Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why Has Islam Prohibited Dating - NO Free Tasting in Islam

2007-01-07 Thread Alan Border
“Integration – YES”
  “But NOT at the Cost of Losing Our IDENTITY, Our Religious Beliefs, Our VALUE 
  Why Has Islam Prohibited Dating?
  7/4/2004 2:00:00 PM GMT
  "Dating" as it is currently practiced in much of the world shall not exist 
among Muslims -- where a man and a woman (or boy/girl) are in a one-on-one 
intimate relationship, spending time together alone, getting to know each other 
in a very deep way. A man and a woman are not allowed to be alone together, and 
any physical contact before marriage is forbidden. Hence, Dating is not 
permitted in Islam.
Allah has prohibited girl/boyfriend relationships in the Qur'an 
"(Lawful to you in marriage) are chaste women from the believers and chaste 
women from those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) before your 
time, when you have given their due Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to 
his wife at the time of marriage), desiring chastity (i.e. taking them in legal 
wedlock) not committing illegal sexual intercourse, nor taking them as 
girlfriends. ... ” - Al-Ma'idah 5:5.
If a Muslim man has the desire and willingness to assume marital 
responsibilities, and he doesn’t have anyone in mind, he might ask his friends, 
family, and relatives if there is a lady that might be suitable for him among 
their acquaintances and relatives, and then the couple can meet with their 
family members.
As a result, many marriages in the Muslim world were traditionally arranged 
marriages, though this is not a religious requirement. However, both couples 
can not be forced to accept an arranged marriage and if a man likes someone 
(with the intention of marriage) that he knows from work, neighborhood or 
acquaintances, etc… he shall propose to her.
Islam also encourages Muslims to marry persons for whom they have special 
feelings and are comfortable with. Thus, Islam recommends that potential 
marriage partners see one another before proposing marriage. Explaining the 
reason for such a recommendation, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“That Would Enhance/Foster the Bonding.”
However the prospective couple shall not meet in private, this might lead to 
extremely unwanted situations, as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said :

“Whenever a man is alone with a woman, Satan is the third among them” (Reported 
by At-Tirmidhi)..
At all times, Muslims should follow the commands of the Qur'an 

"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), 
and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer 
for them. "
In conclusion, Islam lays its social structure on the basis of a permanent 
relationship between a man and a woman in the form of a family. Consequently, 
to preserve this marital relationship, it forbids all forms of temporary 
relationships between a man and a woman. Pre-marital relationships in Islam are 
not considered respectful for neither the man nor the woman, nor is it 
constructive for the concept or the building the family or the Islamic society.
  "For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to 
account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Win a Book in my Book Giveaway

2007-01-07 Thread Rachelle C.
I'm having a contest at my blog,

To win a free copy of Hell in a Briefcase, simply leave a comment on my blog at giving your name and saying you want to enter. Don't 
forget to leave your email address where I can contact you if you win. This 
contest runs from Jan. 1 to Jan. 30. Winner will be announced at the end of the 
month. International readers are welcome to enter.

Here's a picture of the book and more info about it at Amazon:

Rachelle A. C.
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Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Koran becomes hit Christmas present

2007-01-07 Thread Postquantum
This is something being seen everywhere, I think.  

This is a "backlash against the backlash", where
thinking, responsible, caring people of all faiths
reject the simple image of the "evil other", find out
the truth of unity and beauty, and begin to hold the
propagandists and politicians to account for their
ugly lies and manipulations.  

Who benefits from the perpetual conflict and struggles
of the common man, across the worlds?  

The Great Deceiver(s) ... hi-tech hypocrites ...
corrupted guardians ... the REAL ENEMY. 

So ... ONWARD. 


