Bismillah [IslamCity] Where is muslim country's aids to Bangladesh cyclone victims?

2007-11-18 Thread mokhanpakistan
So far, only the US and the UN are helping.
Where are rich muslim countries like Iran  Saudi, Kuwait?

Bismillah [IslamCity] Pakistan politics-- Qazi, Nawaz express concern over political situation

2007-11-18 Thread S A Hannan
JI Media News 
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  Qazi, Nawaz express concern over political situation 
LAHORE, Nov 17: Jamat Islami ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad made 
a telephonic contact with PML-N chief Mian Nawaz Sharif in Jeddah and discussed 
prevailing situation in the country. 

  According to a press release by JI media cell, both the 
leaders expressed serious concerns over the current situation in the country 
and agreed that now it was no more in the powers of any individual or any party 
alone to help restore constitution and democracy in the country. They said it 
was time that all political parties should take a unanimous decision and chalk 
out a strategy collectively. 

  Both the leaders agreed that PPP leadership should be 
consulted to create a consensus for allowing some impartial personality to hold 
the proposed All Parties Conference instead of any political party or group so 
that all the opposition parites could participate in it wholeheartedly, the 
statement concluded. 

  Central Information Department: JAMAAT-E-ISLAMI PAKISTAN Mansoorah, 
Multan Road, Lahore (Pakistan)
  Ph: +92-42-5432391-5 Fax: +92-42-5437950 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bismillah [IslamCity] The difference between a beggar and an extortionist (blackmailer)

2007-11-18 Thread raja chemayel

  The difference between a beggar 
  and an extortionist (blackmailer) is immense ,
  although both ,practically , collect money 
  from a third person or entity.
  The Beggar asks while the Extortionists demands .
  In 90% of the cases you must pay to the extortionist
  and in 90% of the cases you may refuse the beggar.
  You can say No to the Beggar 
  while you must say Yes  to the other.
  If you agreed with me,  so far , 
  please do not "delete" , yet.
  Coming back to the real-world 
  and to the actual facts on the ground
  we hear that the State of Israel has demanded 
  to be paid in Euro-Currency and no more in US Dollars.
  We all do know how much the USA is pumping aid and money
  in the Israeli-economy and in its Military-machine.
  And the question here and now is , whether Israel 
  is a Beggar or an Extortionist ??
  When we see and hear that Israel has had the liberty 
  to demand how to be paid out.and in which currency
  we must than conclude that the State of Israel is not a Beggar.
  Equally, we conclude, that the USA 
  is not some philanthropist-entity
  but is simply a sucker  being blackmailed.
  Any other conclusions are welcome !!
  Raja Chemayel
  a philanthropist-observer
  18Th of November 2007
  visit my blog and pay no extortion's !!


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Qibla Locator through Google Maps

2007-11-18 Thread Curtis Sharif

   Qibla Locator through Google Maps
   Assalam O Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah,
 Please make dua for the person who worked on it.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Christian Priests and Missionaries are Converting to Islam

2007-11-18 Thread Ahumanb
Christian Priests and Missionaries are Converting to Islam


Be a better pen pal. 
Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.

Bismillah [IslamCity] How to Achieve Inner Peace

2007-11-18 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*How to Achieve Inner Peace  *

*It is important to remember that inner peace comes from Allah. It does not
come from material things. It does not come from drugs or painkillers. It
does not come from sinful lifestyle. Unless our relations with Allah are
good, we can never have real inner peace. In order to have inner peace, we

Have strong faith and trust in Allah. Make Dhikr of Allah as much as we can.
Dhikr brings comfort. We must follow the right path of Islam. Neither
misfortune nor prosperity should turn you away from Islam.

*Be with good people and be good to others. We must always say good words
and do good deeds. Deeds of charity bring real inner peace. *

*What we do not like others to do to us, we should not do to others. *

*Be most forgiving. Forgiveness is the best healer and it first heals the
person who forgives.*

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to publish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *



Bismillah [IslamCity] Prohibition of the QUR'AN in Holland????/Sign...

