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2009-05-03 Thread islamcity

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2009-05-03 Thread Zaras Kitchen
*Muslim Demographics*



Bismillah [IslamCity] AFP atrocities continue, behead civilians, roast and eat dog near Mosque, burn civilian houses, air and artillery strikes, killing own troops in Maguindanao (

2009-05-03 Thread Abul Alibasa
 AFP atrocities continue, behead civilians,
roast and eat dog near Mosque, burn civilian houses, air and artillery
strikes, killing own troops in Maguindanao

Friday, 01 May 2009 03:40


The aggressive Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) had been
reportedly committing crimes against humanity with its relentless and
indiscriminate operations in Maguindanao since April 17, 2009 against
the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the aggrieved Bangsamoro

committed by the troops of AFP against innocent civilians and their
communities are totally revolting and condemnable.

On April 28, 2009, four innocent Muslim civilians were reportedly
found dead in a village in Shariff Aguak with their heads beheaded and
bodies mutilated apparently due to gun shots and bladed weapons.
Reports said AFP troops perpetrated this inhuman act that is immense
violation of human rights and international humanitarian laws.

one village in Datu Piang, AFP troops were reported to have slaughtered
a dog and roasted and ate the animal near a Mosque, the heart of
religious symbol in Islam. This act of religious and cultural
insensitivity and blasphemy is condemnable in its strongest terms.  

of houses to the ground by the AFP troops can be compared to none. It
is because only in Muslim communities that burning of houses by AFP was
being done. Recollections would tell that not a house was ever razed to
ground in other areas of operations of AFP that were directed at
non-Muslim communities in Mindanao.

Reports said all the
remaining civilian houses unburned by government forces in Barangay Tee
and Andavit, Datu Piang were finally torched to flame the past two
days. Several houses in Udsudan were also burned down by government

In December last year, the number of houses owned by civilians burned down by 
government forces reached to nearly 2000 units.

air and artillery strikes by AFP pounded and shaken Muslim communities
in Talayan, Guindulungan, Datu Piang, Datu Saudi, Datu Unsay,
Mamasapano, Shariff Aguak, and Midsayap, North Cotabato.

bombarded the past days were barnagays Diate, Udsudan, Malingao, Tuka,
Lapok, Kitango, Liab, Gawang, Tee, Andavit, Barrio Muslim, Bangkat,
Balong, Muntay, Kampimpilan, Kadigasan, Lumopog, Anbadao, Duaminanga
and Kalipapa, and the marshy areas in the ligawasan ream constituting
the areas.

Yesterday starting 8:30am until almost 5pm, air
strikes using four (4) bomber planes bombarded barangys Gawang,
Andavit, Tee, Barrio Muslim, Guindulunga and riverside barangays in
Datu Piang and Midsayap.

Meanwhile, at 7:15pm last April 28,
2009, the artillery firing by the AFP from its outpost at Datu Gumbay,
Datu Piang, allegedly backfired that instantly killed 18 AFP troops and
wounded several others wounded. According, one military vehicle was
also destroyed. MILF field reporters had already confirmed the
happening of the incident. However, further validations are being
undertaken by MILF reporters.

IDPs are again seen sprouting
along the roads and national highway in too appalling situation to
escape being added to victims statistics of the AFP indiscriminate

      Abulkhair ABUL M. Alibasa
Young Muslim Peace Advocate/  Coordinator, BSGN-Lanao  Marawi City, Philippines
Mobile phone: +63-916-9032-197
Email add:,           You must be the CHANGE you wish to see in 
the World.

  New Email names for you!
Get the Email name you#39;ve always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 24

2009-05-03 Thread Dr. Adel Elsaie
Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 24

Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day.

1. Glorious Quran on Good Manners:

 Keep yourself clean, pure [9/108, 4/43, 5/6].
2. Hadith on Good Manners:

The superiority of being good to one's relatives

Hadith 8.12Narrated by Abu Aiyub Al Ansari (Radhiallah hu Taala

A man said, O Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)! Inform me of
a deed which will make me enter Paradise. The people said, What is the
matter with him? What is the matter with him? Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu
alayhi wa sallam) said, He has something to ask (what he needs greatly).
The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said (to him), In order to enter
Paradise) you should worship Allah and join none in worship with Him. You
should offer prayers perfectly, give obligatory charity (Zakat), and keep
good relations with your kith and kin. He then said, Leave it! (The
sub-narrator said, It seems that the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)
was riding his she camel.)

