Bismillah [IslamCity] only a French-Foreign-Minister would think that.......

2007-11-12 Thread raja chemayel

  The word ,"Hypocrisy" , 
  is written in the French-language: "Hypocrisie"
  thus,  not much of difference between English, on one side,
  and the French , on the other.
  both words are written almost the same way
  and also pronounced the same.
  France's Foreign Minister repeated time and time again that :
  " France shall not interfere in Lebanon's choice of President"
  and also that 
  " Each other foreign-power shall and must not influence
  this purely Lebanese choice "...unquote.
  Of course , 
  you would agree with me that, Lawyers and Diplomats 
  are the only professions paid to lie,
  allowed to lie and immune from the pursuit of honesty.
  But I see that the ridiculous .( le ridicule , in French)
  has taken over here from the lies and the hypocrisy (hypocrisie)
  Indeed , and as a striking example ,the French Foreign Minister
  is coming to Beirut ,uninvited... (although welcome by some)
  exactly on the day and hour when this election is planned.
  What do we conclude here ?
  The words Hypocrisy and Hypocrisie  do differ a little
  but idiot (in English) and idiot (in French)
  are 100% identical,  substantially, orthographically 
  and even phonetically.
  Unfortunately both the English-speaking and the French think
  that we (Lebanese) are idiots.. (idiots) .
  How far are we ,here,from this truth ??
  because many Lebanese are not idiots and others are...
  Only an idiot does not realise that he is an idiot !
  only a French-Foreign-Minister would think that Lebanese are French !!
  Raja Chemayel
  better to be a Lebanese-idiot , than a French-hypocrite !
  12Th. November 2007
  Frustrated is "frustre" my case
  Frustrated Arab's dairy

 For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Interpreting Dreams: Facts or Playing with Fatwas?

2007-11-12 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*Interpreting Dreams: Facts or Playing with Fatwas?   *

PEOPLE usually try to know the interpretation, meanings and secrets of their
dreams. As such interpreters of dreams are in great demand these days.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said the dreams of true believers can
never be untrue and in this age, everybody volunteers to give his
interpretation, whether he is knowledgeable or not. To make matters worst,
these people appear on satellite channels to give their interpretations
forgetting, or tending to forget, that they have to abide by certain
religious restrictions in such matters.

Dr. Saleh Al-Ghazali, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Shari'ah
(Islamic Law) at Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah, warns against this
prevalent practice. "These people should not give hasty interpretations
because giving hasty fatwas (religious edicts) has never been the approach
of our pious predecessors. Some of those people really lack knowledge."

Noted scholar, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al-Sadhan, concurred with
Al-Ghazali. "Islam has laid down certain rules for interpreting dreams,
because such dreams may talk about events that may happen in future like
that of Prophet Yusuf's (peace be upon him) interpretation of his
co-prisoner's dream. True dreams are factual. Some of the symbols have
opposite meanings and then there are symbolic dreams that have different
aspects," he said.

Sheikh Al-Sadhan said a correct interpretation of dreams should involve
flexibility and clarity of dream as some dreams only reflect on what happens
to people in their daily life.

A dream or vision is a secret given to man and thus it should be only told
to scholars or sages, he said.

The Holy Qur'an and Sunnah (Prophetic Tradition) abound with symbols such as
the following:

- Dates mean a happy life.

- Wood means hypocrisy.

- Sleep means security.

- Divorce means wealth.

- Fire means a happy occasion.

- Animosity means accord after misunderstanding.

- Stone means hard-heartedness.

- Iron means power.

- Honey means recovery.

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to publish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *



Bismillah [IslamCity] think about it

2007-11-12 Thread muslimah muslimah
ASalam alikum 
  brother and sister  i want to share here some that is very important do no 
try to invent any  which is aganist Quran and sunnah coz if u are one who start 
that  , then u will not only be sinner  , u will also get penalty of all those 
who follow it 
Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 92 :: Hadith 423   Narrated 'Abdullah:   The 
Prophet said, "None is killed unjustly, but the first son of Adam will have a 
part of its burden." Sufyan said, "..a part of its blood because he was the 
first to establish the tradition of murdering" 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Benib cartoon

2007-11-12 Thread J M
Wicked cartoons by America's Most Wanted Political Cartoonist. Enjoy!

