Fwd: Re: exim and cyrus

2003-02-04 Thread Peter Burggraef
Thank you for your answer. I'm using exim 3.35 from debian/stable. What is
 the advantage of using lmtp? Is it nessassary to use lmtp?

I changed my cyrus version now to 2.1 Before I usesd version 1.6.

Am Freitag, 31. Januar 2003 18:25 schrieben Sie:
 Hi.. you don't say which Exim you're using. I'd recommend at least Exim
 4.12, which can use the lmtp transport to the unix domain socket Cyrus
 lmtpd is listening on.

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread Phil Howard
On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 02:16:36AM -0500, Rob Siemborski wrote:

| On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
|  Does the RFC say that the IMAP UIDs have to be the file name?
| No, of course not.
|  Do the IMAP UIDs have to be the same between different sessions?
| They cannot change without also chanigng the UIDVALIDITY of the mailbox,
| which is an expensive operation for disconnected clients (it forces them
| to resync)
| So yes, every time you need to resync, you can increment the uidvalidity,
| but your disconnected users are going to hate you for it, and this isn't a
| tremendously good solution for the real world (where temporary outages
| between distant nodes is the norm).

So the message with UID 123 during one session has to still have UID 123
during the next session.  That indeed will break the ability to have
unique remote syncronization.

What's curious to me is how, with a Maildir format, that IMAP could be
implemented to retain that state without either storing some extra data
or updating the files in place.  I had thought that real unique message
IDs were the same as in RFC 822.  I didn't read RFC 2060 because I had
been talked out of implementing my own IMAP daemon.  But I guess I
should have read it, anyway, to understand its limitations.  Probably
better do that soon before I design something else that can't work :-)

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://ka9wgn.ham.org/|

how to get thread list in mailing list archive

2003-02-04 Thread Phil Howard
I'm looking for the description of multiple domains in the archive
as someone mentioned.  Is there a way to get a list of the threads
alone, and not all the messages, like in a fully collapsed form?
Since I don't know what keywords to look for, I can't search, and
browsing topics is hard with the clutter of all the messages.

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://ka9wgn.ham.org/|

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread Mike Brodbelt
Rob Siemborski wrote:
 On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
| Doing replicated IMAP stores (espeically geographicly distanct ones) is
| not an easy problem.

It's easy if every message is a separate file.
 This is not true.  It has nothing to do with the implementation of the

I've never actually had the need to try this, so caveat emptor, but I've
heard of people having some success replicating Cyrus mailstores with
drbd - http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/reisner/drbd/.

There are limitations to this approach which may make it non-viable for
you - your machines would need to be Linux hosts, and you'd need a
dedicated network link, but it's the most promising approach I've seen
to simple mailstore replication between two machines so far.


Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.12 Released

2003-02-04 Thread Ian Macdonald
On Tue 04 Feb 2003 at 11:00:10 +0700, you wrote:

 and rpm/srpms was done? 


 Rob Siemborski([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 04:51:00PM -0500:
  I'm pleased to announce the release of Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.12.  This release
  fixes a significant number of bugs throughout the distribution.
  Additionally there are the following feature enhancements:
   * pidfile and daemon-mode support for master
   * master now requires that the binaries for its services exist and are
   * squatter has an option to skip unmodified mailboxes
  Additionally, in this release, imapd.c module has received an independent
  security audit from SecurityAppraisers and Bynari.
  The distribution is available at:
  Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release.

Ian Macdonald   | Goto, n.:  A programming tool that exists
System Administrator| to allow structured programmers  to
Google, Inc.| complain about unstructured programmers.   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | -- Ray Simard 
650.330.0100 x1265  | 

Authetification HELP!!!

2003-02-04 Thread Mike O'Rourke
Hi Peter,

Sorry, I need your help.

I spend a lot of hours with my cyrus server, but I sill have no idea how to
solve my problem.

I cannot authenticate. I installed cyrus21-admin cyrus21-common,
cyrus21-imapd, sasl2-bin on a debian system.

I want to set up an autentification via sasldb, cause it seems to be the
easiest way. I changed the permission of /etc/sasldb2 to cyrus.