> Koran becomes hit Christmas present  
>   Believers and non-believers alike are looking to a
> new Koran translation to give them insight into
> Islam 
> A new Danish translation of the Koran has been
> snapped up from bookstores' shelves, joining the
> ties, toasters and toys wrapped and waiting to be
> opened Christmas Eve.
>   In the first month since its release, nearly half
> of the 10,000 copies available have been sold,
> sending philologist Ellen Wulff's translation to
> number two on the non-fiction list.
>   Bookstore managers have reported that this
> translation of the central text of Islam has become
> a surprise Christmas gift hit.
>   'The majority of Korans we sell are for Christmas
> presents. I know, because we wrap a lot of them,'
> Maja Nordholm, manager of Arnold Busck bookstore in
> Odense, told Kristeligt Dagblad newspaper.
>   The only other existing Danish translation of the
> Koran was published in 1967. But it is acknowledged
> by neither Shia nor Sunni Muslims, as the
> translator, Abdul S Madsen, belonged to the
> Ahmadiyya sect, which teaches that a second prophet
> arrived after Mohammed.
>   The release of the new translation comes at a time
> when Islam is a highly debated subject, noted Jørgen
> Bæk Simonsen, an Islam expert and professor at the
> University of Copenhagen. He felt it could fill a
> need among non-Muslim Danes to gain an understanding
> of Islam.
>   'You can't read the newspaper, listen to the radio
> or turn on the TV without encountering Islam and
> Muslims,' said Simonsen. 'So there is a desire to
> learn what the Koran is about. Some will read it to
> find out what the Koran says. Others will read it to
> take part in the public debate.'
>   The translation has also opened a window for
> Muslims with an immigrant background who cannot read
> Arabic, according to Kate Østergaard, a researcher
> in religion at the University of Copenhagen. She
> believes the Danish translation fills a need among
> young Muslims to define and understand their
> religion.
>   'Their religion is continually in focus, so they
> want to look at what is in the Koran and find out
> what real Islam is,' she said.
>   Amir Mahdi, 24, a Muslim living in Odense, agrees.
> He has difficulty reading Arabic, so he was happy to
> receive a copy of the Danish version from his
> father.
>   'The Danish Koran opens doors for me to rediscover
> my religion and gain a greater understanding for
> something that means a lot in my life,' Mahdi said.
> 'Now I can make my own interpretations and go deeper
> into Islam.'
>   Comment:
>   Who would have expected the Quran to be so popular
> in a country where the cartoons of Muhammed Saw were
> drawn which led to many protests and a boycott of
> Danish goods by Muslims.
>   The Government sought to  demonise Muslims by
> making public statements about Muslims refusal to
> integrate, dress code, refusal to join the army and
> kill fellow Muslims etc. 
>   The public in their country most of whom were not
> taken in by the anti-Islamic rhetoric chose to go to
> the source of Muslims way of life which is the Quran
> and find out for themselves what Islam has to say on
> a variety of issues. This is the beginning of
> western people trying to understand what Islam is
> and is the perfect oppurtunity for us as Muslims to
> explain any issues and questions which they have to
> refute state propaganda and lies.
>  Send instant messages to your online friends

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] America's Holy Warriors

2007-01-07 Thread DDN

  America's Holy Warriors

  By Chris Hedges


  Posted January 4, 2007

The radical Christian Right is coming dangerously close to its goal 
of taking over the country's military and law enforcement.

The drive by the Christian right to take control of military 
chaplaincies, which now sees radical Christians holding roughly 50 percent of 
chaplaincy appointments in the armed services and service academies, is part of 
a much larger effort to politicize the military and law enforcement. This 
effort signals the final and perhaps most deadly stage in the long campaign by 
the radical Christian right to dismantle America's open society and build a 
theocratic state. A successful politicization of the military would signal the 
end of our democracy.

During the past two years I traveled across the country to research 
and write the book "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on 
America." I repeatedly listened to radical preachers attack as corrupt and 
godless most American institutions, from federal agencies that provide housing 
and social welfare to public schools and the media. But there were two 
institutions that never came under attack -- the military and law enforcement. 
While these preachers had no interest in communicating with local leaders of 
other faiths, or those in the community who did not subscribe to their call for 
a radical Christian state, they assiduously courted and flattered the military 
and police. They held special services and appreciation days for all four 
branches of the armed services and for various law enforcement agencies. They 
encouraged their young men and women to enlist or to join the police or state 
troopers. They sought out sympathetic military and police officials to attend 
church events where these officials were lauded and feted for their Christian 
probity and patriotism. They painted the war in Iraq not as an occupation but 
as an apocalyptic battle by Christians against Islam, a religion they regularly 
branded as "satanic." All this befits a movement whose final aesthetic is 
violence. It also befits a movement that, in the end, would need the military 
and police forces to seize power in American society.

One of the arguments used to assuage our fears that the mass 
movement being built by the Christian right is fascist at its core is that it 
has not yet created a Praetorian Guard, referring to the paramilitary force 
that defied legal constraints, made violence part of the political discourse 
and eventually plunged ancient Rome into tyranny and despotism. A paramilitary 
force that operates outside the law, one that sows fear among potential 
opponents and is capable of physically silencing those branded by their leaders 
as traitors, is a vital instrument in the hands of despotic movements. 
Communist and fascist movements during the last century each built paramilitary 
forces that operated beyond the reach of the law.

