Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Poem

2007-10-01 Thread PoEtEsS
 Ya Allah

Ya Allah, I am aggrieved
No one cares to forbid evil
And no one cares to promote good;
I am on my own, aggrieved.
Left alone to laugh is evil;
Lonely and weeping are the good.

Ya Allah, I am aggrieved
In denial is the liar
And with him are we on a par.
In return at us does he scorn
Like at a useless field of corn.
Ya Allah, I am aggrieved.

Ya Allah, free me of my pain
And deprive me not of my gain
And overlook my shortcoming
As it is true that I am fuming
Forgive my present and my past
My future misdeeds and the last...

Raise me in degrees to Your Self
In the company of Your friends;
for I wish not for other friends.
Take not to account my own self;
And forgive me for my weakness
So that I may strive for more meekness

None but You alone I worship
Only You, Owner of Lordship
And none else do I ask for help.
Help me with very special help;
Guide me and do not let me stray
Like those who have gone far astray

- A poem from a detainee in HMP Long Lartin


"Praise your struggles for they surprise you with many rewards"...Zohra Moosa


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Emphasis on Blood Relations

2007-10-01 Thread Shahid Khan
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*Emphasis on Blood Relations*

   The Prophet (peace be upon him) has more claim on the believers than they
have on their own selves; and his wives are their mothers. Blood relatives
have, according to God's decree, a stronger claim upon one another than
other believers (of Madinah) and those who have migrated (for God's sake).
Nonetheless, you are to act with kindness toward your close friends. This is
written down in God's decree. *(The Confederates, Al-Ahzab: 33: 6)*


This surah, revealed toward the end of the fifth year after the Prophet's
emigration to Madinah, begins with important legislations in family matters.
It seeks to put these on the right footing. It starts with the abolition of
the practice that some Arabs used to resort to when they wanted to punish
their wives causing them lasting damage. A man would say to his wife that
she was to him like his mother's back, which meant that all marital
relations between them were ended. Yet she was not divorced so as to be able
to marry someone else. Islam put an end to this practice, imposing a heavy
penalty on anyone who resorts to it. The surah then moved on to abolish
adoption. This does not mean a prohibition of looking after an orphan child,
or a child in need of care. What is abolished is to attach that child to
one's family as if it was born to the adopting couple, giving it the same

The surah then moves on to put an end to the brotherhood institution,
established by Islam following the migration of the Muslims from Makkah to
Madinah. This was a practical measure to address the situation of those
immigrants who had abandoned their relations and property in Makkah, and the
situation of Muslims in Madinah whose relations with their families were
severed as a result of their embracing Islam. At the same time, the
Prophet's personal authority over all believers is emphasized and given a
higher position than all blood relations, while his wives are to be seen as
the spiritual mothers of all believers: "The Prophet has more claim on the
believers than they have on their own selves; and his wives are their
mothers. Blood relatives have, according to God's decree, a stronger claim
upon one another than other believers (of Madinah) and those who have
migrated (for God's sake). Nonetheless, you are to act with kindness toward
your close friends. This is written down in God's decree."

When the Muhajirin, i.e. the Muslims from Makkah, left for Madinah, they had
to leave everything behind, preferring their faith to their relatives,
clans, property, livelihood, friends, and life memories. They abandoned all
this for their faith. Their migration in this way, abandoning all that was
dear, including their own families, provided an example of how faith grips
one's whole being. They provided the practical example of the integrity of
the Islamic personality, confirming the Qur'anic statement: "Never has God
put two hearts in one man's body."

A different situation, however arose in Madinah as Islam began to infiltrate
homes. The result was that some members of a family became Muslims while
others did not. Relations between people were often severed; family bonds
became shaky; and there was an even greater disruption of social bonds. The
Muslim society was still in its infancy and the Muslim state was still more
of an idea than a solid regime with lasting roots

This gave the new faith a strong moral impetus that superseded all emotions,
traditions, social institutions and bonds, making faith the only bond that
unites hearts. At the same time it united the small units that separated
from their natural roots in the family and the clan, thus replacing the ties
of blood, family, interest, friendship, race and language. It united these
Muslim units into a well-knit and coherent block that showed a high degree
of solidarity, cooperation and mutual care. This was not initiated by
legislative texts or government orders; instead, it was based on an inner
impetus that was stronger than anything that was familiar in ordinary human
life. This provided the basis for the rise of the Muslim community, which
could not be otherwise established.

