Re: Murder Question

2002-11-20 Thread JP Howard
On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 14:19:34 -0600, "Paul M Fleming"
> It seems to be working.. Looks like I have a successfull murder up and
> running. I'm going to throw my stress tester at it and see how it
> behaves.
If you get a chance, I'm sure I'm not the only one on this list who'd be
interested in hearing what you find. Also, if you have a few moments,
perhaps you could jot down the process you followed for installation and
any details that were non-obvious?

Re: Preserving flags, and their global nature

2002-11-20 Thread Lawrence Greenfield
--On Tuesday, November 19, 2002 5:09 PM + Ian McDonald 

Over the weekend, it struck me that a patch to make 'seen' global could be
as simple as commenting out the calls to the code that treats '\Seen' as a
special-case global variable, and adding 'Seen' to the list of global
flags. Somewhere. Unfortunately, when I had a look at the source code, I
could find libraries dealing with Seen, but no list of global flags or
obvious hook for the 'seen' per-user code.

Is it that simple? Where should I be looking?

Well, you can change the libraries dealing with seen to not pay attention 
to the username. If you want it to be stored with the other global flags it 
is somewhat more complicated.

To do this right, you want an option to store FLAG_SEEN as part of 
system_flags in the cyrus.index file. (Likewise, you probably want an 
option to store FLAG_DELETED as per-user state---so really you want to 
abstract out the idea of \Seen being special.)


Re: Best way to backup cyrus system

2002-11-20 Thread Lawrence Greenfield
It would be nice to add a backup section to the documentation.

Live backup is supported with Cyrus, though running "dump" on a live 
filesystem is only to be done with care. We use vxfs on Solaris and 
snapshots and have been happy with it.

The databases are backed up by Cyrus 2.1 every checkpoint period into the 
db.old directories. At least one of those directories should contain a 
clean copy of the berkeley db databases.

In general, mailboxes can be restored if the message files are around---you 
can always delete the cyrus.* files (losing flag state) and run reconstruct.


Re: Configuration Tools.

2002-11-20 Thread Galen Johnson
Joshua Schmidlkofer wrote:

What is the preferred method of managing Cyrus?



To let someone else do it. ;-)

I prefer to just do it via command line but I also don't have LOTS of 
users...others use a web-based product whose title escapes me at the moment.


Re: OT LVM Snapshot for backups (was: Best way to backup cyrus syste)

2002-11-20 Thread Jared Watkins
I would think you could use LVM the linux volume manager along with it's 
snapshot feature.. and then any sort of backup program you want.  I'm 
not using this method yet... but I will be soon...  is anyone else out 
there running LVM or some other volume manager under linux in production?



Dear all,

I would like to know the best way of backup/restore cyrus system. What are the 
steps required? 
Are there "online backup" methods available? What are the files required to backup 
and how can 
I restore it on the same machine/ another machine?

Many thanks!


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Configuration Tools.

2002-11-20 Thread Joshua Schmidlkofer
What is the preferred method of managing Cyrus?


Re: Thoughts on the age-old cyradm thingie

2002-11-20 Thread Jay Levitt
Interesting.  That patch just installs into vendor_perl instead of
site_perl.  But when I ran the stock Cyrus configure on MDK 9.0, I had no
problem with it running in site_perl; the problem I had was just that
site_perl is not actually under PREFIX, and Makefile.PL passes PREFIX
explicitly.  What problems did you have under 9.0?

Conversely, it doesn't seem like your RPM changes PREFIX, so do you know
offhand how ends up getting installed properly in /usr/lib instead
of /usr/local?

Thinking further about this, I no longer like my idea of a
separate --perl-prefix configure option, because if I do
"configure --prefix=/home/jay", I should reasonably expect that nothing is
being installed into sitewide libraries.  So now I'm back to thinking that
if --prefix is not explicitly set, we shouldn't pass it to MakeMaker, which
is, after all, supposed to be in charge of knowing where perl libraries are
supposed to go.  Are there systems where NOT passing PREFIX to MakeMaker
does the wrong thing?

