Re: [PHP-DEV] [Pre-RFC Discussion] User Defined Operator Overloads (again)

2024-09-17 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 14.09.24 23:48, Jordan LeDoux wrote:

1. Should the next version of this RFC use the `operator` keyword, or
should that approach be abandoned for something more familiar? Why do
you feel that way?

2. Should the capability to overload comparison operators be provided
in the same RFC, or would it be better to separate that into its own
RFC? Why do you feel that way?

3. Do you feel there were any glaring design weaknesses in the
previous RFC that should be addressed before it is re-proposed?

4. Do you feel that there is ANY design, version, or implementation of
operator overloads possible that you would support and be in favor of,
regardless of whether it matches the approach taken previously? If so,
can you describe any of the core ideas you feel are most important?

Hello Jordan,

Happy you are following up on operator overloads, as I was sad to see
the vote fail last time.

I think the RFC might benefit from focusing on the comparison operators
and the basic arithmetic operators this time, so ==, <=>, +, -, *, /
(and maybe % and **). I would especially leave out the bitwise operators
(for a possible future RFC), as those to me seem extra niche and not
very self-explanatory in terms of good use cases/examples. ==, <=>, +,
-, * and / would deliver almost all the benefits to operator overloading
I can currently think of.

Giving more concrete examples in the RFC of places in the current PHP
ecosystem where these operators would simplify code might be helpful -
the last RFC had mainly a generic list of use cases, but seeing actual
code would help to make it salient how some code can be a lot more
readable, especially if you now know about even more use cases than 3
years ago.

Otherwise I am hoping that more opponents of operator overloads will
chime in and give some constructive feedback.

Re: [PHP-DEV] [Pre-RFC Discussion] User Defined Operator Overloads (again)

2024-09-17 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 17.09.24 11:14, Mike Schinkel wrote:

How would a developer know if they are using an object that has
operators, unless they study all the source code or at least the docs
(assuming there are good docs, which there probably are not?)

How is that different from using a method on an object? Operators are
roughly speaking a different syntax for methods, and if you use an
object method, you have to know about it or look up what it does.

Also, getting to the implementation of operators would likely be just as
easy as looking up methods nowadays, because IDEs would support that
kind of lookup.

Situation where there is free-reign userland operator overloading:  Junior developer Joe 
is using Symfony and learns about this great new operator overload feature so decides to 
implement all the operators for all his objects, and now he wants to start passing his 
objects to Symphony code. Joe decides to be clever and implement "/" to 
concatenate paths strings together but doesn't type his properties, and he ends up 
passing them to a Symfony function that uses `/` for division, and his program crashes 
with very cryptic error messages.  He reports them to the Symfony developers, and it 
wastes a bunch of time for everyone until they finally figure out why it failed, because 
nobody every considered a developer would do such a thing.

Most framework and library code is by now type-hinted - I would have
understood this argument when operator overloading would be implemented
into PHP 5.x, where many classes and functions got values and had no
enforced types, so they might have expected an int, yet an object with
operator overloading might work but in weird ways, because there were no
type hints for int. I cannot see this situation now at all - if a
Symfony component wants an int, you cannot pass in an object. If a
Symfony component wants a Request object, it will not use operators that
it does not expect to be there, even if you would extend the class and
add operator support. Using operators implies you know you can use
operators, otherwise it will be a fatal error (except for comparisons).

From your arguments it also seems you are afraid everybody will use
operator overloading excessively and unnecessarily. This seems very
unlikely to me - it is not that useful a feature, except for certain
situations. Many other languages have had operator overloading for many
years of even decades - are there really huge problems in those
languages? If yes, maybe PHP can learn from some of the problems there
(which I think the original RFC tried to carefully consider), but as far
as I know the usage of operator overloading is niche in languages which
support it, depending on use case - some people like it, some don't, but
they do not seem to be a big problem for these languages or their code
in general. Maybe you have some sources on actual problems in other

Personally I would love my Money class to finally have operators instead
of the current "plus", "minus", "multipliedBy" (and so on) methods which
are far less readable. I would only use operator overloading on a few
specific classes, but for those the readability improvement would be
huge. Also, being able to override comparison operators for objects
would be very useful, because currently using == and === with objects is
almost never helpful or sufficient.

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Default expression

2024-08-26 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 26.08.24 11:26, Bilge wrote:

Thanks for this question; I find this super interesting because it's
something we haven't thought about yet. I must admit I completely
overlooked that, whilst an interface /can/ require implementers to
specify a default, in the case that they do not, it is still valid for
implementations to selectively elect to provide one. Therefore I can
append to your example the following case (I removed the `string`
return type for now):

class ZipCompression implements CompressionInterface
    public function compress(string $data, int $level)

new GzipCompression()->compress('', default ?? 6);
new ZipCompression()->compress('', default ?? 6);

In this case, we get the following output:

Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: Cannot pass default to required
parameter 2 of ZipCompression::compress()

I would like to fix this if possible, because I think this should be
valid, with emphasis on /if possible/, because it may be prohibitively
complex. Will update later.

That would be a way to fix it, to basically make isset(default) a
possible check if there is no default, similar to an undefined variable
check. It would also recognize a default value of null as not set in the
same way, so one could not differentiate between null and not defined,
but that is in line with the language in general.

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Default expression

2024-08-26 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 24.08.24 18:49, Bilge wrote:

Hi gang,

New RFC just dropped: I
think some of you might enjoy this one. Hit me with any feedback.

This one already comes complete with working implementation that I've
been cooking for a little while. Considering I don't know C or PHP
internals, one might think implementing this feature would be
prohibitively difficult, but considering the amount of help and
guidance I received from Ilija, Bob and others, it would be truer to
say it would have been more difficult to fail! Huge thanks to them.


Hello Paul,

I think this is an interesting addition to the language. Personally, I
would replace the full expression list at the end of the RFC with more
examples in real-world scenarios for most of these cases. As far as I
skimmed the discussion, there is some worry of "wrong use" (which I do
not necessarily share). Showing more examples could be useful to focus
on how having default being a full expression gives interesting use
cases, instead of talking about what (in isolation) nonsensical code
people might write.

For me there is another question. When using interfaces and classes,
default values can be introduced, like this:

interface CompressionInterface
    public function compress(string $data, int $level): string;

class GzipCompression implements CompressionInterface
    public function compress(string $data, int $level = 4): string
    // do something

When I have the GzipCompression class, I would know there is a default
value for $level, but when using the interface there might or might not
be a default value, depending on the implementation. As far as I read
the RFC, using "default" when there is no default would lead to a
runtime exception, but there is no way of finding out if there is a
default if you do not already know. Being able to test that could be
useful, although I am not sure about the syntax for that. In the example
when getting CompressionInterface, I might test for the existence of a
default value of $level and leave it at the default if there is a
default (maybe I know that some implementations have a default value,
others don't). One could test the specific implementation with
instanceof checks, but the advantage of "default" could be that you do
not need to know the implementation and could only adapt to possibly
defined default values.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Passing null to parameter

2023-11-10 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 10.11.23 12:33, Craig Francis wrote:

On 10 Nov 2023, at 10:54, Alex Wells  wrote:

PHPStan does find 

It does not:

Psalm does give you a PossiblyInvalidArgument here, PHPStan will likely
detect this soon too, as both static analyzers are covering more and
more ground. Also note that in your example $q could be an array
(leading to a fatal error in the code)from the request data, which is
why checking types thoroughly (not just coercing them with strval) can
be helpful in avoiding unexpected situations and deciding how to handle
such situations, instead of yolo-ing it.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-11 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 11.04.23 15:56, Jeffrey Dafoe wrote:

So turn off the deprecation warnings for now. They're just a heads up that
behaviour is going to change in the future, with PHP 9.

I doubt you'd prefer not to be aware of the change well in advance.

Oh, absolutely. We run those "on" in our dev and QA environments but off in 
production. I'm referring to the work required to mitigate the removal once we plan to 
migrate to 9. Although our codebase is old, we are funded to keep the code up to date. 
It's just that a handful of the changes, such as removing dynamic properties, has such a 
large impact and such a questionable benefit.

Removing dynamic properties has multiple benefits - from avoiding
typos/mistakes (which before were completely silent) from being able to
refactor objects in PHP in general (after PHP9) to be more efficient.
The RFC ( details
those benefits quite well, if there were no benefits it would hardly
have passed. This is one of the no-brainer changes for me, as the
upgrade path with the attribute is so easy and there are so many benefits.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 10.04.23 01:44, Deleu wrote:

Over the course of PHP 7 and 8, there were significant concerns on how
problematic PHP deprecations and breaking changes were. Now we're starting
to see the result of such concerns being ignored. This isn't the first time
someone mentions on PHP internals that it's getting harder and harder to
stay with PHP, but it's never really received with an open mind. It's
either "you don't have to run deprecation-free code" or "you've had years
to get rid of that deprecation error, tough luck if you didn't".

I love PHP and I built my career around it. I have zero interest in
starting from scratch in another language, but I've lost count on how many
projects, friends and companies around me have already made the switch to
Typescript. It's getting harder and harder to argue in favour of staying
with PHP.

The PHP ecosystem even just in the last 10 years has changed completely,
with composer, more mature frameworks, easily usable independent
components and even static analyzers. For me that ecosystem is the big
value proposition of PHP, in addition to a good standard library.
Typescript has a completely different value proposition, and the
language itself is usually not the deciding factor, as there is so much
more to it.

Only through the deprecations and the type system does PHP even offer
some similar features as Typescript - like type checks and the
possibility of a static analyzer. If all these changes would not have
happened, people likely would argue even more that they had to switch to
Typescript, because of the missing type safety in PHP. Nowadays there
are even tools now like Rector that can help you automatically upgrade
your codebase - that is also a new value proposition. My projects were
affected by all the new warnings, deprecations etc. over the years, but
I found countless bugs because of those (and many bad choices - is
count($string) really what I wanted?). The language warning you when you
are likely doing something with little sense is a huge value proposition
- otherwise why are people using Typescript instead of Javascript?

It would be interesting to know why some people are having such huge
problems upgrading their applications, as I think those would often be
good stories with something to learn in them. So to the original poster
or other people with big problems when upgrading, writing a blog article
detailing what happened would be helpful to evaluate if the PHP project
could improve something, or even why something broke. And just as a
sidenote: I never have more things breaking than when trying to upgrade
a JS/TS-project, because of changes in NodeJS, because of slight breaks
in dependencies, etc. To me that clearly works better in PHP, but
experiences can differ.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Revisiting RFC: Engine Warnings -- Undefined array index

2022-12-13 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 13.12.22 13:53, Dan Liebner wrote:

It breaks my app. Does that count?

This sounds like you completely ignore notices in your application yet
elevate warnings to exceptions/errors. It would be better to log both
notices and warnings without generating exceptions/errors, and look
through those logs from time to time, to see possible issues (and
nothing would currently break that way). I used to suppress notices in
my applications too, but after logging them it was my experience that
notices can usually be easily avoided and often hint at oversights /
possible improvements.

Here's another suggestion:
Make accesses to undefined array keys (objects, variables, etc) return a
new `undefined` primitive. That way, developers who are focused on writing
concise, readable code can continue to write and maintain code manageably,
and developers who are keen on writing a lot of code in a more "strict"
manner can handle undefined array key accesses consistently, without having
to rely on configuration settings.

That would likely be a major change and break in the language (which is
usually frowned upon), but if you have a clear concept, you can create
an RFC for it and start a discussion.

I do think that your view on "concise, readable code" would in my mind
be code which is more prone to bugs and unclear in its intentions. If an
array index possibly does not exist and you check its value, it would
already be unclear to me if you mean to check for its existence, or for
a null value, or for a non-empty string, or something else. Making it
clear the index might not exist gives a reader more information, and
making the expected types (and checks) clearer in general is not an
exercise to be strict for fun, but to avoid bugs because of unexpected

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Revisiting RFC: Engine Warnings -- Undefined array index

2022-12-13 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 13.12.22 11:01, Robert Landers wrote:

intended: ($a['foo'] ?? null) || ($a['bar'] ?? null)
Further, writing code like this increases the number of opcodes needed
to perform relatively simple logic by ~150%, increasing end-user
latency and spending CPU cycles somewhat needlessly.

I think it is quite the opposite: calling the error handler because of
E_NOTICE (or now E_WARNING) is quite the additional overhead, and if
projects just ignore E_NOTICE their applications will be slowed down
because of that, while fixing the code will avoid the error handler
altogether. Just because something is longer to write in a programming
language also does not make it necessarily slower. But if you have any
actual measurements why using the null coalescing operator would slow
down code in general that would be something useful to share.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC json_validate() - status: Under Discussion

2022-08-26 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 26.08.22 11:00, Michał Marcin Brzuchalski wrote:

A `json_decode()` is a substitute that IMO solves 99% of use cases.
If I'd follow your logic and accept every small addition that handles 1% of
use cases, somebody will raise another RFC
for simplexml_validate_string or yaml_validate and the next
All above can be valid if we trust that people normally validate 300MB
payloads to do nothing if they DON'T fail and there is nothing strange
about that.

There is already a way to validate XML in PHP, and Yaml or PHP is
something within the control of a PHP programmer, while JSON is mostly
used as a format for communication in APIs, so you never know what you
get. If with a new function it becomes much easier to defend against a
Denial-of-Service attack for some parts of a JSON API, then this can be
a good addition just for security reasons.

But this reason, which most resonates with me, is currently missing in
the RFC, so I would suggest to add that fast / efficient validation of a
common communication format reduces the attack surface for
Denial-of-Service attacks.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-06-20 Thread Andreas Leathley

The vote has been closed, the RFC has been declined with 14 to 3 votes.

It would have been interesting to get some more feedback on why people
voted No - some took part in the discussion, but most didn't. My
assumption is that most didn't find this important enough, especially if
strict types is not affected. While I think the RFC would have helped
identify obvious bugs (and I find the current behavior of PHP with
boolean coercions less than ideal), I can see an argument for voters to
not see it as something important enough to change the language, as the
problems this RFC would have highlighted can be avoided altogether.

If anybody still wants to give some insight on these reasons or a way to
improve boolean coercions in another way, I would be happy to hear it.
Otherwise thanks to everybody who took part in the discussion, it was an
interesting experience.

