Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Big Event 2007 - Ummah Films Premiere

2007-03-04 Thread imran_ibn_younas
Salaam All,

Can you please send the email below to all your mailing
lists/contacts/groups, insha-Allah. Much appreciated.


Salaam All,

The Big Event 2007. It's back and it's Big.

Baba Ali from will be coming to Imperial College
London next month(Friday 23rd March) to premiere his new Reminder Series.

Bookings for the event opened yesterday(28th February) and
alhamdulilah already 150 seats have been booked. The seating is
limited to 720.

To book your places for the the premiere please visit:

The event is open to all and each person can book up to 10 tickets.

To get a feel for the videos, watch them on youtube by typing in
"ummah films" in the youtube search engine.

Please note, when you book, you must also pay using the Paypal system
otherwise your booking will be cancelled.

Any queries, please email me on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Imran Younas - President of the Imperial College Islamic Society

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Egyptian Journalists Protest, Demanding Release of Ezzuddin

2007-03-04 Thread S A Hannan
  Egyptian Journalists Protest, Demanding Release of Ezzuddin

  Ikhwanweb - Cairo, Egypt

  Thursday, March 01, 2007
  Egyptian journalists staged a vigil protesting at the unjust detention of 
their fellow journalist Ahmed Ezzuddin who was referred to a military court.

  Egyptian journalists staged a vigil in front of the Press syndicate on 
Wednesday to demand immediately releasing fellow journalist Ahmed Ezzuddin who 
was referred to a military court along with Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders.
  The journalists confirmed in their demonstration that Ezzuddin, a 
previous editor-in-chief of Al-Shaab (People) opposition newspaper, is shielded 
by only his pen, and that the Egyptian regime has crossed, in its suppression 
of freedoms, all limits. The journalists questioned also the reason for 
arresting him, let alone referring him to a military tribunal.

  Mohamed Abdul Qoddous, the secretary general of the freedoms committee in 
the Press Syndicate, condemned holding Ezzuddin, confirming that Egypt will not 
see any progress as long as the authoritarian regime maintains such injustice, 
including corruption, tyranny and transferring civilians to military justice 
instead of standing trial in front of a civilian judge.

  Abdul Qoddous told Ikhwanweb that Egypt is currently witnessing a real 
dilemma due to the political and economic collapse and ongoing policies of 
suppression and detentions under the current Egyptian autocratic regime.

  The journalists raised placards demanding the release of the fellow 
journalist Ahmed Ezzuddin; the demonstration witnessed a considerable media 
presence in addition to an intensive security presence.

  It is worth mentioning that journalist Ahmed Ezzuddin developed a slipped 
disc after he was thrown behind bars since Dec. 14, 2006.
  This is the second demonstration that Egyptian journalists organize to 
demand releasing Ahmed Ezzuddin.
  Ezzuddin lived for seven years in Kuwait, where he worked for the weekly 
Al-Mujtamaa. He returned to Egypt and became the managing editor of Al-Shaab, 
which has been published solely on the Internet since 2000 (at

  Other Topics:

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslim parents Appeal Over Baby Named Jihad

2007-03-04 Thread Showkat Ali
Appeal Over Baby Named Jihad
  The German interior ministry is appealing against a decision by the Berlin 
authorities to allow an Islamist to name his son Jihad, the Arabic word used 
for holy war.
  Reda Seyam fought for 18 months for permission to give his sixth child the 
name after the registry in the Berlin district of Charlottenburg initially 
rejected his application, saying the name was inappropriate because of its 
association with terrorism, and "may endanger the child".
  This week a court overturned the ruling, on the grounds that Jihad was "a 
recognised male forename in the Arab world and loved by Muslims".
  Mr Seyam, 47, a self-declared Islamist, was shown on television this week 
presenting his son. Grinning into the camera, Jihad on his knee, he said: "You 
had barely come into the world and you were in court. Your fight has already 
  In the same programme he defended the terror attacks on the United States on 
September 11 2001, and on Bali in 2002.
  Germany has strict rules governing the naming of children. Parents have to 
choose from a list of court-approved names, to prevent a child from becoming a 
victim of ridicule or confusion. The names Hitler and Stalin are banned, and in 
2002 a Turkish couple living in Germany were denied permission to name their 
child Osama bin Laden.
  Berlin's interior minister, Erhart Körting, said a court that allowed "a 
father who has welcomed al-Qaida attacks to name his child in this way has 
underestimated in an appallingly naive manner the meaning of this name".
  So it seems to name your child after cartoon characters, George Bush or Tony 
Blair is ok. But to name them based on Islamic terms like " Jihad" or even 
Usamah Bin Laden is not allowed. Even names like Adolph Hitlet and Stalin are 
also banned.
  Hard to believe that all this is happening in Europe in 2007 which is 
supposed to be a place of freedom and the right to act and do as u please, but 
obviously not for certain sections of its citizens.
  We have had western politicians dictating to Muslim women what they can and 
cannot wear and now we have them telling us what we can and cannot call our 
children. Names like Hitler and Stalin have been banned, yet western 
politicians are behaving exactly like those two despots did.
  I disagree with glorifying 9/11 and Bali attacks, but surely people are 
entitled to free thought and opinions based on their ideological inclinations? 
  Or is this the beginning of thought control in Europe? 
  Quite funny that Europeans ask Muslims to have a reformation which they went 
through in the middle ages when they divided church from state because it was 
dictating to people what they could and could not think about and yet they are 
doing the same thing , this time in the name of Secularism.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Stop Islam from taking over Europe, says Dutch politician.

2007-03-04 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

So, where is the democracy! Why this Dutch politician is worried for out
numbered Muslims in his country! Does he believe in democracy or he fears of
true democracy?

*Stop Islam from taking over Europe, says Dutch politician.*
Bruno Waterfield in The Hague
Thursday, 01 March 2007

An anti-immigrant politician is making a meteoric rise with his call on the
Dutch - once one of the most tolerant nations in the world - to stop Islam
taking over Europe.

Geert Wilders, the 43-year-old leader of the Freedom Party, is convinced
that governments are being forced to accommodate a 'tsunami of Islamisation'
that is fundamentally incompatible with European social values.