** Khalil Bendib will be presenting and signing copies of his book this week at 
the Book Smith book store, 1644 Haight Street, in San Francisco, Thursday 
November 8, at 7 p.m. **

If the cartoon doesn't load automatically, please visit the following URL to 
manually load the cartoon:   

Bismillah [IslamCity] house in Paradise

2007-11-12 Thread ***hajikhan***
  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 
  “Whoever recites Qul huwa Allaahu ahad ten times, 
  Allaah will build for him a house in Paradise.” 
   (Saheeh al-Jaami’ al-Sagheer, 6472).
Qul huwal lahu a'haad.Allah'hus Samad.  
 Lam ya'lid wa'lam yu'lad.  
  Wa'lam ya'kul-la'hu Kuf'fu'wan a'had." Say: He is Allah, the 
One and Only;  
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;   And 
there is none like unto Him." 112:1- 4

Bismillah [IslamCity] What happened to �good Islam�?

2007-11-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
When Islam was presented to me, I was presented a religion of worshiping One 
God alone and as a practical solution for mankind's social ills. It was a road 
map for improving our lives. I was told about an Islam that is about 
togetherness, sharing, caring and strengthening familial bonds. An Islam that 
was about creating communities, doing business together and uplifting people.

I was told about an Islam that promoted the equality of all men and no person 
is superior to the other except by his righteousness. An Islam that eschewed 
racism. I was told about an Islam that was about kindness to neighbors 
regardless of religion. Islam and Muslims were known as a force for good in the 
community and a sign that things are going to be cleaned up. This is the Islam 
that I know and love. An Islam of hope, kindness, concern and mercy. An Islam 
that promoted a mosque that affected the community around it in a positive 
manner and met the needs of a broken people. An Islam that was part of the 
community and not apart from it. An Islam that provided a place for outsiders.

A Muslim was a symbol in many neighborhoods - American neighborhoods- of 
standing for justice and making improvement in one's life. A Muslim man was the 
personification of manly pride and responsibility to his family and his 
community. I was told of an Islam that spoke of God's infinite love and mercy 
for His creation. I was told of an Islam that inspired people to make positive 
changes to their lives. I was told of an Islam that offers to serve others and 
offered solid solutions to problems. All of these things were attractive and 
this is the Islam that people were flocking to in the 1990’s. This is the Islam 
I accepted.

Now all of those things are a "waste of time." This new "Islam" is about hate, 
killing, rape and murder. I am told by a person visiting my blog that I should 
be praising the daily carnage that I see on the news and to believe in wacky 
conspiracy theories and blood libel. I have been accused several times - by my 
co-religionists - of being a spy and a closet Zionist.

Now I am told that I never understood Islam and that the things I mentioned 
above represent an "American" Islam and hence bidah (rejected innovation) and 
that I should accept this "real Islam." I see people trying to convince me that 
Islam is actually not about the things I mention above. No! Islam is about 
hate. You don't pray for people, you pray against them and invoke the worst 
curses you can think of upon them. You don't talk about God's Love, you 
constantly talk about His wrath. We should be fire breathing dragons that hate 
and invoke curses upon people.

I am now told by these people that there is no family togetherness or community 
building in Islam. Oh and by the way, that thing about all human beings being 
equal except by righteousness? Cancel that! The Arabs are superior to all men. 
They now tell me that Islam is firmly grounded in a medieval social order where 
Arabs are on top and I (as a black) am on the bottom.

I just don't recognize this "Islam" of hate, murder, rape, stealing, explosions 
and chaos and I hate this "Islam" passionately. This is why I am so 
vehemenently opposed to this "Islam" of Bin Laden and the other creeps. You 
see, I was told about a very different Islam than the one that we see on TV and 
hear about on the media and even the one that some Muslims try to promote. This 
new "Islam" that we see now would have been very strange in the 1990s to those 
of us who were accepting Islam. This is just not the Islam we were sold. And we 
would have never 'bought' it in the first place.

I find it very strange that I would be criticized by any Muslim for my 
rejection of throat cutting, rape and murder as being a part of Islam as if it 
were a pillar of some sort. I am not familiar with this Islam that calls for a 
lack of love and human emotion, but now this is what we hear. Slavish 
dogmatism, slogans and a culture of death.

