Bismillah [IslamCity] This is secular India!

2009-02-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
INDIA claims to be the biggest democracy of the world and a champion
of human rights but frequent incidents of violence against minorities,
their exploitation and their status expose the myth of Indian
secularism. All minorities in India are exposed to almost similar
dangers and threats but the plight of Muslims is all the more

It was in this backdrop that thousands of Muslims rallied in New Delhi
on Thursday to protest killing and imprisonment of Muslims, saying
innocent members of the community became targets after bomb attacks in
India in recent years. The constitutional and legal measures for the
protection of rights of the minorities do provide protection to
minority population against the exploitation and violation of their
rights as well as equal opportunities for their advancement and
development, however, the plight of Muslims in India is found to be
grim which has been well depicted in the report of high power
committee under the Chairmanship of Justice Rajinder Sachar. In terms
of numbers, the Muslims are only next to the Hindus, constituting
about 20 per cent of the population, yet they are considered by the
Hindus even less important than the Jains and Buddhists who are only
0.43 and 0.41 per cent of the population respectively.

The representation of Muslims in Parliament, state legislatures,
administrative services, armed forces, police and paramilitary forces,
educational institutions and the private and public sectors is far
below their proportion. A prominant Hindu writer S. Harrison admits
that the dominant note in the Hindus attitude towards Muslims today is
that, Hindus have a natural right to rule in modern India as a form
of long overdue retribution for the sins of the Mughal overlords. The
cumulative outcome of all this is that according to Jai Prakash
Narayan, The Muslim population has been so much cowed and demoralized
that they are not acting according to their convictions. They are
afraid that if they expressed their real feelings, their loyalty will
be suspected. These are just glimpses of how Muslims have been
treated in India since long but their conditions are highly pathetic
because of growing Hindu extremism and terrorism. Apart from being
made to suffer a host of disabilities, political, cultural and
economic, the Indian Muslims are subjected to a campaign of
interference with their religion as well. It usually takes the form of
slanderous attacks on Islam made in school text books, or in the
press, desecration of mosques and shrines, or deliberate incitement of
feelings of religious hatred against the Muslims.

Despite the fact that most of the bomb blasts and terrorists attacks
in India are carried out either by Hindu extremists or sponsored by
state intelligence agencies, the wrath falls on the Muslims. The
latest admission of Lt. Col. Shrikant Purohit, who carried out bombing
of Samjhota Express, that he had active links with Hindu extremists
also confirms it beyond any doubt that extremism in India is on the
rise and the prime targets are Muslims. The world community should,
therefore, also take notice of what is happening to minorities
especially to Muslims in India.

Extremists, Hindu Militants, IncredibleIndia, Secular, Violence

Bismillah [IslamCity] The silence of the Gujarati Muslims

2009-02-08 Thread Ahsan Waheed
While Muslims from Azamgarh demonstrated in New Delhi against random
arrest of Muslims in the name of terrorism, Gujarat Muslims avoid any
democratic agitation against indiscriminate arrest. While some say it
is `fear psychosis' others hold community's 'mercantile culture'
responsible for it.

By special correspondent,

Ahmedabad: When hundreds of innocent Muslim youths were arrested
indiscriminately for interrogation into the Ahmedabad July 26, 2008
serial bomb blasts, there was not even a whisper of protest from
Muslims in Gujarat. None of the Muslim NGOs or human rights
organisations came forward nor any religious organization raised voice
against random arrest of the Muslim youths.

All of them remained confined to their cocoons as if nothing had
happened with the community in Gujarat or what had happened was too
minor a thing to disturb them and did not deserve any attention. There
were a few organizations that had even instructed their volunteers to
avoid any contact with the relatives of those rounded up by the

But their efforts to distance themselves could not protect them from
police highhandedness. The top office-bearers of a well-known
organization claiming to be the champions of the community, who had
maintained distance from the relatives of the arrested persons, were
called to the police station and grilled intensively for more than 24

However, when two Muslim youths from Azamgarh district of Uttar
Pradesh in North India were shot dead in Batla House area of New Delhi
on the pretext of them being terrorists, Muslims in Delhi as also
Azamgarh, 800 KMs from New Delhi, came out on streets and lodged
strong protest against targeting educated Muslim youths by the police.

Over 3000 people from Azamgarh led by their political, social and
religious leadership converged in New Delhi on January 29 to protest
the hounding out of Muslims all over the country by the police in the
name of tackling terror. From the physical appearances of those coming
from Azamgarh and the clothes put on by them indicated that they were
not financially very well off, yet each of them spent Rs. 700 from
their own pocket to reach the nation's capital to protest the tyranny
the Muslims are being subjected to by the state machinery in open
defiance of the secular and constitutional laws of the country.

A question arises why the police excesses all over Gujarat did not
stir a similar reaction from Muslims in this Western Indian state
though Gujarati Muslims are considered to be the richest among Indian
Muslims? While sleuths of Ahmedabad crime branch indiscriminately
arrested more than 500 Muslim youths for their interrogation into July
26 serial blasts, the Muslims here remained totally indifferent.
Police finally arrested 51 of them and booked them in different blast
cases. Among them also include a neo-Muslim, who had converted to
Islam five years ago with his wife and three children and shifted to a
Muslim locality in Ahmedabad after he and his family was subjected to
social boycott by his relatives and neighbours in the Hindu locality.

But what accounts for such indifference of the Gujarati Muslims to
resort to democratic means of agitation like staging protests and
taking out rallies to demand an end to the police highhandedness?
``While fear psychosis owing to extremely harsh methods used by the
police and law  order machinery used to suppress Muslims in 2002 and
even prior to that in 1992-93 anti-Muslim riots has resulted in an
attitude of indifference of Muslims to police excesses, `mercantile
culture' of the community is mostly responsible in shaping their
existing behaviour and cold responses to such outrages'', opines Dr.
Hanif Lakdawala, a medico-turned-activist representing Ahmedabad-based
NGO Sanchetna. The mercantile culture in which one gives more
importance to profit and gains, according to Dr. Lakdawala, generates
fear and awe about those wielding the power to cause harm.

When he went around various localities in Ahmedabad and questioned the
local community leaders about arrests, he was told that police had
promised to release them in a day or two and hence, there was no need
to organize any protest. ``while gross violation of human rights was
taking place, the local and state community leaders exhibited a
reaction as if nothing wrong was being done with the community'', Dr.
Lakdawala, himself a Gujarati, said. ``This is really very
obnoxious'', he commented.

Ibrahim sheikh, another social activist, had called a meeting of some
local leaders, businessmen and activists at his residence to organize
a protest against detention of innocent Muslims. ``But a well known
businessman and a politician attending the meet warned not to organize
any protest as he expressed fear they will also be harassed by the
police'', sheikh narrated, saying that fear of state apparatus runs
very deep among Gujarati Muslims and it was the reason for Muslims not
to take part in anti-police 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Counterproductive drone attacks

2009-02-09 Thread Ahsan Waheed
IF ever the Pak-US co-operative alliance against terrorism would
crumble it will under the unbearable weight of drone attacks ordered
by the CIA into the Pakistani territory. Invariably, these predators
kill more innocent non-combatant civilians than suspected terrorists.
It is not that the so-called terrorists use civilians as human
shields; these pilotless machines have greater destructive capacity
than the ability to differentiate between friends and foes. So there
is this greater collateral damage. In some 22 drone attacks since last
August the civilian losses have been overwhelming. But about losses
the terrorists suffered reports are conflicting; however the very fact
that despite Pakistan's serious objections the United States still
needs them is an indication of their failure to make any significant
change on the war-front.

In fact, just the opposite is happening. In the wake of mis-directed
drone attacks which cause mostly civilian casualties the traditional
comradeship called 'Pushtunwali' comes into play. A kind of severe
resentment builds up against the 'coward enemy' which employs un-manly
surreptitious means to kill old and young, men, women and children.
Aptly correct then is Prime Minister Gilani's assertion at the World
Economic Forum's special session on 'Pakistan and its neighbours' that
drone attacks are counterproductive as they unite them, the tribes
and the militants. These attacks are counterproductive as they fuel
militancy, he said and added: We are separating militants from public
but when there is a drone attack they get united. In case the
Americans have credible and actionable intelligence they should share
that with Pakistan and we will take action, he said.

Understandably, in the wake of drone strikes anti-Americanism is
growing. There was the general feeling in Pakistan that with Barack
Obama becoming the US president drone attacks would end - so much so
that Prime Minister Gilani went on record to claim that with change of
presidency in Washington drone attacks would be halted. This has not
happened, causing not only embarrassment to the prime minister but a
visible dent to the reputation of a person who has been catapulted to
world's most powerful position on a promise of 'change'. Not only
that; the Obama administration started off with bigger and deeper
drone hits. Then came along Robert Gates, a follower of Bushism that
President Obama has inherited, who claimed the attacks have the
consent of Pakistani authorities. That is adding insult to injury.
Practically at all levels, from the presidency to the foreign office
Pakistan has denied having cut such a deal with the United States.

The issues of collateral damage and counterproductive effect of drone
attacks are no doubt contentious and deserve review in order to keep
the anti-terrorism alliance on track. But more important and of
greater concern to every Pakistani is violation of their country's
airspace by the American drones. If our government has not permitted,
which it insists it has not, the drone attacks then clearly fall in
the category of blatant violations of Pakistan's sovereignty.

If not today then tomorrow or the day after the government will be
constrained to take up this issue at appropriate international fora.
Before that happens the US government is expected to review its drone
campaign to bring it in line with the anti-terrorism cooperation
understanding. Not surprisingly, Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Erdogan,
who was a participant in that special session, endorsed Prime Minister
Gilani's position by maintaining that such a move just helps
terrorists and does not serve any purpose.

Bismillah [IslamCity] A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

2009-02-12 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh reminds Hillary Clinton that her husband has
condemned the murder of Sikhs during his visit to India in the year
2000, and accuses the Indian government has murdered over 250,000
Sikhs since 1984, more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland, over
90,000 Muslims in Kashmir,

tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims throughout the country.

February 6, 2009

The Honorable Hillary Clinton
Secretary of State

Government of The United States
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Figure 1: A Sikh passerby burned alive by Indians during riots

Dear Secretary of State Madam Clinton,

Congratulations on becoming the U.S. Secretary of State. Yours is a
very important job, protecting the people of the United States by
carrying out diplomacy and foreign policy to protect our national

I know that you are aware of the troubled situation in South Asia. As
you know, India and Pakistan have had a longstanding dispute. You may
remember when an Indian official was quoted as saying that Pakistan
should be made part of India. You may also remember that it was India
that set off the nuclear arms race in South Asia.

You may also have noted that India opposed your action sending
Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to the region and that it publicly told
President Obama to stay out of the situation in the region.

You are also aware of the repression of minorities in India. Your
husband, former President Clinton, wrote in the foreword to Madeleine
Albright's book about the massacre in Chithisinghpora:

During my visit to India in 2000, some Hindu militants decided to
vent their outrage by murdering 38 Sikhs in cold blood. If I hadn't
made the trip, the victims would probably still be alive. If I hadn't
made the trip because I feared what militants might do, I couldn't
have done my job as president of the United States.

The Indian government has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, more
than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland, over 90,000 Muslims in Kashmir,
tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims throughout the country,
and tens of thousands of Tamils, Assamese, Manipuris, and others.

A report issued by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR) shows
that India admitted that it held 52,268 political prisoners under the
repressive Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act (TADA) even
though it expired in 1995.

Additionally, according to Amnesty International, there are tens of
thousands of other minorities being held as political prisoners. MASR
report quotes the Punjab Civil Magistracy as writing if we add up the
figures of the last few years the number of innocent persons killed
would run into lakhs [hundreds of thousands.]

The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government's murders of
Sikhs worse than genocide.

I urge you to use your influence as Secretary of State to end the
repression of minorities in India.

As you know, many minorities, including the Sikhs of Khalistan, the
Christians of Nagalim, the Muslims of Kashmir, and others throughout
the subcontinent, are fighting for their freedom from India. In all,
there are 17 freedom movements. I call for the release of all of
India's political prisoners. In addition, I respectfully urge the
Administration to support a free and fair plebiscite on the issue of
independence for Khalistan. There should also be similar plebiscites
for Kashmir, Nagaland, and every other nation that seeks its freedom
from Indian rule. It is essential that the United States use its
influence to promote its ideals of freedom.