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[PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-06-05 Thread Andreas Leathley

Hello Internals,

I opened the vote about Stricter implicit boolean coercions as
announced. The vote will run until 2022-06-20.


Best regards,

Andreas Leathley

Re: [PHP-DEV] [Discussion] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-05-31 Thread Andreas Leathley

I have amended the RFC on to address
the feedback I got so far, I also added an overview of scalar type
coercions to give a better sense of how these changes fit in with
current type coercion behavior, and I added a Future Scope section with
my plans to at some point do a follow-up RFC to make the implicit scalar
type coercion behavior available to PHP developers explicitly and why
that might make sense.

Does anyone have any more feedback or questions on this, or something
that is not considered? If not, I would start voting on Sunday (5th of
June), but I am happy to extend the discussion time if needed.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [Discussion] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-05-24 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 24.05.22 15:33, Dan Ackroyd wrote:

"When discussion ends, and a minimum period of two weeks has passed"
Fyi, the two weeks is a minimum, and almost certainly not enough time
for subtle BC breaking RFCs like this.

I explicitely stated that to make it clear that this should be
considered a discussion period. I am not trying to circumvent anything,
just make it clear that now is the time to discuss this. And I am ready
to fully discuss this, as hopefully I have shown so far.

I am also not sure what you mean with "subtle BC breaking RFCs". How is
this RFC subtly BC breaking? It introduces a deprecation notice, that is
it - for one that is not subtle, it is explicit, and it does not break
BC except for introducing said notice. Is that not the very minimal BC
break you can achieve to highlight a possible problem in code?

I think you should really explicitly list what the changes are in a
single table rather than in sentences.

What do you think is unclear, and what would you include in such a
table? In the Proposal section I listed all values which are considered
allowed, and I tried to include more examples there too to highlight the
outcome. The behavior is not changed by this RFC.

Would you want to know when a value like -375, “false” or NaN
is given to a typed boolean (and coerced to true) in a codebase?


Which is why I always use both PHPStan and Psalm to detect those types
of things where those types of bugs are important.

Also, strict mode is great.

Even when using PHPStan and Psalm you can encounter such a value, for
example coming from a form, or an API. Using strict mode is a
possibility, but also a big hammer - so how do you coerce a value coming
from a form in strict mode? With an explicit coercion like (bool) or
boolval()? Because there you might also be losing information
unexpectedly - I do have some ideas to enable implicit coercions in
strict mode, because you might not want to convert "failed" from an API
to true by using explicit coercions, in my applications I would prefer
to at least notice or even throw an exception in such cases, and the
programming language streamlining this could be helpful.

In one application recently I actually had the string "false" (coming
from a form transmission) being passed to a boolean argument and leading
to true, which definitely was unintended.

But "false" is a perfectly sensible thing to pass as a string in an
API (as HTTP is a string based protocol). As is 'faux' if your API is
used by French speaking programmers.

You need an layer of code that converts from strings to the precise
types your API needs, rather than just passing values straight

That sounds good in theory, but it is the exact thing that is so hard in
practice, when dealing with forms, APIs, different programming
languages, different human languages, different input formats, changing
code, etc. I am not against writing great code and checking all values
all the time, but I do think this is not the reality.

Although this change would probably detect some bugs, it's not at all
obvious that the amount of pain would be worth it.

A lot of applications out there aren't being constantly developed.
Instead they are in maintenance mode, where there isn't a programmer
dedicated to constantly work on it. There would be lots of function
calls to check, and some of them would need code to be modified to
maintain the existing behaviour. And all of that would seem to be
subtle work, prone to mistakes.

Earlier you argued that there is no need to detect -375, "false" or NaN
being coerced to a boolean type, because one can use strict mode and
static analyzers, now you argue that legacy applications would have too
much work generated by this RFC. But I don't quite understand why: This
RFC introduces deprecation notices, not TypeErrors. It does not force
legacy applications to change anything, it just points out boolean
coercions that seem dodgy. If these deprecation notices provide little
value in the upcoming years, there is no need to promote them to a
TypeError, they could even be removed again - but I do think they will
provide value and often point out bugs, so much so that a TypeError will
seem reasonable at some point in the future, but there really is no
hurry in escalating it. For now just being able to notice these boolean
coercions would make a huge difference.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [Discussion] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-05-24 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 23.05.22 20:58, Juliette Reinders Folmer wrote:

All in all, I largely agree with the flaws in this proposal as
previously pointed out by Christian Schneider in the preliminary
discussion. And I don't see those concerns addressed in the RFC (other
than making it more explicit what the actual intended change is).

I amended the RFC and tried to address and include all of your points,
as well as made it clearer what the intention of the RFC is. Adding the
behavior of the filter extension was a sensible addition, I didn't even
think of its special behavior before you mentioned it, and going into
more detail about the other boolean coercions in PHP was also something
that needed a more explicit section in the RFC, as it has been brought
up by different people in different contexts already and I seem to have
prematurely dismissed its importance so far.

If you still think other concerns are not addressed I would be happy to
know about them.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [Discussion] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-05-23 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 23.05.22 22:54, G. P. B. wrote:

I don't like this RFC as it introduces special coercion semantics for
boolean *only* in a function (+ typed properties (well at least I hope it
impacts typed properties)) context.

The obvious other context is the logical one with conditional statements
and/or boolean operators (&&, ||, etc.) where it is pretty typical to do if
($string) {} and use $string as a boolean value.
Having this be true in some contexts and false in others, depending on the
content of the string is far from ideal.
However, implicit coercion to bool can also arise when doing comparisons
where one of the operands is null or bool.
In this case which semantics should be used?

The problem is that coercion to a typed boolean is not the same as
checking an expression for truthiness. It is somewhat related, but when
there is a coercion to a typed boolean only scalar values can be
coerced, which makes a big difference. Something like

if ([''])

is basically the same as

if ([''] == true)

which is why I call it checking for truthiness. Yet

$obj->booleanProperty = [''];

will lead to a type error. So there is a clear difference there already.
I also think the expectation is a different one - something like

if ($string)

is, as far as I have seen, most often used to check if a string it not
empty. Yet if you do

$obj->booleanProperty = $string;

you then seem to specifically want to end up with a boolean type, not do
a fuzzy check for truthiness. To me that is a very different situation
where I actually find the current behavior surprising, in that is does
not matter at all what scalar value I give a typed boolean, it will be
happy with anything, and if it was a long string that was converted to
boolean, you do possibly lose information. That can easily happen if
someone changes a property from a string to boolean, but still assigns
it a string somewhere.

As soon as you use operators like && or || the intention becomes clearer

$obj->booleanProperty = $string && $string2;

There you are not passing the string directly to a boolean property, you
are checking an expression, and you can even do

$obj->booleanProperty = $array && $array2; // cannot pass an array to a
boolean, but you can check an array (or two) for truthiness / not being

Can this prevent bugs, for sure, but within the function context we already
have a tool to deal with these sorts of issues with strict_types.

But could you not argue the same for integers too? Why when you pass a
string to an int parameter does it check if it is numeric, and not
auto-coerce "hello" to 0? That is different behavior too, and one can
use strict_types or explicit coercions instead. My argument is not that
the proposal in this RFC is somewhat elegant or solves deep-rooted
issues in the language. Similar to the numeric checks for int parameters
I am interested in this for purely practical reasons. If somewhere in
your application the integer -376 is passed to a boolean property (and
coerced to true), would you not rather know about it? Is it not likely a
bug, or at least an oversight? Would it not be easier on developers to
know that only 7 scalar values are considered "unambigous" when passing
to a typed boolean, and that they would be informed if they pass
something else?

I already rewrote the passage about raising this to a TypeError, where I
state that this should be determined later when there is sufficient
experience with these deprecation notices, and for me that is not really
urgent - if this just remains an unintrusive deprecation notice for the
next 10 years that would be fine with me. But I am convinced this will
be a useful notice in many applications, where bugs can be found that
otherwise would have stayed hidden for a very long time.

I appreciate your feedback, and if I can improve anything about the RFC
I am open to ideas. I think your RFCs for the type system have made PHP
a much better language, and you seem to think about the big picture of
the types in PHP, which is important for the language. This RFC might
seem like a niche specific change and it does not affect much of PHP
itself, but to me that could be what makes it a useful addition - if it
mainly reveals bugs in applications, couldn't that be enough of a reason
in favor of it?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [Discussion] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-05-23 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 23.05.22 20:58, Juliette Reinders Folmer wrote:

This RFC worries me as, in my opinion, it makes PHP's behaviour more
surprising and inconsistent, not less.

It also raises the cognitive complexity for developers by yet another

1. It introduces a new interpretation of boolean type coercion, which
is only applied against type declarations.
2. This new interpretation is not consistent with "normal" boolean
type coercion, not consistent with strict types (no coercion) and also
not consistent with what is considered a valid boolean value by the
Filter extension.

I am not sure what you mean by "normal" boolean type coercion and how it
would be inconsistent with those. The RFC does not change the behavior
of boolean type coercions, it just points out possibly surprising coercions.

The filter extension has its very own interpretation of how to validate
a boolean which is completely incompatible with how PHP does implicit
type coercions already. Yet people using the filter extension are not
affected by this RFC at all, they have already chosen their way to
convert a value to boolean. But comparing the filter extension with the
implicit type conversion does show how dangerous it can be to for
example switch from FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN (with
FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE) to the implicit boolean conversions from PHP:
with the filter extension "false", "off" and "no" are converted to
false, while all these values are silently converted to true by implicit
boolean conversion by PHP. People switching from the filter extension to
the built-in types of PHP have another way of shooting themselves in the
foot, and it is easy to miss the change in behavior.

While I agree that the current behaviour of PHP can hide bugs, I fear
that even more bugs will be introduced when PHP contains yet a third
form of coercion to boolean and the type coercion used is dependent on
the context.

Assuming from the rest of your response, I am assuming you mean
"truthiness" comparisons, like in if statements and other expressions.
Those are already different from coercions to typed booleans and have
different semantics. In an if statement you can check for truthiness
with any type, while a typed boolean only accepts scalar values. I am
seeing an advantage of further separating those use cases, as a
misconception seems to exist that a check for truthiness is just a
conversion to boolean. Having clearer semantics would actually lower
cognitive complexity from my perspective - knowing that only 7 values
are considered sensible for a typed boolean and getting a notice for any
other values makes it a lot clearer how it behaves and when I as a
developer will get warned.

I fear this will only lead to more bugs, not less (because people new
to PHP will learn the "type declaration" based boolean coercion rules
and assume they apply everywhere).

But they would actually apply anywhere, as far as I know: My suggested
allowed values for typed booleans can be used in if statements and lead
to the exact same behavior.

I also fear that for code bases which do not (yet) use scalar type
declarations, this will be one more argument not to introduce scalar
type declarations (while they should).

My suggestion is far less impactful for "legacy" codebases compared to
the other scalar type checking - an "int" parameter only accepting valid
numbers and leading to a TypeError otherwise is a much bigger hurdle
from my perspective than introducing a deprecation notice for a suspect
boolean type coercion. I cannot really believe that "failed" not being
auto-coerced to true will be the straw that breaks the camels back in
legacy codebases. And again: It is just a deprecation notice, I even
amended the RFC to say that this being elevated to a TypeError will have
to be decided after the impact of the deprecation notices become clear,
not now. My goal is not necessarily to be as strict as possible but
rather point out to developers where something might be going wrong.

I'd say that for this RFC to be acceptable it would need to apply to
all implicit type coercions to boolean. However, the BC-break that
would cause and the fall-out of this for non-greenfields codebases is
just too huge, which, to me, makes this RFC a very strong no-no.

I will amend the RFC to show how typed booleans already have their own
type coercions that are not the same as the truthiness checks in if or
similar expressions - thanks for pointing that out and showing that
there is some confusion there that might benefit from a clearer
explanation. Changing how truthiness is evaluated in PHP makes no sense
to me though, and I don't think such a drastic step is necessary to get
a lot of benefits.

If you have further feedback, I would be happy to hear it. So far I have
not gotten much feedback, and most of it was going towards being
positive, so being able to get to know the other perspective would help
to address it in the RFC and improve it overall.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [Discussion] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-05-17 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 17.05.22 11:18, Jordi Boggiano wrote:

Thanks for the RFC. I think it's overall a good idea, especially for
cases like "false" => true, and arguably for ints >1/<0, but my gut
feeling is the string=>bool deprecation will lead to a lot of pain.

I definitely see this being done in many places where you expect any
string value to be true and an empty string to be false (without
consideration for the "false" case which is more common in config
style use cases).

I don't know what you could do to improve this without making the RFC
useless though. I wish these things could be tried out in alpha or
even up to early RC builds so we could hopefully get community
feedback in before deciding whether it's worth the pain inflicted or not.

For what its worth, I already found some bugs in the php-src tests where
a function definition was probably changed at some point and a string
was passed to a bool argument which was obviously not intended, or where
a weird value was used for a boolean argument without any apparent
reason. These are the type of unintended coercions I am trying to bring
to light with the RFC.

Using any string as true is also already a bit dangerous: "0" is a
special case string that results to false, which adds a big wrinkle to
the assumption "non-empty string is true".

My main arguments why I think this will not lead to too much unnecessary

 * Each individual case is easy to fix, the easiest (but also least
   useful) would be to loosly compare a value to true ($value == true)
   instead of directly giving the value to a typed bool
 * bool arguments for internal functions are usually optional, less
   numerous and are much more likely to be set by a constant expression
   than a variable
 * deprecation notices are easy to ignore, and the "disadvantage" of
   the high number of deprecation notices with 8.0 and 8.1 should be
   that most tooling and codebases have gotten more used to dealing
   with them without too much panic

I also added these points to the RFC, because I think there is some
resentment built up for deprecation notices by now, which I can understand.

Re: [PHP-DEV] [Discussion] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-05-16 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 16.05.22 18:24, Guilliam Xavier wrote:

Thanks! Am I right that it only affects *type declarations*, and the
"Unaffected PHP Functionality" section could also mention implicit
boolean evaluation in `if`, ternary conditional (?:) and logical
operators (!, &&, ||, and, or, xor)?

