Re: Question for upgrading

2018-12-17 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Thank you so much Ellie!! 

I would test, read code when needed and finally attempt the upgrade... I
think this coud work should say I'm in testing phase still, 

I'll keep you informed :) 



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El 17-12-2018 22:46, ellie timoney escribió:

>> Would be fine if Bron, Ellie or someone at Fastmail could tell something 
>> about it to us :) :) 
> Cheeky!  Thing is, at FM our production servers more or less track the master 
> branch, so we were running "3.0" from the moment 2.5 forked off, and so our 
> upgrade process only ever really needs to deal with iterative changes.  Our 
> accumulated experience is what informs the "upgrade notes" included with the 
> 2.5.0 and 3.0.0 releases (not sure about older versions, I wasn't around 
> then). 
> This mailing list is the right place to find people with real experience 
> doing big-bang upgrades. :) 
> Cheers, 
> ellie 
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018, at 8:40 PM, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote: 
> Hi mate, 
> I think (and say think :) )I finally found a method. Although I'm testing it 
> deeply... it seems (say seems too :) ) 2.4 is compatible with a mail spool in 
> 2.3 (at least with my config). So I'll try to upgrade first to 2.4 and later 
> to 3.0 setting up a replication from 2.4 to 3.0. Would be fine if Bron, Ellie 
> or someone at Fastmail could tell something about it to us :) :) 
> Cheers!
> --- 
> Departamento de sistemas 
> 944 209 470 
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103 
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) 
> [1] 
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo. 
> El 16-12-2018 22:24, John Capo escribió: 
> On Thu, December 13, 2018 13:25, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote: 
> Hi again! 
> Else as a simplication way can you replicate any manner a 2.3 with some 
> newer version?. At least in manual mode (not rolling)?. 
> The replication protocol in 2.4 is not compatible wit 2.3. 
> There is no easy way.  I'm rsync'ing one account at a time between 2.3 and 
> 2.4 with IMAP/POP and LMTP access disabled, followed by a reconstruct, and 
> then enabling IMAP/POP and LMTP access. 
> Many terrabytes to go. 
> You could also look at imapsync but its slow. 
> Cheers. 
> --- 
> Departamento de sistemas 
> 944 209 470 
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103 
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) 
> [1] [1 [1]] Antes de imprimir este correo 
> electrónico piense si es 
> necesario hacerlo. 
> El 13-12-2018 16:52, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea escribió: 
> Good afternoon, 
> I was trying to upgrade part of our Cyrus imap installation, concretely that 
> one consisting in 
> still 2.3. I was planning to set up Cyrus 3.0. I have seen all works properly 
> except for the 
> unexpunge command because as someone stated here, a reconstruct -V max was 
> needed.The problem 
> is that this reconstruct command, takes ages and I'm not able to keep the 
> service offline so 
> many time. So I have been thinking in the following scenario : 
> - Cyrus 2.3 master -> Cyrus 2.4 slave 
> Get this 2.4 slave ready and set it as master. But here comes my first doubt. 
> Does the 2.4 
> replication work with the 2.3 replication?. Can in this pair, both (the 2.3 
> and the 2.4) be 
> both master and slave?. I mean to switch roles in the pair. Make one become 
> master and the 
> other slave and  vice versa?. 
> Let's think now Cyrus 2.4 is ready and working. 
> - Now, I would set up a new 3.0 slave. I know 2.4 could replicate with 3.0. 
> So I would get the 
> 3.0 ready and then set 3.0 as master. Can in this pair both the 2.4 and 3.0 
> be master and 
> slave?. Meaning again to the same role switching commented before... to make 
> one to be master 
> and the other slave or vice versa 
> I'l will end up with 2 3.0 master and slave... but I need to trace the 
> path... 
> Does anyone see any other way?. 
> Best regards, 
> - 
> -- 
> Departamento de sistemas 
> 944 209 470 
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103 
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) 
> [1] [1 [1]] Antes de imprimir este correo 
> electrónico piense si es 
> necesario hacerlo.  
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Re: sieve runtime error