The Muhajirin (i.e. the migrants from Makkah) were welcomed in Madinah by
its Muslim residents, the Ansar. The Ansar opened their hearts and homes for
them and gave them shares in their property. In fact they were so keen to
make the Makkan Muslims feel welcome in their new abode that the Ansar drew
lots to decide who would take each of the Muhajirin: this because there were
only a few of the latter as compared with the great many Ansar who were keen
to host them. They, in fact, shared with the Muhajirin every thing they had,
willingly and with warm hearts that betrayed no trace of avarice or showing

The Prophet established a bond of brotherhood between individuals of the
Muhajirin and individuals of the Ansar, naming each two brothers, thereby
giving rise to a unique bond in the history o

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] COLUMBUS DAY: A Celebration of Genocide?

2007-10-01 Thread Abhiyya 2006
COLUMBUS DAY: A Celebration of Genocide? 
Oct. 13, 2003 -- Michelle Montoya questions the holiday celebrating a man 
whose actions and ideals ignited the very beginnings of racism in the Americas. 

By Michelle Montoya
Since childhood, the notion that Christopher Columbus is a man to be 
celebrated has been forced into all our heads.   Many people hail Columbus for 
his discovery because from it evolved modern civilization and the United 
States, with its glorious past of liberty, equality and the invention of 
microwave ovens.   Some of Columbus' supporters scoff at Native American 
activists and "politically correct" liberals for protesting the celebration of 
Columbus Day. Those who scoff prove how naïve they are. We celebrate a day 
dedicated to a man who encouraged racism and oppression and who committed the 
worst atrocity that can ever befall mankind — genocide.   In some respects, 
Columbus can be compared to Hitler. Both encouraged racist, violent acts 
against groups they considered inferior. American Indian activist Russell Means 
has said, "Columbus makes Hitler look like a juvenile delinquent." Certainly, 
Columbus' ideas killed millions of more people then Hitler's ever did.  
 From almost the moment Columbus landed in the New World, he and his men 
committed horrendous acts against the Native Americans, igniting the beginning 
of racism in the Americas. In A Short Account Of The Destruction Of the Indies, 
Bartolome de Las Casas describes the slaughter:   [The Spaniards] forced their 
way into native settlements, slaughtering everyone they found there, including 
small children, old men, pregnant women, and even women who had just given 
birth. They hacked them to pieces, slicing open their bellies with their 
swords... They even laid wagers on whether they could manage to slice a man in 
two at a stroke... they grabbed suckling infants by the feet... and dashed them 
headlong against the rocks.   The way they normally dealt with the native 
leaders and nobles was to tie them to a kind of griddle...and then grill them 
over a slow fire, with the result that they howled in agony and despair as they 
died a lingering death. 
The United States should abolish Columbus Day. It is a symbol of ignorance. It 
is a symbol of racism. And, it is a symbol of Native American genocide.   To 
me, celebrating Columbus Day is like celebrating "Hitler Day." Some might argue 
that Hitler did great things for Germany despite the killings and atrocities he 
committed. And for other reasons, some might believe that Columbus himself was 
a great man. I think the day should be abolished because of the racism, 
oppression and genocide that it stands for.   Columbus was not the only person 
who believed the world was round nor was he the first to venture out into the 
unknown. If we celebrate Columbus Day based solely on the fact that he 
accidentally discovered the Americas and from this discovery evolved the United 
States, we prove how closed-minded we are. How can we ignore everything else?   
We should be proud of the United States and all that it stands for. But we 
should not cover up the mistakes it took to get here.
 Celebrating Columbus Day does just that. It glorifies the good and covers up 
the bad.   Holidays in this nation should be reserved for people who really 
deserve them. They should not recognize a man whose actions and ideals killed 
more people than Adolph Hitler. Christopher Columbus is no comparison to George 
Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King, Jr.   We need to abolish 
Columbus Day. In doing so, we take step toward acknowledging our past, no 
matter how bad our mistakes may have been. 

