** Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Purification Of Wealth - Zakah

2008-10-05 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
HTML clipboardThank you Mr. Abdullah for a nice exposition. But I am a but 
confused and would be obliged for guidance. Quran has used three words (1) 
Zakat (2) Sadaqat (3) Charity. I understand the Zakat is financing the system 
for implementation of Divine rule. Sadah is voluntary contribution toward 
disasters and inclemencies and Charity is helping the poor around.
What I do not understand is how payment of 2.5 percent purify hoardings when 
hoarding is totally dis-allowed?
Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
  - Original Message - 
  From: Student . 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 12:06 AM
  Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Purification Of Wealth - Zakah

  Bismi Allahir Rahmanir Raheem. 
  All praise is for Allah, the Most High, the Lord of the Worlds. Allah's Peace 
and Blessings be upon all the Prophets of Allah, especially our Holy Prophet 
Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa aalihi wa as-haabihi wa sallam). 

  Purification Of Wealth


  Establish Salah and pay Zakah
  and bow down with those who bow down in worship.
  Al- Quran [al-Baqarah, 2:43]

  Assalamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

  Allah has related a story of some people who were earning that which Allah 
was providing them. However, they believed that they were earning their wealth 
because of their hard-work and they forgot that it is actually Allah who 
provided them with what they had earned. They said why should we share our 
wealth with the needy people as it belongs to us because we had been working 
hard for it. Allah then tested them until they finally returned to their Lord 
in submission. Allah says in Surah al-Qalam:

  Surely We shall try them as We tried the owners of the garden
  when they swore that they would pluck its fruit the next morning,
  without adding any reservation ( such as Insha'Allah, God willing).

  So a calamity from your Lord came down upon it while they slept,
  and by the morning it lay as if it had been already harvested.

  At daybreak they called out to one another, 
  saying: 'Go out early to your crop, if you want to pick its fruit.'

  So they went, whispering to one another:
  ' Let no needy person enter upon you in the garden today.' 
  Thus they went out, fixed in their stingy resolve.

  But when they saw the garden, they cried:
  'Surely we must have lost our way! Nay, we have become destitute.'

  The most upright among them said: 'Did I not tell you to glorify Allah?
  Why did you not glorify Him?'
  Then they said: 'Glory be to our Lord! Surely we were unjust,' 
  and they started blaming one another.

  Finally they said: 'Woe to us! Surely we had become rebellious. 
  It may be that our Lord will give us in exchange a better garden than this:
  surely to our Lord do we make our humble petition.'
  Such is the punishment in this life;
  but the punishment in the Hereafter is even greater,
  if they but knew it.
  [al-Qalam - 68:17-33]

  There is another story in the Qur'an. Qaroon was a wealthy man from 
Bani-Israael, ( And We gave him of the treasures, that of which the keys would 
have been a burden to a body of strong men). His belief was that he had earned 
all his wealth because of his own intelligence or knowledge, (Qaroon said: 
This has been given to me only because of knowledge I possess.). Allah then 
destroyed him and all his wealth, So We caused the earth to swallow him and 
his dwelling place. Then he had no group or party to help him against Allah, 
nor was he one of those who could save themselves. [Surah al-Qasas]

  Allah has made Zakah obligatory on the Muslims to protect  purify our 
wealth. Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alaihi was- sallam) said Allah has made Zakat 
obligatory simply to purify your remaining property,.. [Abu Dawud]. We should 
know that the one Who favours us can also take back what He had given us. We 
should also remember that Zakah does not replace Sadaqah. Zakah is obligatory 
on those who are entitled to pay, whereas Sadaqah (charity) can be given by 
anyone including those who have bear minimum or just a little more than 
nothing. Even a smile could be a Sadaqah.

  And in their properties there was the right of the beggar, and the mahroom 

  Allah says about the Muttaqeen that they spend from their income on those who 
ask them [beggars, lilssaili] as well as on those who are needy but they do not 
ask for help [Mahroom]. A beggar could be truly in need or could be a habitual 
one. However, it is the nobility of character that one should always give 
something when asked from someone. Even if a billionaire asks us for something, 
we should not let him go with nothing, at least give something. We should give 
according to our standard. How would you think about a millionaire giving a 
penny in charity!

  O believers, spend in Allah's Way the best portion of the wealth you have

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Ramadhaan is Over - from MAW

2007-10-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Mr. Imtiaz says:
Ramadan is over.

Yes Ramadan is over. If it was a test. We know where we stand. If it was a 
traing to gain strength to ward off evil. Then we better assess our regained 
potentialies and act accordingly. Don't say  Raat gai, Baat  gai see you next 

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
  - Original Message - 
  From: Mohamed (Imtiaz) Bhikoo@mailgateway.wol.net.pk 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:41 AM
  Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Ramadhaan is Over - from MAW

  Bismillahir Rahmaan Nir Rahim
  3 Shawwaal 1428 / 15 October 2007

  Ramadhaan is Over

  Early on the day of Eid, Muslims throughout the world perform a special Eid 
Salaah. This is a silent reminder that even on the day of celebration and 
happiness a Muslim can never forget Allah Azza Wajal. A Muslim does not 
remember Allah only on auspicious days or nights. Allah has to be in our hearts 
and minds perpetually, during times of sadness and happiness, during difficulty 
and ease. The Eid Salaah teaches us that the spirit and training during the 
month of Ramadhaan must not be wasted after the great month ends, by indulging 
in sin. Although the warmth and barakah of Ramadhaan has left us we should 
remain strong the steadfast against Shaitaan.

