Bismillah [IslamCity] Good Manners at Home

2009-01-13 Thread adil naveed
Good Manners at Home
Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid
Article ID: 767 | 38 Reads

Spreading kindness in the home

'Aa'ishah (RA) said: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

'When Allah (SWT) wills some good towards the people of a household, He 
introduces kindness among them.' (Reported by Imaam Ahmad in al-Musnad,6 /71; 
Saheeh al-Jaami',303 )

According to another report:

When Allah loves the people of a household, He introduces kindness among 
them. (Reported by Ibn Abi al-Dunya and others; Saheeh al-Jaami', no.1704 )

In other words, they start to be kind to one another. This is one of the means 
of attaining happiness in the home, for kindness is very beneficial between the 
spouses, and with the children, and brings results that cannot be achieved 
through harshness, as the Prophet (SAW) said:

Allah loves kindness and rewards it in such a way that He does not reward for 
harshness or for anything else. (Reported by Muslim, Kitaab al-Birr 
wa'l-Sillah wa'l-Aadaab, no.2592 )

Helping one's wife with the housework

Many men think that housework is beneath them, and some of them think that it 
will undermine their status and position if they help their wives with this 

The Messenger of Allah (SAW), however, used to sew his own clothes, mend his 
own shoes and do whatever other work men do in their homes. (Reported by Imaam 
Ahmad in al-Musnad,6 /121; Saheeh al-Jaami',4927 ).

This was said by his wife 'Aa'ishah (RA), when she was asked about what the 
Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to do in his house; her response described what 
she herself had seen. According to another report, she said:

He was like any other human being: he would clean his clothes, milk his ewe 
and serve himself. (Reported by Imaam Ahmad in al-Musnad,6 /256; al-Silsilat 
al-Saheehah,671 )

She (RA) was also asked about what the Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to do in 
his house, and she said,

He used to serve his family, then when the time for prayer came, he would go 
out to pray. (Reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath,2 /162).

If we were to do likewise nowadays, we would achieve three things:

* We would be following the example of the Prophet (SAW).

* We would be helping our wives.

* We would feel more humble, not arrogant.

Some men demand food instantly from their wives, when the pot is on the stove 
and the baby is screaming to be fed; they do not pick up the child or wait a 
little while for the food. Let these Hadith be a reminder and a lesson.

Being affectionate towards and joking with the members of the family

Showing affection towards one's wife and children is one of the things that 
lead to creating an atmosphere of happiness and friendliness in the home. Thus 
the Messenger of Allah (SAW) advised Jabir (RA) to marry a virgin, saying,

Why did you not marry a virgin, so you could play with her and she could play 
with you, and you could make her laugh and she could make you laugh? (The 
hadeeth is reported in a number of places in the Saheehayn, such as 
al-Bukhaari, al-Fath,9 /121)

The Prophet (SAW) also said:

Everything in which Allah's name is not mentioned is idleness and play, except 
for four things: a man playing with his wife. (Reported by al-Nisaa'i in 
'Ushrat al-Nisa', p.87 ; also in Saheeh al-Jaami')

The Prophet (SAW) used to treat his wife 'Aa'ishah (RA) affectionately when 
doing ghusl with her, as she (RA) said:

The Messenger of Allah and I used to do ghusl together from one vessel, and he 
would pretend to take all the water so that I would say, 'Leave some for me, 
leave some for me,' - and both of them were in a state of janaabah (impurity). 
(Muslim bi Sharh al-Nawawi,4 /6).

The ways in which the Prophet (SAW) showed affection towards young children are 
too famous to need mentioning. He often used to show his affection towards 
Hasan and Husayn, as mentioned above. This is probably one of the reason why 
the children used to rejoice when he came back from travelling; they would rush 
to welcome him, as reported in the saheeh hadith:

Whenever he came back from a journey, the children of his household would be 
taken out to meet him. He (SAW) used to hug them close to him, as 'Abd-Allah 
ibn Jafar (RA) said:

Whenever the Prophet (SAW) came back from a journey, we would be taken out to 
meet him. One day we met him, Hasan, Husayn and I. He carried one of us in 
front of him, and another on his back, until we entered Madeenah. (Saheeh 
Muslim,4 /1885-2772; see the commentary in Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi,8 /56).