With Regards 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 16th DAY OF TARAVEEH - Glimpses of Quran

2007-10-01 Thread Mahaboob Shariff
16th Day of TARAVEEH

In the first section it is said that Quraan is the illuminated Book with the 
guidance and good tidings for the believers. Those who are not concerned about 
the Aakhirah are lost in the material world will be in great loss. It is said 
that Moosa (AS) went out to get fire for himself but was made the Messenger of 
ALLAH and there is mention of some of his miracles.

In the second section there is mention about Sulaiman (AS) and Dawood (AS), 
later Sulaiman (AS) becomes king himself. ALLAH had given Sulaiman (AS) such a 
kingdom that no one had such a kingdom like him afterwards. The Jinns were 
subjected to him in obedience and under his command he was given the knowledge 
of understanding the speech of the birds flying in the air, and listening to 
the conversations of the ants amongst themselves, the story and the role of 
Hudud, a bird through which he received information about the Queen of Sheba 
and the mention of his sending a message to the Queen Bilqees and so on.

In the third section there is mention about the discussion on the letter of 
Sulaiman (AS) in the royal palace of Queen Sheba and the army suggesting a 
military action in response to the letter, but the Queen herself giving the 
opinion that they should send valuable gifts to the court of Sulaiman (AS) and 
find out what his response would be. Sulaiman rejects these valuable gifts and 
ordered them that they should come to his court in total obedience and 
surrender. In less than the time of the twinkling of an eye Sulaiman (AS) has 
got the Chair of the Queen carried to his palace. The arrival of Bilqees and 
the declaration of faith in ALLAH and the Prophet is mentioned.

In the fourth section there are details about the people of Thamud and nine 
unruly elements among them planning to kill Saleh (AS) at night and at last the 
whole community was destroyed. The people of Lut (AS) were involved in the 
indecent and deviated behaviour and eventually the wrath of ALLAH befalling 
them. Lut (AS) and his people were saved but his wife perished along with the 
rebellious people.

In the fifth section there are details about Tawheed and the protection of HIS 
chosen and distinguished servants, the heavens and the earth, the fields and 
the greenery, the trees and the mountains, the flowers and the fruits and more 
of HIS great Creations. ALLAH listens to the people in distress and the 
desperate people and remedies their problems. The Qiyamah is true and real and 
that ALLAH alone has the knowledge about it.

In the sixth section it is mentioned that the non-believers question as to how 
they would be brought back to life after they were thrown in the dust, for 
which it was said that go around the earth and find out. The disobedient have 
already been punished in this world and the promise of punishment in the 
hereafter is certain and it is not difficult for ALLAH. ALLAH had explained 
everything in detail and just before the doomsday there would appear a beast 
from the earth which will talk to the people.

In the last section of the surah it is said that on that day people would be 
brought in groups after groups and the trumpet would be blown by which the 
people would be smitten with terror and the mountains would be airborne like 
spun cotton. Those who are righteous would be safe and peaceful and the evil 
doers would be thrown headlong into hell fire.

Surah al-Qasas begins
In the first section the story of Moosa (AS) and the Pharaoh is mentioned, 
after Moosa (AS) was born his mother put him into a box and set it afloat in 
the river as per the command of ALLAH. The Pharaoh had taken out the floating 
box. In this way Moosa (AS) reached the palace of the Pharaoh. With ALLAH's 
Power he was brought up in his enemy's palace and then ALLAH had returned Moosa 
(AS) to his mother as promised by HIM and to give cool comforts to her eyes. 
She understood that ALLAH's promise was true and HE has the power to decide and 
In the second section the life of Moosa (AS) when he was young a youth 
belonging to the group of Pharaoh was by mistake killed by him when he 
intervened in a dispute among the two and a few more moments are mentioned. The 
steps taken by the people of Pharaoh to kill Moosa (AS) and his leaving the 
country is mentioned.
In the third section there is mention about Moosa (AS) heading towards Madyan 
near a pond he comes into contact with two daughters of Shuaib (AS). He then 
meets Shuaib (AS) and narrates his story and one of the two daughters 
vouchsafing the trustworthiness of Moosa (AS) and the marriage of Moosa (AS) 
with one of the daughters of Shuaib taking place with some conditions.

