[no subject]

2002-02-21 Thread Gaël LE COZ


I want to set up a mail server using Cyrus and a RedHat 7.x.
So I would like to know the capacity in term of account of Cyrus with and
without cluster implementation.

Thanks in advance


postfix / cyrus quota message

2002-02-21 Thread Steve Wright

Thank you to everyone who emailed me with large companies / organizations 
that are running cyrus.

I have hit a snag  am not sure if this is caused be some configuration 
option I have not correctly set.

I have postfix delivering to cyrus via lmtp, this works great.

When a user becomes over quota (set via cyradm), cyrus will not accept mail 
for that user  a temporary error will be issued to postfix, postfix will 
then keep mail in its spool until it can be delivered.
This is not desired, I want mail for users over quota to be rejected!

I have therefor (from information I found in the mailing list archives) 
altered cyrus to no longer issue a temporary error, cyrus will now issue 550 
when the user is over quota.
This works and is good, however the bounce message returned to the message 
sender is;

postfix etc,etc
When talking to lmtp:/pathtosocket/socketname the etc,etc said
User over quota etc,etc

This is my problem, I have no desire for people to know the location of the 
lmtp socket nor see any information about it.
Is there a way to stop this ??

I would like the message sender to get a message something like;

postfix etc,etc
The message could not be delivered as the mailbox is full, please try later.

Is there possibly another code instead of 550 I should not accept mail with ??

With Thanks

Re: howto change postfix / cyrus quota message

2002-02-21 Thread Steve Wright

How I changed the quota message;

To change the message cyrus rejects over quota mail with I modified
/usr/local/src/cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/imap/lmtpengine.c  (line 152)

The lines 151  152 now read;
152return 550 4.2.2 Over quota;

After recompiling cyrus the only binary files that will have changed are 
deliver  lmtpd, these files are located as;

/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver  /usr/cyrus/bin/lmtpd
Stop cyrus  replace the two files with the new copies.
Restart cyrus  the message will have changed.

I hope this helps.


On Thursday 21 February 2002 12:45, you wrote:

  I have therefor (from information I found in the mailing list archives)
  altered cyrus to no longer issue a temporary error, cyrus will now issue
  550 when the user is over quota.

  Please, could u tell me how to do that, or direct me to that message ,
 where u found the answer . I couldnt find it in the mailing list.


 Andrei V. Loukinykh , Evpatoria Ukrtelecom ISP, +380 6569 29376
 UNIX is like a vigvam - no Windows, no Gates and an Apache inside

RE: Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

2002-02-21 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi Mike,

I can relate to your despair, no pizza need apply if this helps.

1. have you tried WebSieve? Has a lot more out of the box preconfigured treats in it.
2.  Did you compile cyrus with sieve support disabled accidentally?
3. do you have a straight up mail.log not just imap.log? a mail.debug line in 
syslog.conf helps enormously for this.

-Original Message-
From:   Mike Grommet [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, February 21, 2002 2:26 AM
Subject:Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

I'm really at the end of my rope here, so, I'm
offering free pizza to the person who can figure out my pain and make it all

I'll order a large pizza with the toppings of your choice, from the delivery
place of your choosing, and have it delivered to you at home / offfice /
wherever :)
I'm completely serious here :)  Who says theres no such thing as a free
lunch (Ok, I believe it was Heinlien)?

Ok, I'm really stumped when it comes to sieve configuration with sendmail...

I can telnet to the sieve port just fine.  Cyrus seems to perform just
dandy.  Sieve scritps are happily
being placed into /usr/sieve/whatever

Is there other information I can supply?  I'm seeing really weird behavior
from 2 different sieve scripts, a reject script and a vacation script

I found this reject examle script in the ether...  Its getting on the
server, and is activated.

require fileinto;
require reject;
if header :contains Subject Shockwave
 {reject Possible virus? Check your system!;}

my imap log looks like this:
Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail master[13201]: about to exec
Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13201]: executed
Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail master[13206]: about to exec
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13206]: executed
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: accepted connection
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as

My mail log looks like this when one of these messges goes in::
Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13277]: g1L6eYUG013277: from=REMOVED,
size=632, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=013f01c1baa5$021b5380$[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA,
relay=sm11.texas.rr.com []
Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13280]: g1L6eYUG013277: to=REMOVED,
delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus, pri=30625, dsn=2.0.0,

And thats it... no vacation message is ever sent, and nothing odd is showing
up in my imap log.

The reject script doesnt reject... the mail is sent right on through...

# standard standalone server implementation

  # do not delete these entries!
  mboxlist  cmd=ctl_mboxlist -r
  deliver   cmd=ctl_deliver -r

  # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
#  idledcmd=idled

# UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/imap/socket
  # add or remove based on preferences
  imap  cmd=imapd listen=imap prefork=0
  imaps cmd=imapd -s listen=imaps prefork=0
  pop3  cmd=pop3d listen=pop3 prefork=0
  pop3s cmd=pop3d -s listen=pop3s prefork=0
  sieve cmd=timsieved listen=sieve prefork=0

  # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
#  lmtp cmd=lmtpd listen=lmtp prefork=0
  lmtpunix  cmd=lmtpd listen=/var/imap/socket/lmtp prefork=0

  # this is required
  checkpointcmd=ctl_mboxlist -c period=30

  # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression
  delprune  cmd=ctl_deliver -E 3 period=1440

Relevant sendmail.mc contents
define(`CYRUS_MAILER_FLAGS', `A5@/:|SmXz')dnl
define(`CYRUS_MAILER_ARGS', `deliver -l -e')
define(`CYRUS_BB_MAILER_ARGS',`deliver -l -e -m $u')dnl


R$=N$: $#local $: $1
R$=N  @ $=w . $: $#local $: $1
Rbb + $+  @ $=w . $#cyrusbb $: $1

Which gets translated to these .cf contents:

Re: howto change postfix / cyrus quota message

2002-02-21 Thread Steve Wright


Not sure if I understand your question, the behavior will change but only 
because we change the response code cyrus gives.
My understanding of this is below (and please tell me if i'm wrong), how I 
understand this over quota mail is never placed in the queue by cyrus.
It is only placed in the queue by postfix.
But if I have understood you correctly you want to know only that mail will 
bounce immediately  the answer is yes.

My understanding

Incoming mail  -- Postfix -- Cyrus -- Outgoing 

Incoming mail being smtp
Outgoing mail being a client using pop3 / imap / etc

In a 'normal' compile of cyrus, mail comes into postfix which accepts the 
mail because the recipient is in whatever list of valid users it uses, the 
mail is now in postfix's spool.

Postfix now attempts to deliver the mail to its destination which for local 
mail will be cyrus, it does this either via deliver or lmtp.

Cyrus checks if the user is valid, then if it checks the quota, if the user 
is over quota it responds with a temporary error code  an english message 
saying over quota.

The message is still in postfix's spool  can be seen with mailq,
Postfix will attempt to deliver the mail for the next 5 days (default), it 
will also continue to accept mail for the user.

This patch modifies the error code cyrus returns to postfix, causing postfix 
not to continue attempting to deliver mail, but to bounce the mail as 
undeliverable back to the sender (including the over quota text cyrus 
passed it).


On Thursday 21 February 2002 13:05, you wrote:
  The lines 151  152 now read;
  152return 550 4.2.2 Over quota;

  It will change the message, but will it change cyrus' behavior also?
  I mean not to place overquoted message to the queue, an reject it
 immediately ?

 Andrei V. Loukinykh , Evpatoria Ukrtelecom ISP, +380 6569 29376
 UNIX is like a vigvam - no Windows, no Gates and an Apache inside

Re: can't write to the imapd.log and auth.log

2002-02-21 Thread Manuel Hendel

On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 02:31:24PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 touch /var/log/imapd.log
 touch /var/log/auth.log
 imapd does not create the files if they dont exist

This doesn't change anything, I tried this before.


