Websieve, ACLs, bulletin boards

2002-01-07 Thread Tuuli K Tuominen

I'm trying to use Websieve (version 0.61h) to set ACLs on certain bulletin
boards. I have a test bulletin board for which I have all rights. When
trying to give rights to user "foo" on bulletin board "bar", I get

"Error modifying user.tztuomin.bar, Err: Mailbox does not exist"

So it seems that Websieve is prefixing the name of my Inbox to the name of
the bulletin board I'm trying to modify. Why's that?

Tuuli Tuominen
University of Helsinki  IT Department

Re: FWD: cyrus 2.0.16/SIEVE

2002-01-07 Thread Noll Janos


On 07-Jan-2002 Abu @ Trabas Dot Com wrote:
> i want apache run installsieve/sieveshell with exec command, example:
> exec('installsieve -u user@domain -i file -a file server');
> -> how to supply password if apache has no password or know password.
> the password fill from prompt shell?

 I think sieveshell would work, if you opened a pipe to it, and wrote the
password, then the commands to it.

 The other way (example):
 1. create a temp file, like /tmp/example1 that contains
 2. use the command:
cat /tmp/example1 | sieveshell -u usernamehere

 And voila!

 The first approach might be more secure.

| Noll Janos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.johnzero.hu |
| "Expect the unexpected!"| ICQ# 4547866 |  Linux rulez! |


2002-01-07 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good morning Folks,

IS there any one on the list that is willing to do contract support for 

Also what are people using for mailing lists?



a bit of scriptinghelp.

2002-01-07 Thread Tarjei Huse


I got a small script that I use to backup my mailserver every saturday. My
problem is that a few times a year the machine i use for backup is taken
offsite (we haul or office around a lot). Then the script stalls because
the nfs mount fails. Naturally this becomes a problem. Could someone supply
me som sh or bash scripting code so I can make sure that this will not
happen, and that the script stops and just starts cyrus (maybe with a mail
to someone as well).

# sauve-imap.sh
# stop servers
/etc/rc.d/init.d/cyrus stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ldap stop

/usr/sbin/slapcat > /tmp/ldap.ldif
# start ldap.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ldap start

#tar IMAP
/bin/tar cvzf /backup/var-imap.tgz /var/imap/
/bin/tar cvzf /backup/spool-imap.tgz /var/spool/imap/
# tar conf and ldap files directly to mounted nis dir. (they're not BIG)
cvzf /mnt/test/conf.tgz /etc/cyrus.conf /etc/imapd.conf /etc/sasldb /etc/ope
nldap /etc/postfix
/bin/tar cvzf /mnt/test/ldap.tgz /tmp/ldap.ldif

# start cyrus
/etc/rc.d/init.d/cyrus start
# Open nfs conection:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap start
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs.init start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfslock start

# Mount dir
mount -t nfs backup.domain.com:/mailbackup /mnt/test

# move tarr'ed files to mounted nis dir.
/bin/mv /backup/var-imap.tgz /mnt/test/var-imap.tgz
/bin/mv /backup/spool-imap.tgz /mnt/test/spool-imap.tgz

# Umount
umount /mnt/test
# Stop servers:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap stop
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs.init stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfslock stop

date >> /backup/bkup.log
echo ' backup of cyrus and ldap dirs done\n' >> /backup/bkuplog

## END

Problem: One user is deliverd, Two are rejected

2002-01-07 Thread J.A.J. van Belkum

I don't know if this is a problem that is caused by cyrus Imap server or
by the postfix mail program.

 As you can read I am running postfix as the MTA and Cyrus Imap server.
The problem I have is the following. When I send mail (internally)
to an existing user, the mail is correctly delivered to the users
mailbox, without any errors... This is the same for any user on my
mailserver.  Now here comes the problem... when I create a message wich
is destined  for a user (internal) and add another TO, CC or BCC , I get
an error back saying that the mailboxes do not exist, but here is the
funny part... the mail does get delivered to the people I sent it to.

Personally I think this has something to do with the Postfix program,
but I post it here too, since I think that there are  more people, that
use this same configuration, who've had this problem.

Any help is welcome

Aukjan van Belkum

Re: Problem: One user is deliverd, Two are rejected

2002-01-07 Thread Luc Brouard

J.A.J. van Belkum said:
> I don't know if this is a problem that is caused by cyrus Imap server
> or by the postfix mail program.