In the fourth section it is said Moosa (AS) started from Madyan with his family 
and on his way it was very cold and he went in search of fire leaving behind 
his family towards mount Tur, where he got an opportunity to talk with ALLAH 
and favoured by HIM with the honour of Prophethood. Giving him the p

RE: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] why do I feel like this?

2007-10-01 Thread Zaida rasheid
Salaam alaikum, 
Sis you are asking the wrong type of doctors to look
at you.  
It sound a lot like depression but you need to find a
good psychologist. 
This is not normal nor is it healthy for you.  Seek
help as soon as 
I will make duaa for you. in-shallah 
--- "Zahrani, Abdulqader H (FPD)" wrote:

> Sister Asma asslam alikum,
> Did you see a psychiatric or psychologist?
> Do you have any problem that is bothering you?
> Do you dink coffee or tea excessively?
> When did this start?
> Do you live with your parents or alone?
> Did you see the doctor and made all the necessary
> checks I mean full
> check up? 
> Do you recite the holy Qurran on daily basis at
> least one part 20 pages?
> Do you read the morning and the evening theker
> (remembrance of Allah)?
> Do you sleep with wudu (washing before you sleep)?
> Do you fear anything?
> Do you take any drugs (I mean medication)?
> Are you thinking about something that is bothering
> you?
> Please let me know your answers.
> Asslam alikum
> Your brother Abdulqader
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of "aayesha_asma_2004"
> Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:26 AM
> To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
> Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] why do I feel
> like this?
> as salam alikum
> I feel hopeless, restless, I can't sleep and my body
> hurts all the
> time I don't eat hardly anymore ( i skip the meal
> before sunrise and
> sometimes I skip the evening meal as well} I cry a
> lot actual I cry
> over every little thing I don't leave the house
> hardly ever only when
> I really have to like to go to work . I feel like
> I'm in a deep dark
> hole and I can't get out. I have been to the doctors
> several times
> they say there is nothing wrong physically with me.
> I do my prayers
> and then I spend the rest of the time laying on the
> floor crying
> usally any advice?


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] better than a thousand months

2007-10-01 Thread ***hajikhan***

   The grand night is better than a 
thousand months.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Misyar

2007-10-01 Thread Ebrahim Rashid
Nikah Misyar
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Nikah Misyar or "travellers' marriage" (Arabic: نكاح 
المسيار) is the Sunni Muslim Nikah 
(marriage) contract carried out via the normal contractual procedure, with a 
negotiated understanding between the couple that the husband is not obliged 
to fulfill his usual financial commitments, and the wife lives a separate or 
independent life also free from her marital commitments. The couple continue 
to live separately from each other, as before their contract, and see each 
other to fulfill their needs in a halaal manner when they please.

Essentially the wife gives up some of her rights, such as; living with the 
husband, equal division of nights between wives in cases of polygamy, rights 
to housing, and maintenance money ("nafaqa"), while the husband also gives 
up his normal marital rights[1]

* 1 Background and causes
* 2 Misyar Marriage in practice
* 3 Legality of misyar marriage
* 4 Criticism of misyar
* 5 Shia view
* 6 Notes and References
* 7 See also
* 8 External links
  o 8.1 English
  o 8.2 Arabic

[edit] Background and causes

The misyar marriage represents, according to some, an adaptation of the 
needs of people who are not able to marry in the traditional way, in 
countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or the United Arab Emirates. This is 
usually due to the cost of rents; the high cost of living in general; the 
high amounts of dowry required; and other similar economic and financial 

The Sheikh of Al-Azhar Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi and the well-known theologian 
Yusuf Al-Qaradawi note in their writings and in their lectures, that a major 
proportion of the men who take a spouse in the framework of the misyar 
marriage are already married men.[3]