I set up imapd.conf


# Debian Cyrus imapd.conf
# See imapd.conf(5) for more information and more options

# Configuration directory
configdirectory: /var/lib/cyrus

# Which partition to use for default mailboxes
defaultpartition: default
partition-default: /var/spool/cyrus/mail

# News setup
partition-news: /var/spool/cyrus/news
newsspool: /var/spool/news

# Alternate namespace
# If enabled, activate the alternate namespace as documented in
# /usr/share/doc/cyrus2-common/html/altnamespace.html, where an user's
# subfolders are in the same level as the INBOX
altnamespace: no

# UNIX Hierarchy Convention
# Set to yes, and cyrus will accept dots in names, and use the forward
# slash / to delimit levels of the hierarchy. This is done by converting
# internally all dots to ^, and all / to dots. So the rabbit.holes
# mailbox of user helmer.fudd is stored in user.elmer^fud.rabbit^holes
# WARNING: This option does NOT apply to admin tools such as cyradm
# (admins ONLY), reconstruct, quota, etc., NOR does it affect LMTP delivery
# of messages directly to mailboxes via plus-addressing.
# See also userprefix and sharedprefix on imapd.conf(5)
unixhierarchysep: no

# Munging illegal characters in headers
# Headers of RFC2882 messages must not have characters with the 8th bit
# set. However, too many badly-written MUAs generate this, including most
# spamware.  Disable this if you want Cyrus to leave the crappage untouched
# and you don't care that IMAP SEARCH won't work right anymore.
#munge8bit: no

# Forcing recipient user to lowercase
# Cyrus 2.1 is case-sensitive.  If all your mail users are in lowercase, it is
# probably a very good idea to set lmtp_downcase_rcpt to true.  The default is
# to assume the user knows what he is doing, and not downcase anything.
#lmtp_downcase_rcpt: yes

# Uncomment the following and add the space-separated users who
# have admin rights for all services.
admins: cyrus

# Space-separated list of users that have lmtp admin status (i.e. that
# can deliver email through TCP/IP lmtp) in addition to those in the
# admins: entry above
#lmtp_admins: postman

# Space-separated list of users that have mupdate admin status, in
# addition to those in the admins: entry above. Note that mupdate slaves and
# backends in a Murder cluster need to autenticate against the mupdate master
# as admin users.
#mupdate_admins: mupdateman

# Space-separated list of users that have imapd admin status, in
# addition to those in the admins: entry above
#imap_admins: cyrus

# Space-separated list of users that have sieve admin status, in
# addition to those in the admins: entry above
#sieve_admins: cyrus

# List of users and groups that are allowed to proxy for other users,
# seperated by spaces.  Any user listed in this will be allowed to login
# for any other user.  Like admins: above, you can have imap_proxyservers
# and sieve_proxyservers.
#proxyservers: cyrus

# No anonymous logins
allowanonymouslogin: no

# Minimum time between POP mail fetches in minutes
popminpoll: 1

# If nonzero, normal users may create their own IMAP accounts by creating
# the mailbox INBOX.  The user's quota is set to the value if it is positive,
# otherwise the user has unlimited quota.
autocreatequota: 0

# umask used by Cyrus programs
umask: 077

# Sendmail binary location (used by sieve)
#sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail

# If enabled, cyrdeliver will look for Sieve scripts in user's home
# directories: ~user/.sieve.
sieveusehomedir: false

# If sieveusehomedir is false, this directory is searched for Sieve scripts.
sievedir: /var/spool/sieve

# notifyd(8) method to use for MAIL notifications.  If not set, MAIL
# notifications are disabled.  Valid methods are: null, log, zephyr
#mailnotifier: zephyr

# notifyd(8) method to use for SIEVE notifications.  If not set, SIEVE
# notifications are disabled.  This method is only used when no method is
# specified in the script.  Valid methods are null, log, zephyr, mailto
#sievenotifier: zephyr

# DRAC (pop-before-smtp, imap-before-smtp) support
# Set dracinterval to the time in minutes to call DRAC while a user is
# connected to the imap/pop services. Set to 0 to disable DRAC (default)
# Set drachost to the host where the rpc drac service is running
#dracinterval: 0
#drachost: localhost

# If enabled, the partitions will also be hashed, in addition to the hashing
# done on configuration directories. This is recommended if one partition has
# very bushy mailbox tree.
hashimapspool: true

# Allow plaintext logins by default (SASL PLAIN)
allowplaintext: yes

# Force PLAIN/LOGIN authentication only

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread Phil Howard
On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 10:19:27AM +, Mike Brodbelt wrote:

| Rob Siemborski wrote:
|  On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
| | Doing replicated IMAP stores (espeically geographicly distanct ones) is
| | not an easy problem.
| It's easy if every message is a separate file.
|  This is not true.  It has nothing to do with the implementation of the
|  mailstore.
| I've never actually had the need to try this, so caveat emptor, but I've
| heard of people having some success replicating Cyrus mailstores with
| drbd - http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/reisner/drbd/.
| There are limitations to this approach which may make it non-viable for
| you - your machines would need to be Linux hosts, and you'd need a
| dedicated network link, but it's the most promising approach I've seen
| to simple mailstore replication between two machines so far.

