Bismillah [IslamCity] You have recived Hadith

2008-05-11 Thread Hadith Share
  Jabir (Radhiallaho anha) reported: The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu 
'alaihi wasallam) said, He who says upon hearing the Adhan: 

`Allahumma Rabba hadhihid-da`wati-ttammati, was-salatil-qa'imati, ati 
Muhammadanil-wasilata wal-fadhilata, wab`athu maqaman mahmuda nilladhi wa 

[O Allah, Rubb of this perfect call (Da`wah) and of the established prayer 
(As-Salat), grant Muhammad the Wasilah and superiority, and raise him up to a 
praiseworthy position which You have promised him]', 

it becomes incumbent upon me to intercede for him on the Day of Resurrection.'' 


Commentary: This Hadith tells us the merit of (the prayer by means of which one 
attains his should be recited in the manner narrated by `Abdullah bin `Amr, 
which says that one should first repeat the wording of Adhan, then recite the 
prayer asking to exalt the mention of the Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi 
wasallam) and then pray Allah to grant him the Wasilah.

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] fiction and reality......the next film ??

2008-05-11 Thread Zahrani, Abdulqader H (FPD)
Time spent to write about her is a waste of time.  The words are more expensive 
to mention her back images about Islam.
This is my opinion.  We say in Arabic (rotten eggs rolls on each other)

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of raja 
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 9:54 AM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] fiction and reality..the next film ??

The Somalian-lady and her actress
in that infamous-film

A Somalian-Lady-refugee here in the Netherlands
has broken a new world record:
she became a Member of the Dutch Parliament
in less than 10 years after her arrival to Holland !!.

She became a very outspoken anti-Islam
which explains a lot about the speed of her success.

Once she started to stink , with regards to her
dubious entry into Netherlands and her lying about 101 things
and her fake pre-history and even her fake identity...

Guess what happened ??

She was thrown out (very politely) from the Netherlands
and then went to the USA and got immediately a Job
working for Richard Perle
Yes !!  Mr. Richard Perle, the ex-adviser to George Bush
who holds a US-Passport and an Israeli-passport too.
The one who recommended to George to go to Baghdad
and see if there are Weapons ,  of any sort

This mysterious lady , this phenomena-of-instant-success
has made ,previous to her departure, a short film called
Submission in which a muslin lady is shown practically-naked
with verses of the Koran written on her body...
this fictitious lady was raped by her fictitious Muslim-uncle.
And the victim is supposed to shut-up to avoid the scandal.
As if , only Muslim-uncles do rape their nieces
and as if, only Muslim-victims are asked to shut-up.

The Director of that film paid with his life the price
of the unlimited-arrogance and unrestricted-blasphemy.
And that Lady ran away... to Richard Perle..of course 

Now , we hear and see that in Austria another
drama is unfolding of a father who raped his own daughter
and locked her up 24 years in the cellar along with the 3 children
he has produced with her..

This is not a fictitious story , but unfortunately a real one.
I wounder if that same Somalian-Lady who carries a Dutch passport
and lives in the USA , would not like now to make another film.
And if she does  make another film , on that real-case-drama
I wounder if she would then mention the religion
of that monster-father .[]

The monster-father-rapist

The first film was fictitious and blamed Islam
this other film  would be  real and might blame ,eventually
or incidentally , another religion.
As if religions and rapes are compatible.
As if the religion of any rapist is relevant to the crime.

Raja Chemayel
have been 33 years in the Netherlands ,
and did not get higher than Export-Manager
probably only because I respected Islam..
Sixth day of May 2008

Sent from Yahoo! 
A Smarter Email.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Death: An Ultimate Reality

2008-05-11 Thread Erooth Mohamed
 *Death: An Ultimate Reality*
*By Prof. Shahul Hameed*

  [image: Islam sees death as a reality of life, a certainty from which no
one is exempt.]

*Islam sees death as a reality of life, a certainty from which no one is
exempt. *
Throughout the ages, mankind viewed death as something gruesome and
frightening, something that should be postponed indefinitely or abolished if
possible, once for all.

This was because of two reasons. First, death cuts short the life of this
world. Second, there was no proof about the chance for a new lease of life
in a world to come. Death is, as Shakespeare's Hamlet said, the
undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns to tell us their

All the same, there was also the belief among religions that death served as
a kind of passage to another more important arena of life.