And yet we may be further down this road than we care to admit. 
Erik Prince, the secretive, mega-millionaire, right-wing Christian founder of 
Blackwater, the private security firm that has built a formidable mercenary 
force in Iraq, champions his company as a patriotic extension of the U.S. 
military. His employees, in an act as cynical as it is deceitful, take an oath 
of loyalty to the Constitution. These mercenary units in Iraq, including 
Blackwater, contain some 20,000 fighters. They unleash indiscriminate and 
wanton violence against unarmed Iraqis, have no accountability and are beyond 
the reach of legitimate authority. The appearance of these paramilitary 
fighters, heavily armed and wearing their trademark black uniforms, patrolling 
the streets of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, gave us a grim taste of the 
future. It was a stark reminder that the tyranny we impose on others we will 
one day impose on ourselves.

"Contracting out security to groups like Blackwater undermines our 
constitutional democracy," said Michael Ratner, the president of the Center for 
Constitutional Rights. "Their actions may not be subject to constitutional 
limitations that apply to both federal and state officials and employees -- 
including First Amendment and Fourth Amendment rights to be free from illegal 
searches and seizures. Unlike police officers they are not trained in 
protecting constitutional rights and unlike police officers or the military 
they have no system of accountability whether within their organization or 
outside it. These kind of paramilitary groups bring to mind Nazi Party 
brownshirts, functioning as an extrajudicial enforcement mechanism that can and 
does operate outside the law. The use of these paramilitary groups is an 
extremely dangerous threat to our rights."

The politicization of the military, the fosterin

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ayatul kursee

2007-01-07 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Abu Umamah Al-Bahili (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 
  "The one who recites Ayatul Kursee after each of the obligatory prayers, 
  then death will be the only thing preventing him from entering Paradise." 

  [Ibn Sunni, Ibn Hibban]

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 9-11 & the Five Dancing NAZIsraelis

2007-01-07 Thread Alan Border
Regarding What Took Place on 9/11, Well It's Very Good... Well, It's Not Good, 
But It Will Generate Immediate Sympathy for Israel." -- Israeli Prime Minister 
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Response to the Attacks on America as Reported in The 
Jerusalem Post, September 12, 2001.  Five Israelis Were Seen Filming as Jet 
liners Ploughed Into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001
  Were they part of a massive spy ring which shadowed the 9/11 hijackers and 
knew that al-Qaeda planned a devastating terrorist attack on the USA? Neil 
Mackay investigates
  THERE was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New 
Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Centre burned and 
crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed 
on American soil as it played out before their eyes. 
  Who do you think they were? Palestinians? Saudis? Iraqis, even? Al-Qaeda, 
surely? Wrong on all counts. They were Israelis – and at least two of them were 
Israeli intelligence agents, working for Mossad, the equivalent of MI6 or the 
  Their discovery and arrest that morning is a matter of indisputable fact. To 
those who have investigated just what the Israelis were up to that day, the 
case raises one dreadful possibility: that Israeli intelligence had been 
shadowing the al-Qaeda hijackers as they moved from the Middle East through 
Europe and into America where they trained as pilots and prepared to 
suicide-bomb the symbolic heart of the United States. And the motive? To bind 
America in blood and mutual suffering to the Israeli cause. 
  After the attacks on New York and Washington, the former Israeli Prime 
Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was asked what the terrorist strikes would mean 
for US-Israeli relations. He said: “It’s very good.” Then he corrected himself, 
adding: “Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for 
Israel from Americans].” 
  If Israel’s closest ally felt the collective pain of mass civilian deaths at 
the hands of terrorists, then Israel would have an unbreakable bond with the 
world’s only hyperpower and an effective free hand in dealing with the 
Palestinian terrorists who had been murdering its innocent civilians as the 
second intifada dragged on throughout 2001. It’s not surprising that the New 
Jersey housewife who first spotted the five Israelis and their white van wants 
to preserve her anonymity. She’s insisted that she only be identified as Maria. 
A neighbour in her apartment building had called her just after the first 
strike on the Twin Towers. Maria grabbed a pair of binoculars and, like 
millions across the world, she watched the horror of the day unfold. 
  As she gazed at the burning towers, she noticed a group of men kneeling on 
the roof of a white van in her parking lot. Here’s her recollection: “They 
seemed to be taking a movie. They were like happy, you know ... they didn’t 
look shocked to me. I thought it was strange.” Maria jotted down the van’s 
registration and called the police. The FBI was alerted and soon there was a 
statewide all points bulletin put out for the apprehension of the van and its 
occupants. The cops traced the number, establishing that it belonged to a 
company called Urban Moving. 
  Police Chief John Schmidig said: “We got an alert to be on the lookout for a 
white Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration and writing on the side. Three 
individuals were seen celebrating in Liberty State Park after the impact. They 
said three people were jumping up and down.” By 4pm on the afternoon of 
September 11, the van was spotted near New Jersey’s Giants stadium. A squad car 
pulled it over and inside were five men in their 20s. They were hustled out of 
the car with guns levelled at their heads and handcuffed. 
  In the car was $4700 in cash, a couple of foreign passports and a pair of box 
cutters – the concealed Stanley Knife-type blades used by the 19 hijackers 
who’d flown jetliners into the World Trade Centre and Pentagon just hours 
before. There were also fresh pictures of the men standing with the smouldering 
wreckage of the Twin Towers in the background. One image showed a hand flicking 
a lighter in front of the devastated buildings, like a fan at a pop concert. 
The driver of the van then told the arresting officers: “We are Israeli. We are 
not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the 
  His name was Sivan Kurzberg. The other four passengers were Kurzberg’s 
brother Paul, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. The men were dragged 
off to prison and transferred out of the custody of the FBI’s Criminal Division 
and into the hands of their Foreign Counterintelligence Section – the bureau’s 
anti-espionage squad. 
  A warrant was issued for a search of the Urban Moving premises in Weehawken 
in New Jersey. Boxes of papers and computers were removed. The 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Religion of CAPITALISTs