"Islam itself is the problem. Islam is a violent religion," he told The
Daily Telegraph. "The Prophet Mohammed was a violent man. The Koran is
mostly a violent book. We should invest in Muslim people but they have to
first get rid of half the Koran and half of their beliefs," he said.

The Freedom Party has jumped from six to 10 per cent in opinion polls since
November. His passionate campaign for a ban on the Islamic veil, or burqa,
in public places is gaining such momentum that the country's new coalition
government could be forced to introduce the ban it does not support.

On the burqa, Mr Wilders is adamant: "It is a medieval token of a barbaric
time, of how not to treat women, even if they want to wear it themselves,"
he argues.

Allowing Muslims to wear the burqa in the Netherlands, or to have segregated
swimming sessions so as not to offend religious sensitivities, amounts to
"religious apartheid" he says.

The new government coalition of mainstream centre right and left political
parties had planned to ditch a decision by the previous government to ban
the burqa in the Netherlands which now has a population of one million
Muslims, six per cent of the total population. But, Mr Wilders crows,
weekend opinion polls show 66 per cent of Dutch citizens support a ban.

The minority opposition leader who has won two previous votes for a ban on
the burqa is convinced that support will be there for new legislation he
will table in the spring as the Dutch become increasingly concerned over
Muslim separatism.

Wilders is convinced there is growing support for his views across Europe
but its political leaders, particularly in Britain, are too obsessed with
being politically correct.

"There is almost no country more politically correct than the UK. Look at
the terrible things that happened in London after Madrid, you have more
reason than most to make this debate transparent and public," he said.

Mr Wilders split from the Dutch liberals in September 2004 over their
support for EU membership for Turkey.

Two months later he was living in fear after police arrested suspected
terrorists, armed with grenades, accused of planning to kill him. The Dutch
politician says he and his wife have received more than 600 death threats.
Mr Wilders, who is always surrounded by plain clothes police guards, said:
"I lost my freedom and privacy because of my opposition to Islam."

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] America's Alliance with Bin Laden?

2007-03-04 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

-- Forwarded message --


*By: Justin Raimondo*
The latest Seymour Hersh
a lot of new information, some of it shocking, some of it not at all
surprising to readers of  and
An example of the latter:

*"The administration is now examining a wave of new intelligence on Iran's
weapons programs. Current and former American officials told me that the
intelligence, which came from Israeli agents operating in Iran, includes a
claim that Iran has developed a three-stage solid-fueled intercontinental
missile capable of delivering several small warheads - each with limited
accuracy - inside Europe. The validity of this human intelligence is still
being debated."*

We can thank Scooter Libby and the vice president of the United States for
having blinded American intelligence to Iranian WMD programs - Valerie Plame
was reportedly the CIA's resident expert on Iranian WMD, and her outfit,
Brewster-Jennings "consulting," was the U.S. government's regional eyes and
ears on nuclear proliferation issues. I guess that's why we have to depend
on the Israelis.

The Mossad has been quite busy, not only in Kurdistan but also in Iran.
Although the Iranians indignantly deny it, the Israeli presence in Iran may
have been responsible for the recent "accidental" death of a top Iranian
nuclear scientist. In any case, the Israelis, according to an earlier report
by Hersh, have thoroughly penetrated Kurdistan, where they train the *
peshmerga*. Using the Kurdish rebels in Iran, known as Pejak, they have
launched sorties into Iranian territory.

What is less clear - although I've touched on the subject recently - is the
extent to which clandestine activities are being carried out by the U.S. in
Iran, and, according to Hersh, Lebanon.

The policymakers are taking a new turn, says Hersh, supposedly necessitated
by the consequences of the Iraq war. The U.S. invasion turned Iraq over to a
Shi'ite coalition of pro-Iranian parties, and now we're playing the Sunni
card. Hersh cites "a former senior intelligence official" as saying

*"We are in a program to enhance the Sunni capability to resist Shi'ite
influence, and we're spreading the money around as much as we can…. In this
process, we're financing a lot of bad guys with some serious potential
unintended consequences. We don't have the ability to determine and get pay
vouchers signed by the people we like and avoid the people we don't like.
It's a very high-risk venture."*

Doesn't anyone ever learn from history? U.S. aid to the Afghan "freedom
fighters" in the 1980s consolidated the core of what was to become al-Qaeda
- a Frankenstein's monster that turned on its creator. Now the U.S. is
repeating that blunder, only this time on a much wider scale - with
consequences we can only begin to imagine in our darkest, most sweat-soaked

Once again we are in league with the Saudis, who were instrumental in
setting up the Afghan networks that morphed into al-Qaeda. Bin Laden is
their errant son, come back to haunt them - and us. The Kingdom is the worst
tyranny in the entire region, steeped in a fanatic version of Islam that is,
by regional standards, barbaric. Ruled over by a sclerotic aristocracy more
decadent and deserving of overthrow than even the haughty Bourbons or the
crazed Romanovs, it is precisely our association with these royal
kleptocrats that has generated anti-Americanism and killed the possibility
of a genuine liberal movement.

The Saudis are backing the Siniora government against Shi'ite Hezbollah and
its Christian allies, and the U.S. is funneling covert aid that is allowed
to "end up in the hands of emerging Sunni radical groups in northern
Lebanon, the Bekaa Valley, and around Palestinian refugee camps in the
south," writes Hersh. "These groups, though small, are seen as a buffer to
Hezbollah; at the same time, their ideological ties are with al-Qaeda."

So let's get this straight: U.S. taxpayer dollars are subsidizing al-Qaeda's
emerging Lebanese affiliate. Remember that as you fill out your income tax
forms this year.

The "war on terrorism" sparked by al-Qaeda's 9/11 attack has ended with the
U.S. in alliance with bin Laden's boys against a supposedly emerging Shi'ite
threat. Now how bitter is *that *ironic twist?

Forget al-Qaeda: nobody is even trying to capture bin Laden, and no wonder.
He's our ally now. That's what Michael Scheuer has always said, but now I
see it's official. Bin Laden was yesterday's villain: today's hate figure is
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.

Although the Iranians insist their nuclear program is only for peaceful
purposes, i.e., power generation, a full-court propaganda campaign has 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Would you advise individuals to study hadith from al-Bukhari and Muslim on their own?