Thank you for your attention and congratulations again on becoming
Secretary of State.


Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh
Council of Khalistan

CC: Secretariat, G-8 member countries.

Bismillah [IslamCity] How to Kill a Palestinian

2009-02-12 Thread Ahsan Waheed
What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control
the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America.

Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she was not
worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza
might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel. She
said You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well,
that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the
White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American
president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the
unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress,
we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything
in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize

How to Kill a Palestinian
Dr. Elias Akleh,

Jan 29, 2009

Commenting on the latest Israeli one-directional onslaught against the
Palestinians of Gaza Strip, the Israeli 10th TV channel has disclosed
that the Israeli genocidal forces had used half of its air force and
had launched at least 2500 air raids against Gaza Strip. The
television military correspondent stated that the Israeli warplanes
had dropped more than a thousand tons of explosives, including white
phosphorous and DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive) bombs, during three
weeks on the virtually unarmed densely populated 360 square Kilometers
Strip. He added that the shells fired by tanks, artillery, gunboats,
and infantry were not included in those fired by the air force.

After a whole week of continuous air bombardments Israel sent in its
elite foot soldiers; 30,000 of them, and called in 10,000 of its
reservists. Armed with the latest weapons of mass murder, covered with
an umbrella of free reigning air force, and accompanied with raining
shells of heavy artilleries, they drove their tanks into the civilian
towns murdering civilians and destroying every structure in their

Living outside of Gaza one cannot fully understand the barbarity of
this genocide especially when the Western media had barely covered any
of its atrocity. To gain a slight idea of its enormity one should
remember that, during the 6-days war of 1967, this same Israeli army
was distributed on four fronts; Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian, and
Lebanese, and it was fighting regular armies. Now the whole brunt of
this army is concentrated on a small strip against unarmed and
untrained civilian population.

Latest official count was 1350 murdered, 40% of them were children,
and 5300 were injured; mutilated and amputated. It was reported that
80% of the injured were the victims of burning phosphorous bombs. More
dead are being discovered under the rebels, and many seriously injured
are expected later on to die.

Israeli tanks had left several city blocks completely destroyed
without any homes or structure standing. The tanks shelled homes and
apartment towers. Due to the small size of Gaza Strip Palestinians had
to build vertically. Many apartment towers went up 15-20 stories high
with each story containing 6-8 apartments. A total of 20,000 buildings
were completely or partially burnt and damaged. The UN has reported
that more than 50,000 Palestinians are left homeless and are now
crowded into 50 emergency shelters. An estimated of 50,000 more are
living with relatives and in tents they erected on the ruins of their

The Israeli bombardment targeted everything in Gaza including
government buildings, police headquarters, banks and business offices,
the main university, 67 schools sheltering civilians, shopping centers
and market places, factories, water, sewer, and electricity
infrastructures, private homes and apartment towers and charity
organizations. Farms, including their animals, were also targeted and
hundreds of acres of crops and fruit groves were incinerated.
Religious buildings, where civilians usually seek shelter, were
specifically targeted. Israeli fighter planes had completely destroyed
41 mosques, and partially damaged 51 others. One church was also
targeted. Even cemeteries were not spared; 5 of them were bombed.

Although the Israeli army was given the exact GPS co-ordinates of
every UN structure, as asserted by Christopher Gunness, the UNRWA
spokesman, Israeli F-16 planes had repeatedly dropped phosphorous
bombed on UN schools knowing very well that hundreds of civilians had
taken shelter there. At least 45 children and women were burnt and
murdered there.

The UN headquarters in Gaza City was also hit with three, not just
one, phosphorous bombs burning tons of humanitarian aid and food
stuff. The fire kept on burning for three days. UN-flagged
humanitarian convoy was also shelled killing one driver.

Medical centers and paramedics were not spared. The Red Crescent
Al-Quds hospital in Tal el-Hawa neighborhood was hit by Israeli shells
and caught on fire. Other two hospitals; Al-Wafa and Al-Fata
hospitals, were also 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Indo-Israel collaboration Mumbai attacks

2009-02-27 Thread Ahsan Waheed
February 24, 2009

Col Ghulam Sarwar (R)

India and Israel have been hobnobbing with each other for the past
many decades but the world at large has been unmindful of their hush
hush activities. Likewise, hidden ties with both USA and Israel have
not seen light of the day and only recently details of these ties have
been unravel lest. It will be recalled that on November 25, 2008,
Mumbai terrorists did their job meticulously well by provoking every
possible ally in the world.

By killing foreigners in addition to many Indians, they enlisted the
support of all western terrorist nations against Islam and Muslims. As
a result, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir and Muslims in India have been
put on high alert as USA, UK and Israel are determined to strike a
stunning blow on their entity. Pakistan, as expected is feeling rather
perplexed on the presumption that Muslims might have been involved in
the Mumbai carnage. These are however; far fetched apprehensions as in
view of their religious beliefs, Muslims would not perform this
dastardly act with such precision. As things stand, the Mumbai attacks
may have chosen to target whatever comes in their way, be it the
railway shorts or luxurious hotels, like “The Taj or Obroi Trident, or
any community centre (Nariman House.

However reports released recently have revealed that the assault on
Nariman House was carried out deliberately with ulterior motives.
Presumably, the terrorists had wanted to involve Israel also to join
Indo-US strategic killings of Muslims. According to a retired Indian
Admiral, Das, the aims of the attack on the Jewish Centre was to tell
India that it’s growing links with Israel were not acceptable to the
terrorist groups. Nariman House attack was to tell the Indians clearly
that India’s growing linkage with Israel was not what India should be
doing. Seen in this background, India wanted to use terrorism ploy to
get military concessions from other anti-Islamic nations.

India, for quite some time, had been making desperate efforts to
develop relationships with both USA and Israel and it has been quite
successful in its efforts. Interestingly, due to its clever
machinations, it has also successfully maintained economic relations
with the Muslim World - mainly the Gulf States. Apart from acquiring
military wares from USA, Europe and Russia in recent times, India has
become one of the largest customers of Israeli military techniques and
arms which are considered more advanced and lethal in the world. India
acquires weapons of about 1.5 billion dollars every year from Israel.
Only Russia sells more arms to India than Israel. India believes that
terrorism ploy could help advance its military interests in USA and
Israel and its calculations seem to be absolutely precise and
faultless. It may not be amiss to mention here that India seeks
advance military equipment and technology at concessional rates by
using Russia’s bargaining chips, but now Mumbai’s November 26, 2008
incident has given an extra advantage to New Delhi to obtain more
privileges from Tel Aviv. Israel let loose hell in Palestine by using
cluster bombs, killing thousands of innocent Palestinians including
women and children. India, however, has not said a single word of
sympathy for the hapless Palestinians. Instead, it is planning to sign
more agreements in days to come with the Jewish state.

To conclude, India and Israel thinks alike for damaging the interests
of Muslim countries. However, it is a matter of deep egret that
Muslims are not aware of the dangers that are currently facing them.
How sad it is to see that when Palestine was under terror attacks from
fascist Israel, the Muslim world was watching these ghastly scenes on
their TV screens and displaying no discomfitures?

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel's military supplies to India

2009-03-09 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Hari Sud
Column: Abroad View
Published: February 27, 2009

Toronto, ON, Canada, - India's main supplier of advanced military
hardware is Israel. In the 1990s India took a major decision to
procure arms from Israel after its much-touted Defense Research and
Development Organization failed to develop any high-end weapons

To keep abreast of its neighbors, from 1965 till 1997 India purchased
weapons from the Soviet Union, and later Russia - the preferred choice
for the last 40 years as its weapons were cheap, reliable, rugged and
direct copies of advanced weapons in the West. Almost 70 percent of
India's weapons are of Russian origin.

The fall of the Soviet Union halted its secret development and sales
of weapons, thereby letting the West develop countermeasures.

Short of cash, the new Russian Federation from 1990 to 2001 sold its
trade secrets to anybody who wished to buy them. In short, India lost
its advantage with Russian hardware, as China bought everything that
India already had. Also, countermeasures developed by the West for
Russian hardware became available to Pakistan. In short, India was at
a disadvantage on both fronts.

A lot of technology that India wanted from the West was unavailable
because the West viewed India and the Soviet Union as allies, due to
the Cold War attitude prevalent in Washington. Israel stepped in to
fill the breach, as it had enough influence to change U.S. policy on
this issue. It was a win-win situation for Israel and India.

India negotiated its first large-scale contract with Israel in 1997
for the Barak-1 weapons system. This was meant to knock down
Pakistan's Harpoon anti-ship missiles, supplied by the United States.
Since its initial supply of six Barak systems, eight more have been
added and negotiations on a multi-billion-dollar Barak-2 system is in

Prior to the contract, India's defense scientist and former President
Abdul Kalam paid a number of visits to Israel to get help in missile
development. Later India tested its Prithvi and Agni missile systems
to counter Chinese and Pakistani moves.

During the Kargil War in 1999, India received from Israel unmanned
aerial vehicles, laser-guided bombs and other hardware to knock out
Pakistani hilltop bunkers. Israel's support helped India appreciate
its sophisticated electronics and weapons systems.

Russia's former President Vladimir Putin, noting India's declining
interest in Russian weaponry, made offers to sell it more
sophisticated weapons like T-90 tanks, advanced destroyers, an
aircraft carrier and upgrades to existing air force hardware. India
accepted the offers, but Israel had already secured a foothold in
India's lucrative military hardware market.

End-user agreements between the United States and Israel limited the
transfer to India of any U.S.-developed or assisted military hardware
- but Israeli political interests in Washington made short work of all
U.S. objections.

Showing great interest in the Indian market, Israel in 2002
transferred the highly sophisticated Green Pine Radar to India,
despite U.S. objections. Today this radar is a key component of
India's ballistic missile defense tracking system.

The United States, realizing that Israel will find ways to sell India
its military technology, have now folded up their objections. It took
them more than 50 years to throw out their Cold War-era attitude; now
they are bidding for a US$10-billion Indian fighter contract.

In the last 10 years India's military imports from Israel have included:

• Barak -1 anti-ship missile system

• Unmanned aerial vehicles of various types

• Laser-guided bombs

• Technology for ballistic missile systems

• Green Pine radar


• Spyder surface-to-air missile system

• Aerostat radars

• Service contract to upgrade MIG fighter aircraft

• Electronic countermeasures and air-battle support electronics

The total contract value of these and other purchases is close to US$9
billion. This is a huge amount given that India and Israel established
diplomatic and trade relations only in 1992. The two countries'
intelligence agencies have had contacts for much longer, however.

Military contracts under negotiation between India and Israel include
the development of Barak -2, worth US$2.5 billion; additional AWACS at
$1.8 billion; UAVs worth $500 million; the Arrow anti-missile system
at $4 billion; and miscellaneous electronics worth $2 billion.

Why did India turn to foreign weapons suppliers? Fifty years ago
former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, in establishing the Defense
Research and Development Organization, envisioned 80 percent
self-sufficiency in arms by the turn of the century. That dream never
came true.

The DRDO had difficulty marrying high concepts with sound engineering.
Thus many major systems on the drawing board did not become potent
weapons. Although it had a staff of 30,000, 51 laboratories and a
US$2.5-billion budget, the organization operated under technical and

Bismillah [IslamCity] Terrorists Aim For Destabilisation, Media Attention

2009-03-09 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Article link:

By Beena Sarwar

04 March, 2009
Inter Press Service

KARACHI, Mar 4 (IPS) - South Asia seems to be caught in a vortex of
violence as the countries that form this region - from Sri Lanka at
the southern-most tip, Bangladesh to the east, Nepal crowning the
north, Pakistan along the west and India in the middle - deal with
internal nightmares that their governments routinely blame on

Wednesday's armed attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in the
historic city of Lahore in Pakistan has sent shockwaves through a
country already racked by regular suicide and other attacks.

Eight Pakistani policemen died and several were injured saving the Sri
Lankan cricketers, eight of whom were wounded in the attack.

At the other end of the sub-continent, Bangladesh is still reeling
from the shock of a border guards' mutiny over pay and working
conditions, resulting in soldiers massacring over 70 officers,
including some of their wives.

Some analysts fear that the horrific incident might elicit copycat
responses elsewhere too, where soldiers are unhappy with the tasks
they are made to do.