Use mailbox_transport = cyrus


> Thanks,
>Aukjan van Belkum

Re: Sieve again on cyrus 2.0.16

2002-01-07 Thread Ramiro Morales

Well, I'm feeling the need to implement Sieve on one of my servers too.

So I'm preparing a new release of the rpm packages.

In the release 3 (cyrus-imapd-2.0.16-3rm) I limited myself to adding 
the sieve service line to the /etc/service file at install time.

But that's far from what is needed to have the full environment for 
Sieve to work correctly.

You need also to create the directories where the users's scripts 
will be stored (I'm putting them in /var/imap/sieve; the default 
Cyrus uses is /usr/cyrus). Let's say it's x

Then, you need to tell Cyrus about that (in /etc/imapd.conf):

sievedir: x
sieveusehomedir: no

And perhaps specify the location of the sendmail binary (if any) of 
your MTA with:

sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail

(that's for Postfix rpm package, Cyrus default is /usr/lib/sendmail)

Then you must create the a..z dirs under x.

Note: The x/ and x/{a..z} dirs mut be owned by cyrus.mail 
and with mod 0750.

I hope being able to finish the new package release soon (I'm 
creating a new cyrus-imapd-sieve sub-package implementing all the 
steps above) but I'm trying to give the option to enable SNMP 
support to the src.rpm rebuilder and I want to get it right for 
all the Red Hat releases I'm targetting (6.2 ... 7.2)

The specfile is starting to look a little messy :-/

Hope this helps.

On 5 Jan 2002 at 15:48, Abu wrote about "Sieve again on cyrus 2.0.16":

Date sent:  Sat, 5 Jan 2002 15:48:29 +0700
Subject:Sieve again on cyrus 2.0.16

} I use cyrus-imapd-2.0.16rm.rpm (Ramiro Morales rpm), using sasl_pw_chek: pam 
(mysql),cyrus-imapd running good, but i dont understand sieve :
} /etc/imapd.conf:
} configdirectory: /var/imap
} partition-default: /var/spool/imap
} admins: cyrus
} allowanonymouslogin: no
} quotawarn: 90
} sasl_pwcheck_method: pam
} /etc/service:
} sieve2000/tcp
} using cyradm:
} [abu@kantorku SPECS]$ cyradm -u cyrus -auth login localhost
} IMAP Password: 
} localhost> lm
} user.abu
} user.abu_kantorku_com   
} ..
} #telnet localhost sieve
} telnet localhost sieve
} Trying
} Connected to localhost.
} Escape character is '^]'.
} "IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v1.0.0"
} "SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope vacation imapflags notify subaddress regex"
} OK
} [abu@kantorku SPECS]$ sieveshell -u cyrus -a cyrus localhost
} connecting to localhost
} Please enter your password: xxx
} unable to connect to server: Authentication error at /usr/bin/sieveshell line 149, 
 line 1.
} Log pam say normaly/success but sieveshell cannot authenticate.
} i have cyrus user, if i login with cyradm successfully but sieveshell failed,
} anybody can help to solve this?
} tx.
} -- 
}   (oo)  Open Solution Provider visit http://www.trabas.com
}  / \/ \ GnuPg public information pub 1024/EBD26280 
}  `V__V' A9A9 8F57 9E9D 14E3 05B4  3EDB C241 A313 EBD2 6280
} Don't relax!  It's only your tension that's holding you together.


Re: Sieve again on cyrus 2.0.16

2002-01-07 Thread Ramiro Morales

Replying to myself to correct

On 7 Jan 2002 at 13:51, Ramiro Morales wrote about "Re: Sieve again on cyrus 2.0.16":

From:   "Ramiro Morales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Mon, 7 Jan 2002 13:51:40 -0300
Subject:Re: Sieve again on cyrus 2.0.16

} ...
} You need also to create the directories where the users's scripts 
} will be stored (I'm putting them in /var/imap/sieve; the default 
} Cyrus uses is /usr/cyrus).

Wrong, the default is /usr/sieve

} ...
} --
} Ramiro


Re: Sieve again on cyrus 2.0.16

2002-01-07 Thread Noll Janos


On 07-Jan-2002 Ramiro Morales wrote:
> } will be stored (I'm putting them in /var/imap/sieve; the default 
> } Cyrus uses is /usr/cyrus).
> Wrong, the default is /usr/sieve

 By the way, I think the default "/usr/sieve" path for sieve filter files is a
wrong and illogical choice.