2018-12-17 Thread Simon Matter
> I'm trying to setup sieve and getting the following error in my logs:
> Dec 17 10:36:07 bllmail01 cyrus/lmtp[14530]: sieve runtime error for
> id
> :
> Reject: Sendmail process terminated normally, exit status 255
> I'm following the documentation here:
> I'm trying to get sieve working on my IMAP server. Using Ubuntu 16.04 with
> the cyrus-imapd 2.4.18-3 package. I'm using the test sieve script shown in
> the documentation to reject everything from my personal email:
> require ["reject","fileinto"];
> if address :is :all "From" ""
> {
> reject "testing";
> }
> I then connect using sieveshell, upload the file, and activate it:
> root@bllmail01:~# sieveshell -u -a
> connecting to
> Please enter your password:
>> put /tmp/testing.sieve testing
>> activate testing
>> list
> testing  <- active script
>> quit
> However when I send a test email from my personal account to the email
> I have setup on the IMAP server it always comes through and I get this
> in mail.log:
> Dec 17 10:36:07 bllmail01 cyrus/lmtp[14530]: sieve runtime error for
> id
> :
> Reject: Sendmail process terminated normally, exit status 255

I think sieve tries to send mail using the configured sendmail binary and
that doesn't work for some reason. You may check the sendmail config in
your imapd.conf and also consult the mail logs to learn more.


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Re: Documentation for Cyrus::IMAP::Admin and friends

2018-12-17 Thread ellie timoney
Hi Binarus,

Looks like the documentation for the authenticate() function is pretty 

> Well, this man page "documents" the method by exactly one line 
> (identically in two places):
> $client->authenticate;

>From my read of the documentation, this is enough.  It will figure out on its 
>own which SASL options are appropriate, and then prompt you (on the 
>controlling terminal) for the password if/as needed.  This nicely avoids 
>implicitly instructing users to hardcode their credentials in a script, so in 
>this sense it's probably good that it's underdocumented (maybe deliberately 

Looking in the source of Cyrus::IMAP, the accepted arguments are:

> -mechanism, -service, -authz, -user, -minssf, -maxssf, -password, -tlskey, 
> -notls, -cafile, -capath

If unspecified, "-service" defaults to "imap", "-maxssf" defaults to 1, 
"user" defaults to the current unix user, and the rest default to zero or 

Note that "user" is the user to authenticate as (i.e. whose credentials are to 
be checked), whereas "authz" is who to authoriZe as (i.e. which identity to 
assume, once successfully authenticated).  authz only works for SASL mechanisms 
that allow proxy authentication... the imtest(1) man page says "e.g. PLAIN, 
DIGEST-MD5", I'm not sure if there are others.

> The same applies to CPAN: The modules cannot be found there.

The Cyrus::* perl modules are tightly coupled at build time to the installed 
cyrus version, so it doesn't make any sense to distribute them independently 
via CPAN.

> Where can I find reasonable (in the sense: may be short and bad, but 
> must be *complete*) documentation for Cyrus::IMAP::Admin and Cyrus::IMAP 
> so that I can write my own helper scripts in the future? Do I really 
> have to unpack Cyrus imapd's sources and read the module source code to 
> get some ideas?

Sorta, but you don't need the Cyrus imapd sources -- if you have the perl 
module, you have the perl module's source.  Look for the "Cyrus/" file 
somewhere on your system (something like "sudo find / -name" should do 
the trick) and there it is.



On Sun, Dec 16, 2018, at 9:55 PM, Binarus wrote:
> Dear all,
> as described in my previous messages, I recently had a hard time 
> relocating (i.e. moving) mailboxes and the public namespace from 2.4.16 
> to a new server running 2.5.10. I would have happily written a Perl 
> script which surely had solved much of my problems, but I couldn't do 
> that due to the lack of documentation for the respective Perl modules.
> This is best explained by example:
> I have found a Perl script on the 'net which looks trustworthy at the 
> first sight and which contains (among others) the following lines of 
> code:
> use Cyrus::IMAP::Admin;
> # Connect to Cyrus
> $imap = Cyrus::IMAP::Admin->new("my_server") || die "Unable to connect 
> to my_server";
> $imap->authenticate(-user => "foo", 
>   -mechanism => "LOGIN",
>   -password => "password",
>   );
> I wanted to understand exactly what the script does and thus tried to 
> find Cyrus::IMAP::Admin's documentation. So I issued
> man Cyrus::IMAP::Admin
> and found that some methods are documented, but not the authenticate() 
> method which is needed first and one of the most important ones. 
> However, the man page states (in the section about the "new()" method):
> "Instantiates a cyradm object.  This is in fact an Cyrus::IMAP object 
> with a few additional methods, so all Cyrus::IMAP methods are available 
> if needed.  (In particular, you will always want to use the 
> "authenticate" method.)"
> This tricked me into believing that the "authenticate" method would be 
> part of Cyrus::IMAP and would be explained in that module's 
> documentation, so I issued
> man Cyrus::IMAP
> Well, this man page "documents" the method by exactly one line 
> (identically in two places):
> $client->authenticate;
> It does not explain anything about it; notably, it does not mention any 
> parameters. But from the example script mentioned above, I knew that 
> there was more to it. So I read the rest of that man page and found:
> "The Cyrus::IMAP module provides an interface to the Cyrus imclient library."
> So I installed the development files for Cyrus imapd and issued
> man imclient
> Now, finally, this is a man page a C programmer probably can live with. 
> But when looking more thoroughly into it, I saw that there is no 
> "password" parameter to the authenticate() function although the Perl 
> module's authenticate() method has one:
> int imclient_authenticate (struct imclient *imclient, struct sasl_client 
> **availmech, const char *service, const char *user, int protallowed);
> Plus, I could not find any hints regarding the relationship between the 
> parameters of the C functions and those of the Perl module methods.
> I then headed over to and tried to find documenta