Meanwhile, India has yet to recover from the horror of the attacks in
Mumbai that claimed some 180 lives. New Delhi had, as a direct result
of the attacks, called off participation of the Indian cricket team in
the Pakistan tests.

Sri Lanka, in the last stages of a heavy-handed army operation against
the Tamil separatists who have been fighting a guerrilla war against
the state for over two decades, could hardly have imagined that its
cricket team would come under fire in Pakistan, a friendly country.

Still, as the Sri Lankans told journalists after the Lahore attack,
they had come here well aware of the risks.

Analysts point out that Tamil separatists are unlikely to be
responsible for the attack, given the back foot that they are
operating from.

The Sri Lankan team, in Lahore for a five-day test match where they
already played for the first two days, were en route from their hotel
to the stadium early in the morning on Mar. 3 when the gunmen

The firing reportedly began from three directions as the van slowed
down near a roundabout close to the red-brick cricket stadium. Shaky
television footage showed men with guns and backpacks taking position
and firing. Their first target was the police escort.

According to the van driver, one of them flung a hand grenade which
rolled under the van without damaging it. He said that the cricketers
flung themselves to the floor of the van as he accelerated to escape
the gunfire, managing to get the bullet-riddled van with the
cricketers to the stadium.

There is universal condemnation for an act which many believe is an
attempt to further discredit and isolate Pakistan. Many are praying
for the quick recovery of the injured cricketers who were airlifted to
Sri Lanka.

They were our guests, they came to Pakistan when most people were not
willing to come, one man in Peshawar told a television journalist.

We are a friendly and cricket-loving nation, said another passer-by.
Now no cricket team will want to play here.

The incident has more or less put paid to Pakistan's aspirations of
hosting the next World Cup in 2011, say observers.

The attackers struck at a sport that is hugely popular across South
Asia, a quick throwback to a common colonial past (for all the
countries except Nepal which was never under British rule), a legacy
that includes the English language, administrative systems and

In normal times, India and Pakistan's cricket teams on the wicket
pitch elicit responses akin to surrogate battlefields. A
Pakistan-India game is referred to in parts of India as 'Qayamat'

Despite the keen rivalry, love of the sport is a unifier. 'Cricket
diplomacy' has featured among the permissible people-to-people
contacts that have grown immensely over the past decade or so.

Cricket is not the bone of discord between the two countries, Gul
Hameed Bhatti, group editor sports of the country's largest media
group, Jang told IPS. Basically the problem is the tensions between
both countries, and cricket becomes the casualty. This incident has
thrown cricket and other sports back into the dark ages. I don't see
anyone agreeing to come and play here now.

Bhatti added that he had long feared that this was a disaster waiting
to happen because the situation in the rest of the country is so
volatile. It was unrealistic to think that sportsmen could remain
isolated from it''.

Nor, say analysts, can other areas of society, like culture. In early
November, explosions on the penultimate night of a major international
performing arts festival in Lahore caused panic. There were no
casualties although some people sustained minor injuries. Artists,
foreign and local, defiantly rallied around to make the festival's
last day a resounding success.

Ironically, the festival was held in the cultural complex next to the

Bismillah [IslamCity] Russia Now 'Top Heroin Consumer'

2009-03-15 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Victor Ivanov, head of the Russian anti-narcotics service, has made
some extraordinary comments - which amount to an admission that the
country is experiencing a devastating heroin epidemic.

While conceding to the press that Russia is now the world's absolute
leader in the opiate trade and the number one heroin consumer, Ivanov
also claimed that Drug trafficking has become a key negative factor
for demography and a blow to our nation's gene pool or even a
challenge to Russia's civilisation.

Russia is now lining up behind calls for an aerial fumigation campaign
in Afghanistan, bad news for Afghan farmers. Yet it is also a
challenge to the U.S., many of whose allies in Afghanistan fund their
counter-insurgency operations via the drug trade.

In pictures: Battling heroin in Russia

Russia says it has become the world's biggest consumer of heroin.

The head of Russia's anti-narcotics service, Victor Ivanov, said that
seizures of Afghan heroin were up 70%.

Speaking ahead of a meeting in Vienna of the United Nations Commission
on Narcotic Drugs, he called on the UN to do more to fight the

Mr Ivanov, a former KGB officer and senior Kremlin official, said the
flood of the drug from Afghanistan posed a threat to Russia's national

He painted a grim picture, says the BBC's James Rodgers in Moscow. He
said the drug was partly to blame for rising crime and a fall in
Russia's population.

Afghanistan is thought to be the source of 93% of the world's heroin

In recent years Russia has not just become massively hooked on Afghan
opiates, it has also become the world's absolute leader in the opiate
trade and the number one heroin consumer, he said in a report made
available to reporters.

Drug trafficking has become a key negative factor for demography and
a blow to our nation's gene pool... [and] a challenge to Russia's

The Russian health ministry says Russia has up to 2.5 million drug
addicts out of a population of some 140 million, most of them aged
between 18 and 39.

Mr Ivanov did not give details about which country Russia was thought
to have displaced as the main heroin consumer.

The CND's World Drugs Report for 2008 reported that China was
estimated to have about 2.3 million users of opiates, though how many
of those used heroin was unclear.

War factor

Mr Ivanov said that in the first two months of this year, Russia had
seized 400kg (880lb) of heroin - a 70% increase on the same period
last year.

He said it was time for the international community to take action
against Afghan narcotics by spraying poppies and offering farmers
incentives to grow other crops.

Afghanistan is estimated to produce 93% of the world's heroin.

While not directly blaming the US-led coalition in Afghanistan for the
worsening problem, Mr Ivanov said that Afghan farmers had used the
tense military and political situation to plant opium poppies.

He also said patrolling the 7,000-km (4,375-mile) border with
Kazakhstan, through which drugs arrive, was an impossible job.

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Battle Of Azamgarh

2009-03-15 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Amaresh Misra

Right now, a new kind of a battle is going on in India. For the first
time since Independence, Muslims of a whole region right in India's
heartland-the district of Azamgarh in Poorvanchal (East Uttar
Pradesh)-have launched an Independent mass movement. Till date, from
its own resources, the Ulema Council, an umbrella organization of
leading Muslim clerics of the district, has succeeded in bringing
hundreds and thousands of ordinary Muslims to Delhi, and then Lucknow
in protest rallies. Several of the young boys and men from middle,
lower and working classes arrived in trains booked in advance by the
Ulema Council.

For the first time in the history of mass movements in India, railways
were used as a means and a mode of protest. The issues the protestors
raised included a judicial enquiry into the Batala House encounter, an
end to Police atrocities and terror, picking of boys without warrants
by the UP-ATS from villages of the district, the maligning of boys
from a whole district as terrorists, and the refusal of `civilized'
citizens in Mumbai and Delhi to give houses on rent to students and
residents of Azamgarh.

It is difficult to conceive that any other district of India would
have risen en masse on these issues-in Azamgarh, till October 2008,
just a month after the Batala House encounter, and two months after
Abu Bashar, the main accused in the July 26thAhmedabad Blasts was
picked up from the Sarai Meer village, the situation was so bad that
any ATS man in plainclothes could enter a village and harass and
torture Muslims at will. Azamgarhis were practically lynched in Delhi
by blood thirsty fascist crowds on at least two occasions.

Formed in September 2008, the Ulema Council fought back and in a very
short time, by December 2008, the tide began to turn. The aggressive
stance taken by the Ulema Council leaders forced the local Police and
the ATS to put a stop to the open beating and harassment of Muslim
youth. At several places, where the ATS arrived to take boys into
custody, villagers came out in hordes-the ATS had to retreat. The
issue against police atrocities became one of self-respect and human

Poorvanchal is the area where the BJP-VHP-RSS saffron brigade has also
unleashed a reign of anti-Muslim terror. Presenting a deadly mixture
of Hindutva politics and mafia activities under police protection,
Adityanath and his son Yoginath, the BJP MP from Gorakhpur, are
virtually a law unto their own. Recently, they even had the gumption
to kill a Muslim Police Inspector in broad daylight.

After the Batala House encounter, BJP leaders of Azamgarh were talking
openly about turning Azamgarh into another Gorakhpur or even Gujarat.
In fact, the BJP and VHP leaders gave a slogan-Azamgarh shuruaat
karega, UP Gujarat banega. To counter this, the Ulema Council gave the
slogan:Azamgarh shuruaat karega, poora Bharat swarg banega.

This basic spirit of Muslim led Indian secular nationalism, in which
instead of a Hindu-Muslim or even a police Vs Muslim fight the
Azamgarh battle has become part of the larger war for secularism in
India, has surprised armchair liberals-unlike other such initiatives
undertaken by other social forces, the Azamgarh phenomenon has some
very specific features. For one, it is in tune with the post 26/11
mood of national secular unity and decline of communal feeling. It has
nothing to do with Muslim League type exclusive Muslim assertion. It
includes a vast majority of Pasis, Chamars, Rajbhars, Musahars and
Nonias, other Most Backward Hindu Castes and poorer sections from
amongst the upper castes, who too have borne the brunt of police and
mafia-Hindutva atrocities.

Secondly, this movement has deep roots in Azamgarh's history. In 1857,
this was the district which provided the British with one of the
fiercest resistance in Eastern India. Most of the sepoys of the East
India Company Bengal Army came from Avadh and Poorvanchal (east UP).
An entire infantry regiment, the 17th BNI, which remained in the
frontline during the battles in Avadh and Lucknow, was made up of
Muslims, Rajputs and Yadavs of Azamgarh. The Pulwar Rajputs of
Azamgarh and Muslims of the Belariagunj, Sarai Meer and Beni Para (the
upsurge areas of the current movement) are mentioned in British
records as one of the toughest anti-colonial resistance fighters.

During the 1942 Quit India movement, one of the first attacks on
Police stations and Kotwalis were reported from Azamgarh. One by one,
all districts of Poorvanchal followed Azamgarh's lead-soon the entire
region from Jaunpur to Ballia was out of British hands, the police
fleeing almost to a man.

In the post-Independence era, one of the first anti-Congress
opposition party MLA was elected from Azamgarh. In the 1960s, when the
notion of independent Muslim assertion was unheard of, Azamgarh was
home to Muslim Majlis, a secular movement of Dalit-backward-Muslim
elements started by Dr. Faridi of Lucknow.

In the 1970s and 1980s, upwardly mobile and 

Bismillah [IslamCity] India - South Asian Don

2009-03-16 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Zaheerul Hassan

On 8 March, 2009 Ronald Noble along with Interior Advisor, Rahman
Malik while addressing a Press Conference said that Mumbai attacks
were partially planned in Pakistan. He revealed that seven countries
including India were used for Mumbai attacks. On this occasion,
interior Advisor of Pakistan has urged upon India to reply soon the 30
questions relating to the Mumbai investigations put forward. It is
notable here that Pakistan government has fully cooperated with India
in relation to Mumbai Drama but some how New Delhi failed to provide
the solid evidences. The dossiers forwarded to Islamabad government
are not even worth presenting as material evidence in the court.
Ronald Noble very rightly said that Pakistan and its people were more
hit by terrorism and the world community was with Pakistan in war
against terror. He also praised FIA for carrying out investigations
and termed their report as comprehensive and complete. Interpol
Sectary confirmed that India didn't provide any report to
international police. According the reports Indian investigation
agencies few days earlier has presented Mumbai Drama's Charge Sheet to
court without mentioning the nationalities of the characters involved
in the attack. It means that Indian agencies failed to ascertain the
nationalities of culprits took part in Mumbai attack. Therefore
involving Pakistan in the issue is not under stood. The whole episode
reveals that Indian agencies, diplomatic pundits and rogue armed
forces have terribly failed in maligning Pakistan and its security
agencies in Mumbai Drama.

The terrible defeats on national and international fronts have
frustrated Indian government and its intelligence agencies. New Delhi
through and its world notorious intelligence set ups are madly busy in
planning and obliterating peace by carrying out terrorist activities
in the regional countries. On February 24, 2009 Bangladesh Border
Force carried out a mutiny against their superior officers, which
resulted into the death of more than 200 individuals including a major
General and his wife. The act of mutiny was planned and instigated by
RAW with a purpose of weakening the Bangladesh Armed and Border Forces
since they have inflicted heavy losses and pushed the Indian forces
back to their territory in a border conflict with India. The
Bangladesh Rifles are often involved in border skirmishes with their
counterparts from India. Thus she dented Bangladesh Armed Forces and
Bangladesh Rifles while launching clandestine operation.