2007-01-07 Thread Jav6Hay
  Religion of the Capitalists  
America is trying to introduce a new religion with their strong and 
international media. A religion where Satan gives revelation to the owners of 
large companies and rich people of the hegemonic system that is running the 
world. The source of revelation is Satan and those that receive the revelation 
and propagate the religion are the American and Israeli spy research centers 
and think tanks. These colonization organizations perform two actions; they 
present a unified religion and they explain the teachings of correct religions 
in accordance with their goals and interests: increasing their domain. The 
American Zionists have named Islam, holy war, and defending one’s land, women, 
children, religion, and honor as terrorism and consider them as evil actions. 
The Jewish Christians take on religion is that they consider enjoining the good 
and forbidding the evil as well as advising one another as an unjust 
interference into one’s personal business. The American British take on
 religion is that they consider chastity and the holding back of pious and 
believing men and women from corruption and unethical conduct as a type of 
depression, a type of mental disorder, and a type of backwardness. The concepts 
of independence in culture, politics, and economics does not have a meaning in 
the new religion of those who worship the world, rather independence, 
power-mongering, people after proofs, and people after building are praised. In 
the new religion, the whole world must act in accordance to the culture, 
economy, and politics of the headquarters of disbelief; New York and Tel Aviv. 
If they don’t they will be charged with apostasy and then… Hence, everyone must 
live in the cage built by America. Modern logic considers the term independence 
as old and belonging to the Middle Ages. In the new religion, in shadows of 
making an international economy, 80 percent of the worlds wealth and resources 
must be in the hands of less than 20 percent of the worlds
 population; in other words the Zionists. 
  In the shadows of the international Zionism, God is no longer the one 
worshiped on earth, the direction of prayer is no longer Mecca, rather the 
American dollar, large companies, international media, and large internet cites 
have been transformed into idols, gods, and the direction of prayer. In the new 
definition of religion that America is presenting to the Muslims, the teachings 
of jihad, martyrdom, enjoining the good, forbidding the evil, spiritual and 
ethical traits, and forming an Islamic government must be erased from the 
Quran. The verses that discuss the evilness, the dividing tactics, and the 
instigating nature of the Jews and the deception of the Christians over the 
Muslims must be erased from the Quran. In its place, understanding, dialogue, 
de-escalation, unity with the modern world’s caravan, unified thought, and a 
peaceful life in accordance to their understanding will be taught. One of the 
first laws that they will pass is laxity and negligince with the
 aggressive disbelievers and polytheists. One of the important political 
strategies of the new religion, according to the statements of the Jews and 
Christians, will be that they have the right to any kind of military move or 
economic embargo against the Muslims or the downtrodden. This will be legal, 
advanced, and humane. Therefore, in farthest parts of the world they are 
gathering different types of weapons of mass destruction and are building 
prisons, army barracks, bunkers, forts, castles and torture dungeons. But, 
Muslims do not have any right to fight against their invasion of Muslim land 
and if they do defend their religion, women, children, or land they are 
introduced as violent, terrorists, and backward. 
  One of their acts of worship will be giving democracy to backward nations. 
There is no problem in giving them democracy even though millions of humans in 
Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Bosnia, Palestine, Panama, and Vietnam are 
killed and are tortured by modern American tactics in Abu Gharayb and Guntanamo 
until they accept western culture, civilization, progress, and modernity. 
Examples of laws of the new religion are making, hording, and using nuclear, 
microbe, and chemical weapons by England, America, and Israel. Also, that there 
is no problem for them verbally and physically threaten the world because they 
are spreading liberal democracy and western human rights. But, Muslim countries 
gaining knowledge and modern technologies are a serious danger to the world’s 
peace and are definitely forbidden and unforgivable. Another rule of the new 
religion is that all of mankind must use the cultural and propagation goods of 
Hollywood. The whole world must spend their lives
 in the dirty, unethical internet sites and satellite channels and at the same 
time they must thank their lords; they must look at them respectfully. Another 
aspect of this religion is Ame