Islamic lawyers argue that it fits the needs of a conservative society which 
punishes “zina” (fornication) and other sexual relationships which are 
established outside a marriage contract. Islamic lawyers explain that it can 
be ideal for young people whose resources are too limited to settle down in 
a separate home; for divorcees, widows or widowers, who have their own 
residence and their own financial resources but cannot, or do not want to 
marry again according to the usual formula; and for slightly elder people 
who have not tasted the joys of marriage. Thus this is argued as a solution 
for the million and half women who are reduced to a situation of forced 
celibacy in Saudi Arabia alone.[4]

Some traits of this marriage are reminiscent of the Nikah Mut'ah which is 
practised by Shia Muslims, although it is considered as illicit by Sunni 
Muslims.[5] The difference is that the Shia Mut'ah marriage is based on a 
contract with a fixed date of expiry. In contrast, the Sunni misyar marriage 
has no fixed duration and can progress into the standard type of marriage, 
with the husband providing financial support to his wife, or even living 
with her part of the time, for example, in the event of any condition 
stipulated in to the contract coming into being, such as pregnancy.

[edit] Misyar Marriage in practice

The practice of Misyar marriage is sometimes different from the reasons 
Islamic lawyers give for this institution.

Wealthy Kuwaiti and Saudi men sometimes enter into a Misyar marriage while 
on vacation, this allows them to have sexual relations with another woman 
without committing the sin of zina, they usually divorce the women once 
their holiday is over, although if this is understood by both parties this 
would constitute a fixed time period, effectively making such a marriage 
invalid in Sunni law, and more akin to the Shia Mut'ah marriage. They travel 
to poorer countries, such as Egypt or Syria, and meet middlemen who arrange 
a marriage for them. Some men arrange Misyar marriages online. These men pay 
the girl's family some money; families agree to the arrangement because of 
poverty, hope their girl will have fun, and visit places that she can only 
dream about. They also hope for gifts at the end of the marriage that the 
rich husband will give her. Sometimes the husband keeps the wife for his 
next vacation and sends her money in the interim period. Many wives hope to 
win the love of their husbands so that they may live with them permanently. 
Since the wife knows that she will most likely be divorced, most misyar 
wives do their best to prevent pregnancy.

Some Egyptian men working in the Gulf countries prefer to engage in the 
misyar marriage rather than live alone for years. Many of them are actually 
already married with wives and children in their home country, but they 
cannot bring them.

[edit] Legality of misyar marriage

Contrary to widely held beliefs, misyar marriag

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] MUst read

2007-10-01 Thread muslimah muslimah

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] "Stomach of Ibn-e-Adam will only be filled with Dust" + "Spend (O man), and I shall on you" + "Rememberance of Allah (I'tikaf)" - from AlQuranic

2007-10-01 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
[The Ultimate Guide ALQURAN]

[24. Surah Sura An-Nur : Ayah 56]

And keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and obey the Apostle, so that mercy 
may be shown to you.
Stomach of Ibn-e-Adam will only be filled with Dust

[Sahih Muslim : Book 5, Book Name Kitab Al-Zakat, Number 2277]
Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu) reported from the Messenger of Allah 
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) as having said this:
"The heart of an old person feels young for the love of two things: love for 
long life and wealth."

[Sahih Muslim : Book 5, Book Name Kitab Al-Zakat, Number 2279]
Anas (Radi Allah Anhu) reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) 
as saying:
"The son of Adam grows old, but two (desires) in him remain young: desire for 
wealth and desire for life."

[Sahih Muslim : Book 5, Book Name Kitab Al-Zakat, Number 2282]
Anas (Radi Allah Anhu) reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) 
as saying:
"If the son of Adam were to possess two valleys of riches. he would long for 
the third one. And the stomach of the son of Adam is not filled but with dust. 
And Allah returns to him who repents."

[Sahih Muslim : Book 5, Book Name Kitab Al-Zakat, Number 2285]
Ibn Abbas (Radi Allah Anhu) reported Allah's Messenger 
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) as saying:
"If there were for the son of Adam a valley full of riches, he would long to 
possess another one like it. and Ibn-e-Adam does not feel satiated but with 
dust. And Allah returns to him who returns (to Him)."

