Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread Paul Dekkers
Eric S. Pulley wrote:
Question:   Are people looking at this as both redundancy and
performance, or just redundance?
Cyrus performs pretty well already. Background redundancy would be 
awesome. Especially if we had control over when the syncing process 
occurred either via time interval or date/time.
I would say not at an interval but as soon as there is an action 
performed on one mailbox, the other one would be pushed to do something. 
I believe that is called rolling replication.

I would not be really happy with a interval synchronisation. It would 
make it harder to use both platforms at the same time, and that is what 
I want as well. So there is a little-bit of load-balancing involved, but 
more and more _availability_.

Being able to use both platforms at the same time maybe implies that 
there is either no master/slave role or that this is auto-elected 
between the two and that this role is floating...

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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread Lee
mysql does not have multi-master functionality, and it's replication, 
is quite honestly, a joke.  You may have mis-spoken and are talking 
about the up-and-coming mysql cluster or the mysql max product (both 
of which i'm much less familiar with).

Indeed i was talking about mysql cluster (which is now included with 
teh distro). Im pretty convinced having talked with some mysql peeps, 
that cluster will eventually (not too distant future) be VERY bullet 
proof. I just figured that writing cyrus to use mysql (or SQL SPEC) as 
a backend might kill two birds with one stone, and create a better 
general platforms for growth. None the less, id would love to see just 
replication is everyone if mysql back is out.

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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread Paul Dekkers
Ken Murchison wrote:
I think this would cause performance to suffer greatly.  I think what 
we want is lazy replication, where the client gets instant results 
from the machine its connected to, and the replication is done in the 
background.  I believe this is what David's implementation does.
Yes, but if I understood it well it is per action, and not long after 
the action was performed on one of the machines. (It should at least not 
take long, but get in queue/backlog or something for the background 
process? I'm not sure how it's done in David's patch, and neither if 
that is really what we should go for, but that's up to you developers :-))

In my other reply:
I would say not at an interval but as soon as there is an action 
performed on one mailbox, the other one would be pushed to do 
something. I believe that is called rolling replication.

I would not be really happy with a interval synchronisation. It would 
make it harder to use both platforms at the same time, and that is 
what I want as well. So there is a little-bit of load-balancing 
involved, but more and more _availability_.
It plays a role that in our situation there is also spamassassin running 
on the servers: if that could be distributed because one mail can be 
delivered to one box and another one to the other that would already 
mean quite some load-balancing: and then we have not taken the load of 
cyrus into account :-)

Being able to use both platforms at the same time maybe implies that 
there is either no master/slave role or that this is auto-elected 
between the two and that this role is floating...
I'm not sure about that, btw: I'm no good programmer, but I can imagine 
that this is a something you want.

If one server is down it should mean that all tasks can be performed at 
the other one. I 'm curious how this would look if both servers are 
still running but cannot reach eachother. If there is indeeed a UUID: 
what if there are doubles... but I guess that has been taken into account.

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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread David Lang
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Paul Dekkers wrote:
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 08:25:26 +0200
From: Paul Dekkers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability
Eric S. Pulley wrote:
Question:   Are people looking at this as both redundancy and
performance, or just redundance?
Cyrus performs pretty well already. Background redundancy would be 
awesome. Especially if we had control over when the syncing process 
occurred either via time interval or date/time.
I would say not at an interval but as soon as there is an action performed on 
one mailbox, the other one would be pushed to do something. I believe that is 
called rolling replication.

I would not be really happy with a interval synchronisation. It would make it 
harder to use both platforms at the same time, and that is what I want as 
well. So there is a little-bit of load-balancing involved, but more and more 

Being able to use both platforms at the same time maybe implies that there is 
either no master/slave role or that this is auto-elected between the two and 
that this role is floating...
right, but there are already tools freely available on most platforms to 
do the election and changing of the role (by switching between config 
files and restarting the master) what is currently lacking is any ability 
to do the master/slave role. once we have that it's just a little 
scripting to tie just about any failover software in to make it automatic.

one thing we need to watch out for here is that we don't set an 
impossible/unreasonable goal. don't try to solve every problem and add 
every availablity feater you can imagine all at once. instead let's look 
at the building blocks that are needed and identify what's currently not 

currently we have murder which will spread the load across multiple 

currently we have many tools available to detect a server failure and run 
local scripts to reconfigure machines (HACMP on AIX, hearbeat for Linux, 
*BSD, Solaris, etc)

what we currently do not have is any ability to have one mailstore updated 
to match changes in another one.

once we have that ability there are many things that can be built by 
glueing togeather existing code. once we have a bit of experiance with 
people actually useing these features it will then be obvious which 
features need better integration with Cyrus and which make sense to remain 

I also would not be really satisfied with interval synchronisation as the 
only choice.

