Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Properties in Interfaces?

2008-05-06 Thread Jeff Moore

On May 6, 2008, at 12:45 PM, Marcus Boerger wrote:

public $property {
 __get = getProperty;
 __set = setProperty;
string public function getProperty() {
 return $this->_property;
string protected function setProperty(string $value) {}

Hi Marcus,

I prefer this approach.

One advantage is that it is compatible with existing classes that have  
done the getXXX() style accessors already.

One thing That I am hoping to avoid, though, is the need to declare  
these kinds of basic accessor methods at all.  (the ones that do  
nothing but set or read a backing property.)  it seems like PHP should  
be able to generate them, or just fallback into a simple property  
access on the backing store, if that store is specified as part of the  

This should be the same as the previous example replacing setProperty  
and getProperty with direct references to the backing store:

protected $_property;
public $property {
__get = $_property;
__set = $_property;

Or do we force people to always specify
get,set,isset und unset? Or should we only enforce get/set and have  
and unset emulated with them (isset()~>isset(get()),  

it would be nice to have exactly this emulation for __isset and  
__unset when they are not declared.

However, leaving out the __set should make the property read only and  
leaving out the __get should make the property write only (less  
useful, but symmetric).

Following the C# convention for declaring properties in interfaces  
would declare the previous as

interface bar {
  public $property {__set; __get;}

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Properties in Interfaces?

2008-05-06 Thread Jeff Moore

On May 6, 2008, at 12:21 PM, Lars Strojny wrote:

I think this is too unspecific. At least the visibility, setter and/or
getter and type-hint (assuming we will have type hints) should be
defined. Otherwise defining properties in interfaces become useless as
it does not tell somebody more except "there is a property".

interface Something
public $property {
string public function get();
string protected function set(string $value);

Hi Lars,

It isn't necessary to specify the visibility in an interface because  
all interface members are public.

Specifying the accessor methods in an interface reveals too much of  
the implementation.  Properties (the kind with accessor methods) are  
themselves an abstract concept.  You want to be able to take an  
interface definition such as:

interface foo {
public $bar;  // if you prefer this to abstract $foo;

and implement it like this:

class DoIt implements foo {
public $bar;

or to implement it using setters, using your notation:

class DoIt2 implements foo {
public $foo {
public function get();
protected function set($value); 

The whole point of this kind of property is that the caller is never  
supposed to know if they are just accessing a object instance variable  
or an accessor method.  This is called the uniform access principle.

Here is how C# handles properties in an interface:

"The accessor of an interface property does not have a body. Thus, the  
purpose of the accessors is to indicate whether the property is read- 
write, read-only, or write-only."

So, yeah, "there is a property named foo" is about all an interface  
should say.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Properties in Interfaces?

2008-05-06 Thread Jeff Moore

Hi Marcus,

I think this is really specifying implementation details in an  

interface Coordinate {
 public $coord = __get => getCoord, __set => setCoord,
__isset => hasCoord, __unset => delCoord;
 public getCoord();
 public setCoord($val);
 public hasCoord();
 public delCoord();

This looks to me like the best way to handle this in interfaces:

interface Coord {
 abstract $coord;

I think this example could be simplified if the basic accessor methods  
didn't have to be explicitly declared:

class MyCoord implements Coordinate {
  protected $_coord;  // actual storage for $coord
  public $coord = __get => $_coord, __set => setCoord,
__isset => $_coord, __unset => $coord;  // Satisfies  
the interface

  public __construct($x, $y) {
$this->coord = array($x, $y); // calls setCoord
  public setCoord($val) {
if (!is_array($val) || count($val) != 2
|| !is_numeric($val[0]) || !is_numeric($val[1])) {
  throw new UnexpectedValueException('Array(x,y) of floats  

  $this->_coord = $val;

One thing about this syntax is that it give PHP a lot of information  
to optimize the performance of property access.

Or you could do this

class MyCoord implements Coordinate {
  public $coord; // satisfies interface

The nice thing about this kind of property is that you can switch  
between these two implementations over time with out changing how  
callers use the interface.

Maybe there are some things that could be done with syntax on this:

public $coord = __get => $_coord, __set => setCoord,
__isset => $_coord, __unset => $coord;

Can some standard implementation of the __isset and __unset be used to  
simplify this declaration to something like this?

public $coord = __get => $_coord, __set => setCoord;


public $coord __get $_coord __set SetCoord;

or to cut down on the underlines...

public $coord get $_coord set SetCoord;

Additionally, with this syntax, we can allow accessors to have  
differing visibility, which we cannot do with virtual properties:

public $coord get $_coord protected set SetCoord;  // Public property  
with protected setter

There are some advantages to this with inheritance, too

class Parent {
   public $foo;

class Child extends Parent {
  protected $_foo;
  public $foo get $_foo set SetFoo;
  function SetFoo($value) { ... }

In this example, a child has added an accessor method to a property  
defined on a parent without changing the parent.  Something you cannot  
do with virtual properties.

I think structural properties would be a useful feature.

Best Regards,


On May 6, 2008, at 7:21 AM, Marcus Boerger wrote:

Hello John,

 the main reason really is storage. If you allow storage in interfaces
then you get multiple inheritance with its virtual inheritance  
style inheritance) issue. That however onlly applies to plain  
and not properties which are usually understood as attributes that  
in function calls (getter & setter). That said, if PHP had  
properties, PHP
could also allow peroperties in interfaces. So the actual question  
dbe why we do not support properties. To give an idea how properties  

look like:

interface Coordinate {
 public $coord = __get => getCoord, __set => setCoord,
__isset => hasCoord, __unset => delCoord;
 public getCoord();
 public setCoord($val);
 public hasCoord();
 public delCoord();

class MyCoord implements Coordinate {
 private $_coord = array(0, 0);  // actual storage for $coord
 public __construct($x, $y) {
   $this->coord = array($x, $y); // calls setCoord
 public getCoord() {
   return $this->_coord;
 public setCoord($val) {
   if (!is_array($val) || count($val) != 2
   || !is_numeric($val[0]) || !is_numeric($val[1])) {
 throw new UnexpectedValueException('Array(x,y) of floats  

   $this->_coord = $val;
 public hasCoord() {
   return isset($this->_coord[0]) || isset($this->_coord[1]);
 public delCoord() {
   $this->_coord = array(0, 0);

This tells me two things:
a) Pretty damn complex and in that kind of the opposite of PHP's  
usual KISS

approach (Keep It Simple Safe).

b) Pretty sexy as it gives a hell lot of control and you can document
everything. Check out all the minor details and think of what that  


My conclusion is that even it looks sexy, it might be a bit to  

A much shorter thing to do might be:

interface Coord {
 abstract $coord;

This would just somehow make sure the attribute $this->coord will be
accessible as a public attribute in the implementing class. The same  

as for methods would apply.

Derick and me discussed solutions around abstract/virtual attributes  
a lot
in the passed. They were all refused however. But what we had in  
mind also
was more about specifying attributes in an abstract way in classes  
so that

they become documentable while being st

Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Properties in Interfaces?

2008-04-29 Thread Jeff Moore

On Apr 29, 2008, at 3:15 AM, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

John Carter -X (johncart - PolicyApp Ltd at Cisco) schrieb:

could you explain why Interfaces can't have properties

Because interfaces are implemented which makes no sense for  


This is true for the data storage representation of a property.

But, when you add the possibility of getters and setters, a property  
becomes an abstraction.  It would make sense that an interface  
declares abstractly that a property will be available while leaving it  
up to a class to implement it.  Whether the implementation would be  
through a instance variable or through accessor methods is an  
implementation detail.  This is known as the uniform access principle.

However, right now, we only have the virtual or "missing property"  
technique of defining accessors with __get and __set, rather than a  
structural syntax that could be used to verify interface  
implementations.  (The structural way could also offer better  
reflection, better performance, differing visibility for getters and  
setters, etc.)

Properties in interfaces make no sense now, but if we ever get a  
structural method of declaring getters and setters, they might make  

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Re: [PHP-DEV] The "jump" operator

2008-04-05 Thread Jeff Moore

On Apr 4, 2008, at 4:18 AM, Derick Rethans wrote: has an IMO good
example. It's java code, but it shows how goto can help you get rid of
nesting hell.

Hi Derick,

The code in that example looks more like an argument for try ...  
finally to me than an argument for goto.  I have yet to see a good  
case for goto (not break) that doesn't involve parsing or error  
handling, and we have exceptions already for error handling flow  
control.  But, we don't have try ... finally (and java doesn't have  

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: PATCH: anonymous functions in PHP

2007-12-17 Thread Jeff Moore

On Dec 17, 2007, at 10:30 PM, Larry Garfield wrote:

I'm assuming that making the function above GC-able would be a  
herculean task
at this point, based on previous comments, but I do not actually  
know myself.

Hi Larry,

Let me use a different example than yours.

function getAdder($x) {
  return function ($y) {
lexical $x;
return $x + $y;

$plusFive = getAdder(5);
$plusTen = getAdder(10);

echo $plusFive(4); // 9
echo $plusTen(7); // 17

If the closure definition (and thus getAddr) returns a string  
representing an anonymous function name, then there is no where to  
hold the enclosing variable $x and no way to know when to free it.   
Notice that in this example, we have two different enclosing contexts,  
one where $x is 5 and one where $x is 10.

If we introduce a new variable type, a new kind of zval, then  
internally, that variable can hold:

1) A reference to the local variables of getAddr.  (here $x)
2) A reference to $this if the closure is declared in a method
3) A reference to the opcodes of the compiled anonymous function.