Yes, that is correct and I just added a note about that in the RFC -
thanks for the suggestion! I also added a part about how to avoid the
deprecation notice, which should also make it clearer / add some context.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [Discussion] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-05-16 Thread Andreas Leathley

Hello Kamil,

I suspect this is very different depending on the codebase. My main
reason for introducing this deprecation notice is to start highlighting
possible problems in codebases where nobody even suspected them before.
In one application recently I actually had the string "false" (coming
from a form transmission) being passed to a boolean argument and leading
to true, which definitely was unintended.

I have tried coming up with reasons why these deprecation notices could
be harmful or unnecessary, but I think anytime they occur there is a
legitimate reason to check the code (and make it more explicit). If an
integer 5 is passed to a boolean type, how is that not suspicious? Yet I
do think this is a deprecation notice that will be far less common than
some in recent history (like "non-integer-compatible float to int
conversions" or "passing null to non-nullable parameters of built-in
functions"), because there are far less boolean parameters in the
built-in functions of PHP compared to string/int, and I'd wager bool is
also less used in codebases compared to string/int/float.

If you or anybody else has a recommendation on how to measure how this
would affect codebases and what information in that regard would be
useful, I am open to look into that more. The impact should be rather
low in general because it is only a deprecation notice, and I think a
lot of codebases are getting used to dealing with deprecations more with
the last two PHP versions.

Best regards,


On 16.05.22 17:19, Kamil Tekiela wrote:

Hi Andreas,

Has any case study been done already about how it will affect existing


[PHP-DEV] [Discussion] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-05-16 Thread Andreas Leathley

Hello Internals,

After the first discussion about this topic
( I have created a preliminary
implementation and an RFC for making implicit boolean type coercions
more strict:

With this email I'm starting the two week discussion period. I welcome
any feedback on it and hope to further iron out the implementation if
needed. I mainly chose the route of introducing a deprecation notice
because it is in line with other RFCs that have similar goals (like the
Deprecate implicit non-integer-compatible float to int conversions RFC),
and it is fairly non-intrusive.

Best regards,


[PHP-DEV] Request for wiki karma

2022-05-16 Thread Andreas Leathley

Hello Internals,

I would like to request wiki edit privileges to prepare an RFC for
Stricter implicit boolean coercions, where I started a discussion
recently and am currently finalizing an preliminary implementation.

Username: iquito


Best regards,

Andreas Leathley

Re: [PHP-DEV] The future of objects and operators

2022-05-08 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 07.05.22 22:59, Jordan LeDoux wrote:

I like the way you organized the different levels of support within the
feature, it's a good organizational structure for thinking about the
feature-set. Given the feedback though, I found myself a little concerned
that if I created a Level 1 proposal, it's very possible that the people in
groups 1 and 3 above might vote for it. However, in doing so it's also very
possible that all the use-cases those voters care about would then be
covered, and many would then block anything which helps use-cases they do
not commonly use. In essence, the particular feedback I received made me
concerned that passing a Level 1 RFC would basically guarantee that Level
2+ would never happen until the voter base itself was significantly changed.

Creating "smaller steps" (within a certain feature set) seems to have
been the more successful route for PHP RFCs and not necessarily slowed
down further enhancements, in my estimation. The more one single RFC is
about, the more there is to possibly dislike. It is also easier to
reason about less changes at any one point in time and make a more
compelling case for the changes. So I think your overall goal of more
feature-complete operator overloading remains viable even if you start
"small" with a level 1 proposal.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecated partially supported callables: should is_callable() throw a deprecation notice ?

2022-05-02 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 02.05.22 13:56, Alexandru Pătrănescu wrote:

The point is that this is not an usual deprecation, something that will
change to an error in the future.
In the end, it's just a change in behavior with no error before or after.
It does not fit the "deprecation".

As I dealt with several PHP upgrades, and I'm still going to deal with them
in the future, I proposed an idea at some point on the mailing list:
To find a way to "flag" a behavior change.
The problem is that it should be something outside E_ALL, or to be able to
handle it in a totally different way than setting an error handler for it.
Something that can be used when preparing for an PHP upgrade, something
register_version_change_handler(callable $callback, $toPhpVersion)
While preparing for a future runtime version, it would be deployed to
production and would record behavioral changes in a logging system.
These changes need to be manually reviewed, of course, as a change can be
to return false instead of null and if that value would be used further in
an if.
When using in a library maybe there could be some token like @@@ to not
trigger the handler.

To me, adding another error/change handler system seems like a bad way
of dealing with this, not to mention that you need to introduce this
behavior in a PHP version first before anyone can then use it, so it
would be years before this could be useful, and even more years until
there would be established patterns and enough knowledge around it.
Using the existing way of notices, warnings and errors seems just as
good to me, and people have been handling those for many years. Any new
way of dealing with this should have a very high bar to clear and would
need to prove a huge gain in value.

To me this does fit the definition of a deprecation - behavior for the
given code will change intentionally in a future version, and you are
warning about that future change. But one could also emit a notice, or a
warning. The advantage of deprecation notices is that many tools ignore
those specifically, as they are something to look at, but not
necessarily right at this moment. Being more lenient in certain
situations with deprecation notices is therefore a good pattern for
easier adoption of new versions. I have included that behavior in my own
applications, by logging deprecations separately - I will check them out
once in a while, but they do not need immediate attention. Any other PHP
notice or warning would warrant immediate attention, as it would be

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-04-27 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 26.04.22 16:36, Rowan Tommins wrote:

On 26/04/2022 14:53, Andreas Leathley wrote:

'on' is only true by "accident" though, because it is a non-empty
string, not because of its meaning, and then it is likely that the value
'off' could also be added at some point - which also would be true.

The reason I gave that particular example is that it's the default
submission value for an HTML checkbox when checked; if it's not
checked, it has no value at all (not even an empty string), so in that
particular context there is no corresponding "off".

Interesting, I didn't know the default value of a checkbox is "on" if no
value is specified. That might make it another sensible value to accept
for implicit bool conversion, even though I am not sure how many
checkboxes are used without setting an explicit value, but it could be
considered an established value, especially with how commonplace HTML
forms and checkboxes are in PHP applications.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-04-26 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 26.04.22 15:27, Rowan Tommins wrote:

I was actually thinking about this the other day, in the context of
adding new cast functions which reject more values than our current
explicit casts.

This is also something I am interested in - having functions which do
the same as implicit type casts, so something like
"coerce_to_int('hello')" would lead to a TypeError like it would when
passing it to an int parameter, and maybe
"is_coerceable_to_int('hello')" which would return false, so it would be
possible to check values the same way as PHP does internally. The
current explicit cast functions are quite heavy-handed and not great for
every situation - when parsing a CSV or getting data from a database I
would rather coerce values where an error could occur if it doesn't make
sense than to explicitely cast and not even notice if the value made no
sense at all.

When I started thinking about booleans, it was much harder to define
what makes sense. I've certainly seen new programmers confused that
(bool)'false' is true, and having it error would usually be more
helpful; but (bool)'on' being true is useful when dealing with HTML
forms, for instance.

'on' is only true by "accident" though, because it is a non-empty
string, not because of its meaning, and then it is likely that the value
'off' could also be added at some point - which also would be true. One
of the big reasons of starting this discussion is because of HTML forms,
as that is where people might add values and not know what that leads to
in PHP. At these application boundaries it would be helpful to get a
clear message what value was converted to true (but might have lost
information by doing that) and what other value to use which is
considered more clear.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-04-26 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 26.04.22 14:47, Christian Schneider wrote:

There are two big reasons:
- BC: Checking for the truthiness of a value is very common and would require a 
lot of code changes.
- Some of us like the conciseness of "if ($foo) ...", see below

That would not be my target - in an if expression a lot more values are
allowed anyway (arrays, objects, etc.), so this is not about determining
truthiness, but actual conversions to a bool type, like a bool
parameter, a bool return type or a bool property type. The inspiration
for this is the "Deprecate implicit non-integer compatible float to int
conversions" (,
minus the mathematical expressions that were considered there. It is
about avoiding probably-unintended values being coerced to boolean and
therefore losing information / adding unnoticed bugs to a codebase.

I'm definitely against adding more special cases like 'false'.
Side-note: Removing something like '0' => false is also a BC break, not just 
adding 'false'.

I am not suggesting removing the coercion from the string '0' to false
or changing anything about that.

One of the big issues I have with this (as well as undefined variables
not being allowed in if ($foo)) is that the replacement constructs are
if ($foo)  =>. if (!empty($foo))

For me this is quite a regression in readability but then again that's a matter 
of taste.
And would !empty($foo) even work in your world or how would empty() be defined?

empty is also not something I would consider covering, as there you also
do not need a conversion to a bool type.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-04-26 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 26.04.22 12:02, Mark Randall wrote:

On 26/04/2022 10:54, Andreas Leathley wrote:

Any non-empty string (except "0") is converted to true and any non-zero
integer or float is converted to true.

If we could get rid of "0" being false, that alone would be a huge
benefit for the language in the long run.

I know why it exists, but I don't think it should. In fact it never
should have existed in the first place.

For me, highlighting all the places where a possibly unintended
conversion to true is happening would make "0" a lot less bad. "0.0"
being silently true while "0" and 0.0 is false seems a bit awkward.

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[PHP-DEV] Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-04-26 Thread Andreas Leathley

Hello Internals,

Implicit type coercions (when not using strict_types) have become
increasingly less lossy/surprising in PHP, especially coercions to
integer and float, where you get a TypeError if you pass a non-numeric
string to an integer parameter, and a deprecation notice if you pass a
float(-string) with a fractional part to an integer parameter. The big
exception so far is coercions to boolean, where you can provide any
scalar value and never get an error or a notice.

Any non-empty string (except "0") is converted to true and any non-zero
integer or float is converted to true. From my perspective this can
easily lead to hidden bugs, for example when passing the wrong variable
to a boolean argument or boolean property. Passing a string like "hello"
as a boolean is probably a bug, just like passing the number 854 or the
float 0.1 . "on" and "off" and "true" and "false" all lead to a boolean
true, as examples of strings that could be used in applications and
might not all be meant as a value of true.

I have not found any past proposals or discussions to change boolean
coercions, so I would like to find out how the thoughts on internals are
to change this, or if there are any reasons not to change this that I
have not thought of. Only allowing the following values would make sense
from my perspective:

'1' => true
1 => true
1.0 => true
'' => false
'0' => false
0 => false
0.0 => false

I can also see a case for allowing the strings 'true' and 'false', and
changing 'false' to be coerced to false, but that would be a BC break. I
am not sure if that is worthwhile.

Anything else would emit either a notice or a warning as a first step
(to be determined). My main goal would be to make these
probably-not-boolean usages more visible in codebases. Depending on the
feedback here I would create an RFC and try to do an implementation (to
then discuss it in more detail), so as of now this is mostly about
getting some basic feedback on such a change, and if someone else has
had any similar thoughts/plans.

Thanks for any feedback!

Andreas Leathley

Re: [PHP-DEV] NULL Coercion Consistency

2022-04-21 Thread Andreas Leathley

There is another 3.5 years until PHP 9 is likely to come out, which is a

lot of time for people to adjust their codebase. I could even see an
argument for not promoting it to a fatal error in 9.0 if so many people
need more time.

If it's deprecated, that is an intent to break... and if no other solutions
present themselves, and the vote for this RFC fails... why would it be
delayed? It will then be clear the Internals developers want this (they
would have made an informed choice, and put their name to it).

A deprecation notice is fairly harmless. If in two years many projects
and many developers say that they need more time to fix these
deprecations and promoting them to errors would cause a lot of problems,
then it would be easy to prolong the period where it is only a
deprecation with a small RFC. By then more people will know if they are
impacted, many frameworks will have updated, and there will be a clearer
picture if this is such a big deal or not. Right now this is not clear -
I doubt most projects are using PHP 8.1, not even all
frameworks/libraries are compatible to PHP 8.1.

Are you going to suggest any improvements? what have I missed? I'm trying
to keep it short, because I know long RFC's can be a problem.

An RFC should cover the discussions held on this mailing list. From the
RFC howto:

"Update your RFC to document all the issues and discussions. Cover both
the positive and negative arguments."

Do you honestly believe you have done that? I have tried to discuss some
counterpoints and alternatives to your proposal, but none are mentioned
in the RFC. I also don't see the discussion points of other people in
the RFC. None of the alternatives to your proposal are mentioned in the
RFC - like changing the internal functions to accept null instead. There
have been quite a few suggestions and arguments made so far, and I don't
see them in the RFC.

I have discussed RFCs with a few people on this mailing list, sometimes
with very different opinions about a topic, and not always was there a
resolution to the topic at hand. Yet the discussions with you have been
the most frustrating so far, because you say you are open to arguments
and proposals, yet you do not seem to consider them at all - yet you
really seem to believe you are totally open-minded. I have been
impressed by a few people on this mailing list who I disagreed with
wholeheartedly, because I noticed with how much care they tried to relay
disagreeing arguments and other proposals in the RFC and how balanced
the RFCs were at the end. Your RFC seems totally incomplete to me and
mainly based on your made-up opinion. But at this point I don't think I
will get through to you in any way, which is why I will step out of this
conversation. If the RFC comes to a vote in the current conditions
though I will raise an objection that it does not represent the
discussions held on this mailing list and should be disregarded because
of that.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] NULL Coercion Consistency

2022-04-20 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 14.04.22 14:14, Craig Francis wrote:

Yep, I agree with everything you have said there, and it's what George
seems to be working towards (which I also agree with):

Yet your RFC goes exactly against the quoted document by making the
differences between strict_types larger.

I also cannot explain why NULL should be rejected, other than for those
developers who see NULL as an invalid value and also use
`strict_types=1`... as in, when a team of developers spends a few hundred
hours adding strval() everywhere, what does that actually achieve? what do
they tell the client? does it make the code easier to read? does it avoid
any bugs? or is it only for 8.1 compatibility?