You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. 
-Beverly Sills 

spaces around uid

2002-02-21 Thread Carsten Hoeger


we noticed, that cyrus-imapd allows users to prepend or append
whitespaces to their uid like this:

. loginuser   secret

cyrus-imapd hand's over this string as is to the underlying
authentication system. In case of pam with pam_ldap, this results in a
DN like this:

uid=   user  ,dc=some,dc=dom

which will then be normalized by OpenLDAP to


and will give a successfull authentication... :-(

Another point is, that the uid attribute is caseINsensitve as defined
in the core openldap schema, which makes things even harder:

. loginuSer   secret

would be the same as 

. loginuser   secret

for openldap in this case.

Most mailclients would then notice, that there is no inbox -because
imapd is now looking into /var/imap/user/   uSer  / which currently
does not exist. Then they issue a create inbox command and voila, we
have a new directory called /var/imap/user/   uSer  /.

So I wrote a small patch for the auth_canonifyid function, which
strips off leading and trailing whitespaces and lowers alpha chars.

I am not exactly sure, if this is the right place to fix, but it

I attached the patch to this mail.

With best regards,

Carsten Hoeger

SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com

Key fingerprint = E3B6 7FDB 4800 0F22 DC09  EB2B 7988 B6A8 6691 C94A

diff -urN cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/lib/auth_unix.c cyrus-imapd-2.0.16.SuSE/lib/auth_unix.c
--- cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/lib/auth_unix.c  Tue May 23 22:56:12 2000
+++ cyrus-imapd-2.0.16.SuSE/lib/auth_unix.c Wed Feb 20 15:32:44 2002
@@ -154,9 +154,11 @@
 const char *identifier;
 static char retbuf[81];
+char backup[81];
 struct group *grp;
 char sawalpha;
 char *p;
+int ic,rbc;
 if (strcasecmp(identifier, anonymous) == 0) {
return anonymous;
@@ -210,6 +212,21 @@
 *p = 0;
 if (!sawalpha) return NULL;  /* has to be one alpha char */
+/* remove leading blanks */
+for(ic=0; isblank(backup[ic]); ic++);
+for(rbc=0; backup[ic]; ic++) {
+   retbuf[rbc] = ( isalpha(backup[ic]) ?
+   tolower(backup[ic]) : backup[ic] );
+   rbc++;
+retbuf[rbc] = '\0';
+/* remove trailing blanks */
+for(--rbc; isblank(retbuf[rbc]); rbc--) {
+   retbuf[rbc] = '\0';
 return retbuf;

Description: PGP signature

Re: can't write to the imapd.log and auth.log

2002-02-21 Thread stefang

Are you sure those files belong to the correct user?

If you created them as root they will not be writable by the imapd user
until you give those files to the right user with chown

Stefan Goethals
System Engineer

ADEPT nv  -  The partner to make IT secure!

Vlamingstraat 4, B-8560 Wevelgem, Belgium
Tel :+32-(0)56-432.888

The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
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mistransmission.  If you receive this message in error, please immediately
delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of
and notify the sender.  You must not, directly or indirectly, use,
distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the
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is indicative only, is subject to change and does not constitute an offer
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be treated as preliminary only and subject to our formal written

  Manuel Hendel
  Manuel.Hendel@easygoluckyTo:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  .de  cc:   Cyrus 
  Sent by:  Subject:  Re: can't write to 
the imapd.log and auth.log 
  21/02/2002 14:46 

On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 02:31:24PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 touch /var/log/imapd.log
 touch /var/log/auth.log

 imapd does not create the files if they dont exist

This doesn't change anything, I tried this before.


You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.
-Beverly Sills

Re: duplicate_prune - what does this mean

2002-02-21 Thread Steve Wright

You would have a problem if it wasn't there :)


On Thursday 21 February 2002 14:16, you wrote:
 So it's absolutely ok! Isn't it?


Re: can't write to the imapd.log and auth.log

2002-02-21 Thread Manuel Hendel

It's working now thanks.


Experience is what allows us to repeat our mistakes, only with more finesse! 
-Derwood Fincher 
(contributed by Chris Johnston) 

using multiple mechanism for authentication on cyrus-imap-2.1.2

2002-02-21 Thread Keith Kee

   I have just compiled and installed sasl-2.1.1 and imap-2.1.2, and I have
problems getting it to authenticate with sasldb mechanism. Here is my
desired behavior for cyrus-imap. I have currently unix users that I like
them to use the same unix passwords for logging into cyrus to get their
emails. Hence, I have the sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd in imapd.conf.
However, I also have guest users who I don't want to set up unix accounts
just to get emails. I like to use the default sasldb for that purpose.
   How do I use the fallback scheme, where it will check saslauthd for
passwds and if not available, check sasldb entries for such users?
   Is it possible?


Re: using multiple mechanism for authentication on cyrus-imap-2.1.2

2002-02-21 Thread Rob Siemborski

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Keith Kee wrote:

How do I use the fallback scheme, where it will check saslauthd for
 passwds and if not available, check sasldb entries for such users?
Is it possible?

Not with the current code, but modifying _sasl_checkpass to do a fallback
style parseing of the pwcheck_method option shouldn't be very hard (If you
do it, send us a patch!).


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: spaces around uid

2002-02-21 Thread Birger Toedtmann

Carsten Hoeger schrieb am Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 02:43:40PM +0100:
 Most mailclients would then notice, that there is no inbox -because
 imapd is now looking into /var/imap/user/   uSer  / which currently
 does not exist. Then they issue a create inbox command and voila, we
 have a new directory called /var/imap/user/   uSer  /.
 So I wrote a small patch for the auth_canonifyid function, which
 strips off leading and trailing whitespaces and lowers alpha chars.

With the whitespaces I'm not sure but I don't think one should enforce
case insensitivety - instead one should instruct OpenLDAP to behave case 


- Birger

Re: [Fwd: Vacation.. yes again..]

2002-02-21 Thread Ken Murchison

Given that redirect works, and there are no apparent errors as a result
of vacation, I'd agree with Amos, that the address matching is failing. 
Make sure that you list all :addresses that people might use to send an
email to you (those that would appear in the to/cc/bcc headers).