The opcodes for the closure would be compiled and squirreled away when  
the script is compiled.

When getAddr is executed, a zval would be created that holds the  
reference to the enclosing locals and a reference to the proper  
opcodes.  Note that $plusFive and $plusTen would hold two different  
zvals, one for each invocation of getAddr, but that both would refer  
to the same opcodes structure.

When a codeblock zval is executed, such as at $plusFive(4), the  
enclosing context can be passed to the anonymous function function to  
make the lexical $x statement bind to the proper variable.

When the zval in $plusFive reaches zero references, it can  
subsequently free its references to the local variables of getAddr.

As far as I can see, no herculean garbage collection or reference  
counting is required.

Adding a new kind of zval?  Perhaps that's Herculean.  I don't know.

I hope I've gotten my zval terminology right.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: PATCH: anonymous functions in PHP

2007-12-17 Thread Jeff Moore


Reading the prior discussion, I think either $_SCOPE['x'] or the  
lexical $x syntax is fine for accessing local variables in the  
enclosing scope.   But closures also should also support $this and  
static:: when the closure is defined in a method.

I think a solution for closures should add a new variable type.  That  
way, the code can compiled at compile time, while the enclosing  
context (local variables plus $this for methods) can be captured at  
run time in the new variable type.  Also, when the closure value is  
garbage collected, the references to the enclosing scope and object  
instance can also be freed.

Additionally, the callback psuedo-type could be promoted to the new  
type, with the string or array representation converted when  
required.  It wouldn't be necessary, but a callback literal along the  
lines of Array() could also be added to make the conversion  
unnecessary.  I find the following to be easier to understand:




The current syntax would still work because of automatic type  

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespace access modifiers

2007-12-12 Thread Jeff Moore

Hello Ralph,

I don't think properties are the appropriate level to specify  
namespace based access modifiers.  I do think that a coarse-grained  
access restriction on a class by class basis might be.

public class Foo {} // Default
private class Foo {}
(protected is meaningless because there is no inheritance for  

In principle, I like the idea of adding an access modifier for classes  
to distinguish between a namespace's public interface and its private  

But, when do you check for access violations of class names?  On use?   
On new?  What about esoteric things like reflection and the callback  
pseudo-type?  I just don't see how it could work in practice.

Best Regards,


On Dec 12, 2007, at 6:19 PM, Ralph Schindler wrote:

Since everyone is in the "namespace" frame of mind, is there a  
possibility of a "namespace" access modifier?

The way I envision this working is that if for example:

namespace Foo;

class Bar {
 nsprotected $_someProperty = null;

(or some other equivalent grammer)

Would allow the property Foo::Bar::$_someProperty to be accessed  
from any class that has implemented a class from the Foo namespace.

Reaching for straws or is this a possibility?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] late static binding php6

2007-11-25 Thread Jeff Moore


May I suggest renaming get_called_class() to get_static_class() to  
correspond with the use of the static:: keyword for late binding.

parent:: and get_parent_class() [no parameters] should also correspond  
when used in a static method context.

My preference is that parent:: be late binding.  I would also like to  
see an early bound __parent__ constant along the lines of __class__.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Mid-term Update for Cycle Collector (Google Summer of Code Project)

2007-07-14 Thread Jeff Moore


On Jul 14, 2007, at 1:55 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
It is still extremely rare for code to have cyclic references.  So  

GC could prevent swapping in the case of a malicious user, or in the
case of a coding mistake, I don't think the general case of typical  

running under normal circumstances would consume less memory with GC

This is a good point.

On Jul 11, 2007, at 4:43 PM, David Wang wrote:

On the whole suite of tests (which includes the Graph and Template
tests), execution time with unmodified PHP was 12:03. With cycle
collection, it was 12:43.

Since test suites repeatedly build up and tear down data structures,   
it seems to me that these would be great stress tests for a garbage  
collector, but not very representative of the patterns of an average  
php application.  Do you have any performance/memory usage numbers  
for something more typical like a WordPress index page request or  
some such thing?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Mid-term Update for Cycle Collector (Google Summer of Code Project)

2007-07-14 Thread Jeff Moore

On Jul 11, 2007, at 4:43 PM, David Wang wrote:

On the Template test, maxmium memory usage with unmodified PHP was 1.5
GB with an execution time of 30 seconds.
On the Template test, maxmium memory usage with gc was 67.3 MB with an
execution time of 1 minute.


As you can see,
there is the classic time vs. memory trade-off.

Hi David,

Very interesting stuff.

Is it possible that total server throughput with gc could actually be  
better than unmodified php by preventing swapping at some higher  
level of concurrent requests?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] google SoC - dbobj

2007-03-27 Thread Jeff Moore


Sorry, I'm coming to this discussion a bit late and perhaps I don't  
understand the all issues, but I think the scope of creating an ORM  
for PHP is probably too large.  Let me suggest a smaller project that  
could lead to better ORM.

PHP has several  methods of serializing and unserializing objects to  
different formats:

PHP serialization format using serialize/unserialize (with __sleep,  
__wakeup and the Serializable interface)

PHP code using var_export and eval (with __set_state)
JSON using json_encode and json_decode
Partial support for DB Records using mysql_fetch_object or  

Its safe to assume that other serialization formats are possible.

All of these methods have to address the same issues with objects:

How to handle protected and private properties?
To call or bypass the constructor on unserialization?
Can objects become involved with their own serialization? (such as  
__sleep, __wake, __set_state, and Serializable)
Must objects become involved with their own serialization (such as  
with var_export and __set_state) or can you serialize unaware objects?
Are object relationships and identity preserved? (only true for  
serialize/unserialize right now)

How are classes loaded? (unserialize_callback_func and __autoload?)

I think a more limited scope project would be to attempt to address  
these core object serialization issues across the multiple formats  
that PHP already provides in some consistent way.  Of course, not  
every capability is possible or necessary with every format.

Before implementing ORM in C, which would be relatively less flexible  
than a PHP implementation, perhaps it would be a good idea to profile  
the existing PHP ORM solutions and look for opportunities to  
implement key functions in C, while leaving the majority to user space.

A possible example of such an opportunity might be some equivalent to  
extract() and compact() only for converting between arrays and object  
properties instead of arrays and local variables.

Rather than implement a full blown ORM extension, perhaps  
implementing some object serialization enhancements would be a good  
alternative, or at least a good first step? Perhaps some user space  
ORM profiling would be a good way to find the second step?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Run-time taint support proposal

2006-12-19 Thread Jeff Moore

On Dec 19, 2006, at 10:53 AM, Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:

Bottom line is that does not, there are plenty of Perl application 
supposedly safe from XSS due to tainting while in reality are 
trivially exploitable via XSS due to the fact validation regex which 
does the un-tainting of data is sub-par.

If you incorrectly untaint data, how is that worse than not knowing 
that there was a tainted data path in your code in the first place?

The perfect is the enemy of the good.  I think we can all agree that 
tainting can never be perfect.  The question is it better than what we 
have now?

Relying on developers to correctly sanitize data every time and every 
place is certainly not perfect.  Even the best and smartest developers 
make mistakes sometimes.  Isn't this one of the problems with safe 
mode? I think the purpose of a taint mode should be to help find 
existing security problems, not to try to prevent security violations 
as with safe mode.  Giving developers a dynamic security auditing tool 
is not a bad thing.

I think the real problem with a taint mode is the issue of false 
positives.  It could end up being more annoying that the value it 
provides.  But then, until its implemented, who can know?

I do think that once taint mode is enabled, there should be no way to 
turn it off or get around it, except to untaint the data.  It should be 
fatal.  No E_TAINT.  No half measures.  A program should either pass 
the "taint audit" or not pass, but it shouldn't be able to opt out of 
the audit with an ini_set, an .htaccess file, or an  error handler.  
Tainting should not be a mode you run in, it should be an (imperfect) 
audit that you pass or fail.

A staged, conservative rollout as strictly an auditing feature might 
not even include an untaint or an is_tainted function.  If you want to 
prevent ISPs from putting this in production, that would be one way to 
do it.  Without untaint or is_tainted, tainting become strictly a 
debugging tool.  If it turned out a bad idea, it would also be easily 
revokable. (Maybe is_tainted and untaint start out in PECL and the zval 
flag, function flags and fatal error only go into the core with an 
--enable configuration option?)

I think that a tainting audit mode could be a useful tool, provided 
that the number of false positives turns out to be reasonable.  Marking 
functions as sensitive or such is certainly useful.   I cringe at the 
idea of another global mode to deal with, another ini setting or 
another error_reporting level.

Regardless of whether this is included in PHP 6, I hope someone 
implements it.  I want to run my programs with tainting and see what 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] display_errors = on

2006-12-17 Thread Jeff Moore

On Dec 16, 2006, at 11:54 AM, Derick Rethans wrote:

On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, Andi Gutmans wrote:

Time to turn it off in php.ini-dist in addition to 

I would instead change them to php.ini-development and
php.ini-production. In development you'd want to have this stuff on..

Yeah.  What he said.  :)

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Re: [PHP-DEV] display_errors = on

2006-12-17 Thread Jeff Moore

On Dec 15, 2006, at 7:47 PM, Andi Gutmans wrote:

Time to turn it off in php.ini-dist in addition to php.ini-recommended?