I think we need something where the primary mailstore pushes a record of 
it's changes to the secondary mailstore

This can then be tweaked in several directions.
1. locking can be added so that the primary doesn't complete it's command 
until the secondary says it has a permanent record of the change 
(two-phase commit or a reasonable facimily of such)

2. batch up the changes until they hit some threshold (size or time or 
combination) and then send a batch of changes all at once

3. recongnise it's own changes to gain the ability to push updates in both 
directions at the same time (true two-phase commit with bi-directional 
replication, some horribile performance pathalogical cases, but attractive 
in some cases)

or other varients
but these all share the same common need
the ability for the master to output all it's changes and the ability for 
a slave to read such changes and update itself to match

the nice thing is that with IMAP much of the data needed is already 
output, you could do a first approximation of this with a client that 
opened a seperate connection to every folder on the primary server and 
just sat watching for server messages and whenever it saw an update send 
the matching command to the slave (fetching the full data as needed to get 
all the info). this obviously won't scale to any reasonalbe size, but this 
means that most of what's needed is already identified so the core could 
be just a common output of the exisitng messages with a little more data 
(mailbox and folder in most cases, message contents in a few)

let's get these small, but critical pieces done and then we can grow and 
experiment from there.

David Lang
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No lmtp / pop authentication on backend

2004-09-17 Thread Laurent GAUTHIER


 as Ken Murchison told me you could help me on my authentication problems, I
send you the scenario.
My main problem is to make Frontend services like LMTP and POP authenticate
against backend. Users are capable to authenticate either as SASLDB or as
LDAP users.

And at the bottom of the present messages an architecture overview of what I
want to reach.

Thank you if you can help !!

 Laurent GAUTHIER wrote:

 Laurent GAUTHIER wrote:
 I have an architecture of Murder Cyrus Imap Servers with Postfix.
 The design makes Postfix Frontend deliver SMTP to local LMTP service.
 My problem is when the Cyrus LMTP service (unix socket) on Frontend
 tries to connect to backend LMTP (TCP/IP socket) , I have messages
  bellow :
 Sep 13 19:25:29 localhost cyrus/lmtpproxyd[19904]: lmtpengine do_auth:
 failed to authenticate
 Sep 13 19:29:55 localhost cyrus/lmtpd[2210]: connection from []
 Sep 13 19:29:58 localhost cyrus/lmtpd[2210]: badlogin:
 DIGEST-MD5 SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database
 Is there any parameter as the ones for mupdate like
 # mupdate_username
 # mupdate_authname
 # mupdate_realm
 # mupdate_password
 that would be dedicated to LMTP?
 In other words, how to configure the frontend lmtp service auth-name
 when it intents to connect to the back-end?
  From doc/install-murder.html:
 Additionally, you will need entries in imapd.conf to indicate the proxy
 auth name and passwords (if you are using a SASL mechanism that requires
 them) to the backends, for example, if your backends are and with passwords of foo and
 bar, and an auth name of murder:
 mail1_password: foo
 mail2_password: bar
 proxy_authname: murder
 Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
  I'd already configured these entries. In order for you to have a good
  of my configuration, I  join you my conf files and additionnal piece of
  For the moment I use sasldb, but my real need is to authenticate against
  LDAP. I tried that with a single Cyrus IMAP and worked with SASL
  on LDAP. As with the murder configuration it didn't work as I expected,
  went back to sasldb. Maybe I mistake between common users and specific
  rights Cyrus services users. What is the typical configuration on a
  as I should have in my final architecture several fronts and backs in
  to accept between 60 000 and 100 000 users?
  If your trained eyes can see any mistake ... it would permit me to
  the LDAP authentication.

