[PHP-DEV] new apache fastcgi implementation and phpfastcgi patch

2006-11-30 Thread Mathieu CARBONNEAUX

Why php  cannot be able to be a real application server!? :)
  no, no, no i've not said that... :) ok...
  no really, separating static from dynamic serving are not in the logic of  
reverse proxy apache scheme handler implementation who serve by  default all 
file from path to a backend...
  my solution work like ProxyPass apache proxy command:
  ProxyPass / fcgi://my.fscgi.server.com/
  if you whant another implementation of apache fastcgi implementation like the 
 old one who serve only file extension is not the way i've choose...sorry...
  I’ve made apache proxy scheme handler (like proxy module  ftp or ajp) 
and is not apache handler or  filter like mod_php or mod_fastcgi(the 
original one). 
  this is a method to make apache module for the apache proxy infrastructure, 
and  make possible to implement scheme handler hook that implement protocol  
handler like http: or ftp:. is the way I’ve used to  implement the protocol 
scheme fcgi:.
  but with my code base I can be able make handler module like the  original 
one without too much work... 
  but i go to do that after I’ve resolve my need...the reverse proxy mode !
  and if you have 100 or 200 php instances (and the same number of reverse 
proxy  in front)  to manage... 
  and if you add one apache to each fastcgi server all multiply by 100-200 ... 
  is more complicate to manage and consume more memory(apache processus+php  
fastcgi processus*100-200)...
  if i can suppress apache (or equivalent) in the equation of the php side i'm  
happy...more memory free to php fastcgi...
  and if i use apache in parallel to php fastcgi why not use directly apache +  
mod_php (and always the reverse proxy in front) 
  and with apache + mod_php this solution consume less memory on php side than  
apache + fastcgi/php... 
  and is more simple to configure than making apache (or other http solution) 
for  static and php fastcgi for dynamics...
  my need is to make complete separation between apache and php. 

And making  php a complete application server...like AJP implementation vs 
tomcat/jboss  like...
  to make an only one architecture type with mixed application language... 
(php,  tomcat, weblogic, websphere...)
  and separating static file vs using cache on reverse proxy for caching static 
 content... in performance i thing is similar...
  and if is similar with separate it if is more simple manipulate...and  
  but why why
  Best Regards,
  Mathieu  _  

From: James Aylett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], internals@lists.php.net
Sent: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 08:35:05 +0100
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] RE: [PHP-DEV] new apache fastcgi 
implementation and phpfastcgi patch

Further, if you're using apache 2 as your front end reverse proxy, you'll be 
fine running it as your backend static web server as well (in a different 
configuration); it's another instance, not a whole different app type to 
monitor. If your monitoring framework can do it in the first layer, it can do 
it in the second as well.

The niche for static serving out of the fastcgi process would be where you want 
more security than one single web server, but you aren't into huge scaling 
issues where dynamic and static content will be managed separately. I'm not 
really convinced it's a big niche, though - if you aren't into huge scaling 
issues, you can just put a reverse proxy on the front of your existing web 
server to get close to the same effect (since security vulnerabilities in the 
second layer that are still exposed through the proxy are liable to be app 
errors rather than server bugs, so no amount of separation short of an 
HTTP-speaking proxy or filter is going to guard against this - at which point 
we're into a whole different territory of architecture).

I agree with the general tone on this thread - while a better fastcgi 
implementation is great, it doesn't need to serve static files. I wouldn't use 
it for that.


James Aylett
 Chief Technical Architect
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-Original Message-
From: Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]; internals@lists.php.net 
Sent: Mon Nov 27 05:40:15 2006
Subject: RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] RE: [PHP-DEV] new apache fastcgi 
implementation and phpfastcgi patch

I understand the thinking 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Question on thread safety

2006-11-30 Thread Andy Wharmby

Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
So finally to my question.  Is it the intention of TSRMc. to allow 
ts_allocate_id() to be called at any time or is there an unwritten 
rule that it
should only ever called during php startup ? If its the former then I 

I think it gets called only on startup. I also think it was the 
intent, though there is no safeguard as far as I can see against 
calling it in run-time, but no module does it and it doesn't make 
sense to do it in other place than startup.