Time to rename php.ini-dist and a php.ini-recommended to more clearly 
represent specific usage profiles, like development and production?  
Perhaps the production or "recommended" profile should be the default 
php.ini installed?

-Original Message-
From: Ilia Alshanetsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Ilia Alshanetsky
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 4:04 PM
To: Stanislav Malyshev
Cc: PHP internals
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Run-time taint support proposal

On 15-Dec-06, at 7:01 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

the harm. One simple exploit leading to information

disclosure is to

pass it an array() causing the function to generate an

error exposing

the script's path.

You mean when running with display_errors = on? Ouch.

Something that most servers do (almost 80% by recent stats).

Ilia Alshanetsky

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Why 5.2 should not be delayed for E_DEPRECATED

2006-11-05 Thread Jeff Moore

On Nov 3, 2006, at 1:11 PM, Marcus Boerger wrote:

  Liskov applies to static methods as soon as calls via objects are 
which is true for PHP. Actually in PHP static methods are inherited as 

other method (also true for a lot of other languages). Now given Liskov
rules you can as well add default parameter values as add new 
with default values and even change type hints (when respecting the 
correctly). With C++ the first language has proven that changing 
parameter values is a bad idea. There however mainly because they are 
at compile time based on the compile time types, which results in 
values that are mostly not what you would expect. In PHP it might work 

expected but then all programmers that come from langiages like C++ get
confused. Also it would disallow a few optimizer things later (going 
the C++
way of compile time function invocatoin binding). The same holds for 
additional parameters. In most languages that is no option because it 
effectively be a different function. In PHP it would eventually work 
but add
more confusion that it would help. The last point, changing type hints 
derived class' methods, was discussed at PDM and declined. The main 
for that decision were that all languages we knew of do not support it 

that most people even do not understand the rules which are quite the
opposite of what most people think.

Hi Marcus,

Enlightening explanation in a long and confusing thread.

To restate the last point for clarification, if the PHP's rules were 
following Liskov's rules, this

php -d"error_reporting=8191" -r 'class Foo {} class FooBar extends Foo 
{} class T {function f(FooBar $x){}} class S extends T {function f(Foo 

and possibly

php -d"error_reporting=8191" -r 'class T {function f(StdClass $x){}} 
class S extends T {function f($x){}}'

would not be E_STRICT violations as they currently are.  In both 
examples the subclass weakens the parent classes' preconditions (type 
hints).  So PHP's E_STRICT rules are (intentionally) 'stricter' than 
Liskov's rules.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RfC: rethink OO inheritance strictness

2006-08-07 Thread Jeff Moore

On Aug 4, 2006, at 3:23 AM, Derick Rethans wrote:

- Add a new flag to methods (at the implementation level) that will
  allow to flag them as 'strict'


Would exposing this flag to the user at method level get a bit verbose 
for those who want to use it?  Perhaps a class level flag for all 
methods?  Wasn't that proposed earlier?  Its a long thread to follow, 
forgive me if I've missed something.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Long awaited line directive

2006-07-16 Thread Jeff Moore

On Jul 15, 2006, at 11:29 PM, Sara Golemon wrote:

One minor thought I'd offer up is an option INI setting to disable 
creation of the opcode.  This allows the #line directives to be used 
in dev/debug environments without causing an impact for production 
servers during execution.  It's not a major performance hit, but it's 

Hi Sara,

Why not leave it up to the user land code generator to include the 
directive in the debug version or generate without it in the production 

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2006-07-13 Thread Jeff Moore

On Jul 12, 2006, at 11:56 AM, Lukas Smith wrote:

Therefore my proposal would be to simply add a defined "header" to all 
E_STRICT messages that contains the PHP version in which this E_STRICT 
message was added.

Hi Lukas,

An alternative might be to implement numerical error code identifiers 
and then allocate them sequentially.  Identifying error messages 
introduced in future versions could be done by comparing the error code 
number against the last defined code in a known version.  I'm not sure 
about the importance of the use case of identifying the version 
introduced, but having error codes might have other merits.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] private, protected, readonly, public

2006-05-18 Thread Jeff Moore

Hello Stanislav,

On May 17, 2006, at 5:25 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

JM>>individual properties, just as you can in Java, C#, Ruby, Delphi,
JM>>Python, Visual Basic, Objective C, Smalltalk, and sometimes C++.  

JM>>the best of my knowledge.)  Read only is a special case of this

This would be, however, yet another level of complexity added to the

I feel that it is __get and __set that are complicated.  Which is more 

class Shape {
protected $_dimension;

function __get($name) {
switch ($name) {
case 'dimension':
return $this->_dimension;

function __set($name, $value) {
switch ($name) {
case 'dimension':
if ($value < 0) {
throw new Exception('Negative dimension.');
$this->_dimension = $value;


class Shape {
protected $_dimension;
property $dimension read $_dimension write setDimension();

function setDimension($value) {
if ($value < 0) {
throw new Exception('Negative dimension.');
$this->_dimension = $value;

I'm just using the Delphi syntax here because its what I know.  I don't 
want to get hung up on exact syntax.  Split visibility for simple 
properties could be implemented with the same syntax:

property $foo public read protected write;

In many ways I feel this is more understandable than readonly/readable.

In this syntax, visibility could be in any of three places:

[ visibility ] property $name [ visibility ] read [source]  
[[visibility] write [source]];

The visibility declaration for the accessor overrides the visibility 
for the property.

JM>>2. __get/__set is slow.  (In the best case: about 10x slower than 

JM>>property, 3x slower than an accessor method call)

Slow as opposed to calling different function for different properties,
adding additional lookups on each access?

Lets look at the performance cases.

Current property performance in relative units:

 100% : $obj->foo;
 385% : function getFoo() { return $this->_foo; }
1050% : function __get($name) { switch ($name) { case 'foo': return 
$this->_foo;}}  // first case is best case scenario

property $foo public read protected write;

I presume this could be written to perform the same as any simple 
property access?

property $foo read getFoo() write setFoo();
property $foo read getFoo() protected write setFoo();

No $name parameter.  No switch.  No guard?
I presume this would perform the same as a method call plus a property 
access, 100%+385% = 485%?
Yes, this might be 5 times slower than a simple property, but when you 
have to call a function, you have to call a function.  It might still 
be twice as fast as __get.

public property $foo read $_foo write setFoo();

If this could be implemented by aliasing $foo to $_foo, it would 
probably be about the same as two property accesses?  Half the speed of 
a simple property access, but five times faster than the best case 
scenario with __get?

While something like this may be complicated to implement internally 
(zend_property_info gets more fields), I fail to see the downside from 
the user's perspective.  Less code.  Faster code.  Explicit declaration 
instead of magic.  Autocompletion, PHPDoc & doc comments work.  
Reflection works.

I just think that split read/write visibility should be implemented as 
part of a more comprehensive property solution, or at the very least in 
a way that a more comprehensive solution could be implemented later.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] private, protected, readonly, public

2006-05-17 Thread Jeff Moore

On May 16, 2006, at 7:28 PM, D. Dante Lorenso wrote:

I'm not familiar with this OOP concept from any other language.   
Perhaps it exists, but if it doesn't, is there a reason why?


Its hard to find a major OO language that does not have  
property/accessor method support.

private int x;
public int X { get { return x; } set { x = value; } }

def name, def name=(x) syntax plus attr_reader, attr_writer shortcuts

Property Name : Type read Getter write Setter;

I'm not very familiar with python, but it appears to have accessor  
method support:

Visual Basic:
Public Property Name() As String
Return NameValue
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
NameValue = Value
End Set
End Property

Objective C:
Key Value Coding 

name: aValue
name := aValue

Java doesn't have a specific language syntax, but it does have a  
standard for declaring accessor methods.

I'm not very familiar with C++ and I don't know what is standard,  but  
tool builders such as Microsoft and Borland have had to add their own  
property syntax to C++.


PHP doesn't really have accessor method support.  __get and __set are  
property missing handlers, not accessor methods.  This leads to several  

1. __get/__set are too cumbersome for simple use cases.  (Hence this  
2. __get/__set is slow.  (In the best case: about 10x slower than  
simple property, 3x slower than an accessor method call)

3. properties defined with __get/__set can only be public
4. Reflection does not work with __get/__set
5. Source code analysis does not work with __get/__set (no phpdoc,  
annotations, auto completion, etc.)

6. No support for static properties via __get/__set
7. __get/__set is error prone.  Mistakenly creating a simple property  
of the same name disables the magic methods.
8. Some obscure design problems with inheritance not worth going into  

The Pandora's box of complexity was opened when PHP got __get and  
__set.  readonly or readable is just a bandaid that fixes one use case  
of one problem, but does it in a way that doesn't help fix any of the  
other problems in the future.

There is nothing wrong with simple properties in PHP just the way they  
are now.  There is also nothing wrong with __get or __set.  They work  
well when you truly need virtual properties, such as for an active  
record or a proxy class.

What PHP is missing is a way to associate individual accessor methods  
with individual properties, just as you can in Java, C#, Ruby, Delphi,  
Python, Visual Basic, Objective C, Smalltalk, and sometimes C++.  (To  
the best of my knowledge.)  Read only is a special case of this  

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: private, protected, readonly, public

2006-05-13 Thread Jeff Moore

On May 13, 2006, at 7:18 PM, Marcus Boerger wrote:

  hehe, maybe confused with delphi or borlands c++ additons? Speaking 
which before we add 'readonly' we should go for full property support 

on the other hand that might be a little bit too much until php is used
with code generators and gui designers where code inspectors execute 

manipulate source/code while developing.