3. Converts to Islam Videos:

TV Report: 4000 Germans Converted To ISLAM Last

Muslima, The Former Catholic Missionary *(Burundi) *I understood that the
church was being deceitful

4. Coverts to Islam:
Rabbi Moisha Krivitsky of Makhachkala synagogue. ‘I live in the

Latino Converts: In 2050, Latinos are estimated to be 150 Million in USA,
and become a majority.

Raheel Rojas My first reading of the

5. Do you like American pop culture? See what good sincere American are

Crimes in Dallas, Texas the second

6. WMD: Beware of their Weapons of Missionary Deception:

Missionaries are trained to convert Vulnerable Muslims with $6.8 Budget a
year. Simple Ways to answer them back with 0 Budget

Ask Christian  missionaries What did Sir Isaac Newton think about the
They will never show up again. They don't know their Bible.

7. WMD Videos:

A new deceit by christian

Yes you can be strong Muslim, please sign the petition :  Muslim Youth Code
of Honor

Required a million signature each year Until that last Muslim Youth sign in.

Please circulate this posting to your brothers and sisters, Jazakum Allah

Please note that this posting is for adults too.

Dr. Adel Elsaie

Bismillah [IslamCity] Serbs ordered to pay for mosques

2009-05-03 Thread Shahid
Serbs ordered to pay for mosques

Serb authorities in Bosnia-Hercegovina have been ordered to pay $42m (£26m) to 
local Muslims for the destruction of mosques during the Bosnian civil war.

All 16 mosques in Banja Luka, the main town of the Serb-run Republika Srpska, 
were destroyed in the 1992-1995 war.

A lawyer for the area's Muslim community said the local court verdict was of 
historic importance.

Hundreds of religious buildings were destroyed in the conflict, in which about 
100,000 civilians were killed.

The local court ruling came nine years after the Bosnian Islamic Community sued 
the Bosnian Serb government and Banja Luka city authorities for the destruction 
of the shrines in 1993.

The Islamic Community said more than 1,000 of its objects were destroyed or 
damaged during the war.

For us, what is far more important than material compensation is that for the 
first time Republika Srpska has taken complete responsibility for the 
destruction of the mosques, SRNA news agency quoted the Islamic Community's 
lawyer Esad Hrvacic as saying.

The Dayton peace agreement signed in 1995 created two semi-state entities: 
Republika Srpska for the Serbs, and the Bosniak-Croat Federation for Bosniaks 
(Bosnian Muslims) and Croats.

The Christian Serbs started the ethnic cleansing of all of Bosnian Muslim 
population. They systematically killed all the boys and men, cut open the 
bellies of the pregnant Muslim women, and then raped the Muslim women and girls 
to impregnate them with Christian offsprings, while putting the rest of the 
girls and women to sexual slavery.

Bosnian Muslim asked the world for help and as expected no one came. They then 
realized they were on their own so they started fighting back as Mujaahideen 
and started winning. After seeing the victories of these Muslims and the 
defeats of the Christian Serbs, Bill Clinton (US president then) then 
intervenes and stops the Muslims from winning. He and his western pals then 
divide the Muslim country into Serbs and bosnians' regions.

Bismillah [IslamCity] hadith: Women going out when she is closest to Allah

2009-05-03 Thread Shahid
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 

  Woman is 'awrah and when she goes out, the Shaytaan gets his hopes up. She 
is never closer to Allaah than when she is in the innermost part of her house, 
  Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan and Ibn Khuzaymah; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in 
al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 2688 

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said 

  regarding women's prayer in the mosque: Their houses are better for them. 
  Narrated by Abu Dawood (567) and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh 
Abi Dawood 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Indonesian election, anothr view----Indonesia's election a triumph of pragmatism over ideology, moderate Muslims over radical Islamists

2009-05-03 Thread S A Hannan

Indonesia's election a triumph of pragmatism over ideology, moderate
Muslims over radical Islamists
Michael Allen, - United States