Because of the lack of emphasis on self improvement (denounced as alien to 
Islam) and cloaking failure as "religious commitment" a Muslim is now one that 
is mired in many of the social ills that the rest of community suffers from. 
Because of this new "Islam," Islam has begun to cease to be a force for 
positive change in the inner cities.

It has gotten so bad that a person will say to a Muslim: "you are too rational 
to be a Muslim" or they think that he is about to leave Islam or it will be 
said to him "you are not like them." I am finding more Muslims from the 90's 
that are even beginning to think a "bait and switch" has been pulled on them 
and are confused because of the mass chaos set off by the Bin Ladens of the 

This is why I reject this "Islam" of carnage, irrationality, social disorder 
and murder. I accepted an Islam of problem solving, love and rational thought. 
That is an Islam that people can accept and live with. 

That is Islam.

  Tariq Nelson is a Muslim

Bismillah [IslamCity] War of words

2007-11-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
War of words
  Once again, scary literature has been found at Islamic bookstores and 
mosques. If Muslims continue to be careless about the books they sell, those 
books will continue to be exploited against us.
  By Zahed Amanullah, November 8, 2007
...and the men who love them

  Trying to divine the exact path to extremism that Muslims may follow – paths 
that may or may not lead to terrorism – is like trying to follow the path of 
water from the clouds to the ocean. We know where some terrorists came from and 
where they ended up. But that's about it. 

A recent miniseries on British television, Britz, highlighted shadowy groups 
operating on university campuses. Extremist imams such as Abu Hamza al Masri 
have been tabloid fodder for years, though many have been detained or deported. 
The Internet is often cited, as Britain's Community Secretary Hazel Blears did 
this week (though without specifics). But, as MI5 chief Jonathan Evans also 
pointed out recently, the number of Muslims under surveillance has increased to 
over 2,000. Something is sticking, but what?

That something is the written word, books and pamphlets that can often subvert 
cyber-monitoring and public debate in a tangible way. A recent study by the 
right wing Policy Exchange think tank alleges that books containing extremist 
statements were found in about 25% of British mosques, including two of its 
most high profile ones, the East London Mosque and the London Central Mosque in 
Regent's Park . 

It's not the first time such allegations have been made. Earlier findings of 
literature have focused on material stumbled upon in dark corners of 
independent shops in quiet neighbourhoods, or the pamphlets accompanying 
firebrand preachers on their roaming tours. In this case, however, the claims 
are more specific and more damning in their inference. This time, mosques, 
stores, authors, and publishers are outlined in detail, with much of it 
stemming from a prolific and well-financed Saudi Arabian connections.

Independent Muslim analysts have noted that the Saudi influence may be 
overstated, with a spiritually low profile kept since the Saudi origins of 
September 11th were pointed out. Spiritual motivations have since been 
superseded by political ones, particularly over the Iraq war. And the 
irrational scrutiny from groups like Policy Exchange, the British government 
and police services do smack of a witch hunt, ensnaring – as many American 
domestic initiatives have – many peaceable Muslims and mosques who would have 
otherwise agreed with the concerns.

But advocacy groups such as the Muslim Council of Britain have focused 
attention on other aspects that don't settle as well. Representatives have 
claimed a legal right to sell such material if it is not against the law 
(Policy Exchange says that some cases may be forthcoming). They note that many 
of the bookstores, although within mosque grounds, are independently run and 
impossible to monitor. As for the words themselves, they may be acknowledged as 
offensive on personal levels or merely for historical interest. But this 
offence is otherwise dismissed. Even the most comprehensive critiques of the 
report don't explain them, which is what a now curious public (Muslims 
included) wants. 

This legalistic approach to the controversy, while technically correct, brings 
its own contradictions. During the Danish cartoon crisis, the common refrain 
from Muslims in the West was less legalistic than moralistic. That is, while it 
may be legally permissible to publish material offensive to Muslims (though to 
many, even this was debatable), the plea for respect was based on moral grounds 
– that sincere Muslims deserved protection from gratuitous offence. Without the 
extreme response to the cartoons by a minority of Muslims around the world, 
this approach may have borne some fruit.