Hi Marcus,

Full property support is high on my wishlist for 6.0. I was a Delphi 
programmer for 5 years and miss properties.  C#, Ruby, and Java all 
have built in property support with accessor methods, or at least a 
single standard implementation that all the tools can get behind.  
__get and __set leave you in complete limbo for both source code and 
reflection based tools.  I think the language support has to come 
before the tools.

I think this can be implemented by adding a getter and setter field to 
zend_property_info, then checking for it in zend_std_read_property, 
etc.  Although, I'm sure there's more to it than that.  Such an 
implementation would probably be 3 to 4 times faster than __get().  No 
switch, no $name parameter, perhaps no guard logic.  Checking for a 
getter or setter in zend_property_info would be a fast boolean test on 
a data structure thats already available, so I believe there would be 
little overhead.

Here are a few use cases and syntax suggestions...

A. Declaring a property with accessor methods:

public $foo read getFoo write setFoo;

B. Read only property with accessor method could be declared:

public $foo read getFoo;

C. A shortcut notation could automatically generate the accessor method 
based on another property:

public $foo read $_foo;
// internally generated method ala C# property implementation:
// public function __get_foo() { return $this->$_foo; }

D. Similar to read only, you could have split visibility, for example, 
a public getter and a protected setter:

public $foo read getFoo write protected setFoo;  // Handy use case, not 
crazy about this syntax

public function getFoo() { return $this->_foo; }
protected function setFoo($value) { $this->_foo = $value }

E. To avoid warnings, declare the internal storage, too:

public $foo read $_foo write setFoo, protected $_foo;
public $foo read $_foo, protected $_foo;// readonly

F. Properties with accessor methods cannot be directly initialized.  
Their internal storage can, however:

public $foo read $_foo write setFoo, protected $_foo = 'bar';

G. calling unset() on a property with accessor methods could call the 
setter with NULL.

H. calling isset() on a property with accessor methods returns FALSE if 
the property does not exist, otherwise calls the getter and compares 
against NULL for compatibility purposes.  (?)

I. calling property_exists() on a property with accessor methods would 
always return TRUE.

J. The setter and getter could be inspected via ReflectionProperty.

K. Unlike __get, subclass property definitions could override the 
parent declarations:

class Foo { public $prop; }
class Bar extends Foo { public $prop read getProp write setProp;  ... }

L. An abstract class need not declare the actual accessor methods, they 
could be added as abstract by default:

abstract class Bar { public $foo read getFoo write setFoo; }

Just a few thoughts.  I am sure there are other possibilities for the 
same use cases.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: tests

2006-05-13 Thread Jeff Moore

On May 13, 2006, at 10:08 AM, Marcus Boerger wrote:

Therefor we need more tests.


I just wanted to point out that

has thousands of XML test cases in a well defined format (XML, of 
course).  They might be good for testing the XML processing portions of 
PHP.  While there are likely a bunch of obscure cases that PHP would 
not pass, this test suite might help detect changes in XML processing 
between versions of PHP.

Low hanging fruit?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Late Static Binding

2006-03-02 Thread Jeff Moore

On Mar 2, 2006, at 2:23 PM, Andi Gutmans wrote:

Do you expect significant BC breakage?

Hello Andi,

Here is an example where changing self to late binding would change 

class A {
static $a = "hello world";
static function getA() {
return self::$a;

class B extends A {
static function dosomething() {
echo self::getA();


If self becomes late binding, the location of self::$a jumps from A to 
B, where it is undefined.  Is kind of thing significant in the wild?  I 
don't know.



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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Late Static Binding

2006-03-02 Thread Jeff Moore

On Mar 2, 2006, at 11:33 AM, Mike Lively wrote:

Hi Mike,

In regards to naming: 'static' wasn't my first choice either. In fact I
was originally using 'this::' due to me misreading the notes from the

Does 'this' work ok?  I like that one.  this:: and $this would both be 
late binding one for the class the other for the instance.  It makes a 
lot of sense to me.  I think it explains why self isn't late binding, 
too.  very nice.


(I doubt very strongly that anyone 'relies' on  early
binding for static functions...I could be wrong though.)

But they do for static properties.  Changing the meaning of 
self::$property would probably break some stuff.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Late Static Binding

2006-03-02 Thread Jeff Moore

On Mar 1, 2006, at 9:50 PM, Andi Gutmans wrote:

Yeah static is very confusing and I think it's a bad idea.

I'm trying to think what a non-confusing way would be. Some ideas 
would be:

a) using "class" e.g. class::method()
b) change behavior of self:: to always be "virtual" and have people 
use class_name::method()

Any other ideas? I think we should solve this issue but let's 
brainstorm and find the right way, both syntax wise and implementation 
wise (without breaking opcode caches).

To me, the ideal solution would be to use  __class__ for the early 
binding case and self for the late binding case.  Are there any 
situations now where __class__ and self aren't the same class?  To me 
__class__ and self are nearly redundant and it is the late binding that 
is completely missing.



That seems very consistent to me and easy to explain.

Unfortunately, the problem with making self late binding is that that 
there are potential BC breaks.  Is that possibility on the table?  I 
definitely think that self makes more sense as the late binding 
keyword, but I think that ship has sailed.  Please correct me if I am 

I didn't like static at first, either, but  it grew on me after a 
while.  Self is already confusing.  Without redefining it, any approach 
(including doing nothing) is going to involve a degree of confusion.



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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Late Static Binding

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Moore

On Feb 23, 2006, at 5:06 PM, Mike Lively wrote:

I also added a new function get_caller_class() which returns the name 

the class that static:: would represent.

I find get_caller_class() a bit confusing because it introduces new 
terminology (caller).  May I suggest adding:

get_self_class()  // corresponds to self
get_static_class() // corresponds to static

This already exists:
get_parent_class() // corresponds to parent

What should get_class() return inside of a static method?  I frankly 
don't care, because I would always use get_self_class() or 
get_static_class() so that the meaning was explicit.

Thanks for the patch, I'm excited about this one.  Oh, using the key 
word static doesn't bother me at all.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Late Static Binding

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Moore

On Mar 1, 2006, at 3:45 PM, Jeff Moore wrote:

static protected function configure($obj) {
$obj = 'A';

Oops.  That should be $obj->iprop = 'A'.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Late Static Binding

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Moore

On Mar 1, 2006, at 9:37 AM, Dmitry Stogov wrote:

1) I would very like to see some real example where "static" is 

Some use cases for late static binding, tested using self on 5.1.2:

1.  What class am I really?

class A {
static function myclass() {
return get_class();

class B extends A {}

echo A::myclass();  // A
echo B::myclass();  // also A

2. Template method pattern for static methods requires late binding:

class Common {
static function doit() {
echo "The answer is 42";
// could be abstract
static function header() {}
static function footer() {}

class Html extends Common {
   static function header() {
echo "\n";
static function footer() {
echo "\n";

echo html::doit();  // Sorry, no html

3.  Accessing a static property with late binding:

class A {
static protected $statprop = 'A';
static function getStatprop() {
return self::$statprop;

class B extends A {
static protected $statprop = 'B';

echo A::getStatprop(); // A
echo B::getStatprop(); // Also A

4. Static properties are hard to get at for anything other than the 
explicit class name:

class A {
static public $iprop = 'A';

$class = 'A';
echo $class::$iprop;  // syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM

5. A (non-working) singleton base class implementation combining 
multiple late binding issues:

class Singleton {
public $iprop = NULL;
static protected $instance;

static public function getInstance() {
if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
$class = get_class();
$obj = new $class();
self::$instance = $obj;
return self::$instance;

static protected function configure($obj) {

class A extends Singleton {
static protected $instance;
static protected function configure($obj) {
$obj = 'A';

var_dump(A::getInstance()->iprop);  //NULL

This is an issue I would very much like to see resolved prior to 6.



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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [ZEND-ENGINE-CVS] cvs: ZendEngine2(PHP_5_1) / zend.h zend_object_handlers.c zend_objects.c zend_reflection_api.c php-src NEWS

2006-02-28 Thread Jeff Moore

On Feb 27, 2006, at 12:49 PM, Mike Naberezny wrote:

The code below echoes "it works" on PHP_5_1 and HEAD but raises a 
notice on the other branches.

excellent!  It seems this can be closed then?



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Re: [PHP-DEV] Vote for Zend Deep Stack Prevention (ZDSP)

2006-02-25 Thread Jeff Moore

On Feb 25, 2006, at 4:47 AM, Michael Vergoz wrote:

You see function what need a prevention ? contact me  


How about one that needs less prevention?  Would this patch (or another  
like it) allow for the elimination of the current recursion guard for  
__get, etc? 


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Re: [PHP-DEV] SplObjectStorage

2006-01-30 Thread Jeff Moore

On Jan 30, 2006, at 1:33 PM, Johannes Schlueter wrote:

"SplObjectStorage" is some thing which stores objects, that can be 
read out of

the name so it at least gives an idea and compared to your
"SplUniqueObjectContainer" it's quite short.

There are many ways to store objects.  Arrays can store objects, too.  
What makes this class different?

It's part of PHP 5.1.2.

I didn't realize that.  If I had, I probably wouldn't have posted in 
the first place.  These things get in so fast and I rarely see any 
discussion on them.  My goal in posting was to provoke some discussion 
before it was released.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] SplObjectStorage

2006-01-30 Thread Jeff Moore

On Jan 28, 2006, at 4:08 PM, Kevin Waterson wrote:

To give SplObjectStorage a better name.  My best suggestion is
SplUniqueObjectContainer.  There may be a better choice.

