Re: [PHP-DEV] Proposal for a new basic function: str_contains

2020-02-14 Thread Aegir Leet
I generally like the idea, but it seems many (most?) real-world 
implementations actually use mb_strpos() !== false by default.

So there should definitely be an mb_str_contains in ext/mbstring in 
addition to the regular str_contains proposed here.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Build instructions for Ubuntu 18.04 (and other systems)

2019-09-15 Thread Aegir Leet
Not super familiar with building PHP, but this should be a reasonable
starting point, tested on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04.3:

apt install -y autoconf gcc bison re2c libxml2-dev libssl-dev
libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpng-dev libwebp-dev libjpeg-dev
vflib3-dev libc-client-dev libkrb5-dev libonig-dev libreadline-dev
libsodium-dev libargon2-0-dev libzip-dev ./buildconf ./configure
--enable-fpm --with-openssl --with-kerberos --with-imap-ssl
--with-pcre-jit --with-zlib --enable-bcmath --with-curl --enable-exif
--enable-ftp --enable-gd --with-webp --with-jpeg --with-freetype
--with-gettext --with-imap --enable-intl --enable-mbstring --with-mysqli
--enable-pcntl --with-pdo-mysql --with-readline --enable-sockets
--with-sodium --with-password-argon2 --with-zip --enable-zts

On 15.09.2019 20:49, Nikita Popov wrote:
> Hi,
> Our build instructions in
> are currently a bit
> bare... they show the basic "./buildconf && ./configure && make" cycle, but
> everyone who actually tries this will quickly find out that there is a lot
> more to building PHP...
> Every time I compile PHP on a new system, I have to go through a pretty
> long cycle of ./configure --xxx, wait until there is an error, "sudo apt
> install libxxx-dev" and so on.
> It would be great if someone could write up the required "apt get" and
> "./configure" line to get a "reasonably large" build of PHP on a popular
> Linux distro like Ubuntu 18.04, so this can be included in the README.
> Something similar for MacOS would probably also be useful, where things are
> even more complicated.
> Bonus points for also including how to set up MySQL and Postgres in a way
> that you can run mysqli/pdo_mysql and pgsql/pdo_pgsql tests. I think I lose
> a couple of hours every time I try to get this working.
> Anyone interested in doing this?
> Regards,
> Nikita

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Union Types v2

2019-09-04 Thread Aegir Leet
On the subject of using GitHub for this RFC:

Personally, I think GitHub is a much better platform than the mailing 
list for this kind of discussion. Mailing list threads are just not very 
accessible to the average PHP user. Reading them through is 
an OK experience, but actually contributing is unnecessarily complicated.

I'd imagine most people aren't really interested in something like the 
recent "Annotating internal function argument and return types​" thread, 
but would very much like to participate in a discussion (even if it's 
just leaving a "+1") about something that affects their day-to-day work, 
like union types.

Generally, I'd split things up like this:
Truly internal work on PHP itself, things only people working *on* PHP 
(as opposed to *with* PHP) really care about -> internals.
Changes affecting regular PHP users, RFCs for adding or removing 
features and things like that -> GitHub or some other platform where 
everyone can easily contribute.

On 04.09.19 10:26, Nikita Popov wrote:
> Hi internals,
> I'd like to start the discussion on union types again, with a new proposal:
> Pull Request:
> Rendered Proposal:
> As an experiment, I'm submitting this RFC as a GitHub pull request, to
> evaluate whether this might be a better medium for RFC proposals in the
> future. It would be great if we could keep the discussion to the GitHub
> pull request for the purpose of this experiment (keep in mind that you can
> also create comments on specific lines in the proposal, not just the
> overall discussion thread!) Of course, you can also reply to this mail
> instead. The final vote will be held in the wiki as usual.
> Relatively to the previous proposal by Bob&Levi (
>, I think the main differences in this
> proposal are:
>   * Updated to specify interaction with new language features, like full
> variance and property types.
>   * Updated for the use of the ?Type syntax rather than the Type|null syntax.
>   * Only supports "false" as a pseudo-type, not "true".
>   * Slightly simplified semantics for the coercive typing mode.
> Regards,
> Nikita

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Reclassifying engine warnings

2019-08-29 Thread Aegir Leet
Before reading the responses to this thread, I had honestly never
encountered a PHP developer who thought using uninitialized variables
was fine. I knew it worked, but I always considered this to basically be
the PHP equivalent of undefined behavior in C. And I don't think anyone
would get mad if a new GCC version broke the way they were abusing UB.

To me and to every developer I've ever known, the only difference
between a notice and a warning is the severity of the error. But they're
both considered errors - mistakes you made in your code that you need to
fix. I'm fairly certain this is how most developers treat them in the
real world.