  The Quran gives the example of a foolish woman in Makkah who used to spin 
cotton during the day and then undo all her effort at night. And be not like 
her who undoes the thread which she has spun after it has become strong. 
(Surah Nahal, Verse 92)

  If during Ramadhaan Salaah was performed punctually, why should Salaah be 
discarded after Ramadhaan is over? 
  If in Ramadhaan the television was switched off , why should it be switched 
on after Eid? 
  If sinful places were avoided during Ramadhaan why should they be frequented 
after Ramadhaan? 
  If during Ramadhaan the Quran was in our hands and on our tongues why should 
the Quran be returned to the shelf after Ramadhaan?
  May Allah keep us steadfast and may He grant us death on Imaan. Aameen. 

  Six Fasts in the Month of Shawwaal

  The Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: Whoever completes the fasts of 
Ramadhaan then adds to them the fast of six days in the month of Shawwaal, it 
will be like fasting for the whole year. (Sahih Muslim)

  This hadith describes the great reward of six extra fasts in the month of 
Shawwaal. These six fasts should preferably be kept immediately after the day 
of Eid. However, if they are kept later during the month it is hoped that the 
reward will still be achieved.
  Some scholars have given a beautiful explanation of this hadith. They mention 
that Allah says in the Quran : He that does good shall have ten times as much 
to his credit. (Surah An'aam, Verse 160) Thus, the 30 fasts of Ramadhaan will 
be equivalent in reward to 300 and the 6 extra fasts will be equivalent to 60. 
The combined reward will now be 360, which equals the number of days in the 
Islamic year.

  Mohamed (Imtiaz) Bhikoo
  e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cell 1:+27 84 290 0089
  cell 2:+27 82 739 1010
  fax 1: 086 512 7740 (SA only)

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Appeal for Funds.

2007-10-04 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Gentlemen !


It may be news for you that non-sectarian mosques and teaching centers are 
gaining popularity in Pakistan. I know of a mosque in Lahore constructed only a 
few years ago fall short of space for the people attracted to it and need 
immediate extension for which management of the mosque need funds to the tune 
of Rupees 7 millions. They have  invited contribution from God-Loving people of 
the Muslim world. Those interested to contribute may remit funds to Account No. 
2538-7 of Allied Bank of Pakistan,

Branch No. 0537, Lahore, Pakistan. (Swift code ABPABKKA979 or HABBGB2L)


Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

Student of Quran

Lahore cell +923214021162

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Stories regarding the Quraan - from MAW

2007-09-27 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Please let me add:
We are Muslim to the extent we live by Quran and Kafar to the extent we neglect 

One can live by Quran only when he knows what is written in Quran. Let me give 
you a glimpse of  




Quran presents

A living and Lasting God (2:256)

The Lord of all creation (1:2)

He Gracious, the Merciful (1:3)

The Almighty (29:43)

All-hearing, all-knowing (5:77)

The Wise (34:2)

The Forgiving (34:3)

The Bountiful (27:41)

The Loving (11:91)

The Creator, the Maker (59:25)

The high, the Great (2:256)

The Holy (10:69)

The Lord of all praise, Owner of all glory (31:13)

The One, the Supreme (39:5)

Who is free from all wants (64:7)?

Begets none and is begotten by no one, and

has none as His equal (112:4-5)

Who guides men 10:36, 33:5)?

Hear prayers (2:187)

Speaks to such of them as fulfil His covenant (3:77 42:52)

Punishes the transgressors (48:18)

Reward those who do good (6:84)

Love those who do good (2:196)

He has created all men from the same stock (4:2)

He has divided them into different groups so that they may know one another, 
and that

the best among them is he who best perform his duty (49:14)

Our attitude towards Him has to be that of complete submission (3:20)


He has given us detailed instructions as to 

  How we should treat our parents (17:24-25)

  Our near and dear, neighbours, orphans and the downtrodden (4:37)

  Our Wives (2:188,4:20)

  Our Children (6:153)

  Our Widows (4:20)

  Our enemies (5:9)

  Our companions (24:61, 58:12)

He tells us:

  To be truthful (9:120)

  To shun lies (22:31)

  Not to commit adultery (17:33)

  Not to commit theft (5:39)

  Not to commit Murder (6:152)

  Not to commit breach of trust (8:28)

  Not to be dishonest (8:59)

  To keep away from all that is vain (23:3)

  To fulfil our covenants (5:2)

  To strive for increased knowledge (20:115)

  To do justice (4:59)

  To be benevolent (16:91)

  To be steadfast (3:201)

  To be thankful (39:67)

  To admonish others to do good (16:126)

  Not to preach that we do not practice (61:3)

  Not to be haughty and vainglorious (4:37)

  To be neither miserly nor spendthrift (17:30)

  To be humble (25:64)

  To speak kindly (2:84)

  To suppress our rage and forgive people (3:135)

  To repay evil with good (13:23)

  To be united (3:103)

  To do not backbite (103:2)

  To spend wealth for the cause of Allah (2:262)

  To spend wealth for the poor and needy (2:272)

  Not to ridicule one another or call names (49:12)

  To fear none but Allah (2:41)

  To eat pure things (2:169)

  To remain clean (2:223  74:6)


He further says:


All your deeds, even if they are as minor as an iota, must visit on you (99:8-9)

That all that is on the earth carries the seed of destruction (55:27)

That the haven and earth have not been created in vain (38:28)

That just as He started the cycle of creation so shall He reverse it (21:104)

He, who created you the first time, will again raise you to life (17:52  19:67)

The fact that you cannot conquer death shows that there is a purpose in it 
(56:88) etc. etc.


Let others explore more this effect. More we know, better we are..