Why not just call it Betty.

Why not?  "Betty" is only slightly more vague than "Storage."  A vague 
name is nobody's friend.

Here is a sitepoint thread where a use of SplObjectStorage is discussed.

I'm just trying to point out that the class may have a broader use than 
the context in which it was conceived and that the name could better 
reflect its function.

AFAIK, SplObjectStorage is targeted for PHP 6.  I'm not suggesting 
changing something that has been in PHP for half a decade. Is this not 
the appropriate time and place to give feedback about API design 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] SplObjectStorage

2006-01-27 Thread Jeff Moore

On Jan 27, 2006, at 10:26 PM, Marcus Boerger wrote:

 what the hell do you want?

To give SplObjectStorage a better name.  My best suggestion is 
SplUniqueObjectContainer.  There may be a better choice.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] SplObjectStorage

2006-01-27 Thread Jeff Moore

Hi, Marcus,

On Jan 27, 2006, at 1:10 PM, Marcus Boerger wrote:

  yes, it is a conainer and not a set.

So why not call it a container instead of storage?

And it cannot take anything other
than php objects. That's why.


But, then, it has that uniqueness constraint.  The SplObjectStorage 
name doesn't convey that idea at all.


From an API standpoint (rather than an implementation standpoint), I 
don't understand the need for the object only constraint in PHP.




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[PHP-DEV] SplObjectStorage

2006-01-27 Thread Jeff Moore


"This container allows to store objects uniquly without the need to 
compare them one by one."

Unless I'm mistaken, in Java and Mathematics, this is called a Set.

"A collection that contains no duplicate elements."

Is there some reason not to name the class for the general concept?  Is 
there a reason to limit this class to object members?

Best Regards,

Jeff Moore

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Re: [PHP-DEV] JSON inclusion in core

2006-01-21 Thread Jeff Moore

On Jan 21, 2006, at 11:05 AM, Lukas Smith wrote:

Maybe we should try to come up with a common approach here for 
unserialize() as well?

Along with mysql_fetch_object and its cousins?  I haven't yet looked at 
the __set_state magic method from var_export, but isn't another side of 
the same coin?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] not found: libxml/parser.h

2006-01-07 Thread Jeff Moore

On Jan 7, 2006, at 11:54 PM, Steph Fox wrote:

 Jani's right. If the OS is missing a file, how's that a PHP issue?

Its not, except where people assume their os is fine and think its a 
problem with PHP.

I was wrong in my previous message.  Its xmlsave.h that is missing, not 
parser.h.  I have no idea why xmlsave.h is missing, as its in the 
2.6.16 version available from and its also in the 
version available with Darwin.

Anyway, this bug:

is marked "no feedback" and can be marked Closed or Bogus, if you would 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] not found: libxml/parser.h

2006-01-07 Thread Jeff Moore

Which is also true of OS X 10.3.9:

Compiling PHP > 5.1 on 10.3.9 requires installing libxml because of a 
missing parser.h in the version provided by the OS.

On Jan 6, 2006, at 4:22 PM, Jani Taskinen wrote:

This file is supposed to be wherever libxml headers are installed.
It means your libxml2 installation is borked.

On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, Gottfried Darmann wrote:

Build php 5.1.1 for win32

Several files include libxml/parser.h
which is not there (in ext/libxml)

This file is also not available in the latest version
of libxml2 (gnome).

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Re: [PHP-DEV] supported OS/platforms

2005-12-19 Thread Jeff Moore

On Dec 18, 2005, at 2:12 PM, Lukas Smith wrote:

Especially with the emergence of the gcov setup [5][6] we also have a
nice setup to make the testing automated with pretty reports and even
visual gadgets.

very nice!

Are there instructions anywhere for creating this report locally? Such 

What is the process for submitting new tests to the test suite?

Best Regards,

Jeff Moore

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[PHP-DEV] Reference of $this in 5.1

2005-09-17 Thread Jeff Moore

I'm running into a BC break between 5.1 and 5.0 & 4.x.  It seems like 
some code in 5.1 to prevent re-assigning $this also prevents taking a 
reference of $this.  The following bug report for this situation was 
marked Bogus:

However, I would like to ask for an explanation of why

$this->ref =& $this

is a valid usage while

$ref =& $this;

is not.


Jeff Moore

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Subject and Observer Interfaces

2005-09-13 Thread Jeff Moore

On Sep 13, 2005, at 1:37 AM, Marcus Boerger wrote:

  there is no way in implementing multi-whatever observer and subjects

Java does it.  (However, I am most definitely NOT suggesting emulating 
java's solution in php.)

The other thing you mentioned, sending information along, is not 

because you have access for what you really need, at least you can give
the access yourself by your design and i strongly encourage you do so.

Implementation note 6 in the patterns book talks about this, labeling 
the two styles push and pull.  Push is common, too.  (for example in 
PRADO and PEAR.)  This interface mandates pull.  I'm just suggesting 
that this particular design for Subject and Observer is not generic.  
There is more to the observer pattern than these interfaces express.  
What is the value of defining a standard interface if it can only be 
used in a fraction of the common cases and impedes extension?

I think that if Subject and Observer go into 5.1 as they are now, two 
or more of the following will happen:

Most people won't be able to use them.
Many people will waste time trying to use them before finding the 
They will have to be extended later in a way that breaks backward 
compatibility to get around those limitations.
A parallel, more capable, more mechanism will be developed and added 

They will have to be deprecated in a future release.

Is there a pressing need to have this in 5.1?  Why not wait to a later 
release and address some of the things that people commonly want to do 
with the observer pattern:

Additional notification information (push style).
A observer that can receive more than one kind of notification.
A subject that can send more than one kind of notification.


Jeff Moore

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Subject and Observer Interfaces

2005-09-13 Thread Jeff Moore

On Sep 13, 2005, at 1:35 AM, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

 You can extend the interfaces ...
 and adapt them to your needs while retaining the possibility to use 
 with other code that only knows about the original Subject and 


Actually you can't and still be typesafe.  If I extend Observer and add 
a changed() method, I cannot pass that new object to a standard Subject 
interface because that interface has no business calling the changed() 
method since its not on the base Observer interface that it specified.  
There are other problems.  The two interfaces are tightly coupled and 
extensions are not interoperable and thats why I think they aren't 
generic enough to be a standard base class in PHP.

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[PHP-DEV] Subject and Observer Interfaces

2005-09-12 Thread Jeff Moore
Would it be possible to remove the Subject and Observer interfaces or 
at least delay them until a later release?

The problem with the Observer interface is that any class implementing 
it is only capable of receiving one kind of notification (update) and 
there is no capability to send any additional information.

The problem with the Subject interface is that it can also only support 
one kind of observer.

Together these are harsh restrictions that would limit the use of these 
interfaces to only the most trivial applications.  These interfaces are 
fine as a textbook example of the observer pattern, but I don't see 
them as generally useful enough to have as part of the language.


Jeff Moore

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Property Overloading RFC

2005-08-26 Thread Jeff Moore

On Aug 26, 2005, at 5:55 AM, Derick Rethans wrote:

I'm just arguing that the current way that setters and getters are
implemented is broken. Instead of keeping a broken behavior I would  

to see it fixed.


It is not broken its incomplete.  PHP doesn't really have an  
implementation of getters and setters.  The __get and __set are really  
just "property not defined" hooks, not getters and setters (accessor  

If you take a look at a dynamic language that does does define a  
standard for getters and setters, Key Value Coding in Objective C, you  
will see what I mean.  KVC defines a (complicated) search path for  
looking up a property:

1. Search the receiver’s class for an accessor method whose name  
matches the pattern -get, -, or -is, in that order.
2. If no accessor is found, and the receiver’s class method  
accessInstanceVariablesDirectly returns YES, the receiver is searched  
for an instance variable whose name matches the pattern _,  
_is, , or is, in that order.
3. If no appropriate accessor or instance variable is found,  
valueForUndefinedKey: is invoked for the receiver, and the value is  

ObjectiveC's valueForUndefinedKey is the same as PHP's __get.  What php  
lacks is the stage in the process that looks for accessor methods.  In  
current PHP:

1. Search the object for an instance variable 
2. If no instance variable is found, __get is invoked on the object and  
the value returned.

I think where you are running into trouble with the property keyword is  
that it is targeting the wrong stage in the property name search  
process.  It simply does not make sense to declare properties in the  
class for the "undefined property" (__get) stage of the search process.

Right now, most people simulate accessor methods in user space using  
__get and __set and if statements, case statements, introspection,  
arrays, or a variety of other techniques.

If you want to improve this process and bring it into the engine, then  
the place to do it is the property name search path.  This is where  
declared properties with accessor methods should be handled.  An  
accessor method check could be added either before or after the check  
for the instance variable.  A new keyword isn't necessary here, a  
simple naming convention could suffice as in ObjectiveC.  Reflection  
could be made aware of the naming conventions, etc.

However, adding the stage before, as in ObjectiveC, seems unlikely to  
gain much support here because of potential BC issues with method names  
and performance concerns.  (Although, some things will become faster,  
some things will become slower.)

Adding the stage after also seems unlikely to gain much support here  
because it can be simulated fairly well right now in user space using  
the current __get mechanisms.  (Which is exactly what we do on the WACT  

I happen to think that a PHP standard for accessor methods would be a  
good thing, but adding a stage to the search path is a hard sell.   
Without adding a stage to the search path for property names, a  
property keyword such as proposed makes little sense, the current  
mechanisms are sufficient.