- Original Message -
From: "Luca Olivetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Simon Matter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Jay Levitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 4:05 AM
Subject: Re: Thoughts on the age-old cyradm thingie

> Simon Matter wrote:
> > part of their distributions in the past. I looked at so many Perl source
> > RPMs from RedHat but was unable to do the same with Cyrus. So, if there
> > is really something broken in the perl part of Cyrus and could be fixed,
> > I'd be happy to see it.
> I've been luckier: I just had to look at a single source rpm (but that's
> because I asked and someone told me which one was the right one ;-)
> Attached is the patch that I had to apply to build under mandrake 9.0
> but *not* under 8.2 (the former comes with perl 5.8.0 while the latter
> uses 5.6.1). OTOH on 8.2 I have to manually install the perl manpages in
> the spec file. I'm not sure the patch should go upstream since it's
> distribution policy (or is it perl policy since 5.8.0? I don't know)
> If you look at the spec file, posted at
>, you'll see that
> there are other hacks to build with gcc 3.2 (mainly to remove
> /usr/local/include in order to avoide configure failures).
> Bye
> --
> Luca Olivetti
> Wetron Automatización S.A.
> Tel. +34 93 5883004  Fax +34 93 5883007

Re: Not seeing Inbox

2002-11-20 Thread Oleksandr Firsov
It seems You need to use feature below:

from doc/overview.html:
Alternate Namespace
The Cyrus IMAP server can also use an alternate namespace which allows a
user's personal mailboxes to appear as if they reside at the same level as
that user's INBOX as opposed to children of it. With this feature, it may
appear that there are non-unique names for mailboxes between users (2
different users may each have a top level "work" mailbox), but the internal
representation is still

Alternate Mailbox Namespace
The alternate namespace allows a user's personal mailboxes to appear as if
they reside at the same level as that user's INBOX as opposed to children of
it. For example, if user "bovik" had a personal "work" mailbox, it would
appear to user "bovik" as "work" instead of "" as it would in the
standard namespace.

This configuration requires that a special prefix be used for shared folders
(to distinguish them from personal folders) and for accessing other users'
folders. By default, the prefix for shared folders is "Shared Folders" and
the prefix for other users folders is "Other Users". For example, a shared
folder "foo" in the standard namespace would be presented as "Shared" in the alternate namespace.

NOTE: All tools for administering the server, including admins using cyradm,
always use the internal namespace.


Configuring the Alternate Namespace
To use the alternate namespace, turn on the altnamespace option in
/etc/imapd.conf. The prefixes used for shared folders and other users
folders can be changed from the defaults by setting the sharedrefix and
userprefix options respectively.

PS. Someone need unix admin in DC area? see

- Original Message -
From: "Gregory Chagnon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: Not seeing Inbox

> Is there anyway I can change the default Cyrus installation so I don't
> to do this?
> -Greg
> >From: "Oleksandr Firsov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Oleksandr Firsov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Edward Rudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Subject: Re: Not seeing Inbox
> >Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 17:02:59 -0500
> >
> >In installation you are able to define will be INBOX folder looks as
> >for others.
> >In this case all user clients will use root level for drafts and
> >But this is unusual for IMAP logic. To make Outlook or OutlookExpress
> >working with default cyrus configuration , client should configure INBOX
> >an rool folder( see account settings/IMAP and root folder path: should be
> >INBOX for cyrus)
> >
> >Sasha
> >PS. Someone need unix admin in DC area? see
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Edward Rudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 4:28 PM
> >Subject: Re: Not seeing Inbox
> >
> >
> > > AFAIN Outlook does not display a "inbox" folder as a seperate.. the
> > > inbox is the "parent" for the 2 folders you mentioned (sent items and
> > > drafts) within Outlook..
> > >
> > > On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 10:02, Gregory Chagnon wrote:
> > > > Hi-
> > > > After creating a mailbox (cm user.testuser) I created an account in
> >Ooulook
> > > > Express.  It connects and authenticates just fine, but the only 2
> >folders
> > > > that show up are Sent Items and Drafts, I don't see an Inbox.
> > > >
> > > > Also, I've noticed that sometimes the server rejects my login the
> >first
> >1 or
> > > > 2 times but works fine the 2nd or 3rd times.  This also sometimes
> >happens
> > > > with cyradm.  Any ideas what could be wrong?  Thanks again for all
> >help.
> > > > -Greg
> > > >
> > > > _
> > > > MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.
> > > >
> > > --
> > > Edward Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> _
> Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

Re: Not seeing Inbox

2002-11-20 Thread Kevin P. Fleming
Gregory Chagnon wrote: how would I go about setting up an IMAP account for user
"testuser" that would have the same folders as a Microsoft Exchange
server?  I'm trying to get this thing looking as similar to the Exchange
server as possible so I'd like to have a visible Inbox, Sent Items,
Deleted Items, Outbox, and Drafts...Thanks again.