I wonder how well that method of replication works when both nodes
cannot reach each other, and both are doing updates.  And I wonder
just how much bandwidth it uses.  Suppose one node is connected over
a 28.8k analog modem connection because for the rate of SMTP flow
in and out, it's enough.  Now adding replication delta, will it be
any more than what is locally added to the mailstore?  I would think
the block layer replication would blindly replicate every block on
the device that gets changed, rather than a small piece of metadata
that would only need to be sent if the replicator understands the
meaning of the change.

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://ka9wgn.ham.org/|

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread Phil Howard
On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 07:20:57PM +0900, Mark Keasling wrote:

| Hi,
| On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 03:19:12 -0600, Phil Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...
|  On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 02:16:36AM -0500, Rob Siemborski wrote:
|  | On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
|  | 
|  |  Does the RFC say that the IMAP UIDs have to be the file name?
|  | 
|  | No, of course not.
|  | 
|  |  Do the IMAP UIDs have to be the same between different sessions?
|  | 
|  | They cannot change without also chanigng the UIDVALIDITY of the mailbox,
|  | which is an expensive operation for disconnected clients (it forces them
|  | to resync)
|  | 
|  | So yes, every time you need to resync, you can increment the uidvalidity,
|  | but your disconnected users are going to hate you for it, and this isn't a
|  | tremendously good solution for the real world (where temporary outages
|  | between distant nodes is the norm).
|  So the message with UID 123 during one session has to still have UID 123
|  during the next session.  That indeed will break the ability to have
|  unique remote syncronization.
| Not really, it just makes it much more complex.  When the machines
| reconnect, they would need to have a way to determine if the same uid
| was referring to two different messages.  If so, appending those messages
| to the end of the folder with new uids and deleteing the old uid would
| re-uniquify the messages.  You may want to do that with all of the
| messages that two machines received while they were incommunicado.
| Essentially, the machines would have to remember their UIDNEXT value at
| the time that communication was lost.  Once communication was reestablished,
| all of the messages from the old UIDNEXT upto the current UIDNEXT held
| by each machine would need to be moved (append and delete) to the end of
| the folder.  The new uids would start from the largest UIDNEXT held by
| either machine. I think something like that would workat least in theory.

I guess moving them all as a group would help retain the apparent order.

| The main problem would be if the two machines appeared to users as
| the same machine due to DNS trickery and a user could connect to either
| one but the machines still could not connect to each other.  (One leg out
| of the triangle)  In that case, the user's client could see the mailbox
| having one message one time and a different message the next even though
| the uid was the same.  So if the client connected, fetched enough info to
| make a message cache list and then disconnected.  If the next time it
| connected to the other machine to fetch the message, the result would not
| be what was expected.

The intent was to have a faster machine for road warrier users to connect
to while the office is connected via a slow 28.8k analog modem.  The idea
is to avoid overloading the 28.8k line.  And to further help doing that,
the outside server would be the internet's MX host (fallback to the inside
server anyway), whereas the intranet would see the MX hosts the other way
around.  Mail from the internet would be delivered on the outside server
and replicated in.  Mail from the intranet would be delivered on the inside
server and replicated out.

One thing I was thinking of would be a hack to make one server always use
only odd UIDs, and the other always use only even UIDs, and to do catchups
while they are reachable with each other.  But this is getting into hacking
code I know nothing about, yet.  Maybe a later time.

My original design was for a Maildir based mailstore, and would work at the
file replication level (somewhat like rsync, but with some differences to
handle it two-ways).

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://ka9wgn.ham.org/|

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Tue, 04 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
 I wonder how well that method of replication works when both nodes
 cannot reach each other, and both are doing updates.  And I wonder

They don't.  If they cannot reach each other, at most one of them must allow

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

On Tue, 04 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:

I wonder how well that method of replication works when both nodes
cannot reach each other, and both are doing updates.  And I wonder

They don't.  If they cannot reach each other, at most one of them must allow

Which, as far as I know, is how all commercial databases also do 
replication.  Only those servers involved in a quorum (even if it is 
because the primary is treated as having more weight) can accept updates 
-- the other replicas can only be read-only.  Trying to allow arbitrary 
updates during disconnected operation and then merge the results into a 
consistent and deterministic state is not just hard, but impossible. 
For example, if you allow flags to be set differently on the same 
message on each node, there is no way to resolve the two updates without 
discarding at least some of the work of one of the sessions. If you 
carefully constrain the updates that can be performed during 
disconnected operation (and for consistency that means even not in 
disconnected operation), then you can transform the problem from 
impossible to merely extremely difficult.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread Phil Howard
On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 09:51:21AM -0500, John Alton Tamplin wrote:

| Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
| On Tue, 04 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
| I wonder how well that method of replication works when both nodes
| cannot reach each other, and both are doing updates.  And I wonder
| They don't.  If they cannot reach each other, at most one of them must allow
| updates.
| Which, as far as I know, is how all commercial databases also do 
| replication.  Only those servers involved in a quorum (even if it is 
| because the primary is treated as having more weight) can accept updates 
| -- the other replicas can only be read-only.  Trying to allow arbitrary 
| updates during disconnected operation and then merge the results into a 
| consistent and deterministic state is not just hard, but impossible. 
|  For example, if you allow flags to be set differently on the same 
| message on each node, there is no way to resolve the two updates without 
| discarding at least some of the work of one of the sessions. If you 
| carefully constrain the updates that can be performed during 
| disconnected operation (and for consistency that means even not in 
| disconnected operation), then you can transform the problem from 
| impossible to merely extremely difficult.