Tyrone Vaughn wrote:
 Redirect worked here's the data (I hope I got it all).
 Again.. thanks.
 # cat /var/imap/sieve/t/tvaughn/default
 require [fileinto];
 require [reject];
 require [vacation];
 if   header :contains from tvaughn   { redirect [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 # tail /var/log/mail/info
 Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone sendmail[28757]: g1KMsLJ28757:
 from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1058, class=0, nrcpts=1, ms
 gid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA,
 relay=nsmaster.amicus.com []
 Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone sendmail[28763]: g1KMsRX28763:
 Authentication-Warning: tyrone.vcrl.org: cyrus set sender to
 Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone sendmail[28763]: g1KMsRX28763:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1373, class=0, nrcpts=1,
 msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=cyrus@localhost
 Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone sendmail[28760]: g1KMsLJ28757:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:06, xdelay=00:00:06, mailer=cyrus,
 pri=31058, relay=localhost, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
 Feb 20 16:56:09 tyrone sendmail[28765]: g1KMsRX28763: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (1000/0), delay=00:01:42, xdelay=00:01:42,
 mailer=esmtp, pri=31373, relay=nsmaster.amicus.com. [],
 dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (g1KMrfK07592 Message accepted for delivery)
 # tail /var/log/mail/cyrus.log
 Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone master[28742]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/timsieved
 Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone master[28742]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/timsieved
 Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone service-sieve[28742]: executed
 Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone service-sieve[28742]: executed
 Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone service-sieve[28742]: accepted connection
 Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone service-sieve[28742]: accepted connection
 Feb 20 16:53:24 tyrone timsieved[28742]: login:
 localhost.localdomain[] tvaughn PLAIN User logged in
 Feb 20 16:53:24 tyrone timsieved[28742]: login:
 localhost.localdomain[] tvaughn PLAIN User logged in
 Feb 20 16:53:56 tyrone master[27082]: process 28742 exited, status 75
 Feb 20 16:53:56 tyrone master[27082]: process 28742 exited, status 75
 Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone master[28761]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/lmtpd
 Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone master[28761]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/lmtpd
 Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone service-lmtpunix[28761]: executed
 Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone service-lmtpunix[28761]: executed
 Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone lmtpd[28761]: accepted connection
 Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone lmtpd[28761]: accepted connection
 Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone lmtpd[28761]: lmtp connection preauth'd as postman
 Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone lmtpd[28761]: lmtp connection preauth'd as postman
 Feb 20 16:55:27 tyrone master[27082]: process 28761 exited, status 0
 Feb 20 16:55:27 tyrone master[27082]: process 28761 exited, status 0
 Ken Murchison wrote:
  Since vacation is failrly complex, try setting up a redirect action so
  we can determine if it is a sendmail problem or a lmtpd/sieve problem.
  Make sure to set the logging level for local6 to debug so we can see
  what Cyrus is telling us (it looks like you already have this).
  Tyrone Vaughn wrote:
 That was my feeling. That something HAD to change.  The last time any
 configuration file was touched, prior to this, was over 4 weeks ago. A
 MILTER process was upgraded two weeks ago and sendmail/cyrus was
 restarted, so I thought that might be the issue, (We use RAV Antivirus) so
 I backed it out and then completely removed it to no avail.
 The _only_ thing that seems to have had any specific cause and effect is
 adding the F=w to the sendmail.cf for Mcyrus.  I had two machines that are
 almost identical with the exception of that flag -- one no longer working
 and one still working -- so I added the 'w' flag and vacation quit! A-HA!
 I think to myself, and I quickly remove it .. . . nope.  Now it's broke
 too.  Attempted to test/repeat it on the other machines to only find out
 they are not working either... hence my 'aaarrgghh''
 Soo, I have build a completely NEW, SCRATCH machine and am working
 through all the various things I believe could effect it and it is just
 laughing at me as I go bald. :-)
 I am completely stumped.  I was sure that a complete re-install would fix
 it, and was prepared to tell all the clients that, as if magic, all their
 mail was going to be 'unread' next time the checked due to this re-install
 when even that route failed to repair the issue...
 I did remove everything (tar'ng off the user.$user/. files and NOT the
 other files. and developing a list of folders to go with it) completely
 recompliling from freshly downloaded source, going through the
 configuration over again, putting the folders (via cyradm) and mail back,
 doing a recontruct -r (as cyrus) on 


2002-02-21 Thread Sandra


   I have cyrus-imapd-2.0.16 installed with PAM+mysql and postfix, and
I will migrate uw-imap users files to cyrus, but I have to migrate
the procmail rules too.
   And I would like to know if it's possible to install procmail instead

sieve to do the filtering function. As I'm reading in the info-cyrus
archive, it seems to be possible, but I haven't found any documentation
about it.
   Where could I get it?

   Thanks in advance.


Re: Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

2002-02-21 Thread Ken Murchison

First, does a simple fileinto action work?  If not, then your scripts
probably aren't being run.  If it does, then we have to look at why
lmtpd isn't forking a sendmail process.

Mike Grommet wrote:
 I'm really at the end of my rope here, so, I'm
 offering free pizza to the person who can figure out my pain and make it all
 I'll order a large pizza with the toppings of your choice, from the delivery
 place of your choosing, and have it delivered to you at home / offfice /
 wherever :)
 I'm completely serious here :)  Who says theres no such thing as a free
 lunch (Ok, I believe it was Heinlien)?
 Ok, I'm really stumped when it comes to sieve configuration with sendmail...
 I can telnet to the sieve port just fine.  Cyrus seems to perform just
 dandy.  Sieve scritps are happily
 being placed into /usr/sieve/whatever
 Is there other information I can supply?  I'm seeing really weird behavior
 from 2 different sieve scripts, a reject script and a vacation script
 I found this reject examle script in the ether...  Its getting on the
 server, and is activated.
 require fileinto;
 require reject;
 if header :contains Subject Shockwave
  {reject Possible virus? Check your system!;}
 my imap log looks like this:
 Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail master[13201]: about to exec
 Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13201]: executed
 Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
 Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail master[13206]: about to exec
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13206]: executed
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: accepted connection
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
 Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
 Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
 My mail log looks like this when one of these messges goes in::
 Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13277]: g1L6eYUG013277: from=REMOVED,
 size=632, class=0, nrcpts=1,
 msgid=013f01c1baa5$021b5380$[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA,
 relay=sm11.texas.rr.com []
 Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13280]: g1L6eYUG013277: to=REMOVED,
 delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus, pri=30625, dsn=2.0.0,
 And thats it... no vacation message is ever sent, and nothing odd is showing
 up in my imap log.
 The reject script doesnt reject... the mail is sent right on through...
 # standard standalone server implementation
   # do not delete these entries!
   mboxlist  cmd=ctl_mboxlist -r
   deliver   cmd=ctl_deliver -r
   # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
 #  idledcmd=idled
 # UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/imap/socket
   # add or remove based on preferences
   imap  cmd=imapd listen=imap prefork=0
   imaps cmd=imapd -s listen=imaps prefork=0
   pop3  cmd=pop3d listen=pop3 prefork=0
   pop3s cmd=pop3d -s listen=pop3s prefork=0
   sieve cmd=timsieved listen=sieve prefork=0
   # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
 #  lmtp cmd=lmtpd listen=lmtp prefork=0
   lmtpunix  cmd=lmtpd listen=/var/imap/socket/lmtp prefork=0
   # this is required
   checkpointcmd=ctl_mboxlist -c period=30
   # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression
   delprune  cmd=ctl_deliver -E 3 period=1440
 Relevant sendmail.mc contents
 define(`CYRUS_MAILER_FLAGS', `A5@/:|SmXz')dnl
 define(`CYRUS_MAILER_ARGS', `deliver -l -e')
 define(`CYRUS_BB_MAILER_ARGS',`deliver -l -e -m $u')dnl
 R$=N$: $#local $: $1
 R$=N  @ $=w . $: $#local $: $1
 Rbb + $+  @ $=w . $#cyrusbb $: $1
 Which gets translated to these .cf contents:
 Mcyrus, P=/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPqA5@/:|SmXz, S=EnvFromL,
 M=10485760, U=cyrus:mail, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
 A=deliver -l -e
 Mcyrusbb,   P=/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPS, S=EnvFromL,

quota message

2002-02-21 Thread Steve Wright

I'm getting this message generated by postfix when cyrus refuses to accept 
mail because the cyrus user is over quota, I need to remove the reference to 
the lmtp socket, can anyone tell me how ??

This is the Postfix program at host mail.domain.co.uk

I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
below could not be delivered to one or more destinations.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the message returned below.

The Postfix program

said: 550 4.2.2 Over quota


RE: using multiple mechanism for authentication on cyrus-imap-2.1.2

2002-02-21 Thread Keith Kee

I am not a very good programmer, so I won't be able to fix that. However,
since I cannot achieve that, how do I solely use /etc/salsdb2 for all my
athentication? I looked at the mail archive about setting
sasl_pwcheck_method to auxprop. However, when I did that, imapd complains
about unknown mechanism. I looked at the configure options, and did not see
any parameters like --enable-auxprop. I also looked at the plugin directory,
but did not find a libauxprop.so. Looking at the source code, I am assuming
that it is embedded in libsasldb.so.

Can somebody be kind enough to me straighten this matter up?


 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Siemborski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 9:51 AM
 To: Keith Kee
 Cc: Cyrus Info
 Subject: Re: using multiple mechanism for authentication on

 On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Keith Kee wrote:

 How do I use the fallback scheme, where it will check saslauthd for
  passwds and if not available, check sasldb entries for such users?
 Is it possible?

 Not with the current code, but modifying _sasl_checkpass to do a fallback
 style parseing of the pwcheck_method option shouldn't be very hard (If you
 do it, send us a patch!).


 Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-268-7456
 Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: howto change postfix / cyrus quota message

2002-02-21 Thread Lawrence Greenfield

   From: Steve Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 12:57:44 +

   How I changed the quota message;

   To change the message cyrus rejects over quota mail with I modified
   /usr/local/src/cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/imap/lmtpengine.c  (line 152)

   The lines 151  152 now read;
   152return 550 4.2.2 Over quota;

You need to make that

return 550 5.2.2 Over quota;


Re: spaces around uid

2002-02-21 Thread Carsten Hoeger

On Thu, Feb 21, Birger Toedtmann wrote:

  Most mailclients would then notice, that there is no inbox -because
  imapd is now looking into /var/imap/user/   uSer  / which currently
  does not exist. Then they issue a create inbox command and voila, we
  have a new directory called /var/imap/user/   uSer  /.
  So I wrote a small patch for the auth_canonifyid function, which
  strips off leading and trailing whitespaces and lowers alpha chars.
 With the whitespaces I'm not sure but I don't think one should enforce
 case insensitivety - instead one should instruct OpenLDAP to behave case 

Yes, that's what I also thought in the past.
In the OpenLDAP core schema, you can read:

# OpenLDAP Core schema
# Includes LDAPv3 schema items from:
#   RFC2251-RFC2256 (LDAPv3)
# select standard track schema items:
#   RFC2079 (URI)
#   RFC1274 (uid/dc)


# Derived from RFC1274, but with new short names
attributetype ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1
NAME ( 'uid' 'userid' )
DESC 'RFC1274: user identifier'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
SYNTAX{256} )


And in RFC 1274:


9.3.1.  Userid

   The Userid attribute type specifies a computer system login name.

 (SIZE (1 .. ub-user-identifier))
 ::= {pilotAttributeType 1}


They all speak about caseinsensity.

Maybe we should include the openldap people into this discussion.

My original Mail:

we noticed, that cyrus-imapd allows users to prepend or append
whitespaces to their uid like this:

. loginuser   secret

cyrus-imapd hand's over this string as is to the underlying
authentication system. In case of pam with pam_ldap, this results in a
DN like this:

uid=   user  ,dc=some,dc=dom

which will then be normalized by OpenLDAP to


and will give a successfull authentication... :-(

Another point is, that the uid attribute is caseINsensitve as defined
in the core openldap schema, which makes things even harder:

. loginuSer   secret

would be the same as

. loginuser   secret

for openldap in this case.

Most mailclients would then notice, that there is no inbox -because
imapd is now looking into /var/imap/user/   uSer  / which currently
does not exist. Then they issue a create inbox command and voila, we
have a new directory called /var/imap/user/   uSer  /.

So I wrote a small patch for the auth_canonifyid function, which
strips off leading and trailing whitespaces and lowers alpha chars.

I am not exactly sure, if this is the right place to fix, but it

With best regards,

Carsten Hoeger

SuSE, The Linux Experts, http://www.suse.com

Key fingerprint = E3B6 7FDB 4800 0F22 DC09  EB2B 7988 B6A8 6691 C94A

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Fwd: Vacation.. yes again..]

2002-02-21 Thread Tyrone Vaughn

Okay... on the system that I did a FULL replacement of cyrus/sieve, after 
I added MULTIPLE possible addresses, it now works with just the primary.. 
go figure. (What I mean, is that the address SHOULD be $[EMAIL PROTECTED], but 
I also added $[EMAIL PROTECTED], $[EMAIL PROTECTED], etc, etc and now 
it works with just $[EMAIL PROTECTED]).

On the machine that is production and also does a redirect correctly, I 
do the following and it does NOT send a vacation.

Is there a DB file somewhere that is possible corrupt and needs rebuilt 
that a re-install replaced?  If it is corrupt, can it be rebuilt in-place 
instead of rebuilding over 5000 mailboxes to accomplish the same thing?

Again.. thanks for all the help.. it is working on a 'developement' 
environment but still fails to work in production...


require [fileinto];
require [reject];
require [vacation];

 :days 3
 :subject Testing
Testing of vacation;

Feb 21 10:46:34 barnaby sendmail[16153]: g1LGkXj16153: 
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1078, class=0, nrcpts=1, 
msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, 
relay=nsmaster.amicus.com []
Feb 21 10:46:34 barnaby sendmail[16155]: g1LGkXj16153: 
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=cyrus, pri=30401, relay=localhost [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

Feb 21 10:46:34 barnaby master[16156]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/lmtpd
Feb 21 10:46:34 barnaby service-lmtp[16156]: executed
Feb 21 10:46:34 barnaby lmtpd[16156]: accepted connection
Feb 21 10:46:34 barnaby lmtpd[16156]: connection from [] 
preauth'd as postman

Ken Murchison wrote:

 Given that redirect works, and there are no apparent errors as a result
 of vacation, I'd agree with Amos, that the address matching is failing. 
 Make sure that you list all :addresses that people might use to send an
 email to you (those that would appear in the to/cc/bcc headers).
 Tyrone Vaughn wrote:
Redirect worked here's the data (I hope I got it all).

Again.. thanks.

# cat /var/imap/sieve/t/tvaughn/default
require [fileinto];
require [reject];
require [vacation];

if   header :contains from tvaughn   { redirect [EMAIL PROTECTED];

# tail /var/log/mail/info
Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone sendmail[28757]: g1KMsLJ28757:
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1058, class=0, nrcpts=1, ms
gid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA,
relay=nsmaster.amicus.com []
Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone sendmail[28763]: g1KMsRX28763:
Authentication-Warning: tyrone.vcrl.org: cyrus set sender to
Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone sendmail[28763]: g1KMsRX28763:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1373, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=cyrus@localhost
Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone sendmail[28760]: g1KMsLJ28757:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:06, xdelay=00:00:06, mailer=cyrus,
pri=31058, relay=localhost, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
Feb 20 16:56:09 tyrone sendmail[28765]: g1KMsRX28763: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (1000/0), delay=00:01:42, xdelay=00:01:42,
mailer=esmtp, pri=31373, relay=nsmaster.amicus.com. [],
dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (g1KMrfK07592 Message accepted for delivery)

# tail /var/log/mail/cyrus.log
Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone master[28742]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/timsieved
Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone master[28742]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/timsieved
Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone service-sieve[28742]: executed
Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone service-sieve[28742]: executed
Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone service-sieve[28742]: accepted connection
Feb 20 16:53:16 tyrone service-sieve[28742]: accepted connection
Feb 20 16:53:24 tyrone timsieved[28742]: login:
localhost.localdomain[] tvaughn PLAIN User logged in
Feb 20 16:53:24 tyrone timsieved[28742]: login:
localhost.localdomain[] tvaughn PLAIN User logged in
Feb 20 16:53:56 tyrone master[27082]: process 28742 exited, status 75
Feb 20 16:53:56 tyrone master[27082]: process 28742 exited, status 75
Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone master[28761]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/lmtpd
Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone master[28761]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/lmtpd
Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone service-lmtpunix[28761]: executed
Feb 20 16:54:21 tyrone service-lmtpunix[28761]: executed
Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone lmtpd[28761]: accepted connection
Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone lmtpd[28761]: accepted connection
Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone lmtpd[28761]: lmtp connection preauth'd as postman
Feb 20 16:54:27 tyrone lmtpd[28761]: lmtp connection preauth'd as postman
Feb 20 16:55:27 tyrone master[27082]: process 28761 exited, status 0
Feb 20 16:55:27 tyrone master[27082]: process 28761 exited, status 0

Ken Murchison wrote:

Since vacation is failrly complex, try setting up a redirect action so
we can 

Re: quota message

2002-02-21 Thread simon

On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 16:10, Steve Wright wrote:
 I'm getting this message generated by postfix when cyrus refuses to accept 
 mail because the cyrus user is over quota, I need to remove the reference to 
 the lmtp socket, can anyone tell me how ??

You will need to edit postfix source somewhere.