Re: Running a script with cyradm throwing ReadLine errors

2018-12-17 Thread ellie timoney
Hi Binarus,

> Could anybody please tell me what I might do wrong here?

This kind of smells like maybe your system has two versions of perl installed 
(or two versions of Term::ReadLine, or maybe even two versions of 
Cyrus::IMAP::Shell), and they're getting in each other's way?

I'm having a quick glance at the (2.5.10) source of Cyrus::IMAP::Shell and this 
caught my eye:

> # ugh.  ugh.  suck.  aieee.
> my $use_rl = 'Cyrus::IMAP::DummyReadline';
> {
>   if (eval { require Term::ReadLine; }) {
> $use_rl = 'Term::ReadLine';
>   }
> }

Which... fills me with confidence.  Looks like a workaround for missing 
(broken?) Term::Readline but that comment isn't super enlightening.  I wonder 
if it will Just Work if you uninstall Term::Readline?

I haven't really used cyradm at all myself, so take all this with a grain of 
salt.  Hopefully someone who has can chime in!



On Sun, Dec 16, 2018, at 8:04 PM, Binarus wrote:
> Dear all,
> I was just trying to explore cyradm a little bit further and hence was 
> experimenting with its scripting capabilities. Having cyradm run a 
> script should be pretty easy. man cyradm tells us:
>   perl -MCyrus::IMAP::Shell -e 'run("myscript")'
> So I created the simplest possible script (that means an empty one) and 
> tried to run it:
>   touch 000
>   chmod a+x 000 (just in case ...)
>   perl -MCyrus::IMAP::Shell -e 'run("000")'
> The only thing I got was:
>   Use of uninitialized value within @layers in string eq at /usr/local/
> lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1/Term/ReadLine/ line 280.
>   Bad filehandle: __DATA__ at /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/
> 5.24.1/Term/ReadLine/ line 769.
> Putting something meaningful into the script did not change the situation.
> I have googled and read documentation (mainly on for 
> several hours, but could not find the reason for the problem.
> I even have put allowplaintext=yes into imapd.conf and restarted imapd 
> (knowing that this probably wasn't very smart, but the term "layers" in 
> the error message made me mistrustful because there are authentication 
> "layers", and I don't have any problems with Term::ReadLine::Gnu in 
> general). As expected, this didn't change the situation either.
> This happened with 2.4.16 as well as with 2.5.10.
> Could anybody please tell me what I might do wrong here?
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Binarus
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Re: Why do we need to run reconstruct after having moved mailboxes using cyradm's xfer command?

2018-12-17 Thread ellie timoney
Hi Binarus,

> Could anybody please shortly explain why? What exactly are the 
> techniques and mechanisms cyradm's xfer uses to do its thing? I had been 
> quite sure that it just uses the IMAP protocol, but there seems to be 
> more to it ...