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Surat Ikhlas

2007-01-07 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, 
  "Surat Ikhlas is equivalent to one-third of the Qur'an.''

  Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  A man said: "O Messenger of Allah! I love Surat-Al-Ikhlas 
  [Say: He is Allah, (the) One].
  '' He (PBUH) said, 
  "Your love for it will admit you to Jannah.''


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Self Appointed World POLICEMAN Imposes Sanctions on Russian Military Firms

2007-01-07 Thread Alan Border
“Destiny of Superpowers”
  “Do they not travel through the earth and see what was the End of those 
before them? They were even superior to them in strength, and in the traces 
(they have left) in the land: but Allah did call them to account for their 
sins, and none had they to defend them against Allah.”
  (Al-Qur'an, 40:21 (Al-Ghafir [The Forgiver [God]])
  Moscow Slams US Sanctions On Its Military Firms
  MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia accused the United States on Saturday of illegally 
imposing sanctions on some Russian military firms which Washington says were 
cooperating withIran andSyria. "This is by far not the first 
time the U.S. resorts to illegal attempts to spread its internal legislation on 
foreign companies and force them to abide by the U.S. rules," Russia's Foreign 
Ministry said in a statement.
  It said the U.S. decision was taken on Friday against several private 
individuals and companies in Russia, including state arms trader 
  Rosoboronexport, one of the world's biggest arms traders, has recently won 
control of the Russian firm VSMPO-Avisma, the world's largest titanium 
producer. It is a key supplier of titanium parts to U.S. aviation giant Boeing 
and Europe's EADS. In August Washington slapped sanctions on Rosoboronexport 
and warplane maker Sukhoi under a U.S. law which penalizes companies for 
working with Iran in the sphere of weapons of mass destruction.
  In November, Washington formally lifted the sanctions against Sukhoi, which 
is developing the Russian Regional Jet (RRJ) with Boeing. Moscow said the 
latest U.S. sanctions against its arms firms were again "groundless" and added: 
"And yet once again, the United States is embarking on this vicious circle.
  "As a result of its politicized actions, the American state also denies 
itself and U.S. firms the right to cooperate with our advanced companies," 
Russia's Foreign Ministry said. "In business language, this is called 'lost 
  Moscow and Washington have repeatedly clashed over trade policy and Iran in 
the past few years, with U.S. officials angering Russian President
Vladimir Putin over criticism of his democratic record and foreign and energy 
policy. Washington maintains Iran is using its civilian nuclear program as 
cover to develop atomic weapons. It has accused Syria of being a destabilising 
influence in the Middle East, especially in Lebanon. 
  "For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to 
account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Read the Qur'an

2007-01-07 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Abu Umamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  I heard the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, 
"Read the Qur'an, for it will come as an intercessor 
for its reciters on the Day of Resurrection.''
  Commentary: This Hadith tells the excellence of reciting the Qur'an 
  and acting upon its injunctions. Intercession (in this Hadath) means 
  that the Qur'an will be endowed with the power of speech by Allah 
  and it will request Allah to forgive the sins of its reciters who acted 
  upon its teachings. Allah will accept the request of the Qur'an, 
  as signified in other Ahadith.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Timely Death of Gerald Ford: FRANK RICH - Saigon to Baghdad +

2007-01-07 Thread MA PA
  The Timely Death of Gerald Ford: FRANK RICH - Saigon to Baghdad +
  by FRANK RICH - The New York Times 
Sunday Jan 7th, 2007 5:59 AM 

  RICH: Our long national nightmare in Iraq, far from being over, is about to 
get a second wind. 