[2. Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayah 43]

And keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and bow down with those who bow down.
Spend (O man), and I shall on you

[Sahih Bukhari : Volume 6, Book 60, Book Name 'Tafseer of the Prophet 
(sa-allahu-alleihi-wasallam)' Number 206]
Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu): Allah's Apostle 
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said:
"Allah said, 'Spend (O man), and I shall spend on you."
He (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) also said:
"Allah's Hand is full, and (its fullness) is not affected by the continuous 
spending night and day."
He (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) also said:
"Do you see what He has spent since He created the Heavens and the Earth? 
Nevertheless, what is in His Hand is not decreased, and His Throne was over the 
water; and in His Hand there is the balance (of justice) whereby He raises and 
lowers (people)."

[65. Surah At-Talaq : Ayah 2-3]

And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him. 
And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one 
puts his trust in Allah, Allah will be sufficient for him.
Rememberance of Allah (I'tikaf)

[Sahih Muslim :  Book 6, Book Name 'Kitab Al-Sawm' Number 2625]
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger  
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) spent in devotion (in i'tikaf) the middle ten 
nights of the month of Ramadan, and when twenty nights were over and it was the 
twenty-first night, he went back to his residence and those who were along with 
him also returned (to their respective residences).
He spent one month in devotion. Then he addressed the people on the night he 
came back (to his residence) and commanded them as Allah desired (him to 
command) and then said:
"I used to devote myself (observe i'tikaf) during these ten (nights). Then I 
started devoting myself in the last ten (nights). And he who desires to observe 
i'tikaf along with me should spend the night) at his place of i'tikaf. And I 
saw this night (Lailat-ul-Qadr) but I forgot it (the exact night) ; so seek 
it;In the last ten nights on odd numbers."

[Sahih Muslim :  Book 6, Book Name 'Kitab Al-Sawm' Number 2627]
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah 
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) observed i'tikaf (confined himself for devotion 
and prayer) in the first ten (days) of Ramadan; he then observed i'tikaf in the 
middle ten (days) in a Turkish tent with a mat hanging at its door. He (the 
Holy Prophet) took hold of that mat and placed it in the nook of the tent. He 
then put his head out an

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] From Christianity to Islam

2007-10-01 Thread Ahumanb
>From Catholic to Atheist to Islam
Yusuf Estes talks about journey to Islam
Evangelical Christian tells why he chose Islam
Interview with a Convert
A new begining


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Brushing One's Teeth During the Ramadan Fast

2007-10-01 Thread SA PEER MOHAMED
Brushing One's Teeth During the Ramadan Fast
Sheikh Salman al-Oadah

Many people avoid brushing their teeth during the day in Ramadan. This is a 
mistake, since there is no contradiction between observing the fast and 
brushing one's teeth. Moreover, Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: 
"Were it not for the hardship that I would be placing upon my people, I would 
have ordered them to engage in siwâk for every prayer." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (887) 
and Sahîh Muslim (252)] 

We must understand that the word "siwâk" does not just refer to the tree 
branches that are used as tooth sticks, but to the act of brushing the teeth 
itself. It is derived from the verb sâk, meaning to rub, clean, buff, or 
polish. [Tarh al-Tathrîb (2/63)] 

Regarding the question of what can be used for brushing the teeth, Ibn `Abd 
al-Barr writes: "The siwâk of the people had been from the arâk and bashâm 
trees. Anything that polishes the teeth without harming them and sweetens the 
taste of the mouth is permitted for the purpose of brushing the teeth." 
[al-Istidhkâr (3/272)] 

It is permitted to brush one's teeth at any time during the day while fasting 
in Ramadan. As for the hadîth that reads: "When you fast, brush your teeth in 
the mornings, but do not brush your teeth in the afternoon." – it is an 
extremely weak hadîth. It is related in Sunan al-Bayhaqî, Sunan al-Daraqutnî, 
and other sources. Its chain of transmission is too weak to allow it to be used 
as evidence. 

