Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Friday Nasiha - Issue #446: "Surah Al-Anam (The Cattle) - Ch 6: Vs 25-26" + "Sajdah" + "Pledge of Mutual Respect" - from YoungMuslims

2007-10-06 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Friday Nasiha - Issue #446 
Ramadhaan 23, 1428, A.H. - October 5, 2007, C.E.
Living the Quran
Surah Al-Anam (The Cattle) - Chapter 6: Verses 25-26

Natural Law of Heart Closure
Of them there are some who (pretend to) listen to thee; but We have thrown 
veils on their hearts, so they understand it not, and deafness in their ears; 
if they saw every one of the Signs, they will not believe in them; in so much 
that when they come to thee; they (but) dispute with thee; the Unbelievers say: 
"These are nothing but tales of the ancients." Others they keep away from it, 
and themselves they keep away; but they only destroy their own souls, and they 
perceive it not.

Here Allah has ascribed to Himself the cause of the defects produced in their 
faculties of understanding, hearing and seeing, for everything that takes place 
in the world under the Natural Law does, in fact, take place by the command of 
Allah because He is the Author of that Law. Therefore the resultant effects of 
the working of that Law, in fact, take place by the will and order of Allah.

The obdurate disbelievers do not understand, do not hear and do not see the 
Truth, even though they seem to listen to the Message of the Messenger, because 
their obduracy, their prejudice and their unwillingness have, according to the 
law of Nature, dulled their faculties. The law is that if one is bent upon 
obduracy and does not adopt the attitude of a righteous person, all the doors 
of his heart automatically get locked against every kind of truth that goes 
against his lusts.

When this natural process is described in the human language, it will be said, 
"The doors of the heart of such and such a person are locked." But God, without 
Whose Command and Leave nothing whatsoever can happen, will describe the same 
like this, "We have locked the doors of the heart of such and such a person." 
This is because a human being will describe the thing, as it seems to happen, 
whereas Allah states the true nature of the happening.

The "Nothing New" Excuse
This is the excuse that the foolish people put forward for rejecting the 
Message. They say, "There is nothing new in the Message towards which the 
Messenger is inviting us. This is the same old Message that we have been 
hearing before." According to these foolish people, in order to be true, a 
Message must also be new because according to them that which is old cannot be 
true. Whereas the fact is that the Message has always been one and the same and 
will ever remain so. The Messengers of Allah, who had been coming from the 
earliest times for the guidance of mankind, have always been communicating the 
same Message; likewise, the Holy Prophet was also presenting the same old 

Of course, only those, who being devoid of Divine Light, cannot see the 
aforesaid eternal reality, might invent something new and by forging some 
theories present them as truth, saying, "We have a new Message, which has never 
been given by anyone before us."

Double Bad
They discourage people from following the truth, believing in Muhammad and 
obeying the Quran, (and they themselves keep away from him,) They thus combine 
both evil acts, for they neither benefit themselves, nor let others benefit 
from the Prophet. Ali bin Abi Talhah said that Ibn Abbas said that the Ayah, 
(And they prevent others from him) means, they hinder people from believing in 
Muhammad. Muhammad bin Al-Hanafiyyah said, "The disbelievers of Quraysh used to 
refrain from meeting Muhammad and they discouraged people from coming to him.''

"Tafsir Ibn Katheer" - Ibn Katheer
"Towards Understanding the Quran" - Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Not all the Prayers of the Prophet were long. In public he would pray for a 
shorter period of time and ask other imams to do the same. The Prophet used to 
make dua in Sajdah not just tasbeeh as we do in obligatory prayers. He used to 
cry in Sajdah. He would spend an extended amount of his time in Sajdah whenever 
he was praying on his own. Many times, however, Muslims would join him when 
they found him praying alone.
  Aisha, may God be pleased with her, mentions that: the Prophet one night 
stood up for Salah and he stayed in it for so long that I thought the Prophet 
had passed away or died. When I felt that way I stood up shook his toe and I 
felt the movement then I laid down again and I heard the Prophet saying in 
Sajdah "I seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your wrath, and in Your pardon from 
Your punishment, and in You from You. I cannot enumerate Your praises as You 
praise Yourself." (Transliteration: Audhu bi ridaka min sakhatika, wa bi 
muafatika mi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] When is Laylat al-Qadr?