 I don't use LDAP authentication at all, so I probably won't be much
 help.  You should post to the list and SASL/LDAP experts such as Igor
 can probably help.

  By the way, I will next test Horde IMP to access backend mailboxes.
  would you install it, as you know prety well Cyrus imap architecture?
  front ends ? On independant servers configured to talk with front ends?

 Either way would work.  You just need to figure out if the frontends can
 handle the load of doing both.  You might want to look into using an
 IMAP proxy ( for webmail.  I'd recommend
 installing this on the same machine as IMP.

 Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
 Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
 716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
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Description: Binary data

Re: No lmtp / pop authentication on backend

2004-09-17 Thread Andreas Winkelmann
Am Freitag, 17. September 2004 09:13 schrieb Laurent GAUTHIER:

  as Ken Murchison told me you could help me on my authentication problems,
 I send you the scenario.
 My main problem is to make Frontend services like LMTP and POP authenticate
 against backend. Users are capable to authenticate either as SASLDB or as
 LDAP users.

 And at the bottom of the present messages an architecture overview of what
 I want to reach.

  Sep 13 19:29:55 localhost cyrus/lmtpd[2210]: connection from []
  Sep 13 19:29:58 localhost cyrus/lmtpd[2210]: badlogin:
  DIGEST-MD5 SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database

Cyrus-SASL starts a query to your auxprop-database with $username and $realm. 
The $realm is equal with your servername or if configured with $servername 
in /etc/imapd.conf. If there is no dataset equal to both, you will see user 
not found. Check your sasldblistusers on the Backend-Server if the Username 
and Realm is equal. I would guess the realm is wrong. Change your servername 
in imapd.conf to $realm to satisfy sasl.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] userPassword

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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread Paul Dekkers
David Lang wrote:
Question:   Are people looking at this as both redundancy and
performance, or just redundance?
Cyrus performs pretty well already. Background redundancy would be 
awesome. Especially if we had control over when the syncing process 
occurred either via time interval or date/time.
I would say not at an interval but as soon as there is an action 
performed on one mailbox, the other one would be pushed to do 
something. I believe that is called rolling replication.

I would not be really happy with a interval synchronisation. It would 
make it harder to use both platforms at the same time, and that is 
what I want as well. So there is a little-bit of load-balancing 
involved, but more and more _availability_.

Being able to use both platforms at the same time maybe implies that 
there is either no master/slave role or that this is auto-elected 
between the two and that this role is floating...
right, but there are already tools freely available on most platforms 
to do the election and changing of the role (by switching between 
config files and restarting the master) what is currently lacking is 
any ability to do the master/slave role. once we have that it's just a 
little scripting to tie just about any failover software in to make it 
There are indeed tools available for that, but they're not always 
working as they're supposed to do and are often very OS limited. With 
FreeBSD I had no luch with heartbeat (wouldn't compile under FreeBSD-5), 
(U)CARP was not available and FreeVRRP was buggy (at least in my case, 
sometimes I had two masters).

Also I wouldn't like it when restarting the cyrus-process with a 
different config-file is necessary (or there must be a seperate process 
for synchronising that needs restarting, that would make it better). 
That would still kill connections to that cyrus-process, I'd rather see 
a software switch between that role.

Isn't it possible to have equal roles? If all changes are put in some 
backlog, and a synchroniser process runs on both machines and pushes the 
backlog (as soon as there is any) to another machine... then you can 
have the some process on both (equal) servers... Of course there needs 
to be some more intelligence, but that's basicly what I would expect.

one thing we need to watch out for here is that we don't set an 
impossible/unreasonable goal.
I agree that we'll have to define properly what we expect and what is 
reasonable, but I think that at this moment Ken (as developer) has the 
best overview in this. We offer our wishlist, and I suppose he 
translates that to code in his head ;-)
I suppose that's why he came up with the question about performance 
versus redundancy/availability.

don't try to solve every problem and add every availablity feater you 
can imagine all at once. instead let's look at the building blocks 
that are needed and identify what's currently not available.
I don't agree there completely: I don't want to depend on yet another 
tool that defines what the master or slave is. Sometimes they don't work 
at all, work only at the same LAN, ... I'm not sure if you can count on 
(Hmm, you're the first that mentions the clustering software for 
defining roles, and I didn't read about this on your website either. 
This is new to me.)

currently we have murder which will spread the load across multiple 
Yes, that's indeed something we don't need looking at :-)
(Although there is a posibility now to spread load as well of course, 
with two machines available at the same time...)

currently we have many tools available to detect a server failure and 
run local scripts to reconfigure machines (HACMP on AIX, hearbeat for 
Linux, *BSD, Solaris, etc)

what we currently do not have is any ability to have one mailstore 
updated to match changes in another one.
I would combine these two, and I think that can be done by just 
well-designing the last thing you mention.