I don't get why you would add strval everywhere. Why are you getting
null everywhere? In most of the examples in your RFC "null" is
specifically chosen as a default value and could easily be an empty
string (why do something like "$_POST['value'] ?? null" if you actually
want an empty string?). For the framework examples, the second argument
of these functions is the default value - it does not have to be null.
And "filter_input" I have not seen in a codebase yet, probably because
of its weird double function as retrieving an input variable and also
filtering it, with both null, false and the result as a possible return

The few cases where I encountered the deprecation notice it was always a
mistake and easy to fix, and I was glad that was pointed out to me.
There is another 3.5 years until PHP 9 is likely to come out, which is a
lot of time for people to adjust their codebase. I could even see an
argument for not promoting it to a fatal error in 9.0 if so many people
need more time. Removing the deprecation and changing fundamental
aspects about the type system in PHP by auto-coercing null just so
people do not need to update their codebase seems like the worst
possible way forward.

So far, your RFC does not mention the arguments made against your
proposed changes in an understandable way. George Peter Banyard wrote
some extensive arguments and you have only included one sentence without
any of his arguments and try to refute it in the very next sentence as
not really an argument, and it was mentioned by him that coercing null
in other languages like Java has lead to problems. Comparisons to other
languages could be helpful, as NULL is not just a value in PHP - NULL in
MySQL for example also cannot be coerced and is its own distinct value
(it even has its own syntax for comparisons).

I am still bothered by the language of the RFC in general where you
often write things like ".. it hasn't been the case for everyone else",
"most developers are not in a position" and so on. Assuming you know
what everyone is doing and how everyone is doing it in an RFC does not
seem constructive. All the numbers you cite are also circumstantial and
not about the supposed problem discussed in the RFC - for example, you
assume people not using static analysis are in favor of your RFC, even
though this is pure speculation. Compared to all the other RFCs in the
last 3 years I read through I don't only disagree with this RFC, I also
think it is not very well reasoned about and does not convey the
discussions that were held about the topic on this mailing list. It
mainly contains your opinion, which seems insufficient for an RFC.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] NULL Coercion Consistency

2022-04-14 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 14.04.22 10:10, Craig Francis wrote:

My intro says "Roughly 85% scripts do not use strict_types=1", and "Roughly
33% of developers use static analysis" (source of numbers noted in my
RFC)... while that does not guarantee anything, it's a fairly good
indication that most developers do not care about types (in regards to
coercion), or specifically, how you "see null as a real type".

As an aside, I would like to include more stats (maybe WordPress install
numbers?), but I couldn't think of any which were easy to source (ref
reliability), or be that useful to the discussion.

I have never used strict_types in any code I have ever written, and I
care about types and type coercions. Yet I do not like the strict_types
distinction and I am glad that I do not need to use it, and I think we
are not that far away from even reconciling these two systems. I do not
mind that the string "5" can be passed to an int parameter, while
passing the string "hello" will throw a type exception no matter what
mode you use. With some adjustments to certain coercions the advantage
of strict_types would be even more neglible - as you can pass "hello" to
a boolean parameter without problems currently, and I don't like that.

Looking at usage numbers and assuming that supports your point seems
like a big leap to me. You are assuming these developers are making a
choice while it seems quite possible that a lot of code has been written
without thinking about all the implications, which is where so many bugs
are coming from. In the last months reviewing code I noticed quite a few
developers are copy-pasting code like crazy, or using generated code
from other tools - both of which are often not well reasoned about. So
this has little to do with developers not caring about methods of type
coercions and more about the language permitting such code, leading to
many follow-up problems.

Also, this "problem" only affects the internal functions, yet you want
to change it for all functions. If you use a framework and pass a value
to a method of that framework, it would already have created a type
error with null and a non-nullable argument for quite some time. I think
you are making this out to be a bigger problem than it is. Sure, in a
codebase with lots of custom code where no incoming variable is checked
if it even exists there will be problems, but even then it is easily
fixable. In a codebase based on a common framework it is much less of a
problem, as you will probably be using lots of framework components and
not mainly internal functions, and there you already have the
"limitation" of not being able to pass null to a non-nullable method.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] NULL Coercion Consistency

2022-04-13 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 13.04.22 15:36, Craig Francis wrote:

On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 20:08, Andreas Leathley  wrote:

You are taking parts of the documentation out of context, and omitting
the start of the whole "Converting to string" section:

"A value can be converted to a string using the (string) cast or the
strval() function. String conversion is automatically done in the
of an expression where a string is needed. This happens when using the
echo or print functions, or when a variable is compared to a
string. The
sections on Types and Type Juggling will make the following clearer."

I'm sorry, I've read this several times now, and I'm not sure what
this adds. My RFC simply quotes the paragraphs that explain how null
is coerced (other than the small abbreviation for booleans, those
paragraphs are included in their entirety), I don't think it needs any
more context than that, it's not like I'm mis-representing how
coercion works (and is used) in PHP.

Mentioning the documentation as a reason to be "consistent" (which comes
up again and again in your arguments with this RFC) just seems like a
bogus reason to me. It is nitpicking about specific sentences in the
documentation without refering to the surrounding context. It would be
nicer to argue according to real technical arguments instead of
arguments about sentences taken out of context in the documentation.

You can see NULL however you like, but most developers do not share
that view. NULL has been passed to these functions, since, well,
forever; and changing code to manually convert NULL to the relevant
type is incredibly time consuming, and of questionable value (e.g.
when developers simply add strval() everywhere).

"Most developers do not share that view". I find statements such as
these as a tall order - did you interview the majority of developers
around the world? Are you suggesting you are talking as a representative
of a large population of PHP developers? How do you think you got such a
role? I would prefer some humility and not assume you are an elected
leader of an underrepresented group of developers and even knowing the
intention behind their code.

"NULL has been passed to these functions, since, well, forever" - this
also goes for wrong values being passed to functions since forever
leading to security issues and bugs. That is the whole point of
developing a language: Reducing the surface for bugs, improving parts of
it where a lot of bugs have happened historically and not making the
same mistakes as other languages (and learning from the good parts of
other languages). More people writing code in a certain way does not
make that code better or safer.

Re: [PHP-DEV] NULL Coercion Consistency

2022-04-11 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 11.04.22 20:22, Craig Francis wrote:

Just take NULL to String coercion as an example, the documentation
and simply says “null is always converted to an empty string”, this needs
to be updated to end with "... except when being passed to a function, in
which case NULL will result in a Type Error" (I think that's "broken and

You are taking parts of the documentation out of context, and omitting
the start of the whole "Converting to string" section:

"A value can be converted to a string using the (string) cast or the
strval() function. String conversion is automatically done in the scope
of an expression where a string is needed. This happens when using the
echo or print functions, or when a variable is compared to a string. The
sections on Types and Type Juggling will make the following clearer."

In the same section it is also defined how resources and arrays get
converted to strings. Following your argument, you should be able to
pass arrays and resources to a string parameter because there is a clear
definition in the documentation of what then happens.

I unfortunately really don't like the direction of your RFC, because I
see null as a real type and because it increases the divide between
strict_types and not using strict_types. I have never used strict_types
- in modern PHP code I find it unnecessary, if you use parameter,
property and return types. I am glad PHP has decreased the difference
between using strict_types or not, so your direction of trying to
increase the difference seems like the wrong way to go. Ideally I would
rather want to see a future where strict_types can be removed/reconciled.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allowing NULL for some internal functions

2022-03-02 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 02.03.22 16:00, Craig Francis wrote:

I'll note that converting from NULL is used all the time, and is well
"null is always converted to an empty string."
"null is always converted to zero (0)."
"For values of other types, the conversion is performed by converting
the value to int first and then to float"
"When converting to bool, the following values are considered false
[...] the special type NULL"

This is the behavior for explicit type casting (strval) and the implicit
casting when using a variable in a string context, like echo or print.
This is basically just a base necessity - for example an array is
converted to "Array". All information about the array is lost, except
that the string is now called "Array". So would you say something like
htmlentities should also accept array values and automatically convert
it to the string "Array"? It is used all the time with echo and print,
and it is well defined, yet it is still not a good idea. For strval and
for echo it makes sense to convert an array to "Array" (barely, to end
up with a somewhat useable string), but for parameter types it does not
make sense. The same goes, in my opinion, for null.

It really depends on your code base... Laravel, Symfony, CakePHP,
CodeIgniter (the frameworks I'm familiar with) all return NULL for
missing GET/POST/COOKIE values, and that is a useful feature... but
when the developer naively passes that to any one of those listed
parameters, you will get a deprecation message in 8.1, and a Type
Error in the future... and finding all of these is incredibly hard.

These frameworks change their types and signatures quite often - much
more than PHP ever does. One Symfony project of mine that is now 7 years
old has had crazy changes, both in types, signatures, directory
structure, etc., yet people adapted and the changes were for the better.
Compared to the changes produced by frameworks this deprecation about
string values and null seems much smaller to me. And I do think it is
important that coercions in the language become less frequent rather
than more frequent, also because the language does have a certain "role
model" effect. From 7.0 until 8.1 it was a legacy effect that converted
null to an empty string, and only for internal functions, but with your
proposal it would be an intentional decision to start treating null and
scalar types more interchangeably.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allowing NULL for some internal functions

2022-03-02 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 02.03.22 15:27, Craig Francis wrote:

On Wed, 2 Mar 2022 at 14:17, Larry Garfield  wrote:

Null is not an empty string.  Null is not a string.  Null is not 0.  Null
is not an integer.

So what should this do?

$name = ($_POST['name'] ?? NULL);

var_dump($name == '');

Is that now going to be false?

Comparisons with == are quite worthless, except when comparing objects,
as == has so many caveats for when it returns true because of weird
rules about what should be considered equal or not for legacy reasons. I
don't think I have used == in the last 5 years, and life has gotten so
much better because of it.

Why not write:

$name = ($_POST['name'] ?? '');

Then you know 100% that $name does not contain null. It might not be a
string, but it cannot be null. You can still not safely pass it to
something like htmlentities or str_starts_with, because $name could be
an array. And I think that is the reason why the current deprecation and
eventual removal makes sense - it highlights missing logic that can
easily lead to errors. If the problem is not null, then it might be that
you have another unexpected type like an array, because the value was
not properly checked. Putting strval around such code (as one
possibility to resolve it) at least improves the code, in that we then
have a clear type for the variable, removing some room for errors and bugs.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allowing NULL for some internal functions

2022-03-02 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 02.03.22 15:00, Craig Francis wrote:

On Wed, 2 Mar 2022 at 12:26, Dik Takken  wrote:

So, to get this crystal clear, this is my understanding of what you are
proposing for passing null to a non-nullable function parameter
(hopefully my ASCII art will come through ok):

which | strict_types  | PHP 8.0| PHP 8.1| PHP 9
user  | 1 | TypeError  | TypeError  | TypeError
internal  | 1 | TypeError  | TypeError  | TypeError
user  | 0 | TypeError  | TypeError  | coerced
internal  | 0 | coerced| Deprecated | coerced

Is this correct?

Yes, that's correct... although I'd be doing this for 8.2, to avoid
TypeError exceptions being introduced for non `strict_types` scripts in 9.0.

This is based on the feedback from the quiz and here; so type coercion from
NULL would continue to work, like coercion from the other variable types

Type coercion already often does not work - giving the string "s" to an
integer-typed argument will lead to a TypeError, it will not be coerced.
I would prefer less coercions rather than more. That you can give a
bool-typed argument "s" and it will be coerced to true seems quite bad
to me, for example.

I am someone who never uses strict_types although I use types everywhere
in my code - accepting the string "1" for an integer type seems fine to
me, especially because with HTTP requests you always get strings, and
often you also get strings from other external sources, like CSV,
databases, etc. So type coercion from strings to a certain degree seems
reasonable to me (although even there I am using more and more explicit
casts), but having to coerce null seems always avoidable to me, and null
is a special value explicitely. In my data null and an empty string
sometimes are two possible values, and automatic conversion seems like a
value judgement by the language that they are kind of similar, which
they should not be.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Setting to disable the "Undefined array index" warning

2022-02-15 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 15.02.22 13:31, Nicolas BADIA wrote:

As it is explained in this ticket we use 
to check if a property exists by accessing it directly like we do in JavaScript.

Personally, I subscribe to this coding style and we use it all over our 
codebase (more than 130 000 lines of PHP code). When it became a notice, we 
disabled them, but now that it is a warning, it is a lot more problematic for 
us… We can’t even use the last version of PHP Debug for VSCode.

The problem with your way of writing code is that it is ambiguous in
meaning, which is why this is a warning. You are not checking if a key
in an array exists, you are checking if an array value is "false-y". If
the value is an empty string, it is also interpreted as false, if it is
null, it is also interpreted as false, if it is an integer of value zero
it is also interpreted as false, if it is the string "0" it is also
interpreted as false.

When you write code as you do, it is easy to introduce subtle errors
because of these implicit casts. If you want to check if an array key is
defined, you should do it explicitly - this is not about a "coding
style", this is about writing the code in a way that actually does what
you intend it to do without it meaning multiple things of which some are
probably not expected. If you just want a quick fix without solving the
underlying problem, you can just add "?? null" to each array key access.

If you want to upgrade/improve your code base, which is a worthwhile
task, I would suggest the use of a static analyzer (like Psalm or
PHPStan) to find out where your code is ambigious. I have found many
undetected errors that way, where implicit casts have lead to unexpected
outcomes, which is why I am very much in favor of these warnings for
undefined array keys.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] User Defined Operator Overloads

2022-01-05 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 05.01.22 10:42, Jordan LeDoux wrote:

I suppose the alternative would be to withdraw the RFC
now that a wider variety of voters are providing feedback than the other
three threads.

I would let the vote go on, as there are still many voters who have not
voted on this yet, giving the proposal more exposure and also giving you
a more complete feedback about the outcome. And if this RFC has less
voters in total when it ends than other RFCs, that could also be good to
know. There have been quite a few big PHP features which failed in the
first attempt, but then easily passed in a later attempt after more
discussions and changes.

Also, your hint about the operator keyword decision and on what that is
based on might offer more avenues to change some minds - personally, I
would be interested to read a blog article about this (even if it is
quite lengthy, and even though I don't have a vote and am not designing
languages), and linking that in an RFC could then be some helpful
background for some people, even if not everyone reads it. And such an
article might be interesting to people outside of PHP.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] User Defined Operator Overloads

2022-01-03 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 03.01.22 17:12, Larry Garfield wrote:

Also, people keep talking about edge cases. In my experience, "are
these two objects equal" (for some object-specific definition of
equal) is very much *not* an edge case. I may have less use for
overloading % as I don't use advanced math that much, but I compare
things all the frickin' time and that would be incredibly useful day
to day.