From the Islamic point of view, death is a reality of life, a certainty from
which no one is exempt. God says in the Quran what means:

[Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the Day of Judgment
shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved from the fire
and admitted to the garden will have attained the object (of life): for the
life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.] (Aal `Imran

  *Death is a necessary transition form this world to another lasting world.
* As it is mentioned in the verse, there is going to be a Day of Judgment
one has to face after death, when each will be paid in full the fruit of
what he or she has earned in this life.

Those who sowed evil will reap evil and those who sowed good will reap good.
All the allure and glamour of this world would then prove to be of no real
worth; what is of enduring value would be provided in that world to come.

From this point of view, death is a necessary transition form this world to
another lasting world. That means, death for humans is not a complete
cessation of life; but it is a passing from one state of existence to

In the life of this world, the body and the soul are not separate except
during sleep, when temporarily the soul leaves the body until it returns to
it, with God's permission:

[It is God that takes the souls at death; and those that die not (He takes)
during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He
keeps back (from returning to life), but the rest He sends (to their bodies)
for a term appointed. Verily in this are Signs for those who reflect.] (

*Sleep: Temporal Death*

The idea that sleep is a form of temporary death, whereby the soul leaves
the body for a time was recognized by people of earlier religions too.
Hinduism has the idea that the soul is imprisoned in the body until death
liberates it. There is also the suggestion that the soul yearns to be free
from the prison-house of the body.

  *The human soul came from God, and belongs to the world of the spirit;
while the body is made up of clay or slime, and so it belongs to the world
of matter. *On the other hand, we understand from the Quran that the human
being is complete only when he is both body and soul. That is why the purity
of both the body and the soul is required in Muslim prayers for instance.

Similarly, the rewards or punishments for one's life on earth are to be
experienced by the whole human being consisting of the body and soul in the
hereafter. For the same reason, there is no question of a Muslim neglecting
the needs of the body or even tormenting the body for the sake of the soul.

The human soul came from God, and belongs to the world of the spirit; while
the body is made up of clay or slime, and so it belongs to the world of
matter. But once united with the body the soul transmutes the body, and a
noble creation — a new being — is born deserving of honor even from the

[And lo! Thy Sustainer said unto the angels: Behold, I am about to create
mortal man out of sounding clay, out of dark slime transmuted; and when I
have formed him fully and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down before
him in prostration!] (Al-Hijr 15:28-29)

While living on earth, the body and soul are kept together as one being by
the force of life. When a person dies, the phenomenon of death displaces
that person's life. Apparently, life disappears or ceases to exist and the
body and soul are separated.

When life ends, the body decays; but the soul is not affected by the end of
life, except that it is separated from the body. The soul lives on in the
world of spirit, though it is in a state of sleep. Just as it happens during
our earthly sleep when the soul leaves the body temporarily; it is then in a
state of sleep.

And the body during sleep is still living as life has not left it. But if
the soul does not return after its appointed time, life leaves the body and
death takes its place; and death is a phenomenon like life, only 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Mock attack on the fake mosque in Illinois sends a wrong message

2008-05-11 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Abdus-Sattar Ghazali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 21:13:05 
From: Abdus-Sattar Ghazali [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: asghazali [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mock attack on the fake mosque in Illinois sends a wrong message