2007-03-04 Thread adil naveed
Would you advise individuals to study hadith from al-Bukhari and Muslim on 
their own?
©Nuh Ha Mim Keller 1995 
Any Muslim can benefit from reading hadiths from al-Bukhari and Muslim, 
whether on his own or with others. As for studying hadith, Sheikh Shuayb 
al-Arnaut, with whom my wife and I are currently reading Imam al-Suyuti's 
Tadrib al-rawi [The training of the hadith narrator], emphasizes that the 
science of hadith deals with a vast and complex literature, a tremendous sea of 
information that requires a pilot to help one navigate, without which one is 
bound to run up on the rocks. In this context, Sheikh Shuayb once told us, 
"Whoever doesn't have a sheikh, the Devil is his sheikh, in any Islamic 
discipline."   In other words, there are benefits the ordinary Muslim can 
expect from personally reading hadith, and benefits that he cannot, unless he 
is both trained and uses other literature, particularly the classical 
commentaries that explain the hadiths meanings and their relation to Islam as a 
The benefits one can derive from reading al-Bukhari and Muslim are many: 
general knowledge of such fundamentals as the belief in Allah, the 
messengerhood of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), the Last Day 
and so on; as well as the general moral prescriptions of Islam to do good, 
avoid evil, perform the prayer, fast Ramadan, and so forth. The hadith 
collections also contain many other interesting points, such as the great 
rewards for acts of worship like the midmorning prayer (duha), the night vigil 
prayer (tahajjud), fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, giving voluntary charity, 
and So on. Anyone who reads these and puts them into practice in his life has 
an enormous return for reading hadith, even more so if he aims at perfecting 
himself by attaining the noble character traits of the Prophet (Allah bless him 
and give him peace) mentioned in hadith. Whoever learns and follows the 
prophetic example in these matters has triumphed in this world and the next.   
What is not to be hoped for in reading hadith (without personal instruction 
from a sheikh for some time) is two things: to become an alim or Islamic 
scholar, and to deduce fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) from the hadiths on 
particulars of sharia practice.   
Without a guiding hand, the untrained reader will misunderstand many of the 
hadiths he reads, and these mistakes, if assimilated and left uncorrected, may 
pile up until he can never find his way out of them, let alone become a 
scholar. Such a person is particularly easy prey for modern sectarian movements 
of our times appearing in a neo-orthodox guise, well financed and published, 
quoting Quran and hadiths to the uninformed to make a case for the basic 
contention of all deviant sects since the beginning of Islam; namely, that only 
they are the true Muslims. Such movements may adduce, for example, the 
well-authenticated (hasan) hadith related from Aisha (Allah be well pleased 
with her) by al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give 
him peace) said, Shirk (polytheism) is more hidden in my Umma than the creeping 
of ants across a great smooth stone on a black night . . . (Nawadir al-usul fi 
marifa ahadith al-Rasul. Istanbul 1294/1877. Reprint. Beirut: Dar
 Sadir, n.d., 399).   
This hadith has been used by sects from the times of the historical Wahhabi 
movement down to the present to convince common people that the majority of 
Muslims may not actually be Muslims at all, but rather mushrikin or 
polytheists, and that those who do not subscribe to the views of their sheikhs 
may be beyond the pale of Islam.   
In reply, traditional scholars point out that the words fi Ummati, "in my Umma" 
in the hadith plainly indicate that what is meant here is the lesser shirk of 
certain sins that, though serious, do not entail outright unbelief. For the 
word shirk or polytheism has two meanings. The first is the greater polytheism 
of worshipping others with Allah, of which Allah says in surat al-Nisa, "Truly, 
Allah does not forgive that any should be associated with Him [in worship], but 
forgives what is other than that to whomever He wills" (Quran 4:48), and this 
is the shirk of unbelief. The second is the lesser polytheism of sins that 
entail shortcomings in one's tawhid or knowledge of the divine unity, but do 
not entail leaving Islam. Examples include affection towards someone for the 
sake of something that is wrongdoing (called shirk because one hopes to benefit 
from what Allah has placed no benefit in), or disliking someone because of 
something that is right (called shirk because one
 apprehends harm from what Allah has placed benefit in), or the sin of showing 
off in acts of worship, as mentioned in the sahih or rigorously authenticated 
hadith that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, The 
slightest bit of showing off in good works is shirk (al-Mustadrak ala 
al-Sahihayn. 4 vols. Hyderabad, 1334/1916. Repr

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHFon Friday

2007-03-04 Thread hossam kiwan

Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHFon Friday

نذكركم بقراءة سورة الكهف كل يوم جمعة

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) في يوم الجمعة أضاء له من
النور ما بين الجمعتين ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب / 736 ] ..

وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) ليلة الجمعة، أضاء له من
النور ما بينه وبين البيت العتيق ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب /
736 ] ..

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Poverty follows Palestinians' sanctions

2007-03-04 Thread J M
Poverty follows Palestinians' sanctions 
By DIAA HADID, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 43 minutes ago 

  GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - It costs just over $2 a day to feed a donkey, and 20 
times that to fill a gas tank. With more and more young entrepreneurs in 
cash-strapped Gaza doing the math, donkey carts are everywhere. They carry old 
tires, fresh strawberries, giggling children and the occasional missile parts 
for militants. 
 if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object(); 
  Hassan al-Rifi, 20, couldn't afford college. So after high school, he bought 
a donkey cart for $700 and is now selling vegetables near Gaza City. "It 
doesn't make much money, but it keeps your head above water," he said.
  Nabil, 22, has sold vegetables on a donkey cart since he was 11. Increasing 
poverty means people are buying less, and new guys like al-Rifi are driving 
down prices, Nabil complained.
  "I haven't sold anything today," said Nabil, who asked not to give his last 
name — not much prestige comes with his job. "I have to reduce my price, even 
if I don't make a profit."
  There are about 5,000 donkeys in Gaza and about 25 more are brought in each 
month from   Israel, according to an official involved in licensing carts. The 
animals sell for $140 to $700 each.
  Khader Hijeh, a farmer in his 80s, said he's seen an increase in donkey cart 
salesmen. Gathering grass for his ragged-looking donkey in a field south of 
Gaza City, he said most newcomers to the business could not get permits to work 
in Israel.
  Al-Rifi hopes for another job. "A donkey can live for 24 years, but I hope I 
won't stay on it for that long," he said.
  A woman's worth is in her dowry, money bridegrooms lavish on their fiancee's 
family before the wedding. Faced with the tough economic times, more and more 
men are delaying marriage, according to the women who run Gaza's bridal shops.
  The average marrying age for a man in Gaza was 24 in 2005, the last time 
statistics were published. Now, said 27-year-old Rima Ayish, a saleswoman at a 
Gaza City bridal shop, some men are pushing 30 before marrying because they 
can't afford a dowry.
  Muslim men are expected to hand over the money to the bride's family as a 
sign of esteem, from $2,100 to $4,200 — a policeman's annual salary. Most 
Gazans scrape by on less than $2 a day.
  Ayish said women — and their families, who close marriage deals — consider it 
a humiliation to accept less than the social norm. "A bride's worth is her 
dowry," she said, as she sewed the buttons on a puffy, embroidered wedding 
  Working women demand the most: $4,200 is the starting price because they will 
contribute to the family income. Marrying cousins — a common practice — costs 
less because "relatives don't demand much," Ayish said. Those women are lucky 
if their family gets $2,100.
  It's still beyond the means of Abed Abu Yehia, who's 28 and unemployed. So 
far, five women — and their families — spurned him because he couldn't afford a 
  "I've sworn not to marry," he sighed.
  When women in the Jebaliya refugee camp, a fiercely Islamic stronghold, want 
to look pretty, they point to sultry Lebanese singer Haifa Wehbe — even if she 
is known for her exposed cleavage, while they wear the neck-to-toe robes of 
devout Muslim woman.
  "The girls ask for makeup like Haifa," said Ubayda Abu Zeid, who runs a 
beauty salon in a Jebaliya alleyway, referring to the singer's trademark smoky 
eyes and full pout. "Even if it will make her look ugly."   Most Gazans have 
never visited Lebanon, but scantily dressed Lebanese entertainers, beamed over 
satellite television, are Arab beauty standard-bearers. They are imitated 
everywhere — from Gaza's plush salons, to tiny hairdressing shops in refugee 
camps.   Hairdresser Suzanna Ashi, at Sandra's Salon in Gaza City, said 
Lebanese singer Nancy Ajram is another beauty idol. Ajram openly acknowledged 
she underwent plastic surgery — leading many other Lebanese entertainers to 
confess they'd also been under the knife.   But striving to imitate women who 
owe their looks to surgeons has also prompted some here to suffer anxiety. "The 
men point at the TV and say, 'That's a woman,'" Ashi said. "Women complain 
about it all the time. Their husbands want them to look like women
 who aren't real."      In Gaza, where unemployment is rampant, there's one 
profession that always has an opening: spokesmen for militant groups.   Because 
they are Israeli targets, they often wear ski masks when meeting the media, 
muffling their voices.   The spokesmen all have noms de guerre starting with 
"Abu," Arabic for father. There's Abu Obeida, Abu Qussay, Abu Mujahid, Abu Abir 
and many others.   They quickly master the art of text messaging the group's 
news. But when they hold news conferences, the venu

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Request: Call 310-552-0242 or Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Demand Muslim TV

2007-03-04 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, FYI
  ISGH - Islamic Society of Greater Houston
  Peace, Curtis Sharif
  Houston, Texas
ISGH President <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 14:01:45 
From: ISGH President <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call 310-552-0242 and Demand Muslim TV

  .navigation {  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;  font-size: 12px;  
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font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;   font-size: 16px;   color: #0C1F3F; 
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 sans-serif;   font-size: 16px;   color: #354E75;   font-weight: bold;   
text-decoration: underline;  }  a.section:visited{   font-family: Arial, 
Helvetica, sans-serif;   font-size: 16px;   color: #354E75;   font-weight: 
bold;   }  a.section:active{   font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;   
font-size: 16px;   color: #354E75;   font-weight: bold;  }  a.section:hover{   
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;   font-size: 16px;   color: #0C1F3F; 
  font-weight: bold;   text-decoration: none;  }Please Forward to your 
Friends & Family
  Dear Brothers & Sisters, 
  Assalam Alaikum. AT&T is launching cable television in Texas. Unfortunately, 
AT&T Television is refusing to add Bridges TV that is giving Muslims a voice in 
America. AT&T is further refusing to even meet with Imams and Community Leaders 
to understand our needs.
  Please contact Rob Thun of AT&T Television and demand Muslim TV: 
  Tel: 310-552-0242
  Please demand Muslim TV on AT&T Basic Service so all Americans can develop a 
better understanding of Islam and Muslims. Your personal attention to this 
matter will greatly help all American Muslims. Thank you.

  Wasalm & JAK, 
  Br. Rodwan Saleh
  Islamic Society of Greater Houston
  Houston, Texas
Thu, 1 Mar 2007 10:43:40 -0800 (PST)From:  "Curtis Sharif" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Subject:  Request for Bridges TVTo:  [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]   YAHOO.Shortcuts.hasSensitiveText = true; 
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geoCountry: "United States", geoCounty: "Harris", geoIsoCountryCode: "US", 
geoLocation: "(-95.387573, 29.7686)", geoName: "Houston", geoPlaceType: "Town", 
geoState: "Texas", geoStateCode: "TX", geoTown: "Houston",
 type: "shortcuts:/us/instance/place/us/town" } } };  
YAHOO.Shortcuts.overlaySpaceId = "97546169";  YAHOO.Shortcuts.hostSpaceId = 
"97546168";   Mr. Thun. God's Peace be unto you.
  This is a request to include Bridges TV programming as basic programming as 
ATT launches its television service in Texas. Interest in Islam and the Islamic 
perspective is at an all time high in Texas a

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Victims of Motherhood.

2007-03-04 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

Mothers may avoid discrimination if they are on state benefit or husband
earns? A child's bast friend is a mother who stays at home.

*1st Article.*
*Gender pay gap 'will take until 2085'*
By Andrew Pierce
Thursday, 01 March 2007

Mothers with young children are the most discriminated against section of
society by employers, according to a study published yesterday by the
Government's equality body.

A mother with a child under the age of 11 was 45 per cent less likely to be
employed than a man, with Bangladeshi and Pakistani women the second group
most discriminated against.