However, had message IDs been the RFC822 message ID, then it would have
been possible to receive new mail on each node.  Since the IDs would not
collide, that would be OK.  If you did get the same ID delivered to both
somehow, it should be the same mail.  If not, it violates the RFC, so
then you decide to replace one of them or change one of them and move on.

Deleted mail might be resurrected.

But certainly many other things can be a problem, and in the database
world, replicators can't really know a lot if the particulars about the
data involved, and wouldn't readily be able to do the things you could
get away with for email.

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://ka9wgn.ham.org/|

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread Kendrick Vargas
I've been sorta following this thread, and I don't claim to know a whole 
lot about programming, but I'm wondering why something simple like what 
I'm about to suggest wouldn't work... Here goes:

If a group of servers are gonna be in constant communication, why not just 
have each server assign UID's in increments of the number of servers in 
the group? For example, if you have 3 servers, and they realize they've 
disconnected, each of the servers could number in increments of 3 starting 
from different points.

Assuming the last UID was 502, server 1 would receive messages and number
them as 503, 506, 509, etc... Server 2 would number at 504, 507, 510, etc. 
And Server 3 would number at 505, 508, 511, etc. When the servers 
re-connect, the file numbers would be unique, the biggest issue you'd run 
into would be that the incomming sort order will be a little off, and not 
really. If the user sets their MUA to sort on date, it would be even less 
of an issue.

Why wouldn't something like this work? I mean, assuming that there's some 
logic involved in the software, the individual servers could figure out 
which incremented number they could use as their UID next. 

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Mark Keasling wrote:

 On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 03:19:12 -0600, Phil Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...

  On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 02:16:36AM -0500, Rob Siemborski wrote:
  | On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
  |  Does the RFC say that the IMAP UIDs have to be the file name?
  | No, of course not.
  |  Do the IMAP UIDs have to be the same between different sessions?
  | They cannot change without also chanigng the UIDVALIDITY of the mailbox,
  | which is an expensive operation for disconnected clients (it forces them
  | to resync)
  | So yes, every time you need to resync, you can increment the uidvalidity,
  | but your disconnected users are going to hate you for it, and this isn't a
  | tremendously good solution for the real world (where temporary outages
  | between distant nodes is the norm).
  So the message with UID 123 during one session has to still have UID 123
  during the next session.  That indeed will break the ability to have
  unique remote syncronization.
 Not really, it just makes it much more complex.  When the machines
 reconnect, they would need to have a way to determine if the same uid
 was referring to two different messages.  If so, appending those messages
 to the end of the folder with new uids and deleteing the old uid would
 re-uniquify the messages.  You may want to do that with all of the
 messages that two machines received while they were incommunicado.
 Essentially, the machines would have to remember their UIDNEXT value at
 the time that communication was lost.  Once communication was reestablished,
 all of the messages from the old UIDNEXT upto the current UIDNEXT held
 by each machine would need to be moved (append and delete) to the end of
 the folder.  The new uids would start from the largest UIDNEXT held by
 either machine. I think something like that would workat least in theory.
 The main problem would be if the two machines appeared to users as
 the same machine due to DNS trickery and a user could connect to either
 one but the machines still could not connect to each other.  (One leg out
 of the triangle)  In that case, the user's client could see the mailbox
 having one message one time and a different message the next even though
 the uid was the same.  So if the client connected, fetched enough info to
 make a message cache list and then disconnected.  If the next time it
 connected to the other machine to fetch the message, the result would not
 be what was expected.
  What's curious to me is how, with a Maildir format, that IMAP could be
  implemented to retain that state without either storing some extra data
  or updating the files in place.  I had thought that real unique message
  IDs were the same as in RFC 822.  I didn't read RFC 2060 because I had
  been talked out of implementing my own IMAP daemon.  But I guess I
  should have read it, anyway, to understand its limitations.  Probably
  better do that soon before I design something else that can't work :-)
  | Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://ka9wgn.ham.org/|
 Mark Keasling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let he who is without clue kiss my ass

Re: Case sensitve user/mailbox names

2003-02-04 Thread Pål Olsen

By the way: Do we have to set up this rule as an extra router, or can the
normal Cyrus delivery router take care of the convertion..?