 Please do not read to contradict and refute,
nor to believe and take it for granted,
but to weigh and consider.
Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Humble student of Quran

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mohamed (Imtiaz) Bhikoo@svm.wol.net.pk 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 10:20 AM
  Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Stories regarding the Quraan - from MAW

  Bismillahir Rahmaan Nir Rahim
  Monday - 12 Ramadhaan 1428 / 24 September 2007

  Stories regarding the Quraan

  How to recite the Quraan

  The Quraan should be recited with respect and sincere devotion.

  It is narrated that before reciting the Quran Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahal Radhi 
Allahu Anhu used to say : This is the word of my Lord! He would then fall 
down unconscious. (Faidhul Qadeer)

  How much of Quraan do the pious recite

  History has preserved the biographies of our great Ulama so that we could 
derive motivation from their great feats.

  Imam Shaafi Rahimahullah used to complete a recitation of the entire Quraan 
every night. In Ramdhaan he used to complete one recitation of the entire 
Quraan during the day and one during the night. In this way he would complete 
sixty recitations of the Quraan. This was excluding the Quraan he would recite 
in Salaah. Abu Bakr Ibn Haddaad Rahimahullah mentions that he too would try to 
exert himself in reciting Quraan but the most he could manage was fifty nine 
completions of the Quraan. (Tabaqaat Ash-Shaafieeyaah Al

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why do we lack character

2007-09-21 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Respected  Scholars
My question is why do we lack character when we have with us a forceful  
mechanism of social control to ward off evil.  We often recite  Prayer Keeps 
us away from Indecency and Evil. I add to it a few more verses from the book of 
Allah saying:

1.Worship Allah (2:21)  so that you may ward off evil.تقون  لعلكم

2.Uphold strongly what has been given and remember its contents (2:63, 

 so that you  may ward off evil.تقون  لعلكم

3.Observe Law of equivalence (2:179)   so that you ward off evil.تقون  لعلكم

4.Fast during Ramadan (3:183)so that you  may ward off evil.تقون  لعلكم

5.Do not touch the orphans’ money except in the most righteous manner, 
until they reach maturity.Give full weight and full measure when you trade, 
equitably.Be absolutely just when you bear witness, even against your 
relatives..Fulfill your covenant with God. ( 6:152-153) so that you may 
ward off evil. (تتقون  لعلكم ) laAAallakum tattaqoona

The question is do we ever keep this objective in mind when offering Salat or 
perfoming other functions?  My observation is NO, NEVER, NOT AT ALL.

There is not a word to this effect in he liturgy of  our saum-o-salat and frame 
work of other rituals.  I have yet to see a supplication attached to any form 
of worship seeking abstention from indecency and evil. We only seek forgiveness 
for the crimes  we  commit.  How then we expect to develop the quality of 
escaping indecency and evil when we neither wish nor intend and never pray for 
it.? The result is we are all good save lack of moral character.

Who has distracted us from the right path? and when shall we revert? Please do 

 Please do not read to contradict and refute,
nor to believe and take it for granted,
but to weigh and consider.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Student of Quran

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 70 Matters Related to Fasting

2007-09-13 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Allah want us to abstain from eating, drinking and fondling from dawn to dusk 
and this is the whole of this exercise aimed at empowering us to fight against 
evil.  Rest is a literary work based on imaginations

 Please do not read to contradict and refute,
nor to believe and take it for granted,
but to weigh and consider.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Student of Quran
  - Original Message - 
  From: UmmahNet .com@mailgateway.wol.net.pk 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 10:09 PM
  Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 70 Matters Related to Fasting

  In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious The Most Merciful 

  Al-Siyaam ( 70 Matters Related to Fasting)
by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid 

1.. Introduction 
2.. Definition of Siyaam (fasting) 
3.. Ruling on fasting 
4.. The virtues of fasting 
5.. The benefits of fasting 
6.. Etiquette and Sunnah of fasting 
7.. What should be done during this great month 
8.. Some of the ahkaam (rulings) on fasting 
9.. How the onset of Ramadaan is determined 
10.. Who is obliged to fast? 
11.. Travellers 
12.. The sick 
13.. The elderly 
14.. Niyyah (intention) in fasting 
15.. When to start and stop fasting 
16.. Things that break the fast 
17.. Rulings on fasting for women

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Al-Riba

2007-08-29 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Respected Scholars!


Salamun Alaikum


May I know which form of Riba is Haram?


Riba in Arabic literally means increase, gain or profit. 

No where in Quran Riba is prohibited.


Quran however prohibits Al-Riba (2:275). This is a proper noun pointing out to 
something not ordinary.


To know the pertinence/context  of the term Al-Riba. We may examine a couple of 
verses adjoining the verse prohibiting Al-Riba.


Reading verse 2:272 to 2:280 we find that the issue discussed in these verses 
is, helping the poor deserving charity.


Explaining how to help a poor, Allah says   help them by way of charity and if 
you cannot help them by charity, then give them loan and charge no usury. Such 
people may not be able to pay back the loan in time. If so, give them more time 
or remit the loan as charity. Now this is the discourse that surrounds the word 
Al-Riba. The debtor  being discussed here is  the poor deserving charity. Study 
of these verses (2/272-280) tells us of the circumstances under which making 
money is prohibited?


Amazingly, every where in Qur'an, Al-Riba is contrasted with Charity. This 
obviously means that Al-Riba is haram where charity is called for. 


Amazingly again, the Qur'an nowhere condemns the giver of usury. This is 
perhaps the givers of usury are the poor exploited  to accept loans with usury. 
 All these facts put together are sufficient to prove that Qur'an prohibits 
charging  of interest from the poor deserving charity.