The Timely Death of Gerald Ford 
Published: January 7, 2007 

THE very strange and very long Gerald Ford funeral marathon was about many 
things, but Gerald Ford wasn't always paramount among them. Forty percent of 
today's American population was not alive during the Ford presidency. The 
remaining 60 percent probably spent less time recollecting his unelected 
29-month term than they did James Brown's "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag." Despite 
the lachrymose logorrhea of television anchors and the somber musical fanfares, 
the country was less likely to be found in deep mourning than in deep football. 
It's a safe bet that the Ford funeral attracted far fewer viewers than the most 
consequential death video of the New Year's weekend, the lynching of Saddam 

But those two deaths were inextricably related: it was in tandem that they 
created a funereal mood that left us mourning for our own historical moment 
more than for Mr. Ford.What the Ford obsequies were most about was the Beltway 
establishment's grim verdict on George W. Bush and his war in Iraq. Every Ford 
attribute, big and small, was trotted out by Washington eulogists with a wink, 
as an implicit rebuke of the White House's current occupant. Mr. Ford was a 
healer, not a partisan divider. He was an all-American football star, not a 

He didn't fritter away time on pranks at his college fraternity, Delta Kappa 
Epsilon, because he had to work his way through school as a dishwasher. He was 
in the top third of his class at Yale Law. He fought his way into dangerous 
combat service during World War II rather than accept his cushy original 
posting. He was pals with reporters and Democrats. He encouraged dissent in his 
inner circle. He had no enemies, no ego, no agenda, no ideology, no concern for 
his image. He described himself as "a Ford, not a Lincoln," rather than 
likening himself to, say, Truman. 

Under the guise of not speaking ill of a dead president, the bevy of bloviators 
so relentlessly trashed the living incumbent that it bordered on farce. No 
wonder President Bush, who once hustled from Crawford to Washington to sign a 
bill interfering in Terri Schiavo's medical treatment, remained at his ranch 
last weekend rather than join Betty Ford and Dick Cheney for the state ceremony 
in the Capitol rotunda.Yet for all the media acreage bestowed on the funeral, 
the day in Mr. Ford's presidency that most stalks Mr. Bush was given 
surprisingly short shrift — perhaps because it was the most painful. That day 
was not Sept. 8, 1974, when Mr. Ford pardoned his predecessor, but April 30, 
1975, when the last American helicopters hightailed it out of Saigon, ending 
our involvement in a catastrophic war. 

Mr. Ford had been a consistent Vietnam hawk, but upon inheriting the final 
throes of the fiasco, he recognized reality when he saw it.Just how much so can 
be found in a prescient speech that Mr. Ford gave a week before our clamorous 
Saigon exit. (And a speech prescient on other fronts, too: he called making 
"America independent of foreign energy sources by 1985" an urgent priority.) 
Speaking at Tulane University, Mr. Ford said, "America can regain the sense of 
pride that existed before Vietnam" but not "by refighting a war that is 
finished as far as America is concerned." 


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] TunisianPolitical Situation--

2007-01-07 Thread S A Hannan

   TunisianPolitical Situation
By Mohammad Al-Hamroni, IOL Correspondent 
A library photo of Tunisian President Zine 
Al-Abidine Ben Ali.
  TUNIS - Last week's clashes between Tunisian 
security agencies and gunmen have raised many questions about whether the 
so-called "Salafist-Jihadist" trend was picking up steam in the North African 
  The state was quick to play down the news by 
giving the clashes criminal nature; however, alarm rings rang in the heads of 
analysts, who warned that the domino effect of the US-led invasion of Iraq 
reached Tunisia, mixed with social woes like towering unemployment rates and a 
tremendous sense of youth alienation due to state oppression of religious 
aspects in the secular country. 

  "The Salafist-Jihadist trend could be traced back 
to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the date of the country's first trial of a 
man belonging to the group," Abdel-Raouf Al-Ayyadi, the lawyer of several 
Salafist-Jihadists in Tunisia, told Saturday, January 6.

  "When it came to being in Tunisia, the trend had 
nothing to do with any other group, like Algeria's Salafist Group for Preaching 
and Combat (SGPC), which were preoccupied with jihad missions abroad in 
Palestine and Iraq," he added.