But by adopting a legalistic response to a crisis that is easily seen as a 
mirror of the Danish one, a case can be made for employing double standards. 
Muslims should have seen this coming. A resistance to addressing shortcomings 
pointed out by those hostile to us is understandable. It is also immature and 
short sighted. Regardless of the source, the words and books are out there. 
Merely pointing out agendas won't win the argument.

Do British Muslims agree with the alleged pronouncements on apostasy, women, 
jihad, and non-Muslims? What are the parameters of morality on key issues as 
British Muslims see it – and what is beyond the pale? Couldn't a "best 
practice" guide for mosque publications be developed - even if not enforceable 
- to represent a moral consensus? Facilitating public discussions and clear 
answers to these (and to questions not yet asked) should not be an onerous task 
for any umbrella organisation worthy of the name.

Without an effective response to an issue that will undoubtedly resurface, the 
debate will continue to be seen by s

Bismillah [IslamCity] Munabbihat

2007-11-12 Thread darultawhid english
  Imaam Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani

Counsel in Twos

[1] It has been narrated that the Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, 
“There are two traits, nothing is better than them: belief in Allah and 
bringing benefit to the Muslims. And there are two traits, nothing is worse 
than them: associating partners with Allah and bring harm to the Muslims.”

[2] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Sit with the scholars and 
listen to the speech of the wise, for verily Allah the Exalted gives life to 
the dead heart with the light of wisdom as he gives life to the dead soil with 

[3] Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (radyAllahu`anhu) said, “He who enters the grave without 
any provisions is as though he wishes to sail the sea without a ship.”

[4] `Umar ibn al-Khattab (radyAllahu`anhu) said, “Honour in this world is in 
wealth, and honour in the Hereafter is in righteous actions.”

[5] `Uthman ibn `Affan (radyAllahu`anhu) said, “Worrying about the dunya is a 
darkness in the heart, while worrying about the Hereafter is a light in the 

[6] `Ali ibn Abi Talib (radyAllahu`anhu) said, “The one who seeks after 
knowledge, Paradise will seek after him; and the one who seeks after 
disobedience, the Hellfire will seek after him.”

[7] Yahya ibn Mu`adh said, “An honourable person would never be disobedient to 
Allah, and a wise person would never prefer the dunya over the Hereafter.”

[8] Al-A`mash said, “The one whose capital is God-consciousness (taqwa), 
tongues will be incapable of describing the fortune that is his piety; and the 
one whose capital is the dunya, tongues will be incapable of describing the 
magnitude of his loss of piety.”

[9] Sufyan al-Thawri said, “Every act of disobedience committed due to passion, 
its forgiveness is hoped for. Every act of disobedience committed due to 
arrogance, its forgiveness is not hoped for because the root of Satan’s 
disobedience was arrogance, whereas the root of Adam’s lapse was passion.”

[10] An ascetic once said, “The one who sins while laughing, Allah will make 
him enter the Fire while crying. And the one who obeys while crying (out of 
fear of Allah) Allah will make him enter Paradise while laughing.”

[11] A wise man said, “Do not belittle minor sins, for verily from them major 
sins grow.”

[12] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “No sin remains minor when 
accompanied by persistence, and no sin remains major when accompanied by the 
seeking of forgiveness.”

[13] It is said, “The Gnostic (‘arif) occupies himself with praise [of Allah], 
while the ascetic (zahid) occupies himself with supplication; because the 
Gnostic’s concern is his Lord, while the ascetic’s concern is his own nafs.”

[14] An ascetic said, “Whoever is under the delusion that he has a closer 
friend than Allah, little is his knowledge of Allah; and the one who is under 
the delusion that he has a greater enemy than his nafs, little is his knowledge 
of his nafs.”

[15] Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (radyAllahu`anhu) said regarding the Qur’anic verse, 
‘Corruption has appeared on land and sea’, “The land refers to the tongue and 
the sea refers to the heart. If the tongue is corrupted people cry over it, and 
if the heart is corrupted the angels cry over it.

[16] It is said, “Verily passion turns kings into slaves, and patience turns 
slaves into kings… Do you not see the story of Yusuf and Zulaykha?”

[17] It is said, “Glad tidings to the one whose intellect is his master and 
whose desire is his slave. And woe to the one whose desire is his master and 
whose intellect is his slave.”