Look in the documentation regarding "altnamespace". Turning this on will make 
INBOX appear as a regular folder (even though it's a level above all the 
others). The user won't be able to create any folders underneath INBOX, if they 
try they will end up at the same level as INBOX. You can then create the other 
folders as needed. As far as Sent Items, Deleted Items, Outbox, etc. those are 
under control of your MUA, you can create them but it will need to actually be 
told how to use them.

RE: Not seeing Inbox

2002-11-20 Thread Schmehl, Paul L
If you set up an IMAP client, you should see all the folders in
Exchange, just like you would with any other IMAP account - except, if
you use shared folders, Outlook Express can't (or won't) poll them and
won't display them by default.  You have to go to Folders, click on the
shared folder and click on Go To to get the folder to display in the

The other gentleman was incorrect about OE displaying the Inbox.  Using
IMAP, it displays the inbox just fine.  *POP* accounts are all
"consolidated in the default Inbox.

As far as why you can't see the IMAP inbox, that's an issue separate
from OE.  Look at the permissions on the folder.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TCS Department Coordinator
The University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member

> -Original Message-
> From: Gregory Chagnon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 4:10 PM
> Subject: Re: Not seeing Inbox
> how would I go about setting up an IMAP account for user 
> "testuser" that would have the same folders as a Microsoft 
> Exchange server?  
> I'm trying to get this thing looking as similar to the 
> Exchange server as 
> possible so I'd like to have a visible Inbox, Sent Items, 
> Deleted Items, 
> Outbox, and Drafts...Thanks again.
> -Greg
> >From: Edward Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Not seeing Inbox
> >Date: 20 Nov 2002 15:28:27 -0600
> >
> >AFAIN Outlook does not display a "inbox" folder as a seperate.. the 
> >inbox is the "parent" for the 2 folders you mentioned (sent items and
> >drafts) within Outlook..
> >
> >On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 10:02, Gregory Chagnon wrote:
> > > Hi-
> > > After creating a mailbox (cm user.testuser) I created an 
> account in
> >Ooulook
> > > Express.  It connects and authenticates just fine, but the only 2
> >folders
> > > that show up are Sent Items and Drafts, I don't see an Inbox.
> > >
> > > Also, I've noticed that sometimes the server rejects my login the 
> > > first
> >1 or
> > > 2 times but works fine the 2nd or 3rd times.  This also sometimes
> >happens
> > > with cyradm.  Any ideas what could be wrong?  Thanks 
> again for all 
> > > the
> >help.

RE: Easysieve and perl 5.8.0 (OT - sorry)

2002-11-20 Thread tdullers

I think this is a permission problem.

Are you sure your script is running chmod 755 and his owned by the user
under which apache is running ? ( e.g. nobody ) ? 

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Namens Tarjei Huse
Verzonden: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 11:03 PM
Onderwerp: Easysieve and perl 5.8.0 (OT - sorry)


I appoligize for beeing ot.

I'm trying to get easysieve to work with Perl 5.8 on a RH8.0 system. Has
anyone else had problems with easysieve? I'm using websieve w/o any
trouble, but I'd like to try easysieve on my users in case they might
actually use it (they find websieve to hard ). 

The only errors I find is in apache when I run the script:
client] Premature end of script headers:
[Wed Nov 20 22:32:25 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of
/var/www/cgi-bin/ failed


Re: Not seeing Inbox

2002-11-20 Thread Gregory Chagnon
Is there anyway I can change the default Cyrus installation so I don't have 
to do this?