The Equalities Review warned that at current rates it will take until 2085
to close the pay gap between men and women.

John Cridland, deputy director-general at the CBI, said that employers could
give working parents a wider range of working options. But he added: "It's a
fact of life that women have difficult choices when balancing family and

The Equalities Review, chaired by Trevor Phillips, the head of the new
Commission for Equalities and Human Rights, warned that the employment
penalty facing disabled people would not be eliminated unless there were
changes in employers' practices.

Mr Phillips said that more than £30 billion worth of talent was being wasted
because of inequalities suffered by working women and disabled people.

"We have relied on the British sense of fair play. This is a rather vague
way to approach an issue that should be of importance to the whole of
society," he said.

Mr Phillips warned: "Unless we accelerate progress, it is unlikely that
disadvantage will ever be overcome. We have to act now."

Dr Katherine Rake, director of the Fawcett Society, said: "This explodes the
myth that today's women have it all."

*2nd Article.*
*Why does Britain hate mothers?*
Thursday, 01 March 2007
*A new report highlighting widespread discrimination is depressingly
accurate, says Tara Winter Wilson.*

Here's a little game: it's called "Guess the Social Group". Now follow some
clues. We are the most resented, discriminated against and patronised social
group in Britain. We have less chance of finding "employment" than those who
are disabled or who don't have English as their first language. Ethnic
minorities take priority over us. Who are we? We are mothers.

If you have small children under the age of 11, forget trying to find a job.
Why waste the ink and the time, not to mention the paper on which you
diligently print out all those CVs? Chances are that you won't even get an
interview. A landmark report into inequality, commissioned by the Prime
Minister, to examine how our lives are affected by race, gender and age,
confirms that mothers with small children are less likely to get the job
than somebody without limbs or who is visually challenged.

Mothers are 45 per cent less likely to have a job than any other social
group. If you're a single mum, the figure is 49 per cent. Worse even than
that, every year more than 30,000 women are sacked or forced out of their
jobs because of pregnancy or because they have young babies.

I've been there. The moment I came back from maternity leave there was a
distinct change of atmosphere. Most of my executive responsibilities at the
gallery where I worked had been delegated to others. I was insecure and
unsure of my position. Hell, this had been my other family. Suddenly I was
out of the club.

"Oh Tara, do you mind cleaning the windows?" said my boss, on my second day

"Sure. Who are we using these days?"

Silence. "Look, I would do it myself if I had the time..."

"OK, I'll get some vinegar..." I worked in a double-storey building made
almost entirely of glass. It was humiliating, like a punishment for
something I'd done wrong to spend most of the day cleaning it.

The next day was no different.

"Oh Tara, I need a meeting at 6.30pm with you. We need to discuss the PR for

"So sorry," I cut in, "I have to be at the childminder's no later than six.
Can we make it earlier?"


"Really sorry, I just can't..."

'Can't your husband pick the baby up?'

"He did it last night and he absolutely cannot tonight."

"God," she said impatiently, "just make sure you come in an hour earlier
tomorrow morning."

"Well, the child-minder won't allow us to drop her off any earlier than

She swung her chair round to face me. No words were needed. I waved the
white flag.

"OK," I said, "you win. I'll resign."

"Good thinking."

For both of us it was "good thinking". I'd felt guilty not caring for my
baby, for not working all the hours my boss wanted, felt guilty full stop.
It's impossible to juggle a full-time, demanding career with the full-time
job of caring for a baby.

Another child later, it was time for me to hit the workplace again. I was an
experienced, and efficient curator. I'd worked at a major auction house, a
major public museum, a major private gallery and lectured at London
University. Rejection after rejection followed. Self-esteem plumme


2007-03-04 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Statement Regarding Associate Professor Julio Pino
Kent State University
March 1, 2007

Julio Pino, an associate professor of history at Kent State
University, is being accused of authoring an anti-American Web site.
This site has no connection to Kent State, and we object to having the
university's name linked to it. When the issue came to our attention,
we investigated the issue and found the following:

n  We have no evidence that this Web site is authored by Pino –
that is not his picture on the site, and it contains no reference to
him or to Kent State. In any case, there is no connection between this
site and the university.

n  No university servers or other resources have been used to
create or maintain the site.

n  Further, there have been no complaints registered about Pino's
classroom conduct or demeanor, by students or other instructors.

n  The opinions on the Web site do not represent the university.
We do not speak for Pino nor defend any views he might have, and he
does not speak for Kent State, his department or other faculty.

n  The university and Pino have been subjected to hate mail and
threats, and we will continue to monitor the issue.

n  Regarding calls that Pino be summarily dismissed: As any
employer, when deciding whether an employee should be terminated, we
have a responsibility to follow proper processes as outlined by
university procedures and protections under the law.

The university has asked those blogs and other sources to refrain from
writing or disseminating information that associates Kent State with
this Web site.



2007-03-04 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, FYI
  Peace, Curtis Sharif
  Houston, Texas