2007-10-06 Thread saiyed shahbazi
When is Laylat al-Qadr?   
  The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Whoever 
prays on Laylat al-Qadr out of faith and sincerity, shall have all their past 
sins forgiven.” [Bukhari and Muslim, from Abu Hurayra (Allah be pleased with 
  The Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) also said, “Seek it in the 
last ten days, on the odd nights.” [Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Sa`id al-Khudri 
(Allah be pleased with him)]
  The scholars affirm that it is the best of nights, [al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 
quoting Mi`raj al-Diraya, 1.216] because of Allah Most High’s words,
  “Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Power.
  Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is!
  The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
  The angels and the Spirit [Jibril] descend therein, by the permission of 
their Lord, will all decrees.
  (That night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.”
  (Qur’an, Surat al-Qadr: 97)
  Imam Nawawi and others explain that ‘The Night of Power is better than a 
thousand months,’ means that it is better than a thousand months without it.
  Given the tremendousness of this night, it is recommended to seek this night, 
and to worship Allah in it, with prayer, supplication (du`a), remembrance 
(dhikr), and other actions. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, quoting Mi`raj 
al-Diraya, and Nawawi, al-Majmu`] Because obligatory acts are more beloved to 
Allah than supererogatory ones, the most important thing for men is to pray 
both Isha and Fajr at the mosque.
  When is it? 
  There is great difference of opinion about this, because it is of the matters 
whose certain knowledge has been lifted by Allah Most High from this Ummah, for 
the wisdom that people strive to seek it:
  In general, it is agreed that it is most likely to be in the last ten nights 
of Ramadan, with the odd nights being more likely. Of the odd nights, the night 
of the 27th (which is the night before the 27th of Ramadan, for the Islamic day 
starts with nightfall) is most likely. Imam Shafi`i said that it is most likely 
to be the 21st, then the 23rd, then the 27th. Imam Nawawi followed the position 
of Imam Muzani and Imam Ibn Khuzayma that it moves around within the last ten 
nights. [Nawawi, al-Majmu` Sharh al-Muhadhdhab, 6.488]
  However, it could be outside the last ten nights within Ramadan. It may even 
be outside Ramadan according to both early and late scholars. This has been 
transmitted from many of the Companions of the Prophet (Allah bless him & give 
him peace), including Ibn Mas`ud (Allah be pleased with him). It is one of the 
reported positions of Imam Abu Hanifa, and also of many of the great knowers of 
Allah, including Ibn Arabi (whose position is quoted by Ibn Abidin with 
support), Abu’l Hasan al-Shadhili, Sha`rani, and many others.
  May Allah give us the success of following in the footsteps of the inheritors 
of the Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace), outwardly and inwardly, and 
may He make us of those whom He loves.
  This is one of the many reasons why one should strive to establish the night 
vigil prayer (tahajjud), daily.
  It has been reported that, “Once the last ten [days of Ramadan] started, the 
Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him, his family, and 
companions) used to spend the nights in worship, wake his family, strive, and 
tighten his belt.” [Bukhari and Muslim] Tighten his belt refers to 
  The established position of Abu Hanifa and his two main companions, Abu Yusuf 
and Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (Allah have mercy on them) is that it is specific to 
Ramadan. Abu Hanifa said that it is not a fixed day but, rather, it moves 
around in the month. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, from al-Bahr and al-Kafi] As 
for the hadiths about it being the night of the 27th, Ibn Abidin mentions that 
Abu Hanifa explained them as meaning a particular year.
  Ibn Abidin quotes Ibn Nujaym’s Bahr al-Ra’iq that this is one transmitted 
position of Abu Hanifa. Another, mentioned in Qadikhan’s Fatawa al-Khaniyya, 
one of the most important works for fatwa in the school, is that the famous 
transmission from Imam Abu Hanifa is that it moves around the entire year; it 
could be in Ramadan, and it could be in another month.
  Ibn Abidin said,
  “This is supported by what the Master of the Knowers of Allah Sayyidi Muhyi 
al-Din Ibn Arabi mentioned in his Futuhat al-Makkiyya,
  ‘People differed about Laylat al-Qadr. Some said it moves around the entire 
year. This is my position, for I have seen it in the month of Sha`ban, and in 
Rabi`, and in Ramadan. I have seen it most, though, in the month of Ramadan, 
and, specifically, in the last nights. I saw it once in the second third of 
Ramadan, on an even night, and once on an odd night. Therefore, I am certain 
that it moves around the entire year, on both odd and even nights.’
  And there are many opinions regarding this, which reach 46 different 
positions.” [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Invitation for the 102nd session of the Canton Fair

2007-10-06 Thread China Trading Agent
Dear Sir or Madam,

Ramadan Mubarak... 
  China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) is coming on 15 October this 
  In order to make your presence to the Fair easy and effective, some useful 
  information and services are available to you now: 
  The schedule and details of the 102nd Session:
  Phase I (Oct 15-20, 2007): 

 Industrial Products   
 Textiles & Garments   
 Medicines & Health Products 
  Phase II (Oct 25-30,2007): 

   Consumer Goods   
  We are providing one-stop services for oversea visitors:
  l Hotel booking
  l Entrance Card for Fair
  l Factory/product Sourcing
  l English Interpreter
  lCargo services 
  Your presence to the Canton Fair is highly welcomed!
  I am looking forward your reply
  For enquiry:
  YUSOF Mobile:  0086-13725356715  
  Tel:  0086-20-61161577
  Fax: 0086-20-61161577
  Yaher Cultural Business Co. Ltd  
  Guangzhou, China

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 23rd DAY OF TARAVEEH - Glimpses of Quran

2007-10-06 Thread Mahaboob Shariff
23rd Day of TARAVEEH

In the second section, there is mention about the wrath of ALLAH on the people 
of Lut (AS), the people of Aad (AS), Thamud (AS) and the destruction of the 
people of Nooh (AS) is made in detail as well as about the behaviour of people 
towards their respective prophets.

In the last section of the surah it is said that the Creator of the heavens and 
the earth is ALLAH, HE has created everything in pairs. Rush towards ALLAH and 
continue counseling others as counseling benefits the believers, I have created 
the Jinns and the human beings only for my Ibadath and their sustenance is my 

Surah at-Tur (Mount Tur) begins

In the first section, it is said that the things, on which ALLAH swears in the 
beginning, are great things and it is said that the disobedient would be thrown 
into the hell by the Angels with disgrace, while the believers, their followers 
and children who are righteous would be respectfully welcomed in Paradise. 
There is mention about the bounties of ALLAH in the Paradise.