  Samir Bin Omar, another lawyer, agreed.

  "Besides the plethora of satellite channels, 
regional developments after the 9/11 attacks and the Iraq invasion have given 
impetus to the Salafist-Jihadist trend in Tunisia," he said, adding that the 
country did not know such groups before 2000.

  "This group was at the very beginning focusing on 
jihad in Palestine and Iraq before shifting their attention to the mainland in 
2005," he noted.

  The Tunisian government said Thursday, January 4, 
that 12 "dangerous criminals" had been killed in a shoot out with security 
forces south of Tunis.

  A further 15 people were arrested on Wednesday, 
according to a statement by the Interior Ministry.

  Wednesday's gun battle followed clashes between 
security forces and gunmen on December 23, in which two gunmen were killed and 
two policemen wounded.

  But few newspapers challenged the state version 
of the incident and started reporting about the rise of the Salafist-Jihadist 
trend in Tunisia.

  The "leaked" reports linked the clashes to what 
they said "a gang that sought to take up arms against the homeland to spark off 
sedition and create tension".

  A Tunisian editor-in chief was bold enough to 
describe the gang involved in the clashes as "suicidal" and linked the 
incidents to "the current criminal attacks threatening all world countries," in 
a veiled reference to terrorism.

  "Extremism will find no place in Tunisia," wrote 
Saleh Al-Hajjah, editor-in-chief of the Sareih daily.

  Restricted Freedoms

  The pundits spared some blame for restricted 
freedoms in Tunisia and the crackdown on Islamists and religiosity

  Human rights watchdogs have repeatedly denounced 
unfair trials of Islamist prisoners in Tunisia, many of whom have been 
sentenced to over 15 years in prison.

  Amnesty International has warned that hundreds of 
government opponents remained behind bars as the harassment of their families 
and rights campaigners continued.

  "Tunisia is the only country in the Arab Maghreb 
region in which Muslim youths have no parties or groups through which they can 
express their views," said Bin Omar.

  "The official crackdown on religiosity aspects in 
Tunisia has also sparked anger among many Tunisians."

  The government has launched a wide-scale campaign 
against imams during the holy month of Ramadan, replacing popular preachers 
with others who toe the state line.

  The debate on the hijab ban in Tunisia heated up 
in the past few months as human rights activists, lawyers and intellectuals 
lashed out at the government oppressive campaign launched every academic year 
against hijab-clad students.

  "Some c

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Moqtasr Sadr present at Saddam execution

2007-01-07 Thread Showkat Ali
Saalaams All
  Please click on the link below, and then add your comments inshAllah.
  This makes a mockery of claims by the USA that Saddam received justice and 
that the people involved in his trial and execution were neutral and impartial.

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Mosques at work or school

2007-01-07 Thread Moazzam Ahmed
If you pray by yourself at work or school during the day, find other
muslims close to you, and pray salat in congregation:  !
Moazzam Ahmed  
Have you checked your schedule lately?


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] NAZIsrael, the UN & the Assassination of Count Bernadotte