From: "Oleksandr Firsov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Oleksandr Firsov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Not seeing Inbox
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 17:02:59 -0500

In installation you are able to define will be INBOX folder looks as parent
for others.
In this case all user clients will use root level for drafts and SendItems.
But this is unusual for IMAP logic. To make Outlook or OutlookExpress
working with default cyrus configuration , client should configure INBOX as
an rool folder( see account settings/IMAP and root folder path: should be
INBOX for cyrus)

PS. Someone need unix admin in DC area? see

- Original Message -
From: "Edward Rudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: Not seeing Inbox

> AFAIN Outlook does not display a "inbox" folder as a seperate.. the
> inbox is the "parent" for the 2 folders you mentioned (sent items and
> drafts) within Outlook..
> On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 10:02, Gregory Chagnon wrote:
> > Hi-
> > After creating a mailbox (cm user.testuser) I created an account in
> > Express.  It connects and authenticates just fine, but the only 2
> > that show up are Sent Items and Drafts, I don't see an Inbox.
> >
> > Also, I've noticed that sometimes the server rejects my login the 
1 or
> > 2 times but works fine the 2nd or 3rd times.  This also sometimes
> > with cyradm.  Any ideas what could be wrong?  Thanks again for all the
> > -Greg
> >
> > _
> > MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.
> >
> --
> Edward Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

Re: Easysieve and perl 5.8.0 (OT - sorry)

2002-11-20 Thread Gary Mills
On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 11:03:09PM +0100, Tarjei Huse wrote:
> I'm trying to get easysieve to work with Perl 5.8 on a RH8.0 system. Has anyone else 
>had problems with easysieve? I'm using websieve w/o any trouble, but I'd like to try 
>easysieve on my users in case they might actually use it (they find websieve to hard 
> The only errors I find is in apache when I run the script:
> client] Premature end of script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/
> [Wed Nov 20 22:32:25 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of 
>/var/www/cgi-bin/ failed

Make sure the first line of /var/www/cgi-bin/ has the
correct path to perl.

-Gary Mills--Unix Support--U of M Academic Computing and Networking-

Re: Not seeing Inbox

2002-11-20 Thread Oleksandr Firsov
In installation you are able to define will be INBOX folder looks as parent
for others.
In this case all user clients will use root level for drafts and SendItems.
But this is unusual for IMAP logic. To make Outlook or OutlookExpress
working with default cyrus configuration , client should configure INBOX as
an rool folder( see account settings/IMAP and root folder path: should be
INBOX for cyrus)

PS. Someone need unix admin in DC area? see

- Original Message -
From: "Edward Rudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: Not seeing Inbox

> AFAIN Outlook does not display a "inbox" folder as a seperate.. the
> inbox is the "parent" for the 2 folders you mentioned (sent items and
> drafts) within Outlook..
> On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 10:02, Gregory Chagnon wrote:
> > Hi-
> > After creating a mailbox (cm user.testuser) I created an account in
> > Express.  It connects and authenticates just fine, but the only 2
> > that show up are Sent Items and Drafts, I don't see an Inbox.
> >
> > Also, I've noticed that sometimes the server rejects my login the first
1 or
> > 2 times but works fine the 2nd or 3rd times.  This also sometimes
> > with cyradm.  Any ideas what could be wrong?  Thanks again for all the
> > -Greg
> >
> > _
> > MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.
> >
> --
> Edward Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Not seeing Inbox

2002-11-20 Thread Gregory Chagnon how would I go about setting up an IMAP account for user 
"testuser" that would have the same folders as a Microsoft Exchange server?  
I'm trying to get this thing looking as similar to the Exchange server as 
possible so I'd like to have a visible Inbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, 
Outbox, and Drafts...Thanks again.

From: Edward Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Not seeing Inbox
Date: 20 Nov 2002 15:28:27 -0600

AFAIN Outlook does not display a "inbox" folder as a seperate.. the
inbox is the "parent" for the 2 folders you mentioned (sent items and
drafts) within Outlook..

On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 10:02, Gregory Chagnon wrote:
> Hi-
> After creating a mailbox (cm user.testuser) I created an account in 
> Express.  It connects and authenticates just fine, but the only 2 
> that show up are Sent Items and Drafts, I don't see an Inbox.
> Also, I've noticed that sometimes the server rejects my login the first 
1 or
> 2 times but works fine the 2nd or 3rd times.  This also sometimes 
> with cyradm.  Any ideas what could be wrong?  Thanks again for all the 
> -Greg
> _
> MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Easysieve and perl 5.8.0 (OT - sorry)

2002-11-20 Thread Tarjei Huse

I appoligize for beeing ot.