In the last section of this surah, the Prophet (pbuh) was asked to continue his 
mission of counseling the people, those who call them as poet or a possessed, 
let them wait till they see their own consequences. If they have doubt in this 
Quraan, let them bring at least one recital like this. The tricks and evil 
designs of the disbelievers will not work. Oh Prophet ! wait until the command 
of your Lord comes to you and "WE" take every care for you.

Surah an-Najm (Star) begins

In the first section, it is said that the Prophet (pbuh) does not say anything 
on his own desire, whatever he says, it is the inspiration sent to him from 
ALLAH. He never says anything on his own opinion, he says only what was 
revealed unto him. There is mention about the Mi'raj of the Prophet (pbuh), 
seeing the signs of ALLAH, his being taken to the heavens, narration about what 
he saw in the heavens are explained briefly.

In the second section, it is said that only those who would be permitted by 
ALLAH will have the opportunity to intercession. The idols which are worshipped 
are false and those who worship them are the ones who devised their names and 
that was their reach. The Mercy of ALLAH is vast and encompassing and HE 
forgives the sins of HIS slaves, don't try to pretend innocence, HE knows 
everything and HE knows who is pious.

In the last section of the surah it is said that in the hereafter no one would 
carry the burden of others and the man will get only what he strives for. Many 
bounties of ALLAH are mentioned in order that they understand and it is not 
befitting for an intelligent person to ignore the consequence and neglect the 
words of advice. The right to prostration and obedience belongs only to ALLAH.

Surah al-Qamar (the Moon) begins

In the first section it is said that the doomsday has come near and the moon is 
cleft asunder and the world has seen the miracle of the splitting of the moon. 
The Holy Quraan is the treasure of Wisdom. "WE" have made the Quraan easy to 
comprehend, is there anyone who desires to understand it? Mention of the lives 
of the people of earlier times is also made here.

In the second section, it is said that falsifying and rejecting one Prophet 
amounts to rejecting all the prophets. The people falsifying Saleh (AS), the 
story of the she camel and the mention about the destruction of the people of 
Lut (AS) is made in detail. It is repeatedly said; "WE" have made the Quraan 
easy to comprehend, is there anyone who desires to understand it?

In the last section of this surah, after mentioning about the Pharaoh, his 
people and their destruction, it is asked, whether the people who lived before 
were prosperous and happy or the disbelievers of today? Their force would be 
scattered and they would run away from the scene and they would be taken to 
account, as per the promise and it is just the matter of a moment. Whatever one 
has done, it is safely recorded in the book of deeds.

Surah ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious) begins

In the first section, it is said that the Most Gracious has taught everyone the 
Quraan, HE only has created the man and taught him to speak. There is mention 
about more of HIS bounties, but the bounty of the Holy Quraan and its teaching 
is mentioned before all other gifts in preference. The bounties of this world 
and the hereafter and the bounties in the Paradise are beautifully described, 
and after the mention of every favour it is repeatedly asked; "Then which of 
the favours of your Lord would you deny?" This is repeated thirty one times in 
the surah.

The moon, the stars, the trees, the mountains, every thing obey HIM, HE has set 
up the scale and ordained people not to play tricks in weights and measures, 
what a good number of things HE has given to you for eating and drinking. "Then 
Oh Jinns and human beings, which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?

In the second section it is said that every one on 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hidaya Foundation - Support Orphans for their Education & Basic Needs

2007-10-06 Thread Waseem Baloch
Hidaya Foundation (, under its “No Orphan Without Education 
Project” supports orphans who have no one else to help meet their basic needs, 
including education.  Hidaya makes sure that those orphans are not only 
supported for their basic needs but also ensures that get proper education to 
help them succeed in the every increasing global competitive environment.  To 
find more information about this project, kindly visit: 
 Starting 2007, Hidaya has further strengthened its infrastructure to manage 
this challenging project where each and every child is followed through and 
their needs are met.  At present, Hidaya is supporting over 1,000 orphans under 
this program, while it has identified several hundred more orphans who will 
need support during coming months.  Depending on the age group, it costs 
between $10 and $50 per month (average $30 per month) to support these orphan 
children.  The Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said: “I and the person who looks after 
an orphan and provides for him, will be in paradise like this,” putting his 
index and middle fingers together. Sahih Al Bukhari: 5618
 Please note that, Hidaya also provides support for non-school-going, under-age 
children through another Hidaya project called “Widow & Orphan Support 
Project”.  For more information on this project, kindly visit:\u003cWBR\>-welfare/widow/orphan-support/\u003c/a\>\n\u003cbr\>\n\u003cbr\>\nYou
 may donate \u003cb\>\u003cspan style\u003d\"font-weight:bold\"\>online by 
check\u003c/span\>\u003c/b\> or\ncredit card via the following links for both 
the projects:\u003cbr\>\n\u003c/span\>\u003c/font\>\u003cfont 
color\u003d\"navy\"\>\u003cspan style\u003d\"color:navy\"\>\u003ca 
target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return 
color\u003d\"navy\"\>\u003cspan style\u003d\"color:navy\"\>\u003ca 
target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return 
style\u003d\"color:black\"\>\u003cbr\>\n\u003cbr\>\nThis Ramadan, 
is\n$3.50 for Hanafi school of thought and $7 per person for all other schools 
of\nthought. Please donate as soon as possible to ensure that it can benefit 
the\nneedy before Eid.  Hidaya Foundation distributes Sadaqat-ul-Fitr in 
the\nform of dry rations.  You can find more information and donate 
Sadaqat-ul-Fitr\nat the following link: \u003ca
target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return 
 donating \u003cb\>\u003cspan 
style\u003d\"font-weight:bold\"\>Zakat\u003c/span\>\u003c/b\> kindly visit: 
\u003c/span\>\u003c/font\>\u003cfont color\u003d\"navy\"\>\u003cspan 
target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return 
style\u003d\"color:black\"\>\u003cbr\>\n\u003cbr\>\nYou may also mail checks 
payable to: Hidaya Foundation, ",1] );  
 You may donate online by check or credit card via the following links for both 
the projects:
 This Ramadan, Sadaqat-ul-Fitr is $3.50 for Hanafi school of thought and $7 per 
person for all other schools of thought. Please donate as soon as possible to 
ensure that it can benefit the needy before Eid.  Hidaya Foundation distributes 
Sadaqat-ul-Fitr in the form of dry rations.  You can find more information and 
donate Sadaqat-ul-Fitr at the following link: 
 For donating Zakat kindly visit:
 You may also mail checks payable to: Hidaya Foundation, 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Invoke Allah with Fear,Hope, humility and in Secret