Compare this with the situation in some miserable homes where there are no 
truthful jokes [i.e., jokes that do not involve lying], no affection and no 
mercy. Whoever thinks that kissing his children goes against the dignity of 
fatherhood should read the following hadeeth: from Abu Hurayrah (RA) who said:

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) kissed al-Hasan ibn 'Ali, and al-Aqra' ibn Haabis 
al-Tameemi was sitting with him. Al-Aqra' said: 'I have ten children and I have 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Good Manners

2007-05-20 Thread adil naveed





 Good Manners
 1.   Imam Maalik (R.A.) reports that it had been related 
to him that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi  Wasallam) said: I have been sent 
down by Allah to   evolve moral virtues to highest perfection.
  (This Tradition had been mentioned by Imam Maalik (R.A.), in the same 
  form as above, in Mowatta, without giving the name of the narrator, while 
Imam   Ahmad has related it on the authority of Abu Hurairah (R.A.) in his 
 Commentary: It tells  that moral reform and  development of 
good manners were among the chief objects of the Apostleship of the Holy 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and formed an important part of the 
sanctification set forth in the Quran as his special duty.
2.It   is related by Abdullah bin Amr(R.A.) that Rasulullah ( Sallallahu Alayhi 
 Wasallam) said: Nearest to me among you are those who have better   
manners.(Bukhari) Commentary:  
 In Hazrat Jabir's (R.A) account of the above Tradition, quoted in Tirmizi, it 
is   stated that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: On the Day of   
   Judgement, nearest to me, among you, will be those who display  the best 
of   manners. These   show how essential good 
morals and desirable manners are for gaining the   affection of the Holy 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his propinquity   on
 the Day of Resurrection.  


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[IslamCity] Good Manners

2006-06-02 Thread ***hajikhan***

Courtesy of  

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Holy quran



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[IslamCity] Good manners and good character:

2006-05-05 Thread s_m_rehman

Good manners and good character:

Islam is a beautiful religion, full of wisdom and harmony. If this wonderful religion is followed properly then a typical Muslim would only be a great example to follow.
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: "The Prophet never used bad language neither a 'Fahish nor a Mutafahish. He used to say 'The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his Companions, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 759)" 
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: "The Prophet never used bad language neither a "Fahish nor a Mutafahish. He used to say "The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 759)"
Narrated Masruq: "Abdullah bin 'Amr mentioned Allah's Apostle saying that he was neither a Fahish nor a Mutafahish. Abdullah bin 'Amr added, Allah's Apostle said, 'The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab), Volume 8, Book 73, Number 56)"
Narrated Masruq: "We were sitting with 'Abdullah bin 'Amr who was narrating to us (Hadith): He said, "Allah's Apostle was neither a Fahish nor a Mutafahhish, and he used to say, 'The best among you are the best in character (having good manners)."' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab), Volume 8, Book 73, Number 61)"
2- Repel evil with Good:

Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran commands us to return the evil that is done to us by others to not only with good, but with best!
The following Noble Verses and comments were sent to me by a Muslim brother; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him: 
Let us look at Noble Verse 13:22 "Those who patiently persevere, seeking the countenance of their Lord; establish regular prayers; spend out of (the gifts) We have bestowed for their sustenance, secretly and openly; and turn off evil with good: for such there is the final attainment of the (Eternal) Home."
Let us look at Noble Verse 23:96 "Repel evil with that which is best: We are Well-acquainted with the things they say."
Let us look at Noble Verse 41:34 "Nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel (evil) with that is better: Then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate!."
Let us look at Noble Verse 28:54 "Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, that they avert evil with good, and that they spend (in charity) out of what We have given them."
Let us look at Noble Verse 42:40 "The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah: for (Allah) Loveth not those who do wrong."
Whether people speak evil of you, in your presence or behind your back, or they do evil to you in either of those ways, all is known to Allah Almighty. It is not for you to punish. Your best course is not to do evil in your turn, but to do what will best repel the evil. Two evils do not make a good. 
You do not return good for evil, for there is no equality or comparison between the two. You repel or destroy evil with something which is far better, just as an antidote is better than poison. You foil hatred with love. You repel ignorance with knowledge, folly and wickedness with the friendly message of Revelation. The man who was in bondage of sin, you not only liberate from sin, but make him your greatest friend and helper in the cause of Allah Almighty!. Such is the alchemy of the Word of Allah Almighty!. Your credit for returning evil with good and paying for charity is double. Also if you forgive and return the evil with good, then Allah Almighty will love you and reward you.