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Add Your Comment

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The results of this month's legislative
elections in the world's largest Muslim-majority nation are not due
until May 9. But it is already clear that Indonesia's 100 million voters
demonstrated a markedly pragmatic, non-ideological approach to politics,
not least in delivering devastating setbacks to Islamist parties:
In broad brush strokes, what this election thus suggests about
Indonesian society is that the emotional draw of ideology, religion,
charismatic leadership, and social controversy has begun to decline as
concerns about good governance, fiscal accountability, and government
professionalism have risen. The problem that Indonesia faces no longer
stems from its past social and cultural divisions. Rather, the danger at
hand reflects the fragmentation of a political elite that has yet to
understand the interests of voters while failing to grasp the nature of
the new democratic playing field. 
Analyst Richard Kraince suggest that politicians' reactions to likely
losses and to some grave errors by the National Election Commission
will demonstrate whether
Indonesian exceptionalism is as robust as it seems or whether the
archipelago's democracy will go the way of some of its dysfunctional
The election results confirm that
elections.html Islam and democracy are compatible, writes Ahmad Suaedy,
executive director of Jakarta's Wahid Institute. The radical Islamist
parties failed because exclusive Islamic ideologies are no longer able
to meet the needs of those concerned about the existence of such Islamic
parties or of those who still place hopes in the promise that
ideological realization can change Indonesian state foundations.
Yet others remain concerned that as talks to
form a governing coalition continue, the mainstream parties may be
tempted to strike a deal with the Islamist Prosperous Justice Party
(PKS) which, though ostensibly non-violent, espouses an intolerant brand
of Islam, informed by Wahhabi ideology, at odds with Indonesia's
syncretic civil Islam. Sadanand
Dhume cites the
Book%20Launch%20Press%20Release%20-%20Final.pdf pathbreaking new
report by the Libforall
Foundation which, he notes, demonstrates that the PKS continues its
effort to
infiltrate mainstream Islamic organizations, and to replace Indonesia's
tolerant, homespun Islam with an arid import from the Middle East.
The Libforall Foundation is one
of the
rare success stories of an initiative in which moderate and liberal
Muslims - too often the silent and disorganized majority - have
organized effectively to counter radical Islamist groups by promoting
democracy and tolerance. Truth, which is not organized, can be readily
defeated by evil that is, former Indonesian President H.E. Kyai Haji
Abdurrahman Wahid in the Libforall report,
mic%20State%20English%20Excerpts.pdf The Illusion of an Islamic State:
the Expansion of Transnational Islamist Movements to Indonesia.
The elections confirm the country's potential as a standard-bearer for
liberal democratic ideas in a region where it has recently appeared
fragile and in which China represents a significant authoritarian
countervailing power. If Indonesia was to start
onal-dividend.html investing in the propagation of these ideas, it
could contribute to regional peace and security, notes one observer,
citing as a positive sign President Yudho-yono's launch of the
op-or-catalyst-for-change.html Bali Democracy Forum aimed at
enshrining democracy on the strategic agenda of Asia.
gmatism-over-ideology-moderate-muslims-over-radical-islamists.html The

Bismillah [IslamCity] CORRECTION - The Blind Allowed To See Allah's Face‏

2009-05-03 Thread Mohammed A
The Prophet (saw) said that Allah says: O Jibreel (Gabriel), when I take the 
eyes (sight) of My servant, I have no reward for him except allowing him to see 
My Face and granting him refuge in My House. (Tabarani)