An increase, gain or profit on commercial loans aimed at inflating resources 
does not fall in the purview of Al-Riba prohibited in Qur'an..


I may not be all correct but what sounds obvious deserve careful consideration. 
I would be obliged for guidance.


Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

Student of Qur'an

Cell 0321 402 1162 Phone 042-6852486




The verses quoted  are appended below for ready reference.


[2:272] You are not responsible for guiding anyone. GOD is the only one who 
guides whoever chooses (to be guided). Any charity you give is for your own 
good. Any charity you give shall be for the sake of GOD. Any charity you give 
will be repaid to you, without the least injustice. 

[2:273] Charity shall go to the poor who are suffering in the cause of GOD, and 
cannot emigrate. The unaware may think that they are rich, due to their 
dignity. But you can recognize them by certain signs; they never beg from the 
people persistently. Whatever charity you give, GOD is fully aware thereof. 

[2:274] Those who give to charity night and day, secr! etly and publicly, 
receive their recompense from their Lord; they will have nothing to fear, nor 
will they grieve. 

[2:275] Those who charge usury are in the same position as those controlled by 
the devil's influence. This is because they claim that usury is the same as 
commerce. However, GOD permits commerce, and prohibits usury. Thus, whoever 
heeds this commandment from his Lord, and refrains from usury, he may keep his 
past earnings, and his judgment rests with GOD. As for those who persist in 
usury, they incur Hell, wherein they abide forever. 

[2:276] GOD condemns usury, and blesses charities. GOD dislikes every 
disbeliever, guilty. 

[2:277] Those who believe and lead a righteous life, and observe the Contact 
Prayers (Salat), ! and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), they receive their 
recompense from their Lord; they will have nothing to fear, nor will they 

[2:278] O you who believe, you shall observe GOD and refrain from all kinds of 
usury, if you are believers. 

[2:279] If you do not, then expect a war from GOD and His messenger. But if you 
repent, you may keep your capitals, without inflicting injustice, or incurring 

[2:280] If the debtor is unable to pay, wait for a better time. If you give up 
the loan as a charity, it would be better for you, if you only knew


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Riba free package for the needy ones.

2007-03-23 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Dear brothers in the forum.

Let us exchange views on a very sensitive issue.
The term Riba is said to mean interest on money lent to others. Lending of 
money can broadly fall into two categories. One is for philanthropic purposes 
and the other is for commercial use. 

Fixed or loose percentage of interest is not mentioned in Quran. Lending, 
borrowing, leasing and hiring are the inevitable necessities of business. 
Fairness in business is the only requirement of Quran. To ensure justice and 
equity in business the Society may make Rules for commercial loans and other 
business deals without jeopardizing, however, the sanctity of Riba free plan 
introduced by Allah the Almighty, for the benefit of his people not belonging 
to the business community. 

People were under the illusion that Riba is like profit in trading (2:275) 
Allah clarified; No, you are mistaken. They are different, I permit trade and 
prohibit Riba (2:275) keep your past earnings and stop charging the interest 
from now onward (2:275) and also if the debtor is unable to pay, wait for a 
better time. If you give up the loan as a charity, it would be better for you, 
(2:280) Please take notice of the debtor being spoken of here. The fact that 
disapproval of Riba where ever it occurs has been mentioned in the context of 
Charity which shows that Allah want us to promote charity by introducing a plan 
of interest free loan for the people who are in need of help on affordable 
terms. Lending of money to such people shall be free of interest without 
invoking the philosophies of fixed, minimal or dependent percentages of 
interest. This according to Quran is obligatory and who ever refrain from it is 
the companion of Fire. 

Looking into the subject of spending money in the way of Allah, the word Riba 
is interwoven in 11 verses of Sura Baqarah (271 to 281), relating to Charity 
alone. This definitely is not a coincidence that as many as 11 verses on one 
subject are put together. A careful study of these verses indicate that Allah 
the Almighty intends to advance charity and allow trading but is not pleased 
with making money at the constraints of needy ones. This gives me a feeling 
that prohibition of interest is not a general application. It applies to the 
cases where help on charitable basis is called for. This introduces in the 
economic system and package of interest free loan for the poor ones.

Will the learned members please comment?
May Allah guide us to the right path.
Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What is written in Quran.

2007-03-20 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Thank you Mr. Shariq.
May Allah bless you and your family with peace and plenty here and hereafter.

Muhammad Latif Caudhery
  - Original Message - 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 12:46 PM
  Subject: Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What is written in Quran.

  Thanks for your such a nice article. May Allah guide all the Muslims, as a 
mammoth majority differ on your last most pertinent question? 
  What else do we need to live by Quran?
  Chaudhery Saheb, you are not the first person to put up this question, even 
Allah is waiting till this day to get a pragmatic reply from vast majority of 
Muslims to this question. 077.050 : Then in what Message, after this (Quran), 
will they believe? 
  Unlike me  perhaps you, Allah knew the answer; 017:046 :. when you 
mention  thy Lord and Him alone in the Qur'an, they turn on their backs, and 
run away from the truth. Not only belief in one GOD but simultaneously Muslims 
have to overpower the human tendency on associating other sources and partners 
besides GOD, as the Quran elaborate on this psychological aspect too; 039.045 : 
When Allah, the One and Only, is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe 
not in the Hereafter are filled with disgust and horror; but when other than He 
are mentioned, behold, they are filled with joy!