3- Further good manners teachings in the Noble Quran:

"It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee: so pass over (their faults), and ask for (Allah's) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast taken a decision, put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). (The Noble Quran, 3:159)""Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men; for Allah loves those who do good. (The Noble Quran, 3:134)" "Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant. (The Noble Quran, 7:199)""Allah loveth not that evil should be noised a broad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth all things. (The Noble Quran, 4:148)""Say to My servants that they should (only) say those things that are best: for Satan doth sow dissensions among them: for Satan is to man an avowed enemy. (The Noble Quran, 17:53)""Who avoid vain talk; (The Noble Quran, 

[IslamCity] Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab)

2006-03-21 Thread Islahonline

From: farha Naaz 

Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 11:26 AM
Subject: Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab)
Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab) 


Volume 8, 
Book 73, Number 1: 

  Narrated Al-Walid bin 'Aizar: 
  I heard Abi Amr 'Ash-Shaibani 
  saying, "The owner of this house." he pointed to 'Abdullah's house, "said, 'I 
  asked the Prophet 'Which deed is loved most by Allah?" He replied, 'To offer 
  prayers at their early (very first) stated times.' " 'Abdullah asked, "What is 
  the next (in goodness)?" The Prophet said, "To be good and dutiful to one's 
  parents," 'Abdullah asked, "What is the next (in goodness)?" The Prophet said, 
  To participate in Jihad for Allah's Cause." 'Abdullah added, "The Prophet 
  narrated to me these three things, and if I had asked more, he would have told 
  me more." 

Volume 8, 
Book 73, Number 2: 

  Narrated Abu Huraira: 
  A man came to Allah's Apostle 
  and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is more entitled to be treated with the best 
  companionship by me?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man said. "Who is 
  next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" 
  The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man asked for the fourth time, "Who is 
  next?" The Prophet said, "Your father. " 

Volume 8, 
Book 73, Number 3: 

  Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: 
  A man said to the Prophet, 
  "Shall I participate in Jihad?" The Prophet said, "Are your parents living?" 
  The man said, "Yes." the Prophet said, "Do Jihad for their benefit." 

Volume 8, 
Book 73, Number 4: 

  Narrated 'Abdullah 
  bin 'Amr: 
  Allah's Apostle said. "It is 
  one of the greatest sins that a man should curse his parents." It was asked 
  (by the people), "O Allah's Apostle! How does a man curse his parents?" The 
  Prophet said, "'The man abuses the father of another man and the latter abuses 
  the father of the former and abuses his mother." 

Volume 8, 
Book 73, Number 5: 

  Narrated Ibn 'Umar: 
  Allah's Apostle said, "While 
  three persons were traveling, they were overtaken by rain and they took 
  shelter in a cave in a mountain. A big rock fell from the mountain over the 
  mouth of the cave and blocked it. They said to each other. 'Think of such good 
  (righteous) deeds which, you did for Allah's sake only, and invoke Allah by 
  giving reference to those deeds so that Allah may relieve you from your 
  difficulty. one of them said, 'O Allah! I had my parents who were very old and 
  I had small children for whose sake I used to work as a shepherd. When I 
  returned to them at night and milked (the sheep), I used to start giving the 
  milk to my parents first before giving to my children. And one day I went far 
  away in search of a grazing place (for my sheep), and didn't return home till 
  late at night and found that my parents had slept. I milked (my livestock) as 
  usual and brought the milk vessel and stood at their heads, and I disliked to 
  wake them up from their sleep, and I also disliked to give the milk to my 
  children before my parents though my children were crying (from hunger) at my 
  So this state of mine and 
  theirs continued till the day dawned. (O Allah!) If you considered that I had 
  done that only for seeking Your pleasure, then please let there be an opening 
  through which we can see the sky.' So Allah made for them an opening through 
  which they could see the sky. Then the second person said, 'O Allah! I had a 
  she-cousin whom I loved as much as a passionate man love a woman. I tried to 
  seduce her but she refused till I paid her one-hundred Dinars So I worked hard 
  till I collected one hundred Dinars and went to her with that But when I sat 
  in between her legs (to have sexual intercourse with her), she said, 'O 
  Allah's slave! Be afraid of Allah ! Do not deflower me except legally (by 
  marriage contract). So I left her O Allah! If you considered that I had done 
  that only for seeking Your pleasure then please let the rock move a little to 
  have a (wider) opening.' 
  So Allah shifted that rock to 
  make the opening wider for them. And the last (third) person said 'O Allah ! I 
  employed a laborer for wages equal to a Faraq (a certain measure: of rice, and 
  when he had finished his job he demanded his wages, but when I presented his 
  due to him, he gave it up and refused to take it. Then I kept on sowing that 
  rice for him (several times) till managed to buy with the price of the yield, 
  some cows and their shepherd Later on the laborer came to me an said. '(O 
  Allah's slave!) Be afraid o Allah, and do not be unjust to me an give me my 
  due.' I said (to him). 'Go and take those cows and their shepherd. So he took 
  them and went away. (So, O Allah!) If You considered that I had done that for 
  seeking Your pleasure, then please remove the remaining part of the rock.' And 
  so Allah released them (from their 