- Original Message -
From: Kevin P. Fleming [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Case sensitve user/mailbox names

 Pål Olsen wrote:
  I've just implemented a new mail platform using Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.11 and
  4.12, and I wonder... how to deal with the fact that systems don't
  do want you expect..?
  It seem to me that exim/cyrus has problem with delivery of mail if the
  mail-address are written in another case than the mailbox-name... E.g.
  fridao@mydomain can't receive mail if the sender uses mail-address
  Fridao@mydomain. How should I deal with that?

 I have a router like this in my Exim 4.1x setup talking to Cyrus (at the
 appropriate place in the sequence, i.e. just before your Cyrus deliver

driver = redirect
domains = +local_domains
redirect_router = local
data = ${lc:${local_part}}

 with the Cyrus delivery router being named local.

This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is the 
property of the Cap Gemini Ernst  Young Group. It is intended only for the person to 
whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to 
read, print, retain, copy, disseminate, distribute, or use this message or any part 
thereof. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender immediately 
and delete all copies of this message.

Re: Case sensitve user/mailbox names

2003-02-04 Thread Kerstin Espey
Am Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 15:45 schrieb Pål Olsen:
 I've just implemented a new mail platform using Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.11 and Exim
 4.12, and I wonder... how to deal with the fact that systems don't allways
 do want you expect..?

 It seem to me that exim/cyrus has problem with delivery of mail if the
 mail-address are written in another case than the mailbox-name... E.g. user
 fridao@mydomain can't receive mail if the sender uses mail-address
 Fridao@mydomain. How should I deal with that?

As long as you don't use the option caseful_local_part in the exim router, 
exim will send all mails to the lowercase mailbox.


Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.12 Released

2003-02-04 Thread Hajimu UMEMOTO

 On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 16:51:00 -0500 (EST)
 Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

rjs3 I'm pleased to announce the release of Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.12.  This release

I updated my IPv6 support patch for Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.12.  You can find
it from:



Hajimu UMEMOTO @ Internet Mutual Aid Society Yokohama, Japan

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread Jason Fesler
 However, had message IDs been the RFC822 message ID, then it would have
 been possible to receive new mail on each node.  Since the IDs would not
 collide, that would be OK.  If you did get the same ID delivered to both
 somehow, it should be the same mail.  If not, it violates the RFC, so
 then you decide to replace one of them or change one of them and move on.

Perhaps the same mail, but with different Received: headers, and possibly
with mailing list software headers added.  IMO, Message-Id:  is not
strong enough of a UIDL, *especially* for list owners.


2003-02-04 Thread Peter Burggraef

I need some basic information about authentification methods. Where can I find 
easy to understand information?

Thank You

Re: Case sensitve user/mailbox names

2003-02-04 Thread Kevin P. Fleming
Kerstin Espey wrote:

As long as you don't use the option caseful_local_part in the exim router, 
exim will send all mails to the lowercase mailbox.


Exim 4.x does not act this way, but Exim 3.x did. If you don't make specific 
provisions to supply Cyrus a lowercase local part using Exim 4.x, the messages 
won't get delivered.

Re: how to get thread list in mailing list archive

2003-02-04 Thread Lawrence Greenfield
   Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 03:55:04 -0600
   From: Phil Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I'm looking for the description of multiple domains in the archive
   as someone mentioned.  Is there a way to get a list of the threads
   alone, and not all the messages, like in a fully collapsed form?
   Since I don't know what keywords to look for, I can't search, and
   browsing topics is hard with the clutter of all the messages.

Our web interface isn't all that sophisticated. You might be happier
connecting a real IMAP client to cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu, logging in as
anonymous and opening archive.info-cyrus. Hopefully it's a client
that can deal with large folders.


Anyone using Linux LVM with cyrus?

2003-02-04 Thread Ben Poliakoff
Hi all,

We're preparing to roll out a new cyrus mail system which will handle
the bulk of our 1700 users' email.  The server platform will be redhat
linux 7.3 or 8.0.  

We'd like to use the Linux LVM (at the very least for the mail store
itself) so that we can back up the system off of read only snapshots
(courtesy of LVM).

Has anyone out there used LVM with cyrus imap in an environment as
large or larger than 1700 users?  If so we'd love to hear about any
lessons learned (i.e. Don't do it!) or gotchas...


Re: Fwd: Re: exim and cyrus

2003-02-04 Thread Robert Scussel
I don't know about exim 3.35, but I know that exim 3.36 can use LMTP, 
which we use here.

The nicest thing about LMTP is the exim delivers straight, without 
haveing to call cyrus's deliver.  This leads to less overhead, and 
better overall performance...