Just after few days on March 3, 2009 a group of 12 individuals trained
by the RAW have carried out terrorist attacks on cricket team of Sri
Lanka near Gaddafi Stadium Lahore. According to the government
officials the masked gunmen armed with rifles and rocket launchers
started an organized and ruthless firing on the team. As result
several players wounded and six individuals of police have been
killed. The reasons of carrying out assault against Lankan's are quite
obvious because she rejected Indian demand of not dispatching her
cricket team to Pakistan. Other reason is that New Delhi faced
horrible defeat on diplomatic front in the case of Mumbai Drama. Her
intelligence agencies and government is being criticized inside the
country as well as at international level. She also failed to provide
the solid evidence to FBI and Interpol in the past. At many occasions
Indian Foreign minister and army Chief threaten that they have various
open options to attack Pakistan. There are reports that these
terrorists have entered into Pakistan from the river side and stayed
in various areas of Lahore few days earlier of launching the attack.
They have carried out the rehearsals and observed the movement of the
team a day prior to assault. Pakistan Rangers and troops deployed on
border should keep themselves alive and alert because the terrorists
might use the border while falling back to India. Lahore attack would
also been taken as repercussions of Mumbai Drama.

Indian army never spared any chance of pressing, murdering and raping
women in Kashmir. So called secular country remained butchering Sikhs,
Christen and Tamils. On March 8, 2009 hundreds of people staged
anti-Army demonstrations in Sallar village of South Kashmir after Army
arrested a youth during a cricket match. According to the Kashmir
Watch in a match between the teams of Sallar and Livar village in
South Kashmir's Islamabad an Army Major Rohit Sharma of 3 Rashtriya
Rifles, who was playing for the Sallar team, when bowled out by the
opposite team shortly after he came on the pitch was hooted by the
spectators witnessing the match. Eye witnesses revealed that the
hooting infuriated the Army major who turned furious and whisked away
one of the youth identified as Shoaib Ahmad Khan son of Abdul Razak to
the Army camp .As the Army detained Khan hundreds of people of Sallar
and adjoining villages came on the streets and staged anti-Army
demonstrations. The protesters were 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Indian Muslims need constitutional support not promises

2009-03-20 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By S G Haque,

The Indian Government has admitted that the cases of human rights
violation against minorities have increased and Indian Muslims, the
largest minority community are the worst sufferer. Several communal
riots instigated by Hindu nationalists, have caused heavy damages to
the Muslims. Riots and violence against them have become a common
feature. The Muslims are slaughtered mercilessly in communal riots and
women raped and the agencies responsible for protecting the lives and
modesty of women remain a silent spectator during communal riots.
Today the global fever of terrorism is badly haunting the community.
The innocent people of productive ages of the community are easy
target of unscrupulous and communal elements. The broad daylight
killings of Muslim youths by security agencies have become a routine
job today. The number of Muslims in jails increases day by day.

When person like Justice Sachar talks about backwardness among Muslims
and suggests doing special effort to educate Muslims, the communal
elements brand the highly educated like IT and management graduates as
terrorists and virtually closes the door of academic and employment
opportunities for Muslim youths.

Indian Muslims have shorter life spans, worse health, lower literacy
rates and irregular lower-paying jobs. Today, hardly 1 % Muslims is in
government services, while this figure was about 30 % before
partition. These are the findings of government's own national sample

The socio-economic status of Muslims is worst than the Dalits, the
most backward community of India. Several studies and surveys have
revealed the fact that the Indian Muslims, the second largest
community are lagging behind and they cannot get rid of their poverty,
illiteracy and other social ills without special and proper support.
Every one of the nation is aware that the persons belonging to the
Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe communities were considered as
most backward and downtrodden. Nevertheless, the constitutional
support helped them to improve their condition. Today they are in a
better position as compared to their fore fathers. Of course, the
atrocities against them have not come to a complete halt and they are
yet to join the billionaires club. But it is also a fact that besides
constitutional provisions for reservation in education and jobs, there
are special legal enactments to check the violence and atrocities
against Dalits. The Government made a provision of separate courts for
anti-Dalit cases. Unfortunately, there are no such constitutional and
legal measures to protect or safeguard the interest of Muslims. While,
the violent attack on Muslims are common. Several committees and
commissions have studied the social and economic status of Indian
Muslims since independence. But their reports failed to bring any
material change in their lives. Because, no government showed the
courage to implement the recommendations of such committees. The
Sachar committee report was tabled and debated in the parliament with
much fanfare. The UPA government made very tall promises to bail out
the Muslim community from their worst and desperate plight. Several
announcements were made to ensure the educational needs of the
community. However, their promises failed to become reality. The UPA
government did not make any concrete effort.

There are enough historical and documentary evidence, which show that
the Indian Muslims felled prey to famous divide and rule policy of the
British. They created an atmosphere of hatred and distrust between two
largest communities of India by using the vested and communal elements
and spreading rumors of forced conversion and demolition of temples in
much planned manner, which has already been denounced by several
eminent Hindu intellectuals and historians. The post 1857 era was
worst for the Muslim elites. The British held Muslims responsible for
the start of the freedom struggle. The aggressive and vigorously
active role of Indian Muslims in the freedom struggle forced the
British to teach a lesson to the community. They blatantly targeted
Muslim religious leaders and intellectuals. Indian Muslim bore the
brunt of British rage. They coloured the streets of Delhi with the
bloods of Ulemas. They closed the doors of opportunity upon Muslims.
The physical and economic insecurity marginalized the community. They
introduced English as official language that led to the further
marginalization of Muslims. The literacy rate of Muslims fell
significantly to 20 % with in half-century span due to their anti-
Muslim policies.

They were deprived of all administrative and judicial jobs in the
government. The discriminatory policies of the British showed the door
of deprivation and backwardness to the Indian Muslims.

The Muslims are facing multi pronged hurdles. In this peculiar and
desperate situation of victimization and exploitation, no one seems
willing to bail out the community from the crisis. Needless to say
that the 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Bush Policy or Obama Policy?

2009-03-20 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Adnan Gill

Despite what some American foreign policy hawks, like Kim Holmes (Vice
President, Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International
Studies) suggest, Obama-Biden team was spot on when they set
“Restoring Our Standing” to be one of the prime objectives of
formulating the American foreign policy. Thanks to almost a decade
long coercive Bush-era foreign policy; today, America is viewed as a
maverick on war path. Survey after survey shows a global decline of
American popularity among both friends and foes. Even an association
with Bush policy cut short political fortunes of many. British Prime
Minister Toney Blair and President Pervez Musharraf are among the few
who were sidelined for toeing Bush policy.

With the exception of few successes, like Libyan pledge to denounce
terrorism and reverse its nuclear program, rest of the Bush policy is
fraught with disasters. Iraqi invasion was a direct manifestation of
failed Bush Doctrine. The invasion cost America hundreds of billions
of dollars and thousands in human lives. Indian nuclear deal is
another example of shortsighted Bush foreign policy. It envisioned a
onetime Soviet and now Russian ally India to be its linchpin.

Now, some pro-India American hawks are aggressively lobbying the Obama
Administration for an extension of Bush policy. They argue: to check
the rise of China and the common democratic values make India a
natural American ally. Though in reality, India is more of a
pseudo-socialist democracy; a far cry from the Jeffersonian democracy.
The lobbyists go as far as, wanting to share American national
security jewels, like nuclear technology and the land-based laser
defense system with India.

At the same time, a concerted effort is in full swing to change
Obama’s Pakistan policy. They insist on de-hyphenating India from
Pakistan; which will remain a pipe dream as long as India and Pakistan
remain entangled over one or the other issue. Most experts believe the
two will remain in a belligerent relationship till the root cause of
their rivalry, the Kashmir issue, is amicably resolved.

India’s huge population with equally impressive middleclass makes it
an attractive trade partner. However, neither its humongous population
nor its growing economy is meaningful enough to qualify it to become a
strategic ally; especially at the cost of its time tested ally
Pakistan or its largest trading partner China. In 2008 India imported
only $17.4 billion worth of goods from the US. In contrast, China with
far better human rights record and business friendly government
imported $67.1 billion worth of goods from the US. In addition,
American business giants like Walmart and Boeing are impatiently
waiting for Obama administration to reverse the restrictive sanctions
Clinton administration placed on China.

Even in the 21st century, India is frequently cited for the worst
religious persecution and gross human rights abuses by the human
rights organizations and US State Department. In fact, Indian record
is far worst than what is attributed to China. Indian conservative cum
nationalist parties like BJP have been charged for aiding and abetting
the religious extremists in caring out communal violence. These
parties openly campaign on anti-minority and nationalist slogans.
Their ‘akhand Bharat’ (larger India) rhetoric dominates their
political ideology. India is one of the few notable countries that
still hold border disputes with virtually all of its neighbors.
India’s neighbors accuse its intelligence agency RAW for malicious
interference in their internal affairs.

The Indio-US nuclear deal was widely criticized even within the Bush
Administration. India has a well known nuclear proliferation record,
especially in vertical and onward proliferation. In a 2003 interview,
the former Secretary of State Colin Powell expressed his reservations
over the deal, We also have to protect certain red lines that we have
with respect to proliferation. However, former Secretary Condoleezza
Rice was the driving force behind the hurriedly concocted nuclear
deal. It was a brainchild of Secretary Rice's counselor and longtime
colleagues Philip Zelikow and (Bombay-born) Ashley Tellis.

Experts like David Albright, President of Institute for Science and
International Security, in a 2005 testimony before the US House
Committee described Indian proliferation, India's extensive military
and civil nuclear programs are often connected, sharing personnel and
infrastructure. In addition, some facilities currently have both a
military and civilian purpose. Indian scientist Raja Ramanna also
confirmed, India diverted plutonium from the American-Canadian
supplied civilian nuclear reactor (CIRUS) for its first nuclear

Again, in an October 26, 2005, testimony before the House Committee
Dr. Albright warned, This [nuclear deal] could pose serious risks to
the security of the United States. If fully implemented, it could
catapult India into a position as a major supplier 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Seekers of Indian citizenship have personal agenda: Hindu community

2009-03-29 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Javed Aziz Khan

PESHAWAR: Busy preparing for the colourful religious festival of Holi
on Wednesday, the Hindu community from across the NWFP alleged the
Hindus seeking Indian citizenship in Amritsar had a “personal agenda”
as there was no threat to their lives and families in Pakistan.

“Around 400 Hindu families living in Peshawar are celebrating Holi
today and there is no restriction or threat to our youth, men, women
and elders. We have never been approached by any Hindu family with
complaint of threats to their lives or families,” Ram Lal, president
of the Balmik Samaj Sabha (BSS) and provincial general secretary of
the Scheduled Castes Federation (SCF), told The News.

I think, he added, a few individuals who have claimed threats to their
lives would be having personal problems. “Had there been any complaint
or threat, they would have contacted me or our minority MPA,” Ram Lal

As cheerful celebrations by thousands of Hindu families in this
country were on, the Indian media had reported that 35 members of five
Hindu families from the NWFP had reached Amritsar with citing threats
to their lives in Pakistan. These minority members, reported to be 16
each men and women and three children, have sought Indian citizenship,
citing threats to their lives in Pakistan’s Frontier province as the
major reason.

“They have probably done it to seek Indian citizenship because we
never faced any problem in performing our religious, political or
social activities in any part of Pakistan. The Hindus of Dera Ismail
Khan are celebrating Holi and they are as happy as they could be in
any other part of the world,” Businessman Ashok Kumar, told The News
from Dera Ismail Khan. His cousin, Kishor Kumar, is the lone Hindu
lawmaker from the province.

There are three Hindu temples in Peshawar and two in Dera Ismail Khan.
Several such temples exist in the remaining 22 districts of the NWFP.

“We perform our religious rituals freely. As far as the law and order
situation is concerned, mostly Muslims are being killed in violent
incidents and not members of the minority community,” Ashok argued.

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] India battles its urban wild

2009-03-30 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Priyanka Bhardwaj

NEW DELHI - Often it becomes apparent that India's slow-to-move
government agencies are caught in a time warp, struggling to catch up
with the efficient private sector rooted in high-tech paperless

Take the case of the state of Haryana that adjoins Delhi and boasts of
modern cities such as Chandigarh and Gurgaon, the hub of
multinational, global outsourcing and software firms, operating out of
state-of-the-art office spaces.