Postfix lmtp connects to the lmtp socket gets the 550 error
and creates that message. ( I would look first in the lmtp code
but thats just a pointer).

RE: using multiple mechanism for authentication on cyrus-imap-2.1.2

2002-02-21 Thread Keith Kee

bash-2.03# /usr/local/sbin/sasldblistusers2
cyrus@thunder: userPassword

bash-2.03# /usr/local/bin/imtest -a cyrus -m login localhost
S: * OK thunder.netsco.com Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.2 server ready
S: C01 OK Completed
C: L01 LOGIN cyrus {5}
+ go ahead
C: omitted
L01 NO Login failed: generic failure
Authentication failed. generic failure
Security strength factor: 0

bash-2.03# tail /var/log/imapd.log

Feb 21 12:09:15 thunder master[420]: [ID 392559 local6.debug] about to exec
Feb 21 12:09:15 thunder imap[420]: [ID 518349 local6.debug] executed
Feb 21 12:09:15 thunder imapd[420]: [ID 921384 local6.debug] accepted
Feb 21 12:09:19 thunder imapd[420]: [ID 914338 local6.notice] badlogin:
localhost[] plaintext cyrus SASL(-1): generic failure: checkpass
Feb 21 12:10:43 thunder master[406]: [ID 310780 local6.debug] process 420
exited, status 0

bash-2.03# /usr/local/bin/imtest -a cyrus -m auxprop localhost
S: * OK thunder.netsco.com Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.2 server ready
S: C01 OK Completed
Authentication failed. no mechanism available
Security strength factor: 0


 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Siemborski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:47 AM
 To: Keith Kee
 Subject: RE: using multiple mechanism for authentication on

 On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Keith Kee wrote:

  Did I miss something?

 That all looks fine, can you also send me a copy of your syslogs showing
 the problem?


 Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-268-7456
 Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

RE: using multiple mechanism for authentication on cyrus-imap-2.1.2

2002-02-21 Thread Rob Siemborski

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Keith Kee wrote:

 bash-2.03# /usr/local/sbin/sasldblistusers2
 cyrus@thunder: userPassword

 bash-2.03# /usr/local/bin/imtest -a cyrus -m login localhost
 S: * OK thunder.netsco.com Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.2 server ready

This part is actually pertty interesting, since you're not seeing
AUTH=PLAIN banners (and you have sasl_mech_list set to plain), it implies
that cyrus can't see your plugin directory, are permissions set on it in a
reasonable way?

What OS are you on?  You might want to try moving the .la files out of
the way, because I've heard of instances where they might not be parsed
correctly, and that would lead to a problem that looks like this.

 bash-2.03# /usr/local/bin/imtest -a cyrus -m auxprop localhost

Auxprop isn't a SASL mechanism, it's a password checking mechanism, so
this doesn't make much sense, since the password checker can only be
defined on the server side.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: [Fwd: Vacation.. yes again..]

2002-02-21 Thread Ken Murchison

Tyrone Vaughn wrote:
 Okay... on the system that I did a FULL replacement of cyrus/sieve, after
 I added MULTIPLE possible addresses, it now works with just the primary..
 go figure. (What I mean, is that the address SHOULD be $[EMAIL PROTECTED], but
 I also added $[EMAIL PROTECTED], $[EMAIL PROTECTED], etc, etc and now
 it works with just $[EMAIL PROTECTED]).
 On the machine that is production and also does a redirect correctly, I
 do the following and it does NOT send a vacation.
 Is there a DB file somewhere that is possible corrupt and needs rebuilt
 that a re-install replaced?  If it is corrupt, can it be rebuilt in-place
 instead of rebuilding over 5000 mailboxes to accomplish the same thing?
 Again.. thanks for all the help.. it is working on a 'developement'
 environment but still fails to work in production...

- Check the headers in the message that you send to see if at least one
fo the addresses is listed in :addresses.

- Check the logs for errors.

- Remember, you will only get ONE vacation response per sender per
vacation text.  You either have to use a different sender address or
change the vacation text if you want to test multiple times.

- What is different between the production and development machines? 
Sendmail config, location of sendmail binary...?

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

Re: howto change postfix / cyrus quota message

2002-02-21 Thread Rob Siemborski

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Steve Wright wrote:

 To change the message cyrus rejects over quota mail with I modified
 /usr/local/src/cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/imap/lmtpengine.c  (line 152)

 The lines 151  152 now read;
 152return 550 4.2.2 Over quota;

I just committed a change into CVS such that setting the switch
lmtp_overquota_perm_failure to true will cause the
552 5.2.2 Over Quota to be the over quota failure message, though the
default will still be to be a temporary failure.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

RE: using multiple mechanism for authentication on cyrus-imap-2.1.2

2002-02-21 Thread Rob Siemborski

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Rob Siemborski wrote:

 This part is actually pertty interesting, since you're not seeing
 AUTH=PLAIN banners (and you have sasl_mech_list set to plain), it implies
 that cyrus can't see your plugin directory, are permissions set on it in a
 reasonable way?

Whoops, forgot that we don't advertise AUTH=PLAIN if we don't have SSL.
Could you remove the sasl_mech_list option and see if the other mechanisms
show up?


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: []

2002-02-21 Thread E M Recio

 I want to set up a mail server using Cyrus and a RedHat 7.x.
 So I would like to know the capacity in term of account of Cyrus with and
 without cluster implementation.
 Thanks in advance

If you want a quick test install, check out:

It's redhat 7.2 w/ postfix, ldap authentication, cyrus imapd, and web
interface for administrating. Based on the tests done here, on a PII/700, it
installs in under 40 minutes (including the specific os install mentioned in
the docs).


Best Regards,
E.M. Recio


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Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.amexmail.com/?A=1

Re: spaces around uid

2002-02-21 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Carsten Hoeger wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 21, Birger Toedtmann wrote:
   So I wrote a small patch for the auth_canonifyid function, which
   strips off leading and trailing whitespaces and lowers alpha chars.
  With the whitespaces I'm not sure but I don't think one should enforce
  case insensitivety - instead one should instruct OpenLDAP to behave case 

The RFCs ask for case insensitiveness. MTAs are often configured to be
case-insensitive as well.

Actually, I welcome that patch very very much. It will put an end to our
lusers doing braindead stuff in their imap clients.

I would like (and I will probably code it sooner or later) Cyrus to force
ALL folder and usernames to lowercase, always.  If I code it, it will be a
config option, of course :)

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Re: sasl_auto_transition

2002-02-21 Thread Rob Siemborski

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Keith Kee wrote:

 Sorry if I am asking trival questions. I am trying to migrate my users from
 the unix password scheme to using sasldb2. If I set sasl_auto_transition:
 yes and sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd in /etc/imapd.conf, does that mean
 that I can eventually switch over to sasldb2 after each user has logged in

If you are using SASLv1 this should work, though I haven't tried it

In SASLv2, that's how it's supposed to work, but it looks like we actually
don't ever update the sasldb inside the transition function (though we do
make the mechanism-specific setpass callbacks).