I understand the problem you're trying to solve, support the need for a  
solution, but don't think this proposal solves the problem.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Property Overloading RFC

2005-08-25 Thread Jeff Moore

On Aug 25, 2005, at 8:01 AM, Derick Rethans wrote:

On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Derick Rethans wrote:

I updated the proposal:

It seems to me that after declaring the property with the property 
keyword, the property isn't so virtual anymore.


I think this is a good idea, but aren't double underline methods 
reserved for those called by PHP itself.  The example shows the user 
calling __have_prop().  Under what circumstances would php call 


I would rather see an exception based mechanism for this, but I'll 
concede that as unlikely, so i'll just suggest using the standard PHP 
boolean values.  The proposal implies TRUE & NULL would be the same, 
which seems inconsistent.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Property Overloading RFC

2005-08-17 Thread Jeff Moore

On Aug 2, 2005, at 9:05 AM, Derick Rethans wrote:

1. There is no way to document the 'virtual' properties with any of  
the existing

   documentation tools (such as phpdoc and doxygen)

This sounds like a tool problem, not a language problem.

2. There is no way how the magic methods know if a specific 'virtual'  
   exists or not as those properties are not declared usually - unless  
   define an array with property names as a class constant (which is  

   allowed either).

Sometimes you just want to know if a single property exists and  
sometimes you want to know all the properties.  There are cases where  
generating the full list of properties may be overly expensive (ORM  
with inheritance).


Note that some properties may be read only and some might be write  
only, so perhaps incorporating intended use into the API:


3. There is no way for the magic methods to return a meaningfull error  
when a
   property doesn't "exist". Of course it is possible to throw an  
error with
   "trigger_error" or "throw" in case a property doesn't "exist" in a  
   class, but the file and line numbers would not match the actually  
   action. debug_backtrace() can be used to retrieve the correct file  
and line,
   but as you have to do this for every class where you want to use  
setters and

   getters *and* you have to implement your own error message rendering
   function this is not really a suitable option either.

I would rather see exceptions used instead of changing the established  
method signature of __get and __set.  What about defining a standard  
PropertyNotFound exception?

While on the topic, a little wishlisting.  i would like to see an  
accessor method search path, much like Objective C's KeyValueCoding: 

so, this defines a read only virtual property:

class Square {
function __get_area() {
return $this->width*$this->length;

echo $sq->area;

in this case, PHP would look for a __get_XXX method before calling the  
__get as a last resort fallback.  I'm  not attached to this particular  
syntax, but I think the KVC concept with an accessor method naming  
convention has proven worthwhile in Objective C.  KVC also has some  
interesting advanced features such as indexed properties, paths, change  
notification, and constraint enforcement.  KVC is worth emulating.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 6.0 Wishlist

2005-08-16 Thread Jeff Moore

On Aug 12, 2005, at 1:48 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

4. Include an opcode cache by default.  A lot of work has gone into
   pecl/apc recently, but I am not hung up on which one goes in.

This is a sweet carrot to drive adoption despite a few minor BC issues.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] __autoload() enhancement

2005-04-03 Thread Jeff Moore
On Apr 3, 2005, at 6:05 AM, Zeev Suraski wrote:
What I'd like to suggest is a change in the behavior of __autoload(), 
so that multiple __autoload()'s could be defined.  Essentially, 
declaring __autoload() would in fact add the function to the list of 
functions that are called in case a missing class is referenced.  
However, it will not actually place a function named __autoload() in 
the PHP function table.  That way, it would be possible to declare 
multiple __autoloads(), and have all of them called when a missing 
class is spotted.
Coupled with namespaces, declaring multiple __autoload functions seems 

namespace x {
function __autoload() {
namespace y {
function __autoload() {
Absent namespaces, the symbol table manipulation seems a bit magical to 

Just brainstorming here, but why not an __autoload for functions?
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: par/phar/jar (was zend_stream_fixup)

2005-03-15 Thread Jeff Moore
On Mar 15, 2005, at 7:41 PM, cshmoove wrote:
   read my reply to Christian. as i mentioned, i'm working on another 
project which already has infrastucture for dealing with similar 
issues. i simply noticed that it could be adapted for the PAR/PHAR 
idea. IOW, the extension will be written whether or not we do the 
implement web archives.

  BTW, i gave your blog only a cursory glance, so i can't comment in 
depth. however, i will say that the format addresses your issue of not 
having to unpack. the file is memory mapped and cached, so all 
resources are available without file operations beyond the initial 
open resource types are string, int, arrays (numerically indexed), 
tables (hashes of any other type), utf16 string and binary (arbitrary 
sized). resource fallback is standard (eg. /path/to/resource/en_US/ -> 
/path/to/resource/en/ -> root )
What I was trying to suggest was that this was really two things.  One 
is an extension that would present a tar file as a file system:

require_once 'tar::///path/myresources.tar/path/index.php';
require_once 'tgz::///path/myresources.tgz/path/index.php';
The extension could, of course, cache the tar file in memory and build 
some internal data structures to optimize multiple accesses into the 
file.  I think this would be a good general addition to the standard 
PHP distribution.

This combined with the HALT patch would be a killer combination for 
distributing PHP applications in one file without unpacking.

Then, on top of this tar layer would come the higher level resource 
location API.  The  API wouldn't care if its base files were located in 
an archive or on the native file system, or in another kind of stream 

if the tar extension's implementation of 
file_exists('tar:://path/to/resource/en_US/resourcename') is fast 
enough, couldn't the resource location layer even be native PHP?

The reason I suggested the OS X Bundle system was because it implements 
its resource location capability with xml metadata (info.plist) on top 
of a plain file system and I thought it might lend itself to such a 
division of labor.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: par/phar/jar (was zend_stream_fixup)

2005-03-15 Thread Jeff Moore
On Mar 10, 2005, at 9:59 PM, l0t3k wrote:
In about a month or so, i'll start work on an extension implementing a  
format which allows for bundling all resources related to a app  
PHP source, localized strings, gifs, byte-code from BCompiler etc). the
format has an heirarchical internal structure and allows for  
and fallback.
You might consider looking at the concept of bundles from Mac OS X: 

Bundles aren't a file format, but rather a directory structure, a set  
of naming conventions, and an API that provides these capabilities on  
the standard file system.

On OS X, the finder makes bundles opaque to the user.  In PHP, this  
could be done with a standard format such as tar or zip.

I wrote about this some here: 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.1

2005-02-04 Thread Jeff Moore
On Feb 2, 2005, at 3:53 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
We have seen definitively that many application writers do not know 
how to properly validate data.  And yes, it is another ini thing to 
worry about, and yes it will be painful, but I don't think we can 
continue to ignore this.  I also think that people who actually write 
good and secure web apps in PHP won't have too many problems with 
this.  It will just be an additional tool they can use if it is 
available.  For people who don't know what they are doing or don't 
care about security, it may very well break their applications, but 
those applications most likely should be broken.
I absolutely agree that a problem exists.  However, I am not sure that 
an optional external filtering solution will solve the problem.  
Especially if the option breaks too much stuff for most people to turn 
it on.

On the other hand, just the existence of the option, even if rarely 
used will still result in obscure bug reports and a steeper learning 

I would like to be wrong.
On Feb 4, 2005, at 4:00 AM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
And everyone here understands that &{ needs to be stripped or entitied 
as well, right?  How many non-internals folks do you think know that?
Which is why whitelists for input are better than blacklists.  If a 
strict global blacklist oriented filter causes the programmer to bypass 
it and go for the raw input, then they are in the same boat regarding 
this stuff.

Independently of the external filtering, a set of standard whitelist 
oriented filtering functions would be a good idea.

There may also be some other areas where quoting requirements and 
filtering requirements might be made more obvious.

For example, if you use external input inside the replacement parameter 
 of preg_replace, you have to quote it.  However, many people don't 
realize that, or that the quoting rules for the replacement parameter 
are different than the quoting rules for the search pattern parameter.  
 A preg_replacement_quote function might highlight this issue.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.1

2005-02-02 Thread Jeff Moore
On Feb 1, 2005, at 5:41 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
But the general idea is to provide an optional filter that people can 
enable in their ini file.  This will strip out any XSS, quotes, 
braces, etc.
I hate to see more ini options.  They make it more difficult to write 
programs that work under a variety of configurations and more difficult 
to integrate programs written for different configurations.  I would 
like to less ini file variability in the wild, not more.

It seems to me like only the application knows what is valid data.  
Trying to bolt on input checking to existing applications from the 
outside looks like it would just break applications, perhaps in subtle 
and difficult to detect ways.

One example would be that applications which display back form values 
upon validation failure would be sending back modified values.  This 
can be disconcerting to the user.  The user may not even notice that 
what they typed was silently modified to be something else.

Doing this from the ini file just seems like another kind of 
magic_quotes_gpc to me.  I am not a fan of magic.

If ini file based filtering causes too many problems to turn on in 
general, then what good is having it?  If ini file based filtering 
becomes too specific to an individual application, then why not just 
let the application handle it?  It seems like a fine line to walk.

I am wary of an ini file based input filtering.
echo filter(GET,'foo',FILTER_NUMBER);
A set of easy to use and easy to find whitelist oriented filtering and 
validation functions is a great idea.