   Mock attack on the fake mosque in Illinois sends a wrong message
  By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
  Six years and eight months after the 9/11 tragic attacks, Muslims in America 
remain at the receiving end with the reconfiguration of American laws, policies 
and priorities to target them. The latest assault on the Muslim community comes 
in the form of a simulated attack on a fake mosque by the law enforcement 
authorities in Illinois.
  On May 1, over 120 officials from almost 30 government agencies participated 
in the drill in Irving, Illinois, targeting a community facility that had been 
re-named the Irving Mosque for the purposes of the exercise. There were 
participants from local law enforcement, fire departments and ambulances. In 
the exercise, officers from the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (ILEAS) 
stormed the mosque using an armored car. One hostage was hooked up to an 
explosive device and the suspects in the mosque released nerve gas. 
  For the purpose of the emergency exercise drill, the Continuing Recovery 
Center in Irving, Ill., had become Irving Mosque, the home-base for a radical, 
heavily armed group with suspected terrorist ties. There were explosions 
outside and inside the building. 
  Not surprisingly, a preview of the May 1st training was highlighted by the 
media with such sensational headlines: Pennsylvania's police prepare for 
radical Islam, and Radical Islam: A Law Enforcement Primer. 
  What message that exercise conveys to the American masses who are already 
conditioned by the anti-Islam and anti-Muslim rhetoric by some radio hosts, 
electronic and print media as well as some political and Christian Right 
leaders in the post-9/11 America? 
  Surely, it reinforces the anti-Islam and anti-Muslim image among the masses. 
According to a March 2008 Gallup survey, a substantial number of Americans have 
a negative perception of Muslims. The poll shows that only 17 percent have 
positive perception while 23 have negative. 48 percents were found neutral 
which are surely not positive. Two polls by CAIR and Washington Post in March 
2006 indicated that almost half of Americans have a negative perception of 
Islam and that one in four of those surveyed have extreme anti-Muslim views. 
The troubling results of these polls are not surprising in this atmosphere of 
fear and hatred against the Muslim community created in the name of national 
  There cannot be two opinions that the Irving Mosque exercise creates a 
negative image of Mosques and Islamic centers. It is disrespect to the Muslim 
places of worship and sends a wrong message that all Islamic houses of 
worship may be potential security threats.
  To borrow, Khalid Saeed, President of the American Muslim Voice, (AMV), this 
outrage should be offensive to the sensibilities of all civilized Americans and 
it should be condemned in strongest possible way as it sends wrong message 
about a large peaceful segment of American society and great religion of Islam. 
There are about eight million American Muslims who are proud and patriotic 
citizens of this great nation of our, and are making a positive contributions 
to this great and diverse nation. 
  The use of a fake 'mosque' in this type of drill sends the wrong message to 
law enforcement officials who may now view mainstream institutions, such as 
Islamic houses of worship, as potential security threats, according to  Ahmed 
Rehab, executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations-Chicago. 
Officials must be trained in dealing with hostage-taking and responding to 
chemical, biological or bomb attacks. We are only questioning the wisdom of 
linking the American Muslim community and its institutions to such incidents.
  Taking a leaf from New York Police Department's controversial study 
Radicalization in the West and the Homegrown Threat, Municipal Police 
Officers Education  Training Commission (MPOETC) has prepared a Mandatory 
In-Service Training (MIST) Program and  Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System 
(ILEAS) officials are required to undergo a three-hour class called Radical 
Islam: A Law Enforcement Primer. 

  The fake mosque attack was part of that training course aims at providing an 
overview of the factors and issues related to a radical view of Islam.  The 
MPOETC has its own sweeping definition of radical Islam': Radical Islam 
assumes the authority to ''nullify, abolish, or do away with'' previously 
established religions and systems of government, establishing Islamic rule 
based on the Koran and the ''example of Muhammad.''
  Muslim civil rights groups have expressed concern over this program. In a 
letter to the MPOETC Training director 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Proceed with civil nuclear deal, says Kalam

2008-05-11 Thread Erooth Mohamed
*Proceed with civil nuclear deal, says Kalam*
 Friday, May 9, 2008

*APJ Abdul Kalam, One of the principal figures behind the Indian nuclear
tests that shook the world in 1998*

  [image: Proceed with civil nuclear deal, says Kalam]

New Delhi: Former president APJ Abdul Kalam, one of the principal figures
behind the May 1998 nuclear tests that shook the world, has said that India
should go ahead with the civil nuclear deal with the United States as it
does not compromise the country's sovereignty.

In a rare interview, Kalam told IANS that if at any time there was a fear
that national security would be compromised by going ahead with the deal, we
can at any time withdraw (from it).

This was the first time that Kalam, who was among a handful of scientists
who were at the nuclear explosion site at Pokhran on May 11 and 13 a decade
ago in what was a highly secretive operation, has spoken out in favour of
the deal that has been the subject of so much debate and political
controversy in India. Yes. I think. India had made the right decision in
the nuclear area in continuation of economic reforms in 1991

Kalam, who was then chief of the Defence Research and Development
Organisation, was feted as a national hero, applauded and besieged for
autographs though the tests drew widespread censure in the rest of the world

Ten years later, Kalam - who was later appointed head of state by the
government of prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee - believes the five
nuclear tests detonated in the Rajasthan desert was the right decision and
said the tests were among the most memorable moments of his career.