You're right, but missing a detail.  The XFER command is an IMAP extension, for 
use in cyrus clusters ("murders"), where mailboxes need to be identical between 
servers.  I don't know much about the details, but it makes sense to me that it 
would copy the mailboxes across at a "deeper" level, to make sure internal 
identifiers and such match.

cyradm uses the IMAP protocol – think of it as a command-driven IMAP client, 
except that it knows about cyrus extensions (like XFER) that generic IMAP 
clients (like imapsync) probably don't

Something like imapsync would probably be using the CREATE  and APPEND 
 commands instead, which let the destination server choose its own 
internal identifiers, and which will probably be different from the source 
ones.  But they would be stored in the exact method the destination server 
prefers (such as using the newest version of the mailbox index format...)

> Now that I have used cyradm's xfer command to relocate the mailboxes / 
> messages / folders / subfolders, I surprisingly had to run the "heaviest" 
> form of reconstruct (-V max).

That's not the "heaviest" form of reconstruct, it's just updating the mailbox 
indexes to the "max"imum (-V)ersion supported by the server.  This ends up 
adding a bunch of extra information to the indexes that the newer server 
version can make use of.  Generally if the index version is too old for what 
it's trying to do, it'll fall back to calculating missing values the long way, 
or provide less info, or just refuse the requested operation.  The assertion 
failure you saw is clearly a bug, but this smells familiar, so maybe it's 
already been fixed.  The latest version of the 2.5 release is 2.5.12, and is 
nearly 2 years newer than 2.5.10, for what it's worth.

Hope this helps!


On Sun, Dec 16, 2018, at 9:06 PM, Binarus wrote:
> Dear all,
> yesterday, I have moved a bunch of user mailboxes and public folders 
> from a server running 2.4.16 to another server running 2.5.10, using 
> cyradm's xfer command (see my previous messages).
> After having finished the migration, I noticed a weird behavior in 
> Thunderbird (which is our standard email client): When trying to move a 
> message from the Inbox to the Junk or Trash folder, the message 
> disappeared from the Inbox for a short time, then reappeared. The log 
> files on the server were showing the dreaded entries:
> Dec 16 01:12:59 morn cyrus/imaps[14914]: Fatal error: Internal error: 
> assertion failed: imap/mailbox.c: 2850: !message_guid_isnull(&record-
> >guid)
> "Fortunately", a lot of other users are affected by such log entries and 
> weird email client behavior as well, so finding the solution on the 'net 
> was not too difficult: Running reconstruct did not lead to anywhere, but 
> running reconstruct -V max was the solution.
> This lets me scratch my head:
> In the past, I have upgraded Cyrus imapd at least three times, each time 
> using imapsync (instead of cyradm's xfer command) to move the mailboxes 
> and the public namespace (including all messages and subfolders) from 
> the old server to the new one. In none of these cases, it was necessary 
> to reconstruct anything afterwards. This would have been illogical 
> anyway: Each time, the new server had been setup from scratch, and no 
> mailboxes / messages / folders / subfolders had been moved directly via 
> file transfer from the old to the new server.
> Now that I have used cyradm's xfer command to relocate the mailboxes / 
> messages / folders / subfolders, I surprisingly had to run the 
> "heaviest" form of reconstruct (-V max).
> Could anybody please shortly explain why? What exactly are the 
> techniques and mechanisms cyradm's xfer uses to do its thing? I had been 
> quite sure that it just uses the IMAP protocol, but there seems to be 
> more to it ...
> Thank you very much for any insight,
> Binarus
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Re: Question for upgrading

2018-12-17 Thread ellie timoney
> Would be fine if Bron, Ellie or someone at Fastmail could tell
> something about it to us :) :)
Cheeky!  Thing is, at FM our production servers more or less track the
master branch, so we were running "3.0" from the moment 2.5 forked off,
and so our upgrade process only ever really needs to deal with iterative
changes.  Our accumulated experience is what informs the "upgrade notes"
included with the 2.5.0 and 3.0.0 releases (not sure about older
versions, I wasn't around then).
This mailing list is the right place to find people with real experience
doing big-bang upgrades. :)


On Mon, Dec 17, 2018, at 8:40 PM, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
> Hi mate,


> I think (and say think :) )I finally found a method. Although I'm
> testing it deeply... it seems (say seems too :) ) 2.4 is compatible
> with a mail spool in 2.3 (at least with my config). So I'll try to
> upgrade first to 2.4 and later to 3.0 setting up a replication from
> 2.4 to 3.0. Would be fine if Bron, Ellie or someone at Fastmail could
> tell something about it to us :) :)> 

> Cheers!