Bismillah [IslamCity] PORK

2009-05-03 Thread Abu Jumanah
Pigs Meat
Why does Islam forbid pork, when the pig is one of the creations of God?
Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: Our Lord has forbidden eating pork in definitive 
terms. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“Say (O Muhammad): I find not in that which has been revealed to me anything 
forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maytah (a dead 
animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of 
swine (pork); for that surely, is impure or impious (unlawful) meat (of an 
animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allaah (or has been 
slaughtered for idols, or on which Allaah’s Name has not been mentioned while 
slaughtering)” [al-An’aam 6:145]
By the mercy of Allaah and His kindness towards us, Allaah has permitted us to 
eat all good things, and He has not forbidden anything but those that are 
impure. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“…he allows them as lawful At‑Tayyibaat (i.e. all good and lawful as regards 
things, deeds, beliefs, persons and foods), and prohibits them as unlawful 
Al‑Khabaa’ith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, 
persons and foods)” [al-A’raaf 7:157]
We do not doubt for an instant that the pig is a dirty and filthy animal, and 
that eating it is harmful to man. Moreover it lives on dirt and filth, and it 
is something that is off-putting to those of a sound nature who refuse to touch 
it, because eating it is either a cause or a sign of a person’s oddness. 
Secondly: With regard to the physical harm caused by eating pork, modern 
science has proved a number of things, such as the following: 
Pork is regarded as one of the kinds of meat that contain the most cholesterol, 
an increase of which in the bloodstream leads to an increased likelihood of 
blocked arteries. The fatty acids in pork are also of an unusual formation, 
when compared with the fatty acids in other types of food, which makes them 
more easily absorbed by the body, thus increasing cholesterol levels.
Pork meat and pork fat contribute to the spread of cancers of the colon, 
rectum, prostate and blood.
Pork meat and pork fat contribute to obesity and related diseases that are 
difficult to treat.
Eating pork leads to scabies, allergies and stomach ulcers.
Eating pork causes lung infections which result from tapeworms, lungworms and 
microbial infections of the lungs. 
The most serious danger of eating pork is that pork contains tapeworms which 
may grow to a length of 2-3 meters. The growth of the eggs of these worms in 
the human body may lead to insanity and hysteria if they grow in the area of 
the brain. If they grow in the region of the heart that may lead to high blood 
pressure and heart attacks. Another kind of worm that is to be found in pork is 
the trichinosis worm that cannot be killed by cooking, the growth of which in 
the body may lead to paralysis and skin 
     The doctors have confirmed 
that tapeworm disease is regarded as one of the serious diseases that may 
result from eating pork. It may develop in the small intestine and after several
 months may grow into a large worm whose body is composed of a thousand 
segments, with a length of 4-10 meters, which lives alone in the intestine of 
the infected person and part of it may appear when he defecates. When the pig 
swallows and ingests its eggs, they enter the tissues and muscles in the form 
of larvae sacs containing fluid and the head of the tapeworm. When a person 
eats infected pork, the larva turns into a complete worm in the intestine. 
These worms cause weakness and vitamin B12 deficiency, which leads to a 
specific type of anaemia, which may in turn cause nervous problems. In some 
cases the larvae may reach the brain, causing convulsions, increased pressure 
within the brain, epilepsy and even 
  Eating pork that is not
 thoroughly cooked may also lead to trichinosis (infestation with a hairlike 
nematode worm). When these parasites reach the small intestine, three to five 
days later many larvae appear which enter the intestine and reach the blood, 
from which they reach most of the tissues of the body. The larvae move to the 
muscles and form cysts there, and the patient suffers intense muscle pains. The 
disease may develop into infection of the cerebral membrane and brain, and 
infections of the heart muscle, lungs, kidneys and nerves. It may be a fatal 
disease in rare cases.  It 
is well known that there are some diseases that are unique to humans and are 
nor shared with any other animals except pigs, such as rheumatism and joint 
pain. Allaah indeed spoke the truth when He said (interpretation of the 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Superstition

2009-05-03 Thread adil naveed


Superstition constituted an integral part of the belief system of the Pagans. 
Prior to the advent of Islam the Arabs were steeped in superstitious beliefs, 
beliefs that regulated their social, economic and political activity. 
Superstition created a mysterious value system that gave rise to fear, 
suspicion and enmity. It deprived man of rational thinking and every ailment, 
accident or calamity was attributed to some evil force bent on destroying their 
lives. The situation was further aggravated by wicked Spiritual Doctors who 
exploited the unwary masses and ran lucrative businesses treating and 
exorcizing the evil forces. Even today there are people who claim to know the 
future and try to impress people with their divine powers. Belief in 
superstition detracts from Imaan in Taqdeer and the qudrat of Allâh Ta’ala.
The Holy Qur'ân states: No misfortune can happen on earth nor (afflict) your 
souls, but is recorded in a Book (long) before We bring it into existence; that 
is truly easy for Allâh.
Disaster and misfortune take place according to the Will and Plan of Allâh. No 
other force or power can direct your destiny or cause harm to you except with 
the permission of Allâh. Some of the superstitious beliefs that filtered down 
from Jahiliyyah to us are:

The Month of Safar
The month of Safar is regarded as a month of ill-fortune and bad luck. The 
pre-Islamic Arabs believed Safar to be a serpent that dwells in the stomach of 
man. It stirs to life in this month and causes various types of illnesses and 
diseases. Thus people are more prone to fall ill in this month. Because of the 
various evil omens attached to this month some Muslims regard:

Nikâh contracted in this month to be bad luck and ill-fated.

Any important business venture initiated in this month bound to collapse.

The first thirteen days of this month to be specifically evil and bad luck.
Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam condemned such superstitious beliefs in various 
A hadîth narrated in Muslim states: There is no (ill-fortune) in the month of 
Safar nor do evil spirits (exist)
Another hadîth states: Do not revile time (i.e. do not regard any particular 
day, week or month to be bad, for I (Allâh) am the (embodiment) of all time

Soothsayers - Fortunetellers
There are certain impostors who pretend to know the future through contact with 
the spirits. The Holy Qur'ân rejects the notion that anyone besides Allâh 
knows the future in the following verse: Say - No one in the heavens and earth 
knows the unseen except Allâh.
The Holy Qur'ân states: If I had knowledge of the unseen I should have had 
abundance of good and no evil should have touched me. Truly I am a Warner and a 
Giver of glad tidings to those who have faith.
Concerning the Jinn who laboured for Sulaiman alayhis salaam the Qur'ân states: 
It became clear to the jinn that if they had known the unseen, they would not 
have continued in the humiliating punishment of their task.