  1. Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, 
colour, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on 
  2. Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception [33/70]
  3. Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way [17/53, 
  4. Do not shout. Speak politely keeping your voice low. [31/19]
  5. Always speak the truth. Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious 
  6. Do not confound truth with falsehood [2/42]
  7. Say with your mouth what is in your heart [3/167]
  8. Speak in a civilized manner in a language that is recognized by the 
society and is commonly used [4/5]
  9. When you voice an opinion be just, even if it is against a relative [6/152]
  10. Do not be a bragging boaster [31/18]
  11. Do not talk, listen or do anything vain [23/3, 28/55]
  12. Do not participate in any paltry. If you pass near a futile play, then 
pass by with dignity [25/72]
  13. Do not be contemptuous or arrogant with people [31/18]
  14. Do not walk haughtily or with conceit [17/37, 31/18]
  15. Be moderate in thy pace [31/19]
  16. Walk with humility and sedateness [25/63]
  17. Keep your gazes lowered devoid of any lecherous leers and salacious 
stares [24/30-31, 40/19].
  18. If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your 
mouth shut. You might think that speaking about something without full 
knowledge is a trivial matter. But it might have grave consequences [24/15-16] 
  19. When you hear something malicious about someone, keep a favorable view 
about him/her until you attain full knowledge about the matter. Consider others 
innocent until they are proven guilty with solid and truthful evidence 
  20. Ascertain the truth of any news, lest you smite someone in ignorance and 
afterwards repent of what you did [49/6]
  21. Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct 
knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception) you must verify 
it for yourself. In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for 
your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning [17/36]. 
  22. Never think that you have reached the final stage of knowledge and nobody 
knows more than yourself. Remember! Above everyone endowed with knowledge is 
another endowed with more knowledge [12/76]. Even the Prophet [ p.b.u.h ] was 
asked to keep praying, "O My sustainer! Advance me in knowledge." [20:114]
  23. The believers are but a single Brotherhood. Live like members of one 
family, brothers and sisters unto one another [49/10].
  24. Do not make mockery of others or ridicule others [49/11]
  25. Do not defame others [49/11]
  26. Do not insult others by nicknames [49/11]
  27. Avoid suspicion and guesswork. Suspicion and guesswork might deplete your 
communal energy [49/12]
  28. Spy not upon one another [49/12]
  29. Do not backbite one another [49/12]
  30. When you meet each other, offer good wishes and blessings for safety. One 
who conveys to you a message of safety and security and also when a courteous 
greeting is offered to you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous or (at 
least) of equal courtesy [4/86] 
  31. When you enter your own home or the home of somebody else, compliment the 
inmates [24/61]
  32. Do not enter houses other than your own until you have sought permission; 
and then greet the inmates and wish them a life of blessing, purity and 
pleasure [24/27] 


Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question 
on Yahoo! Answers.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Sex Slavery- The growing trade in Israel!

2007-03-04 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
  Up to - 20,000 trafficked women in Israel 

and more than 280 brothels in Tel Aviv ...   
  What a Country! What behavior for God's "Chosen Ones"!  - By Julie Lesser 
- Tribune Correspondent 

MONTREAL - Calling human trafficking one of the greatest human rights abuses of 
our time, Canadian journalist and social activist Victor Malarek addressed the 
Jewish community at a Montreal synagogue last Thursday. 

Promoting a book he has written on the subject, Malarek said destitute Third 
World and Eastern European females as young as 12 are tricked into leaving 
their homelands with promises of wealth and prosperity in the West, as well as 
Israel. Instead, they are sold into the sex trade by organized crime, gangs, 
pimps and brothel owners. 

"Newspaper ads from modelling and employment agencies promise exciting jobs, 
but the women are duped," Malarek told the Jewish Tribune. "They must submit, 
or they are raped, beaten and tortured. There are between 5,000 and 10,000 
trafficked women in Israel and more than 280 brothels in Tel Aviv alone. It is 
a human rights issue the Jewish community knows about. They have a voice and 
they must use it." 

The United Nations has cited human trafficking as an international crime 
generating more than US $12 billion worldwide. More than 800,000 people are 
trafficked annually, forced into prostitution and threatened with death should 
they attempt to escape the clutches of their captors. Canada is both a means of 
access to the United States, as well as a final destination for approximately 
2,000 women each year. 

"Governments should be held accountable," said Liberal MP Irwin Cotler, who 
also addressed the crowd. "It is a very serious problem in Israel, and Canada 
has been inadequate in the protection of victims of trafficking. It is a global 
slave trade." 

As the previous federal justice minister, Cotler aided in the implementation of 
several bills addressing the protection of vulnerable individuals, yet he 
openly admitted there have never been any prosecutions made for human 
trafficking. He focused on raising the public's awareness of trafficking as a 
method to prevent what he called the fastest rising criminal industry in the 
world today. Responding to an audience member's question, he said the problem 
of mistakenly granting Canadian visas to people who should not obtain them is 
"an issue for the immigration department." 

As customers' demands for slave trade workers who do not have HIV or AIDS 
increases, the age of victims proportionally decreases. UNICEF has determined 
that approximately 1.7 billion children are victimized annually. Ironically, 
Malarek didn't realize the gravity of the situation until he personally 
witnessed how many young girls were trafficked into Kosovo to service troops 
sent by the United Nations. 

"There is both national and international indifference," said Malarek. "The 
public looks at the victims with apathy or scorn and foreign women are not the 
priority of most governments. Governments are complacent because the sex 
industry brings in money." 

Cotler noted that governments must work together in prosecuting oppressors 
while protecting their victims. He said the RCMP is part of an international 
trafficking unit that reflects cooperation among a number of governments. Human 
trafficking should be a priority on international policy-making agendas, he 
added, and complimented the United States on taking the lead in exercising what 
he called moral leadership. 

"Most people don't know how big this problem is," said Larry Sakow, who 
attended the public event. "As a Jew, I am upset about the trafficking in 
Israel. It is surprising that Jews have gotten into it and are making money." 

Victor Malarek's book, The Natashas: Inside the New Global Sex Trade, is 
currently available. 
Sex Slavery - The Growing Trade in Israel 

Sex slavery: The growing trade in Israel, thousands of Eastern European and 
Russian girls lured to TelAviv and enslaved into prostitution 

Commercial for attracting people to Israel: -
Up to - 20,000 trafficked women in Israel and more than 280 brothels in Tel 
Aviv ... 
As customers - demands for slave trade workers who do not have HIV or AIDS ... 

Similar pages

"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them 
you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living 
among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become 
your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and can 
make them slaves for life." (Leviticus 25:44-46) 

There are an estimated 20,000 female sex slaves forced into prostitution in 
Tel-Aviv each year. According to a report released in 2005 by the Knesset 
Subcommittee on Traf

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Mutual Love

2007-03-04 Thread Nazia
As-salaamu ALykum:
  Do you know what the prophet may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, 
  said in describing  the believers? 
  To find out, I invite you to listen to the following lesson.
  Mutual Love
  This lesson is part of a new series titled Genuine Community. 
  This series is a continuation of the Purpose of My Existence 
  Help me spread positive teachings; forward this email to your contacts. 
Radwan Kouatli (Abunour)

Barak'ALLAH~May the blessings of Allah (be upon you)
Sister Nazia 
  The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allâh (His 
Words, the Qur'ân) and His Messenger (SAW), to judge between them, is that they 
say: "We hear and we obey." And such are the prosperous ones (who will live 
forever in Paradise (24:51)

The fish are biting.
 Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Las Vegas Muslims Need your Help

2007-03-04 Thread Khaliq Baig


Islamic Information Center

   P O Box 230666

  Las Vegas, NV

 Phone: (702)
798- 4089


  Sheikh Hafiz Taha Ibrahim

   Resident Imam

Friday Prayers Stopped at the Islamic Information Center

Paradise Board Approves the Relocation of IIC
Las Vegas, NV USA

February 24, 2007

Assalam' Alaikum

May this email find you in good health and high spirit of Iman.