2007-11-18 Thread Majid Katme
Prohibition of the Qur'an in Holland???
Please sign the Petition..

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: FW: القرآن ممنوع في هولنداDate: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 
23:04:05 +

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: FW: القرآن ممنوع في هولنداDate: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 
21:10:43 +

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته 

القرآن ممنوع في هولندا والمسلمين يرفعون شكوى والحكومه تصدر تصويت وللأسف 
الإنتصار لحد الآن لهم 29%مقابل 71% لهملاتخذلو كتاب الله صوت يا مسلم للقرآن و 
أنشر تؤجر طريقه التصويت افتح الصفحه واضغط على 
الكلمه الخضراء .. ( Eens ) ..سارعو بنشرها لكل من تعرفون لنصره الاسلاممنقول

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Bismillah [IslamCity] What do we offer ? What would you benefit ? and YES you can help !

2007-11-18 Thread ALBaseerah Org
Bismillaah Wal Hamdulillaah Wa As-Salatu wa As-Salamu 'Ala Rasoolillaah Wa Ba'd:
  Beloved brothers and sisters – May Allaah Shower His Rahmah upon you
  Salaamun 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuh.
  In an effort to disseminate the correct message of Al-Islaam, make it easily 
and freely accessible to all, provide multi services to our local and global 
community, We at are looking for qualified individuals for 
many projects we have embarked upon. Such projects need professional and 
dedicated individuals such as yourself.
  What do we offer ?
  All of our services are absolutely free, we don’t charge anything for OUR 
services. Please visit our website to see the list of our current activities or 
click here In a Nutshell –   - 
  We strongly believe that every single one of you is blessed with unique 
qualities. Allaah has given you great skills and abilities to do many things. 
Some of you may have already discovered such qualities & skills and some of you 
may not have realized that you actually have so many skills but you need 
someone to "awake you up" so here we are !!! Please email us at [EMAIL 

Our Dawah projects  are calling YOU. Specially this project can't be successful 
without your help so stretch out your hands and say out loudly WE ARE READY TO 
HELP !!! 

  Let’s help you explore many good qualities you possess which you may utilize 
to further the cause of Al-Islaam and help spread the authentic and balanced 
message of Al-Quraan and As-Sunnah. 
  If you are of those fortunate Muslims who have some free time and are willing 
to invest in the noble and multitude of rewards bearing projects, then we 
invite you to lend us your hand and your reward is with Allaah Subhanahu wa 
We are in need of brothers and sisters to take care of different 
responsibilities and to make Ta'wun 'Ala Al-Birr wa At-Taqwaa ... so let's get 
in line, seeking Mercy and blessings of Allaah. 
  For further information Please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  What would you benefit ?
  Even though you would volunteer seeking rewards only from Allaah, but, as a 
token of appreciation, and in recognition of your great services we will offer 
many benefits which will include –but not limited to- 
  1-  One Year worth of Audio lectures (Album).
  2-  Fully paid intensive courses.
  3-  Audios of yearly seminars.
  4-  DVD/Videos of Seminars
  5-   Upto 50 % discount for summer seminars (worth more than $1000.00 ) 
Allaah Subhanahu wa ta 'Ala said in Al-Quraan Al-'Azeem"
  æóãóäú ÃóÍúÓóäõ ÞóæúáðÇ ãøöãøóä ÏóÚóÇ Åöáóì Çááøóåö æóÚóãöáó ÕóÇáöÍðÇ æóÞóÇáó 
Åöäøóäöí ãöäó ÇáúãõÓúáöãöíäó
  And who is better in speech than he who invites (men) to Allaah and does 
righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims." (Fussilat 41:33) 
And Allaah Said in Al-Quraan Al-Kareem:
  æóÊóÚóÇæóäõæÇú Úóáóì ÇáúÈÑøö æóÇáÊøóÞúæóì æóáÇó ÊóÚóÇæóäõæÇú Úóáóì ÇáÅöËúãö 
æóÇáúÚõÏúæóÇäö æóÇÊøóÞõæÇú Çááøåó Åöäøó Çááøåó ÔóÏöíÏõ ÇáúÚöÞóÇÈö
  Help you one another in Al­Birr and At­Taqwa (virtue, righteousness 
and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear 
Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment. (Al-Ma'idah 5:2)
  And Prophet of Allaah said:
  "ãä Óä Ýí ÇáÅÓáÇã ÓäÉ ÍÓäÉ¡ Ýáå ÃÌÑåÇ¡ æÃÌÑ ãä Úãá ÈåÇ ÈÚÏå. ãä ÛíÑ Ãä íäÞÕ 
ãä ÃÌæÑåã ÔíÁ.
  "Whoever, initiates (revives) a good deed in Islam he gets its reward, and 
the reward granted to anyone who does it after him without reducing the reward 
of the doer himself. "