  Muhammad Latif Chaudhery@yahoo.com wrote:
Quran presents
A living and Lasting God (2:256)
The Lord of all creation (1:2)
He Gracious, the Merciful (1:3)
The Almighty (29:43)
All-hearing, all-knowing (5:77)
The Wise (34:2)
The Forgiving (34:3)
The Bountiful (27:41)
The Loving (11:91)
The Creator, the Maker (59:25)
The high, the Great (2:256)
The Holy (10:69)
The Lord of all praise, Owner of all glory (31:13)
The One, the Supreme (39:5)
Who is free from all wants (64:7)?
Begets none and is begotten by no one, and
has none as His equal (112:4-5)
Who guides men 10:36, 33:5)?
Hear prayers (2:187)
Speaks to such of them as fulfil His covenant (3:77 42:52)
Punishes the transgressors (48:18)
Reward those who do good (6:84)
Love those who do good (2:196)
He has created all men from the same stock (4:2)
He has divided them into different groups so that they may know one 
another, and that
the best among them is he who best perform his duty (49:14)
Our attitude towards Him has to be that of complete submission (3:20)
He has given us detailed instructions as to 
How we should treat our parents (17:24-25)
Our near and dear, neighbours, orphans and the downtrodden (4:37)
Our Wives (2:188,4:20)
Our Children (6:153)
Our Widows (4:20)
Our enemies (5:9)
Our companions (24:61, 58:12)
He tells us:
To be truthful (9:120)
To shun lies (22:31)
Not to commit adultery (17:33)
Not to commit theft (5:39)
Not to commit Murder (6:152)
Not to commit breach of trust (8:28)
Not to be dishonest (8:59)
To keep away from all that is vain (23:3)
To fulfil our covenants (5:2)
To strive for increased knowledge (20:115)
To do justice (4:59)
To be benevolent (16:91)
To be steadfast (3:201)
To be thankful (39:67)
To admonish others to do good (16:126)
Not to preach that we do not practice (61:3)
Not to be haughty and vainglorious (4:37)
To be neither miserly nor spendthrift (17:30)
To be humble (25:64)
To speak kindly (2:84)
To suppress our rage and forgive people (3:135)
To repay evil with good (13:23)
To be united (3:103)
To do not backbite (103:2)
To spend wealth for the cause of Allah (2:262)
To spend wealth for the poor and needy (2:272)
Not to ridicule one another or call names (49:12)
To fear none but Allah (2:41)
To eat pure things (2:169)
To remain clean (2:223  74:6)
He further says:
All your deeds, even if they are as minor as an iota, must visit on you 
That all that is on the earth carries the seed of destruction (55:27)
That the haven and earth have not been created in vain (38:28)
That just as He started the cycle of creation so shall He reverse it 
He, who created you the first time, will again raise you to life (17:52  
The fact that you cannot conquer death shows that there is a purpose in it 
(56:88) etc. etc.
What else do we need to live by Quran?
Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What is written in Quran.

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery



Quran presents

A living and Lasting God (2:256)

The Lord of all creation (1:2)

He Gracious, the Merciful (1:3)

The Almighty (29:43)

All-hearing, all-knowing (5:77)

The Wise (34:2)

The Forgiving (34:3)

The Bountiful (27:41)

The Loving (11:91)

The Creator, the Maker (59:25)

The high, the Great (2:256)

The Holy (10:69)

The Lord of all praise, Owner of all glory (31:13)

The One, the Supreme (39:5)

Who is free from all wants (64:7)?

Begets none and is begotten by no one, and

has none as His equal (112:4-5)

Who guides men 10:36, 33:5)?

Hear prayers (2:187)

Speaks to such of them as fulfil His covenant (3:77 42:52)

Punishes the transgressors (48:18)

Reward those who do good (6:84)

Love those who do good (2:196)

He has created all men from the same stock (4:2)

He has divided them into different groups so that they may know one another, 
and that

the best among them is he who best perform his duty (49:14)

Our attitude towards Him has to be that of complete submission (3:20)

He has given us detailed instructions as to 

How we should treat our parents (17:24-25)

Our near and dear, neighbours, orphans and the downtrodden (4:37)

Our Wives (2:188,4:20)

Our Children (6:153)

Our Widows (4:20)

Our enemies (5:9)

Our companions (24:61, 58:12)

He tells us:

To be truthful (9:120)

To shun lies (22:31)

Not to commit adultery (17:33)

Not to commit theft (5:39)

Not to commit Murder (6:152)

Not to commit breach of trust (8:28)

Not to be dishonest (8:59)

To keep away from all that is vain (23:3)

To fulfil our covenants (5:2)

To strive for increased knowledge (20:115)

To do justice (4:59)

To be benevolent (16:91)

To be steadfast (3:201)

To be thankful (39:67)

To admonish others to do good (16:126)

Not to preach that we do not practice (61:3)

Not to be haughty and vainglorious (4:37)

To be neither miserly nor spendthrift (17:30)

To be humble (25:64)

To speak kindly (2:84)

To suppress our rage and forgive people (3:135)

To repay evil with good (13:23)

To be united (3:103)

To do not backbite (103:2)

To spend wealth for the cause of Allah (2:262)

To spend wealth for the poor and needy (2:272)

Not to ridicule one another or call names (49:12)

To fear none but Allah (2:41)

To eat pure things (2:169)

To remain clean (2:223  74:6)

He further says:

All your deeds, even if they are as minor as an iota, must visit on you (99:8-9)

That all that is on the earth carries the seed of destruction (55:27)

That the haven and earth have not been created in vain (38:28)

That just as He started the cycle of creation so shall He reverse it (21:104)

He, who created you the first time, will again raise you to life (17:52  19:67)

The fact that you cannot conquer death shows that there is a purpose in it 
(56:88) etc. etc.

What else do we need to live by Quran?

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Marriages

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Marriages in Indo-Pak are unaffordable.