*Excerpts from the interview:*

Q: *You once said that Unless India stands up to the world, no one will
respect us. In this world, fear has no place. Only strength respects
strength. Do you still believe in this maxim?*
A: Yes. The philosophy of strength respects strength is valid any time, as
long as earth orbits around the sun.If you look back, you can see though we
faced technological and economic sanction after 1998, the confidence in the
country increased that we can do it.

Q: *Ten years after, do you think the nuclear tests were a good idea? It did
polarise the world and there were economic sanctions against India.*
A: Yes. I think. India had made the right decision in the nuclear area in
continuation of economic reforms in 1991. If you look back, you can see
though we faced technological and economic sanction after 1998, the
confidence in the country increased that we can do it.

Our scientists in multiple scientific departments have worked for
self-reliance and have succeeded in making the cryogenic engine, flight
control system for LCA and carbide fuel processing in the nuclear area.
Similarly, the industry and service sectors have shown marked growth and our
economy is in the ascent path right from 2003. All world leaders converged
on India. It has been consistently growing at 8 to 9 per cent every annum,
which has never been experienced before. All this clearly shows that our
decision was a landmark decision for the country.

Q: *In today's world would it be a good idea to conduct nuclear tests? Or
has the dynamics of geopolitics changed?*
A: We do not have to keep on reproving ourselves in view of new technology

Q: *Should the government go ahead with the civilian nuclear deal with the
US? Do you share the view that it compromises India's sovereignty?
*A: We should go ahead with the civilian nuclear deal. It does not
compromise India's sovereignty. We can at any time withdraw, if any national
security need arises in future.

Q: *You are widely regarded as the central figure in India's drive to join
the small club of nuclear-armed nations. Where do you see India in another
10 years?*
A: We will see India as a developed nation. The people below poverty line
will become near zero. The literacy level could go beyond 90 per cent. There
will be employment opportunity for all both in the urban and rural areas. We
will have a number of operational PURAs (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural
Areas) in various parts of the country. A number of students from abroad
will come for studies and work in India. Our youth will have world-class
skills and higher education.

Q: *You have never hidden your passion for a powerful India. Can you count
the 1998 tests as one of the most memorable moments in your career?
*A: First memorable moment was the SLV3 launch in 1980 putting the Rohini
Satellite in orbit using an indigenous rocket system. Second memorable
moment was the Agni missile launch in 1989 reaching the target. Third
memorable moment was acceptance of India Vision 2020 by the government.
Fourth memorable moment was India in 1998 becoming a Nuclear Weapon State.

   - PM still hopeful of Indo-US nuclear
   - UPA, Left defer decision on nuclear

Bismillah [IslamCity] Don't beat your children - Yusuf Khan

2008-05-11 Thread Yusuf Khan
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
From Yusuf Khan
Assalamu Alaikum

Misunderstood and misapplied hadeeth, as well as irresponsibe and
unjustifiably harsh parenting - both of these are guilty in hurting the
morale and self-confidence of tomorrow's leaders of the Ummah. Let us return
to the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad with regards to our upbtringing of
our young ones.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Redefining Evangelicalism, Polygamy the Latter Day Saints

2008-05-11 Thread Erooth Mohamed
*Redefining Evangelicalism*

  [image: Image]

*Wedded with Republicans to a set of beliefs, evangelicals have played a
pivotal role in tilting the scales in US President George W. Bush's favor in
his 2004 reelection bid. (Photo through Google)*
CAIRO — Several American conservative Christian leaders are revolting
against the exploitation of Evangelicalism for political gains.

Today… enormous confusion surrounds Evangelicals in public life, reads the
Evangelical Manifesto issued on Wednesday, May 8. It seeks clarify the
confusions and corruptions surrounding the term 'evangelical' that have
grown so deep that the character of what it means has been obscured and its
importance lost.

Signed by more than 80 evangelical leaders, theologians and pastors, the
19-page document warns that the term evangelical has lost its religious

We reaffirm our identity. Evangelicals are Christians who define
themselves, their faith, and their lives according to the Good News of Jesus
of Nazareth, it reads.  We Evangelicals are defined theologically, and not
politically, socially, or culturally.