[18] It is also said, “The one who leaves sins, his heart will be softened; and 
the one who leaves the forbidden and eats the lawful, his intellect will be 

[19] Allah revealed to one of the Prophets, “Obey me in that which I have 
commanded you, and do not disobey me in that which I have advised you.”

[20] It is said, “The perfection of the intellect is in following the pleasure 
of Allah and avoiding His wrath.”

[21] It is said, “There is no exile for the learned, and there is no homeland 
for the ignorant.”

[22] It is said, “The one who is close to Allah due to his obedience will be a 
stranger amongst people.”

[23] It is said, “The movement towards obedience is evidence of knowledge just 
as the movement of the body is evidence of its vitality.”

[24] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “The root of all sins is 
love of the dunya and the root of all tribulation sis withholding taxes and 

[25] It is said, “The one who admits his shortcomings is always praised, and 
admitting shortcomings is a sign of acceptance [by Allah].”

[26] It is said, “Ingratitude for blessings is baseness and the company of a 
fool is bad fortune.”

[27] A Poet said:

O he who is busy with his dunya!
Whom illusions of a long lifetime have deluded
Was he not in a state of heedlessness
Until his ap

Bismillah [IslamCity] Secrets of Remedy by Dates

2007-11-12 Thread SA PEER MOHAMED
Secrets of Remedy by Dates

By Engineer Abdel-Daym Al-Kahil
  Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave a special attention for Dates as part of the 
believer’s diet especially during the Holy month Ramadan. Allah Almighty 
mentioned Palm trees many times in the Quraan, and made it the food of the 
dwellers of Paradise, So what are the secrets of this great nutriment? Is it 
possible to think of using dates as remedy for some diseases? What do 
scientists of today say about dates?
  Dates are one of the most nourishing fruits and It’s called sometimes “Bread 
of Desert”, More than two third of dates’ weight is natural sugar. This fruit 
was highly esteemed by the ancient civilizations more than 5000 years ago; 
ancient Egyptians considered dates as a symbol of fertility, while the Romans 
and the Greeks used it to ornament their stately triumph pageants[1]. Today, 
dates are widely-grown in the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Spain, 
Italy and the United States. There are more than 600 varieties of dates[2].
  Next, we are going to explore the usefulness of dates to humans throughout 
the different stages of their lives.
  Dates and the Prebirth period
  Dates stimulate the uterus by regulating And brisking it's contractions which 
facilitate delivery. The uterus is a relatively large muscular organ and it 
urgently requires an adequate supply of natural sugar during labor and 
delivery. Being laxative, dates are essential for pregnant women before 
delivery in order to purge the colon and intestine and to facilitate delivery. 
The miraculousness of the Quranic verse shows evidently as Allah tells Mary: 
(And shake the trunk of the palm tree towards thee – thou wilt cause ripe dates 
to fall upon thee) [Mariam – 25]
  Nutriment and medicine for children
  Dates contain natural sugar which is easily absorbed and digested, thus, it 
is safe and comforting for children’s stomach and intestine. And the dates 
juice is useful especially if we mix it with Milk to become very nourishing and 
restorative drink for children and adults. Dates and honey paste is used for 
the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery in children but it should be taken 
three times a day.
  This paste also comforts and hardening the gums during teething and 
facilitates the process.
  It is advisable to purchase the good varieties of dates and to wash them 
thoroughly before use especially when used as food or remedy for children. 
Here, we should mention the prophetic tradition of (Al Tahneek); rubbing the 
newborn’s mouth with a well-chewed date and feeding him with it. Science has 
proved that giving the newborn some sugar dissolved in water provides the child 
with the necessary nutrition and improves their immunity against diseases.
  And when we know that sugar in dates is the most easily absorbed and digested 
type of sugar so it will be suitable nutriment for newborns but the dates 
should be well-chewed or soaked in water to be easy for the newborn to take. 
This proves that the great prophet (PBUH) preceded today’s doctors to this type 
of nutrition. It’s no wonder that he preceded them as he is the messenger of 
their God. 
  Figure (1) Dates are the best nutriment for newborns since pregnancy and 
during breast feeding
  An effective treatment for constipation  
  Dates can be used in the treatment of intestinal disturbances and it also 
helps the intestine perform their function effectively, and helps establishing 
a colony of friendly bacteria in the intestines. Dates are also highly 
beneficial in the treatment of constipation as the roughage provided by it 
stimulates sluggish bowels. They should be immersed in water at night and taken 
after making them into fine syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect 
  A Remedy for Sexual Debility
  Date syrup can be used as a treatment for weak heart. It can also be use for 
the treatment of sexual weakness. When it’s mixed with milk and honey, dates 
can be used as a tonic for the treatment of sexual disturbances for both sexes, 
And such syrup strengthens the body and raises its energy levels. The elderly 
would benefit from this syrup too. It improves their stamina and purges their 
bodies from the toxins that have accumulated in their cells along the years.
  An Ideal Nutriment for Fasters
  It was very weird that western physicians who treat their patients by fasting 
advise them by taking the natural sugar in fruits and water when breaking the 
fast [4]. And when we know that dates contain a high ratio of such 
easily-absorbed sugar then dates and water are the best nutriments for fasters.
  Here we remember the Hadith of our prophet (PBUH) : (When any of you breaks 
his fasting he should eat dates cause dates are blessing, if he didn’t find 
dates then drink water cause water is purifying) [Narrated by Abo Dawood].Here 
we see that the prophet (PBUH) showed us the principles of effective fasting, 
by eating dates and drinking