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: drac patch for cyrus-imapd-2.1.2

2002-02-21 Thread Ken Murchison

The patch has already been updated in CVS.  I _think_ I did it


Keith Kee wrote:
 I have patched cyrus-imapd-2.1.2 with drac, I thought I contribute the patch
 here. One place in the file imapd.c that I am not certain if these block of
 code should go inside or outside the if(imapd_out) block.
 Hope this is useful.
 *** cyrus-imapd-2.1.2.orig/acconfig.h   Wed Dec  5 10:23:22 2001
 --- cyrus-imapd-2.1.2/acconfig.hThu Feb 21 03:18:39 2002
 *** 93,98 
 --- 93,101 
   /* do we have SASL support for APOP? */
   #undef HAVE_APOP
 + /* the Dynamic Relay Authorization Control package */
 + #undef DRAC_AUTH
   /* do we have OpenSSL? */
   #undef HAVE_SSL
 *** cyrus-imapd-2.1.2.orig/configure.in Wed Feb 13 16:29:26 2002
 --- cyrus-imapd-2.1.2/configure.in  Thu Feb 21 03:19:50 2002
 *** 809,814 
 --- 809,827 
 + dnl
 + dnl Test for DRAC
 + dnl
 + AC_ARG_WITH(drac, [  --with-drac=DIR use DRAC library in DIR
 [no] ],
 +   if test -d $withval; then
 +   LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS -L${withval}
 +   AC_CHECK_LIB(drac, dracauth,
 +   LIBS=${LIBS} -ldrac)
 +   fi)
 *** cyrus-imapd-2.1.2.orig/imap/imapd.c Wed Feb 13 16:34:37 2002
 --- cyrus-imapd-2.1.2/imap/imapd.c  Thu Feb 21 03:29:11 2002
 *** 114,119 
 --- 114,127 
   static SSL *tls_conn = NULL;
   #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
 + #ifdef DRAC_AUTH
 + static struct {
 + int interval; /* dracd ping interval; 0 = disabled */
 + unsigned long clientaddr;
 + struct prot_waitevent *event;
 + } drac;
 + #endif /* DRAC_AUTH */
   /* current sub-user state */
   static struct mailbox mboxstruct;
   static struct mailbox *imapd_mailbox;
 *** 448,453 
 --- 456,479 
   /* setup for sending IMAP IDLE notifications */
 + #ifdef DRAC_AUTH
 + /* setup for sending DRAC pings */
 + drac.event = NULL;
 + drac.interval = config_getint(dracinterval, 5);
 + if (drac.interval  0) drac.interval = 0;
 +  if (drac.interval) {
 +   char *err;
 +   if (dracconn(config_getstring(drachost, localhost), err) != 0)
 +   /* disable DRAC */
 +   drac.interval = 0;
 +   syslog(LOG_NOTICE, dracconn: %s, err);
 +   }
 + }
 + #endif /* DRAC_AUTH */
   /* create connection to the SNMP listener, if available. */
   snmp_connect(); /* ignore return code */
 *** 530,535 
 --- 556,567 
   imapd_haveaddr = 1;
 + #ifdef DRAC_AUTH
 +   drac.clientaddr = imapd_remoteaddr.sin_addr.s_addr;
 + } else {
 +   drac.clientaddr = 0;
 + #endif /* DRAC_AUTH */
   /* create the SASL connection */
 *** 572,577 
 --- 604,614 
   snmp_increment(ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS, -1);
 + #ifdef DRAC_AUTH
 + if (drac.event) prot_removewaitevent(imapd_in, drac.event);
 + drac.event = NULL;
 + #endif /* DRAC_AUTH */
   /* cleanup */
 *** 650,655 
 --- 687,696 
 snmp_increment(ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS, -1);
 + #ifdef DRAC_AUTH
 + if (drac.interval) (void) dracdisc((char **)NULL);
 + #endif /* DRAC_AUTH */
 *** 672,677 
 --- 713,747 
 + #ifdef DRAC_AUTH
 + /*
 +  * Ping dracd every 'drac.interval' minutes
 +  * to let it know that we are still connected
 +  */
 + struct prot_waitevent *drac_ping(struct protstream *s,
 +struct prot_waitevent *ev, void *rock)
 + {
 + char *err;
 + static int nfailure = 0;
 + if (dracsend(drac.clientaddr, err) != 0) {
 +   syslog(LOG_NOTICE, dracsend: %s, err);
 +   if (++nfailure = 3) {
 +   /* can't contact dracd for 3 consecutive tries - disable DRAC */
 +   prot_removewaitevent(s, ev);
 +   drac.event = NULL;
 +   return NULL;
 +   }
 + }
 + else
 +   nfailure = 0;
 + ev-mark = time(NULL) + (drac.interval * 60);
 + return ev;
 + }
 + #endif /* DRAC_AUTH */
* Top-level command loop parsing
 *** 1529,1534 
 --- 1599,1609 
   prot_printf(imapd_out, %s OK %s\r\n, tag, reply);
 + #ifdef DRAC_AUTH
 + if (drac.interval  drac.clientaddr)
 +   drac.event = prot_addwaitevent(imapd_in, 0 /* now */, drac_ping,
 + #endif /* DRAC_AUTH */
   /* Create telemetry log */
   imapd_logfd = telemetry_log(imapd_userid, 

Newbie: Mailbox structure...

2002-02-21 Thread Rich


I've looked for the answer to this for a while, but 
if I've missed it because I can't see the wood for the trees then apologies in 
advance. Basically I would prefer to have all my users on one level "../user" 
rather than in the "../user/a..z" sub-dirs - is this still possible as the 
searches I've done seem to indicate that this may have been the default 
procedure for prior versions.

I have set the full hash option in the configure 
file and while that does seem to make a difference to where the folders are 
created when I try and access the mailbox using a client it looks for 
../user/X/username. where X = a random letter not related to the username 
(for example P for 'rich' and F for 'teresa') when it should be looking in 

Here is an example...

Feb 21 15:44:33host imapd[409]: open: user 
rich opened INBOXFeb 21 15:44:36host imapd[409]: accepted 
connectionFeb 21 15:44:36host imapd[409]: login:some.ip.addy 
[x.x.x.x]rich plaintext Feb 21 15:44:36host imapd[409]: IOERROR: 
opening /var/imap/user/P/rich.seen: No such file or directoryFeb 21 
15:44:36host imapd[409]: DBERROR: opening /var/imap/user/P/rich.seen: 
cyrusdb error

I feel as though I'm doing something fundamentally 
wrong, any help would be gratefully accepted.



Re: procmail rules

2002-02-21 Thread Birger Toedtmann

Sandra schrieb am Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 04:00:57PM -0400:
 Please help me to understand one thing :
Configuring procmail+cyrus+mysql(users without prompt and
 $HOME directory), could
 I configure /etc/procmailrc for each user, or this file is for the
 entire operating system? Could I create a procmailrc in an independent
 directory for each user,  different from $HOME?
Or I have to have sieve for this kind of thing?

I have a setup running where the MTA hands all mails over to procmail
which itself gives them to cyrus' deliver after filtering them.

In most MTAs you can specify which file it parses first for recipes
(if you don't, it'll expect /etc/procmailrc).

I chose /etc/procmail.d/globalrc.  There, with

  ## Where to place our logfiles

I gave every user his own log.  Then, for each user a recipe file
within /etc/procmail.d/ will be parsed via

  ## Include central sited user-specific recipes

After that, (still in globalrc) a fallthrough will be met that 
hands the mail over to cyrus with 

  ## Gone through it up to here? Then deliver It!
  :0 w :$LOGNAME.deliverlock 
  | /usr/cyrus/bin/deliver -e -a $LOGNAME $LOGNAME

Note that you have to preauth with -a as procmail won't run as the
respective user.  See procmailrc(5), procmailex(5) and deliver(8).

- Birger

unable to create lmtpunix listener socket

2002-02-21 Thread Manuel Hendel

How can I solve this problem? I'm trying to use procmail to filter and
the cyrus deliver program to deliver the mail.

| /usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver user

It seams that the rule is working, but not the lmtp stuff. The
following lines are in my cyrus.conf:

#  lmtp cmd=lmtpd listen=lmtp prefork=0
  lmtpunix  cmd=lmtpd listen=/var/imap/socket/lmtp prefork=0

Which one is better to use or doesn't make it any difference?


If you see a turtle sitting on a fence post, you know it got some help. 

Re: Newbie: Mailbox structure...

2002-02-21 Thread Lawrence Greenfield

No, this is how it works in any remotely recent version.


   Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 20:08:48 -

   I've looked for the answer to this for a while, but if I've missed it =
   because I can't see the wood for the trees then apologies in advance. =
   Basically I would prefer to have all my users on one level ../user =
   rather than in the ../user/a..z sub-dirs - is this still possible as =
   the searches I've done seem to indicate that this may have been the =
   default procedure for prior versions.