> ---
> sarenet
> *Egoitz Aurrekoetxea*
> Departamento de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario
> hacerlo.> 

> El 16-12-2018 22:24, John Capo escribió:

>> On Thu, December 13, 2018 13:25, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote: 
>>> Hi again!
>>>  Else as a simplication way can you replicate any manner a 2.3
>>>  with some>>>  newer version?. At least in manual mode (not rolling)?.
>> The replication protocol in 2.4 is not compatible wit 2.3.
>>  There is no easy way.  I'm rsync'ing one account at a time between
>>  2.3 and 2.4 with IMAP/POP and LMTP access disabled, followed by a
>>  reconstruct, and then enabling IMAP/POP and LMTP access.>> 
>>  Many terrabytes to go.
>>  You could also look at imapsync but its slow.
>>> Cheers.
>>>  ---
>>>  Departamento de sistemas
>>>  944 209 470
>>>  Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
>>>  48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
>>> [1[1]] Antes de imprimir este
>>> correo electrónico piense si es>>>  necesario hacerlo.
>>>  El 13-12-2018 16:52, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea escribió:
 Good afternoon,
  I was trying to upgrade part of our Cyrus imap installation,
  concretely that one consisting in  still 2.3. I was planning to set 
 up Cyrus 3.0. I have seen all
  works properly except for the  unexpunge command because as someone 
 stated here, a reconstruct -V
  max was needed.The problem  is that this reconstruct command, takes 
 ages and I'm not able to
  keep the service offline so  many time. So I have been thinking in 
 the following scenario :
  - Cyrus 2.3 master -> Cyrus 2.4 slave
  Get this 2.4 slave ready and set it as master. But here comes my
  first doubt. Does the 2.4  replication work with the 2.3 
 replication?. Can in this pair, both
  (the 2.3 and the 2.4) be  both master and slave?. I mean to switch 
 roles in the pair. Make
  one become master and the  other slave and  vice versa?.
  Let's think now Cyrus 2.4 is ready and working.
  - Now, I would set up a new 3.0 slave. I know 2.4 could replicate
with 3.0. So I would get the  3. ready and then set 3.0 as master. 
 Can in this pair both the 2.4
 and 3.0 be master and  slave?. Meaning again to the same role 
 switching commented
  before... to make one to be master  and the other slave or vice 
  I'l will end up with 2 3.0 master and slave... but I need to trace
  the path... 
  Does anyone see any other way?.
  Best regards,
  Departamento de sistemas
  944 209 470
  Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
  48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) [1[2]] Antes de imprimir este
 correo electrónico piense si es  necesario hacerlo. 
  Cyrus Home Page:
  List Archives/Info:  To Unsubscribe:
>>> Links:
>>>  --
>>>  [1]



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sieve runtime error

2018-12-17 Thread Joshua Schaeffer
I'm trying to setup sieve and getting the following error in my logs:

Dec 17 10:36:07 bllmail01 cyrus/lmtp[14530]: sieve runtime error for id
Reject: Sendmail process terminated normally, exit status 255

I'm following the documentation here:

I'm trying to get sieve working on my IMAP server. Using Ubuntu 16.04 with
the cyrus-imapd 2.4.18-3 package. I'm using the test sieve script shown in
the documentation to reject everything from my personal email:

require ["reject","fileinto"];
if address :is :all "From" ""
reject "testing";

I then connect using sieveshell, upload the file, and activate it:

root@bllmail01:~# sieveshell -u -a
connecting to
Please enter your password:
> put /tmp/testing.sieve testing
> activate testing
> list
testing  <- active script
> quit

However when I send a test email from my personal account to the email
I have setup on the IMAP server it always comes through and I get this
in mail.log:

Dec 17 10:36:07 bllmail01 cyrus/lmtp[14530]: sieve runtime error for id
Reject: Sendmail process terminated normally, exit status 255

I've tried searching for causes of this error but couldn't find much.
Any help would be appreciated.