I also would not be really satisfied with interval synchronisation as 
the only choice.
In my sketch above (really not sure if it works of course) where both 
have something like a backlog you can like tail that backlog and push 
the update as soon as possible to the second machine. You solve the 
thing you mention with delays while pushing updates to two servers at 
the same time.

I think we need something where the primary mailstore pushes a record 
of it's changes to the secondary mailstore
Why not also vise versa?!
We want the two servers to be accessible at the same time, right?
If one server is down it should mean that all tasks can be performed at the 
other one. I 'm curious how this would look if both servers are still running 
but cannot reach eachother. If there is indeeed a UUID: what if there are 
doubles... but I guess that has been taken into account.
In cluster terminology this situation is known as being 'split-brained' 
and is generally viewed as a 'VERY BAD THING' that each cluster software 
solves in a slightly 

Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread David Carter
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Paul Dekkers wrote:
Isn't it possible to have equal roles? If all changes are put in some 
backlog, and a synchroniser process runs on both machines and pushes the 
backlog (as soon as there is any) to another machine... then you can 
have the some process on both (equal) servers... Of course there needs 
to be some more intelligence, but that's basicly what I would expect.
We have 16 servers: half the accounts on each system are master copies and 
half are replicas. Each machine has a small database (a CDB lookup file) 
to tell it whether a given account is master or slave. The replication 
engine (which runs independently from the normal master spawned jobs) 
bails out rapidly if the replica copy of an account is updated: it would 
proceed to transform the master into a copy of the replica, but that's 
probably not what you wanted :). I have a tool which allows me to switch 
the master and replica copy for any (inactive) account without having to 
shut anything down. This tool also lets me migrate data off onto a third 
system and immediately create a replica of that. This makes upgrading 
operating systems a much less fraught task.

In my sketch above (really not sure if it works of course) where both 
have something like a backlog you can like tail that backlog and push 
the update as soon as possible to the second machine. You solve the 
thing you mention with delays while pushing updates to two servers at 
the same time.
Yes, that's exactly how my code works. Asynchronous replication (which Ken 
called lazy replication) is fairly easy to do in Cyrus. Synchronous 
replication, where you only get a response to an IMAP/POP/LMTP command 
when the data is safely committed to the replica, would involve a much 
more substantial rewrite of the Cyrus code.

That's where block based replication schemes like DRDB have a big 
advantage: the state that they have to track is much less involved.

I'm currently running with a replication cycle of one second on my live 
servers for rolling replication (that's just a name I made up, its not 
an official term), so on average we would lose of half a second of update 
traffic for 1/16th of our user base if a single system failed. Further 
safeguards are possible by keeping copies of incoming mail for a short 
time on the MTA systems, but that's not really a Cyrus concern.

We also replicate to a tape backup spooling engine overnight. The 
replication engine is rather useful for fast incremental updates.

If one server is down it should mean that all tasks can be performed 
at the other one. I 'm curious how this would look if both servers are 
still running but cannot reach eachother. If there is indeeed a UUID: 
what if there are doubles... but I guess that has been taken into 
UUIDs are just a convenient representation of message text, so that you 
can pass messages by reference rather than value. Duplicates don't matter 
(though I don't believe that they actual occur given my allocation scheme) 
so long as the message text is the same. I maintain databases of MD5 
checksums for messages and cache text just to be on the safe side.

UUIDs were originally just Mailbox UniqueID + Message UID. Unfortunately, 
UniqueID isn't very Unique: its just a simple hash of the mailbox name. I 
ended up allocating UUIDs in large chunks from the master process on each 
machine. If a process runs out of UUIDS (which would take some going as 
they are allocated in chunks of 2**24), it falls back to call by value.