Re: LDAP Auth HOW-TO/Install Script

2002-02-21 Thread Manuel Hendel

 Or if you already have the postfix sources, and the cyrus-imapd sources, and
 have already patched your SASL/OpenLDAP sources, then just download the
 stripped down installation scripts.  (52 kb)

I tried this link, but it is not working. I'm right now trying to
setup the same I think.


Isolation is aloneness that feels forced upon you, like a punishment. Solitude 
is aloneness you choose and embrace. I think great things can come out of 
solitude, out of going to a place where all is quiet except the beating of 
your heart. 
-Jeanne Marie Laskas, Washington Post Magazine 

Re: can't write to the imapd.log and auth.log

2002-02-21 Thread Michael Schwager

 touch /var/log/imapd.log and touch /var/log/auth.log
 imapd does not create the files if they dont exist

Actually it's syslogd that does this.  Syslogd will not write log files if 
they don't already exist.

The files can be owned by root, since syslogd is doing the logging... not 
the process that calls syslogd.

After every change of /etc/syslogd.conf, syslog needs to be kill -HUP'ed. 
It can also be killed, and syslogd can be run with the -d (debug option... 

Always make sure to use tabs for whitespace in the syslogd.conf file, not 
spaces.  Spaces will make syslogd act weird.
-Mike Schwager

Websieve SSL

2002-02-21 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi Folks!

I am having a hard time getting Websieve to play nice with SSL.
Any one have experience with this combination?
Websieve seems happy vanilla, but is choking on the SSL part.

 have a Sun Solaris 8 server with :

 perl, v5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris

My SSL works on my regular server, with Websieve I have these websieve.conf:

# default system ports of timsieved/imapd daemons
#your mail domain
$maildomain='gsd.harvard.edu' ;

#use SSL for server connections
#requires IO::Socket::SSL, Net::SSLeay, OpenSSL


The behavior is I get to the login screen okay enter everything and it hangs. Before I 
changed the
websieve.conf imapport I would get an error the it could not connect.

Any ideas where I did something wrong?

Thank you for your time!


Re: unable to create lmtpunix listener socket

2002-02-21 Thread Manuel Hendel

On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 10:29:53PM +0100, Manuel Hendel wrote:
 How can I solve this problem? I'm trying to use procmail to filter and
 the cyrus deliver program to deliver the mail.
 | /usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver user
 It seams that the rule is working, but not the lmtp stuff. The
 following lines are in my cyrus.conf:
 #  lmtp cmd=lmtpd listen=lmtp prefork=0
   lmtpunix  cmd=lmtpd listen=/var/imap/socket/lmtp prefork=0
 Which one is better to use or doesn't make it any difference?

I already solved this problem, but I got a new one! The problem was,
that I changed the marked path.
My new problem is the following error message in the imapd.log:

Feb 21 23:28:35 he0 deliver[44874]:
connect(/usr/local/etc/imap/socket/lmtp) failed: Permission denied

What's wrong here?


Women who seek equality with men, lack ambition. 

Re: Virtual Domain support?

2002-02-21 Thread Terje Elde

On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 10:19:27PM -0600, Mike Grommet wrote:
 I'm using Cyrus IMAP 2.0.16
 I've read many articles in the archives concerning the use of cyrus in
 virtual hosting environments... Most of them are fairly old tho.
 Did this support get added in?
 Could someone point me to a HOWTO or other documentation on the subject?

We've done a simple trick to get this to work.  We have front-end postfix
servers, with virtual tables set up like this:


Then the user simply log into the imap/pop server with dom-domain-user, and
lives happily ever after.  This also makes it trivial to move mailboxes around
on different servers etc, even spreading single domains over multiple servers.

If you cluster your cyrus servers you don't even have to worry about the user
being pointed at the right imap/pop server.

The database is being put in a MySQL table, with fallback to a stored backup
in a db3 file.  MySQL servers are being run with a primary, and slaves on each
of the mailservers, allowing speedy local writes.  Should the local MySQL
server fail, postfix simply queries another.  Should all the MySQL servers
fail, then we enable soft_bounce on them, and point to local db3 files
allowing service to continue.

Add to this multiple installations of the postfix frontend servers, all of
them able to deliver to the correct cyrus backend using LMTP, either locally
or over the network.

Sounds good?

(at least that's how things are supposed to work when things are done :)

Terje Elde
Combitel Networks AS

Mailspool/password migration, MySQL authentication etc

2002-02-21 Thread Terje Elde


I'm facing the task of migrating two cyrus 2.0 servers over to a single one,
and I'd like to be sure I'm doing things TheRightWay (tm).  The first task is
simply moving the mailboxes over.  I could always just create their mailboxes
and resubmit older email, but I'd rather not.

From what I understand it'd a no-no to simply copy the mailboxes into place.
Would creating them with a cyradm script and then (while the server is down)
populating the /var/spool/imap and /var/imap trees, and running the
reconstruct script be a bad idea?

Also, we'd like to move over from sasldb to using cleartext passwords in a
MySQL table.  There are plenty of reasons for this, first of all it eases
integration with other systems, allows easier creation of administrative tools
etc.  This raises two questions:

a) How to extract the passwords?
   In order to use CRAM-MD5 you've got to have cleartext passwords on the
   server, so I'm assuming the sasldb (v1 btw) contains either the passwords
   or a password equivalent.  Is there a RightWay (tm) to extract these?

b) In order to keep using CRAM-MD5 and friends, do I understand things
   correctly that we need to use sasldb alongside of the plaintext
   authentication system?  If so, then I understand we can use
   sasl_auto_transition to set the passwords in sasldb, but will this be able
   to update the sasldb system when the user changes a cleartext password?

   Also, will the user need to log in using a cleartext password, or can he
   log in with CRAM-MD5 or APOP etc the first time if the authentication
   backend (in this case MySQL) can proide the cleartext password?

Also, because sasl so far have been my only worry with Cyrus, it's very
tempting to jump to 2.1 to gain the advantage of cyrus-saslv2.  How stable is
it?  Should I keep my hands off at all costs?

Any feedback appreciated!

Re: Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

2002-02-21 Thread Mike Grommet

I'm actually using websieve to create the scripts... they get to the server
just fine, they just never seem to be getting executed...

I dont believe I did... I'm about 95% sure I tried that course of action
(recompiling, making sure that sieve was installed) and didnt have any
change in results...

I dont have a mail.debug, but all mail logging goes to /var/log/maillog

and that info is posted in my previous message, but in short, nothing funky
seems to be contained within.

- Original Message -
From: Kiarna Boyd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Mike Grommet' [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 7:07 AM
Subject: RE: Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

 Hi Mike,

 I can relate to your despair, no pizza need apply if this helps.

 1. have you tried WebSieve? Has a lot more out of the box preconfigured
treats in it.
 2.  Did you compile cyrus with sieve support disabled accidentally?
 3. do you have a straight up mail.log not just imap.log? a mail.debug line
in syslog.conf helps enormously for this.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Grommet [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 2:26 AM
 Subject: Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

 I'm really at the end of my rope here, so, I'm
 offering free pizza to the person who can figure out my pain and make it

 I'll order a large pizza with the toppings of your choice, from the
 place of your choosing, and have it delivered to you at home / offfice /
 wherever :)
 I'm completely serious here :)  Who says theres no such thing as a free
 lunch (Ok, I believe it was Heinlien)?