Horoscopes and Astrology
The Pagan Arabs used three arrows to ascertain whether they should proceed with 
a task or not. The words My Lord has commanded me were inscribed on one 
arrow; My Lord has forbidden me inscribed on the second arrow and the third 
arrow was left blank. If they planned a journey, or a marriage or to raid the 
enemy, etc., they would go to the temple and draw out an arrow. If they drew 
the arrow with the positive inscription they would proceed with their plans. 
The negative inscription meant that they should abort their plans. A blank 
arrow meant that they should repeat the process till they received a clear 
directive. This practice is akin to modern day horoscopes, astrology, palm 
reading and other similar practices. Islam prohibits all such practices and 
considers them sinful.
The Holy Qur'ân states: And (also forbidden) is predicting the future by means 
of divining arrows, for that is impiety.
Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam has stated: If anyone acquires any knowledge 
of astrology, he acquires a branch of magic (which is totally forbidden)
He also stated: The astrologer is a diviner, the diviner is a magician and the 
magician is an unbeliever.
Another tradition states: Whoever goes to a fortuneteller and believes in what 
he says has denied what was revealed to Mohammed.

Omens and Charms
The same prohibiton applies to hanging charms, beads and amulets, in the belief 
that they will protect the bearer from evil spirits, bad luck or the evil eye.
The Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam stated: May Allâh not fulfill the 
hopes of the one who wears a charm; may Allâh not protect the one who hangs 
seashells (used as a charm in those days). (Ahmed) 
Another narration stated; Whoever wears a charm will be left to rely on it. 
Abdullah bin Masûd radhiallahu anhu once saw his wife wearing a knotted thread 
around her neck. He pulled at it and broke it saying, The family of Abdullah 
is free from 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Look at what we are promising you -10 days to Orientation - Fiqh Course -

2009-05-03 Thread ALBaseerah Org
Assalamu alaykum Wa Rahmatullah
If you are having trouble viewing this message, please Click Here
(enable images to see image below)

So You want to taste the real fiqh from real sources ?
And You want to seek knowledge with proofs ?
And You want to seek knowledge directly from the scholars ?
And You can't travel overseas to seek knowledge ?
And you are looking for convenient and User friendly access to scholars ?
And you want to experiance the rich, authentic, and traditional knowledge using 
modern day technology ?
And you want to study Islamic Sciences but can't afford high costs ?
Then . Wait no more ... promises this and much more
We are ready ! Are you READY ?
Just What You've Been Waiting For !
The real, fresh, authentic, and pure food for your heart and mind.
Online Intensive Courses taught by the major scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah 
Many were not able to register for our past course becasue all seats were GONE.
If you missed it before Don't miss it again !!  Don't be left out !!
Register NOW before its too late !
Statemenst of some of the students.
It was unfortunate there weren't enough seats available for this course as I 
wanted some of my family members and friends to join the course AQ101 with me 
but now I am looking forward to find them in the next course which starts in 
May 2009 inshaAllaah. I found the class schedule flexible and the lessons 
organised. MashaAllaah they team did a good job in planning this course. Sara
Alhamdullilah, i have to say the OIC course has definitely given  me a 
memorable experience that I will cherish inshaallah, I absolutely love the way 
the course itself has been structured, the online classes, the quizzes, review 
questions, the team project etc mashaallah, all helping the 3lm to be embedded 
into our minds and hearts!!!

subhanaallah i havent experienced true unity of the ummah [other than 
hajj/umrah] except through this course, people from all around the world, UK, 
USA, Indonesia, Middle east and more all unified to seek 3lm in the path of 
Allah, Allahu'akbar...this is just amazing... I even met sisters from my own 
country..just a couple of miles away!!!