The document was signed by mostly centrist evangelicals, like popular author
Os Guinness, Leith Anderson, president of the 30 million-member National
Association of Evangelicals and evangelical academic.

Evangelism is the fastest-growing faith-based group in the US. One in four
American adults count themselves as evangelical or born-again Christians,
including President George Bush.

*Useful Idiots*

The manifesto laments that faith and politics have been too closely mixed in
the US.

It condemns Christians on the right and left for using faith to express
essentially political points that have lost touch with biblical truth.

It warns that this way faith loses its *independence.*  Christians become
the 'useful idiots' for one political party or another, and the Christian
faith becomes an ideology, it contends.

Christian beliefs become the weapons of political factions.

Evangelical Christians have a growing impact on America's political
landscape.  They have played a pivotal role in tilting the scales in Bush's
favor in his 2004 reelection bid.

Some 37 percent of all Republican and Republican-leaning voters are
evangelical Protestants.

The declaration, however, encourages evangelicals to be politically engaged
and uphold teachings when it comes to social issues such as marriage and

We Evangelicals see it our duty to engage with politics, but our equal duty
never to be completely equated with any party, partisan ideology, or

The politicization of faith is never a sign of strength but of weakness.
*Related Links*
 Evangelicals Bring Religion in US Politics
Israel Support Biblical Duty:
US Evangelical Navy
Evangelists Teach US Cadets
US Evangelicals Turn New

 *Religion and America*
*Polygamy and the Latter Day Saints*
By Karema Akifah Saleh - Writer, Editor in Chief - US

  ** ** *1)  **Double Standards and
2)  **A House Divided Will
* **
3)  **Dying 
* *   [image: Image] The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the
Latter Day Saints is one of the largest Mormon groups and a practitioner of
polygamy in the US.

At one of their ranches in El Dorado, Texas, referred to as a compound by
the media, the ranch was raided on the basis of a hoax call, about 430
children were removed. The parents were forced to take a DNA test to prove
parentage. The 430 children being in the custody of the Texas Child
Protection Services, their whereabouts remains unknown. These children
being wards of the state, their parents have no rights whatsoever including
access to their own children. Media response has been one of bigotry; what
is the truth? And where does justice begin and end?

 Join Karema Akifah Saleh in Polygamy and the Latter Day Saints

Bismillah [IslamCity] Remove the Illustration of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH from wikipedia

2008-05-11 Thread jahangeer_m
jahangeer_m [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

AMIR has just read and signed the petition: Remove the Illustrations 
of Muhammad from Wikipedia

You can view this petition at:

Message from AMIR: 

Hi, I signed the petition Remove the Illustrations of Muhammad from 
Wikipedia. I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our 
goal of 10,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope 
you will support our efforts.

- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a 
difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get 
connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the 
world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted 
information and action site for people who care to make a difference 
in their lives and the world.

Teach and talk as you learn Arabic. 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Surah 51:56
Wama Khalaqtul Jinna Wal Insa ILLa liya'a buduun.
And I (Allah) have not created the jinn and mankind except that they 
should worship Me (alone).

Bismillah [IslamCity] TWO Day Seminar of IRP: ON : The Correct Islamic Belief

2008-05-11 Thread Nasrin Akther
Respected brothers and sisters,

Asalamu Alaikum Warahmatu Allahi Wabarakatuh

Insha Allah, this weekend, May 10th and 11th 2008, there will be a
very IMPORTANT program titled: The Correct Islamic Belief, for every
Muslim and Muslimah on the IRP. We cannot emphasize enough how
important this topic is, so we ask and advise you to do your best to
listen to the lectures through our website
or through the phone by calling (712) 432-1001 with the access code:

 The Correct Islamic Belief

Speakers are:

Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaamee
Shaykh Saalim At-Taweel
Dr. Saleh As Saleh
Shaykh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab Al-Aqeel
Shaykh Saleem Al-Hilaalee
Lectures include:

Belief in Allah
Belief in the Angels
Belief in the Books
Belief in the Messengers
Belief in the Day of Judgment
Belief in the Pre-Decree
Baraka Allahu Feekum Wajazakumu Allahu Khairan. Wasalamu Alaikum
Warahmatu Allahi Wabarakatuh



Access code: 432217023#


Nasreen As-Thuriayaa As-Salafiyah