I'm trying to get easysieve to work with Perl 5.8 on a RH8.0 system. Has anyone else 
had problems with easysieve? I'm using websieve w/o any trouble, but I'd like to try 
easysieve on my users in case they might actually use it (they find websieve to hard 

The only errors I find is in apache when I run the script:
client] Premature end of script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/
[Wed Nov 20 22:32:25 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of 
/var/www/cgi-bin/ failed


Re: Not seeing Inbox

2002-11-20 Thread Edward Rudd
AFAIN Outlook does not display a "inbox" folder as a seperate.. the
inbox is the "parent" for the 2 folders you mentioned (sent items and
drafts) within Outlook..

On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 10:02, Gregory Chagnon wrote:
> Hi-
> After creating a mailbox (cm user.testuser) I created an account in Ooulook 
> Express.  It connects and authenticates just fine, but the only 2 folders 
> that show up are Sent Items and Drafts, I don't see an Inbox.
> Also, I've noticed that sometimes the server rejects my login the first 1 or 
> 2 times but works fine the 2nd or 3rd times.  This also sometimes happens 
> with cyradm.  Any ideas what could be wrong?  Thanks again for all the help.
> -Greg
> _
> MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. 

Anyone running DB 4.1.24?

2002-11-20 Thread Voutsinas Nikos
Just a simple question. Is anyone out there running succesfully 
cyrus-imapd with DB 4.1.24 ?

I guess not 

Thank you in advance.
Nikos Voutsinas

Re: Best way to backup cyrus system

2002-11-20 Thread Bryntez
We have used Norton Ghost 2003 with success on our
RedHat 7.3 server which has ext3 filesystem support.

If you do a partition to partition copy, you can even
transfer your whole system to a larger disk.

Approx. downtime is about 1 hour to make the "ghost".

When you boot up your system again whith the new disk,
it runs as nothing had happened :-)

And you can set up a daily cronjob or something that
copies your .db files from your mailstore to another
server/computer by ftp or something. That should be
sufficient - at least if your major users are "pop3"
users and if there's not too many of them :-)


- Original Message -
From: "John Lederer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: Best way to backup cyrus system

> As another newbie, I was sure hoping someone would share their
> experience here. :)
> I would add to Boris' question what the best way would be to create poor
> man's redundancy.  I do not necessarily need true failover (though it
> would be nice) but a way to quickly setup a second machine with near
> current data.
> Thanks,
> John
> >Dear all,
> >
> >I would like to know the best way of backup/restore cyrus system. What
are the
> >steps required?
> >Are there "online backup" methods available? What are the files required
to backup
> >and how can
> >I restore it on the same machine/ another machine?
> >
> >
> >Many thanks!
> >
> >Boris
> >
> >
> >

reconstruct cyrus-2.1.x mailboxes to cyrus-1.6 mailboxes?

2002-11-20 Thread Gautam Das
Is it possible to go back from cyrus-2.1.x upgrade to the older cyrus-1.6
mailbox format?

When I tried it on a test system I got invalid format error.


Senior Systems Programmer   Tel: (352) 392-2061
Northeast Regional Data Center  Fax: (352) 392-9440
University of Florida

Please, what are the groups? Re: mech=login, auth=sasldb, groups=???

2002-11-20 Thread Ian McDonald
Please, what are the groups, if not using Unix auth?



- Original Message -
From: "Simon Matter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ian McDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: mech=login, auth=sasldb, groups=???

> Ian McDonald schrieb:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > If I store my passwords (and hence list of users) in sasldb2, what
stores my
> > list of group names, and which users are in each group?
> Good question. I had the same question but with LDAP. I'm doing
> Cyrus-IMAPd -> saslauthd -> PAM -> LDAP. Now, IIRC one can grant
> permissions based on groups through ACLs, what are the group used in
> this situation. Well, in my case I could have been using posix groups in
> the LDAP tree but I'm curious whether this would work?
> Simon
> >
> > My imapd.conf file is:
> >
> > configdirectory: /var/imap
> > partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> > admins: cyrus root
> > allowanonymouslogin: no
> > defaultacl: anyone lrs
> > autocreatequota: -1
> > sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
> > sasl_auxprop_plugin: login sasldb
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Ian

Re: How to make cyrus not change non US-ASCII characters to "X"

2002-11-20 Thread Sergey Mukhin

> "A" == Alessandro Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
A> Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:30:31 -0200
A> To: info-cyrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A> Hi,

A> I'd like to know if there is a way to avoid this cyrus behavior, my
A> users are getting very angry with it.