Joshua Schaeffer

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Re: Question for upgrading

2018-12-17 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea

Yes, I assume there shouldn't be problems... in fact reconstruct in 2.4
does not have the option for upgrading the mailbox databases version
with a reconstruct -V max command... So... I assume it's compatible 

There I could then setup a slave replication... I hope... I'll tell you



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El 17-12-2018 12:38, Adam Tauno Williams escribió:

> On Mon, 2018-12-17 at 10:40 +0100, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote: 
>> I think (and say think :) )I finally found a method. Although I'm
>> testing it deeply... it seems (say seems too :) ) 2.4 is compatible
>> with a mail spool in 2.3 (at least with my config). So I'll try to
>> upgrade first to 2.4 and later to 3.0 setting up a replication from
>> 2.4 to 3.0. Would be fine if Bron, Ellie or someone at Fastmail could
>> tell something about it to us :) :)
> Yes, I have performed an in-place upgrade of 2.3 to 2.4.  Other than
> some delay due to index reconstruction it went very smoothly.
> The only issues I recall is that some users got some deleted messages
> back after the reconstruct, and there were some mailboxes which lost
> Seen status;  I never figured out why [they were related to that
> handful of users which somehow always have problems with everything].

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Re: Question for upgrading

2018-12-17 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
On Mon, 2018-12-17 at 10:40 +0100, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
> I think (and say think :) )I finally found a method. Although I'm
> testing it deeply... it seems (say seems too :) ) 2.4 is compatible
> with a mail spool in 2.3 (at least with my config). So I'll try to
> upgrade first to 2.4 and later to 3.0 setting up a replication from
> 2.4 to 3.0. Would be fine if Bron, Ellie or someone at Fastmail could
> tell something about it to us :) :)

Yes, I have performed an in-place upgrade of 2.3 to 2.4.  Other than
some delay due to index reconstruction it went very smoothly.

The only issues I recall is that some users got some deleted messages
back after the reconstruct, and there were some mailboxes which lost
Seen status;  I never figured out why [they were related to that
handful of users which somehow always have problems with everything].

Executive Committee Vice-Chair
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Re: Question for upgrading

2018-12-17 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Hi mate, 

I think (and say think :) )I finally found a method. Although I'm
testing it deeply... it seems (say seems too :) ) 2.4 is compatible with
a mail spool in 2.3 (at least with my config). So I'll try to upgrade
first to 2.4 and later to 3.0 setting up a replication from 2.4 to 3.0.
Would be fine if Bron, Ellie or someone at Fastmail could tell something
about it to us :) :) 



Departamento de sistemas 
944 209 470
Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) [1] 
Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario

El 16-12-2018 22:24, John Capo escribió:

> On Thu, December 13, 2018 13:25, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote: 
>> Hi again!
>> Else as a simplication way can you replicate any manner a 2.3 with some
>> newer version?. At least in manual mode (not rolling)?.
> The replication protocol in 2.4 is not compatible wit 2.3.
> There is no easy way.  I'm rsync'ing one account at a time between 2.3 and 
> 2.4 with IMAP/POP and LMTP access disabled, followed by a reconstruct, and 
> then enabling IMAP/POP and LMTP access.
> Many terrabytes to go.
> You could also look at imapsync but its slow.
> Cheers.
> ---
> Departamento de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> [1] [1 [1]] Antes de imprimir este correo 
> electrónico piense si es
> necesario hacerlo.
> El 13-12-2018 16:52, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea escribió:
> Good afternoon,
> I was trying to upgrade part of our Cyrus imap installation, concretely that 
> one consisting in
> still 2.3. I was planning to set up Cyrus 3.0. I have seen all works properly 
> except for the
> unexpunge command because as someone stated here, a reconstruct -V max was 
> needed.The problem
> is that this reconstruct command, takes ages and I'm not able to keep the 
> service offline so
> many time. So I have been thinking in the following scenario :
> - Cyrus 2.3 master -> Cyrus 2.4 slave
> Get this 2.4 slave ready and set it as master. But here comes my first doubt. 
> Does the 2.4
> replication work with the 2.3 replication?. Can in this pair, both (the 2.3 
> and the 2.4) be
> both master and slave?. I mean to switch roles in the pair. Make one become 
> master and the
> other slave and  vice versa?.
> Let's think now Cyrus 2.4 is ready and working.
> - Now, I would set up a new 3.0 slave. I know 2.4 could replicate with 3.0. 
> So I would get the
> 3.0 ready and then set 3.0 as master. Can in this pair both the 2.4 and 3.0 
> be master and
> slave?. Meaning again to the same role switching commented before... to make 
> one to be master
> and the other slave or vice versa
> I'l will end up with 2 3.0 master and slave... but I need to trace the path...
> Does anyone see any other way?.
> Best regards,
> -
> --
> Departamento de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> [1] [1 [1]] Antes de imprimir este correo 
> electrónico piense si es
> necesario hacerlo. 
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