Saddled with reams of hard copy files, the Haryana police, which does
not boast the best anti-crime record, has been grapplingwith rats
devouring official records stored in usually dilapidated conditions.

To deal with file eating rodents, Haryana officials have arrived at a
solution that may seem rather offbeat. Rather than spruce and clean up
the place, the police are experimenting with white mice to take on the
numerous black rats.

A senior police official in the Haryana city of Karnal was quoted as
saying: We have brought two white rats in on a trial basis. We have
been told that white mice do not eat paper and cloth and are a
deterrent for the black ones.

The Haryana case follows the instances of the income tax office in New
Delhi and the Delhi Development Authority (that deals with land
allotment and real estate development), which are officially allowed
to keep cats.

They have been doing so for years to keep mice from nibbling the
mountains of stored paperwork in the face of the slow computerization
of government offices.

This, of course is also a reflection of overall lax government
functioning, whether in education, law and order, health or
infrastructure such as roads and power, Though India has been
plague-free from 1966, in 1994 there was an outbreak that affected
Maharashtra and Gujarat. The city of Surat was badly impacted.

Indeed, even as India transitions as an emerging economy and global
business hub, the intermeshing of high growth pockets with arenas that
still need reform creates its own set of peculiarities.

Though the government has been one of the slowest to change and move
with the times, there are other outfits battling rodents too. The
state-owned Indian Railways, the biggest network in the world, has
been fighting a losing battle with rats for a while now.

Over a million rats are estimated to infest the extremely dirty and
busy four acre area of the New Delhi railway station, a contrast from
the glitzy malls that sprinkle the city and the spotless metro train

The rodents have been causing a nuisance gnawing at cables, stores and
even affecting signaling systems.

Earlier this month, following several failed attempts, desperate rail
officials handed a contract of Rs1.7 million (US$33,000) to a private
firm to exterminate the menace.

All our earlier attempts failed miserably to control the rats. We
have handed over the area to the firm and hope for a radical change in
the next one month itself,'' said a senior railway official.

Indeed, although India is changing there is a long way to go. For
example, first time foreign visitors to New Delhi are shocked to
witness animals that freely roam the streets, alongside traffic jams,
modern expressways, flyovers and the world class metro. It is
estimated that more than 50,000 cows and buffaloes crowd the roads
along with armies' of monkeys, pigs, stray dogs, camels and an
occasional elephant, often causing chaos and accidents.

Traffic routinely comes to a halt on highways to allow animals to
walk, sleep, defecate and procreate. Animals are sometimes injured,
with stinking carcasses lying in the streets for days given lax
municipal authorities.

All of this is due to a rapidly spreading urban sprawl that devours
erstwhile open, rural areas and villages where the animals once roamed

The courts have been waging a losing battle to rid Delhi roads of its
animals. Apart from the usual lethargy in implementation, cows are
revered by Hindus, the majority Indian population, so any strong arm
action is a politically sensitive move.

Dogs, meanwhile, proliferate as they are readily adopted by people,
who do not have the space to keep them inside the house, but generally
feed, pamper them and resist attempts by authorities to act.

Such is the nuisance of monkeys in the national capital that a couple
of langurs (bigger-sized white monkeys) continue to be leashed every
day at the forecourts of the Rashtrapati Bhavan (President's House)
and the adjoining north and south blocks that house the prime
minister, top administration and military offices.

The langurs scare off the smaller Indian brown rhesus monkeys that are
a menace in the area, biting officials, running away with secret files
and entering the inner precincts of offices and president's quarters.

There are also reports that for some time stray dogs moved in and out
of the highly protected residence of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh. There were fears that the strays could easily be fitted with

Bismillah [IslamCity] Hate speech are not new in Indian politics

2009-04-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Abdul Hannan
As election temperature increases across India, political parties and
their candidates are trying to use new political stunts to catch
public's attention.

Earlier, in Utter Pradesh Mulaym Singh joined hands with Kalyan Singh,
in Bihar RJD and LJP came closer, in Jharkhand former Chief Minister
Shebu Suren is searching for the allies to strength his hand on power,
Ms Mayawati, Chief Minister of Utter Pradesh agrees to support Third
Front if it is ready to support her demand to become the Prime
Minister of India.

The real political situation will come out after the election but
so-called secular and none secular parties are busy in political

Varun Gandhi's hate speech against Muslims in an election campaign in
Pilibhit, Utter Pradesh, also is the part of the politics. An
interesting thing is that BJP, which is famous on its fundamentalist
ideologies and Varun Gandhi is the BJP candidate from Pilibhit,
initially distanced itself from Varun's statement.

Election Commission (EC) found that Varun violated the code of conduct
during election campaign and asked BJP to not present him as its
candidate from Pilibhit, BJP charged EC of biased action, Rajnath
Singh, BJP president, has said that Varun Gandhi is the BJP's
candidate from Pilibhit.

Reacting on Varun's remark, Mrs. Priyanka Gandhi advised Varun to read
Gita to avoid passing such comments.

After making hate speech, Varun Gandhi is on the lips of every one,
may be that he belongs from Gandhi family, and such ideas is against
of Nehru/Gandhi family ideology, but if Varun Gandhi passes such
comments, he has a reason behind it. His mother Menaka Gandhi
contested polls from Pilibhit and won in 1989, in 2004 she joined BJP,
probably Varun Gandhi cannot prevent himself from the Hindutva

Since 2004 Varun Gandhi is in BJP. Though he is graduate and an
educated person, it was necessary for Varun to speak something in the
favor of BJP, he spoke well in Pilibhit election campaign and tried to
bring out his and BJP's communal hardcore image before the people, now
he is a Hero in Hindutva ideological class. Hate speech or communal
politics is not new in post independence India. It is very old trend,
particularly during the election or nearing the time of election.

Two years ago, at the time of UP assembly elections, a CD was lunched
by BJP in which Muslims was targeted, at that time, an FIR was longed
against few BJP leaders, after that BJP alleged that it is not
involved in such activities and this is work of low rank workers.
Kalyan Singh, Bal Thackray, Advani, Uma Bharti, Sadhvi Rethambra,
Vinay Katiyar and various other BJP or the leaders of its sisters
organizations are famous for their hate speeches.

It is unfortunate that in Indian politics votes not taken on
development, on elimination of poverty, on non-violence which was the
historical slogan of Mahatma Gandhi or against exploitation. Last time
BJP used India Shining slogan to get public votes and NDA government
not only got defeated but central government gone out of their hands,
because India was shining in televisions, in newspapers, in films, in
cinema theaters, though in reality, the people of India were suffering
for basic necessities. The ground situations were very different than
advertisements in which India was shining. Later BJP conceded that
India Shining slogan was its mistake.

Communal politics always recharged BJP and boosted it to emerge as
national level party. If Varun Gandhi seeks to win the votes on
communal ground, it is nothing new.

EC's decision against Varun my force him to not to contest in election
but it is no guaranty that in future such incidents will not take

The real power is in the hands of the public, if they decide to reject
such communal comments and force BJP to leave such politics, surly a
new era will start in which all community in India to take the real
juice to enjoy the real freedom of democracy. Question is - those days
will come?

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Analysis: General Shankar's threat to Bangladesh

2009-04-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Bangladesh Open Source Intelligence Monitors
Grassroot Open Source Intelligence can include information we get
from books, magazines, the Web, music, movies and other open sources.
These information sources often overlap and intermix. Valuable
intelligence can be found in a very wide range of people, media and
other sources. Keep your eyes and mind open for good grassroots
intelligence. The human race needs all the intelligence we can get our
hands on. Steve Hammons

Analysis: General Shankar's threat to Bangladesh
by Dr. M.T. Hussain

1. General Shankar's clear threat to Bangladesh

Indian former Army Chief General. Shankar's interview published
originally in the Indian daily Asian Age on the 24th and lifted in
Bengali translation in the daily Noya Dignata on the 26th March in
Dhaka though an unofficial viewpoint from the stalwart may not be seen
by some as anything serious, but certainly gives a clear danger signal
for the sovereignty of Bangladesh. However, his frank opinion in the
matter should be appreciated.

2. Shankar's verbatim

TIME not only gave a very clear ominous message in its clarity but
also for the timing Bangladeshis have been mourning the brutal
massacre of over five dozens of brilliant patriotic army officers of
the country on the 25-26 mayhem in full knowledge of the P.M. and her
colleagues in the cabinet at the BDR Peelkhana head quarter. Thus Gen.
Shanker has further added to the account of critical worry for
Bangladesh's sovereignty.

3. Ominous signals from Delhi and now from Shankar

Since the very inception of the mayhem ominous signals had been
pouring in Dhaka from Indian government and their media, Shankar's one
being the latest of the tirades against the smaller peaceful neighbor
Bangladesh. Was it of any dignity of Shanker that he threatened Dhaka,
on the one hand, and advised Delhi to keep Bangladesh in her full
control, on the other? One must wonder if the same BDR massacre had
been planned and engineered for Delhi by Delhi to make an excuse of
the control over Bangladesh's sovereignty tighter than as had been
ever? How should the government having overwhelming majority member in
the Parliament need Delhi's support for management of its own affairs?
Or did India make a ploy of the mayhem to destroy Bangladesh's
patriotic army and the BDR?

4. Great Game

The General has referred to the 'great game' of India Pakistan
rivalry. He was right in this assertion, but that goes back in history
not just of the post 1947 period, much less of the post 1971 period.
The rivalry was there in historical elements embedded in faith,
culture and day- to- day way of life of two main peoples of the Indian
subcontinent. Incidentally, Bangladesh shares little from the caste
ridden Indian Brahmanism. Instead Muslim egalitarianism is the main
essence of Bangladeshi people that made them somewhat closer to
Pakistani people, but not less with the Indian Muslims, as well.

5. 1975 August coup misrepresented

Gen Shankar's open mind need be appreciated first for the fact that
1971 was a winning game for his own country India. But it is curious
and mysterious to know from him that the August 1975 coup of Dhaka was
a defeat for India and victory for Pakistan. Pakistan had nothing to
do in August 1975 political change in Dhaka. That was India's defeat
in the sense that India's lackey had been ousted but in no way was
victory of Pakistan. The victory was for Bangladesh. The successful
coup of August was brought about not by anybody from outside but by
the heroic freedom fighters of 1971 and by the Bangladesh Army
followed immediately by jubilation by the common people in Bangladesh.
Because, Mujib by then in little over three years of misrule had
become a liability for Bangladesh's freedom and sovereignty. His
becoming liability had many onus of Delhi that the people confused in
1971 but finally discovered the real hegemonic designs of the
Brahmanist Indians who never ever accepted the 1947 partition of the
then British India, and so stood against the existence of Pakistan
after 1947 and then particularly, Bangladesh in post 1971 period now
nearly four decades.

6. Indemnity was inherent in the August coup

The August coup of 1975 have not failed but was a victorious one, and
so had no liability of any wrongdoing in the coup operation according
legal maxim of FACTUM VALET. That was how the coup operators enjoyed
indemnity and freedom. After 21 years, in 1996 Sheikh Hasina getting
saddled in power of the country went in frenzy to hang those heroes of
1975 August coup. She could not finish the job in deep vengeance
though engineered in the process gross miscarriage of justice by abuse
of power in her extreme vengeance during 1996-2001 that she now has
undertaken to accomplish in the second term.

7. Bangladesh's sense of identity misrepresented

Bangladesh is an overwhelmingly Muslim nation not only by population
strength but also for 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Sayeeda Warsi Britain's most powerful Muslim woman

2009-04-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Baroness Warsi named Britain's most powerful Muslim woman

LONDON (AFP) - Britain's most powerful Muslim woman is Baroness
Sayeeda Warsi, who notably helped rescue a Briton jailed in Sudan for
calling a teddy bear Mohammed two years ago, a panel of judges said

Warsi, a 38-year-old member of the House of Lords, said her Pakistani
origins and her strong faith contributed to her career success,
highlighted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Other names in the top five of the Muslim Women Power List, chosen by
a panel of the commission's judges, were BBC News presenter Mishal
Hussain, Grange Park Opera chief executive Wasfi Kani and Farmida Bi,
a banking partner for law firm Norton Rose LLP.

