
> ==>   Removing file1;
> ==>   /public/CVS/tst/file1,v  <--  file1
> ==>   new revision: delete; previous revision:
> ==>   done
> -Larry Jones
> I'm so disappointed. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-21 Thread Larry Jones

Laine Stump writes:
> This was the first import in about 6 months. All the differences in
> files, and new files, were merged correctly. However, your message had
> indicated that file deletions would also be marked when I did the
> merge; this was not the case.

bash-2.02$ echo file1 >file1
bash-2.02$ echo file2 >file2
bash-2.02$ cvs import -m first tst NET FIRST
N tst/file1
N tst/file2

No conflicts created by this import

bash-2.02$ rm file1
bash-2.02$ echo file3 >file3
bash-2.02$ cvs import -m second tst NET SECOND
N tst/file3
U tst/file2

No conflicts created by this import

bash-2.02$ cvs co -j FIRST -j SECOND tst   
cvs checkout: Updating tst
U tst/file1
==> cvs checkout: scheduling tst/file1 for removal
U tst/file2
U tst/file3
bash-2.02$ cd tst
bash-2.02$ cvs ci -m merge
cvs commit: Examining .
==> Removing file1;
==> /public/CVS/tst/file1,v  <--  file1
==> new revision: delete; previous revision:
==> done

-Larry Jones

I'm so disappointed. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-21 Thread Laine Stump

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones) writes:

> Laine Stump writes:
> > 
> > I'm glad this message came by again - I just did an import and saw the
> > that the behavior described by Larry below did not occur. Nothing is
> > marked for deletion by CVS either during the import or during
> > execution of the suggested "merging checkout" afterwards.
> The suggested merge command assumes that you won't import more than one
> release per day -- if you do, you need to use the explicit release tags
> for the merge rather than the "vendor" and "vendor:yesterday" that CVS
> suggests.  (CVS can't suggest that itself since it has no way to know
> what release tag you used the last time.)

This was the first import in about 6 months. All the differences in
files, and new files, were merged correctly. However, your message had
indicated that file deletions would also be marked when I did the
merge; this was not the case.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-20 Thread Larry Jones

Laine Stump writes:
> I'm glad this message came by again - I just did an import and saw the
> that the behavior described by Larry below did not occur. Nothing is
> marked for deletion by CVS either during the import or during
> execution of the suggested "merging checkout" afterwards.

The suggested merge command assumes that you won't import more than one
release per day -- if you do, you need to use the explicit release tags
for the merge rather than the "vendor" and "vendor:yesterday" that CVS
suggests.  (CVS can't suggest that itself since it has no way to know
what release tag you used the last time.)

-Larry Jones

Oh, now don't YOU start on me. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-20 Thread Stephen Rasku

Eric Siegerman wrote:

>On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 05:20:25PM -0800, Stephen Rasku wrote:
>> Nathan Herring wrote:
>> >I'd like to have the option on successive imports to mark as 
deleted any
>> >files that previously existed on that vendor branch that are not 
in the
>> >import. 
>> I don't see why this is necessary.  If you do:
>>  cvs co -r vendor-v2 themodule
>> It will not check out any modules that don't have the vendor-v2 
>> For all intents and purposes it is deleted.
>Not true.  If you do:
>   cvs co -r vendor themodule
>you *will* get the deleted files.  You shouldn't.

Oh, yeah.  That's right (you will and you shouldn't).

Stephen Rasku   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software EngineerWeb:
TGI Technologies

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-20 Thread Nathan Herring

>   cvs co -r vendor-v2 themodule

We actually check out themodule (usually we import to
themodule/somevendor) to the trunk, not to any particular tag. Thus,
this doesn't really work for us.

>   cvs co -j vendor-v1 -j vendor-v2 themodule
>   cvs ci themodule

Larry suggested this one. This works OK. 

One of our problems is that our client (MacCVSPro) doesn't actually
schedule files for deletion with the merge, so there's no easy way to
check in the deleted files. We, thus, need to perform the import in the
client, and then do the merge, conflict resolution, and check in on the
server (annoying, but possible).

However, it seems that it is all a completely unnecessary step, since
you already know the name of the vendor branch, and you can check
whether any particular file in the import location already has that
branch tag, but is not part of the import. In that case, you can just
put another version on that vendor branch that is "deleted", and
optionally tag it with the version tag used during import. No extra user
steps required.

Furthermore, everything is nice and tidy: the deleted version is on the
branch, so it looks like the vendor deleted it (as indeed they did), as
opposed to on the trunk, which looks like one of us deleted it.

I did some manual ,v file editing to see if I could create such an item.
I did, and it works like you'd expect.

(I realise that this is a low utility addition. :)


-Original Message-
From: Stephen Rasku [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 5:20 PM
To: Nathan Herring; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

Nathan Herring wrote:
>Is there some place to make feature requests such as this one?
>I'd like to have the option on successive imports to mark as deleted 
>files that previously existed on that vendor branch that are not in 
>To wit,
>cvs import -m "version 1" themodule vendor vendor-v1
>>cvs creates themodule/file, with versions, 1.1, and "vendor"
>vendor branch 1.1.1.
>cvs import -m "version 2" themodule vendor vendor-v2
>>cvs notices that file isn't in the import, but it is on the "vendor"
>branch, and so makes a new version marking the file as 

I don't see why this is necessary.  If you do:

cvs co -r vendor-v2 themodule

It will not check out any modules that don't have the vendor-v2 tag.  
For all intents and purposes it is deleted.