The Paradise Board approved 4 – 1 vote for the Land Use Application for a
Mosque, a Place of Worship, with a 50 ft high Minaret and a 40 ft high Dome
on the new Russell Road, the main artery to the Las Vegas International
Airport.  The mosque will be visible from the new Terminal 3 of the McCarran
International Airport.  We are happy that first step toward the approval
process went well. The next step is the meeting at the County Commissioners
on March 6th, soo7 and it is expected that the project will be approved,
said Tabitha Keetch, attorney for the Islamic Information Center.

It was a very sad day for the entire Las Vegas Muslim Community, when the
Jumah prayer was discontinued at the Islamic Information Center (IIC) due to
parking and capacity issues raised by the Clark County Authorities. They had
tears in their eyes, the voices were muffled and the hearts were sinking to
note that there will be no more Jumah and Taraweeh prayers at the Center.  As
you all know, the Center was started after 9/11 and has provided information
about Islam to Non – Muslims and many have accepted Islam since the
inception of the Center. The Center also holds five daily prayers, a weekend
school with 40 children currently learning about Basics of Islam, Quran,
Salat and Tajweed.  Shaikh Hafiz Taha Muhammad and Shaikh Hafiz Wisam
Sherief and Sister Amina Berroho are volunteer teachers and are doing a
great job with our next generation.

As a community, we could not just ignore that Jumah was stopped and there
will be no Taraweeh at the Center.  The whole Community has come together to
help the Center and this is very encouraging.  The Center is therefore
relocating to a new, bigger and better location.   Together we will make a
facility that we can all be proud of.  The new facility will be about 7,000
sq ft and will be located opposite to the new Terminal 3, of the Las Vegas
International Airport on the new 100 ft wide 6 lanes Russell Road, just east
of Maryland Parkway.   The best part is that the project will also have
about 7,500 sq ft professional office space for lease to generate enough
income to support the Center, insha Allah.

It is a great opportunity for everyone, who can invest in the cause of Allah
and help the IIC Relocation Project.

Allah Subhanahu Wata'la says:

The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, is as the
likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a
hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He pleases. And Allah
is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower.  (2:261)

The new property will be 1.62 acres prime location commercial property with
a 2300 sq ft structure.

Cost of Land with 2300 sq ft building = $995,000.00

Estimated cost for the new construction =$1,500,000.00

Funds Available (Cash) =$

Estimated Proceeds from Sale of the Old property=  $450,000.00 * Based on

Amount in Escrow =

Current Pledges =
Funds Needed =

This is an opportunity for all of us, as we believe in the Words of Allah.

We are requesting everyone to participate in this project.

Invest what you can $50.00 to $1,000.00 and get 700 times and more return
from Allah swt..  No contribution is too small.

You can learn more by visiting us at:

See the Multi Media Presentation on the Web Site.

You can also donate online by going to our website.  May Allah swt reward
you for your generous help.

Remember no contribution is too small. Donate what ever you can.  It is easy
to Donate, by just clicking on the "Donate" button on the site.


Shahzad Razi

Ameer – Fund Raising Committee

PS  If we get only 2000 God Fearing Muslims worldwide who can spend in the
path of Allah swt to build a mosque in Las Vegas (famous for other reasons)
to donate $1,000 we will reach our goal in no time.  So go ahead and visit
our website and donate generously, remember no amount is too small.   Only
Allah can give you the reward for this.
Please visit to learn more and how to donate.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Americans Have Lost Their Country

2007-03-04 Thread adil naveed
   Americans Have Lost Their Country 
Paul Craig Roberts  
   The Bush-Cheney regime is America's first 
neoconservativeregime. In a few short years, the regime has destroyed the 
Bill of Rights, theseparation of powers, the Geneva Conventions, and the 
remains of America's moralreputation along with the infrastructures of two 
Muslim countries and countlessthousands of Islamic civilians. Plans have 
been prepared, and forces moved intoplace, for an attack on a third Islamic 
country, Iran, and perhaps Syria andHezbollah in Lebanon as well.
 This extraordinary aggressiveness toward the US Constitution, international
law, and the Islamic world is the work, not of a vast movement, but of a 
handfulof ideologues – principally Vice President Dick Cheney, Donald 
Rumsfeld, LewisLibby, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Elliott 
Abrams, ZalmayKhalilzad, John Bolton, Philip Zelikow, and Attorney General 
Gonzales. Theseare the main operatives who have controlled policy. They 
have been supportedby their media shills at the Weekly Standard, National 
Review,Fox News, New York Times, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal editorial 
   page and by "scholars" in assorted think tanks such as the American
Enterprise Institute.
 The entirety of their success in miring the United States in what   could 
become permanent conflict in the Middle East is based on the   power of 
propaganda and the big lie.
 Initially, the 9/11 attack was blamed on Osama bin Laden, but after   an 
American puppet was installed in Afghanistan, the blame for 9/11   was shifted 
to Iraq's Saddam Hussein, who was said to have weapons of   mass destruction 
that would be used against America. The regime sent   Secretary of State Colin 
Powell to tell the lie to the UN that the   Bush-Cheney regime had conclusive 
proof of Iraqi weapons of mass   destruction.
 Having conned the UN, Congress, and the American people, the regime   invaded 
Iraq under totally false pretenses and with totally false   expectations. The 
regime's occupation of Iraq has failed in a   military sense, but the 
neoconservatives are turning their failure   into a strategic advantage. At the 
beginning of this year President   Bush began blaming Iran for America's 
embarrassing defeat by a few   thousand lightly armed insurgents in Iraq.
 Bush accuses Iran of arming the Iraqi insurgents, a charge that   experts 
regard as improbable. The Iraqi insurgents are Sunni. They   inflict casualties 
on our troops, but spend most of their energy   killing Iraqi Shi'ites, who are 
closely allied with Iran, which is   Shi'ite. Bush's accusation requires us to 
believe that Iran is   arming the enemies of its allies.
 On the basis of this absurd accusation – a pure invention – Bush has   ordered 
a heavy concentration of aircraft carrier attack forces off   Iran's coast, and 
he has moved US attack planes to Turkish bases and   other US bases in 
countries contingent to Iran.
 In testimony before Congress on February 1 of this year, former   National 
Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski said that he expected   the regime to 
orchestrate a "head-on conflict with Iran and with much   of the world of Islam 
at large." He said a plausible scenario was "a   terrorist act blamed on Iran, 
culminating in a 'defensive' US   military action against Iran." He said that 
the neoconservative   propaganda machine was already articulating a "mythical 
historical   narrative" for widening their war against Islam.
 Why is the US spending one trillion dollars on wars, the reasons for   which 
are patently false. What is going on?
 There are several parts to the answer. Like their forebears among the Jacobins 
   of the French Revolution, the Bolsheviks of the communist revolution, and 
theNational Socialists of Hitler's revolution, neoconservatives believe 
that theyhave a monopoly on virtue and the right to impose hegemony on the 
rest of theworld. Neoconservative conquests began in the Middle East 
because oil and Israel,with which neocons are closely allied, are both in 
the Middle East.
 The American oil giant, UNOCAL, had plans for an oil and gas pipeline   
through Afghanistan, but the Taliban were not sufficiently   cooperative. The 
US invasion of Afghanistan was used to install Hamid   Karzai, who had been on 
UNOCAL's payroll, as puppet prime minister.   US neoconservative Zalmay 
Khalilzad, who also had been on UNOCAL's   payroll, was installed as US 
ambassador to Afghanistan.
 Two years later Khalilzad was appointed US ambassador to Iraq.   American oil 
companies have been given control over the exploitation   of Iraq's oil 
 The Israeli relationship is perhaps even more important. In 1996   Richard 
Perle and the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslim Brotherhood debates

