RE: Bynari Insignt Connector and Cyrus?

2004-11-16 Thread Dan Delaney
On Tue, 16 Nov 2004, Oliver Falk wrote:
I don't think this is correct. Cyrus doesn't need to know anything about
calendaring stuff, because it's the connector that saves the information in
some way.
The "in some way" is the questionable part of that. While it's true that
Cyrus doesn't care what kinds of files are stored in mailboxes, the
Insight Connector doesn't work on its own. According to Bynari's
literature, it requires the Bynari Insight Server, which is not
simply Linux with Cyrus installed, but a whole collection of stuff:
Postfix, Cyrus, LDAP, Apache, ProFTPd, and a huge web-based
application written by Bynari. Without that, Insight Connector won't
And there's nothing in Bynari's product info that indicates that the
Insight Server stores the calendar info in Cyrus. I highly doubt that
it does. Open Exchange, for instance, stores all that kind of
info in an SQL database (normally PostgreSQL), which is a much more 
logical choice. I suspect Insight Server does the same.

-- Dan
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Re: Bynari Insignt Connector and Cyrus?

2004-11-15 Thread Dan Delaney
Jim Archer wrote:
I was just faced with a demand from a new CIO to make Outlook and it's 
calendaring work and I really don't want to migrate to an Exchange 
server. I like Cyrus!
A little digging revealed the Bynari Insight Connector, which is 
supposed to install in to any version of Outlook and make it use an IMAP 
server with ACL support on the folders as an Exchange server.
I don't think this would allow you to use Outlook's calendaring 
because Cyrus doesn't have any way to save any calendaring 
information. You need to get a groupware product that can save the 
calendaring info. I would tell your boss that in order to get 
Outlook's calendaring to work, you either have to spend a buttload 
of money on MS Exchange (plus licensing every year) and go through 
the hassle of switching everything over, or a fraction of that price 
on SuSE Open Exchange Server, which would allow you to keep all your 
email in Cyrus (Open Exchange uses Cyrus).

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Can cyrus use a "-" the same as a "+" in username?

2004-11-09 Thread Dan Delaney
Can cyrus be configured so that "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" works the same as 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"?  Not use the - INSTEAD of +, but rather, use either.

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Re: How do I fix this: lmtp appears to be case sensitive

2004-11-03 Thread Dan Delaney
> So systems are permitted to use case sensitive usernames, and
> as such, case must be preserved in SMTP and LMTP transactions.
> In practice of course this is rarely the case - usernames are
> almost always case insensitive, so it rarely causes trouble.
That being the case, wouldn't it make sense to add the following lines 
to the Cyrus distribution's default imapd.conf file?

# If  enabled, lmtpd will convert the recipient address to lowercase
# (up to a '+' character, if present).
lmtp_downcase_rcpt: yes
It seems like that would alleviate a lot of headaches for people who are 
switching from using mbox or maildir to Cyrus. (I know it would have 
helped ME this past week, as a ton of my users have been having problem 
because people have been trying to send them mail with their usernames 

Consider that most people switching to Cyrus are using either sendmail, 
postfix, qmail, or exim--ALL of which use case-INsensitive usernames. 
Why not set Cyrus to be case-insensitive by default?

As it is now, the lmtp_downcase_rcpt option isn't even IN the default 
imapd.conf file. So unless you look in the man page, you don't know it 

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Pine takes a while to connect to Cyrus

2004-10-30 Thread Dan Delaney
After switching all of my mail to Cyrus, I've change my Pine settings to 
user IMAP for the Inbox and folder collections. Now when I first run 
Pine, it pauses for about 20 seconds as it tries to get the inbox, then 
a message appears:

   [>rsh to IMAP server timed out<]
And then it asks me to login to the IMAP server. Apparently it's trying 
to connect with one method and can't. Anyone know how to remedy this? 
I'd prefer that it just log in transparently without asking me for my 
userid and password every time I run Pine.