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Bismillah [IslamCity] MS/PhD Fellowships at Petroelum Institute, Abu Dhabi (UAE)

2007-11-18 Thread Curtis Sharif

 Friday, November 16, 2007  
  MS/PhD Fellowships at Petroelum Institute, Abu Dhabi (UAE)
 The Petroleum Institute (PI) is seeking applications from highly qualified 
candidates who are interested in pursuing graduate studies leading to Masters 
and Ph.D. degrees. Current major areas of interest include chemical, 
electrical, mechanical, petroleum and geosciences engineering. The Institute 
will launch its Masters program from Fall 2007 and its strategic five-year plan 
calls for the launch of the Ph.D. program in Fall 2010. In the interim period, 
qualified students who meet the admission requirements of both the PI and the 
selected partner institution can do their course work and carry out their 
doctoral research through a joint program between the PI and the partner 
institution, with the understanding that the degree will be conferred by the 
partner institution. 
 Qualifications/ required skills: Candidates with excellent academic 
credentials are invited to apply. They will be expected to have a B.S. degree 
from a well recognized university. For individuals from non-English countries, 
a minimum TOEFL score of 550 is required.
 Chemical Engineering : ae/PI_ACA/ ce/index. php
 Electrical Engineering: ae/PI_ACA/ ee/index. php
 Mechanical Engineering: ae/PI_ACA/ me/index. php
 Petroleum Engineering: ae/PI_ACA/ pe/index. php
 Stipend / Benefits: Stipend is competitive and commensurate with 
qualifications and experience, with an excellent benefits package, including a 
twelve-month base stipend, on-campus room and board, medical insurance, and 
travel funds to attend conferences and stays at PI’s partner institutions. 
Applicant must be in excellent health and will be required to pass a pre-award 
physical examination. The UAE levies no income taxes.
 To Apply: Interested candidates are requested to submit (preferably in Word or 
pdf form) the following as an attachment with their email: 
 a letter of interest, which addresses the applicant's qualifications for the 
 a current resume with detailed summary of academic achievements and 
 an official copy of academic records, and 
 at least three letters of recommendation in support of the candidate’s 
 Send all requested materials to the Recruiting Coordinator at The Petroleum 
Institute (recruiting-coordina [EMAIL PROTECTED] ae).
 Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until 
successful candidates are selected. The initial phase of receiving applications 
will close by November 30, 2007.
 Find details in: ae/PI_ACA/ gf/index. php 
 Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Bismillah, FYI 
Peace,Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim Indians Can Take Oaths in the Name of Allah - Supreme Court

2007-11-18 Thread S A Hannan

TOP STORIES Nov 17, 2007

Oaths taken by legislators in the name of Allah are constitutionally
valid: SC
Saturday November 17 2007 00:00 IST
Prabhakar Rao Voruganti

NEW DELHI: Supreme Court on Friday showed its disinclination to
entertain a Special Leave Petition filed by Madhu Parumala alleging
that 11 Muslim members of the Kerala Assembly taking their oath in
the name of Allah is unconstitutional.