David Carter Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread Jure Pe_ar
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 08:25:26 +0200
Paul Dekkers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would say not at an interval but as soon as there is an action 
 performed on one mailbox, the other one would be pushed to do something. 
 I believe that is called rolling replication.
 I would not be really happy with a interval synchronisation. It would 
 make it harder to use both platforms at the same time, and that is what 
 I want as well. So there is a little-bit of load-balancing involved, but 
 more and more _availability_.
 Being able to use both platforms at the same time maybe implies that 
 there is either no master/slave role or that this is auto-elected 
 between the two and that this role is floating...

I'm jumping back into this thread a bit late ... 

My feeling is that most of cyrus instalations run one or a few domains with
many users; at least that is my case. That's why i'd base any kind of
replication we come up with on the mailbox as the base unit. As raid uses
disk block for its unit, so would we use mailbox (with all its subfolders).
In a way that one would be able to take care of the whole domains on the
higher level, if needed.

Today we have the option of using murder (or perdition, with some added
logic) when more than one backend machine is needed. This brings us a kind
of raid linear (linux md speak) or concatenation of space into a single
mailstore. With all the 'features' of such setup: if you lose one
machine(disk), all users(data) on that machine(disk) are not available.

So what i'm thinking is we need is a kind of raid1 or mirroring of
mailboxes. Imagine user1 having its mailbox on server1 and server2, user2 on
server2 and server3, user3 on server3 and server1 ... for example. Murder is
already a central point with a knowledge of where a certain mailbox is and
how to proxy pop, imap and lmtp to it and in my way of seeing things, it
would be best to teach it how to handle this 'mirroring' too.

Let say one of the two mailboxes is primary, and the other is secondary;
murder connects to the primary, lets the client do whatever it wants and
then replays the exact same actions to the secondary mailbox. If this is
done after the primary disconnects or while the client is still talking to
the primary, is implementation detail.

Performance bonus: connect to both mailboxes at once and pronounce as
primary the one that responds faster :)

Murder would have to know how to record and playback the whole client-server
dialogues. Considering that there's already a system in cyrus that lets
admin see the 'telemetry' of the imap conversation, i guess this could be
extended and tied into murder.

So far this is just how clients would talk to our system.

What else would we need?

Certanly a mechanism to manually move mailboxes between servers in a way
that murder knows about the changes. Thinking of it, mupdate protocol
already knows how to push metadatas around; why not extend it so it can also
move mailboxes? Or should perl mupdate module be born and then some scripts
should be written with it and imap?

Then maybe some mechanism for murder to deceide on which servers to put
newly created mailboxes on. Ideally this would be plugin based with
different policies (load, disk space, responsiveness, combination of those,
something else), but a simple round robin would do for a start.

For those that do not want to have mailboxes in sync, a mechanism to delay
updates to the secondary mailbox. (In this case, which mailbox is primary
and which is secondary should not change) Also a way of handling huge piles
of backlogs in case one of the machines is down for a longer period of time.
Maybe a mechanism to sync the mailbox from the other server and discarding
the backlogs would be handy in such case. And a way to manually trigger such
resync on a specific mailbox.

Probalby something else i can't think of right now.

So how does this cyrus in a raid view sound? It should probalby be called
raims for redundand array of inexpensive mail servers anyway ;)

This way all the logic is done in one place and you only have to take good
care (in a HA sense) of the mupdate master machine. Others can remain cheap
and relatively dumb than can be pulled offline at will. Given fast enough
and reliable links, this could also work in a geographycally distributed

Ken, is something like this reasonable? 

Oh, i'd like to know what folks think about all this HA thing.
I'm sure they have some interesting insights :)


Jure Pear

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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread David Carter
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Jure [ISO-8859-2] Pe_ar wrote:
So how does this cyrus in a raid view sound? It should probalby be 
called raims for redundand array of inexpensive mail servers anyway ;)
We call it RAIN: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Nodes.
Really cheap Intel servers in our case :)
David Carter Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University Computing Service,Phone: (01223) 334502
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Cambridge UK. CB2 3QH.
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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread Earl R Shannon
All that you say is true. But for performance one either
buys bigger and better or multiple machines to spread the
load. Murder allows one to buy multiple machines.
All I am saying is that improving perforance may already
be done. I believe redundancy in the application is more
important at this point.
Earl Shannon
Michael Loftis wrote:

--On Thursday, September 16, 2004 22:14 -0400 Earl Shannon 


Question:   Are people looking at this as both redundancy and
performance, or just redundance?