I personally come from a family of all girls and was brought up to
believe that anything was possible and being a Muslim woman should in
no way be seen as a barrier but as an asset to achievement, Warsi

I'm extremely proud to be named as the most powerful British Muslim
woman and I'm sure my Pakistani origins, my strong faith and my
Yorkshire upbringing has played a huge part, she added.

Trevor Phillips, head of the commission, said, Our list of female
Muslim high achievers challenges many stereotypes, celebrating some
truly impressive individuals.

Warsi was one of two British peers who secured the release of Gillian
Gibbons in 2007.

Gibbons, a 54-year-old teacher from Liverpool, was arrested in
November 2007 and sentenced to 15 days in prison for insulting
religion by allowing children at an English school in Sudan where she
worked to name a teddy bear Mohammed.

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] BJP minister, charged with inciting riots, surrenders

2009-04-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed

Ahmedabad/New Delhi : Maya Kodnani, who resigned Friday as Gujarat's
minister for higher education, surrendered later in the day before the
Special Investigation Team (SIT) that has named her as among those who
led mobs in the Naroda Gaam and Naroda Patiya localities here in which
106 people were killed during the 2002 communal riots in the state.

Kodnani quit from her post Friday morning after the Gujarat High Court
rejected her anticipatory bail plea. She was joined by former Vishwa
Hindu Parishad (VHP) general secretary Jaideep Patel who also
surrendered before the SIT.

The BJP immediately distanced itself from Kodnani, saying the law
would take its own course, while the Congress said the party had it

Once the decision has come from the Gujarat High Court, the party
asked her to resign. She resigned. Rest, the law will take its own
course, BJP spokesperson Balbir Punj told reporters in New Delhi.

It was coming. Slowly, slowly, the crimes in Gujarat will unravel,
Science and Technology Minister Kapil Sibal said in New Delhi.

Kodnani and Patel arrived together at the SIT office at the Old
Secretariat in adjacent Gandhinagar and surrendered to a senior
official. While Kodnani refused to comment, Patel told reporters: I
have faith in the judiciary regarding the decision taken by it. I
respect the Gujarat High Court's decision.

In its plea to the Gujarat High Court, the Supreme court appointed SIT
stated that Kodnani was evading arrest even after being named by
witnesses who submitted that they saw the minister in the localities
on that day.

Witnesses in the Kodnani case also told SIT that they were being
harassed over the phone and told to drop charges against the minister.

The Godhra train burning led to widespread attacks on Muslims in the
state, leading to 1,180 people, mostly Muslims, being killed.

Earlier Friday, the Gujarat High Court rejected Kodnani's anticipatory
bail plea, stating that her role in leading mobs during 2002 sectarian
violence was nothing less than organised crime.

In his order, Justice D.H. Waghela said: Maya Kodnani was leading a
mob but still did not control them (mob). This is nothing less than
organised crime.

He also rejected the plea of Kodnani's defence lawyer who sought more
time for her to file an appeal in the Supreme Court.

Kodnani's surrrender came on the day the BJP's prime ministerial
candidate L.K. Advani and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi were to
address a public meeting here to kick off the party's Lok Sabha
campaign in the state. Advani will contest the election from

The state government put up a brave face, saying the court ruling
against Kodnani was not an embarrassment to the BJP.

This is not at all an embarrassment, said a Gujarat government
spokesperson, adding that nobody could be pronounced guilty till the
last word had been spoken.

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Hamid Karzai And The Cancer Of Corruption

2009-04-13 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Virginia M. Moncrieff
International Correspondent

President Hamid Karzai has blamed foreigners for exaggerating the
amount of corruption in Afghanistan. Last week he reiterated the
dastardly plot, sounding like a Burmese general fulminating against
foreign stooges.

The government is not what they [foreigners] say, he said. Some of
the things they say is just political pressure on us, saying 'Karzai,
follow us otherwise we will defame you'.

Such protestations do President Karzai no favors. He is either
gob-smackingly ignorant or wildly dishonest and neither option is
particularly attractive. The kindest you could say about Karzai is
that he has shown a tolerance of corruption that is deeply

Anyone who lives in Kabul knows that corrupt payments are a daily
transaction, from keeping your electricity connected, paying a teacher
to let your child stay in class, or paying a toll at an impromptu
roadblock, erected for eliciting bribes.

For all the many problems that Karzai faces - not easily counted on
the fingers of two hands - corruption could well be the biggest. It
eats away at everything in Afghanistan, and has created despair and
anger all over the country. Karzai's government - from the most senior
ministers to the lowly rural clerk - is loathed, sometimes feared, but
always deeply disrespected.

There's not an ideological opposition to the Karzai Government,
analyst Sarah Chayes told Australian radio last week. The opposition
to the Karzai Government is because of the way it treats its people.
[Y]ou basically cannot interact with a government official without it
causing you pain or damage. The population feels helpless in the face
of constant fleecing, and has no means of seeking justice. A trip to
the cop-shop will cost you a bribe, any legal action must be covered
with corrupt payments and you may end up in jail yourself because the
system is so rotten.

Hamid Karzai last week announced that he makes $487 per month as
president, has no debts and does not own a house, land, car or any
other assets. His wife owns about $10,000 worth of jewelry. There's
also $10,000 in a German bank account but the President says he hasn't
checked the account for over ten years.

He then announced a new decree that government employees must declare
their assets:

I hope all the government employees and high-ranking officials will
fill this form and register their property to show the public more
transparency and an accountable government, he said.

And the new form, which you hope people will fill out, seems more
embarrassing than meaningful. Hamid Karzai is no lay down misére for
the August elections and for all the violence and insecurity in
Afghanistan, it may well be his tolerance for corruption that seals
his fate.

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Lack of trust

2009-04-13 Thread Ahsan Waheed
AS long as the mutual suspicions persisting between Washington and
Islamabad are not removed, it will be hard to root out terrorism from
Afghanistan and Pakistan. Islamabad rightly thinks it has rendered
vital help to the US in the War On Terror, but is still being not
trusted. Pakistan's intelligence agencies have nabbed and handed over
to the US the largest number of Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders and
operatives, while well over a thousand Pakistani soldiers have died
fighting the militants in the tribal areas. Pakistan has subsequently
been punished by the militants for being a US ally.

Thousands of Pakistani citizens have died in rocket attacks, bomb
blasts and suicide strikes conducted all over the country. The US, on
the other hand, continues to accuse the ISI of running with the hare
and hunting with the hounds. While conceding that intelligence
agencies do keep contacts with those involved in organised crime,
including terrorist networks, US generals accuse the ISI of going a
step further by funding, arming and sharing intelligence with certain
militant groups, enabling them to avoid attacks by US and allied
troops in Afghanistan.

The US is resorting to the carrot and stick policy now. President
Obama, we are told, plans to propose $2.8billion in aid for the
military, which would be in addition to the annual $1.5 billion
civilian aid that has already been proposed. Meanwhile, Senator Carl
Levin, Chairman Armed Services Committee, has said he would oppose
financial aid or weapons for Pakistan until Islamabad is willing to
take on extremists within its own borders.

Despite wide-ranging talks held in Washington when the AfPak policy
review was under process, both sides continue to stick to their
positions. Gen Petraeus insists that collaboration between Taliban
members and individuals in Pakistani agencies continues, and the US
military is putting additional focus on rooting out these ties. On the
other hand, Prime Minister Yousaf Reza Gilani has once again
contradicted the perception of ISI collaboration with terrorist
groups. Pakistan's military and security agencies maintain that they
are wary of the US strategy in the region and fear that with the US
again leaving the region abruptly after fulfilling its agenda, a
vacuum in Afghanistan could be filled by those opposed to Pakistan,
and a collaboration between them and India would put Pakistan in a

There are many who think there is a need on the part of Washington to
address Pakistan's reservations by helping to resolve the regional
disputes, which include the core issue of Kashmir and the recognition
of the Durand Line as the international border.

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Pope to reflect on persecution of Christians in India

2009-04-14 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Vatican City, 7 April (AKI) - Pope Benedict XVI will reflect on the
plight of Christians in India this Easter when he leads the Way of the
Cross ceremony on Friday at the Colosseum in Rome. The Vatican has
asked Indian Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil to write the meditations
for the ceremony, which depicts Christ's final hours leading up to his

Archbishop Menamparampil's reflections will focus on the question of
evil in the world, on pain and on the various forms of suffering which
are, he writes, a symbol of the presence of the cross of Christ in
our lives.

Menamparampil will refer to Christians who suffer persecution in
India and in other countries, as well to the violence that destroys
ethnic and religious groups, and to conflicts fuelled by economic
interests, the Vatican said in a statement.

Attacks by suspected Hindu extremists on Christians and their churches
in the eastern Indian state of Orissa last year left at least 35
people dead. The violence also spread to other states, including the
western coastal state of Karnataka, a state on India's west coast,
where at least 150 churches were destroyed.

India is officially secular but most of its one billion-plus citizens
are Hindu. Christians make up about 2.5 percent of the population and
Muslims, 13.4 percent.

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Crusade against ISI

2009-04-14 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Sajjad Shaukat

On January 20, 2009, in his first address, President Barack Obama had
stated: To the Muslim World, we seek a new way forward, based upon
mutual interest and mutual respect. But instead of reversing the
anti-Muslim policies of ex-president Bush who had used the term
'crusade', a few days after the 9/11 events, Obama is acting upon a
similar policy, though the tactics are different. Although he has
decided to end the use of the phrase, Global War On Terror replacing
it with the Overseas Contingency Operation, yet in reality
anti-Muslim strategy continues.

Notably, despite more cooperation with Pakistan, the main aim of the
US including its allies remains to de-nuclearise Pakistan which is the
only Islamic country, having nuclear weapons. Besides, its
geo-strategic location, Gwadar Port, linking Central and South Asia,
Islamabad's close ties with China irk the eyes of the US, India and
Israel who are in collusion to destabilise Pakistan for their common
interests. However, being an obstacle in their way and being vital for
our survival as the first pillar of the country, the Inter-Services
Intelligence Agency (ISI) has become a special target of the external

On March 26, The New York Times accused that Pakistan's ISI is
directly assisting militant groups fighting against US and NATO forces
in Afghanistan. In the recent past, US Admiral Mike Mullen and Defence
Secretary Robert Gates blamed the ISI for close connections with the
Taliban. All these biased statements have been appearing in wake of
the US' new strategy, which has taken Afghanistan and Pakistan's FATA
as single theatre of war. And President Obama said that he was
determined to dismantle and defeat Al-Qaeda and the safe havens in
Pakistan's tribal areas from where a plan to attack the US and Europe
could be in the making.

On the one hand, US administration has increased the aid of Pakistan,
while on the other, drone attacks on the tribal regions continue
unabated without bothering for any internal backlash inside our

Meanwhile, on March 31, Bailtullah Mehsud, chief of the
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the
terrorist attack at the Manawan Police Training Center in Lahore, and
threatened to carry out similar operations in various parts of Punjab.
As regard Mehsud, reports suggest that the ISI had provided
information to the US military commanders about Mehsud's exact
location several times, but the CIA-operated predators could not hunt
him. He plays a key role in instigating the peace-loving Taliban
against Islamabad. With the help of RAW and CIA, like his patrons,
while, playing a double game, Mehsud's main purpose is to create
unrest in Pakistan. On the other side, the US military and high
officials accuse Pakistan's army and ISI of close links with Mehsud.

Nevertheless, revival of blame game against ISI is not confined to US
war in Afghanistan. On December 15, 2008, US Senator John Kerry, while
putting pressure on Islamabad in the aftermath of Mumbai carnage of
November 26 remarked that all the gunmen came from Pakistan, and that
ISI must be brought under control. Before him, US Assistant Secretary
of State, Richard Boucher had stressed the need to reform ISI.

Under the cover of insurgency, US, India and Israel have intensified
their collective covert strategic game by exploiting Pakistan's
present multiple crises which they have themselves created through
their secret agencies. While acting upon anti-Pakistan plot, they,
sometimes, take new turns in their propaganda campaign in tarnishing
the image of the ISI. In fact, US-led powers have badly failed in
crushing the stiff resistance of Afghan Taliban and Kashmiris who have
been fighting against the occupying forces. Hence, senseless
accusations against ISI are essential for them to divert the attention
of their public from their frustrated misadventure.