I would like to say to those who missed out; whether your a beginner to this 
deen or not you should definitely ENROLL onto OIC, the next course would be on 
the book of purification, ive enrolled onto it and many others who have also 
done AQ101...because they experienced its goodness...Alhamdullilah i have 
gained 'everything with the price of nothing'...  sumayya
I'm much happier, and finally content with my understanding, all thanks to 
Allah, then Albaseerah for being that avenue towards me succeeding in this life 
and the next insha Allah.  I'm hoping to be able to help my family, friends and 
neighbors come to the folds of Islam, by Allah ta ala permission, and to die 
upon this insha Allah. – Aishah
I would like to thank you all my brothers and sisters in Islam at Al-Baseerah 
from the bottom of my heart for the splendid work you are doing to disseminate 
this sought after knowledge to the Muslims via renowned scholars. Ma’shallah, I 
enjoyed the lessons thoroughly, I will recommend these courses to anyone, 
whether Muslim or non-Muslim. Abdulshakur
I truly from the bottom of my heart would like to thank the people at Al 
Baseerah for presenting this unique and beneficial opportunity to study with 
the senior scholors of Islam without having to travel across the world to do 
so, My experience at OIC was so uplifting and exciting, The course came at a 
time in my life that I feel I needed it the most– Ummu maryam
I thank the al Baseerah team for getting me access to excellent Islamic 
knowledge with sound scholars through the online intensive course (OIC) 
program. OIC team made sure everything was satisfactory; the necessary academic 
concepts understood, and all my personal questions were answered – Nuh
The course was very informative and organized. jazak allahkhair, to all the 
team members of Albaseerah. I Liked it very much and am planning to take more 
in future from Albaseerah, Inshallah. Jabeen
 “Communicating and working with my team has not only opened up a new 
friendship, but it has showed me, patience, appreciation and dedication in 
working with a team.” – umm aaliyah
MashaAllaah it was an excellent decision to sign up for this course  and I 
benefited immensely from it. The classes were organised, the tasks were well 
explained and the assignments were helpful in learning.
It was unfortunate there weren't enough seats available for this course as I 
wanted some of my family members and friends to join the course AQ101 with me 
but now I am looking forward to find them in the next course which starts in 
May 2009 inshaAllaah. I found the class schedule flexible and the lessons 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Why Should Hindus Vote For BJP ?

2009-05-03 Thread Abhiyya

In the history of Hinduism there were only two most demoralisingly deplorable 
instances of sacrilegious crimes, which would make any self respecting and 
committed Hindu to bury his head in shame. The first was demolition of a 
worship centre, ( building for prayer ) Babri Masjid of Ayodhya in December 
1992. The second was the anti-minority genocide in which over 2000 , mostly 
innocents were brutally killed. Both these Satanic acts were the handiwork of 
miscreants , owing allegiance to BJP, going by the presence of well known BJP 
leaders on the scene of these crimes
Why Should Hindus Vote For BJP ?
By R.B. Sreekumar
30 April, 2009
An open letter to Shri L.K.Advani Member of Parliament, Gandhinagar.
Mr R.B.Sreekumar IPS

Most Respected Shri L.K.Advani,
Sir,I am a voter in Gandhinagar Loksabha constituency . I am a Hindu by birth 
and practitioner of the tenets of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion, 
popularly called –Hinduism, in my own humble way ,in personal life.
The conceptual and philosophical framework of Hinduism is enshrined in three 
fold treatises- Prasthanathrayam- namely, Brahmasutras, Upanishads and the 
Bhagvad Gita.
Equal adoration to all varieties of divinity and paths towards them and 
recognition of the right to salvation/liberation to all living beings , 
including plants and animals are deemed to be the most ennobling and elevating 
feature of Hinduism. Ill will towards even non –believers is also not permitted 
, not to speak of people professing non-Hindu faiths.
Any deviation or aberration by any individual or group of persons or an 
organisation of Hindus ,away from the four walls of these ideals make them 
unacceptable and condemnable for real Hindus. Applying this yardstick , BJP 
supported by its sister bodies in the Sangh Parivar would be quite undeserving 
for getting votes from Hindus , who are intrinsically practising quintessence 
of Hindu ontological ideals.
In the history of Hinduism there were only two most demoralisingly deplorable 
instances of sacrilegious crimes, which would make any self respecting and 
committed Hindu to bury his head in shame. The first was demolition of a 
worship centre, ( building for prayer ) Babri Masjid of Ayodhya in December 
1992. The second was the anti-minority genocide in which over 2000 , mostly 
innocents were brutally killed. Both these Satanic acts were the handiwork of 
miscreants , owing allegiance to BJP, going by the presence of well known BJP 
leaders on the scene of these crimes.
The Bhagvad Gita is quite explicit about one's approach to any form of worship. 
In three slokas the relevant principles are unambiguously laid down.
In Chapter 4 Sloka 11 , Lord Krishna proclaims ,  In whatever way men identify 
with Me, in the same way do I carry out their desires; men pursue My path ,in 
all ways 
Again in Chapter 6-30 , the Lord preaches ,  He who sees Me everywhere and 
sees all in Me, he never becomes lost to Me , nor do I become lost to him
Finally in Chapter 7-21 , the Lord promulgates ,  Whatever form any devotee 
with faith wishes to worship , I make that faith of his steady.
The brigands who razed the 16th century mosque in Ayodhya to the ground 
actually acted against the letter, spirit and ethos of the above stipulations 
by Lord Krishna that is why those great Hindus , who lived and enriched my 
religion from 1529 A.D. , the year of construction of Babri Masjid to 1992, the 
year of demolition, did not care to move even their little finger against this 
monument, during their lifetime. We have a galaxy of Hindu giants , who left 
laudable foot prints on the sands of time , in this period, from Goswami 
Tulsidas to Mahatma Gandhi.
Can we consider the marauders and their leaders , who knocked down the masjid, 
by insulting even the pious name of Lord Shiva( those rogues shouted Jai Shiv 
Shankar, during demolition and the word meaning of Shankar is ' One who blesses 
everybody with peace, Sham Karoti Iti Shamkaram)', as greater champions and 
'brave sons of Hinduism ' than those model Hindus like Mahatma Gandhi, whose 
life and deeds brought greatness and glory to the Sanatana Dharma.?
Honourable Advaniji , if there is scriptural justification for the liquidation 
of Babri Masjid, kindly convey it to all Hindus , so that they will not have 
any hesitation to vote for BJP.
In case the BJP views the bulldozing of the Babri Masjid as an unHindu act , 
why no legal or organisational penal action to punish those destroyers of the 
centre of worship- Kshetradwamshas, as prescribed for Aathathais(criminals) in 
the dharmashastras was taken so far ? Since no such move is visible from BJP it 
will be quite impossible for a Hindu voter to accept BJP as a party which 
adheres to the principles and practice of the scriptural ideals of Hinduism .
The story is similar in case of anti-minority genocide in Gujarat, in which 
over 2000 innocents lost their lives. Never in 