Bismillah [IslamCity] Why This Chorus For Banning Islamic Parties?

2007-11-12 Thread S A Hannan
Why This Chorus For Banning Islamic Parties?

We are observing a chorus of some left and some liberal elements active in 
politics and civil society demanding banning of Islamic parties .Of course they 
say that they demand banning of all religious parties. Unfortunately some Awami 
League leaders are also demanding banning of any party with religious name 
which in effect only is directed against Islamic parties.

We may mention that the Awami League was originally Awami Muslim League and 
they continued to operate in Pakistan when Pakistan was fully democratic before 
first martial law of Pakistan. They contested as Awami Muslim league in 1954 
election in the then East Pakistan and made electoral alliance with Nizame 
islam party of late Muolana Athar Ali.They never felt or said that their name 
was un-democratic, they dropped the name Muslim later for political reason, not 
because it was un-lawful or un-democratic. Islamic or Sikh or Hindu parties are 
no problem in democratic India. The names of Christian Democrat or Christian 
socialist is no problem for European democracies.

Why then this chorus? The only plausible reason is to deprive the voice of 
Islam , the greatest challenge against all Materialist and Godless 
civilizations , in the Parliament, so that no  voice remains  in the Parliament 
for  Islamic law, Islamic values, education . No  voice  remains against 
immorality, pornography, indecency and  nudity, against injustice of all kinds. 
Our education  is still based on western value system and it is producing 
people who do not share the values of Islam properly  and this is the mis- 
fortune for the whole Muslim nation.

The supporters of the  ban also use clever covers such as we respect religion  
but we want to eliminate communalism and to free religion from the influence of 
state.Islamists understand what they mean, they want Islam to be no more a 
force in history, an active player in the world stage. They also forget that 
Islam and statecraft were always integrated throughout Muslim history except in 
colonial period.We hope this undemocratic trickery will fail.Islamists are much 
more trained now to tackle all difficult situation as they are doing in Turkey, 
Pakistan and Egypt.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: British Muslim Concerns--Asia Post, Dhaka, editorial dated 12.11.07

2007-11-12 Thread S A Hannan
British Muslim Concerns

AFP has reported from London that the  head of a major body representing 
British Muslims said the country must beware of fostering a culture like Nazi 
Germany and warned of "suspicion and unease" about Muslims in an interview on 
Saturday. Muhammad Abdul Bari of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said there 
was "a disproportionate amount of discussion surrounding us" and criticized the 
head of MI5 for "creating a scare" by saying Al-Qaeda was "grooming" children 
here. "The air is thick with suspicion and unease. It is not good for the 
Muslim community, it is not good for society," he told the Daily Telegraph 
newspaper and the BBC in a joint interview. "Every society has to be really 
careful so the situation doesn't lead us to a time when people's minds can be 
poisoned as they were in the 1930s. "If your community is perceived in a very 
negative manner, and poll after poll says that we are alienated, then Muslims 
begin to feel very vulnerable. "We are seen as creating problems, not as 
bringing anything and that is not good for any society."