My $0.02 worth. Performance gains can be found the traditional way, ie,
faster hardware, etc.Our biggest need is for redundance. If something
goes wrong on one machine we still need to be able to let users use 

Cyrus already has this solved via MURDER, but FWIW, more smaller boxes 
isolate failures more effectively than one big box, also 
price/performance is still better at a certain size for any platform, 
and going up higher on the performance curve has HUGE price jumps.

There's also the cost of administering multiple separate boxes to think 
about but carefully planned, this can be managed rather easily.

The whole 'throw bigger and bigger boxen' at it method of 'scaling' 
doesn't scale.  You hit the wall.  One box can only do so much, granted 
you can spend LOTS of money and get pretty big boxes, but at some point 
it becomes ludicrous -- who would use a Sun E10k/E15k and a whole 
Symmetrix DMX for just mail?  (and I'm excluding companies like AOL and 
IBM who actually can afford it and would maybe have a reason to scale to 
that size)...

Price/Performance has a curve associated with it, most of us can't 
afford to always stay at the top end of the curve, and have to be at the 
middle. Further, does it make sense to re-invest in equipment every year 
to maintain growth?  No, you should be able to expand, add another box, 
or two, and that scales fairly well.  Better than the single big box 

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Systems Programmer ,Information Technology Division
NC State University.
Anonymous child Some people can tell the time by looking at the sun,
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Re: Is there a limit for the long size of mailbox name in cyrus-IMAPd?

2004-09-17 Thread Ken Murchison
Wang Penghui wrote:
Hi all:
Does cyrus-imapd server have the limit of long size of mailbox name?
For example:
A virtual domain named:
And the login name is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there any limit with the login name? If yes, what's it?
I believe this is MAX_MAILBOX_NAME which is set to 490.
Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread Ken Murchison
David Lang wrote:
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Ken Murchison wrote:
Question:   Are people looking at this as both redundancy and 
performance, or just redundance?

for performance we already have murder, what we currently lack is 
redundancy. once we have redundancy then the next enhancement is going 
to be to teach murder about it so that it can failover to the backup 
box(s) as needed, but for now simply having the full data at the backup 
location would be so far ahead of where we are now that the need to 
reconfigure murder for a failover is realitivly trivial by comparison.

Actually what I was really asking, is are people looking for an 
active-active config and an active-passive config?

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
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Permissions change on /var/imap/quota

2004-09-17 Thread Felix Cuello

   I'm trying to read /var/imap/quota/letter/user.letttersurname and is
   I changed permissions to give access to all users in the mail group,
   but [i don't know why] the permissions are resotred to:

   cyrus.mail 600

   then, mail users cannot read.

   How can i change that?

   [i think is a umask problem, but how can i configure that]

   thanks a lot,


Felix Cuello
- 1493 -

Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.
-- William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread Lee
My vote would be for active/active, its usually more reliable and of 
course it builds in better scaleability. I imagine the the main 
question of everyone will be how the choice of active/active or 
active/passive will effect cost/time of implementation.

On Sep 17, 2004, at 1:16 PM, Ken Murchison wrote:
David Lang wrote:
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Ken Murchison wrote:
Question:   Are people looking at this as both redundancy and 
performance, or just redundance?
for performance we already have murder, what we currently lack is 
redundancy. once we have redundancy then the next enhancement is 
going to be to teach murder about it so that it can failover to the 
backup box(s) as needed, but for now simply having the full data at 
the backup location would be so far ahead of where we are now that 
the need to reconfigure murder for a failover is realitivly trivial 
by comparison.

Actually what I was really asking, is are people looking for an 
active-active config and an active-passive config?