2007-10-06 Thread Aqsa *
  Bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem
  Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
  7:56. And do not do mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order, 
and invoke Him with fear and hope; Surely, Allâh's Mercy is (ever) near unto 
the good­doers. 
  55. Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret. He likes not the 
  wallahu alam

  Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of 
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant 
me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."  

  Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] For Palestine and Al Quds: Al Quds "Silence is Crime to Humanity"

2007-10-06 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
 Al Quds Day "Silence is crime to Humanity" 
Posted by:  "AliWalayHaqparast ever" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  Thu Oct 4, 2007 10:25 pm(PST)   
 Al-Quds day
 About a million message and e-mail have to be sent to newspaper and mass media 
around the world to highlight the occupation of Palestine. 
  “Why go to marches when they change nothing, why write letter when no body 
reads them? 
 I do because when Imam Mahdi comes I can say I tried to inform Muslim Ummah of 
the atrocities of the Zionist regime in Palestine. Remember the success is with 
Allah Subhana Watala – not with me or with you. But I discharge by 
responsibility and I stand every night in front of Allah and say Ya Allah today 
I thought about my oppressed brothers and sisters in Palestine. 
  The last Friday of Ramadan  is marked around the world as Yaum al Quds.
 Imam Khomeini began this tradition shortly after the Islamic Revolution in 
Iran, as an annual affirmation of the Ummah’s solidarity with Muslims of 
Palestine in their struggle for the liberation of al-Quds. Ramadan is the month 
of struggle (Jehad) and it was in Ramadan that Muslims fought their first 
battle, Badr, culminating in a resounding victory. It was also in Ramadan that 
Makkah was liberated from the clutches of idol worshipers (Mushrikeen) . It was 
therefore highly appropriate that Imam Khomeini should place the symbol of the 
struggle for liberation of Palestine and al Quds (Jerusalem). Imam Khomeini 
said “I invite Muslims all over the globe to consecrate the last Friday of the 
Holy month of Ramadan as “Quds Day” and to proclaim the international 
solidarity of Muslims in support of the legitimate rights of the Muslims of 
Palestine” (Ramadan/ 1399 AH/Aug 1979). Imam Khomeini did not appeal to the 
Palestinians to rise up on the basis of Arab or Palestinian
 nationalism; nor did he call the regimes in the Muslim world to liberate 
al-Quds. Imam Khomeini located the struggle of Muslim masses in the very roots 
of Islam, in the month of Ramadan when Muslims worldwide fast together from 
sunrise to sunset. Ramadan is also significant as the month of the Quran. It 
was in this month that the first verses of Quran were revealed to the noble 
messenger of God (Allah) in the cave of Hira. Since Yaum al-Quds was first 
proclaimed, Muslims worldwide have observed this day, drawing attention to the 
sacrilege of Zionist and desecration of Islam’s third holiest Mosque, as well 
as their continued occupation of Palestine and their repression of the 
Palestinian people. For last twenty-seven years last Friday is marked around 
the world as Yam al-Quds with processions and speeches reminding Muslim Ummah 
(communities) about the plight of Masjid al-Aqsa and the land of Palestine. 
Wake up oh! Muslim Ummah. We as Muslims cannot afford to be unaware of
 the continuing threat to the city of al-Quds and the Mosque itself. The major 
strategy of Christian Zionist and Zionist State against the Mosque has been to 
undermine it by opening tunnels running below it in the name of archaeology and 
science. Opening tunnels is having the effect of weakening the structure of the 
Mosque. There is now serious concern about the Mosque’s structural integrity. 
The tunnels could be used to plant bombs which could destroy the Mosque, and 
which the Zionist state could blame on individual zealot. 
 Al-Quds (Jerusalem) lies at the heart of Islam and Islamic movement. Mosque of 
Al-Aqsa was the first direction of prayers (Qibla) before changed to Mecca 
during the first year of the Hijra (migration). It is also significant because 
it was from Masjid al-Aqsa that the Prophet went on to heaven (Mi’raj). Hence, 
by observing the day of al-Quds, Muslims not only begin to fulfill a political 
obligation, they also acknowledge a religious obligation. The protection of 
Islam’s third holiest place is a duty that is incumbent upon Muslims. As long 
as al-Quds remain occupied, his duty remains unfulfilled, and mobilizing the 
Muslim Ummah towards this objective becomes a religious obligation. However, 
Ben Gurion once referred to the Arab states as “Israel’s first line of 
defense”. The implication is clear; the Arab states are not enemies of Zionist 
state, they will not fight for the sake of Lebanon, nor Gaza or west Bank not 
even for the sake of al-Quds. They will not use oil and
 their foreign exchange as weapon. They won’t allow people to demonstrate in 
the streets or during Haj. They want even allow resistance group in Palestine 
to arm or provide funds. To reach Palestine we must first reclaim the holy land 
surrounding Palestine. The Arab States, Israel’s first line of defense, must be 
claimed before Al Quds could be liberated. 