A bench comprising Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan and Justice R V
Raveendran dismissed the SLP filed challenging the Kerala High Court
in this regard. Counsel appearing for the petitioner submitted to the
Bench that the Constitution says the oath should be administered in
the name of God and it does not permit taking oath in the name
of 'Allah'. Therefore, oath can be taken only in the name of God.

Article 188 of the Constitution provides for taking oath and Third
Schedule of the Constitution prescribes the manner. A member can take
oath by saying, "I swear in the name of God" or "I solemnly affirm".
But, in the given case, the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) MLAs
took the oath in the name of Allah and whether it is permissible, the
counsel argued. The Special Leave Petition was filed challenging the
Kerala High Court order which said, "When a person belonging to
Muslim community takes oath in the name of Allah, he/she is not
violating any constitutional provisions. Constitution permits (one)
to take oath in the name of God."

No virus found in this incoming message.
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4:54 PM

Bismillah [IslamCity]

2007-11-18 Thread Ebrahim Rashid

Jews, Christians and Muslims Unite Against Evildoers
Celeb spotting – Play CelebMashup and win cool prizes

Bismillah [IslamCity] Coping with personal problems

2007-11-18 Thread Aisha Abbasi
Coping with Personal ProblemsBy Sheikh Salman al-'Awdah Who does not have 
problems?Problems are a part of life. If it were not for distance and 
separation, people would never know the joy of meeting and reunion. If it were 
not for poverty, people would not know wealth. And if it were not for sorrow, 
people would not know joy.In this manner, Allah has permitted the world to be a 
place of passage, where pleasure is accompanied by pain and laughter by tears, 
a world where the degree and severity of suffering is commensurate to the 
degree of happiness a person feels when that suffering goes away.Every home has 
its problems, as does every office, corporation, and country. Every soul is 
afflicted with its own inner problems. When a person knows that his own self 
does not comply with what he wants from it and does not fulfill his 
expectations, and that it often shames him and disappoints him unbearably, then 
what can he possibly expect from others?What can he hope to expect from the 
difficulties that arise from social interactions, whether they occur within a 
family setting, or among neighbors, or between colleagues and business 
partners, or with those who he meets on the road?In spite of all this, the 
goodness, companionship, and human welfare that social interactions bring about 
can never be attained by a person who lives in isolation. The evils brought 
about by seclusion are far greater than the discomfort that comes from dealing 
with others.How many people have tried to solve their problems by cutting off 
their dealings with others and going into seclusion? They seek to treat their 
ailments with something that is a sickness itself. They wind up longing to 
return to the very circumstances that they had so much detested before.A woman 
feels that she can not stand to live with her husband's behavior any more and 
sees divorce as the only solution. Then when she gets what she wants, she feels 
like she is going to die of loneliness and starts to think of a way to undo 
what she had done.An employee feels he can not bear his job any longer so he 
quits his job. After a while, though, he starts looking for people to intercede 
on his behalf as he repeatedly tries to get his job back.This is why it is not 
sensible to hastily resort to severing ties, thinking that this is going to get 
to the root of the problem and make it just go away. This course of action can 
possibly cause much more suffering than before.Specialists in problem 
management have set down the following practical steps for dealing with one's 
problems. These steps can be summarized as follows:Perceiving and recognizing 
the problem.Defining the problem correctly.Research, examination, and fact 
finding, with a focus on pinpointing causes.Setting down alternatives and 
options, then evaluating them and weighing their pros and cons.Determining the 
option that will provide the best solution to the problem.These steps can only 
be put into practice by a person who can approach his problems with a calm, 
level head. Reactions that are spontaneous and overemotional only serve to 
cloud a person's judgment, making it seem that the only solution is to 
completely divorce oneself from the source of the problem and with everything 
that in any way relates to it.The problem could actually come from the deep 
within a person's character or personal history and cannot be simply shrugged 
off. It could also come from unavoidable circumstances outside of that person's 
control. Often we besiege ourselves with problems and difficulties. This is not 
to say that those problems are not real. They definitely are. But we often have 
many good ways of getting around them. We do not have to dwell on them. We need 
to seek the help of Allah and cling hard to the firm handhold that He provides, 
repeating the words: "You alone we worship and You alone we beseech for 
help."One of the supplications that the Prophets of old used to make goes as 
follows: "O Allah! Yours is the praise. You are the one whose help we seek. You 
are the one on whom we rely. Yours is the aid that we seek. There is no might 
and no strength except with Allah, the High and Mighty."We can look at our 
problems as they really are and strive to get rid of them or at least minimize 
them, without letting them suffocate us or hold us back. Our problems must not 
make us stop working and living productive lives. We can also defer some 
problems that we cannot solve at the present time and wait for Allah, in whose 
hands rest all affairs, to relieve us of themIt is related from Ibn Mas`ûd that 
Allah's Messenger said: "The best form of worship is to wait for relief." 
[Sunan al-Tirmidhî (3571), al-Bazzâr (Majma` al-Zawâ'id 10/147), and al-Bayhaqî 
in Shu`ab al-Imân (7/204)] This narration, though, is weak. [1] At the same 
time, there can be no doubt that expecting relief from Allah is a form of 
worship, since it is part of being patient. This brings to our attention an 