 It should go under "/var/sieve" or "/var/imap/sieve" instead, by default,
because of the nature of the data contained.

| Noll Janos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.johnzero.hu |
| "Expect the unexpected!"| ICQ# 4547866 |  Linux rulez! |

Re: Sieve redirect to your own address discards the mail

2002-01-07 Thread Larry M. Rosenbaum

Ken Murchison wrote:
>Even if duplicate suppression was turned off, there is no need for the
>email to pass back through your MTA and lmtpd again.  In fact, you'd get
>into an endless loop.

Is this why sieve requires duplicate suppression to be turned on?

Larry M. Rosenbaum  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bldg 4500-N, Room E-218 865 574-8155 phone
PO Box 2008, MS 6271865 241-4000 fax
Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6271

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Network Computing Services group

Re: Sieve redirect to your own address discards the mail

2002-01-07 Thread Ken Murchison

"Larry M. Rosenbaum" wrote:
> Ken Murchison wrote:
> >
> >Even if duplicate suppression was turned off, there is no need for the
> >email to pass back through your MTA and lmtpd again.  In fact, you'd get
> >into an endless loop.
> Is this why sieve requires duplicate suppression to be turned on?

Yes.  And its used for keeping track of vacation responses.

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

Re: a bit of scriptinghelp.

2002-01-07 Thread Jeremy Howard

> I got a small script that I use to backup my mailserver every saturday. My
> problem is that a few times a year the machine i use for backup is taken
> offsite (we haul or office around a lot). Then the script stalls because
> the nfs mount fails. Naturally this becomes a problem. Could someone
> me som sh or bash scripting code so I can make sure that this will not
> happen, and that the script stops and just starts cyrus (maybe with a mail
> to someone as well).
It's been a while since I wrote a shell script--I always use Perl nowadays
because it provides a superset of the features and a more consistent syntax.

Anyway, normally when I have to deal with something like this in Perl I just
set up an alarm:

  $SIG{ALRM} = sub {$mount_failed=1};
  alarm 120; # call me back in two minutes
  eval {do_something_that_might_timeout()};
  alarm 0;   # turn alarm off
  if ($mount_failed) {
# do something
  } else {
# do a different thing

There's probably a way of handling signals in Bash, but I'm not sure what it

You could just replace your shell script with Perl--stick backticks around
calls to shell stuff to get them executed as shell commands rather than Perl

cyrus redhat rpm

2002-01-07 Thread Abu @ Trabas Dot Com

redhat rpmer: where is the sieveshell and installsieve you save?
I recompile from redhat source rpm but there are no those file.

~ > rpm -qpil /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/cyrus-imapd-2.0.9-3.i386.rpm
Name: cyrus-imapd  Relocations: (not relocateable)
Version : 2.0.9 Vendor: (none)
Release : 3 Build Date: Wed 24 Oct 2001 12:57:25 PM 
Install date: (not installed)   Build Host: yusril.com
Group   : System Environment/DaemonsSource RPM: cyrus-imapd-2.0.9-3.src.rpm
Size: 4551132  License: BSD
URL : http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/imapd/
Summary : A high-performance mail store with IMAP and POP3 support.
Description :
The Cyrus IMAP server is a scaleable enterprise mail system
designed for use from small to large enterprise environments using
standards-based technologies.

A full Cyrus IMAP implementation allows a seamless mail and bulletin
board environment to be set up across multiple servers. It differs from
other IMAP server implementations in that it is run on "sealed"
servers, where users are not normally permitted to log in. The mailbox
database is stored in parts of the filesystem that are private to the
Cyrus IMAP system. All user access to mail is through software using
the IMAP, POP3, or KPOP protocols.

  (oo)  Open Solution Provider visit http://www.trabas.com
 / \/ \ GnuPg public information pub 1024/EBD26280 
 `V__V' A9A9 8F57 9E9D 14E3 05B4  3EDB C241 A313 EBD2 6280
Avoid reality at all costs.