 There is no power anywhere in t

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Forgotten prayer - A Gift FOR ALL

2007-10-06 Thread Mohammed A
The Forgotten prayer - A Gift FOR ALL

  Salaah At-Tasbeeh
  The Prayer of Glorification

'Ikrimah (ra - may Allah be pleased with him) reports from Ibn 'Abbas that the 
Messenger of Allah (saw - may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) said 
to 'Abbas ibn 'Abdal-Mutalib: "O 'Abbas (ra), O Uncle, shall I not give you, 
shall I not present to you, shall I not donate to you, shall I not tell you ten 
things which, if you do, Allah will forgive your first and last sins, past and 
present sins, intentional and unintentional sins, private and public sins? The 
ten actions are: pray four rak'at (unit of prayer), reciting in every rak'ah 
al-Fatihah (the opening chapter of the Quran) and a surah (chapter). And when 
you finish the Qur'anic recitation of the first rak'ah, say, while standing, 
'Sub haa nal laah, Wal Ham du lil laah, Wa Laa il laa ha il lal Laah, Wal laa 
hu Akbar' ['Glory be to Allah. All praise is due to Allah. There is no God 
except Allah. Allah is the greatest.'] fifteen times. Then make ruku' 
(bowing/genuflexion), and while you are in ruku', say the
 same ten times; then stand, and say the same ten times. Then go down and make 
sajdah (prostration), and while you're in sajdah, say the same ten times. Then 
sit after the sajdah, and say the same ten times. Then make sajdah, and say the 
same ten times. Then sit after the second sajdah, and say the same another ten 
times. That is seventy-five [repetitions of the phrases] in each rak'ah. Do 
that in each of the four rak'at. If you can pray it once a day, do so. If you 
cannot, then once every Friday. If you cannot do that, then once a year. And if 
you cannot do that then once in your life." This is related by Abu Dawud, Ibn 
Majah, Ibn Khuzaimah in his sahih, and at-Tabarani. About this hadith 
al-Munzhiri says: "This hadith has been related through many chains and from a 
number of companions. The best of them is this one from 'Ikrimah. A group of 
scholars have graded it to be sahih, including al-Hafez Abu Bakr al-'Ajari, 
(al-Munzhiri's teachers), Abu Muhammad 'Abdurrahim
 al-Misri, and Abu al-Hassan al-Maqdisi." Ibn alMubarak says: "The tasbih 
prayer is a greatly desired act and it is desirable that one should punctually 
observe it and never neglect it. 
'Sub haa nal laah, Wal Ham du lil laah, Wa Laa il laa ha il lal Laah, 
Wal laa hu Akbar'  1  2  3  4  After Reciting Fatihah & 
A Surah

Whilst In Ruku' 
Whilst Standing Straight After Ruku'
In Sajdah (first)
  15 Times
10 Times
10 Times
10 Times
  5  6  7  -  Whilst Sitting Inbetween The 2 
In Sajda (Second)
Sitting After Sajdah Before Standing up for next rak'at; & before  
(Tahiyat) in the 2nd & last rak'at
Return To Standing Position After Completing 1st, 2nd & 3rd Rak'at, & 
Repeat Steps
  10 Times
10 Times
10 Times

 Try not count the numbers while praying, instead you can press your 
fingers against yourself to remember
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] umrah in Ramadan

2007-10-06 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Ibn `Abbâs relates that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) asked a woman 
  from Madinah: “What prevented you from embarking on the Hajj pilgrimage with 

She replied: “We had two camels. My husband and child took one and left the 
  for the rest of us to ride on.” 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) then told her: “When the month or Ramadan 
  go for ‘umrah, because `umrah in Ramadan is like accompanying me on Hajj.” 
  [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (1764)]

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] How Barack Obama learned to love Israel!

2007-10-06 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
How Barack Obama learned to love Israel 
Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, Mar 4, 2007 

 (EI Illustration) 
I first met Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama almost ten 
years ago when, as my representative in the Illinois state senate, he came to 
speak at the University of Chicago. He impressed me as progressive, intelligent 
and charismatic. I distinctly remember thinking 'if only a man of this calibre 
could become president one day.'

On Friday Obama gave a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee 
(AIPAC) in Chicago. It had been much anticipated in American Jewish political 
circles which buzzed about his intensive efforts to woo wealthy pro-Israel 
campaign donors who up to now have generally leaned towards his main rival 
Senator Hillary Clinton.