A> Thanks for any help,

Yes, users do. And notice about strict 7-bit ASCII within headers
does not help.

Same problem using Cyrillic. I have not found anything else and
used a simple hack. 
Locate the following 2 files in the source tree: lmtpengine.c and message.c

change them the following way ( by inserting `#if 0' and `#endif' ) and 
re-compile the entire software.

This eliminates the substitution unconditionally.


/* ignore this whitespace, but we'll copy all the rest in */
} else {

// HACK -- Violet
#if 0
if (c >= 0x80) {
if (reject8bit) {
/* We have been configured to reject all mail of this
   form. */
goto ph_error;
} else {
/* We have been configured to munge all mail of this
   form. */
c = 'X';
/* just an ordinary character */
body[off++] = c;

and message.c:

else {
sawcr = 0;
blankline = 0;
// HACK -- Violet
#if 0
if (inheader && *p >= 0x80) {
if (reject8bit) {
/* We have been configured to reject all mail of this
   form. */
} else {
/* We have been configured to munge all mail of this
   form. */
*p = 'X';

fwrite(buf, 1, n, to);

A> Alessandro Oliveira
A> Nuno Ferreira Cargas Internacionais Ltda.
A> Phone: +55-11-3241-2000
A> Fax  : +55-11-3242-9891
A> ---

A> It's trivial to make fun of Microsoft products, but it takes a real
A> man to make them work, and a god to make them do anything useful.


Sergey Mukhin   |
Head of Internet department |
WestCall LTD, Moscow, Russia|SM45-RIPE

* If you can't learn do it well learn to enjoy doing it badly. *

Not seeing Inbox

2002-11-20 Thread Gregory Chagnon
After creating a mailbox (cm user.testuser) I created an account in Ooulook 
Express.  It connects and authenticates just fine, but the only 2 folders 
that show up are Sent Items and Drafts, I don't see an Inbox.

Also, I've noticed that sometimes the server rejects my login the first 1 or 
2 times but works fine the 2nd or 3rd times.  This also sometimes happens 
with cyradm.  Any ideas what could be wrong?  Thanks again for all the help.

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: 8bit encoding

2002-11-20 Thread Alessandro Oliveira
thanks for the tip, somebody on the list told me exactly the same, and 
now I'll prepare a patch and add it to the rpm that I'm using.

Serhiy Kuzhanov wrote:

Dear Alessandro

sorry for writing directly to you and not to the list.
The reason is that I am not subscribed to the list, therefore I cannot post
to it.

I had the very same problem as you have.
And I was searching for some kind of solution.

Even though I could not find anything on the list it looks like I figured
where the problem was.

First of all this is not a problem if you look in RFC. That's the way it
supposed to be -- no 8 bits chars in headers. Though my users as well as
yours and many other use 8 bits characters in headers (subject line for

Here is what I did.

Locate imap/messages.c
and comment out the line that says

*p = 'X';

then locate imap/lmtpengine.c
and comment out the line that says

c = 'X';

Recompile and install.

I was just able to send an email with 8 bit chars in subject line and it

If you go for it, please let me know if it worked with you, and if it does,
perhaps you can repost it to the list.

Serhiy Kuzhanov


Best Regards,

Alessandro Oliveira
Nuno Ferreira Cargas Internacionais Ltda.
Phone: +55-11-3241-2000
Fax  : +55-11-3242-9891

It's trivial to make fun of Microsoft products, but it takes a real 
man to make them work, and a god to make them do anything useful.

Re: Compiling ACAP

2002-11-20 Thread Benjamin Zeiss
i think the latest acap version doesn't support sasl2. i wanted to try acap as 
well since i liked the idea very much. however, the server development has 
practically stopped. if i was you i would try the communigate acap server 
first. they told me the acap server is in no way limited in the trial version 
and it thus can be used 'freely'. otherwise, depending on what you want to do, 
try the cyrus imsp. thats what i ended up with. it works pretty well.

--On Mittwoch, 20. November 2002 15:45 +0100 Martin Ziegler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Not sure if this is the right list. If it's not...sorry for that !

I'm currently trying to compile the latest version of the ACAP server.
Already in use is IMAPd 2.1.9 and SASL 2.1.9.