Maybe some of the resistance against this RFC is the (understandable)
focus on mathematical (or mathematical-adjacent) operations, making it
seem that the "real" use-cases are narrow, whereas comparing objects
could make quite a bit of code more readable, like comparing addresses,
prices, availability or location/position. Having regular methods for
operators is possible, but when used a lot the readability does start to

The difficulty in arguing for operator overloading might be that the use
cases are specific to a codebase and mainly become apparent once it is
available (currently you just work around it). I do think it is a
reasonable tool to make some code vastly more readable, and I don't see
"novices" using operators a lot - PHP has many simpler features to abuse
that can make code absolutely terrible.

The RFC is really well thought out and reasoned, by the way - great work

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allowing NULL for some internal functions

2022-01-02 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 02.01.22 00:17, Craig Francis wrote:

I've spent a few days coming up with a short(ish) list of parameters that
are likely to receive `NULL`.

The focus is on making it easier for developers to upgrade to newer
versions of PHP. I'm thinking of the typical developer, probably using
WordPress, isn't using Psalm (at levels 1 to 3, with no baseline), and
isn't using `strict_types`; where they don't really have the time to add
strval() to everything that could be NULL.

I don't think the current deprecation notices are a real hindrance in
upgrading to a newer PHP version - there have been many such changes
which require possibly many small adaptions in code in the past, like
making undefined array keys a warning in PHP 8.0 (which seems a lot more
radical than adding the current deprecation notices). Singling out this
specific deprecation/change as impactful seems a bit overblown.

I also feel like such an un-deprecation would be premature. PHP 8.1 has
only just come out, the road until PHP 9.0 is still quite long, and
deprecation notices can easily be ignored for now, for those who do not
want to change their code right away. If in a year or two this is a big
problem in real code, then there would at least be a basis for changing
it, but I suspect most codebases will see more benefit in handling their
types more properly than if the language "sometimes" automatically
converts null to an empty string without complaining about it.

I did have some occurances of this deprecation notice in my applications
when upgrading to 8.1, and each time it was clearly a bug or oversight.
Removing the deprecation notices would also remove those insights into
possibly unreliable code.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Migrating to GitHub issues

2021-11-15 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 15.11.21 10:47, Derick Rethans wrote:

GitHub is a proprietary platform, where unlike with the code
repositories, the interactions and issues are not easy to migrate out of
again. It is also now owned by MSFT, and although they are making
friendly noises towards Open Source, I remain largely skeptical (with as
a hint, the stuff they're pulling with AI code completion).

All open-source projects I know and use in relation to PHP development
are on Github (like Composer and Symfony, to just name two big ones),
which in my opinion makes Github an ideal platform for the PHP project
itself, as the barrier of entry is lowered.

This also has the advantage that if Github "becomes evil" (or just gets
worse) for whatever reasons, the PHP project will just be one of many
open-source projects which needs to move to a new place. This gives this
solution a safety in numbers and will probably make it easier to move
rather than harder.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate dynamic properties

2021-08-25 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 25.08.21 12:45, Rowan Tommins wrote:

* Adding a parent to an existing class isn't always possible, if it
already inherits from something else. Perhaps the behaviour could also
be available as a trait, which defined stub __get and __set methods,
allowing for the replacement of the internal implementation as you've

Couldn't this be easily done in userland with the ArrayLikeObject (an
example in the RFC) or something similar, just done as a trait? Maybe
having an example trait implementation that basically "imitates"
stdClass in terms of dynamic properties would be helpful to show in the
RFC, to highlight a possible resolution path for legacy code with this
problem. This could be an example implementation:

trait DynamicPropertiesTrait
    private array $dynamicProperties = [];
    public function &__get(string $name): mixed { return
$this->dynamicProperties[$name]; }
    public function __isset(string $name): bool { return
isset($this->dynamicProperties[$name]); }
    public function __set(string $name, mixed $value): void {
$this->dynamicProperties[$name] = $value; }
    public function __unset(string $name): void {
unset($this->dynamicProperties[$name]); }

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Nullable intersection types

2021-07-27 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 23.07.21 11:58, Nicolas Grekas wrote:

Hi everyone,

as proposed by Nikita and Joe, I'm submitting this late RFC for your
consideration for inclusion in PHP 8.1. Intersection types as currently
accepted are not nullable. This RFC proposes to make them so.

I wrote everything down about the reasons why here:

Please have a look and let me know what you think.

I would suggest to only offer a vote on (A&B)|null being allowed - not
because I personally believe in that option, but because there seems to
be a lot of tension around being forward-compatible and finding a
solution that is as "safe" as possible. I fear if there are multiple
syntax options, the rate of no-votes will just be higher, and the RFC
will have no chance.

From a userland POV I do not think it matters much if for now it is
(A&B)|null or A&B|null - the point should be that nullability is
possible and can be defined in code. If extra brackets seems to be more
future-proof, then why not. Having one clear RFC voting option (with no
secondary syntax voting option) also seems the most honest, as if
somebody agrees that nullability would be useful but would only accept
one syntax choice, that seems impossible to represent, necessitating a
no vote on the whole RFC.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] intersection types and null for defaults, properties and return types

2021-07-19 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 19.07.21 11:21, azjezz wrote:

however, when `T` is an intersection between `X` and `T` ( `X&Y` ), `X&Y $x = null` becomes 
`null|X&Y $x = null`, which is a combination between union and intersection types, however, as 
the RFC stats, currently combination between union and intersection types is not support ( hence 
"pure" ).

for this to be allowed, PHP would need to support combining union and intersection 
types, preferable using parenthesis ( `X|(Y&Z) $x = null` or `(X&Y)|Z $x = 
null` ).

Supporting a syntax like ?A&B could just be a special case just like ?A
was in the past, before actual union types existed. I can see how full
support for union types and intersection types can get complicated (and
may never make it into PHP, or need quite some time until it does), but
pure intersection types that can be nullable seems like a relatively
simple special case which would be very helpful in code, because you
could have optional intersection types in arguments/properties, which is
otherwise not possible (and one would have to fall back once again to
annotations and less type safety).

Nullable intersection types also do not touch upon the main problems of
mixing union types and intersection types, namely in reflection, where
it would just lead to "ReflectionType::allowsNull" to be true instead of
false, but not change any other logic as far as I can tell.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Readonly properties - immutability by default

2021-07-17 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 16.07.21 09:06, Nikita Popov wrote:

We cannot make properties readonly by default, because that would be a
major backwards compatibility break.

If you're going for brevity, something you can do is omit the visibility
specifier, as it is public by default. "readonly int $prop" works.

Would it be possible to adapt constructor property promotion to support
this (as far as I tell, it currently does not)? Namely:

class A {
    public function __construct(
    readonly int $id,
    ) {

According to the constructor property promotion RFC, the promotion only
happens when public, private and protected is used for an constructor
parameter. With the readonly RFC accepted, it would make sense to also
do constructor property promotion when readonly is used, to avoid the
explicit public, because readonly would also clearly define the
parameter as not-only-a-parameter.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Introduce str_left/right In 8.1

2021-06-24 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 24.06.21 13:17, Kamil Tekiela wrote:

I am against adding these functions, but for different reasons than Sara
and George.
If we add str_left and str_right then there should be a corresponding
variant in mbstring. The byte-string functions are rarely useful. Adding
these functions to mbstring unnecessarily complicates the extension for
little to no gain.
Another point is that if we decide to add them, then we will bikeshed
forever in an unresolvable manner about the name. Should it be called
str_left or strleft? Current functions don't have a naming convention, so
using either variant will be wrong.
Personally, I find substr to be more clear about the intent. I know that I
am asking for a part of the string. Whereas str_left doesn't convey an
action immediately. Without knowing its purpose I wouldn't know if it will
pad the string from the left, strip characters from left, or take the
leftmost part of the string.
Don't take it the wrong way, but I think it's a waste of time to implement
a function that doesn't even need a polyfill in the userland.

str_left / str_right also seems very unclear to me in terms of the name.
But I don't think naming new string functions in general should be
difficult - the recent string additions have all started with str_ (like
str_contains, str_starts_with) which seems more readable than any of the
non-underscore functions.

I do think the intended functions can make sense, just because I find
substr to be a bit obnoxious - with a necessary offset and an optional
length it rarely is obvious to me at a glance what the intention is, as
you can do so many different things with it, because offset and length
can be positive or negative, and then very different things happen.
These new functions are quite similar to str_contains or str_starts_with
for me, in that you don't need them, but it makes code so much more

str_left_part(string $string, int $length) would make it clear the left
part of the string is returned, and it could throw an exception if
$length is negative. With substr you might accidentally give it a
negative length, or would need to check if a length is positive or
negative (if it is in a variable) to know what is happening.

str_right_part(string $string, int $length) would make it clear the
right part of the string is returned. And if you compare substr usage to
these two functions, it might come through how different in arguments &
readability it is:

substr($string, -3);
str_right_part($string, 3);

substr($string, 0, 3);
str_left_part($string, 3);

substr($string, -6, 3);
str_left_part(str_right_part($string, 6), 3);

If you use substr all the time you might be used to it, but to me I have
to stop and think what is happening each time more than would be
necessary with dedicated functions. A function like str_contains
definitely had a bigger impact than something like str_left_part would
have, but it would still make a difference.

(By the way, str_left_part/str_right_part is just what came to mind,
could be anything as long as it conveys what it is doing clearly enough,
which probably always needs two words, not just one)

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] is_literal

2021-06-18 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 18.06.21 08:00, Craig Francis wrote:

As there’s been no issues raised with supporting integers, and doing so
will help adoption, the implementation will be updated to allow them.

Now to choose the name, with the options is_known() from Joe and
is_trusted() from Moritz:

Keep in mind it might also become a dedicated type in the future.

I think "trusted" is a good option, also if you think about adding it as
a type in the future and how it reads for somebody looking through code.
Something like

public function process(string&trusted $input): string&trusted;

Would be good in terms of readability and captures the meaning quite
well (although having a specific trusted string type might be more
sensible, to avoid these intersection types everywhere). "trusted" could
be used in a similar way like the "pure" annotations in Psalm/PHPStan
(just for a different meaning of course): to signify where non-trusted
variables should be reported and could even be used for whole objects to
signify they should only ever get and return trusted variables.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Consensus Gathering: is_initialized

2021-05-27 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 27.05.21 16:43, Rowan Tommins wrote:

isset in this case is abused to check for uninitialized, hiding the
actual intent

On the contrary, the uninitialized state is what is being abused. If
you want to make the intent clear, use a clear flag of "needs
lazy-loading", or whatever you're actually using this magic "not null
but not really anything else either" state for.

How is "uninitialized" magic? It is a state of a class property in PHP
that is currently being exposed via reflection, and I have seen quite a
few places where it occurs - for example with setter injection in
frameworks, as an alternative to setting a property in the constructor.

I also prefer properties with default values or values defined in the
constructor, yet making it easy to check on something that already
exists in the language only seems sensible to me - and I don't see a way
of getting rid of that state anytime soon.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Consensus Gathering: is_initialized

2021-05-27 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 26.05.21 12:13, Joe Watkins wrote:

Not absolutely convinced that it's a good idea, I asked Nikita to review,
and he's unconvinced also and suggested a discussion should be started.

You can read both of our thoughts about it on the PR.

What I'm looking for now, is reasons that we are wrong - good use cases
that aren't born from code that is doing bad things ...

Equally if you think this is really bad even if the reason has already been
mentioned, please make noise.

I like it because it is very clear and takes into account the current
scope. The alternatives are more messy:

- When using "isset" on class properties, it is not obvious if you are
checking for initialized state or for null, as it does both

- When using reflection, scope does not matter (and you have to
explicitely set a property to accessible for private properties)

While it is not common that I need to check if a property is
initialized, I do think there should be a straightforward way to do it.
Setting properties through a constructor is not the only way of
initializing parts of a class - some use cases were already brought up,
like caching or lazy loading. Also, is_initialized cannot be done in
userland, as passing an unitialized property to a function already leads
to an error, so every way of checking now is a workaround that cannot be
made clearer for the reader of the code. I would prefer it if it also
worked for untyped properties, just to be consistent.

Static analyzers would also have a much easier time understanding the
code compared to now. When using isset on a non-nullable property a
static analyzer would rightfully complain that the property is not
nullable, as it assumes you are checking for null, not for uninitialized
- isset in this case is abused to check for uninitialized, hiding the
actual intent. Not sure how good static analyzers are at understanding
the reflection code, but is_initialized would make things clearer for
both humans and analyzers.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] First-class callable syntax

2021-05-21 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 20.05.21 21:35, Larry Garfield wrote:

There's been a lot of rapid iteration, experimentation, and rejection.
The most recent alternatives are this one from Levi:

And this one from me:

The main takeaways (to give context to Nikita's proposal):

* Because of optional arguments, using the same symbol for "copy one parameter from the 
underlying function" and "copy all remaining parameters from the underlying 
function" is not viable.  It runs into oddball cases where you may intend to only use one 
argument but end up using multiple, especially in array operation functions that sometimes silently 
pass keys along to callbacks if they can.  Hence the separate ? and ... that were proposed.

* Named arguments make things more complicated.  One of the questions is 
whether named placeholders should be supported or not.  And if they are, does 
that mean you can effectively reorder the arguments in the partial application, 
and what does that mean for usability.  It gets complicated and scope-creepy 

* The most important use cases are:
** "prefill nothing, just give me a callable" (which is the case Nikita's RFC 
** "reduce an arbitrary function to a single remaining argument", which lets it 
be used by various existing callback functions in the standard library (array_map, 
array_filter, etc.), many user-space APIs, and the pipes RFC that I am planning to bring 
back up once PFA is figured out (

While there are other use cases, the two of those cover the vast majority of 
uses.  (There is some dispute about which of those is larger, or will be larger 
in the future.)

It took a while to realize the first point, which basically killed "? means zero or 
more".  We also went down a rabbit hole of trying to make argument reordering work 
because some people asked for it, but as noted that's a very deep rabbit hole.