Reviewing the speech, Ha'aretz Washington correspondent Shmuel Rosner concluded 
that Obama "sounded as strong as Clinton, as supportive as Bush, as friendly as 
Giuliani. At least rhetorically, Obama passed any test anyone might have wanted 
him to pass. So, he is pro-Israel. Period."

Israel is "our strongest ally in the region and its only established 
democracy," Obama said, assuring his audience that "we must preserve our total 
commitment to our unique defense relationship with Israel by fully funding 
military assistance and continuing work on the Arrow and related missile 
defense programs." Such advanced multi-billion dollar systems he asserted, 
would help Israel "deter missile attacks from as far as Tehran and as close as 
Gaza." As if the starved, besieged and traumatized population of Gaza are about 
to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles. 

Obama offered not a single word of criticism of Israel, of its relentless 
settlement and wall construction, of the closures that make life unlivable for 
millions of Palestinians.

There was no comfort for the hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza who live 
in the dark, or the patients who cannot get dialysis, because of what Israeli 
human rights group B'Tselem termed "one cold, calculated decision, made by 
Israel's prime minister, defense minister, and IDF chief of staff" last summer 
to bomb the only power plant in Gaza," a decision that "had nothing to do with 
the attempts to achieve [the] release [of a captured soldier] nor any other 
military need." It was a gratuitous war crime, one of many condemned by human 
rights organizations, against an occupied civilian population who under the 
Fourth Geneva Convention Israel is obligated to protect.

 From left to right, Michelle Obama, then Illinois state senator 
Barack Obama, Columbia University Professor Edward Said and Mariam Said at a 
May 1998 Arab community event in Chicago at which Edward Said gave the keynote 
speech. (Image from archives of Ali Abunimah) 
While constantly emphasizing his concern about the threat Israelis face from 
Palestinians, Obama said nothing about the exponentially more lethal threat 
Israelis present to Palestinians. In 2006, according to B'Tselem, Israeli 
occupation forces killed 660 Palestinians of whom 141 were children -- triple 
the death toll for 2005. In the same period, 23 Israelis were killed by 
Palestinians, half the number of 2005 (by contrast, 500 Israelis die each year 
in road accidents).

But Obama was not entirely insensitive to ordinary lives. He recalled a January 
2006 visit to the Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona that resembled an ordinary 
American suburb where he could imagine the sounds of Israeli children at 
"joyful play just like my own daughters." He saw a home the Israelis told him 
was damaged by a Hizbullah rocket (no one had been hurt in the incident).

Six months later, Obama said, "Hizbullah launched four thousand rocket attacks 
just like the one that destroyed the home in Kiryat Shmona, and kidnapped 
Israeli service members."

Obama's phrasing suggests that Hizbullah launched thousands of rockets in an 
unprovoked attack, but it's a complete distortion. Throughout his speech he 
showed a worrying propensity to present discredited propaganda as fact. As 
anyone who checks the chronology of last summer's Lebanon war will easily 
discover, Hizbullah only launched lethal barrages of rockets against Israeli 
towns and cities after Israel had heavily bombed civilian neighborhoods in 
Lebanon killing hundreds of civilians, many fleeing the Israeli onslaught. 

Obama excoriated Hizbullah for using "innocent people as shields." Indeed, 
after dozens of civilians were massacred in an Israeli air attack on Qana on 
July 30, Israel "initially claimed that the military targeted the house because 
Hezbollah fighters had fired rockets from the area," according to an August 2 
statement from Human Rights Watch. 

The statement added: "Human Rights Watch researchers who visited Qana on July 
31, the day after the attack, did not find any destroyed military equipment in 
or near the home. Similarly, none of the dozens of international

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Press Release: Council's Proposed Hijab-ban Discriminates Against Quebec Women

2007-10-06 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Subject: Press Release: Council's Proposed Hijab-ban Discriminates Against
Quebec Women
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 08:06:29 -0400

Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations
P.O. Box 13219, Ottawa, ONT, K2K 1X4
(t) 1.866.524.0004
(f) 613.254.9810

Council's Proposed Hijab-ban Discriminates Against Quebec Women
Suggestion runs contrary to women's interests

- For Immediate Release -

(Ottawa, Canada - October 5, 2007) The Canadian Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR-CAN) today called the Quebec Council on the Status of Women's
demand to ban the hijab in workplaces discriminatory against women. The Quebec
Council is demanding that all public and para-public employees be forced to
remove religious clothing, headwear or jewellery, including the Islamic hijab
and Jewish yarmulkes.

Conversely, in the mid-90s, when high school students were being expelled for
wearing the hijab, the Council supported women's right to wear the veil.
Eventually the hijab-expulsions issue was decided by the Quebec Human Rights
Commission, who ruled that Quebec schools could not stop students from wearing
religious attire, including turbans, yarmulkes, crosses, and hijabs.

The hijab-ban, if implemented, besides curtailing right to religious practice,
will leave Muslim women who choose to wear the head scarf unemployable in
Quebec’s public and para-public sectors.

"The proposed hijab-ban by the Quebec Council on the Status of Women clearly
runs against the interests of women. If implemented, the ban will lead to
institutionalized discrimination against Quebec's Muslim women by barring them
from working in government sectors. This runs in direct contravention to the
Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms which prohibits employment
discrimination against women.