The MCB's assistant general secretary, Inayat Bungalawala, later told BBC radio 
that there was a danger of the threat from extremists being magnified "out of 
all proportion". "What you had in the 1930s was all sorts of popular fictions 
were spread about the Jewish community that they were responsible for all ills 
that were occurring to Germany," he said. "They were made into folk-devils and 
I think there is a danger that the word Muslim in the UK is becoming synonymous 
with bad news." Dr. Abdul Bari also said it was wrong to describe someone as an 
Islamic terrorist, adding: "We never called the IRA (Irish Republican Army) 
Catholic terrorists

We in Bangladesh also feel concern because a large part of Muslim community is 
from Bangladesh. It is never appropriate to identify any criminal activity or 
group with any nation or religion as Dr Abdul Bari has explained. The 
scare-mongering is the worst thing possible and it is not proper for any 
civilized and democratic state to stigmatize any particular community or 
religion. Unfortunately in this respect western media is no better, in some 
situation it is worse. It is the media which has created Islam-phobia with a 
purpose. We do not know whether British government will heed to the statement 
of MCB secretary general but we believe it eill be better for them if they do.

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Book of Pilgrimage (Kitab Al-Hajj)

2007-11-12 Thread muslimah muslimah
Asalam alikum   From to day i m starting hadiths about Al-Hajj   if any one of 
u going for Hajj plz pray for me ,my family and for all muslims thank u 
  Muslim :: Book 7 : Hadith 2683   'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) said: I 
applied perfume to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) as he became 
free from Ihram and as he entered upon it.
  Muslim :: Book 7 : Hadith 2669   Ibn 'Umar (Allah be pleased with him) 
reported: I immediately learnt Talbiya from the Messenger of Allah (may peace 
be upon him), and he then narrated the hadith.
  Muslim :: Book 7 : Hadith 2676   Ibn 'Umar (Allah be pleased with them) 
reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) pronounced Talbiya 
in Dhu'l-Hulaifa as he put his feet in the stirrup and his camel stood up and 
  Muslim :: Book 7 : Hadith 2677   Ibn 'Umar (Allah be pleased with them) 
reported that the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) pronounced Talbiya 
as his camel stood up.
  Muslim :: Book 7 : Hadith 2719   A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported 
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Five are the vicious 
beasts which should be killed even in the state of Ihram: scorpion, rat, kite, 
crow and voracious dog.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Qurans For Hospitals & Hotels - Please Help

2007-11-12 Thread ayub572004
Is better to give material on Islam rather than the translation of the
Quran.The sunnah of Dawah is to do dawah through Quran. Yes we can make
pamphlets with Quranic themes but  the whole of Quran covers all the
topic needed for any individual as the Quran mentions, "to make clear on
the issues people differ" & O Messenger (Muhammad SAW)! Proclaim (the
Message) which has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do
not, then you have not conveyed His Message. Allah will protect you from
mankind. Verily, Alla guides not the people who disbelieve.  (5:67)
The Quran is very clear that the message has to be given in the language
of the people of a place. So we find the Quran says, "and We never sent
a prophet except in the language of its people"; so we learn that we
have to give the message of Quran in the language that will make sense
to them. Dawah is not just giving people information, rather it is
making sure it reaches the heart, which the Quran calls Balagh. How do
we reach the heart of the people other then it has to be in the language
of the people. There are several popular people that have come to Islam
by their personal readings of the Quran - people like Malcolm X, Jeffery
Lang and Yusuf Islam just to name a few.
Why not distribute pamphlets to explain Islam to people, and then if
they are interested they can then get a copy of the Qur'an.
It is our duty as Muslims to communicate the Message of the Qur'an to
Non-Muslims. This I believe is achieved by delivering the Qur'an in the
language that people are able to understand. Also, there is no book or
pamphlet on the planet that can address the various intellectual
appetites of the readers other than the Quran. The Qur'an is able to
address and answer the questions of people across many walks of life
– from Politicians to teachers to scientists; to the rich person to
the poor person; to the young and the old; and the common man - everyone
can find their questions answered and at the level of their
intelligence. No pamphlet can serve this purpose.  Really it is a
question of what you lead with - pamphlets or the Qur'an. The Qur'an
being the only book on the planet that has not changed, and has the
impact of bringing people to Islam from the time it was revealed, I
believe has a better chance of bringing people to tauheed than anything
Why place Qur'ans in Hotel rooms? Aren't these places unclean and used
for unclean things?
There are a few advantages in doing this. First, when a person is
traveling a person is more open to new experiences. Second, we need to
make a mindset that shows, the Quran is a Holy book. This increases the
chances for people to read Quran. Third, it a free outlet from a legal
perspective; therefore why not use the Quran.