Eventually, someone is going to want to start adding parameters to 
control the filtering.  This would be easier with individual functions 
for individual types.  Also, the filters would be more useful if they 
were de-coupled from the input mechanism.

What about:
echo filter_number($_GET['foo']);
echo filter_string($str);  // Perhaps same thing as strip_tags with no 
$allowed_tags, but white list oriented naming.
echo filter_html($str, $allowed_tags_and_attributes);  // improved 

Also perhaps something like this for registering input filters:
register_filter(GET, ALL, 'trim');
register_filter(GET, 'foo', 'filter_number');
register_filter(GET, 'bar', 'filter_html', 

echo $_GET['foo'];
echo $_GET['bar'];
If there had to be a ini file option, then perhaps something taint-like:
block_unfiltered_input = 1
With this option, superglobals that didn't have filters registered 
would simply be NULL.  An option like this has to be able to be 
modified at runtime.  something like:

echo $_GET['foo'];   //   'bar'
ini_set('block_unfiltered_input', TRUE);
echo $_GET['foo'];  // NULL
I have no idea how super globals are implemented, so I don't know if 
this is even possible.  These are just some additional ideas.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Fwd: pdo [was Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.1 roadmap]

2004-10-25 Thread Jeff Moore
On Oct 25, 2004, at 8:48 AM, Lukas Smith wrote:
D Kingma wrote:
I just took a view at some PDO examples on the net and it looks 
promissing. The
one thing that I would to see is that the fetch method accepts a 
class name as
optional second parameter (when using PDO_FETCH_OBJ or 
PDO_FETCH_LAZY) and then
returns a new instance of the given class with the given result row as
properties (when defined in the class).
Yes, that as on the todo at somepoint. Atleast it was on Marcus's todo 
list at somepoint. Another cool thing to have would be to also be able 
to pass an existing class instance instead of a class name.
I really like that idea.   You don't really need the ability to pass a 
class name if you have that ability:

$obj = $stmt->fetch(PDO_FETCH_OBJ,  new MyObject());
I imagine this would be a popular form:
$obj = $stmt->fetch(PDO_FETCH_OBJ,  $this);
Whenever I see a method with a constant parameter like this, especially 
when it involves additional required parameters disguised as optional 
parameters, I always imagine the constant folded into the function name 
anyway (see ):

I would prefer to see fetch left alone (and simple) and instead to have 
this added to the API:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] GOTO operator

2004-07-30 Thread Jeff Moore
On Jul 30, 2004, at 4:33 PM, Edin Kadribasic wrote:
Jeff Moore wrote:
Where did the if statements go?  do_stuff(), do_more_stuff(),  and 
do_even_more_stuff() should throw exceptions rather than return 
boolean error indicators.
Now imagine do_stuff() and friends were native PHP functions ;)
You might also have installed a standard error handler to raise some 
kinds of php errors as exceptions.   In the worst case, you would have 
to add the if ... throws  and you would be no worse off at the lowest 
level.However, the caller of the enclosing pseudocode() function 
would not have to check for a boolean error code and so try/catch is 
still a net gain.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] GOTO operator

2004-07-30 Thread Jeff Moore
On Jul 30, 2004, at 10:35 AM, Shaun Thomas wrote:
Paul G wrote:
function pseudocode()
goto err_out;
goto err_out;
goto err_out;
return true;
if(isset($c)) free_resouce($c);
if(isset($d)) free_resouce($c);
return false;
While this is valid, it's not really a good example of pseudocode that 
requires a goto to be efficient.  You could do the same thing with 

function pseudocode()
  try {
  throw SOME_ERROR;
  throw SOME_ERROR;
  throw SOME_ERROR;
return true;
  catch SOME_ERROR {
if(isset($c)) free_resouce($c);
if(isset($d)) free_resouce($c);
return false;
I would prefer to write the original code as follows:
function pseudocode()  {
try {
$a = allocate_resource_z();
$b = allocate_resource_y();
$res = do_stuff();
$c = allocate_resource_x();
$res = do_more_stuff();
$d = allocate_resource_foo();
$res = do_even_more_stuff();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
if(isset($c)) free_resouce($c);
if(isset($d)) free_resouce($c);
        throw ($e);
Where did the if statements go?  do_stuff(), do_more_stuff(),  and 
do_even_more_stuff() should throw exceptions rather than return boolean 
error indicators.  (Following the principle of raising the error as 
soon as it can be detected.)  This implementation of pseudocode() also 
re-throws the exception, rather than use a boolean error return value.  
One major benefit of exceptions is to eliminate conditional statements 
as error codes "bubble up."  goto does not help with this. 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] GOTO operator

2004-07-30 Thread Jeff Moore
On Jul 29, 2004, at 6:30 PM, Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
Here are some more programming languages you may wish to discredit for 
goto support.

The C# goto is limited: "goto statements can transfer control within 
blocks and out of blocks, but never into blocks."  Does the PHP goto 
implementation have this limitation?
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Performance Consideration of 1 class per file

2004-04-26 Thread Jeff Moore
On Apr 23, 2004, at 11:37 PM, Alan Knowles wrote:

PEAR is considering stipulating 1 class per file, for the packages. - 
one of the concerns raised is performance. While this is true for a 
non-cache compiled situation (where performance is less of an issue) - 
would anyone care to comment on the implications when using the Zend 
Optimizer or APC, on how significant the impact of this would be.
The Mojavi framework combines 19(?) single class files into a single 
file to include.  I benchmarked this and if I recall correctly, the 
combined file loaded in roughly half the time of including the 
individual 19 files. The timing was only for including, no actual work 
was performed.  No cache was used.  The benchmarks were done under OS 
X, which as has been discussed on this list before, has a particularly 
inefficient implementation of realpath (used in the including process).

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Declaration of Bar::__construct() must be compatible with that of Foo::__construct()

2004-02-26 Thread Jeff Moore
On Feb 26, 2004, at 1:49 AM, Andi Gutmans wrote:

You are breaking the isA relationship. We fixed this so that from now 
on, people will not make such mistakes anymore (I think it's the right 
way to go, so that we don't leave broken functionality around).
You can enable compatibility mode to make this work or specify a 
default value (as you saw) for $bar so that you are keeping the 
interface of the base class.
First Interfaces.  Interfaces are a purely a type checking construct.  
There is nothing you can do with interfaces in PHP 5 that you can't 
already do with classes in PHP 4 except type checking.  So, it makes 
sense that implementing an interface obligates you to some method 
signature type checking. Implementing an interface means this class 
supports this contract.

interface BaseInterface1 {
function example($value = NULL);
class DefaultArguments1 implements BaseInterface1 {
function example($value = NULL);
The class implements the interface contract.  This should work.

interface BaseInterface2 {
function example($value);
class DefaultArguments2 implements BaseInterface {
function example($value = NULL);
The class implements the interface contract.   This should work.

interface BaseInterface3 {
function example();
class VariableArguments1 implements BaseInterface3 {
function example() {
if (func_num_args() <= 1) {
The class and interface signatures match, but the class has an 
implementation twist in that it accepts a variable number of arguments. 
This should work.  The interface doesn't specify whether () means no 
arguments or variable number of arguments, so one has to assume 
variable number.

interface BaseInterface1 {
function example($value = NULL);
class VariableArguments2 implements BaseInterface1 {

function example() {
if (func_num_args() <= 1) {
This class may implement the contract, too.  Its just hard to tell from 
the declarations.  Traditionally in PHP, declarations have not meant 
much.  Since interfaces are new, whether or not this works is optional. 
 if not, then perhaps a varargs keyword will be added in a later 
version to help match the declarations.

Now constructors and interfaces...

interface BaseInterface4 {
function __construct();
What does it mean to "construct" an interface?  Nothing.  This should 
be a compile time error.

Now old style constructors

interface BaseInterface4 {
function OldConstructor1();
class OldConstructor1 implements BaseInterface4 {
This is an error, too.  The name of a method in the interface cannot 
match the name of a class that implements it (or match the name of any 
of the parent classes.)  This protects the classes constructors from 
becoming involved in an interface.

There is nothing wrong with the interface by iteself.  There is nothing 
wrong with the class by itself.  They just cannot be used together.

Moving on the the class side...

Constructors aren't are really an object method, they are a class 
method. As such, their signatures should not be a part of any normal 
method signature checks.  Here is an example:

class Shape {
function __construct() {}
class Polygon {
function  __construct($sides) { parent::_construct(); }
class Rectangle {
	function __construct($sides, $length, $width) { 
parent::_construct($sides); }

class Square {
	function __construct($sides, $size) { parent::_construct($sides,  
$size, $size) }

Here each class maintains the is_a relationship with its predecessor.  
However, the constructors are essentially unrelated except where 
explicitly linked in the code.  The signatures are not linked by the 
declaration.  This is correct. PHP should NOT compare the signatures of 
the construction methods.  This is consistent with other languages and 
consistent with the idea that constructors are class methods, not 
instance methods.  This capability is essential.

Actually, unless I am mistaken, constructors ARE just instance methods 
in PHP with a fancy naming convention.

Now moving on to the signatures of non-construction methods.

PHP implements a dynamic message passing object paradigm (ala small 
talk) instead of a static type based object paradigm (ala java).  This 
is a good thing.  The message (method name) is passed up the 
inheritance tree until an object says "I can do that."  Only then to 
the arguments get bound and the method implementation on the object 
invoked.  The checking against number of arguments occurs at binding 
time.  This is not bad.  nor is it incorrect.