[IslamCity] Good Manners ( Spreading kindness )

2005-07-20 Thread laila sultan

Good Manners 
Spreading kindness in the home 
‘Aa’ishah (RA) said: “The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: 
‘When Allah (SWT) wills some good towards the people of a household, He introduces kindness among them.’” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad in al-Musnad, 6/71; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 303) 
According to another report: 
“When Allah loves the people of a household, He introduces kindness among them.” (Reported by Ibn Abi al-Dunya and others; Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 1704) 
In other words, they start to be kind to one another. This is one of the means of attaining happiness in the home, for kindness is very beneficial between the spouses, and with the children, and brings results that cannot be achieved through harshness, as the Prophet (SAW) said: 
“Allah loves kindness and rewards it in such a way that He does not reward for harshness or for anything else.” (Reported by Muslim, Kitaab al-Birr wa’l-Sillah wa’l-Aadaab, no. 2592) 
Helping one’s wife with the housework 
Many men think that housework is beneath them, and some of them think that it will undermine their status and position if they help their wives with this work. 
The Messenger of Allah (SAW), however, used to “sew his own clothes, mend his own shoes and do whatever other work men do in their homes.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad in al-Musnad, 6/121; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 4927). 
This was said by his wife ‘Aa’ishah (RA), when she was asked about what the Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to do in his house; her response described what she herself had seen. According to another report, she said: 
“He was like any other human being: he would clean his clothes, milk his ewe and serve himself.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad in al-Musnad, 6/256; al-Silsilat al-Saheehah, 671) 
She (RA) was also asked about what the Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to do in his house, and she said, 
“He used to serve his family, then when the time for prayer came, he would go out to pray.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, 2/162). 
If we were to do likewise nowadays, we would achieve three things: 
* We would be following the example of the Prophet (SAW). 
* We would be helping our wives. 
* We would feel more humble, not arrogant. 
Some men demand food instantly from their wives, when the pot is on the stove and the baby is screaming to be fed; they do not pick up the child or wait a little while for the food. Let these Hadith be a reminder and a lesson. 
Being affectionate towards and joking with the members of the family 
Showing affection towards one’s wife and children is one of the things that lead to creating an atmosphere of happiness and friendliness in the home. Thus the Messenger of Allah (SAW) advised Jabir (RA) to marry a virgin, saying, 
“Why did you not marry a virgin, so you could play with her and she could play with you, and you could make her laugh and she could make you laugh?” (The hadeeth is reported in a number of places in the Saheehayn, such as al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, 9/121) 
The Prophet (SAW) also said: 
“Everything in which Allah’s name is not mentioned is idleness and play, except for four things: a man playing with his wife…” (Reported by al-Nisaa'i in ‘Ushrat al-Nisa’, p. 87; also in Saheeh al-Jaami’) 
The Prophet (SAW) used to treat his wife ‘Aa’ishah (RA) affectionately when doing ghusl with her, as she (RA) said: 
“The Messenger of Allah and I used to do ghusl together from one vessel, and he would pretend to take all the water so that I would say, ‘Leave some for me, leave some for me,’” – and both of them were in a state of janaabah (impurity). (Muslim bi Sharh al-Nawawi, 4/6). 
The ways in which the Prophet (SAW) showed affection towards young children are too famous to need mentioning. He often used to show his affection towards Hasan and Husayn, as mentioned above. This is probably one of the reason why the children used to rejoice when he came back from travelling; they would rush to welcome him, as reported in the saheeh hadith: “Whenever he came back from a journey, the children of his household would be taken out to meet him.” He (SAW) used to hug them close to him, as ‘Abd-Allah ibn Jafar (RA) said: 
“Whenever the Prophet (SAW) came back from a journey, we would be taken out to meet him. One day we met him, Hasan, Husayn and I. He carried one of us in front of him, and another on his back, until we entered Madeenah.” (Saheeh Muslim, 4/1885-2772; see the commentary in Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi, 8/56). 
Compare this with the situation in some miserable homes where there are no truthful jokes [i.e., jokes that do not involve lying], no affection and no mercy. Whoever thinks that kissing his children goes against the dignity of fatherhood should read the following hadeeth: from Abu Hurayrah (RA) who said: “The Messenger of Allah (SAW) kissed al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali, and al-Aqra’ ibn Haabis al-Tameemi was sitting with him. Al-Aqra’ said: ‘I have ten children and I have never kissed any one of them.’ The Messenger of Allah (SAW) looked at him and said: 
‘The one who does not show