Pb with backup

2002-05-13 Thread Jean-Marc Delpech


I make a tar of /var/spool/imap/user every week from my imap server to a
snap server (this sort of backup never delete old files on the snap server
but only add). So when I want to restore an user, first I create the same
user and after I restore from the snap server all his old files and
directory. Second I make a reconstruct. Third I make a recontruct -f -r

After I connect Eudora ( or Outlook, or anythings else) to this user without
any pb but I see all the directory and no files in it ! Do you no know what
must I do to see all the mails in the folders ?

Many thks for yr answers.


cyrus imapd 2.0.11
- cyrus sasl 1.5.24
- db 3.1.17

I need some more

2002-03-08 Thread Jean-Marc Delpech

I have cyrus imap 2.0.11 server with cmu-sieve-1.3 on my RH7 (everything
working very well)
At the begining this server was created for 100 users and now we are 350
I have 3 partitions : /boot , / , and /var on a raid 5 bay
All my users are in /var/spool/imap/user and I need some more space for
What is the best way to have more space ?

Many thks for yr answers.


Message contains bare newlines

2001-07-11 Thread Jean-Marc Delpech

hi everybody,

I have some mail no delivered for this following reason. I don't know 
what does it mean Message contains bare newlines.
Have someone got an idea ?

Many thks fr yr help.


Forcer la livraison des courriers avec la commande '/usr/lib/sendmail -v -q'
Running /var/spool/mqueue/f6AHS3v02637 (sequence 1 of 8)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to /var/imap/socket/lmtp via cyrus...
220 lituf1.tuf.telintrans.fr LMTP Cyrus v2.0.11 ready
 LHLO lituf1.tuf.telintrans.fr
250 2.1.0 ok
 RCPT To:deumier_s
250 2.1.5 ok
354 go ahead
554 5.6.0 Message contains bare newlines
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Service unavailable
250 2.0.0 ok

Re: squirrelmail 1.01 and cyrus-imapd 2.0.9

2001-02-07 Thread jean-marc delpech

I use squirrelmail 1.0 on linux RH7 with cyrus 2.0.11 without any problem
but we are only 20 users ...
I am very interresting of the result of your upgrade.

- Original Message -
From: Andy Hubbell, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 2:12 PM
Subject: squirrelmail 1.01 and cyrus-imapd 2.0.9

 I've discovered an interesting (ahem) feature of squirrelmail
(http://www.squirrelmail.org/) web based email client...   It seems to be
killing my cyrus-imapd, I can log in to imap via squirrel but it freezes all
of the processes (both pop3 and imap) of cyrus immediately!  (I'm assuming
this is affecting the master process since it still listens on the socket
but does not spawn or attach an appropriate child to the socket...  Nothing
actually core dumps or anything.)

 Warning, do not try this on a mail server that has 4000 users...  (The
results are not pretty)

 Is this a bug of the 2.0.9 imapd or something squirrel is doing wrong?  I
plan on attempting to upgrade to 2.0.11 today to see.

 PGP public key fingerprint
 FC3A FD71 8A43 E510 8797  6FD8 918C 1D54 17D9 9EC1


2001-02-02 Thread jean-marc delpech

Hi all,
how can I recreate the /var/imap/mailboxes.db 
I know I can recover the databases after a crash 
but if I would like to recreate it, is it possible.
In fact the pb is that some body create 
afolder with cyradm, but after somebody else delete this
user directly on the hard drive. Every body can see 
this forlder but it doesn't exist really ...

Thks for yr help.


Re: Redhat7+RPM

2001-01-22 Thread jean-marc delpech

Hi Andreas
I have the same pb with this rpm, can you tell me (or send me) this rpm
I can't find it on ftp.redhat.com or others mirrors sites.


- Original Message -
From: Andreas J. Bathe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Marcel Beltz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Andreas,

I have the same pb

Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: Redhat7+RPM

 Marcel Beltz wrote:
  i am new on cyrus, but i want to use it.
  i use Redhat7 and install the cyrus-imapd-2.0.6...rpm.
  i can start the /etc/rc.d/init.d/cyrus script, thats why i tink its ok.
  But now i want to use cyradm and i get many errors:
  i type "cyradm localhost" and get the response:
  can't load
  for module Cyrus::IMAP: undefined symbol: SSL_write at
  /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/DynaLoader.pm line 200.
  at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/Cyrus/IMAP/Admin.pm line 43
  Please help me.
  if i understand cyrus,its unpossible to use cyrus without cyradm
  Marcel Beltz

 see http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=19350 and
 install the package cyrus-imapd-2.0.7-2 (Raw Hide). This version works
 for our company...
 Andreas J. Bathe, Dipl. cand. Inf., Systemadministrator
 merconic GmbH, Chausseestr. 128-129, D-10115 Berlin (Mitte)
 Telefon +49-30-726265-200, Fax +49-30-726265-211, Durchwahl -262

Mail for vacation

2001-01-18 Thread jean-marc delpech

Hi all,
my configuration : cyrus-imap 2.0.9 / sendmail / 
redhat 7.0 is working well. 
When your are in vacation and someone send you a 
mail, have someone got an idea
to reply to this mail "sorry, I am in 
vacation and I will bethere in 3 days" 
I would like something very simple for use by each 
Thks for yr ideas

Alpha Cyrus with RH 7

2001-01-08 Thread jean-marc delpech


my directory /var/spool/ is cyrus:mail
when I create a user delpech_jm (with cyradm or 
directly login on imap server) the new directory is /var/spool/user/delpech_jm 
is cyrus:root.
Is it normal ?

I use RH7 with cyrus-sasl-1.5.24.alpha.rpm and 

Thks for yr help. / Jean-Marc