Also, we switched due to some odd problems with heavy load, and have 
been very happy with it.

Hope this helps,

Peter Burggraef wrote:
Thank you for your answer. I'm using exim 3.35 from debian/stable. What is
 the advantage of using lmtp? Is it nessassary to use lmtp?

I changed my cyrus version now to 2.1 Before I usesd version 1.6.

Am Freitag, 31. Januar 2003 18:25 schrieben Sie:

Hi.. you don't say which Exim you're using. I'd recommend at least Exim
4.12, which can use the lmtp transport to the unix domain socket Cyrus
lmtpd is listening on.

Robert Scussel
1024D/BAF70959/0036 B19E 86CE 181D 0912  5FCC 92D8 1EA1 BAF7 0959

Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.12 Released

2003-02-04 Thread Chris Scott
Has anyone compiled this successfully on FreeBSD 4.7?  I'm getting the 
following errors:

gcc -c -I..   -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/ssl/include 
-I/usr/local/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -Wall -g -O2  cyrusdb_db3.c
cyrusdb_db3.c:87: syntax error before `*'
cyrusdb_db3.c:87: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `dbenv'
cyrusdb_db3.c:87: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
cyrusdb_db3.c:93: syntax error before `*'
cyrusdb_db3.c:98: syntax error before `75'
cyrusdb_db3.c:98: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `exit'
cyrusdb_db3.c:98: conflicting types for `exit'
/usr/include/stdlib.h:96: previous declaration of `exit'
cyrusdb_db3.c:98: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
cyrusdb_db3.c:86: warning: `dbinit' defined but not used
cyrusdb_db3.c:90: warning: `commit_txn' declared `static' but never defined
cyrusdb_db3.c:91: warning: `abort_txn' declared `static' but never defined
*** Error code 1

cyrusdb_db3.c is the same as it was in 2.1.11 which compiles OK.

configure was run with the following:

./configure  --with-sasl=/usr/local --with-perl --with-auth=unix 
l=/usr/local/ssl --with-duplicate-db=db3_nosync 
--with-mboxlist-db=skiplist --wi
th-seen-db=skiplist --with-subs-db=flat --with-tls-db=db3_nosync

These are the same options that 2.1.11 compiles with fine.  Using gcc 
version 2.95.4 20020320 [FreeBSD] on FreeBSD 2.7-RELEASE.

Chris Scott

Re: Anyone using Linux LVM with cyrus?

2003-02-04 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 20:08, Ben Poliakoff wrote:
 Hi all,
 We're preparing to roll out a new cyrus mail system which will handle
 the bulk of our 1700 users' email.  The server platform will be redhat
 linux 7.3 or 8.0.  
 We'd like to use the Linux LVM (at the very least for the mail store
 itself) so that we can back up the system off of read only snapshots
 (courtesy of LVM).
 Has anyone out there used LVM with cyrus imap in an environment as
 large or larger than 1700 users?  If so we'd love to hear about any
 lessons learned (i.e. Don't do it!) or gotchas...

We decided to use EVMS instead of LVM for one customer's system, because
in our opinion, it is more flexible, easy to use for administrators
(mainly due to its GUI) and it proved to be a very reliable piece of
software (by which I do not imply that LVM isn't). The tools are well
designed, consistent, and they do what you expect them to do. There's a
GUI, an ncurses-based interface, and a command line tool that is very
well suited to scripting.

We have an automatic 7-day rotating snapshot system and have already
saved some important mails that were accidentally deleted by careless
users (would you believe that in Outlook Express you can irreversibly
delete a folder with its contents without even seeing a confirmation
dialog?). We also have virus scanning and spam filtering in the same
box. The hardware is a 1GHz PIII, 512MB of RAM and two 40GB IDE disks in
a RAID-1 mirror as data store. The mailstore and snapshots are on the
same disks -- thus the snapshots are also RAIDed. We use ext3 as file
system, although we are looking very closely at the other journaling
filesystems available for Linux at the moment.

The user base of this customer is not as large as yours, though, but
given this experience we're definately going to move our other customers
to this setup as well. I'd say with appropriate hardware to back it up,
EVMS would definately by up to the task.

Fabian Fagerholm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Anyone using Linux LVM with cyrus?

2003-02-04 Thread Jules Agee
 Has anyone out there used LVM with cyrus imap in an environment as
 large or larger than 1700 users?  If so we'd love to hear about any
 lessons learned (i.e. Don't do it!) or gotchas...


See a message I posted earlier on a related topic:


Jules Agee
System Administrator
Pacific Coast Feather Co.