Bismillah [IslamCity] UN says Freeze Jerusalem demolitions

2009-05-03 Thread Shahid
UN: Freeze Jerusalem demolitions
The UN has asked Israel to freeze all pending demolition orders in East 
Jerusalem and to do more to provide for the housing needs of Palestinians. 
Almost a third of all Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem have been built 
without a permit, says a UN report. 
This puts 60,000 Palestinians at risk of having their houses demolished by 
Israeli authorities. 
The mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, has acknowledged a planning crisis for all 
of Jerusalem. 
The report, produced by the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian 
Affairs, says the root of the problem in a lack of adequate urban planning by 
the Jerusalem municipality which controls East Jerusalem. 
Palestinians wanting to build a home can only seek permission to do so in a 
small area. It comprises about 13% of East Jerusalem and is already densely 
As a result at least 28% of all homes have been constructed illegally. 
Out of the quarter of a million Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, the UN 
says, 60,000 are at risk of having their homes demolished by the Israeli 
Plans promised 
Israeli officials reacted to the UN report by saying that building codes are 
enforced even-handedly across the city. 
Jerusalem's municipality has said all Jerusalem residents are treated equally 
whether built to house Jewish or Palestinian families it says, all illegal 
buildings must be pulled down. 
The office of the mayor of Jerusalem, Mayor Nir Barkat, disputed the figures 
given in the UN report. 
But Mr Barkat admitted that there was a planning crisis in all of Jerusalem 
that affects Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.
A spokesman said, a master plan for the city would be announced in the coming 
The UN report says that approximately 1,500 demolition orders have been issued 
and are pending. If carried out they would make 9000 people homeless, half of 
them children. 
Overall the UN estimates a gap of about 1,100 housing units per year in the 
Palestinian community in east Jerusalem. 
Those who build illegally not only risk losing their home, but also face heavy 
fines imposed by the Jerusalem municipality and, in some cases prison 
Hardest hit are the children, says the report. 
In the immediate aftermath of demolitions, children often face gaps in 
education and limited access to basic services such as health care and clean 
water. Longer-term impacts include symptoms of psychological distress. 
Israel has occupied East Jerusalem since 1967. It has annexed the city and 
declared its east and west Israel's eternal capital. 
This is not recognised by the international community, with the east of the 
city considered occupied territory. 
Palestinians hope to establish their capital in East Jerusalem. They say Israel 
uses demolition orders to try to force them out of their homes.