./configure --prefix=/sys --with-cyrus-prefix=/sys/imap
--with-cyrus-user=cyrus --with-cyrus-group=cyrus --with-auth=unix

Benjamin Zeiss
GPG Public Key:

I Need Help!!

2002-11-20 Thread Víctor Guerra

Hello everybody, i have a cyrus-qmail instalation 
and i have a BIG problem. In /var/spool/imap/user i have all the mailboxes... 
the problem is that i have a lot of mailboxes:
[root@skios01 user]# 
pwd/var/spool/imap/user[root@skios01 user]# ls -l | wc -l  
In /var/imap/user there are this directory 
[root@skios01 user]# 
pwd/var/imap/user[root@skios01 user]# lsa  b  c  
d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  
n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  
x  y  z
It is possible that all the incoming mails are 
delivered in those directories? , for example... if the server receives a mail 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , the mail must be 
delivered in /var/imap/user/v
Thanks a lot.

Re: cyradm - problem with dotted usernames?

2002-11-20 Thread Chris Hilts
> Lunar> cm user.administrator
> Lunar> cm user.mail.admin
> createmailbox: Permission denied

The . is the separator.  user.mail.admin is the 'admin' mailbox belonging
to the 'mail' user.  So you're probably trying to create a box for a user
(mail) that doesn't exist yet.

> Any workaround for this?  Thanks!!

Check out the "unixhierarchysep" directive in imapd.conf.

Chris Hilts

Compiling ACAP

2002-11-20 Thread Martin Ziegler
Not sure if this is the right list. If it's not...sorry for that !

I'm currently trying to compile the latest version of the ACAP server. 
Already in use is IMAPd 2.1.9 and SASL 2.1.9.

./configure --prefix=/sys --with-cyrus-prefix=/sys/imap 
--with-cyrus-user=cyrus --with-cyrus-group=cyrus --with-auth=unix

make returns :

### Making all in /sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/lib
make[1]: Entering directory `/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/lib'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/lib'
### Making all in /sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/api
make[1]: Entering directory `/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/api'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/api'
### Making all in /sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend
make[1]: Entering directory `/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend'
gcc -L/usr/lib -L/sys/lib -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib  -g 
-O2 -o frontend frontend.o -ldl   ../lib/libcyrus.a
frontend.o: In function `cmd_authenticate':
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:365: undefined reference 
to `sasl_server_start'
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:392: undefined reference 
to `sasl_errstring'
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:404: undefined reference 
to `sasl_getprop'
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:385: undefined reference 
to `sasl_server_step'
frontend.o: In function `main':
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:646: undefined reference 
to `sasl_server_init'
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:651: undefined reference 
to `sasl_server_new'
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:657: undefined reference 
to `sasl_setprop'
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:659: undefined reference 
to `sasl_setprop'
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:660: undefined reference 
to `sasl_setprop'
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend/frontend.c:667: undefined reference 
to `sasl_listmech'
../lib/libcyrus.a(prot.o): In function `prot_setsasl':
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/lib/prot.c:171: undefined reference to 
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/lib/prot.c:182: undefined reference to 
../lib/libcyrus.a(prot.o): In function `prot_fill':
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/lib/prot.c:356: undefined reference to 
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/lib/prot.c:360: undefined reference to 
../lib/libcyrus.a(prot.o): In function `prot_flush':
/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/lib/prot.c:466: undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [frontend] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/sys/src/a/cyrus-smlacapd-0.5/frontend'
make: *** [all] Error 1

Unfortunately i don't have any idea what's the reason for this error. Can 
yomeone please help me on this ?

Thanx !


Re: Default ACL for new user mailbox

2002-11-20 Thread Ken Murchison

> Hi,
> Now everything is clear it's what I was also thinking but I was a bit
> confused from the answer of the others. Is there actually another way to
> realize what I want to do ? The only way I can see right now is to create a
> script to cyradm which will create the user's mailbox using createmailbox
> and then set the acl using setaclmailbox to give the admin user full
> rights...

That's it right now.  There is no config option that you can set so that
a single CREATE command will do the trick.  You're going to need a
CREATE and a SETACL, whether you do it via cyradm or script it yourself.