Re: Fwd: Re: exim and cyrus

2003-02-04 Thread Matt Bernstein
At 14:18 -0500 Robert Scussel wrote:

I don't know about exim 3.35, but I know that exim 3.36 can use LMTP, 
which we use here.

er.. Exim 3.3x can use LMTP over a pipe (ie deliver) or TCP/IP.

Exim 4.12 can deliver straight to the lmtpunix socket. Even less overhead
(and less packet filtering to worry about) than either of the options for 
Exim 3.


Issues with Install

2003-02-04 Thread lists
I am having 2 problems 

1. is with the ./mkimap program.

I am using redhat 8.0 and I get this error
[cyrus@imap tools]$ ./mkimap
reading configure file...
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 1) line 
creating ...
Use of uninitialized value in mkdir at (eval 1) line 87.
Use of uninitialized value in chdir at (eval 1) line 91.
Use of chdir('') or chdir(undef) as chdir() is deprecated at (eval 1) line 
creating /usr/sieve...

that is with  perl-5.8.0-55

When I start master
I get:
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap master[15486]: setrlimit: Unable to set file 
descriptors limit to -1: Operation not permitted
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap master[15486]: retrying with 1024 (current max)
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap master[15486]: process started
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap master[15487]: about to exec 
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: recovering cyrus databases
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR db4: : No such file or 
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR db4: 
/var/imap/db/__db.001: No such file or directory
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR db4: : No such file or 
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR db4: 
/var/imap/db/__db.001: No such file or directory
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR: dbenv-open 
'/var/imap/db' failed: No such file or directory
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR: init /var/imap/db: 
cyrusdb error
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR db4: environment not yet 
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR: opening 
/var/imap/mailboxes.db: Invalid argument
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR: opening 
/var/imap/mailboxes.db: cyrusdb error
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap master[15486]: process 15487 exited, status 75
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap master[15486]: unable to bind socket for service 
lmtpunix: No such file or directory
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap master[15486]: ready for work
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap master[15488]: about to exec 
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15488]: checkpointing cyrus databases
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15488]: DBERROR db4: 
/var/imap/db/__db.001: No such file or directory
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15488]: DBERROR: dbenv-open 
'/var/imap/db' failed: No such file or directory
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15488]: DBERROR: init /var/imap/db: 
cyrusdb error
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15488]: done checkpointing cyrus 
Feb  4 20:55:26 imap master[15486]: process 15488 exited, status 1

Does anyone have any ideas?

Re: Issues with Install

2003-02-04 Thread Simon Brady
On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, lists wrote:

 I am using redhat 8.0 and I get this error
 [cyrus@imap tools]$ ./mkimap
 reading configure file...

Have you set the 'configdirectory' parameter in your /etc/imapd.conf file? 
It looks like mkimap isn't seeing one, so it's trying to use an empty 
string instead. This will also explain messages such as

 Feb  4 20:55:26 imap ctl_cyrusdb[15487]: DBERROR db4: 
 /var/imap/db/__db.001: No such file or directory

(in this case master is trying to use /var/imap as the config directory).

As well as this there are other things in imapd.conf you need to set - 
the imapd.conf manpage is a must-read for this.

Simon Brady mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ITS Technical Services
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread Mark Keasling

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 05:57:53 -0600, Phil Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...
 One thing I was thinking of would be a hack to make one server always use
 only odd UIDs, and the other always use only even UIDs, and to do catchups
 while they are reachable with each other.  But this is getting into hacking
 code I know nothing about, yet.  Maybe a later time.

Using odd and even UIDs and merging would be a novel solution.  However,
it may be `too' novel.  There is an IMAP requirement that doesn't permit
merging (reordering).  Messages can only be appended to the end of the
mailbox because new messages must get a UID = UIDNEXT.  The situation
is never permitted to occur where the client opens a mailbox which has
UIDs 1,3,5 and then at some time later it has UIDs 1,2,3,4,5 with out a
change to UIDVALIDITY.  When UIDVALIDITY changes (which should be larger
than before), the client knows that what it knows about UIDs is now useless.

 around.  Mail from the internet would be delivered on the outside server
 and replicated in.  Mail from the intranet would be delivered on the inside
 server and replicated out.

It could be left at this point; but, I'm sure people would want mail in the
same order at both places and changes to be reflected in both places...

 My original design was for a Maildir based mailstore, and would work at the
 file replication level (somewhat like rsync, but with some differences to
 handle it two-ways).

It sounds like you may need to design a distributed mailstore that will
satisfy both your requirements and those of IMAP and then implement a
server around that mailstore.


Re: Issues with Install

2003-02-04 Thread Christian Schulte
lists wrote:

I am having 2 problems 

1. is with the ./mkimap program.