I myself see no reason why extension writers should be restricted 
from calling ts_allocate_id() outside PHP startup so believe the code 

Well, the reason is that if you want to use TSRM globals, you have to 
allocate ID before you do basically anything with them. Startup is a 
good place for that. If you don't need globals, then you should not 
call it at all. The situation where in the mid-run you suddenly 
remember you need globals seems quite unrealistic to me. Of course, if 
you can describe scenario when you would really need it in mid-run or 
it would make sense to allocate ID in mid-run, then I guess this 
should be fixed or at least safeguarded.
I did not have any particular scenario in mind here as I too could not 
come up with a sensible reason to allow calls to ts_allocate_id() 
outside initialization. Initially I thought of the case of a user script
loading an extension using dl() but soon found out this is policed  and 
not allowed if ZTS is enabled. The reason I assumed that 
ts_allocate_id() was designed to be called at any time was the fact that 
the code is wrapped in a mutex, which lead to my concerns about 
ts_resource_ex(). If ts_allocate_id() is not designed to be called 
outside startup then my concerns about ts_resource_ex() are unfounded. 
However, the mutex acquire and release calls in ts_allocate_id()  are 
therefore unnecessary and should be removed.

However, I do believe this restriction should be policed to fail any 
calls outside startup. I see nothing in the code to stop a extension 
writer calling ts_allocate_id at runtime. Why would anyone do this ? So 
TSRM global  storage is only allocated when an extension is actually 
needed rather than when a new thread is started. What if a user has an 
extension that only gets called in some exceptional circumstance and 
they design it so the ts_allocate_id() call is made on the first call to 
the extension to save storage being allocated for threads until its 
needed. Unlikely I know but  sometimes users do what you least
expect so the code should protect them wherever possible from them doing 
something which will:

   (a) cause them grief, and
   (b) probably lead them into raising a bogus defect and waste 
someones time diagnosing the problem

A simple check in the code could prevent all this.

There are further routines in TSRM.c which also acquire the tsmm_mutex 
were the reason for this is not clear given current usage:

   * ts_free_id(). Only called at MSHUTDOWN when single threaded so no
 apparent need for mutex.  Again easily policed to ensure calls
 outside startup/shutdown not allowed.
   * ts_free_worker_threads():  Only called by php_module_shutdown when
 single threaded so no need for mutex.
   * ts_resource_ex: Needs mutex whilst it updates tsrm_tls_table for a
 new thread but it looks like it keeps mutex longer than it need
 do. By reworking this routine and allocate_new_resource() I
 believe the time the mutex is held could be reduced.

I am happy to work on a patch for all this and will raise a defect with 
patch when I have something worthy of consideration..

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] thread unsafety inventory

2006-11-30 Thread Ilia Alshanetsky

On 27-Nov-06, at 3:24 PM, Ron Korving wrote:

gmtime: (use gmtime_r)

ext/interbase/ibase_query.c on line 679


ext/pdo_sqlite/sqlite/src/date.c on line 948 (external code library)

This code cannot be reached since we compile libsqlite with date  

sapi/thttpd_patch on lines 282, 1355, 2298

External application patch, can't be helped.

ctime: (use ctime_r)

ext/mime_magic/mime_magic.c on line 1759


localtime: (use localtime_r)

ext/com_dotnet/com_variant.c on line 818

Win32 only code and there localtime is already thread-safe.

ext/pdo_sqlite/sqlite/src/date.c on line 415 (external code library)
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/date.c on line 419 (external code library)
ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/xmlrpc.c on line 234 (external code library)
ext/zip/lib/zip_dirent.c on lines 398, 525 (external code library)

Fixed. You may want to report the sqlite issues to sqlite devs so  
that they can apply a fix in their code base as well.

sapi/thttpd_patch on line 2300 (external code library)

External application patch, can't be helped.

crypt: (use crypt_r)

ext/standard/crypt.c on line 149


rand: (use rand_r)

ext/mcrypt/mcrypt.c on line 1042
ext/soap/php_http.c on line 467


ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/encode.c on lines 204, 213 (external code  

This code cannot be reached.

readdir: (use readdir_r)

ext/pcre/pcrelib/pcregrep.c on line 261

This code cannot be reached.

main/streams/php_scandir.c on line 74


Ilia Alshanetsky

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] thread unsafety inventory

2006-11-30 Thread Ron Korving

Great work. I posted a bug report at www.sqlite.org.


Ron Korving

Ilia Alshanetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 On 27-Nov-06, at 3:24 PM, Ron Korving wrote:
  gmtime: (use gmtime_r)
  ext/interbase/ibase_query.c on line 679


  ext/pdo_sqlite/sqlite/src/date.c on line 948 (external code library)

 This code cannot be reached since we compile libsqlite with date

  sapi/thttpd_patch on lines 282, 1355, 2298

 External application patch, can't be helped.

  ctime: (use ctime_r)
  ext/mime_magic/mime_magic.c on line 1759


  localtime: (use localtime_r)
  ext/com_dotnet/com_variant.c on line 818

 Win32 only code and there localtime is already thread-safe.

