Strange Sieve Behaviour

2006-08-02 Thread Darron Froese
Sorry - I know this may be a little off-topic - but I'm really stuck  
and wondering if anybody else here has seen this before.

System: RHEL 4, Apache 2.0.52 w/PHP 4.3.9, Cyrus 2.3.7 from Simon  
Matter's rpms.

Setup: Horde: 3.1.2, Imp: H3 (4.1.2), Ingo: H3 (1.1.1), SAM 0.1-cvs

Basic summary: I cannot authenticate my users to the Sieve server  
through Ingo (Horde/IMP's filter manager which user PEAR's  
Net::Sieve) unless their password is the same as the cyrus admin user.

I applied this patch - because I was having problems after enabling  
TLS in Cyrus and no Sieve worked at all:

At this moment, my user works - because the password for me and the  
cyrus admin user is the same - no other usernames work with saving  
sieve rules to the server through Ingo - but they can all connect  
just fine with sivtest and sieveshell.

I just tried with the user bob and got this in the logs while  
accessing from Ingo:

Jul 27 15:40:26 fenring sieve[4037]: badlogin: localhost.localdomain 
[] PLAIN authentication failure

But I can log in through IMP and sivtest just fine:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] darron]# sivtest -u bob -a bob localhost
S: IMPLEMENTATION Cyrus timsieved v2.3.7-Invoca-RPM-2.3.7-2
S: SIEVE comparator-i;ascii-numeric fileinto reject vacation  
imapflags notify envelope relational regex subaddress copy

Please enter your password:
Security strength factor: 0

That's with his normal password - if I change the password to be the  
same as the cyrus admin user, it works fine here (as it should) and  
in Ingo:

Jul 27 15:45:47 fenring sieve[4412]: login: localhost.localdomain 
[] bob PLAIN User logged in

Does it have something to do with the -a flag in sivtest and  
sieveshell? Is there any way to make Ingo use it?

Anyone else seen this?
darron froese
nonfiction studios inc.
t  403.686.8887
c 403.819.7887
f  403.313.9233

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Re: Sql based Spamassassin with sieve

2003-09-15 Thread Darron Froese
On Monday, September 15, 2003, at 01:53 AM, Joakim Ryden wrote:

How about this?
works for me.
darron froese
I started from that page too. My actual problem is How Do I tell cyrus
( or sieve ) to run spamassassin with the user name to whom the mail
is addressed
As far as I have been able to understand you don't. You'll have to use
procmail (or maildrop or whatever is your preference) as your
LDA/intermediary ( IDA? :) - call SA from procmailrc the first thing 
do and call deliver the last thing you do. But I may be missing
This is how I do it:

Start spamd so it's listening on localhost:

spamd -d -q -x -u cyrus

In postfix/

mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -t -a $EXTENSION
mailbox_transport = procmail
In postfix/

procmail  unix  -   n   n   -   -   pipe
   flags=Ru user=cyrus argv=/usr/bin/procmail -t -m USER=${user} 
EXTENSION=${extension} /etc/procmailrc

Then in my procmail recipe it sends the email via spamc:

SPAMIT=$DELIVERMAIL -e -a $USER -m user.$USER.spam
| /usr/bin/spamc -f -u $USER
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
# If it's got an extension - put it there.
:0 w
# If there's no extension - put it in the INBOX.
:0 w
:0 w
That's how one of my boxes does it - it works pretty well.
darron froese
nonfiction studios inc.
t  403.686.8887
c 403.819.7887
f  403.313.9233

Re: Sql based Spamassassin with sieve

2003-09-15 Thread Darron Froese
On Monday, September 15, 2003, at 09:38 AM, Ramprasad A Padmanabhan 

So Does that mean That I have to use procmail and .procmailrc
You have to use procmail to do it this way - but you don't have to use 

You could put the spamc stuff in your /etc/procmailrc which is run 
every time procmail starts up. So you won't need extra .procmailrc 
files for each user. The only problem with this is that *everyone* will 
have their mail scanned by spamassassin this way.

But my problem is I dont  the (Unix )users created on my imap server. 
The users are simple LDAP accounts and cyrus Account
So there are no home areas and no procmailrc file
I don't have local users either - all email authentication is done from 
a mysql database.
darron froese
nonfiction studios inc.
t  403.686.8887
c 403.819.7887
f  403.313.9233

Re: Sql based Spamassassin with sieve

2003-09-12 Thread Darron Froese
On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 03:11 AM, Ramprasad A Padmanabhan 

But thats what I do not want. There are some people in my office who
themselves will decide what is spam and what is not
Now How Can I run a spamassassasin with individual settings
If there are 5 rcpts the SA must sperate instances run for all 5 of 
Must be someway in sieve But I am not able to get one working
How about this?

works for me.
darron froese

Re: Script admin problems

2001-08-09 Thread Darron Froese

On 8/9/01 2:34 AM, Warren Flemmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Cyrus is working well with postfix using pam (mysql)
 for authentication. I now need to setup automated
 scripts to create mailboxes, set quotas etc. I have tried
 three different approaches each of which ending without
 successes so I now pass it to the group. I should point
 out that cyradm works without problems.


 I would prefer to use one of the first two method with
 perl but will settle for tcl if I have no other choice. If there
 are any other approaches that may work I will give
 them a try. Someway of automating at least the
 mailbox creation is essential.

You can use a tool called expect to automate things like this.