I am using redhat 8.0 and I get this error
[cyrus@imap tools]$ ./mkimap
reading configure file...
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 1) line 
creating ...
Use of uninitialized value in mkdir at (eval 1) line 87.
Use of uninitialized value in chdir at (eval 1) line 91.
Use of chdir('') or chdir(undef) as chdir() is deprecated at (eval 1) line 
creating /usr/sieve...

that is with  perl-5.8.0-55

Do you run ./mkimap as the cyrus user ?


Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.12 Released

2003-02-04 Thread Ilya
you need to change the db.h to #include /usr/local/include/db3/db.h
in cyrusdb_db3.c

On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 02:34:34PM -0500, Chris Scott wrote:
 Has anyone compiled this successfully on FreeBSD 4.7?  I'm getting the 
 following errors:
 gcc -c -I..   -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/ssl/include 
 -I/usr/local/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -Wall -g -O2  cyrusdb_db3.c
 cyrusdb_db3.c:87: syntax error before `*'
 cyrusdb_db3.c:87: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `dbenv'
 cyrusdb_db3.c:87: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
 cyrusdb_db3.c:93: syntax error before `*'
 cyrusdb_db3.c:98: syntax error before `75'
 cyrusdb_db3.c:98: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `exit'
 cyrusdb_db3.c:98: conflicting types for `exit'
 /usr/include/stdlib.h:96: previous declaration of `exit'
 cyrusdb_db3.c:98: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
 cyrusdb_db3.c:86: warning: `dbinit' defined but not used
 cyrusdb_db3.c:90: warning: `commit_txn' declared `static' but never defined
 cyrusdb_db3.c:91: warning: `abort_txn' declared `static' but never defined
 *** Error code 1
 cyrusdb_db3.c is the same as it was in 2.1.11 which compiles OK.
 configure was run with the following:
 ./configure  --with-sasl=/usr/local --with-perl --with-auth=unix 
 l=/usr/local/ssl --with-duplicate-db=db3_nosync 
 --with-mboxlist-db=skiplist --wi
 th-seen-db=skiplist --with-subs-db=flat --with-tls-db=db3_nosync
 These are the same options that 2.1.11 compiles with fine.  Using gcc 
 version 2.95.4 20020320 [FreeBSD] on FreeBSD 2.7-RELEASE.
 Chris Scott

Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

2003-02-04 Thread David Lang
you stated that you want to have the outside box act as a secondary MX for
the inside one, if you do this and accept the extra bandwidth used then
you could still do this and have the mail only delivered to the inside box
and then replicated out to the outside one.

this doesn't solve the problem of changing flags, but does solve the
problem of getting the messages in correctly.

for the flags the real question is do you HAVE to allow them to be updated
when the primary can't be reached? or can your users tolorate being able
to see their mail, but not have the flags change if you have a connection
problem? (or possibly allow some flags to be changed and queued up, seen
flags can be reconsiled by changing both sides to the the or of the two
when they reconnect, deletes can be queued and processed later, etc)

there are some useage patterns here that can narrow the scope of the
limitation more then the generic database two-way-sync problem

David Lang

 On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:

 Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 03:19:12 -0600
 From: Phil Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

 On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 02:16:36AM -0500, Rob Siemborski wrote:

 | On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
 |  Does the RFC say that the IMAP UIDs have to be the file name?
 | No, of course not.
 |  Do the IMAP UIDs have to be the same between different sessions?
 | They cannot change without also chanigng the UIDVALIDITY of the mailbox,
 | which is an expensive operation for disconnected clients (it forces them
 | to resync)
 | So yes, every time you need to resync, you can increment the uidvalidity,
 | but your disconnected users are going to hate you for it, and this isn't a
 | tremendously good solution for the real world (where temporary outages
 | between distant nodes is the norm).

 So the message with UID 123 during one session has to still have UID 123
 during the next session.  That indeed will break the ability to have
 unique remote syncronization.

 What's curious to me is how, with a Maildir format, that IMAP could be
 implemented to retain that state without either storing some extra data
 or updating the files in place.  I had thought that real unique message
 IDs were the same as in RFC 822.  I didn't read RFC 2060 because I had
 been talked out of implementing my own IMAP daemon.  But I guess I
 should have read it, anyway, to understand its limitations.  Probably
 better do that soon before I design something else that can't work :-)

 | Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://ka9wgn.ham.org/|

cyradm not working on a working cyrus /

2003-02-04 Thread Grosswiler Roger
As on version 2.1.11 i get cyrus up und running without any problem -
except cyradm. A call of cyradm brings out the mentionned error msg. if i
copy shell.pm in the path, a new prompt line results, nothing happens at

Does anybody know about this issue? Is there another possibility to
administer the cyrus mailboxes?

error msg:
Shell.pm not found @INC  (followed by the path list...)

System: Redhat 8.0
Sasl: 2.1.11
Berkeley DB: db4 /db4 devel
