[IRCA] Kona TP/DU November 15

2009-11-15 Thread cafe

Full report coming --

I listening from 0930 to about 1015 UTC before I went to bed...
and it was chock-a-block up and down the dial
with JJ, Russian, Aussie, KK, CC and some Island stuff.

Doing things a little differently --
not really referring to any guides directly (WRTH, PAL, etc)
just listening, noting times, frequencies and details...
such as language and QRM if any.

I can sort of see how Hawaii ties in with the rest of
the WCNA scene -- as, however "strong" the signals are
(they are not gangbusters by any means...) they simply
have very little interference from here in the Hawaiian
Islands - and there are wild variations between days.
And what is also interesting is the kind of WC reception
I am getting - how little of it most of the time...

Heading to HILO next week for another angle on the mainland.

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

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[IRCA] Kona TP/DU November 15 - details

2009-11-15 Thread cafe

UTC -  FREQ -- STATION -- Details

0926 - 1116 - AUS-Brisbane - EE Talk and several great IDs
 recorded - will post later on dxer.ca
0933 - 1008 - NHK Osaka - Bg signal with JJ chatter
0938 - 1179 - MBS Osaka - " "  " " " huge
0939 - 1197 - CC Unid
0940 - 1242 - NBS Tokyo + others
0942 - 1314 - JOUF Osaka - JJ talk - really good
0943 - 1377 - CNR assume the CC competing with some other stations
0944 - 1386 - Auckland, Tarana - w/ Eastern-Hindi programming
not really monopolizing the channel -- looking for DXCR Philippines
here - good luck with that...
0946 - 1512 - UNID - sounding Tagalog to my ears - will post a sound byte
0947 - 1566 - S. Korea - truly one of the loudest TPs on the band - a
solid 10db over S9 - very, very low modulation at this hour w/ EE programming
underneath + one other
0958 - 810 - Russian - other common channel where I was hearing RR was on
576. LW has 279, 234, 189 as regulars - buried in some local noise
1001 - 1233 - ABC Newcastle - assume 2NC w/ EE programming
1004 - 738 - China/Taiwan - no sign of Tahiti (and they rule the earlier
 part of the evening...
1007 - 1116 - Brisbane, Australia - totally ruling this channel
 with regular ID's, ads and local stories - really good MP3s of this.

ETON E1 - Wellbook ALA100M - 15' of wire wrapped around one of the balcony

Kona, Hawaii, at the Hale Kona Kai beachfront condo.

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

IRCA mailing list

Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
editors, publishing staff, or officers

For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com