2007-01-07 Thread Alan Border
“We Muslims Need to Understand That Israel is ABOVE ALL INTERNATIONAL LAW 
Thanks to the US. It Makes Its Own Rules & Can Operate With IMPUNITY & Has ZERO 
Accountability. The UN (Usual Noise) Cannot Rein It In. Therefore We Need to 
Follow a SEPARATE Set of Robust RULES OF ENGAGEMENT In All Areas When DEALING 
With It.” – AB
  Israel, the UN and the Assassination of Count Bernadotte  By David Walsh
29 July 2006  Use 
this version to print | Send this link by email | Email the author
  On July 25, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched a sustained attack on a 
United Nations outpost in southern Lebanon. Over the course of six hours, the 
UNTSO (United Nations Truce Supervision Organization—established in 1948) post 
was hit at least 16 times, according to press reports, including five direct 
hits on the base. The unarmed staff, assert UN officials, repeatedly contacted 
the Israeli military and begged them to stop.
  The Los Angeles Times reports: “UN officials who briefed reporters here said 
the attack began at around 1:20 p.m. Radio contact with the post was lost 
around 7:30 that evening. During those hours, UN officials made at least a 
half-dozen calls to the Israeli mission to the UN to seek an end to the attack, 
a senior UN official said. Additional calls were made to the Israeli military 
by UN generals on the ground demanding that the Israelis hold fire.”
  The calls went unheeded, and finally, the IDF managed to score a direct hit 
on the well-marked building, leveling it and killing four observers, from 
Canada, Finland, Austria and China. The bodies of three of the observers in 
Khiam have been recovered, but the fourth corpse is buried in the rubble. Heavy 
equipment cannot reach the site due to continued Israeli bombardment, UNIFIL 
(United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon—established in 1978)—which generally 
works with UNTSO—has said.
  In the wake of the killings, and UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s statement 
of the obvious, that the attack could only have been purposeful, the Israeli 
government, along with perfunctory statements of regret, self-righteously 
defended itself against Annan’s accusations. Israeli foreign ministry spokesman 
Yigal Palmor sounded a common theme: “Why on earth would we deliberately target 
UN observers? What good would that do either on the military or the political 
level, because it is obvious that this would be harmful.”
  The Jerusalem Post, one of the noxious mouthpieces of the Israeli political 
establishment, echoed Palmor’s comments: “And why, pray tell, would Israel 
target UNIFIL [actually UNTSO]? Is Annan suggesting some sort of Israeli 
anti-UN sadism, or that Israel would have some reason to target UNIFIL in its 
war with Hizbullah?”
  The argument that such an attack would “not do any good” for Israel is 
preposterous on its face. The attack on Lebanon, the deaths of hundreds of 
civilians, the wounding of thousands, the displacement of nearly a million and 
the destruction of that country’s infrastructure has also “not done Israel any 
good” in the eyes of world public opinion, but that has not restrained the Tel 
Aviv regime and its murderous IDF. As for “why on earth” the Israeli military 
would attack UNTSO or UNIFIL, one can think of a number of excellent reasons.
  Apologists for the Zionist regime always overplay their cards when they 
comment on this question. Rejecting even the possibility that Israel might be 
guilty of such a horrendous crime, they invariably go on to display their utter 
hostility to the UN force, arguing that the international observers have been 
more or less a shield for, if not a direct accomplice of Hezbollah activity.
  Thus the Jerusalem Post editors, in the aforementioned piece, demand an 
investigation that would determine how “UNIFIL stood by without a murmur as a 
terrorist organization amassed thousands upon thousands of rockets whose 
unprovoked use has killed and wounded dozens of Israelis and precipitated the 
current war We are owed more than that: an independent, blue-ribbon 
investigation into how UNIFIL forces became human shields for the terrorist 
army they should have been fighting to dismantle.”
  Dan Gillerman, Israeli ambassador to the UN, went farther, claiming that the 
UN peacekeeping force’s facilities “had sometimes been used for cover by 
Hezbollah militants,” according to the Associated Press. “It has never been 
able to prevent any shelling of Israel, any terrorist attack, any kidnappings,” 
he commented in New York. “They either didn’t see or didn’t know or didn’t want 
to see, but they have been hopeless,” Gillerman said.
  Given that a leading Israeli diplomat accuses the UN observers of witting or 
unwitting collaboration with Hezbollah, why should anyone be astonished by a 
deliberate IDF assault on the UN outpost? According to Gillerman’s logic, such 
an assault would be enti

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Monkey on a Tiger: MAUREEN DOWD ; Torture and Execution by TASER in the USA: Video

2007-01-07 Thread MA PA
  Monkey on a Tiger: MAUREEN DOWD ; Torture and Execution by TASER in the USA: 
  by MAUREEN DOWD - The New York Times 
Saturday Jan 6th, 2007

DOWD: We don’t know if human beings have free will. We just know that human 
beings in Washington appear not to.

Monkey on a Tiger 
Published: January 6, 2007 

There was a touch of parody to the giddy Democrat takeover this week: Nancy 
Pelosi indulging her inner Haight-Ashbury and dipping the Capitol in tie-dye, 
sashaying around with the Grateful Dead, Wyclef Jean, Carole King, Richard 
Gere, feminists and a swarm of well-connected urchins. 

The first act of House Democrats who promised to govern with bipartisan comity 
was imperiously banishing Republicans from participating in the initial round 
of lawmaking. Even if Republicans were brutes during their reign, Democrats 
should have shown more class, letting the whiny minority party offer some 
stupid amendments that would lose. 

Perhaps the Democrats’ power-shift into overdrive is a neurological disorder, 
or neuropolitical disorder. 

If free will is an illusion — if we are, as one philosopher put it, “nothing 
more than sophisticated meat machines,” doomed to repeat the same mistakes over 
and over — that would explain a lot about the latest trend in which everyone is 
reverting to type. 


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