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread David Lang
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Ken Murchison wrote:
David Lang wrote:
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Ken Murchison wrote:
Question:   Are people looking at this as both redundancy and 
performance, or just redundance?

for performance we already have murder, what we currently lack is 
redundancy. once we have redundancy then the next enhancement is going to 
be to teach murder about it so that it can failover to the backup box(s) 
as needed, but for now simply having the full data at the backup location 
would be so far ahead of where we are now that the need to reconfigure 
murder for a failover is realitivly trivial by comparison.

Actually what I was really asking, is are people looking for an active-active 
config and an active-passive config?

I think that everyone would love to have the active-active option, the 
problem I have with this is that the active-passive config will solve many 
peoples problems and I believe that is will be far simpler to do so I 
don't want the ideal goal of active-active to end up side tracking the 
huge progress that would be achieved by active-passive.

active-active also requires significantly different choices if the nodes 
are seperated by significant distances. I'd hate to end up with an 
active-active solution that works only with the machines all local and 
still have no solution to the disaster recovery senerio.

David Lang
There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple 
that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so 
complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
 -- C.A.R. Hoare
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RE: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread szii
My biggest question here is, simply, why recreate what's already
out there?

There are a number of projects (LVM, PVFS) which do this kind of
replication/distribution/virtulization for filesystems.

There are a number of databases which have active/active clustering
(mysql, DB2, Oracle, et al) and master/slave.

Personally, I would LOVE to see a full RDBMS-backed system.  You
define your database(s) in the config file ... and that is all.  

All configuration options are stored on the central RDBMS.  All
mailboxes are stored there.  You can then rely 100% on the RDBMS
systems for clustering/failover/scalability/backing up ... all
datastorage domain problems which they have already addressed/solved.

If you want to scale out it's a matter of
1) install the cyrus software
2) Point the config file at the database server
3) Entry in the database server/cluster to allow the new frontend/proxy.
4) Fire up the daemons
5) Enjoy.

The other advantages would be very nice integration with other
applications which can query against databases. (ex: postfix directly
supports mysql lookups.)

But then, I can't afford to really help with this myself so take 
my thoughts with a big hope pill.  =D

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Re: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread Jure Pe_ar
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 13:28:08 -0700

 My biggest question here is, simply, why recreate what's already
 out there?

Because none of the existing solutions does not fit our needs well enough.

 There are a number of projects (LVM, PVFS) which do this kind of
 replication/distribution/virtulization for filesystems.

We're discussing replication on the application level. Block level
replication is nice for many things, but doesn't really take care of
consistency, which cyrus relies on pretty much.

 There are a number of databases which have active/active clustering
 (mysql, DB2, Oracle, et al) and master/slave.
 Personally, I would LOVE to see a full RDBMS-backed system.  You
 define your database(s) in the config file ... and that is all.  

You can go with dbmail and one of the existing well established databases
anytime. This can solve the issue we're having here, but brings lots of
other problems that cyrus is keeping away. Just ask any Exchange admin :)

 The other advantages would be very nice integration with other
 applications which can query against databases. (ex: postfix directly
 supports mysql lookups.)

For mail routing  auth, yes ... many of us are already doing this. However,
storing mail in a db gives you about 20% of db overhead (straight from the
Oralce sales rep) and i/o is already a very valuable resource ... 
 But then, I can't afford to really help with this myself so take 
 my thoughts with a big hope pill.  =D

Yup :)


Jure Pear

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RE: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread David Lang
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My biggest question here is, simply, why recreate what's already
out there?
There are a number of projects (LVM, PVFS) which do this kind of
replication/distribution/virtulization for filesystems.
There are a number of databases which have active/active clustering
(mysql, DB2, Oracle, et al) and master/slave.
Personally, I would LOVE to see a full RDBMS-backed system.  You
define your database(s) in the config file ... and that is all.
All configuration options are stored on the central RDBMS.  All
mailboxes are stored there.  You can then rely 100% on the RDBMS
systems for clustering/failover/scalability/backing up ... all
datastorage domain problems which they have already addressed/solved.
The other advantages would be very nice integration with other
applications which can query against databases. (ex: postfix directly
supports mysql lookups.)
But then, I can't afford to really help with this myself so take
my thoughts with a big hope pill.  =D
Mike, one of the problems with this is that different databases have 
different interfaces and capabilities.

if you design it to work on Oracle then if you try to make it work on 
MySQL there are going to be quite a few things you need to change.

if you start on MySQL and then port to Oracle then you either ignore a 
large chunk of Oracle functionality that you could use or you end up 
having to re-write a bunch of stuff to take advantage of it.