2007-03-04 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum. Please read this item fro Ikhwan web on the debates that are 
going on about Muslim Brotherhood.Ikhwan is under pressure for the last fifty  
years or more bur they have a very mature leadership who know how to handle 
internal and external problems.I hope in the end they will overcome their 
opposition and enemies.

Shah Abdul Hannan


  Muslim Brotherhood debates

  abuaardvark - Amman, Jaban 
  Thursday, March 01, 2007 
  There are a number of very interesting debates going on about the Muslim 
Brotherhood right now.  No, not the silly ones from my comment section - those 
are garden variety foolishness, not really worth engaging.   While I don't have 
a lot of time today (accursed real work and real life intrudes!), let me flag a 
few of them (and also be sure to check out Helena Cobban's interviews with 
Essam el-Erian and Abdel Monem Abou el-Fattouh, from which she kindly posted 
long excerpts ).  I'm still processing a fascinating 20 page "response to the 
supreme guide of the Ikhwan over his criticisms of al-Qaeda" which was posted 
to the al-Tajdeed forum two days ago, so I'll hold off on that one for now.  

  First, I've already noted the debates in Egypt about the proposal floated 
by MB Supreme Guide Mohamed Mehdi Akef to al-Masry al-Yom about the possibility 
of forming a political party which would be formally distinct from the dawa 
organization.   This isn't totally new, of course - there have been internal MB 
proponents of such a party for decades (1984 is the first instance that I can 
recall off hand) - but Akef's reported embrace of its does seem significant 
since he is at least technically from the older generation (he's 78) and not 
from the famous "middle generation" of MB activists and thinkers.   

  It's hard to know what will come of it.  The entire thrust of the 
Egyptian regime's domestic agenda right now is to combat the MB's political 
weight, not because it represents a security threat but because it represents a 
political threat to the NDP.  This begins, of course, with the extraordinary 
crackdown on the organization (including the arrest of hundreds of its members 
and alleged members (was it only two years ago that Erian announced that no MB 
were in prison for the first time since 1995?), the resort to military 
tribunals, the confiscation of their assets and freezing of their bank 
accounts, and so forth).  It also includes a sustained media campaign against 
the MB, which has had some success - the al-Azhar milita story was a propaganda 
coup for the regime, whatever the truth behind it (al-Masry al-Yom has 
published lengthy excerpts from the case against them, if you're interested), 
and there has been a lot more.  Finally, there are proposed legal and 
constitutional changes, such as the current proposal which would effectively 
ban independents from running - while also maintaining the regime's iron grip 
on the licensing of parties, thereby preventing the MB from either going legit 
as a party or running candidates as independents as they did in 2005.   Several 
prominent Egyptian politicians and intellectuals (including some not known for 
their sympathy with the Ikhwan) have told me that they are all for the MB being 
allowed to form a party since it would expose its real weakness, but that does 
not seem to be the regime's opinion right now.  MB leaders have been loudly 
defending the organization against the regime's offensive, and even arguing 
publicly that the arrest of Akef himself would not cripple the organization.   
I suppose we might soon find out. 

  Second, Robert Leiken and Steve Brooke try in the current Foreign Affairs 
to respark a debate about the virtues of engaging with the Muslim Brotherhood. 
They do a good job of highlighting the great variation among the MB branches in 
different countries, which have generally evolved in response to local 
political conditions and over which the central MB organization has very, very 
little control. Leiken and Brooke are good on the political side of the MB, 
including its general pragmatism and ability to play by the democratic rules, 
though a bit weaker on the social and cultural side.   It all depends on which 
battle the "West" is trying to fight - if the battle is to push democratic 
reforms, the MB is actually  a potential partner, but if the battle is to 
spread liberal ideas then it isn't.   To flesh out the question, you might 
check out Ken Silverstein's fascinating "Parties of God" in the current issue 
of Harpers (sadly not on line).   Also, definitely check out Josh Stacher and 
Samer Shehata's recent MERIP piece on the Brotherhood in Parliament, and the 
exchange between three Carnegie scholars (Nathan Brown, Amr Hamzawy, and Marina 
Ottoway) and a number of Islamist (including Abou el-Fattouh, one of the most 