  ext/pdo_sqlite/sqlite/src/date.c on line 415 (external code library)
  ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/date.c on line 419 (external code library)
  ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/xmlrpc.c on line 234 (external code library)
  ext/zip/lib/zip_dirent.c on lines 398, 525 (external code library)

 Fixed. You may want to report the sqlite issues to sqlite devs so
 that they can apply a fix in their code base as well.

  sapi/thttpd_patch on line 2300 (external code library)

 External application patch, can't be helped.

  crypt: (use crypt_r)
  ext/standard/crypt.c on line 149


  rand: (use rand_r)
  ext/mcrypt/mcrypt.c on line 1042
  ext/soap/php_http.c on line 467


  ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/encode.c on lines 204, 213 (external code

 This code cannot be reached.

  readdir: (use readdir_r)
  ext/pcre/pcrelib/pcregrep.c on line 261

 This code cannot be reached.

  main/streams/php_scandir.c on line 74


 Ilia Alshanetsky

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DEV] Re: Cross-extension resource

2006-11-30 Thread Mauro N. Infantino

Sorry if the question was answered before, I will try to look harder next

Just for the record:

- I ended up doing what you suggested but in MINIT. Given the facts you
provided, I'll change it to RINIT.

- The php_mysql.h file doesn't include the constants for the resource name,
so I defined a constant in my own code.

- The php_mysql_conn type is not defined in the .h file, so it was also

You're again right about the inclusion of the function in Appendix A, I was
worried if this usage was correct enough.
Again, thank you all very much for your work and specially to you Sara for
sharing your knowledge.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sara Golemon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 3:42 AM
 To: Mauro N. Infantino
 Cc: internals@lists.php.net
 Subject: [PHP-DEV] Re: Cross-extension resource
 Surprising how often this question comes up
 /* True global to store local copy of mysql's le_link */
 static int local_mysql_le = -1;
  if (local_mysql_le == -1) {
  local_mysql_le = zend_fetch_list_dtor_id(mysql link);
  return SUCCESS;
 A few notes about this solution:
 (1) I'm doing this in RINIT because, prior to PHP 5.1, 
 there's no way to 
 enforce load order for shared extensions, so it's possible 
 that your ext 
 will load prior to mysql and therefore the list ID won't have been 
 registered during the time of MINIT.  If you know that MySQL 
 will always 
 be loaded prior to your extension (either because of local policy or 
 because you're only targeting 5.1 or later -- which has module 
 dependencies), then you can do it once in MINIT and be done with it.
 (2) The name mysql link is case sensitive and must match 
 the resource 
 type name you're looking for precisely.  There's also no 
 guard against 
 the (unlikely) possibility that some other extension registers a 
 resource named mysql link which isn't actually a MySQL link.
 (3) You should guard against the possibility that no matching list id 
 will be found for that name (perhaps MySQL isn't loaded), so 
 be sure to 
 put some error checking in there...  Hint: This function returns 0 on 
 (4) You'll probably need to fetch mysql link persistent as well...
 I think this function is covered in Appendix A, but the cat 
 is on my lap 
 and I can't reach the bookshelf from here

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DEV] make test flag?

2006-11-30 Thread Brian Shire

I noticed the make test command may need the -n flag added so that  
it will exclude already installed ini files.  Specifically this  
causes a problem when running make test on a system that already has  
the same DSO installed so it tries to load it twice (once via the  
installed ini and again for the test).   Perhaps there's other places  
where this causes problems? ...

  -n   No php.ini file will be used

diff --git a/Makefile.global b/Makefile.global
index ec86927..237c1a6 100644
--- a/Makefile.global
+++ b/Makefile.global
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ test: all
TEST_PHP_SRCDIR=$(top_srcdir) \
CC=$(CC) \
-			$(PHP_EXECUTABLE) -d 'open_basedir=' -d 'safe_mode=0' -d  
'output_buffering=0' -d 'memory_limit=-1' $(top_srcdir)/run-tests.php  
-d 'extension_dir=modules/' -d `( . $(PHP_MODULES) ; echo extension=$ 
$dlname)` tests/; \
+			$(PHP_EXECUTABLE) -d 'open_basedir=' -d 'safe_mode=0' -d  
'output_buffering=0' -d 'memory_limit=-1' $(top_srcdir)/run-tests.php  
-n -d 'extension_dir=modules/' -d `( . $(PHP_MODULES) ; echo  
extension=$$dlname)` tests/; \

elif test ! -z $(SAPI_CLI_PATH)  test -x $(SAPI_CLI_PATH); then \
TEST_PHP_SRCDIR=$(top_srcdir) \

-Brian Shire
 aim: int80h

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php