"Little more than 10 years ago the Council spoke out against expelling high
school students wearing the hijab. The current proposed hijab-ban is a clear
flip-flopped on the issue," said Shahina Siddiqui, CAIR-CAN Board Member.

- 30 -

Contact: Shahina Siddiqui, CAIR-CAN Spokesperson, (204) 944-1560; or,
Sameer Zuberi, CAIR-CAN Communications Coordinator, (613) 795-2012 or (613)

The Council on American-Islamic Relations CANADA is a federally incorporated, 
non-profit organization working to empower Canadian Muslims in the fields of 
the media, human rights and political activism.

Its board members include Abdul-Basit Khan, LL.B., Faisal Kutty, LL.B., LL.M., 
Kashif Ahmed, Dr. Jamal Badawi, Selma Djukic, Dr. Wael Haddara, Khadija 
Haffajee, Aftab Sabir and Shahina Siddiqui.

Donate today to ensure our rights are protected and Canadian Muslims are 
accurately portrayed in the media.
Our monthly donor program makes it easy to contribute to CAIR-CAN’s projects 
and initiatives. One time donations are also always welcome.
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Jummah/Ramdaan Mubarak

2007-10-06 Thread PoEtEsS
If your goals might include others... ask them if they are in agreement
with you on the goal. I have found that many people never ask BECAUSE
they are scared of the answer. But hearing the answer won't change the
eventual reality that they would have discovered later on anyway. SO, I
say, give people a chance up front to know what you want/where you are
going/how you want to accomplish it. If they want to come along then you
need to make new plans -- either with them, or without them.


"Praise your struggles for they surprise you with many rewards"...Zohra Moosa


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Al Quds Day, Oct 6, Toronto ~ A day of Global Protest to liberate Al-Quds (East Jerusalem, Palestine)

2007-10-06 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
  Al Quds Day ~

A day of Global Protest to liberate Al-Quds (East Jerusalem, Palestine).

Come out and support the Palestinian' s right to live free of terror, 
aggression, and injustice…

Date: Saturday, October 6th, 2007 

Time: 12:00 P.M

Location: Queens Park, Downtown Toronto. 

No more lies…no more war!

Freedom for Palestine!

Al-Quds Committee Toronto

For more information, please contact Ali Mallah at 

or Zafar Bangash at <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Significance of Ramazan by Dr Fazlur Rahman Dawn Friday Feature Courtesy:Dr Fazlur Rahman

2007-10-06 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

  October 05, 2007   Friday   Ramazan 22, 1428   


  Please Visit our Sponsor (Ads open in separate window)  

Significance of Ramazan

  By Dr Fazlur Rahman
  Friday feature

ALLAH is Rahman and Raheem. In Arabic usage, linguistic structure of Rahman 
suggests fullness, abundance, overflow, brimming over. Thus Rahman signifies 
One whose mercy knows no bounds, Who is over-brimming with compassion, 
kindness, love and deep concern.

Rahman is He whose Rahmat encompasses each and everyone without any 
discrimination, its spectrum is so wide, so comprehensive that no creature, 
human or otherwise, falls out of its sphere. Like Allah it is applied to God 

The connotation of Raheem is somewhat different. Though derived from the same 
root, ie., Rahm, its structure is suggestive of continuous, repeated, frequent 
occurrence. Thus Raheem denotes the Being Whose mercy and compassion is 
showered continuously, without break, incessantly, ad infinitum. Taken together 
both the attributes would mean that His mercy is boundless, infinite, 
indiscriminate, continuous and constant.

The Quran, we are told, is the manifestation, the outcome, the expression and 
the outpouring of the Divine attribute Rahman. “Ar-Rahman, He taught the 
Quran,” (Q:55: 1,2). His Rahmaniyat, His limitless mercy, His unbounded 
compassion, demanded that the humanity must not be left at the mercy of blind 
emotions and animal instincts which continuously raid upon his intellect and 
his faculty of discernment between right and wrong, thus relegating him to the 
status of a ‘developed beast’. Human beings were not created to lead the life 
of animals and beasts.

At last, human history came its full round and the Divine Mercy, the 
Rahmaniyat, demanded that as the time was ripe, an incorruptible everlasting 
final code of conduct, an unerring book of eternal guidance, a final criterion 
of virtue and vice, right and wrong, good and bad, an unequivocal and clear 
statement of Truth, be made available to humanity to enable it to navigate its 
way to the goal of eternal success here and in the hereafter.

“It was in the month of Ramazan that the Quran – the most sublime guidance for 
entire humanity ; clear, intelligent, convincing arguments, evidences and 
signs; criterion for distinguishing right from wrong, good from evil – was sent 
down,” (Baqarah 2:165). It is thus the most magnanimous manifestation of God’s 
mercy and compassion, Rahmaniyat, towards mankind that this invaluable gift was 
made available to it in the month of Ramazan.

This momentous event has bestowed a unique status upon this month and herein 
lays its real significance. Fasting during this month has been made compulsory 
for all, excepting for the time being only those who are unable to do so being 
sick or on journey, to enable them to attain purification of soul, heart, mind 
and body. “In consequence to this great Divine favour, whoever of you witnesses 
this month must spend it in fasting,” (Q:2:185). And let them who were 
temporarily excused “make up the number later,” (2:185), so that none may miss 
the spiritual benefits of this auspicious month. Fasting during this month, 
says Quran, has been prescribed “that you extol the glory of Allah for His 
providing you the Guidance and so that you may be grateful for that,” (Q:2:185).