With fabulous Mahr, pompous Jahaiz, exuberant warri/barri, processions of 
barat, feasts of waleema, band- baja, tale mehnd and many other customs, the 
marriages have become almost unaffordable. Unless our scholars, social 
reformers, religious practitioners , human right activists think of a viable 
alternative, the coming generation will resort to western style of sexual 
satisfaction and we will have no alternative but to compromise.

The only essentials of Muslim marriage are the public acceptance of each other 
and payment of Mahr by the bridegroom according to his means to defray marriage 
expenses. Tale/mehndi, Jahaiz and Bari have no traces in Islam. The marriage of 
Hadrat Ali® is illustrious of Islamic way of marriage. ( No tale mehndi, No 
Jahaiz, No barri, No barat . The exalted prophet married his daughter to his 
cousin and separated them with a few items of daily use)

The concept of Barat was added to it for security and transportation of 
valuables comprising Jahaiz and barri carried to places far apart.and waleema 
was introduced to make public the event of marriage. Barat no more serve this 
purpose as after the feast no one except father of the bride groom is present 
on the scene and for public announcement the marriage can take place in a 
mosque or a video should be enough. Waleema today is political concert for 
politician and a business meeting for the entrepreneurs. Poor man is ruined for 
what? Instead of barring dishes we better revert to the Islamic way of marriage 
and cut short to Nikah in a mosque.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Cultural actitivies in Islam

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
We are often questioned about fiestas in Islam.The problem is that a lot of 
utilities necessitated by geographical conditions have been Islamized to an 
extent that any one speaking against them is declared Kafar. Take the example 
of Lota. For scarcity of water in Arbia, they invented a utensil (lota) with a 
small outlet to restrict flow of water. We in India had plenty of water. We 
preferred Gadvi (a utensil with wide outlet ) and found it more convenient. 
These two utensils had nothing to do with the religion but you probably know it 
very well that Gadvi became the symbol of Hinduism and Lota was co-opted by 
Muslims. Maulvi Sahib of my Masjid is still adamant that Taharat without lota 
is not valid. 

Miswak to me is a fine combination of brush and cleansing fluid. The purpose is 
to clean teeth but it certainly is not hygienic to use one miswak by dozens of 
persons and then using it for plugging in the leaking water taps on the wadu 
pad. This we see in almost every mosque. Is it a sin to improve upon these 

As for beard (Personally I have beard) Quran has not said a word about it. 
Hadith does not enjoin upon Muslims to grow beard. On the contrary it speaks of 
trimming and proper maintenance of beard for those who happen to grow beard. 

Dress code is precisely defined in Quran leaving no room for anyone ridiculing 
others. I know a great scholar of Islam decreed that wearing Kurta of lawn is 
haram. I wish he spent a hot season in Multan, Pakistan. 

Hindus had too many Festivals. Muslim parents didn't want to let their children 
have an impression that Hindu Religion is more floricultural than Islam. That 
was the reason they created as many rituals as other religions had. Many of 
such rituals, though not vouched by Islam are not against Islam either. 

To my understanding Islam did not interfere with the cultural heritage of Arabs 
except changing their direction from Multi-gods to One God and is not, 
therefore, expected to take away from me the attraction of my culture as an 
Indo/Pak Muslim. 

In India, Hindu celebrated birthday to gauge physical development of a Child. 
For this purpose a thread named Taraghi was loosely tied across belly of the 
child. With this thread chest of the child was measured on each birthday in 
presence of the family and measurement was marked with a knot on the thread. 
The celebration was thus named Saal-Girah ( Annual Knot ). Muslim in Pakistan 
do celebrate Saal-Girah by marking number of years lived with candles in a 
joyful gathering of the family. 

I have not heard of any superstitious notion attached to. 

Death rites like Kull, So-aim, Chehlum are considered riligious rites. I am not 
aware of religious preachings relating to these rituals but I do know that in 
agrarian lands where cattle and crops are equally important and farmer can not 
skip looking after their herds and corps for many days, our ancestors decided 
to burry immediately the dead one by close neighbours, and fixed a day ( 
usually the third day) for mourning by other relatives. Fortieth day after the 
death was fixed for elders of the family to get together to decide the issues 
pursuant to death of a person. This included meal for the elders and a 
concluding Du'a on settlement of issues confronting the bereaved family.The 
purpose of these rites is now completely lost. Only the feast and du'a for the 
dead one is left.. 

Allah knows better. 

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Social Living

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
 to become the bearers of graceful manners, then why nickname 
each other

20. Envy.

(4:54) Do not envy mankind for what Allah has given them of His bounty.

21. Jesting.

Do not laugh at others: (49:11) O you who believe! Let not one party among you 
laugh at others, may be they are better than those of your lot; nor let some 
women laugh at others, it may be that the latter are better than the former. 
Neither men nor women should do it.

22. Public exposure of others.

Unless you have been subjected to an excess, do not publicly expose others. 
(4:148) Allah loveth not that evil should be made public, except when 
injustice has been done to somebody.

23. Mistrust.

Avoid suspicion and mistrust. (49:12)

O you who believe! Avoid suspicion as far as possible; because some suspicion 
becomes sin.

When differences arise between you, some evil-mongers taking advantage of it, 
begin to create suspicion among you. Be careful about it. Always have a 
favourable opinion about others and avoid suspicion; some suspicions reach the 
degree of crime and sin.

24. Ridiculing of Divine System.

Deen (the Divine System) is a very important as well as sensitive matter. Those 
who do not take it seriously forsake their company: (4:140) Friendly relations 
with the non-believers aside, Allah has ordained in the Book that when you hear 
the signs of Allah (verses of the Quran) held in defiance and ridicule you are 
not to sit in their company, unless they stop doing this and turn to a 
different subject. If you join them in such a congregation you would become the 
like of them, although there is nothing common between them and you.