Just like the sole superpower, it has become a fashion in India to
blame the ISI for every mishap in order to conceal RAW-backed Hindu
terrorism. In the recent past, concrete evidence surprised the world
regarding a number of developments such as murder of Indian
Anti-Terrorism Squad Chief Hemant Karkare during the Mumbai terror
attacks, involvement of Hindu extremists in the Malegaon blasts,
confession of Indian serving Lt Col Purohit in relation to the bombing
of Samjhota Express and massacre of Muslims in Gujrat. Inaction by the
US-led west over RAW-supported Hindu terrorism undoubtedly indicates
that America and major European states have their common interest in
India. Therefore, they blindly favour New Delhi's shrewd diplomacy
against Islamabad.

Their silence over two major terror-events in Lahore in March might
also be cited as an example.

The misdeeds of anti-ISI agencies are known to everyone. In this
context, Ramzi Yousaf who was well-aware of the activities of the
American and Israeli secret agencies had stated in the US court in
1997: You are butchers, liars, and 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Help find these missing children

2009-04-21 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Missing Two Children in Gulshen-e-Iqbal, Help us to search these little Kids.

Dear All,

My 11 year old girl, Noha Waleed El Hoseiny and my little boy 7 year
old son Seif El Din Waleed El Hoseiny, are missing.

They have been missing for 8 months now. Maybe if everyone passes this
on, someone will see those children.

That is how many missing children were found by circulation of their
pictures on TV or means of media. The Internet circulates everywhere
even overseas,

Please pass this to everyone in your address book.

With GOD on their side they will be found.

'I am asking you all, begging you to please Forward this email on to
anyone and everyone You know, PLEASE.

It is still not too late. Please help us. If anyone Knows anything,
please contact me at:


I am including their pictures

All prayers are appreciated! ! '

It only takes 2 seconds to forward this.

If they were your children, you would want all the help you could get!

Their desperate mum

Article Source :
attachment: Pic.JPG

Bismillah [IslamCity] Obama ready to cut Karzai adrift

2009-04-21 Thread Ahsan Waheed
As support for Afghan leader wanes, rivals go to Washington for
meeting with new President
By Jerome Starkey and Kim Sengupta in Kabul

Barack Obama's arrival in the White House and the wind of change
sweeping through Washington could lead to the ousting from power of
Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan, The Independent has learnt.

International support for Mr Karzai, who was once the darling of the
West, has waned spectacularly, amid worsening violence, endemic
corruption and weak leadership. But until very recently, diplomats
insisted there were no viable alternatives even as fighting has
intensified and the Taliban insurgency in the south has grown. But
four key figures believed to be challenging Mr Karzai have arrived in
Washington for meetings with Obama administration officials this week.
There is now talk of a dream ticket that would see the main
challengers run together to unite the country's various ethnic groups
and wrest control away from Mr Karzai.

The Americans aren't going to determine the outcome of the election,
but they could suggest to people they put their differences aside and
form a dream ticket, said a senior US analyst in Kabul.

Mr Obama has already started getting to grips with the challenge of
Afghanistan; he received a briefing on the coming American troop
surge from General David Petraeus on Wednesday, his first full day
in the Oval Office. Last night, Mr Obama appointed the veteran US
diplomat, Richard Holbrooke, as his new special envoy for Afghanistan
and Pakistan.
The unofficial delegation to Washington was made up of three
ex-ministers and a serving governor. Dr Abdullah Abdullah was the
foreign minister, Dr Ashraf Ghani served as finance minister, Ali
Ahmad Jalali was interior minister and Gul Agha Sherzai is the
governor of the eastern province of Nangahar, where US troops are
based. When Mr Obama visited Afghanistan in July he met Governor
Sherzai in Jalalabad, even before he saw President Karzai in Kabul.
They are not going to blindly back President Karzai like the Bush
administration did for so long, said John Dempsey, head of the United
States Institute of Peace in Kabul. On the ground in Afghanistan, Camp
Bastion in Helmand province is already becoming the symbol of the
Americanisation of the war in the south. US forces have started
arriving and will be joined by many more. Airfields are to be built to
bring in transport and warplanes in preparation for a coming offensive
with the dispatch of 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan.

Karzai officials had hoped Hillary Clinton, now the US Secretary of
State, would prove their ally in White House. But those hopes were
dashed last week when she branded Afghanistan a narco-state with a
government plagued by limited capacity and widespread corruption
during her confirmation hearing.

Ahmed Wali Karzai, the Afghan president's brother, was named last
October in leaked US intelligence reports as a major narco-trafficker.
The allegations, vigorously denied by both men, are widespread in
Afghanistan but, until then, Western officials had refused to
corroborate them. But the leak was seen as a shot across Mr Karzai's
bows from the Bush administration, to make him clean up his act and
rein in his brother. The flurry of criticism suggests the
international community is less than happy with his response. Mrs
Clinton's remarks coincided with stinging criticism from Nato's
secretary general, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, who said corrupt and
inefficient government was as much to blame for instability as the
insurgents. Writing in The Washington Post, he said: The basic
problem in Afghanistan is not too much Taliban; it's too little good

Individually, Mr Karzai's rivals risk splitting their support base.
Together, diplomats are optimistic they could win the election,
expected next summer, and reinvigorate a jaded population. We need to
create a new momentum, like in 2001, said Haroun Mir, co-founder of
the Afghanistan Centre for Research and Policy Studies. Change will
bring hope, because right now the momentum is with the Taliban.

The planning for new policies on Afghanistan has been going on for
months by Pentagon and State Department staff in anticipation of Mr
Obama's inauguration. One official said: We have to come up with
fresh innovative ideas on counter-insurgency, counter-narcotics,
governance, development. Now they are drafting in people from other
departments. There is no doubt we neglected Afghanistan after the
Taliban fell but there is a worry that we may be trying to do too
much, too fast now.

A slew of initiatives are on the way. They include the arming of local
groups to fight the Taliban, in the way Sunni militias were used
against insurgents by General Petraeus in Iraq.

US, British and Nato forces will also play a much more direct role in
counter-narcotics operations in an effort to tackle Afghanistan's
heroin trade which provides 93 per cent of the world's supply of the

Some policy analysts 

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Minority Perspective On The BJP Manifesto

2009-04-26 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Firdaus Ahmed

A party's manifesto is not taken too seriously since the compulsions
of power impact the promises in it considerably. In the coalition era,
this is even more so. Therefore to assess the BJP's position on
security through its manifesto may be neither fair nor accurate.
However, the exercise needs to be done if only to point out that the
manifesto in its references to national security shows a remarkable
insensitivity to minority concerns.

The very first reference to national security is on the Congress'
'abysmal failure to protect citizens from terrorism'. The verdict on
counter measures is that 'this is clearly not enough.' Understandably
the very first section after the Introduction is on national security.
In this the first point is on terrorism. Unsurprisingly excluded from
the list of terrorist activity in the Congress' tenure is missing
Malegaon. The overall impression is that the major instances of terror
have been Muslim perpetrated, culminating in the 26/11 attacks by
Pakistani terrorists.

Clearly, this bracketing of all terror instances is untenable as
insufficient evidence exists of a minority linkage with the pattern of
blasts in major cities last year. Since Malegaon investigations have
not progressed adequately and the other possibilities with regard to
BAD (Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Delhi) have been buried with the Batla
House 'encounter'. As intended by perpetrators other than the 'usual
suspects', the trail has not been picked up. A canard thus takes on
the status of a truth or 'common sense'. It bears reflection as to why
these attacks have mysteriously stopped since the Malegaon
revelations. That the manifesto propagates the error as a given is
explicable in light of the ideological orientation of the party.
Having deliberately misperceived the problem, the solution can only be
persistence in error.

The manifesto is keen that Afzal Guru hang. That this has not already
happened, despite the strong incentive for the Congress to have wanted
to profit from the action, indicates there is more to the Parliament
attack case than meets the eye. Afzal Guru is perhaps an innocuous
victim of a larger conspiracy which in media reports spread to the
considerably autonomous 'dirty tricks' department of JK police. Since
invoking national security can help legitimize anything, one Indian
less in keeping its secrets secure is really no big deal. That Afzal
Guru lives bespeaks of substance to the book '13 December: The strange
case of the attack on the Indian Parliament'.

Illegal immigrants are seen as the unwitting foot soldiers of terror
with their 'vulnerability…exploited by the ISI and its jihadi front
organisations as well as local terror cells to carry out bombings and
provide logistical support to foreign terrorists (italics added).'
Securitisation of the problem of economic migration as an 'internal
security' issue helps focus attention on the need for their eviction.
Its yet another handle on the minority since the party intends to in
'Launch a massive programme to detect, detain and deport illegal
immigrants' in its very first hundred days.

There is an element that has been missed in reflection on this issue
thus far. It is the possibility of such a targeted drive arousing
Bengali nationalism. Nationalism is multi dimensional with one or
other identity facet coming to the fore. The break up of Pakistan in
which religion was trumped by ethnicity is an example. The Bengali
ethnic group is the largest on the subcontinent. Presently it is
divided on lines of religion. It would be prudent to preserve the
status quo from point of view of Hindu nationalism. That this
possibility has not entered the discourse points to the religion
tainted limitation of cultural nationalism.

More disturbing is that reference to a reversion to 2002, despite its
lesson. The Manifesto states: 'Coercive measures, including diplomacy,
will be used to deal with countries which promote cross-border
terrorism.' This is accentuated in the linkage drawn between the
global war on terror and internal security in its very next sentence:
'India will engage with the world in the global war on terror while
not compromising on its domestic interests, primarily protecting
citizens from the ravages of terrorism.' This portends a more
proactive engagement with GWOT as it unfolds with greater potential
for violence in wake of the Riedel-Holbrooke-Petraeus 'Af-Pak'
strategy recently unveiled by President Obama. The contrived linkage
with India's internal security makes for a continuing overhang over
India's largest minority.

That peace would continue to prove elusive with Pakistan is a given if
the manifesto were to guide its actions when in power. It maintains
that, 'There can be no 'comprehensive dialogue' for peace unless
Pakistan…hands over to India individuals wanted for committing crimes
on Indian soil.' This eminently avoidable condition gives out the
agenda of using Pakistan as the threatening 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Subtle ways of Indian propagandists

2009-04-26 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Asif Haroon Raja

One of the most read English newspaper of Pakistan, The News ,
controlled from Karachi projects mainly the views of liberals and
so-called enlightened moderates. The bearded Muzaffar Iqbal is one of
the lucky ones to find space in this prestigious paper. Articles of
Masooda Bano are published under sub-heading ‘dissenting note’.
Writers like me who at times show mirror to the liberal brigade cannot
think of getting even one article published particularly after Omar
Qureshi took over the charge of editorial wing in mid-2006.

Conversely Indian authors keen to convey their loaded messages from
across the border are encouraged. Col (R) Harish Puri is among the
selected ones whose articles appear off and on, each one with a tinge
of sarcasm. Indian writers convey the message in a very subtle manner
which appeals to the sensibilities of the liberal class and pro-Indian
segment in Pakistan. His latest article published in this paper on 14
April is captioned ‘An open letter to Gen Kayani’.

To begin with, he first refreshes the memory of Pakistanis about the
surrender of Pak soldiers at Dacca on 16 December 1971 which he says
that no Pakistani has been able to get over that humiliation. Having
scored his point he then suddenly turns to the incident of a teenage
girl flogged by the Taliban in Swat which he terms as an abject
surrender by Pak army, much more disgraceful than 1971 debacle. He
takes a dig at Gen Kayani by saying that the girl could have been his
daughter, or the author’s. In his bid to project himself broad minded
and affable, he hastens to eulogize Pak army that it had fought
valiantly in the three Indo-Pak wars and had performed commendably in
UN missions. In the next breadth he makes an about turn by
recapitulating an incident of an infantry unit led by a Lt Col meekly
laying down arms before 20 odd militants in South Waziristan. He had
mentioned about this incident in one of his earlier articles and had
sarcastically stated that Pak army had reduced itself to Gainti-Belcha
party. He used this belittling term by referring to the article of his
friend Ejaz Haider of Daily Times, espousing the cause of liberals

Having said what he wanted to say he then prods Gen Kayani as to what
restrains him from going hell for leather against the Taliban and
annihilating them. He reminds him that Pak army had inflicted immense
atrocities on the Bengalis without any remorse or inhibitions. To
incite the sentiments of people of Bangladesh in which Indians are
past masters, he quips “Is it because Bengalis were never considered
as Pakistanis, or your troops are terrified by the Taliban”. He urges
him that before the Taliban drag Pakistan back into the Stone Age, the
Taliban which are an equal threat to India must be defeated at all
costs without any further delay.