Therefore, the ruling regarding brushing the teeth in Ramadan remains general. 
It is encouraged at all times. This ruling is evident in the hadîth mentioned 
above as well as in the hadîth: "Were it not for the hardship that I would be 
placing upon my people, I would have ordered them to engage in siwâk every time 
they perform wudû'." This means that it is recommended to brush one's teeth 
after every wudû' and for every prayer, regardless of whether one is fasting or 
not, and regardless of whether it is in the morning of Ramadan or the 
afternoon. The Zuhr and `Asr prayers are include in this general ruling just as 
the Fajr, Maghrib, an `Ishâ' prayers are included. 

In fact, there are six occasions where brushing the teeth I recommended: 

1. It is recommended before each prayer. 

2. It is recommended for every wudû'. 

3. It is recommended when reciting the Qur'ân. The following is related by `Alî 
. Abî Tâlib and others: "Indeed, your mouths are pathways fro the Qur'ân, so 
make those pathways agreeable with siwâk." [Sunan Ibn Mâjah (291) but with a 

4. It is recommended upon entering the home. The father of al-Miqdâm b. Shurayh 
had asked `Âishah: "What was the first thing that the Prophet (peace be upon 
him) used to do when he entered the house?" She replied that he would brush his 
teeth. [Sahîh Muslim (253)] 

5. It s recommended when a person has bad breath. The Prophet (peace be upon 
him) said: "Siwâk cleanses the mouth and pleases the Lord." [Sunan al-Nisâ'î, 
(5), Musnad Ahmad (6/47) and Sunan al-Dârimî (684)] 

6. It is recommended upon waking from sleep. Hudhayfah relates that when the 
Prophet (peace be upon him) got up at night, he would brush his teeth with a 
toothstick." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim] 

It is recommended for a Muslim to brush his or her teeth on these occasions 
whether or not he or she is fasting. 

Some people assume that brushing the teeth while fasting is discouraged on the 
basis of the hadîth where the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "I swear by Him 
in whose hand is my soul, the khalûf of a fasting person is more pleasant to 
Allah than the scent of musk." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (1893) and Sahîh Muslim 

The assumption that this hadîth discourages brushing one's teeth while fasting 
is incorrect for two reasons: 

1. The khalûf is the smell that comes from the stomach when it is empty of food 
and is not a smell emanating from the mouth. 

2. Many scholars explain that the pleasantness of this khalûf for Allah on the 
Day of Judgment, as indicated by the narration of the hadîth in Sahîh Muslim: 
"I swear by Him in whose hand is my soul, the khalûf of a fasting person is 
more pleasant to Allah on the Day of Judgment than the scent of musk." It does 
not relate to the affairs of this world, so brushing the teeth will have no 
affect on it. If anything, brushing the teeth will provide an additional 
dimension of pleasantness, since it is in itself something pleasing to Allah. 
It is something Allah enjoined upon the Muslim's through the words of His 
Messenger (peace be upon him). 

As for any remnants of the tooth stick that may remain in the mouth of the 
fasting person, these should simply be removed as best as possible. The fasting 
person should not allow suspicions and misgivings about it to worry him. Many 
people go to excesses in this matter and impose upon themselves unnecessary 
hardships. For instance, some people go to extremes in removing what remains in 
their mouths after br

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Love of Allah

2007-10-01 Thread PoEtEsS
 Love Of Allah - Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah 

The love of the Beloved 
must be unconditionally returned. 
If you claim love 
yet oppose the Beloved, 
then your love is but a pretence. 
You love the enemies of your Beloved 
and still seek love in return. 
You fight the beloved of your Beloved. 
Is this Love or the following of shaytaan? 
True devotion is nothing 
but total submission 
of body and soul 
to One Love. 
We have seen humans claim to submit, 
yet their loyalties are many. 
They put their trust here, and their hope there, 
and their love is without consequence.

Excerpted from An-Nooniyyah - Quoted in "Al-Walaa wal-Baraa" of Muhammad Saeed 


"Praise your struggles for they surprise you with many rewards"...Zohra Moosa