 Ok, I'm really stumped when it comes to sieve configuration with

 I can telnet to the sieve port just fine.  Cyrus seems to perform just
 dandy.  Sieve scritps are happily
 being placed into /usr/sieve/whatever

 Is there other information I can supply?  I'm seeing really weird behavior
 from 2 different sieve scripts, a reject script and a vacation script

 I found this reject examle script in the ether...  Its getting on the
 server, and is activated.

 require fileinto;
 require reject;
 if header :contains Subject Shockwave
  {reject Possible virus? Check your system!;}

 my imap log looks like this:
 Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail master[13201]: about to exec
 Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13201]: executed
 Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
 Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail master[13206]: about to exec
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13206]: executed
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: accepted connection
 Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
 Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
 Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as

 My mail log looks like this when one of these messges goes in::
 Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13277]: g1L6eYUG013277:
 size=632, class=0, nrcpts=1,
 msgid=013f01c1baa5$021b5380$[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA,
 relay=sm11.texas.rr.com []
 Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13280]: g1L6eYUG013277: to=REMOVED,
 delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus, pri=30625, dsn=2.0.0,

 And thats it... no vacation message is ever sent, and nothing odd is
 up in my imap log.

 The reject script doesnt reject... the mail is sent right on through...

 # standard standalone server implementation

   # do not delete these entries!
   mboxlist  cmd=ctl_mboxlist -r
   deliver   cmd=ctl_deliver -r

   # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
 #  idledcmd=idled

 # UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/imap/socket
   # add or remove based on preferences
   imap  cmd=imapd listen=imap prefork=0
   imaps cmd=imapd -s listen=imaps prefork=0
   pop3  cmd=pop3d listen=pop3 prefork=0
   pop3s cmd=pop3d -s listen=pop3s prefork=0
   sieve cmd=timsieved listen=sieve prefork=0

   # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
 #  lmtp cmd=lmtpd listen=lmtp prefork=0
   lmtpunix  cmd=lmtpd listen=/var/imap/socket/lmtp prefork=0

   # this is required
   checkpointcmd=ctl_mboxlist -c period=30

   # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression
   delprune  cmd=ctl_deliver -E 3 period=1440

 Relevant sendmail.mc contents

Re: Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

2002-02-21 Thread Mike Grommet

Hi Ken, thanks for the response...

I ran this sieve script:

require fileinto;
if header :contains Subject Blah
 {fileinto INBOX.Blah;}

and it _did_ work without a hitch.

Ok, so whats next?

- Original Message -
From: Ken Murchison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mike Grommet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

 First, does a simple fileinto action work?  If not, then your scripts
 probably aren't being run.  If it does, then we have to look at why
 lmtpd isn't forking a sendmail process.

 Mike Grommet wrote:
  I'm really at the end of my rope here, so, I'm
  offering free pizza to the person who can figure out my pain and make it
  I'll order a large pizza with the toppings of your choice, from the
  place of your choosing, and have it delivered to you at home / offfice /
  wherever :)
  I'm completely serious here :)  Who says theres no such thing as a free
  lunch (Ok, I believe it was Heinlien)?
  Ok, I'm really stumped when it comes to sieve configuration with
  I can telnet to the sieve port just fine.  Cyrus seems to perform just
  dandy.  Sieve scritps are happily
  being placed into /usr/sieve/whatever
  Is there other information I can supply?  I'm seeing really weird
  from 2 different sieve scripts, a reject script and a vacation script
  I found this reject examle script in the ether...  Its getting on the
  server, and is activated.
  require fileinto;
  require reject;
  if header :contains Subject Shockwave
   {reject Possible virus? Check your system!;}
  my imap log looks like this:
  Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail master[13201]: about to exec
  Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13201]: executed
  Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
  Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
  Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail master[13206]: about to exec
  Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13206]: executed
  Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
  Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
  Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: accepted connection
  Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
  Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
  Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
  My mail log looks like this when one of these messges goes in::
  Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13277]: g1L6eYUG013277:
  size=632, class=0, nrcpts=1,
  msgid=013f01c1baa5$021b5380$[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP,
  relay=sm11.texas.rr.com []
  Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13280]: g1L6eYUG013277:
  delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus, pri=30625, dsn=2.0.0,
  And thats it... no vacation message is ever sent, and nothing odd is
  up in my imap log.
  The reject script doesnt reject... the mail is sent right on through...
  # standard standalone server implementation
# do not delete these entries!
mboxlist  cmd=ctl_mboxlist -r
deliver   cmd=ctl_deliver -r
# this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
  #  idledcmd=idled
  # UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/imap/socket
# add or remove based on preferences
imap  cmd=imapd listen=imap prefork=0
imaps cmd=imapd -s listen=imaps prefork=0
pop3  cmd=pop3d listen=pop3 prefork=0
pop3s cmd=pop3d -s listen=pop3s prefork=0
sieve cmd=timsieved listen=sieve prefork=0
# at least one LMTP is required for delivery
  #  lmtp cmd=lmtpd listen=lmtp prefork=0
lmtpunix  cmd=lmtpd listen=/var/imap/socket/lmtp prefork=0
# this is required
checkpointcmd=ctl_mboxlist -c period=30
# this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression
delprune  cmd=ctl_deliver -E 3 period=1440
  Relevant sendmail.mc contents
  define(`CYRUS_MAILER_FLAGS', `A5@/:|SmXz')dnl
  define(`CYRUS_MAILER_ARGS', `deliver -l -e')
  define(`CYRUS_BB_MAILER_ARGS',`deliver -l -e -m $u')dnl

Re: unable to create lmtpunix listener socket

2002-02-21 Thread Manuel Hendel

On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 07:35:55AM +0100, Simon Matter wrote:
 What are the permissions of /usr/local/etc/imap/socket/lmtp?
 In my situation they are
 srwxrwxrwx1 root root0 Feb 20 14:17 lmtp

They are
srwxrwxrwx   1 root   cyrus0 Feb 21 23:27 lmtp
I think that's ok.


We must learn not to disassociate the airy flower from the earthy root, for 
the flower that is cut off from its root fades, and its seeds are barren, 
whereas the root, secure in mother earth, can produce flower after flower and 
bring their fruit to maturity. 

Re: unable to create lmtpunix listener socket

2002-02-21 Thread Simon Matter

Manuel Hendel schrieb:
 On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 07:35:55AM +0100, Simon Matter wrote:
  What are the permissions of /usr/local/etc/imap/socket/lmtp?
  In my situation they are
  srwxrwxrwx1 root root0 Feb 20 14:17 lmtp
 They are
 srwxrwxrwx   1 root   cyrus0 Feb 21 23:27 lmtp
 I think that's ok.

What about directory permissions?

 We must learn not to disassociate the airy flower from the earthy root, for
 the flower that is cut off from its root fades, and its seeds are barren,
 whereas the root, secure in mother earth, can produce flower after flower and
 bring their fruit to maturity.

Re: unable to create lmtpunix listener socket

2002-02-21 Thread Manuel Hendel

On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 08:18:38AM +0100, Simon Matter wrote:
  They are
  srwxrwxrwx   1 root   cyrus0 Feb 21 23:27 lmtp
  I think that's ok.
 What about directory permissions?

drwxr-x---  10 cyrus  cyrus512 Feb 21 14:10 imap
That is as it should be from the documentation.

drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrus  cyrus512 Feb 21 23:27 socket
This is as cyrus made it.


I got real close to seeing Elvis but my shovel broke. 
(contributed by Frank v Waveren) 

Re: unable to create lmtpunix listener socket

2002-02-21 Thread Simon Matter

Manuel Hendel schrieb:
 On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 08:18:38AM +0100, Simon Matter wrote:
   They are
   srwxrwxrwx   1 root   cyrus0 Feb 21 23:27 lmtp
   I think that's ok.
  What about directory permissions?
 drwxr-x---  10 cyrus  cyrus512 Feb 21 14:10 imap
 That is as it should be from the documentation.
 drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrus  cyrus512 Feb 21 23:27 socket
 This is as cyrus made it.

Seems wrong to me. Both Cyrus and your MTA need access to lmtp. I have
drwxr-x---2 cyrusmail  103 Feb 20 14:17 socket
drwxr-x---   11 cyrusmail 4096 Feb 20 13:48 imap


postfix:x:89:89:Postfix MTA:/var/spool/postfix:/bin/true
cyrus:x:76:12:Cyrus IMAP Server:/var/lib/imap:/bin/bash


 I got real close to seeing Elvis but my shovel broke.
 (contributed by Frank v Waveren)