Forsake the company of such people. (6:70) Leave such people alone who, not to 
speak of the Divine System, do not give any importance to the Divine code of 
their own life which they have adopted and consider it as mere play and 

25. Crooked reasoning.

Do not indulge in absurd reasoning. Present your case with clear arguments, 
reasons, wisdom and exhortation. (16:125) Invite people to the way of your 
Sustainer with wisdom and exhortation; talk to them in an elegant manner, 
keeping before yourselves the aims and objects of the Divine Laws and of the 
moral values.

26. Anger (Rage).

Do not get into fits of extreme anger (3:133) to control oneself when enraged 
has been described by the Holy Quran as a virtue of the believers.

27. Forgiveness.

If anybody acts wrongfully in ignorance but regrets afterwards, if you think 
that if forgiven he shall mend himself, forgive him. Allah in most forgiving 
and merciful. (6:54)

28. Self-Correction (Mending one's ways).

a) You should try correcting others, but give preference to your own 
correction. The Jews were admonished:(2:44) Do you enjoin right conduct on 
others and forget to practise it yourselves

b) Your own correction includes correction of your own families as well. (66:6) 
O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from the fire (of hell).

29. Do not bully people with your virtues.

Do not try to impress and bully people on account of self-proclaimed virtues.

Do not ascribe purity to yourselves. (53:32) Do not keep calling yourself 
virtuous. He only knows best who it is who guards against evil.

Incompatibility of words and thought (something in the mind and another thing 
on the tongue), is the worst habit. The state of hypocrites is described as 
follows: (3:167) They say with their mouths what is not in their hearts. 

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery 

Lahore, Pakistan

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Action alone make sense.

2007-03-18 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Dear brothers in faith!


Admiring your efforts in spreading the teachings of Islam, an old man has a 
little reminder for you


Please remember that Islamâ?Ts being superior can only be useful to us when we 
ourselves attain superiority by acting in accordance with it; leading a life of 
disgrace and objection, and remaining puffed up on the superiority of Islam is 
nothing but a stupidity.

It is true that action should spring from the soil of awareness but the 
awareness that does not transform into action is usually of no avail. An 0unce 
of action is said to be worth a ton of theory.

People want us to shoot the way we shout. The road to success passes through 
the world of action and the shortest answer is doing. We must understand that 
preaching point is not a meeting point. A talk that does not end in any kind of 
action is of no value. After that we have debated so much, let each of us now 
demonstrate Islam by implementing Islamic Laws in the state of his own self.

Only that person can present Islam to the world who is, not only in the company 
of his friends but also in the big crowd of his foes, able to project his life 
in proof of his truthfulness and then no one dare to oppose him. This is the 
only right mechanism for bringing people close to Islam.

May Allah show us the right path.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery


2007-01-04 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Dear  Saba Khan
I am sorry to intervene but your exposition needs a bit of reconsideration. 
Hadrat Ibraheem (pbuh) was never ordered to slaughter his Son. It was Allah's 
plan to ban slaughtering of human beings in vouge. Thanks to Ibraheem (pbuh) at 
whose hand the slaughtering of human beings in the name of God came to an end.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

  - Original Message - 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:23 PM
  Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] EID MESSAGE FROM MUFTI EBRAHIM DESAI


  It is the grace of Almighty Allah Ta'ala that He
  granted us life to witness another Eid. For that we
  make shukr to Allah. The occasion of Eid ul Adha
  reminds us of the great personality of Ibraheem alayhi
  salaam and his submissions to the orders of Allah.

  Allah says,  and remember when Allah tested Ibraheem
  alayhi salaam and Ibraheem alayhi salaam fulfilled all
  the orders of Allah. It was this submission and
  subjugation of Ibraheem alayhi salaam that is
  remembered on the day of Eid ul Adhaa. 

  Ibraheem alayhi salaam did not have a child until old
  age. Allah granted him Isma'eel alayhi salaam. The
  intense love of Ibraheem alayhi salaam for Isma'eel
  alayhi salaam cannot be really comprehended by us.
  Ibraheem alayhi salaam was ordered to sacrifice his
  beloved son. 

  That is naturally a very difficult order to carry out,
  but Ibraheem alayhi salaam still submitted without any
  reservations. It is this spirit of his submission and
  subjugation that is so loved by Allah that year in,
  year out Ibraheem alayhi salaam's submission to the
  order of Allah is celebrated and spoken about.

  On this occasion we should reflect on ourselves. And
  examine ourselves and examine our level of submission
  to the orders of Allah. While we sacrifice the animal
  and the blood gushes out, ponder upon the virtue of
  that animal. It is used for an act of great worship.
  It has become useful for mankind. Can I at least match
  the animal in its sacrifice?

  In this time and age of Islamic history, the ummah
  faces the greatest challenge of submission to Allah
  against many pressures.

  Our submission to Allah dictates that we make
  sacrifice and be steadfast on Deen. Do not succumb to
  different pressures and compromise your Deen.

  Ibraheem alayhi salaam submitted against all odds. We
  too should follow the footsteps of Ibraheem alayhi
  salaam and submit to the order of Allah against any
  odd we may be faced with, be it as a husband, as a
  father, as a wife, as a mother, as a relative, as a
  friend or as a devout Muslim; against such laws and
  pressures that are against Islam and Shariah. 

  We live as Muslims and die as Muslims. The reward from
  Allah is based on sacrifice.