Re: FWD: cyrus 2.0.16/SIEVE

2002-01-07 Thread Abu @ Trabas Dot Com

Hai Again, 

Yes I dont understand cyrus-2.xx running sieve more difficult than ver 1.,
and installsieve/sieveshell cannot running with cyrus admin.
if i have thousand of user, it is not secure to write password first to
file and pipe it to sieveshell/installsieve.

i dont have solution for this case, it is little tricky, i makee script to do:

1. if user want forward/vacation, script make a password to file first
2. make sieve script 
3. run installsieve:
   exec("installsieve -u $user -i $file.script -a $file < password")

4. delete user password file and script file.
5. i must have directory for apache to write file.

its to hard to understand why sieve tool to do it. or any better solution. :(

Noll Janos([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 02:02:48PM +0100:
> Hi!
> On 07-Jan-2002 Abu @ Trabas Dot Com wrote:
> > i want apache run installsieve/sieveshell with exec command, example:
> > exec('installsieve -u user@domain -i file -a file server');
> > 
> > -> how to supply password if apache has no password or know password.
> > the password fill from prompt shell?
>  I think sieveshell would work, if you opened a pipe to it, and wrote the
> password, then the commands to it.
>  The other way (example):
>  1. create a temp file, like /tmp/example1 that contains
> thepasswordhere
> list
>  2. use the command:
> cat /tmp/example1 | sieveshell -u usernamehere
>  And voila!
>  The first approach might be more secure.
> | Noll Janos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.johnzero.hu |
> | "Expect the unexpected!"| ICQ# 4547866 |  Linux rulez! |

  (oo)  Open Solution Provider visit http://www.trabas.com
 / \/ \ GnuPg public information pub 1024/EBD26280 
 `V__V' A9A9 8F57 9E9D 14E3 05B4  3EDB C241 A313 EBD2 6280
Don't relax!  It's only your tension that's holding you together.

Re: cyrus redhat rpm

2002-01-07 Thread Ian Macdonald

On Tue 08 Jan 2002 at 10:06:36 +0700, you wrote:

> redhat rpmer: where is the sieveshell and installsieve you save?
> I recompile from redhat source rpm but there are no those file.
> ~ > rpm -qpil /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/cyrus-imapd-2.0.9-3.i386.rpm

Get this updated RPM for 2.0.16 from my site at:


It corrects a number of problems with Red Hat's old RPM.

Ian Macdonald   | f u cn rd ths, u r prbbly a lsy spllr. 
System Administrator| 
Google, Inc.| 
650.330.0100 x1265  | 

Reliable mailstore

2002-01-07 Thread Mark Newton

I'm working on a project which involves building a scalable and (mostly)
fault-tolerant mailstore.

I haven't settled on the software I'm going to use yet, so I'm looking 
through lots of documentation to try to get a picture of what's out there.

In any case, what I'm trying to end up with is a system built around a
large filestore (suitably RAIDed for reliability) with multiple front-end
systems (for scalability).

I've noticed in the Cyrus documentation that NFS is not an option for 
doing this kind of thing, so I'm left wondering if there's some other way
to do it.  I'm pretty open minded, and am happy to have anyone attempt
to convince me that their favorite software will deliver what I'm hoping
to be able to do, so if anyone has been down this path before I'd appreciate
hearing about it.

Thanks in advance,

   - mark

Mark Newton   Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (W)
Network Engineer  Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (H)
Internode Systems Pty Ltd Desk:   +61-8-82232999
"Network Man" - Anagram of "Mark Newton"  Mobile: +61-416-202-223

Re: Reliable mailstore

2002-01-07 Thread Daryl Tester

Mark Newton wrote:

> In any case, what I'm trying to end up with is a system built around a
> large filestore (suitably RAIDed for reliability) with multiple front-end
> systems (for scalability).
> I've noticed in the Cyrus documentation that NFS is not an option for
> doing this kind of thing, so I'm left wondering if there's some other way
> to do it.

Coupla thing re: Cyrus.

One method for scaling under Cyrus is to use an special front end to IMAP,
of which a couple leap to mind - The Murder IMAP Aggregator at
http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/ag.html, or Perdition, the mail retrieval
proxy at http://www.vergenet.net/linux/perdition/ .  Not that I've (had to)
use either of these products, just that I'm aware of them.

The other thing is that CMU still run their campus wide Cyrus installation
on one machine, the specs of which escape me (but supports something like
100K users under Solaris?  Ahh, here it is, see [1]).

  Daryl Tester,  Software Wrangler and Bit Herder, IOCANE Pty. Ltd.

"Now is the Winter of our Discount Tent."  -- The Red Green Show
