Re: [IslamCity] I feel myself slipping away

2005-06-12 Thread Leo Imanov
bimi-lLah wa-lhamdu li-lLah wa-sh shalatau wa-s salamu 'ala rasuli-lLah

assalamu 'alaikum, dear sis,

everyone now and then feels the same, it's a proof that syaithan is
around us all the time.

we just have to make closer to Him with our deeds, those are: more
prayer, more do'as.

make more than necessacity, in prayer and in do'as as well as shaum
(fasting) if you are used to fast on mondays and thursday add now with
white fasting.

if you do witr one rak'ah add now with three.

insya Allah.

wa-ssalamu 'alaikum

--- Ayesha Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I feel myself slipping away from Islam.  Not that I want to be another
religion, but I'll just been getting caught-up in the streets.  I pray
all the time that I never go astray, but my prayers don't seem like
are being answered.  What dua' should I say or what should I do?

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam)
with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair
preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your
Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best
Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah
(believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His
Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does
righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah,
if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best
types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said,
Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of
the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being
lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do
not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless
sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get
a daily digest of emails by logging-on to to
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Leo Imanov 


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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in 
any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily 
digest of emails by logging-on to to change your 
mail delivery settings or 

Re: [IslamCity] I feel myself slipping away

2005-06-11 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Walaikum asalaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

PLEASE be carefull with translation brother.

Rasoolillah(SAW) said: Verily
your Lord is Modest and Kind. When a slave lifts both his hands towards
Allah then He (Allah) feels shy to return them empty-handed and
 (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi) 

Shy and ashamed are very different words.

On 6/4/05, Reffai Dr. wrote:

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu.Never have 
a doubt on your prayers being answered. Allah says he feels ashamed to send the 
extended hands (in dua) empty. HE WILL ALWAYS ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS. PERIOD. NEVER 
Prophet(sal) also said if one has doubts of his 
prayers being answered then they would not be answered. have trust. We will pray 
for you. Just keep reading good books, read the meenaingof the quran, be around 
Muslim friends and keep praying. go out and help someone for the sakeof Allah 
and ask allah to guide you. You will be ok. Insha Allah. 
May Allah always bless and guide all of us in the straight 
path.Dr.ReffaiHe who kneels before Allaah can Stand before 

  - Original Message - 
  Abdul Wahid Osman Belal 
  Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 7:34 AM

  Subject: Re: [IslamCity] I feel myself 
  slipping away
  Please recite Surah Fatihah 1 the Opening Chapter consisting of seven 
  verses.Ayesha Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
feel myself slipping away from Islam. Not that I want to be 
anotherreligion, but I'll just been getting caught-up in the 
streets. I prayall the time that I never go astray, but my prayers 
don't seem like theyare being answered. What dua' should I say or 
what should I 
(mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and 
argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has 
gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are 
guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125){And who is better in speech than he 
who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands 
straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic 
Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} 
(Holy Quran-41:33)The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon 
him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for 
you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] The 
prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 
views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any 
way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved 
otherwise. If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you 
may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to to change 
your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title change to daily digest. 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
  (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. 
  with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with 
  them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray 
  from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 
  Quran-16:125){And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord 
  is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His 
  Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous 
  deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)The 
  prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah 
  guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. 
  [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be 
  upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward 
  similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either 
  of them being lessened at all. [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, 
  at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 
  views expressed herein belong to the individuals

Re: [IslamCity] I feel myself slipping away

2005-06-10 Thread Shohana Khan

Hell fire is surrounded by desires and temptations, which include all types of distractions in this dunya be they friends, pop culture, wasting time, laziness, temptation of sexual desires, temptation of desires to conform to what is the 'norm' in society. If we fall prey to these then hell fire is the consequence. It is difficult. It is narrated in a hadith that when Allah sent an angel to view hell fire, which was surrounded by desires and temptations the angel returned to say soemthing along the lines of, I will be surprised if anyone does NOT fall into hellfire, as the temptations desires, surrounding them are so luring.HOwever when the same angel saw Jannah, he said that I expect everyone to enter Jannah because it is so amazing.
This is why as belivers we must remember our purpose in life - we are not here for comfort and fun, we are here to worship Allah only, however hard his maybe. This does not just mean praying five times a day, but to do every action according to Allah's guidelines, haram and halal and to worship Allah in everything u do - so obey and treat ur parents kindly, obey ur husband, be kind to the elderly and young, b good to your neighbours, give sadaqah, use ur tongue only to speak good and propogate the deen of ISlam, discuss it with whoever is around you and expose the incorrect western systems around us for what they areLive and breathe the Quran and SUnnah
Ameen"G.Waleed Kavalec" wrote:
Salaam sisterEstablishing salaat is not just about prostrating at the right times. We must pursue DEEDS as well.The best dua is to seek refuge with Allah from Shaitan the outcast.The rest of the time find those things that are within your ability and aptitude that help others and help propagate the true message of Islam. You will always face trials but as long as you seek those deeds you can do in His name you will have the strength you need.Allahu Alam
On 6/2/05, Ayesha Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I feel myself slipping away from Islam. Not that I want to be anotherreligion, but I'll just been getting caught-up in the streets. I prayall the time that I never go astray, but my prayers don't seem like theyare being answered. What dua' should I say or what should I do?***{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125){And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands
 straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] --All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get
 a daily digest of emails by logging-on to to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title "change to daily digest". 