  The askimam.org site will resume on January 15th 2007

  Mufti Ebrahim Desai
  December 28th, 2006


  1. When the world was in darkness of inhumanity, Allah
  Taala gave knowledge and guidance to Rasulullah
  (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). 
  2. The guidance through that Divine knowledge had
  changed the mindset of people and transformed the evil
  practices of people to the highest morals. 
  3. Education and knowledge of Divine guidance is the
  backbone and foundation of reformation, prosperity and
  4. Islam provides guidance and solution for every
  aspect of life. Ignorance of such knowledge leads one
  to look down upon Islam and suffer an inferiority
  5. When one studies Islam, the Quran and Hadith, then
  only one will value the in-depth wisdom in such
  6. Muslims are generally ignorant about Islam and that
  is the fundamental cause of our decline and
  7. We have to educate ourselves on Islam and rise to
  the challenges of the times and once again prove
  ourselves as a dynamic Ummah. For that sacrifice, take
  out time to study Islam from reliable Ulama and
  8. If you cannot make your son an Aalim of Deen then
  encourage others to become Huffaz and Ulama. You will
  get the reward of the person studying and guiding
  people through his knowledge. 
  9. If that too is difficult, at least help and assist
  a person who wishes to study Deen. 
  10.Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, When
  a person passes away all his deeds terminate except
  three, Sadaqah e Jaariyya (perpetual reward), pious
  child that makes Dua for the parents and knowledge
  through which others benefit. 

  INSTITUTE- www.alinaam.org.za 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Riba - Interest.

2006-11-23 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
As a student of Quran I Perceive that the term Riba is INTEREST on money lent 
to others.

Lending of money can broadly fall into two categories. One is for helping a 
needy one and the other is to augment resources and increase productivity.

Lending, borrowing, leasing and hiring are inevitable necessities of business. 
To ensure justice and equity in business the Society may make rules for 
commercial loans but it cannot undermine the sanctity of Riba-free plan of loan 
introduced by Allah, for survival of the people deserving charity. 

People were under the illusion that Riba is an earning like profit in trading 
(2:275) and that they can avail themselves of it under all circumstances. Allah 
said No these are different, I permit trade and prohibit Riba (2:275) keep your 
past earnings and stop charging the interest from now onward (2:275) and also 
if the debtor is unable to pay, wait for a better time. It would be still 
better If you give up the loan by way of charity, (2:280)   The debtor spoken 
of here is obviously a man of limited means who may not be able to pay off the 
loan and not an entrepreneur. 

Looking into the subject of spending money in the way of Allah we find that the 
word Riba is interwoven in 11 verses of Sura Baqarah (271 to 281). This 
definitely is not a coincidence that as many as 11 verses on one subject are 
put together.  As also encapsulating the word riba in these verses is not 
without purpose.

A careful study of these verses indicate that Allah the Almighty has allowed 
gain in trading but is not pleased with making money at the constraints of 
people deserving charity. This gives me a feeling that prohibition of interest 
is specific.  It applies to the cases where help on charitable basis is called 
for and Allah want us to keep open an alternate door of charity by including in 
our economic system a package of interest-free loan for the those who need our 
help for their survival. 

Lending of money to such people shall be a matter of benevolence; It shall be 
free of interest without the question of inflation and devaluation. This 
according to Quran is obligatory and who ever refrain from it is the companion 
of Fire. 

Question is: Refrain from what? (1) lending on interest under all circumstances 
 or (2) refusing to give loan without interest to needy ones.  The second 
situation in my opinion is closing upon those the doors of help about whom 
Allah says:

(a) Help them with loan and charge no interest (Riba)
(b) Do not press them for return of loan.
(c) Give up the amount of loan by way of charity if they are not able to pay 

Surly Allah is not talking about traders, industrialists, enterprisers and 

Looking into the aforementioned verses of Quran  I am of the firm opinion that 
Allah wants us to make a provision in our budget at all levels for giving 
charity or interest-free loan to needy ones without the consideration of gain, 
loss, depreciation, inflation or devaluation. Rest is business and a man is 
free to exchange money on mutually agreed terms. 

Allah knows better.
Muhammad Latif Chandhery
Senior citizen
18/2 Shalimar Town Lahore
Contact. 0321 402 1162

- Original Message - 
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 12:55 AM
Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] RibA(interest ,usury)

  Riba (interest, usury) is primarily an economic issue in view of the fact 
that all religions and mythologies have prohibited, restricted, discouraged, 
disliked, or degraded Riba in one way or the other since the inception of human 
interaction. All three major revealed (Ilhami) religions i.e., Islam, 
Christianity, and Judaism have strongly condemned and prohibited Riba in its 
original versions. Later, the clerics of Jews and Christian Church abandoned 
the prohibition of Riba (interest, usury) that led the mankind into the 
economic anarchy of the present era.

  Islam - the most modern revealed religion is still upholding the righteous 
prohibition of Riba although not in practice in any of the Islamic country at 
governmental level but there is immense enthusiasm for Riba-Free financial 
system in Muslims. The western economists have discussed the issue at large in 
the twentieth century and many of them are also of the view that the religious 
prohibition should be brought back into the conscious of the people.

  As long as Riba prohibition was enforced with religious zeal, people were 
prosperous and the wealth distribution was not abnormal as it is today, and 
obviously there was not much debate on the subject but since the Riba was made 
legal by Judo-Christian amendments in the divine law - its destructive fallouts 
earthed at large. The debate started on Riba for its literal interpretation to 
economic implications.

  It is very unfortunate to observe that, in this debate, some misconception in 
Muslims led to a widely circulated explanation of Riba that divide Riba