Why place Qur'ans in Hospital rooms?
When people are in a hospital, they are going through important
transformations in life. It may be due to illness or some other reason;
but at such a time of transformation people are open to very fundamental
questions in life like death, God, truth, etc. The famous former singer
Yusuf Islam, had a turning point when he was in the hospital (Again it
was being in the Hospital and reading Quran that brought about this
profound change).
--- In, Mohammed A wrote:
> Qurans For Hospitals & Hotels - Please Help
> As-salaam A'laykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuh
> Dear Brothers & Sisters
> It is an obligation on all Muslims to invite people to Islam and there
is now a wonderful opportunity to be a part of something great
> Bibles are found in international hotels as well as next to the sick
and dying people in hospitals. Wouldn't it be great if there was a Quran
there instead!
> I call upon you all to use your initiative and try to ensure that the
hospitals and hotels in your area have copies of the Quran available in
all their rooms/wards Inshallah. We can start in our local areas, then
the surrounding areas, the nationally and then internationally
> please start discussions in all forums
> share ideas and thoughts on how best to promote this project
> how can we make this idea into a reality?
> where and how can we obtain suitable English only text Qurans (which
are in modern English and easy to understand)?
> what is the best way to contact/approach hospitals and hotels?
> are there any other institutions that we could target besides
hospitals and hotels? (maybe prisons as well)
> I request all brothers and sisters to help and share ideas.
> May Allah keep our intentions solely for His pleasure, and reward us
all for our efforts, ameen.
> Was salaam
> __
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Bismillah [IslamCity] plz DO NOT SIGN petition for Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki!

2007-11-12 Thread Alice Iskander
In The Name Of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful
  Asalaamu Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh
  I pray that this message reaches you in the best of health and increasing 
Iman Ameen.   

There has been  petition going around for  the release of  Shk Anwar Al 
Awlaki , please do not  sign or forward it to others as cage prisoners  was 
informed  that  this could harm the Shks case, details from cage prisoners is 
below as well  the email that was being sent around 
   also please   if  any one  receives further information regarding
 taking action for the Shk   please ALWAYS verify by contacting cage prisoners 
BEFORE taking any action,  

  Email from cage prisoners: 
   "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 16:13:39 - (UTC)
 Subject: Re: petition Sh Anwar Awlaqi
   Assalaamu 'alaykum
 Please do not forward the petition - we were informed a few months ago by
 contacts in Yemen (who were in touch with the Sheikh's family) that any
 campaign would have a detrimental effect on Sh Anwar's case. Therefore,
 for this reason, Cageprisoners have taken no further public action.
 Insha'Allah we are in the
 process of trying to verify his current state
 and whether or not a campaign, petition, etc would be appropriate at this
 time. Until then please hold off on the petition.
 JazaakumAllaahu Khaira
 Wassalaamu 'alaykum

 please keep forwarding
 Original email asking  for the petition: 
 Umm Raeesah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 22:55:57 -0800 (PST)
 From: Umm Raeesah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Help Sh Anwar
  Assalaamu Alaikum,
received an email about a petition of rSh Anwar Awlaqi. I think all of
us have benefitted from his ilm, so now is the time to take action for
him. It only takes 30 seconds, but could be of immense value in putting
pressure on the Yemeni authorities to release Sh Anwar. The cynical
ones who think that petitions are a waste of time should ask themselves:
  1) How much effort will it take to sign it?
  2) Are you doing anything else for the sheikh?
  Please keep him and all of our imprisoned brothers/sisters in your dua's. Dua 
is the most powerful tool.
  The target is to reach 5,000 signatures - please sign here: You don't need to 
sign up to the site's
  end of email:

Jazakillah Khayran
  Wasalaamu Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh 

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