PHP will never know what types are being passed, so it simulates 
overloading with default arguments and variable argument functions.

On Feb 26, 2004, at 1:51 AM, Andi Gutmans wrote:

Regular inheritance has to follow the same isA rules as interfaces. 
Inheritance is exactly

Re: [PHP-DEV] try/catch/FINALLY

2003-08-14 Thread Jeff Moore
On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 03:14  AM, Marcus Börger wrote:

There's absolute no need for finally:
PHP doesn't necessarily control every resources you might want to 

mysql_query('LOCK ...');
try {
... do stuff
} finally {
.. do more stuff
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[PHP-DEV] Error handling code compatible with both PHP 4 and PHP 5

2003-06-28 Thread Jeff Moore
I've been doing some thinking about how to write error handling code
that can run in both PHP 4 and PHP 5.  Under the current situation, it
looks like you have to resort to the lowest common denominator of PHP 4
to make error handling code that works under both versions.
Here is a proposal for changing that:

1. Change built in functions to raise exceptions.

There was a thread on this.  This would let you do the standard modern
error handling in PHP 5:
try {
db_connect ( 'foo' );
} catch (exception e) {
2. Change php 5 to convert uncaught exceptions into standard PHP 4 style
errors and pass them to the current error_handler.
uncaught exceptions raised by the built in functions would be converted
into exactly the same parameters to the error_handler that they would 
triggered in PHP 4.

This maintains backward compatibility without requiring any
configuration parameters.  Unmodified PHP 4 code running under PHP 5
would perform exactly the same as long as no try .. catch statements
were used.
This PHP 4 style code would still work the same in PHP 5 even when
db_connect raises an exception:
3. Change the suppress errors operator (@) to also suppresses
This is also required for backward compatibility, so that things like
this still work the same way:

4. Change trigger_error to raise an exception.

This allows PHP 4 compatible code to communicate with PHP 5 code via
For unmodified PHP 4 code, the uncaught exception would be changed back
into a standard error_handler style error.  Thus, the code would run the
same under PHP 4.
PHP 5 code could catch the exception.

A good example of this would be calling a PHP 4/PHP 5 compatible library
from either a PHP 4 or a PHP 5 program.  The library can simply call
trigger_error.  Any caller can then handle the error in the way that
is appropriate:
function MultiVersionCompatableLibraryFunction() {
if ($Problem) trigger_error("Message");
function PHP4Caller() {
function PHP5caller() {
try {
} catch (exception e) {
5.  Add a call_error_handler() function

This function takes an exception as a parameter and converts it to a
valid call on a PHP 4 style error_handler.
call_error_handler($exceptionObj, $handlerName)

The second parameter would default to the current error handler.

This would be used for explicitly converting between the different error
try {
} catch (exception e) {

This proposal is intended to give an intermediate solution for
errorhandling during the transition from PHP 4 to PHP 5.  Without this,
the jump from using an error_handler to using exceptions is too harsh.
As soon as you start using exceptions, you have to abandon PHP 4.  This
won't be realistic for libraries (such as smarty) that have to support
the version of PHP that people are actually using.  Without the
capability to mix error models, library authors will have to delay using
exceptions until the majority of installations are using PHP 5. With the
described changes, library authors can migrate to an transitional 
that works with both PHP 4 and PHP 5.

Comments?  Is this possible?  Am I missing something?

This proposal is a bit half-baked, but I wanted to get it out as soon 
as I

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP Micro-Benchmark-Suite

2003-06-26 Thread Jeff Moore
On Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 04:09  AM, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

  I started working on a PHP Micro-Benchmark-Suite [1] to track
  changes in performance between PHP releases.
Great idea.

I was reading this article this morning:

"Safari is the shining example of how to do it right. The engineering 
team made performance the most important feature, and it was measured 
constantly. No regression was allowed from build to build. If an 
engineer wanted to introduce a feature that degraded performance, then 
there had to find some other way to improve speed in order to keep the 

For what its worth, I'd like to contribute some of the php benchmarks 
that I've put together in the past:

These benchmarks mostly test PHP parsing speed and various methods of 
importing/modifying large amounts of text/html data into a PHP script.

A couple interesting things in here:

I was mildly surprised at how long it takes php to parse raw html with 
no php escape tags in it.

I would have thought that parsing inside quotes would be more 
comparable.  (look at cb1 vs. qb1 - they should be equal?).

Also, heredoc syntax is 5 times slower than single or double quotes.

I am a little disappointed that include_once performance is so much 
poorer than the if...defined...include logic is was designed to replace.

Also, I am using ab instead of in-script timers.

Here are my results on a 300 Mhz G3 running Mac OS X & PHP 4.3.2:

ce0 (empty html file)3.08 [ms]
c1e (empty PHP file) 9.93 [ms]
cb0 (big html)   5.14 [ms]
cb1 (big html as php)22.45 [ms]
cb3 (big html as shtml)  15.17 [ms]
ib1  (fread) 15.75 [ms]
ib2  (include)   25.40 [ms]
ib3  (include_once)  25.54 [ms]
ib4  (include_once twice)27.80 [ms]
ib5  (get_file_contents) 15.08 [ms]
ib6  (./include) 25.32 [ms]
is1  (fread) 13.06 [ms]
is2  (include)   13.23 [ms]
qb1 (single quote syntax)31.94 [ms]
qb2 (double quote syntax)32.00 [ms]
qb3 (heredoc syntax) 162.22 [ms
rb1  (replace_string)38.69 [ms]
rb2  (php escape)26.64 [ms]
rs1  (replace_string)14.25 [ms]
rs2  (php escape)14.19 [ms]
rb3  (keys/values rep_str)   33.98 [ms]

Benchmarks marked with an "e" operate on a 0 byte file. Benchmarks 
marked with an "s" operate on a 366 byte file.  Benchmarks marked with 
a "b" operate on a 35,913 byte file.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Benchmarking 4.3.2 vs 4.1.2

2003-06-05 Thread Jeff Moore
On Wednesday, June 4, 2003, at 12:21  PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

Uh, the number of open() calls really shouldn't change.  Are you sure  
are comparing the same code?
Yes.  I am sure.

And how are you testing?
I attach fs_usage to the running httpd process and hit the script a  
single time. 

Here is the full trace for accessing a zero length file called  
(notice how each directory gets opened three times.  in 4.1.2 each  
directory gets opened twice.)

open [  2] 
open [  2] 
stat  .
chdir /Library/WebServer/Documents/rot/bench
openF=4   .
chdir /Library/WebServer/Documents/rot/bench
lstat control.php
lstat .
openF=5   ..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x68
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ..
openF=5   ../..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x208
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ../..
openF=5   ../../..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x58
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ../../..
openF=5   ../../../..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x2ac
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ../../../..
openF=5   ../../../../..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x218
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ../../../../..
fchdir  F=4
close   F=4
stat  .
lstat .
openF=4   ..
fstat   F=4
fstatfs F=4
fstat   F=4
getdirentries   F=4B=0x68
lseek   F=4  O=0x
close   F=4
lstat ..
openF=4   ../..
fstat   F=4
fstatfs F=4
fstat   F=4
getdirentries   F=4B=0x208
lseek   F=4  O=0x
close   F=4
lstat ../..
openF=4   ../../..
fstat   F=4
fstatfs F=4
fstat   F=4
getdirentries   F=4B=0x58
lseek   F=4  O=0x
close   F=4
lstat ../../..
openF=4   ../../../..
fstat   F=4
fstatfs F=4
fstat   F=4
getdirentries   F=4B=0x2ac
lseek   F=4  O=0x
close   F=4
lstat ../../../..
openF=4   ../../../../..
fstat   F=4
fstatfs F=4
fstat   F=4
getdirentries   F=4B=0x218
lseek   F=4  O=0x
close   F=4
lstat ../../../../..
openF=4   .
chdir /Library/WebServer/Documents/rot/bench
lstat control.php
lstat .
openF=5   ..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x68
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ..
openF=5   ../..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x208
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ../..
openF=5   ../../..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x58
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ../../..
openF=5   ../../../..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x2ac
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ../../../..
openF=5   ../../../../..
fstat   F=5
fstatfs F=5
fstat   F=5
getdirentries   F=5B=0x218
lseek   F=5  O=0x
close   F=5
lstat ../../../../..
fchdir  F=4
close   F=4

[PHP-DEV] Benchmarking 4.3.2 vs 4.1.2

2003-06-05 Thread Jeff Moore
I remember a discussion about system calls here earlier.  What is the 
status of that?

I've been doing some tests and have found that this code runs about 2.5 
times slower under 4.3.2 than it did on 4.1.2 on the same machine 
(running OS X):

I did some tests with fs_usage to check file system calls and found 
that for a zero length test.php file, 4.3.2 makes the following 
additional calls beyond 4.1.2:

1 chdir  /Library/WebServer/Documents/rot/bench
1 fchdir
12 fstat
5 fstatfs
5 getdirentries
7 lseek O=0x
1 lstat test.php
6 lstat (., .., ../.., etc.
6 open  (., .., ../.., etc)
1 stat
The fread example above made the following additional calls in 4.3.2 
beyond 4.1.2:

2 chdir /Library/WebServer/Documents/rot/bench
2 fchdir
32 fstat
15 fstatfs
15 getdirentries
16 lseek O=0x
1 lstat  file.html
1 lstat test.php
18 lstat (., .., ../.., etc.)
17 open  (., .., ../.., etc)
4 stat
1 stat .
some of my counts my be slightly off - I counted them by hand.

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