-- Dan
 Daniel G. Delaney
The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.
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Postfix "recipient-delimiter" not working after switch to Cyrus

2004-10-29 Thread Dan Delaney
I just switched to Cyrus from having postfix to local delivery to
MBOX files. I had postfix set to use a "recipient-delimiter = -",
which made it so that I could have "-anything" after my user ID in
email addresses and it would deliver to me. This list, for instance
sends to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and postfix was delivering it to
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]". This allowed me to identify where spammers got
my address.
Now, however, those addresses don't work because cyrus rejects those
addresses (I had to add dan-cyrus to my aliases file in order to get
mail from this list again). Anyone have any advice on how to fix
Thanks a lot
-- Dan
 Daniel G. Delaney
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Re: Robust mbox to cyrus migrator?

2004-10-25 Thread Dan Delaney
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, Andrew Morgan wrote:
> I think you are referring to the scripts I wrote (Oregon State University!
> Go Beavers!).  They were good enough to handle OSU's migration to Cyrus,
> One of the problems with any migration tools/script is that it is
> typically only written and used once.  :)

Sure. I figured I'd have to modify them for my setup. It was great
to have them to start with though. Thanks a lot for putting them out

> 1. IMAP flags are not migrated (most notably SEEN).

Yeah, that's a shame. I wouldn't mind scripting that. Anyone have
any suggestions as to how to go about it? :-) I'm using UW-IMAP
right now, and migrating to Cyrus.

> 2. It does not handle unixhierarchysep: yes on the target system (easily
> fixed).

Hahaha. I found out that the hard way! :-) I went through and
changed all the periods to slashes and it worked fine. Might be good
to set a $sep variable at the beginning of the script and use it
throughout instead of the hard-coded period.

> If you have any suggestions for fixes, I'd be happy to update the scripts.

It would be nice to have all the paths defined in variables instead
of hard coded: $cyrusConfigPath, $cyrusDataPath, $inboxPath and so

-- Dan
 Daniel G. Delaney
Unix, MS-DOS and Windows NT (also known as
the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)

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Problem with the documentation

2004-10-22 Thread Dan Delaney
There's a bit of a problem in the Cyrus documentation. In the 
section on configuring Postfix, it states:

> The Postfix source distribution comes with the file
> ...
> Additional examples are included in the Postfix file
Yet, in the Postfix 2.1 distribution that file contains only the 

> Postfix LMTP Howto
> -
> This document will be made available via
YET, there is no LMTP document on! So this whole thing 
just sends you around in circles. UUUGH! It's been quite frustrating :-(

Someone might want to modify the configuration documentation until 
this situation is rectified.

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Re: postfix to cyrus-imap via lmtp?

2004-10-22 Thread Dan Delaney
Adi Linden wrote:
The way I understand the process, deliver is a redundant step if the MTA
supports lmtp. With deliver the path is:
Ah, good to know.
Thanks a lot.
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Re: postfix to cyrus-imap via lmtp?

2004-10-22 Thread Dan Delaney
Adi Linden wrote:
> I am having great difficulties getting postfix to use lmtp.
> Things are working if I use deliver:
Pardon my asking, but I'm just now learning how to use Cyrus and am 
about to set Postfix to send to it. If it is working to use deliver, 
why do you want to use lmtp? Is there some advantage to using lmtp 
over deliver? I'd just like to know which one would be best to go with.

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Robust mbox to cyrus migrator?

2004-10-22 Thread Dan Delaney
Is there a really robust mbox to cyrus migration script out there
anywhere? I tried the one from Univ or Oregon, but it gives me a lot
of errors. I'm willing to spend the time debugging it, but first I'd
like to know if there's something else out there that will work

-- Dan
 Daniel G. Delaney
186,000 mps. It's not just a good idea, it's the law.

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Is "unixhierarchysep: yes" the norm now?

2004-10-20 Thread Dan Delaney
Hello all. Just starting to configure Cyrus and convert all of my 
mbox files to it. I was wondering, is it the norm these days to use 
"unixhierarchysep:yes"? Are there any modern email clients that 
don't work either with it or without it?

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