Try this:

[darron@xavier darron]$ autoexpect cyradm localhost
autoexpect started, file is script.exp
Please enter your password:
localhost.localdomain lm
INBOX.SentINBOX.educ8r  INBOX.mwj INBOX.test2
INBOX.Trash   INBOX.linux   INBOX.sutjav

localhost.localdomain quit
autoexpect done, file is script.exp

Take a look at script.exp - it's a complete copy of everything you've done
and can be modified to do whatever you want it to do.

I've got an expect script that automatically creates the mailbox, sets
permissions on it properly and sets a quota - it works great for us.

Re: quota sharing

2000-12-05 Thread Darron Froese

On 12/4/00 7:14 PM, "unplug" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I still continue to send 1MB email to, he can't receive the mail,
 right!! However, I can see the maillog and it shows me that the 1MB email is
 delivered without problem.  Where does the 1MB email go??  Does it go to the
 queue or just delete by the deliver?? Where do the 1MB email keep if it is not
 deleted??  Can get back the 1MB email after he deletes his mailbox
 and get back below 100%??

If it's being delivered, then make sure that you're not running deliver with
the -q option. That option means:

   -q Deliver message even when receiving mailbox is over

If it's being delivered, then it's probably sitting in his INBOX waiting to
be read.
 Thanks for your script.  You run your script once a day and the sender 
 receiver will notified by a long delay if his mailbox is over 100% in the
 morning.  It seems too long to have such notification.

Then run it from cron more frequently - I run it once a day because of my
users' patterns. You could run it once an hour if you'd like - it's up to

 Does there any methods
 that there will be a notification once the mailbox quota excess.  I mean if
 there is any setting for cyrus such that a notification will be sent to the
 sender immediately if the receiver's mailbox is over 100%.

There is a "quotawarn" option in your /etc/imapd.conf it is supposed to:

   quotawarn: 90
The  percent  of  quota  utilization  over  which the
server generates warnings.

I have never actually seen a quota warning - I'm not sure that all email
clients support it. I've seen it when I've used telnet to test and login,
but not in the actual email client.

Re: quota sharing

2000-12-04 Thread Darron Froese

On 12/3/00 11:20 PM, "unplug" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But I would like to know the situation below.
 The qutoa of is 1.
 I send several mail to that make his account to 11000.

If a certain user is below 100% of their quota *any* email that's being
received will be delivered. It will not be rejected because of quota until
they are *over* their quota.

Example: has a 10MB quota.
User is at 8MB of mail stored - 80% full.
User is receiving a 10MB email - since they are still below 99% full, cyrus
will take and store the email.
Now they're at 180% and no more mail will be received.

 I continue to send mail to but he can't receieve it anymore.
 Q: How can I make a warning message to the sender  receiver to tell
 there is a qutoa problem??

I posted a script that does this already - I run it from cron every night:


# 1. Make this web enabled for checking by the individual users.
# 2. Make it configurable % wise for each user with 80% as the default.

# Perl Module
use Mail::Mailer;

# Variables
$quota_warn = "80";
$quota_max = "99";
$quota_application = "/usr/local/cyrus-imapd/bin/quota|";
$sysadmin_email = "sysadmin\";
$email_subject = "It's time to clean out your email!";

$email_body_standard = "In order to assure that you will not lose any email
(due to being over your email storage quota), ";
$email_body_standard .= "please clean up and delete any email that is not
needed  anymore. Messages with large attachments (sounds, movies, etc.) are
the usual culprits, taking up large amounts of space and storage
$email_body_standard .= "You will continue to receive this email once a day
until your email usage goes below $quota_warn%.\n\n";
$email_body_standard .= "If you have any questions at all, please don't
hesitate to contact $sysadmin_email for any further clarification.\n\nThe
Server Team";

# TODO: Check to see if you're the cyrus user.

# This is the motherlode of cyrus quota information.
open (QUOTA, "$quota_application");

# Go!
while (QUOTA) {
($null, $quota, $percent, $used, $user) = split(/\s+/);
($null, $user) = split(/\./, $user);

# Log the info to /var/log/messages if they're over 80% full.
system ("/usr/bin/logger \"$user is at $percent\% of mail quota.\"") if
($percent  $quota_warn);

# Send the user an explanatory email if they're over $quota_warn (but
under $quota_max) full.
if (($percent  $quota_warn)  ($percent  $quota_max)) {

# Create the email body.
$email_body = "This is just a friendly reminder that your email that
is stored on the server is $percent\% full.\n\n";
$email_body .= $email_body_standard;

$mailer = Mail::Mailer-new();
Subject =$email_subject,
}) or die;
print $mailer $email_body;
} else {
# Do nothing.

# If the user is over $quota_max, any mail for them will bounce SO
# send a quick email to sysadmin to let them know.
if ($percent  $quota_max) {
$warning_body = "$user is at $percent\% of mail quota.";
$warning_subject = "$user is over quota and is now bouncing email";
$mailer = Mail::Mailer-new();
$mailer-open({ From=  $sysadmin_email,
To  =  $sysadmin_email,
Subject =  $warning_subject,
}) or die;
print $mailer $warning_body;

It's pretty rough but it works. It looks through the quota each night and:

1. Notifies the user if they're over $quota_min full and below $quota_max.

2. If they're over $quota_max - then the sysadmin is notified so that they
can deal with it.

 However, I can see the maillog and the mail still sending to
 Q: I wonder where is the mail store.

The mail store is setup in the /etc/imapd.conf in the "partition-default"

 Q: Can get back the mails after deleting the existing mail,

If it's deleted - it's gone. I'm a little confuzed as to what you're asking