Bismillah [IslamCity] 2008 Ford Foundation Visiting Fellowship, last date 30th November

2007-11-18 Thread Shakeel Ahmad
*For a list of Scholarship from Various Other Sources, click anywhere on
this line. Pass on to others as

2008 Ford Foundation Visiting Fellowship

Basic Function

The Brookings Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World is seeking
applications for the 2008 Ford Foundation Visiting Fellowship. Directed by
Dr. Stephen Grand, the Visiting Fellows Program has provided a positive
bridge of scholarship and understanding between researchers, policymakers,
and the wider public in the U.S. and the Muslim world.

The Visiting Fellows Program is designed to bring the most knowledgeable and
experienced analysts from Muslim communities and states to Washington. The
intent of the program is to promote a positive dialogue between the U.S. and
the Islamic world and generate a deeper understanding of the critical issues
that face us together. Visiting Fellows will be expected to (1) participate
in the various policy, research and outreach aspects of the Project, (2)
research and write a monograph paper in consultation of the Project Director
(to be completed before departure) related to the project's work, to be
published by Brookings, and (3) interact with the Washington policy-making
community. Brookings will provide a stipend, office space, computer
resources, and full access to the Brookings Library. Brookings will not
provide housing but will provide a contribution toward relocation expenses
and will provide a letter to potential landlords confirming the fellowship


Applicants should be talented journalists, policy analysts, academics,
religious scholars, and other opinion leaders from the Islamic world.
Qualified applicants should possess at least a university degree, with a
higher degree preferred, and will have research and publishing experience.
Fellows are expected to be in residence full-time at Brookings during their
Fellowship and work full-time on their Fellowship research during the
six-month period.

Brookings will assist Visiting Fellows in obtaining an exchange visitor

 *Application Information*

Applications should include:

   1. A brief cover letter, which notes how the applicant learned of the
   2. A C.V. including professional and educational experience,
   citizenship, and full contact information;
   3. A 5-10 page writing sample, in English, on a relevant topic;
   4. A 2-3 page prospectus of the proposed research topic for the period
   of the Fellowship;
   5. Two reference letters, to be submitted to Brookings either directly
   by the referees or mailed in separate, sealed envelopes along with the

 *Due Date*

There are two 2008 Ford Foundation Visiting Fellowships. The first round of
applications is due *November 30, 2007*. The second round of applications is
due *March 31, 2008*.

For more information on the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic
World, please see our website:

PS: Actions may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness
without action, so act we MUST.
Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times ahead!
Aspiring 2 c u happy!

Shakeel Ahmad
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971.50.4599172 - Largest network of people from Bihar or

Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of
you have no today to be thankful for.

Bismillah [IslamCity] File - Setting in receiving email

2007-11-18 Thread islamcity

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The above settings can be changed by yourself or alternatively, you can email 
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