Bismillah [IslamCity] HOW SHOULD A MUSLIM LIVE

2009-05-03 Thread Abu Jumanah
How a Muslim Should Live in a Non-MuslimLandin Light of Surah 
Shaykh KhalidBin Ali al-Anbari[2]
Indeed, the principle is that the Muslim should prefer an Islamic land so as to 
establish the rights of his religion, but circumstances may force him or her to 
live in a non-Muslim land. And Islam, being a religion that provides guidance 
for all aspects of human life, has addressed this issue. Numerous texts within 
Islamic literature have expounded on the topic of Muslims living in non-Muslim 
lands, and the story of Prophet Yūsuf (‘alayhi al-salātu wa al-salām) serves as 
an ideal source of reference for such a discussion. The Prophet Yūsuf was 
forced to leave the land of the Prophets, the land where his father Ya‘qūb 
resided and where the Heavenly Law was being applied. Due to the betrayal of 
his brothers, Yūsuf was taken as a slave by a caravan and eventually purchased 
by a minister of Egyptknown by the title al-‘aziz.
The man in Egyptwho bought him, said to his wife: Make his stay (among us) 
honourable: may be he will bring us much good, or we shall adopt him as a son. 
Thus did We establish [i.e. give authority to] Yūsuf in the land...” [Yūsuf 
The hint within this ayah is that a person may not be able to gain authority in 
his own land but may acquire it in another. This brings us to the question of 
how Yūsuf conducted himself in this non-Muslim land.
The most obvious challenge that faces the Muslim in such a land is how to cope 
with the non-Islamic values within society that inevitably led to a prevalence 
of fawāhish[3] and thus conflict or clash with one’s faith. Certainly, falling 
into this fawāhish is easy, but it was just as easy in the time of Yūsuf 
(‘alayhi al-salātu wa al-salām) as the ayah on Yūsuf’s encounter with the wife 
of al-aziz illustrates:
And she, in whose house he [Yūsuf] was, sought to seduce him. She closed the 
doors and said, Come, you. He said, I seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, he (your 
husband) is my master, who has made good my residence. Indeed, wrongdoers will 
never prosper.[Yūsuf (12):23]
It is not fitting for the Muslim who believes in Allah and the Last Day to come 
near obscenity. The Prophet Muhammad (sul Allahu ‘alayhi wa salim) mentioned 
seven people who will be shaded by Allah on the Day of Judgement;[4] among them 
is a man who turns away from the temptation and seduction of a woman with 
beauty and status, saying “I fear Allah.” It is upon the Muslim to fear Allah 
in every gaze and in every instance he or she is alone. And living in an 
environment where the opportunities to sin are manifold, if a Muslim is not 
careful, he or she may not only fall into a sin or two but perhaps may reach a 
stage of being immersed in sinning, such that one abandons repentance. Soon, a 
love for these sins develops and by this the Muslim leads him or herself astray.
And Allah would not let a people stray after He has guided them until He makes 
clear to them what they should avoid.[At-Tawba (9):115]
The Muslim who abandons having taqwa and does not repel the fawāhish, his or 
her heart may start to see the evil as good, perhaps even leading him or 
herself out of the pail of Islam. So it is incumbent on the Muslim to strive 
against the fawāhish and constantly seek the help of Allah. The Quran relates 
how Yūsuf (‘alayhi al-salātu wa al-salām) sought the help of his lord in his 
And if You do not avert from me their [evil] plan, I might incline toward them 
and [thus] be of the ignorant. So his Lord responded to him and averted from 
him their plan.[Yūsuf (12):33-34]
The desires and lusts are great and numerous, but they remain trifling in the 
eyes of the believer, the one who is sincere to Allah and trusting in His 
assistance. Thus it was, that We might ward off from him evil and lewdness. 
Indeed, he was of Our chosen servants. [Yūsuf (12):24]
So if the Muslim turns to Allah in supplication and with sincerity, seeking 
refuge in Him, Allah will surely protect Him. Thus, the first thing a Muslim 
must do in this society is to confront the fawāhish that he or she faces and 
strive to overcome them.
After the Muslim is rendered victorious against his or her desires, it is upon 
him or her to exemplify high Muslim morals, manners, and character while living 
in this society, as the Prophet Muhammad (sul Allahu ‘alayhi wa salim) 
instructed, “Treat the people with good manners.” It has been established that 
Yūsuf (‘alayhi al-salātu wa al-salām) was innocent of what he was accused of, 
yet he was oppressed, accused unjustly and put in jail where he stayed with two 
And there entered the prison with him two young men. One of them said, Indeed, 
I have seen myself [in a dream] pressing wine. The other said, Indeed, I have 
seen myself carrying upon my head [some] bread, from which the birds were 
eating. Inform us of its interpretation; indeed, we see you to be of those who 
do good.[Yūsuf