I also would love this option (I would choose postgres as the back-end) 
but this is significantly more complicated then a master-slave 
replication modification to Cyrus.

As such it would cost more to get written and you would have fewer people 
willing to pay for any particular version.

another issue in all this is the maintainance of the resulting code. If 
this code can be used in many different situations then more people will 
use it (probably including CMU) and it will be maintained as a side effect 
of any other changes. however if it's tailored towards a very narrow 
situation then only the people who have that particular problem will use 
it and it's likly to have issues with new changes.

David Lang
There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple 
that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so 
complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
 -- C.A.R. Hoare
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RE: Funding Cyrus High Availability

2004-09-17 Thread szii
 -Original Message-
 From: David Lang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 2:25 PM
 Subject: RE: Funding Cyrus High Availability

 Mike, one of the problems with this is that different databases have 
 different interfaces and capabilities.
 if you design it to work on Oracle then if you try to make it work on 
 MySQL there are going to be quite a few things you need to change.
 another issue in all this is the maintainance of the resulting code. If 
 this code can be used in many different situations then more people will 
 use it (probably including CMU) and it will be maintained as a 
 side effect 
 of any other changes. however if it's tailored towards a very narrow 
 situation then only the people who have that particular problem will use 
 it and it's likly to have issues with new changes.

I'd actually figured something like ODBC would be used, with prepared
statements.  /shrug.  Abstract the whole interface issue.

Just some thoughts.  =)

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[PATCH] 2.3 %qu vs. %llu on *BSD

2004-09-17 Thread John Capo
FreeBSD 4.X printf() and friends support the %llu format.  scanf()
and friends do not.  I suspect this is true of most BSD-4.4 derived
systems.  I don't know what ANSI says about this issue.

One way to fix it is attached.  My autoconf foo is lacking so I
just jammed a #define into where O_DSYNC is defined
for BSD systems.  I doubt this will work in all cases.

John Capo

Index: imap/quota.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/cyrus/imap/quota.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.3 quota.h
--- imap/quota.h9 Aug 2004 18:51:21 -
+++ imap/quota.h18 Sep 2004 00:36:46 -
@@ -60,7 +60,12 @@
 typedef long long int quota_t;
 #define UQUOTA_T_FMT %llu
 #define QUOTA_T_FMT  %lld
-#define QUOTA_REPORT_FMT %8llu
+# define UQUOTA_T_SCAN_FMT %qu
+# else
+# define UQUOTA_T_SCAN_FMT %llu
+# endif
+#define QUOTA_REPORT_FMT %8lu
 typedef unsigned long uquota_t;
 typedef long quota_t;
Index: imap/quota_db.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/cyrus/imap/quota_db.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.3 quota_db.c
--- imap/quota_db.c 9 Aug 2004 18:51:21 -
+++ imap/quota_db.c 18 Sep 2004 00:36:46 -
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 switch (r) {
-   sscanf(data, UQUOTA_T_FMT  %d, quota-used, quota-limit);
+   sscanf(data, UQUOTA_T_SCAN_FMT  %d, quota-used, quota-limit);
Index: imap/quota.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/cyrus/imap/quota.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.48.2.7 quota.c
--- imap/quota.c9 Aug 2004 18:51:20 -
+++ imap/quota.c18 Sep 2004 00:36:46 -
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
 memset(quota[quota_num], 0, sizeof(struct quotaentry));
 quota[quota_num].quota.root = xstrndup(key, keylen);
-sscanf(data, UQUOTA_T_FMT  %d,
+sscanf(data, UQUOTA_T_SCAN_FMT  %d,
   quota[quota_num].quota.used, quota[quota_num].quota.limit);
RCS file: /cvs/src/cyrus/,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.268.2.15
--- configure.in13 Sep 2004 19:59:19 -
+++ configure.in18 Sep 2004 01:14:04 -
@@ -1079,6 +1079,7 @@
 #define O_DSYNC O_SYNC  /* POSIX */
 #  else
 #define O_DSYNC O_FSYNC /* BSD */
 #  endif