My gist above was a reduced-scope version of Levi's that uses two symbols and 
drops named placeholders.  It doesn't give us every possible combination, but 
it does give us most reasonable combinations.

Nikita's "just do the first one" RFC (this thread) was proposed at about the 
same time, and takes an even-further scope reduction.

My own take is that the PFA discussion has been overly-bikeshedded, which is unfortunate 
since I think we're quite close to now having a workable answer that covers most 
reasonable use cases.  While I agree Nikita's RFC here would be an improvement over 8.0, 
I don't think throwing in the towel on PFA yet is a good idea.  It's a much more robust 
and powerful approach that still gets us the "first class callable" syntax we 
all want (at least I assume we all do), and lots of additional power to boot.  I'd rather 
see us try to drive PFA home to completion.  If that proves impossible by early July, 
then this RFC would still get us something this cycle, as long as the syntax is still 
compatible with PFA.  (Otherwise whenever PFA gets sorted out in the future we end up 
with yet-more-ways to do the same thing that are not optimizations of each other but just 
competing syntax, in which case no one wins.)

I think Levis proposal and the two symbols ... and ? are a really good
improvement to the previous PFA RFC (Nikitas/Joes RFC is a good first
step in that direction). I do think named arguments are important, but
reordering arguments could be confusing and are not necessary (and if
named arguments are used for the PFA, it would make sense to use named
arguments for calling it too).

Another big reason for me why I like Levis proposal more is that he
still includes partially applying the new operator. Although the
semantics of the new operator are a bit different from regular
functions, it would be very handy to support this special case.
array_map is an obvious application:

$productObjects = array_map(new Product(?, ?, ?), $productIds,
$currencies, $prices);

But other usages would probably pop up, like abstracting away
dependencies of classes by pre-setting those via PFA, like:

$productFactory = new Product($dependency1, $dependency2, ...);
$productObjects = array_map($productFactory, $productIds, $currencies,

I really like this because from a users perspective this seems very
clear and readable to me, even though from the PHP language perspective
it might be more messy.

About the bikeshedding: Using "..." as a symbol does make sense to me,
as variadic unpacking/variadic arguments have a similar connotation
(referring to an unknown/arbitrary amount of elements). * was also
suggested (as in "somefunction(*)" instead of "somefunction(...)"), and
I like that too - * in regex is any amount of elements (even zero), and
? is exactly one placeholder in SQL. As many PHP developers know regex
and SQL this would make PFA code a lot easier to understand even if
someone is 

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [Draft] Final constants

2021-04-21 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 21.04.21 15:14, Christian Schneider wrote:

I never really understood the desire to restrict how people can use
your code.
If there is no good reason to override the value of a class constant people 
won't do it.
If there might be a good reason (even one you as the original designer didn't 
predict) then why not leave that door open.

While I understand the theoretical benefit of being able to specify this 
behavior I do think it is almost always counter productive and not a pattern I 
would encourage. Especially not in a dynamic language like PHP.

Such restrictions also convey information and intent. One could argue
defining a specific return type to a method is restricting its use, but
it also clarifies how something should work and avoids unintended
changes. final constants might be more niche, but it gives you a choice
on how you want a class constant to behave if child classes are
necessary and possibly done by someone else.

Having "final" for constants seems a good addition to me, especially if
the inconsistent behavior with interface constants can be solved at the
same time.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] noreturn type

2021-04-03 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 03.04.21 21:26, Peter Bowyer wrote:

This and Levi's email make compelling arguments and I would like to see
this adopted. I have changed my vote to "No".

Wasn't Levi arguing for the RFC? Introducing "never" as a bottom type is
what Levi was strongly arguing for, and that is what the RFC currently
proposes/leads to (taking into account the clear lead for "never").

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] noreturn type

2021-04-03 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 03.04.21 18:30, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:

if (is_string($value) && is_int($value)) {
// inside here $value is_type == "never"

The naming "never" here makes no sense, because from a theoretical
perspective reasoning about the type of $value it is nothing and only the
block of code is "never reached".

I suppose PHPStan and Psalm are eager to reuse the new type name for this
kind of type interference, same as TypeScript does. The name is sub
optiomal outside the context of a return type.

I read through all the Typescript and Hack explanations/examples of
"never" and "nothing", and to me "never" seems clearer, which just shows
how different opinions can be. I would not like "nothing" because it
seems so similar to "void" and "null". "This function returns nothing"
would inevitably lead to the question what that actually means. "This
function returns never" is a reasonably clear description. "This
variable at this point is never" or "This variable at this point is
nothing" are both not clear without context, although never implies this
should not happen (or cannot happen) and could be interpreted as "This
variable at this point is never anything", which in general would be
clearer to me (not being familiar with either before this proposal).

From a practical perspective, I think the proposal is about the return
type because this has a clear use case in code today. Your $value
example would lead to the Psalm/PHPStan errors of "Type does not contain
type" (Psalm) or "Result of && is always false" (PHPStan), I don't think
there currently is much use to determine a type of never in these cases.
But that might be something Matt/Ondrej can answer a lot better than me.

I initially preferred "noreturn", but now prefer "never". "noreturn" is
more self-explanatory, but "never" seems more apt and versatile, while
still being quite clear.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] noreturn type

2021-04-01 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 01.04.21 17:07, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:

I don't know, you are arguing that you forgot a return, but you also did
not forget to add a never return type. You
could easily fix this by inlining the exception instead.

if (!isset($user)) {
throw new NotFoundException();
Even when you insist on the function, it is a one liner that throws
immediately. Adding the never return type there isn't going to catch a
great many bugs.

Throwing an exception immediately is an alternative, but this only works
if that is the absolute only thing the method does, and even then it
leads to a lot of repetition (if you have many controllers) with very
specific code shared in each controller. Making the identical behavior
between controllers explicit by a shared "notFound" method seems better
coding to me, and it has the advantage of being very readable and
something you can easily recognize between different controllers - you
look it up once and know what it does. If you throw exceptions in each
controller, you might wonder if this is the exact same exception as
another one in another controller. Often you might also want to change
the behavior at some point - for example log the event before throwing
the exception, or handling notFound entirely different. noreturn/never
gives you the flexibility to refactor "throw NotFoundException();" into
a method while keeping the promise that the code flow will not continue.

Abstracting away something like a redirect, an authorization problem or
a 404 also seems an improvement to me (compared to "throw
NotFoundException();") because you write and test that logic once, and
then reuse it in different places. Like with other parts of the type
system in PHP noreturn/never just gives you stronger guarantees and more
information about what a function/method is ought to do and how it behaves.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] noreturn type

2021-04-01 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 01.04.21 10:56, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:

This RFC is using the declaration of the return type, to specify that it
never returns. As such noreturn or never is a keyword a long the lines of
public or final, but it is not a return type.

I don't think the argument for potential optimizations in Opcache to
eliminate dead code or allow IDEs to hint at dead code are valuable enough
to justify this change.

I already use @return no-return (supported by Psalm/PHPStan) in my code
now, to clarify the code flow, and for me it fits perfectly for return
types, as not returning is also a result of the function/method. Having
a return type of "int" or "string" (or even "void") seems misleading
when the method will never return anyway.

noreturn/never might not be useful in all code, but for some parts like
in a controller of a web application it makes handling redirects,
authorization or 404 errors much easier, clearer and less error-prone,
for example:

if (!isset($user)) {
  $this->notFound(); // this is a noreturn/never method

if (!$this->isGranted('adminPrivileges')) {
  $this->notAuthorized(); // this is a noreturn/never method

Adding noreturn/never on a language level would make sure calling
"$this->notAuthorized();" never continues code flow. This is often also
a security issue, as seen by an alternative way of handling the above
use cases:

if (!isset($user)) {

if (!$this->isGranted('adminPrivileges')) {

If you forget a return, suddenly you have issues. So even though
noreturn/never is a niche language feature not everyone will use, it
does address a very real use case. Using attributes has the disadvantage
of not making the intent clear:

function notAuthorized(): string
  // Some code

Now you have a return type of string, but also the information that the
function will never return anyway. That is confusing, but will be
inevitable in some cases when implementing interfaces or an abstract
class. In my opinion, the string return type is wrong in this case and
can only mislead a developer.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Auto-capture multi-line closures and shortfunctions take 2

2021-03-28 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 27.03.21 17:05, Rowan Tommins wrote:

My biggest concern with automatic capture is the potential for
*accidentally* capturing variables - that is, intending to introduce a
local variable inside the closure, but capturing a variable from the
outer scope that happens to have the same name. This is less of an
issue with capture by value, but can still mean resources not being
freed, e.g. a large array of data not being freed from memory, or an
object destructor not executing when expected.

This is more likely in PHP than many other languages, because there is
no requirement, or even an option, to explicitly declare a local
variable in the closure. It's not a new problem, but since
single-expression closures are unlikely to use many local variables,
it's probably not one that's been given lots of thought.

I do think it is great that you are thinking about how this can
negatively effect memory or performance (and things like destructors)
and if things can be improved. But do the same problems not exist when
binding the current class to an anonymous function - whenever an
anonymous function is declared in a class (no matter if by function or
fn) the whole class is bound to that function, if you don't explicitely
use "static function". That binding can encompass many variables and
other classes etc., which is common nowadays with dependency injection,
yet I have not heard much about problems surrounding this. Binding the
variables from the current scope seems like a smaller impact compared to
already binding the whole class and all its dependencies.

I would welcome any way of automatically capturing all local variables,
as this would be a big "quality-of-life" improvement similar to
constructor property promotion, to avoid a lot of boilerplate code. I
would not use it that much, but when I use it, it would be a big
improvement. Using "fn" for this seems consistent to me, and I don't
think people would always use it just because it is shorter - and IDEs
and static analyzers could detect and discourage use of "fn" if
"function" would be sufficient.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate implicit non-integer-compatible float to int conversions

2021-03-04 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 04.03.21 14:07, G. P. B. wrote:

This new version of the RFC can be found on the wiki: [2]

I like the RFC, but I think the diagnostic messages will be hard to
understand when they come up in real scripts, especially because they
can be platform-dependent and can have two different reasons, and
"non-compatible" is not self-explanatory. Giving a very specific message
would be more helpful for people experiencing these errors, something like:

 * Implicit conversion to int from float(-string) with fractional part
 * Implicit conversion to int from float(-string) which is outside of
   int range (=> maybe also mentioning the range of the platform)

(Maybe there are additional possible errors to consider, but those two
seem two obvious possibilities)

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Allow object keys in arrays

2021-01-12 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 12.01.21 17:51, Marco Pivetta wrote:

Code written to deal with `array` in a generic way will no longer work
invoked through code paths that produce object keys: this is a general
problem with widening types overall, and is a clear BC break.

If you look at levels of BC break, this is on the very low end in my
opinion. No existing code will break when upgrading to this new PHP
version. Only new code written specifically for that PHP version would
be impacted, and frameworks/libraries could, if necessary, add
additional checks without becoming incompatible with older PHP versions.
It helps that currently array keys can be integers or strings, so if the
key type is important, some checking is already necessary.

Of course tools like Psalm would see a lot of potential issues, but
those would only be potential (with new code using this new feature) and
having static analyzers reduces the impact of such a BC break even more,
as it becomes much easier to spot issues. Might be interesting to change
array key type definitions for a few projects/libraries and see if there
are that many potential issues, and what they look like.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Short-match

2020-12-15 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 15.12.20 20:08, Sara Golemon wrote:

Or even better with existing syntax:
$this->handler = match($var) {
   null, true, false => json_encode($var),
   default => \is_string($var) ? "\"$var\"" : \rtrim(\print_r($var, true)),

I appreciate that this is a specific counter-example to your example, but
you picked the bad example. :p

Sure, for this specific example - there are of course longer real-life
examples (sometimes even nested ones), often using instanceof, is_array,
is_callable and similar constructs, but they seem a bit too much for a
discussion. If you add slightly more logic then it might be better:

$this->handler = function ($var): string {
 return match {
 null === $var => 'null',
 true === $var => 'true',
 false === $var => 'false',
 is_string($var) => '"'.$var.'"',
 is_callable($var) => 'callable',
 is_object($var) => get_class($var),
 default => rtrim(print_r($var, true)),

I guess that would be an advantage of these current switch(true) (and
possibly future match {}) statements: it is easy to add additional
matches that do not impact the others.

I do like Nikitas idea to make it a TypeError for non-bool matches.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Short-match

2020-12-14 Thread Andreas Leathley

I checked in my vendor directory for currently used switch(true) usages,
there were 96 matches. It is often used when handling an unknown value
and needing to display or convert it, as there the structure of a switch
is easier to scan compared to other comparisons like ifs (at least it is
for me). Compared to match these switch statements are a lot uglier,
which shows that there are use cases for it even when you are forced to
use switch.

This is a good example in my estimation, from the Symfony Console Dumper
class (taken from Symfony 5.2), when a value is converted into a string

$this->handler = function ($var): string {
    switch (true) {
    case null === $var:
    return 'null';
    case true === $var:
    return 'true';
    case false === $var:
    return 'false';
    case \is_string($var):
    return '"'.$var.'"';
    return rtrim(print_r($var, true));

With match this becomes much more concise:

$this->handler = function ($var): string {
    return match {
    null === $var => 'null',
    true === $var => 'true',
    false === $var => 'false',
    \is_string($var) => '"'.$var.'"',
    default => rtrim(print_r($var, true)),

The same with ifs:

$this->handler = function ($var): string {
    if (null === $var) {
    return 'null';
    if (true === $var) {
    return 'true';
    if (false === $var) {
    return 'false';
    if (\is_string($var)) {
    return '"'.$var.'"';

    return rtrim(print_r($var, true));

The implied return type for match and the reduced amount of code to scan
makes match {} much better in my opinion, with ifs you always have to
make sure there isn't additional logic somewhere, and it makes it easy
to add more complex code "by accident" compared to match. match (true)
would be possible now, but the true makes the code a bit confusing,
while without the (true) it reads more like natural language ("match the
first possible expression in this list and return a corresponding value").