It is for the first time that the Quran introduces itself in this Surah by its 
proper name al-Quran. Apart from suggesting a strong bond of relationship 
between the Quran and the month of Ramazan, it hints at something more. The 
word Quran literally means that which is read over and over again, which is 
recited very frequently. It signifies that this Code of Guidance is not an 
ordinary book to be gone through once and then kept aside. Relationship with 
the Quran has to be a life-long engagement.

The dual purpose of sending down the “Book” as evinced by the verse “this Book 
which we have sent down, full of Barakah, is to be perused with particular 
attention and followed in practical life by those who possess 
understanding,”(Q:38:29), is that man must consume his best intellectual 
capabilities to delve deep in the Quranic treasure trough and accordingly 
fashion his individual and collective life. This purpose cannot be materialised 
unless frequent visits to the Quran are ensured.

It must not, however, be misunderstood that simple intellectual exercise could 
in any way be the exclusively aneffective tool to a genuinely correct 
understanding of the Quran. This misconception has been removed by the Quran 
itself. It is said in Surah al-Waqi’ah “Verily it is the Quran, most venerated, 
preserved in a written document, hidden from the eyes, it would not be touched 
except by the most pure, the most cleanly.” The Quran does not allow itself to 
be physically touched by the ritually impure, the bodily filthy and unclean .

The much needed Divine Guidance wa

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Al-Quds Day - Please SUPPORT

2007-10-06 Thread Mohammed A
Al-Quds Day - Please SUPPORT


   I N N O V A T I V EM I N D S   


Assalaamu Alaikum

Yawm-al Quds or Al-Quds Day is a day of solidarity with
the oppressed Palestinians and all oppressed people in
general. All over the world rallies and marches are
held on this day, the last Friday of the holy month of
Ramadhan. In the west rallies are usually held on the
weekend following the Friday. For the UK it will be
held this coming Sunday 7th October in London, Full
details are given below. Please do attend.


Innovative Minds



1. Al-Quds Day - History

2. Al-Quds Day - Details of this years march

3. Al-Quds Day - Why you should be going

4. Al-Quds Day - Photo report of from last year



The history of Quds Day dates back to the victory of
the Islamic Revolution in Iran nearly 30 years ago. One
of the first actions Imam Khomeini took as leader of
the newly formed Islamic Republic was to cut off the
supply of oil to the two apartheid regimes of Israel
and South Africa and put sanctions on both of them. He
inaugurated Al-Quds day as an integral part of Ramadhan
so that Muslims would never forget their responsibility
and duty towards Palestine and all oppressed people in
the world.

Imam Khomeini, on 16th August 1979 (Ramadhan
1399AH)inaugurated "The Day For The Oppressed" with
the following words:

"Quds Day is the day for the weak and oppressed to
confront the arrogant powers, the day for those nations
suffering under the pressure of American oppression and
oppression by other powers to confront the

Quds Day is the day when the fate of the oppressed
nations should be determined. The oppressed nations
should announce their existence against the oppressors,
and just as Iran rose up and humiliated the
oppressors... all the nations should rise up and throw
these germs of corruption into the rubbish bin.

Quds Day is the day when those who conspire for the
corrupt regime (Israel) and the superpowers in other
regions should be put in their place. It is the day
when we must strive to rescue Quds and deliver our
brothers from these pressures.

Quds Day is the day when we must free all the oppressed
from the clutches of the oppressors, the day when the
Muslim community, when all the Muslims should announce
their existence and warn the superpowers

Quds Day is the day when the superpowers should be
warned to stay at home and leave the oppressed alone.

Israel, the enemy of mankind, the enemy of humanity,
which is creating disturbances every day and is
attacking our brothers..., must realise that its
masters are no longer accepted in the world and must
retreat. They must give up their ambitious designs,
their hands must be severed from all the Islamic
countries and their agents in these countries must step

Quds Day is the day for announcing such things, for
announcing such things to the satans who want to push
the Islamic nations aside and bring the superpowers
into the arena.

Quds Day is the day to dash their hopes and warn them
that those days are gone.

Quds Day is the day of Islam; it is the day when Islam
should be revived..."



For the London Quds Day Rally this year details are as

DATE: Sunday 7th October 2007

TIME: 12:30 noon

VENUE: Marble Arch, Hyde Park Corner.


DETAILS: The march will culminate in a rally at 
Trafalgar Square where speakers will address the

SPEAKERS: include Taji Mustafa, George Galloway, 
Massoud Shadjareh and Yvonne Ridley.


Crescent International
Friends of Al-Aqsa
Innovative Minds
Islamic Centre of England
Islamic Human Rights Commission
Muslim Association of Britain
Neturei Karta
Palestine Internationalist
Palestine Return Centre
Respect Party
1990 Trust

Join us to protest for the rights of the oppressed in
Palestine. Join the Struggle for Justice.

Refer to the following links for more information:


Radio advert (mp3):

For more information call (+44) 20 8904 4222



?And hold fast, all of you, to the Rope of Allah, and
be not divided among yourselves ...?

Quran 3:103

When I first saw Abu Bakr's picture, I didn't realise
he had been killed.  He was young and full of life.  It
was a studio photo sent by his family as a momento of
his sacrifice.  He was shot and killed by Nige