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To visit your group on the web, go to: 
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. -- G. Waleed Kavalec---Copyright:G. Waleed Kavalec 2005This message may be resent and/or republished provided the content and this notice are kept intact.  ***{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125){And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in
 His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy 

Re: [IslamCity] I feel myself slipping away

2005-06-08 Thread mode mode1

Dear sister

Ask only Allah your this request too.

Only he has control to change heart because heart of momin is between his two fingers.

May Allah help you and all of us for path Allah likes.

Mas salama

Ayesha Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I feel myself slipping away from Islam. Not that I want to be anotherreligion, but I'll just been getting caught-up in the streets. I prayall the time that I never go astray, but my prayers don't seem like theyare being answered. What dua' should I say or what should I do?***{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125){And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His
 Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] --All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily digest of
 emails by logging-on to to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title "change to daily digest". __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title change to daily digest. 

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Re: [IslamCity] I feel myself slipping away

2005-06-07 Thread Lisa Wright

Assalaamu ^alaykum

Sister, there are a couple of things that you can do. First, check your circle of friends. Do they spend their time in worship, make thirk, and volunteer in the community? Do they avoid "the streets" and their temptations? If not, change them. Second, become involved in the community. Volunteer, and I donot mean only at the local Islamic center. Volunteer in the hospital. Be a Big Sister. It is very important for people in the west to see Muslims involved in the mainstream community. Third, make thikr. There are times when you are driving, riding the bus, or just doing nothing in particular. Use this time to make thikr. Some beneficial things to say are:

1.) Suratul-Fatihah, Suratan-Nas, Suratal-Falaq, Suratul-Ikhlas, Ayatul-Kursiyy and the last 3 ayat of Suratul Baqarah.

2.) al-Hamdulillah x 100

3.) Subhan'Allah x 100

4.) Allahu Akbar x 100

5.) A^uthu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajeem x 100

6.) Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billah x 300

7.) Allahumma-ighfirli wa lil mu'mineena wal mu'minaat x 100

8.) Hasbi Allah wa n^am al-wakeel x 450

9.) Allahuma salli ^ala Sayyiduna Muhammad, wa ^ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim x 100

10.) Masha'Allahu kan, wa maa lam yasha' lam yakun x 100

11.) Subhan'Allahi wa bi hamdihi x 100+

This whole thing takes about 1 hour. It is easy to do on a commute to work or school, or when you are winding down from a long day, or before you go to sleep. These are all very famous sayings in Islam, and each has its own benefits and secrets. They are taken from the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu ^alayhi wa sallam. 

and Allah knows best

LisaAyesha Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I feel myself slipping away from Islam. Not that I want to be anotherreligion, but I'll just been getting caught-up in the streets. I prayall the time that I never go astray, but my prayers don't seem like theyare being answered. What dua' should I say or what should I do?***{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125){And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His
 Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] --All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily digest of
 emails by logging-on to to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title "change to daily digest". 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do 

Re: [IslamCity] I feel myself slipping away

2005-06-05 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Salaam sister

Establishing salaat is not just about prostrating at the right times. We must pursue DEEDS as well.

The best dua is to seek refuge with Allah from Shaitan the outcast.

The rest of the time find those things that are within your ability and
aptitude that help others and help propagate the true message of
Islam. You will always face trials but as long as you seek those
deeds you can do in His name you will have the strength you need.

Allahu Alam

On 6/2/05, Ayesha Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I feel myself slipping away from Islam. Not that I want to be another
religion, but I'll just been getting caught-up in the streets. I pray
all the time that I never go astray, but my prayers don't seem like they
are being answered. What dua' should I say or what should I do?

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam)
with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair
preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your
Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best
Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah
(believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His
Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does
righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah,
if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best
types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said,
Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of
the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being
lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do
not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless
sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with the title change to daily digest. 

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

--  G. Waleed Kavalec---Copyright:G. Waleed Kavalec 2005This message may be resent and/or republished provided the content and this notice are kept intact.

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title change to daily digest. 

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Re: [IslamCity] I feel myself slipping away

2005-06-04 Thread tsidd96472

Assalamu Alaikum

Brother, please recite "Astaghfarullahey min kulley zumbin wa atuba 

"Lahula wala quwata illah billahey aliul azeem"

Each at least 100 times a day and Insha Allah, you will soon be free from 
the clutches of Shaytan [devil] and keep praying to Allah for Istiqamah in 

May Allah help you in standing firm in your Deen and Iman

Shamim Siddiqi

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title change to daily digest. 

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