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Short-match

2020-12-14 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 14.12.20 18:33, Larry Garfield wrote:

I present to Internals this tiny RFC to follow up on the match() expression RFC 
from earlier in the year.  There was solidly positive support for this shortcut 
previously but it was removed for simplicity at the time, with the intent to 
bring it back later.  It's now later.

I think it is a good addition that will make code clearer. If the main
counter-argument is that "if - elseif - else" does the same thing,
comparing the syntax to that and showing some real-world examples might
even convince some more people who think it is unnecessary, as the code
mostly speaks for itself, but the example currently in the RFC might be
a bit too simplistic to be convincing for the sceptics.

It would also be interesting how much switch(true) is used in open
source code currently, as it is the currently used "equivalent" to
match(true) - I know it is in some parts of the Symfony code, probably
because it is often easier to scan over when compared to huge if /
elseif blocks. match(true) is clearly an improvement to switch(true), so
while match has almost no use so far in PHP code, switch(true)
definitely has.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Measuring maximum execution time based on wall-time

2020-12-11 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 11.12.20 10:59, Máté Kocsis wrote:

That's why I'd like to add support for measuring the execution timeout
based on the wall-time. There are a couple of ways to approach the problem
- by measuring wall-time on all platforms
- by adding a new "max_execution_time_type" or so ini setting for
optionally changing the meaning of max_execution_time (this is what HHVM is
- by adding a new "max_execution_wall_time" ini setting for being able to
timeout based on both the real execution time and the CPU time.

My POC implementation at currently
uses the third solution, but I would be okay with the other possibilities
as well (especially with the first one). I would also be very curious if
anyone is aware of the reasons why the CPU time metric was chosen back
then? In my opinion, wall-time is much more useful, but maybe I'm just
missing some technical limitations (?).

For my applications the current behavior is the more important one, but
implementing both (and being able to set both limits independently)
would be an interesting improvement.

Next to having hard limits, having a way similar to FPMs
request_slowlog_timeout in PHP would be a useful addition in my opinion:
to detect slow requests/scripts and report them, as that can be an early
warning and something worthy to analyze. Basically, set a time limit for
either cpu or wall time, or both, and if that limit is reached call a
PHP callable to report it or handle it in some way (similar to how
pcntl_signal can act on signals in an async way). This would open up
more options, as the current max_execution_time or a new
max_execution_wall_time would be a last resort, but most of the time I
would rather know about a problem early on and log it.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Attributes and constructor property promotion

2020-10-06 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 06.10.20 17:15, Sara Golemon wrote:

My opinion on constructor property promotion (CPP) is that it's something
for small value object classes and should probably be regarded as
code-smell on larger classes. At the same time, annotations belong with
more complex objects and not so much with small "struct-like" classes.

Given that position, I think we should err towards strictness in how
attributes are applied to CPP declarations.  That is, we should require
them to be meaningfully applicable to both arguments and properties in
order to be used in a CPP context.  If that's a problem for the consumer,
then they should avoid use of CPP.


The current usage of annotations is quite often with small struct-like
classes though - I mainly use annotations (and will use attributes) for
data that needs to be validated, or entity-like classes that contain
data. Those classes are small and simple and would benefit greatly from
CPP and attributes used in combination, so it would be a pity to make
that impossible.

From my understanding suppressing the validation errors in this
particular case would be a good solution, or are there any serious
downsides to that?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Support for multi-line arrow functions

2020-10-05 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 05.10.20 12:15, Deleu wrote:

To me that seems like a great argument in favour of the proposal. If you'll
want all variables to be imported (which in this case makes completely
sense), then `fn() {}` or `fn() => {}` is much less verbose and inline with
the mentality to reach for short closures. We reach for short closures to
avoid `use()` and convey that the outer process is intertwined with the
inner process. `fn()` allows to strengthen the concept that there's no real
separation between running SQL stuff in a `callable` that wraps a database

Not necessarily: the arrow functions were specifically implemented for
very short anonymous functions with a return value. Making them more and
more like the existing "function" syntax would lead to having two
different ways of defining anonymous functions that mainly differentiate
themselves by including the parent scope by default or not.

I like the "function () use (*)" suggestion because it is explicit and
opt-in. A shorter syntax like "fn () {}" is less clear, and it could
lead to many people always using fn just because it is faster to write
(and less to think about), which then could lead to unintended side
effects because variables are being copied from the parent scope each
time. When you see a usage of "fn () {}" while reading code you would
not know if the person used it because it was faster to write, or if the
parent scope variables are really needed.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Support for multi-line arrow functions

2020-10-05 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 05.10.20 12:08, Lynn wrote:

How should php deal with the scenario where you want to `use` everything
and have one variable by reference?

function () use (*, &$butNotThisOne) {};

The easiest would be to only allow "use (*)" with no references or
additional syntax. "use (*)" would only copy all local variables into
the closure, no references. Personally I have never used references with
"use", I think it is much more niche compared to the regular copying,
and there is still the explicit (current) syntax to do references.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Support for multi-line arrow functions

2020-10-05 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 04.10.20 22:08, Rowan Tommins wrote:

If we added an opt-in syntax for "capture everything", we might
instead write this:

$f = function() use (*) {
 $x = $y = $z = null;

Without re-initialising all local variables, we would no longer be
able to know if they were actually local without looking at the
surrounding scope for a value that might be captured. I am unconvinced
by this trade-off of opt-out instead of opt-in.

One use case I've seen proposed is closures which capture a large
number of variables; I would be interested to see an example where
this is the case and is not a "code smell" in the same way as
requiring a large number of parameters.

Something like "use (*)" seems like a great enhancement to me. I often
use a wrapper function for SQL transactions, something like:

public function update(int $numberId, int $addressId, bool $isMainNumber
= false): void
    $this->transaction->run(function () use ($numberId, $addressId,
$isMainNumber): void {
  // Do all SQL queries for the update


In these cases there is a lot of redundancy because of having to import
the variables, and if a variable is added, it has to be added in two
places in a slightly different way. The following would be much nicer:

public function update(int $numberId, int $addressId, bool $isMainNumber
= false): void
    $this->transaction->run(function () use (*): void {
  // Do all SQL queries for the update


This would also increase code readability.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change RFC 0.2

2020-08-19 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 19.08.20 11:12, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:

With the choice being @@ or @{} - nothing would stop someone (not me ;-))
to make an RFC for 8.1 or later proposing to add a second syntax.

Sure. If @@ would end up winning again (who knows at this point), at
least one positive thing is that @{} could be added later without having
a BC break, which reduces the potential future benefits of an enclosed
syntax, as it is still possible if needed.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change RFC 0.2

2020-08-19 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 19.08.20 10:47, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:

One last change that I didn't see yesterday as it was on Github and not
this list is the addition of another syntax proposal @{} with the same
benefits as @[], a little more snowflake than compared to other languages,
but without the BC Break.

I mentioned the benefits of @{} in an email to this list on Monday, with
the proposal to have both @@ and @{} as attribute syntax, so both camps
could have their syntax (one with delimiters, one without) with minimal
BC breaks, and leave the decision to the PHP developers/projects what
they prefer in what circumstances, because there can be valid reasons to
use both - I probably would use both. @{} could be good to define
multiple attributes for classes/properties, @@ could be good for short
attributes or ones very entrenched within the code, like function
parameters. The @{} syntax could be amended in the future, so this would
also be "future-proof".

But I guess the division about syntax is too big at this point to
consider an approach where we just offer both types of syntax. From a
PHP developer viewpoint, it would be preferable though.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change RFC 0.2

2020-08-17 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 18.08.20 00:03, Benas IML wrote:

And then boo-yah, 6 months later we want to implement a cool new
feature to
attributes (a lot of examples were said before, ain't repeating myself) but
we can't :(( because there is no ending delimiter and thus, we will run
into parsing issues.

Both @{} and @@{} would be possible as a future extension of the syntax
and would have no BC break at all, if extending the syntax is something
that would/should happen - just as possible suggestions.

It is likely though that the vast majority of attribute usage will be
quite simple (like the ones we have today with annotations: for routes,
for validation, for ORMs), so having a simple syntax for a feature which
is mostly used in a straightforward way does not seem that crazy.

And about your condescending remark of people trying to add to the
discussion who have not "proven themselves in the PHP source code":
Having a discussion with people who have different viewpoints seems like
a big benefit for any project, because it is impossible to be an expert
at C code, php-src, PHP code, all PHP frameworks, all the PHP libraries,
and all the ways PHP is used today - yet all that can be relevant for
language changes and the actual usage of new features, including the syntax.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change RFC 0.2

2020-08-17 Thread Andreas Leathley

As a possible addition/discussion point, I only noticed today that @{}
is a syntax that has not been mentioned yet, also not in any previous
discussions about attributes as far as I can tell. @{} currently leads
to a syntax error, so there is no BC break, and {} is common syntax for
grouping expressions in PHP, much more so than [], which is an
array-specific syntax.

Would it be a possibility to keep @@ and add @{} as a second syntax for
attributes, that can be used for grouping (for situations where that
makes sense) or other possibly future extensions? Then @@ would be a
good syntax for simple attribute definitions, and @{} could be an
alternative for people who want to group them or if any more complex
attribute features are added to the language later.

Because both sides of the "ending delimiter or no ending delimiter"
discussion do have some points in their favor, and it seems quite
individual what each person prefers. For a language it could be
beneficial to give some choices to the developer instead of foreseeing
each individual use case, and maybe attributes is such a feature.

I previously thought about suggesting both types of syntax (with and
without delimiters), but felt the current options all have too many side
effects to choose "two side effects" or two BC breaks. But the @@ BC
break seems the most harmless BC break of the bunch, and @{} does not
have a BC break, so these two option might be good together.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-15 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 16.08.20 01:07, Paul M. Jones wrote:

/me furrows brow
If I understand correctly, that means the currently-running vote overlaps with 
the discussion period?  If so, that sounds (again) highly irregular.

The proper thing to do here is a full reset: restart the 2-week discussion 
period at the moment the current vote is declared null and void, then start a 
new vote (if the RFC is not withdrawn) after thatn 2-week period.

Basically, the sooner the current vote is explicitly declared null and avoid, 
the sooner the properly-conducted 2-week discussion period can begin.

Restarting the vote in basically 2 days seems a bit crazy to me too -
that would just be as over-hastily as the last time. Again, I don't get
it - Sara suggested the 21st as the earliest date to restart the vote.
Why does everything has to be done so hastily, and how should a proper
discussion happen this way?

Benjamin Eberlei is saying that they are now including the arguments for
enclosing - and then in two days the vote starts? How should a
discussion happen about these points if there is no time for people to
actually think about it and respond? As far as I can tell, that is what
the 14 days of RFC discussion is about, or longer if needed - to discuss
open questions, to include them in the RFC, and make sure a good
decision is made with all pertinent information included.

By the way, the DocBlock argument Benjamin Eberlei is mentioning is not
new - yet annotations in DocBlocks do not need the ending symbol of */ -
that is not what encloses annotations, it is what encloses any possible
comments. In comparison, an attribute always consists of a class name
and then possible parameters, enclosed by parentheses. Peter Bowyer
mentioned that the "ending delimiter" argument has been obfuscated to a
point where the meaning or reason remains unclear, and I agree - this
should be fully explained, discussed and appropriately included in the
RFC. I just looked at the RFC - this remains unclear as of now, and
deserves its own discussion which still has not happened yet.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-15 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 15.08.20 12:35, Michał Marcin Brzuchalski wrote:

If you wanna follow democratic rules then first of all 4 is not a quorum.
Secondly, you should be fine with additional voting about stopping current
RFC vote, right?

The RFC process has been agreed upon by the people involved with PHP. It
does not matter if only one person complains about a rule violation, it
should be taken seriously, as the PHP project publicly states that it
follows this kind of RFC process. And there was a democratic vote on the
RFC process.

You seem to mix different concerns - there is no need for a quorum when
agreed upon rules are violated. If you steal a purse, then the people of
your country do not have to have a vote if that is a crime - it was
agreed upon beforehand that it is.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-15 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 15.08.20 11:54, Michał Marcin Brzuchalski wrote:

I don't think there's anything significant changed in the RFC. I really
doubt the vote result will change significantly.

Currently you're the only one who wants to wipe the vote and there is no
much voices willing to follow your proposal.

Personally I think extending the vote by additional week is fair enough.

Next to Theodore, at least 4 other people in this mailing list have
stated that they think the RFC process should be followed as stated in
the RFC documents (with proper time for discussion and voting, which was
clearly not adhered to) and/or that there is important information
missing in the RFC, which both should lead to a change of the RFC and a

I am a bit surprised at how casually the RFC process is interpreted - it
is the basis of how decisions are made for PHP, yet multiple people have
already stated they don't really feel like following the process as
described/agreed upon, one of them Derick, a long-time member of PHP
Internals, who I would think would want to be a role model for the
process. Why even have an RFC process, if parts of it can be ignored
depending on the mood of some of its more influential members? Does this
behavior inspire confidence in PHP as a language?

By the way, the RFC has not yet changed and is still incomplete as of
now, and updating it at this time would probably not do much - because
how many people re-read an RFC where they already cast the vote? It is
unexpected that an RFC is heavily changed after voting has initiated -
you would expect it to be complete at that time.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-14 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 14.08.20 03:41, Levi Morrison via internals wrote:

I just want to make sure I understand: there are people who think we
haven't discussed the syntax for attributes yet?

I assume this is a serious email, but I can't fathom why anyone cares.
We've discussed this subject soo much...

I am kind of new to the Internals discussions, which might be the reason
why I actually read through all the RFC process material, but I
recommend anyone to do so too. I will highlight the relevant parts as
succinctly as possible:

In - How to create an RFC - it says:

 * When your RFC is ready for discussion, change the status of your RFC
   page to "Under Discussion", and send an mail to introducing your RFC.
 * Listen to the feedback, and try to answer/resolve all questions.
   Update your RFC to document all the issues and discussions. Cover
   both the positive and negative arguments. Put the RFC URL into all
   your replies.
 * When discussion ends, and a minimum period of two weeks has passed
   since you mailed in step 4, consider one day
   heads up mail on the mailing list and then you can move your RFC to
   “Voting” status. There should be no open questions in the RFC.