> >
> > Well I suppose it is a mailbox without a parent because it's the INBOX of
> a
> > user that I am creating and before that nothing exists for that user.
> Again
> > the mailbox I am creating is user.testuser and I tryed setting the
> default
> > acl like that in imapd.conf:
> >
> > defaultacl: cyrus all
> >
> > restarted the master daemon process but it still didn't work !
> >
> > Any ideas ?
> This option is only for toplevel folders.  A user's inbox is actually
> under the user. tree, so it isn't a toplevel mailbox.
> --
> Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
> Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
> 716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
> --PGP Public Key--

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--

cyradm - problem with dotted usernames?

2002-11-20 Thread Gregory Chagnon
Does anyone know why I'm having a problem adding a username with a dot in 
it?  Running cyradm I get:

Lunar> cm user.administrator
Lunar> cm user.mail.admin
createmailbox: Permission denied

Any workaround for this?  Thanks!!

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

Re: Timsieved valid commands

2002-11-20 Thread Ken Murchison

Mark Keasling wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 21:20:57 -0500, Su Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote...
> > Thanks a lot Mark and Ken,
> >
> > I am writing a C++ client to log into Sieve 2000 port. Can you send me the C++/C 
>code for base64 encode? So what I need to do to login to Sieve should be like:
> >
> > C: 
> > S: password?
> > C: 
> > S: OK loged in
> >
> > Is that right?
> >
> No.  PLAIN works differently than LOGIN.  PLAIN does not use base64 encoding.

Yes it does.  Strictly speaking, the mechansim doesn't decide how the
challenges/responses will be encoded, this is done by the application

If you wanted to test PLAIN via telnet, you can do what I do.  In a
shell, do:

printf  "\0username\0password" | mimencode

This will give you the correct PLAIN response which you can paste into
your telnet session.

Of, course, the best thing to use is sivtest, as Rob suggests.  The same
can be said for testing _any_ of the protocols used by Cyrus.  There is
an apptly named test tool for all of them (actually, they are just links
to imtest).

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--

Re: How to make cyrus not change non US-ASCII characters to "X"

2002-11-20 Thread Julien Marchal

I make a
little changement in two file  in cyrus 2.1.5 
You cant
find the remplacement characters of non US-ASCII characters in :
:   *p = 'X'; 
: c = 'X'; 
I comment
this two line.
It's not
the better solution but it work.

A 09:30 20/11/2002 -0200, Alessandro Oliveira a écrit :

I'd like to know if there is a way to avoid this cyrus behavior, my users
are getting very angry with it.

Thanks for any help,

Alessandro Oliveira
Nuno Ferreira Cargas Internacionais Ltda.
Phone: +55-11-3241-2000
Fax  : +55-11-3242-9891

It's trivial to make fun of Microsoft products, but it takes a real man
to make them work, and a god to make them do anything useful.

-- Julien Marchal --


Université NANCY 2 - C.R.I. 
13, Rue Michel Ney 
CO 75 - 54037 Nancy Cédex 

Re: Default ACL for new user mailbox

2002-11-20 Thread marc . bigler


Now everything is clear it's what I was also thinking but I was a bit
confused from the answer of the others. Is there actually another way to
realize what I want to do ? The only way I can see right now is to create a
script to cyradm which will create the user's mailbox using createmailbox
and then set the acl using setaclmailbox to give the admin user full


|| |
||  Ken Murchison  |
||  Sent by:   |
|| |
|| |
|| |
||  11/19/02 10:55 PM  |
|| |
  |  cc: Marko Damaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |  Subject: Re: Default ACL for new user mailbox 

> Well I suppose it is a mailbox without a parent because it's the INBOX of
> user that I am creating and before that nothing exists for that user.
> the mailbox I am creating is user.testuser and I tryed setting the
> acl like that in imapd.conf:
> defaultacl: cyrus all
> restarted the master daemon process but it still didn't work !
> Any ideas ?

This option is only for toplevel folders.  A user's inbox is actually
under the user. tree, so it isn't a toplevel mailbox.

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--

How to make cyrus not change non US-ASCII characters to "X"

2002-11-20 Thread Alessandro Oliveira

I'd like to know if there is a way to avoid this cyrus behavior, my 
users are getting very angry with it.

Thanks for any help,

Alessandro Oliveira
Nuno Ferreira Cargas Internacionais Ltda.
Phone: +55-11-3241-2000
Fax  : +55-11-3242-9891

It's trivial to make fun of Microsoft products, but it takes a real 
man to make them work, and a god to make them do anything useful.