Either way, if you want a less strict language, that language already
exists: It's the current version of PHP and you and everyone else who
likes the way it works can keep using it.
Meanwhile, I think most people currently doing serious PHP work would
*love* some more strictness and I don't think keeping your old code
running on a brand new version of the language is a good enough reason
to keep this feature out of 8.0. What's the point of even having major
releases if every potential BC break gets shot down by the same 3 people
on this mailing list?

As for the check engine light analogy, I guess instead of saying "this
is fine", you just smash your entire dashboard with a hammer to make the
problem go away. Because that's what using @ or error_reporting does.

I hope this RFC passes, but I don't see any point in discussing it
further here, so I'll go back to lurking now.

On 29.08.2019 16:22, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 4:02 PM Aegir Leet via internals
>>> wrote:
> I know what the manual says about notices. But I don't agree with
> interpreting "could happen in the normal course of running a
> script" as "it's perfectly fine if this part of your code triggers
> a notice consistently and every time it goes down this particular
> code path". Rather, I've always interpreted this as "under
> certain, rare, unforeseen circumstances, your code could generate
> a notice here, probably because of something that is outside of
> your control".
> That's how I've always treated them at least.
> And that's entirely within your right to do so - but what the manual
> says is accurate.  Calling me delusional in my interpretation of it is
> somewhat awkward (to put it mildly), I have a pretty good idea of why
> we added the different error levels - I wrote much of it myself.
> The whole point of having notices as something that's separate from
> warnings is that they have different semantics, and that semantics is
> captured very accurately in the manual.  They are used to mark issues
> which may be problems, but may also be perfectly fine (unlike
> warnings, which generally speaking mean that something bad happened,
> but not bad enough to halt execution).  Notices were meant to help you
> implement a more strict style of coding, and they may help you catch
> certain types of bugs, but you can have perfectly working, bug-free
> code that generates notices.
> Regardless of the exact semantics, don't you think a program that
> generates a constant stream of notices is a bit strange? That
> sounds like something everyone would naturally want to avoid. You
> don't drive your car with the check engine light permanently on
> and say "this is fine", right?
> Except you can purposely turn off this 'check engine' light, never to
> see it again if you choose to.  And that it's really not at all
> similar to 'check engine', but a lot closer to 'check cleaning fluid',
> or even 'clean windshield' (if cars had a dashboard light for that). 
> Even that is not a good analogy - as folks often actually purposely
> write code that generates notices (which would be purposely hidden,
> either by error_reporting setting or using @) that is 100% bug-free
> and working as intended.  So no, there's nothing strange about it if
> you buy into that approach.  If you don't (and I know you don't) -
> that's absolutely fine - it's up to you.
> Zeev

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Reclassifying engine warnings

2019-08-29 Thread Aegir Leet via internals
I know what the manual says about notices. But I don't agree with interpreting 
"could happen in the normal course of running a script" as "it's perfectly fine 
if this part of your code triggers a notice consistently and every time it goes 
down this particular code path". Rather, I've always interpreted this as "under 
certain, rare, unforeseen circumstances, your code could generate a notice 
here, probably because of something that is outside of your control".

That's how I've always treated them at least.

Regardless of the exact semantics, don't you think a program that generates a 
constant stream of notices is a bit strange? That sounds like something 
everyone would naturally want to avoid. You don't drive your car with the check 
engine light permanently on and say "this is fine", right?

On 29.08.19 14:43, Claude Pache wrote:

Le 29 août 2019 à 13:33, Aegir Leet via internals>> a écrit :

I'm sorry, but if you seriously believe doing something that generates a
notice (or warning, or error, ...) is not a bug - you're delusional.

No, what you think is not at all how notices were designed. From the manual 

E_NOTICE  — Run-time notices. Indicate that the script encountered something 
that could indicate an error, but could also happen in the normal course of 
running a script.

One can discuss whether unitialised variables should trigger a notice or a 
warning. But let us respect the semantics of the language features.


Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] Reclassifying engine warnings

2019-08-29 Thread Aegir Leet via internals
I'm sorry, but if you seriously believe doing something that generates a 
notice (or warning, or error, ...) is not a bug - you're delusional. 
That is the very definition of a bug and notices/warnings/errors etc. 
are the mechanism the language uses to report these bugs to the 
developer. If doing X has been generating a notice for 20 years, then 
doing X is wrong and a bug, period. Why would there even be a notice if 
the language itself doesn't consider what you're doing to be buggy? What 
is the purpose of notices then? I really don't understand how anyone 
could contest this.

On 29.08.19 07:40, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> It's really awkward that anybody would be under the illusion that the way
> the language always behaved, consistently and well-documented pretty much
> from the its inception, is somehow a bug that everybody agrees on that's
> just waiting for someone to come over and fix it.