The two weeks discussion period is specifically about the RFC itself,
not the discussion at large, which does make sense to me, as you discuss
a specific proposal and are trying to include all relevant information
into that RFC, so people voting on the RFC do not have to read through
all emails in Internals to get the information - it should be on the RFC
page. This is something objectively lacking with this RFC.

In - Voting on PHP features - it says:

 * Proposal is formally initiated by creating an RFC on PHP wiki and
   announcing it on the list.
 * There'd be a minimum of 2 weeks between when an RFC that touches the
   language is brought up on this list and when it's voted on is
   required. Other RFCs might use a smaller timeframe, but it should be
   at least a week. The effective date will not be when the RFC was
   published on the PHP wiki - but when it was announced on, by the author, with the intention of voting
   on it. This period can be extended when circumstances warrant it -
   such as major conferences, key people being busy, force major
   events, or when discussion merits it - but should never be less than
   minimal time.
 * This does not preclude discussion on the merits on any idea or
   proposal on the list without formally submitting it as a proposal,
   but the discussion time is measured only since the formal discussion
   announcement as described above.

Here it also specifically mentions a discussion period of two weeks
after the RFC was created and announced on the list, yet it mentions it
can be only one week if it "does not touch the language". An RFC with a
syntax change would definitely touch the language in my opinion.

It also mentions again that the discussion period is after the
announcement on the list of the RFC - not after the discussion began
about the topic in general. The RFC has to exist and be mentioned with
the intent on voting on it.

Now, I don't know all the history of past RFCs, and maybe some of these
rules were not always followed, which someone alluded to in another
email. Yet in my understanding of the process, if nobody mentions that
timeframes were not heeded or that RFCs are incomplete, it seems likely
that there is already a large concensus around the topic, and nobody
cares about the details of the process. This is fine, and no harm is
done, although it might be good to remember the rules just to be consistent.

If on the other hand people reference the documents that should steer
the RFC process and there is a clear violation of those, and if there
are multiple people who feel their points have not been included in an
RFC, then it makes sense to actually read through the RFC documents
again and follow them as intended, as obviously the intent of these
documents are different from what is happening.

Something else to point out, on at the top it says:

 * An RFC is effectively “owned” by the person that created it. If you
   want to make changes, get permission from the creator. If no
   agreement can be found, the only course of action is to create a
   competing RFC. In this case, the old RFC page should be modified to
   become an intermediate page that points to all the competing RFC's.

This might be an alternative, if the many discussion points are not
included in this RFC and it therefore remains incomplete, to make a
competing RFC. Not sure if this has ever been done, but it is on the
main RFC overview page, although it seems sad if that would be necessary.

I would like to mention that I would help any efforts to make this or
another RFC about a possible attribute syntax change as
information-complete as possibl

Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-13 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 13.08.20 15:17, Theodore Brown wrote:

The discussion thread you're referencing did not announce an RFC. Per
the voting rules, a "Proposal is formally initiated by creating an
RFC on PHP wiki and announcing it on the list". After that there must
be a minimum two week discussion period before voting starts. The
Shorter Attribute Syntax Change RFC failed to meet this requirement.

After reading it is stated clearly there
that an RFC has to be created and be "Under Discussion" for at least two
weeks. So you were actually wrong that the RFC was one day early - it
was at least 8 days early, as the RFC was created and announced on the
4th of August and then put to vote on the 10th of August.

It also states in this document:

 * Listen to the feedback, and try to answer/resolve all questions
 * Update your RFC to document all the issues and discussions
 * Cover both the positive and negative arguments

Can anybody say with a straight face that this has been done in this
case? Just one example: It still states in the RFC that the ending
symbol is inconsistent with the language, although multiple people
argued another viewpoint about this part with detailed explanations.
This kind of discussion belongs in an RFC to show both sides, not just
the one that suits the person writing the RFC.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-12 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 12.08.20 17:25, Sara Golemon wrote:

Changing the syntax isn't a feature. It's a refinement. One of the things
our long release process provides is a chance to be absolutely certain
before we introduce syntax we'll come to regret later.

The current RFC does not discuss the BC breaks of each syntax (which
seems very important to any syntax changes), it has not taken into
account the discussion, and the RFC itself was being discussed for only
6 days (of which two days were on the weekend) before it started its
voting process. The discussion was still very much ongoing when voting

Shoehorning in a syntax at the last minute seems like the opposite of a
controlled and long-term release process, at least if there is an
ongoing discussion. Looking at the RFC votes now, the opinions are
clearly split, which is not a good sign - at least in the previous RFC
@@ was a clear winner. Changing syntax again now for the third time
could just as well be the decision that will be regretted later on,
instead of finding a better concensus in due time.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-11 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 11.08.20 18:38, Sara Golemon wrote:

The perf penalty on 7 and earlier would probably be similar to existing
state of the world.
Parsing a docblock is easier to fetch from the runtime (as we actually
store it), but docblocks contain more than just annotations, so some plus
some minus.
PHP 8+ performance on theses would certainly be between though, and that's
an extra carrot to push users to upgrade.  If annotations can't be written
until after users upgrade, then that carrot vanishes.

If this is something that would realistically happen, I feel this would
have needed more explanation in an RFC and maybe some small tests to
demonstrate feasability, then it would be a big argument. I read through
all the RFCs, but only realized the meaning of this argument now, with
some more context. If the Doctrine Annotations library would support a
syntax with # for pre-PHP-8 and it would be fast enough, then this
argument would be more convincing to me than any of the others together.

And it would not need to be #[], it could be any syntax that starts with
# - it could also be #@, which definitely seems weird at first, but
seems much less likely to occur in code than #[ and would be more
similar to current annotations and Javascript syntax. Or it could be
something completely different, like #~, which I cannot imagine ever
comes up in actual code. Because Rust using the #[] syntax does not seem
like an advantage, as Rust syntax in general looks completely different
compared to PHP.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-11 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 11.08.20 18:07, Sara Golemon wrote:

Writing this on PHP 7 (or any earlier version for that matter) would be
valid syntax (ignored as a comment):

function someFunc() {}

That's what's meant by Forward Compatibility.  Library/Framework authors
could aggressively adopt attributes with the #[...] syntax, they can NOT do
so with any other syntax.

This would be a feature if libraries start parsing PHP token by token
and start supporting the #[] syntax for the 7.x versions of PHP - then
early adoption would be possible and it would be a real feature. But it
seems unclear if that will happen, as it will probably have a heavy
price on performance (and might have some complexity). And if some
libraries implement it but others don't, then it might get confusing for
users about why the new attribute syntax sometimes works and sometimes
silently does nothing.

It is also not perfect as multi-line attributes with #[ still break, or
code with #[] followed by more code instead of a newline and then more code.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-11 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 11.08.20 15:15, Lynn wrote:

If typability really matters, we should've deprecated the backtick
to run things. We also seem to forget about readability. @@ makes things
really hard to read for me as it draws attention, the same goes for <>
being written as such, with spaces it's fine. In terms of @[] typability,
my IDE auto completes the ] when I type [. After that we have to type a
word which will most likely require keys on the right side of the keyboard
anyway. Sure, typing @@ is easier, for me this is at the cost of
readability. I read code more frequently than I write it, so I think this
should matter more.

Please don't use @@ for annotations/attributes.

I do understand that not everyone likes @@ in terms of perceived
readability, although in IDEs this will probably be less of a problem
(by making @@ less noticeable in terms of colors and contrast).

It seems unfortunate to me that this RFC just seems super hasty in terms
of unfinished discussions and in that it mixes very different concerns -
an ending delimiter is made out to be necessary in terms of language,
although that seems contentious at best and would be something to agree
on first, separate of the actual syntax and how it looks and feels. And
if someone does not like @@ yet would like a different syntax with no
delimiters, there is no choice for that. The @[] syntax is very last
minute, and including the original choice of @: would have also been an
option: at the time it lost against <<>>, but after that <<>> lost
against @@, so the choices in the RFC are obviously chosen to make sure
a syntax with delimiters is chosen, yet sacrificing a proper discussion
(and enable people to think about it more) because of the time
constraints - instead of just delaying it for 8.1 and having the
necessary time to get to the best possible solution.

Just compare the previous RFCs about the attribute feature and syntax
and the current one - the current one does not even explain the BC
breaks the different syntaxes produce, which was otherwise always one of
the more important parts of an RFC, so at best the RFC is incomplete in
terms of its information. As far as I can tell almost none of the
suggestions to amend the RFCs have been taken into account, so the
original discussion about it seems to have been pointless. I am a bit
disappointed to see this kind of process in PHP, especially
"last-minute" before a new major release.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-10 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 10.08.20 17:40, Derick Rethans wrote:

It missing an ending delimiter was my first reason for wanting to get
something better than @@. I don't particularly care much if it ends up
being @[], #[], <<>>, or other things such as @:( ).

If you have something to open, and close, there there is a distinct area
that forms the whole definition of a thing. That's why functions, and
classes have { and }, if and other control structures have ( .. ), etc.

Being able to define a whole "thing" easily with an open and closing set
of symbols, allows for better mental parsing. It also means that syntax
highlighting tools can map the opening part with the closing part. (VIM
for example, uses the % character to jump between opening and closing

For me the difference would be that with attributes, you are not opening
and closing many possible statements, it can only be one (or more, with
grouping) class name(s), which then can have arguments, but those are
enclosed with (). In comparison, classes can have many possible
definitions inside of them (class variables, methods, constants, etc.),
so enclosing them clearly makes sense, as you need to know where it
ends. The same goes for if, for, while, etc.

So if you just have one class name as an attribute, enclosing it seems a
bit overkill, as there is already a definition of a class name and how
it starts and ends, which is why for me the mental parsing does not seem
easier - but what is easily parseable probably depends on many factors
and might be different for different people.

I would have found a syntax where the delimiters are optional preferable
- similar to "if", where you can leave off the {} for exactly one
instruction, but you have to add them if there is more than one line of
instructions. Or the group use syntax.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-10 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 10.08.20 15:05, Markus Fischer wrote:

Personally, and never gave it much thought TBH, the `@@` AND `<<`/`>>`
in fact is the most "unreadable" version to me because duplicate
occurrence of a single character somehow creates a noise _for me_,

I don't feel eligible to have a vote, but based on that and certainly
aware IDEs in the future will help with this, I would vote for
_anything_ not duplicating characters, i.e. favoring `#[]` or `@[]`

It is a pity that syntax with ending delimiters and syntax with no
ending delimiters are now mixed in the discussion, instead of first
finding a concensus if delimiters are even needed or what
advantages/disadvantages they have. Because there are many alternatives
in terms of syntax - looking back at the very first vote about
attributes the @: syntax doesn't seem so bad, if no ending delimiters
are needed. In the new RFC all alternatives to @@ have delimiters and it
is suggested having them is good, yet the possible advantages of
delimiters are never explained, ideally with some real-world examples
showing why delimiters would be good to have.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change

2020-08-10 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 10.08.20 15:08, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:

() does not count as ending symbol, because it is not required, as
such its
not an ending symbol.

The point Andreas Leathley makes in the discussion thread about new Foo not
having an end symbol demonstrates exactly the opposite point he was trying
to make, because the new statement itself has to end with a semicolon:

new Foo();
new Foo;

A statement has an ending symbol semicolon.

While I don't know the exact internal semantics of PHP, according to my
grasp of the language the new keyword does not need a semicolon at the
end - it can be part of any expression, like "new Foo(new Bar);".
According to the PHP manual
instructions in PHP need to be terminated with a semicolon, while "new"
as a keyword has no special requirement about a starting or ending

The point I was trying to make was that new and attributes have the same
requirements in that they both need a class name and then optionally
arguments for the constructor to that class, so they are both narrow in
terms of what they do, attributes even more so than new, which reduces
the helpfulness of delimiters as you cannot define arbitrary
instructions in attributes - it always starts off with a class and then
any possibly more complex instructions will be in the arguments, and
those are enclosed by ().

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change RFC 0.2

2020-08-09 Thread Andreas Leathley
Hello Derick & Internals,

I am a daily user of PHP and read through all the recent discussions about the
attribute syntax, and thought I could add some slightly different viewpoints
from an "end-user" who uses the current annotations a lot. This is my first time
posting, so I am hoping I am doing this the right way ;-)

Currently, I am favoring @@, although I don't have strong preferences to other
syntax if it is more useful in some way. Why I prefer @@:

1. The @ symbol is hardly used in PHP, except for error suppression and within
comments, so searching and scanning over code with @@ works well and does not
have much ambiguity. The syntax with [] (and a symbol) is very close to the PHP
syntax for arrays and destructuring, and would now have a different meaning in
addition to that. This is not the case for C/C++/C# as far as I can tell, as []
is rarely used in those languages so having [] for attributes there makes it
quite recognizable/unique.

2. A big argument about the ending delimiter is about consistency. Yet isn't an
attribute almost like the "new" keyword, which also only allows a class name and
then optionally some arguments passed to the constructor? It is not like you can
define anything but a class + arguments as an attribute, and "new" does not have
starting and ending delimiters.

3. What would starting and ending delimiters be used for except for grouping
attributes? I would be really interested in use cases, and if delimiters are
important, then a few real-world examples why they are important and how the
syntax will come in handy later would be the best argument for them. After using
the current annotations for years it has not occured to me that something is
fundamentally missing, and attributes have been used for many years as
annotations in PHP as well as in other languages, so there should be some

4. If at a later time grouping or more options become necessary, something like
@@{} could be an optional syntax. Using {} to optionally group something in PHP
has a lot of precendence, and if it is only optional, it seems like a reasonable
addition while still having the simple just-one-class-with-arguments attributes.

When looking at the new RFC, I feel like none of the syntax arguments in the RFC
are very self-explanatory or even would be a factor why I would prefer them or
not. A larger explanation about each syntax, some real code samples with each
syntax (possibly with colors) and longer pro/con arguments would be a lot better
for an informed decision, so if there is a lot of contention around the syntax,
I think more time to flesh out such an RFC and then do it for 8.1 would be
better. At the same time I do feel like @@ would be a good syntax, but if there
are open questions or more discussions to be had it might be better to have the
time for those compared to having hasty discussions now with a hasty vote where
everyone will be unhappy at the end.

Best regards,


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