If you are making modifications to the source, then you should merge 
the changes to the head:

cvs co -j vendor-v1 -j vendor-v2 themodule

cvs ci themodule

Stephen Rasku   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software EngineerWeb:
TGI Technologies

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-20 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 05:20:25PM -0800, Stephen Rasku wrote:
> Nathan Herring wrote:
> >I'd like to have the option on successive imports to mark as deleted any
> >files that previously existed on that vendor branch that are not in the
> >import. 
> I don't see why this is necessary.  If you do:
>   cvs co -r vendor-v2 themodule
> It will not check out any modules that don't have the vendor-v2 tag.  


> For all intents and purposes it is deleted.

Not true.  If you do:
cvs co -r vendor themodule

you *will* get the deleted files.  You shouldn't.


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-20 Thread Laine Stump

I'm glad this message came by again - I just did an import and saw the
that the behavior described by Larry below did not occur. Nothing is
marked for deletion by CVS either during the import or during
execution of the suggested "merging checkout" afterwards.

Actually, there are times when this behavior is *good*, since it
allows me to import "partial code drops" from 3rd parties who just
send me a few files for a quick bugfix, rather than a full release. In
most cacses it would be nice, though...

> > 
> > If I am importing a vendor project for the second or subsequent times 
> > on the same vendor branch, how can I mark the files that no longer 
> > exist in the vendor projects as deleted on the vendor branch?

> Doing the merge that CVS suggests when there are conflicts (even if
> there aren't any conflicts) will mark the appropriate files for
> deletion.  Committing the results of the merge will then delete them.

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-20 Thread Stephen Rasku

Nathan Herring wrote:
>Is there some place to make feature requests such as this one?
>I'd like to have the option on successive imports to mark as deleted 
>files that previously existed on that vendor branch that are not in 
>To wit,
>cvs import -m "version 1" themodule vendor vendor-v1
>>cvs creates themodule/file, with versions, 1.1, and "vendor"
>vendor branch 1.1.1.
>cvs import -m "version 2" themodule vendor vendor-v2
>>cvs notices that file isn't in the import, but it is on the "vendor"
>branch, and so makes a new version marking the file as 

I don't see why this is necessary.  If you do:

cvs co -r vendor-v2 themodule

It will not check out any modules that don't have the vendor-v2 tag.  
For all intents and purposes it is deleted.

If you are making modifications to the source, then you should merge 
the changes to the head:

cvs co -j vendor-v1 -j vendor-v2 themodule

cvs ci themodule

Stephen Rasku   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software EngineerWeb:
TGI Technologies

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-03-20 Thread Nathan Herring

Is there some place to make feature requests such as this one?

I'd like to have the option on successive imports to mark as deleted any
files that previously existed on that vendor branch that are not in the

To wit,

cvs import -m "version 1" themodule vendor vendor-v1
>cvs creates themodule/file, with versions, 1.1, and "vendor"
vendor branch 1.1.1.
cvs import -m "version 2" themodule vendor vendor-v2
>cvs notices that file isn't in the import, but it is on the "vendor"
branch, and so makes a new version marking the file as deleted.


-Original Message-
From: Nathan Herring 
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

Right, but you end up with version 1.2 on the main trunk marked as
and it doesn't have the vendor tag for version 2.

So, you suggest:

cvs import -m "version 2" themodule vendor vendor-v2

cvs co -j vendor-v1 -j vendor-v2 themodule
cvs ci -m "remove vendor files"

cvs tag vendor-v2 

This is OK, but it'd be better to have the option to auto-delete those
as version on the vendor branch.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 8:38 PM
To: Nathan Herring
Subject: Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

> If I am importing a vendor project for the second or subsequent times 
> on the same vendor branch, how can I mark the files that no longer 
> exist in the vendor projects as deleted on the vendor branch?

Doing the merge that CVS suggests when there are conflicts (even if
there aren't any conflicts) will mark the appropriate files for
deletion.  Committing the results of the merge will then delete them.

-Larry Jones

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-02-25 Thread Nathan Herring

Right, but you end up with version 1.2 on the main trunk marked as deleted,
and it doesn't have the vendor tag for version 2.

So, you suggest:

cvs import -m "version 2" themodule vendor vendor-v2

cvs co -j vendor-v1 -j vendor-v2 themodule
cvs ci -m "remove vendor files"

cvs tag vendor-v2 

This is OK, but it'd be better to have the option to auto-delete those files
as version on the vendor branch.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 8:38 PM
To: Nathan Herring
Subject: Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

> If I am importing a vendor project for the second or subsequent times 
> on the same vendor branch, how can I mark the files that no longer 
> exist in the vendor projects as deleted on the vendor branch?

Doing the merge that CVS suggests when there are conflicts (even if
there aren't any conflicts) will mark the appropriate files for
deletion.  Committing the results of the merge will then delete them.

-Larry Jones

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-02-23 Thread Larry Jones

> If I am importing a vendor project for the second or subsequent times 
> on the same vendor branch, how can I mark the files that no longer 
> exist in the vendor projects as deleted on the vendor branch?

Doing the merge that CVS suggests when there are conflicts (even if
there aren't any conflicts) will mark the appropriate files for
deletion.  Committing the results of the merge will then delete them.

-Larry Jones

Info-cvs mailing list

Reimporting vendor projects where items have been deleted

2001-02-23 Thread nathanh

If I am importing a vendor project for the second or subsequent times 
on the same vendor branch, how can I mark the files that no longer 
exist in the vendor projects as deleted on the vendor branch?

It seems that cvs just ignores them and doesn't update those files on 
the branch.

What I'd like to see is something like version exists, but 
version is marked as deleted.

Can I do this without some extra scripting to manually hack at the ,v 


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