Let us now carry out a dispassionate analysis of his write up. His
theme revolves around the threat of Taliban which in his view is too
dangerous having grave ramifications for both Pakistan and India. He
has belittled Pakistan army by insinuating that it has got scared of
the Taliban and is reluctant to grapple with them. He has tried to
arouse Gen Kayani to show courage and save the Swatis from the cruel
clutches of barbarian Taliban and get counted in history or earn life
long ignominy. Had this letter come from Swat, it might have had some
impact, but a letter from devious India could not have been written
with noble intentions. The purpose is to further stimulate the liberal
brigade within Pakistan, tarnish the image of the army and overturn
Swat peace deal.

His article will give an idea how flabbergasted and disgusted the
Indians are feeling after seeing their sinister scheme of pitching Pak
army against its own people failing. India had successfully
implemented this scheme in former East Pakistan in 1971. It had worked
strenuously in creating bad blood between the Bengalis and West
Pakistanis and is keen to repeat the same story. India has invested
heavily in stoking insurgencies in Balochistan, FATA and Swat and is
now eager to reap the harvest it had sown in 2002.

The bravado and professionalism of Indian security forces was put to
severe test in Mumbai on 26 November when 12 terrorists had made the
whole city of Mumbai hostage and it took 4000 troops including 1200
elite force three days to get rid of them. Conversely, similar attack
on Sri Lanka team in Lahore could not last more than 27 minutes and
the coach driver and the escort police saved the lives of visitors;
attackers of Manawan police academy were overpowered within six hours
by a small force. With regard to casual mention about Kargil by Harish
that Nawaz Sharif had badly let down Pakistani soldier, let me remind
him that the entire might of Indian army had been brought on its knees
by a few hundred ill-equipped Kashmiri Mujahideen backed by few
Pakistan irregular Northern Light Infantry units and India had to seek
US intervention to bail itself out of 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Hindu extremists attack Pakistani journalists in India

2009-04-28 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Emaad Qureshi

The extremists of a Hindu religious organization, Shri Ram Sene
attacked a group of Pakistani journalists here on Wednesday

INDIA :NEW DELHI: In a very unfortunate incident today Hindu
extremists of Shri Ram Sena swarmed Delhi's International center and
manhandled Pakistani journalists who were attending meeting of
Indo-Pak forum.

 According to reports these Hindu attackers were also chanting
Anti-Pakistan slogans like Pakistan is global problem so war is the
only solution Shockingly enough ,rather than feeling ashamed of this
incident top brass leadership of Shri Ram Sene proudly owned this
incident by saying'Everything was pre-planned as we wanted to disrupt
the seminar Noted author Arundhati Roy, columnist Swapan Dasgupta,
Nirupama Subramanian, Hindu correspondent in Islamabad and Amit
Baruah,Hindustan Times foreign editor were also present there.

These types of incidents are clear demonstration of what actually is
happening behind the soft image of India and what is the thinking of
Hindu extremists about Pakistan. India is a big proponent of
secularism but this incident is a black spot on the face of Indian
secularism which proves that India is a country where Hindu radicals
can't even tolerate peaceful congregation of Pakistani journalists.

Writer is Chief Editor of the magazine

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Gujarat Carnage-Role of Narendra Modi

2009-05-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Ram Puniyani

In the worst ever communal carnage of this century, the post Godhra
Gujarat violence, over 2000 innocents lost their lives. Most of the
survivors not only lost their livelihood and shelter but also have
been degraded to the status of second class citizens. Most of the
perpetrators of violence, have not only gone scot-free; many of them
had an upward political mobility. The efforts of the victims and human
rights activists had yielded very few results and majority of the
victims are grieving and living with the scars of their losses. In the
whole process, the direction of Apex court to the Special
Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the role of Modi, his cabinet
colleagues and other top functionaries of state and those involved in
violence, has come as a sigh of hope. The court gave the direction
(April 27, 2002) in response to appeal by Jakia Ahsan Jafri, the widow
of slain Congress MP, Ahsan Jafri. One complements the courage and
doggedness of Jakia Jafri for all her efforts.

This comes in the backdrop of the arrest of Maya Kodnani, Modi's
cabinet colleague who instigated and led the carnage in Naroda Patia.
Just to recall, Ahsan Jafri ex Congress MP had made frantic calls to
all those concerned but the police help was not forthcoming to save
him from the mob assembled by the VHP-Bajrang Dal and others, the lead
players in Gujarat carnage. So far the official inquiry committees
have not pointed its finger on the role of Modi, while the Human
Rights Commission report (2002) pointed out that state machinery
failed to protect the innocent people. Most of the citizen's inquiry
committees by human rights activists have pointed out about the role
of state administration and Modi in particular in the violence. In the
major such report of 'Citizens tribunal' headed by retired Justice
Krishna Ayer and Justice P.B.Sawant, (Crime against Humanity), a
Minister in Modi's Government Haren Pandya gave description of the
meeting which Modi had called on the evening of Godhra train accident.
As per Pandya Modi instructed all the top state officials to let the
Hindu anger not be curtailed in the aftermath of Godhra. Modi
popularized the thesis that Godhra train was burnt in a pre planned
manner by the international terrorism, in collusion with the ISI and
local Muslims. Infamously, he announced that every action has an
opposite reaction, meaning that now Hindus will take revenge and state
should sit back and let the opposite reaction take its course.

Same Harem Pandya was murdered later and his father stated that his
murder had taken place on the instance of Modi. While the carnage was
on, the Central government, NDA led by BJP, kept watching and barring
some stray noises by PM Vajpayee and Home Minister Advani, the carnage
went on spilling the rivers of blood. Despite Modi's claim that he
controlled the violence in 72 hours, it took months for the din to
settle. Modi's acts of omission were more than obvious. Now as matters
stand our legal system has lots of loopholes and most of the guilty
are not punished. On the contrary, in the case of Gujarat, Modi
'succeeded' in splitting the Gujarat society along religious lines,
and he took advantage of the communal divide by riding back to power
and strengthened his vice like grip on the administration and state as
a whole. And now, In Gujarat the matters are not seen as guilty versus
innocents, they are seen as Hindu versus Muslim.

While on one hand Modi is being projected as the future Prime minister
of India, not only by many captains of industry but also by the party
sustaining on the fodder of communal divide, the BJP. While most of
the people with plural values and concern for national integration are
welcoming the direction of Apex court, the others doing electoral
calculations point out that this investigation will enhance the
standing of Modi. BJP spokesman also pointed out that this direction
of Apex court will be helpful to the BJP in electoral arena. The
nation is standing on a tragic point where the communal polarization
brought in by communal violence and anti-minority propaganda has
resulted in the loss of sensitivity of a section of society towards
the miseries and travails of large part of our own country, our own

In response to court directive, Modi asserted that he is ready to go
to jail. This assertion is the outcome of his knowledge that in the
polarzed state he will benefit despite his ciminal acts. The
observation so far has been that Modi has shown no remorse for what
happened in Gujarat, forget apologizing for the same. The path to
power for the practitioners of divisive politics is through the rivers
of blood, and they know it.

So should we press for justice or fall in the trap of electoral
arithmetic? The point is if we loose our basic human morality, if we
compromise on the issue of rule of law, what is the worth of values of
Constitution? Tragedy is not that the nation is knowing the guilt of
the ilk of Modi and is watching 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Zardari's challenge in Washington

2009-05-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Shamshad Ahmad

It is good news. President Zardari is a changed man and is said to
have improved as a leader. This is the breaking news story emanating
after a group of notable journalists and columnists had a two-hour
discussion-cum-dinner meeting with our president this last Monday in
Islamabad. According to an eminent journalist, he found the president
a totally different person compared to his earlier impressions of him
as he no longer talks in first person, and now admits mistakes and
sounds practical.

Another prominent journalist captioned his banner-line story saying:
The president is learning on the job, and is learning well. In his
assessment, the president has started changing himself somewhat and
is now willing to listen to others and register their viewpoint. But
he would still not relent on what he thinks is the correct course
for him. He did admit, albeit after lot of argument, that the
government was suffering governance problems and had become weak
because of its policies.

It was indeed a well-choreographed curtain raiser before President
Zardari goes to Washington to join Afghanistan's President Hamid
Karzai at a tripartite summit which US President Obama has convened on
May 6 and 7 to discuss the operationalisation of his new AfPak
strategy. Whether or not the president is now a changed person is
immaterial for us as far as the intent or importance of the Washington
summit is concerned.

What will be important for him in Washington is not whether he listens
to the other side well and whether he admits his mistakes or does not
relent on what he thinks is the correct course for him. Nor would
anyone there be interested in what Pakistan's president has been
learning on the job. Obama and Karzai would only expect of him to
guarantee them security from their albatross. Both would also like to
have assurances of Pakistan keeping India free of terrorism.

This is a tall order for someone whose own country is on fire, and is
standing on the apocalyptic brink. The foremost challenge for
President Zardari in this situation is not what we are required to do
for others' interests; it is what we ought to do to serve our own
national interests and to safeguard our sovereign independence and
national dignity. This will be the real test of President Zardari's
maturity as a leader of this country and his ability to present our
case meaningfully at the Washington summit.

Zardari is an elected head of state, and unlike his predecessor, he
should not be taking arbitrary decisions on the fate and future of the
nation. General Musharraf claimed in his book In the Line of Fire that
in all difficult moments, he felt so lonely that the fateful buck
really stopped with him. For an elected president, the buck must not
stop with him. In a democratic spirit, he should have at least met
with major political leaders, both within and outside the National
Assembly and sounded them out on what should be our own strategy on
Obama's AfPak strategy. That would have reinforced his hands in making
Pakistan's case to his interlocutors more effectively.

Obama recognises that military force alone is not a solution to the
problems in this region. It is a welcome departure from the Bush-Mush
policy of relying solely on military option. But there are other
aspects that cannot be ignored in pursuing this new strategy. Pakistan
is now seen as the real Afghan issue. It is the single greatest
challenge facing the new American president. The US cannot afford to
see Pakistan fail, nor can it ignore the extremists operating in
Pakistan's tribal areas.

Vice-President Joe Biden has himself summed up our case well. He says
no strategy for Afghanistan will work without Pakistan's assistance,
and the US must strengthen its cooperation with the people and
government of Pakistan, help them stabilise their tribal areas and
promote economic development and opportunity throughout the country.
President Zardari should simply ask Obama to heed to his vice
president's advice and also not forget that Pakistan has already
staked everything in supporting this war.

Pakistan, however, is perturbed by America's indifference to its
legitimate concerns. The US in recent years has been targeting
Pakistan with military incursions and drone attacks in our tribal
areas without realising that a country cannot be treated both as a
target and a partner while fighting a common enemy. Drone attacks and
military incursions across the Durand Line must stop lest they further
deepen anti-American sentiment in Pakistan with greater sympathy for
the Taliban in the affected areas.

Our problems are further aggravated by a complex regional
configuration with ominous Indo-US nexus, India's growing influence in
Afghanistan with serious nuisance potential against Pakistan's
security interests in the very heart of its backyard. Pakistan has
been complaining for some time that India was using its presence in
Afghanistan to foment trouble in Balochistan and its tribal 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Countering the Counter-Terrorists: Senior Jihadis Offer Advice on Security Techniques

2009-05-17 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Publication: Terrorism Monitor Volume: 7 Issue: 11
By: Abdul Hameed Bakier

In a quest to spread security and military knowledge that is vital for
successful Salafi-Jihadi terror operations, jihadi internet forums
intermittently release training lessons in all kinds of subjects. This
article will examine two types of jihadi security training materials.
The first training episode, published by al-Qaeda in the South Arabian
Peninsula, tutors jihadis on ways to resist interrogation. The group
published three training episodes entitled Triumph over
Interrogators in their monthly e-magazine, Sada al-Malahim
( January, February, March, 2009). A second
security training episode was prepared by an Ingush jihadi nicknamed
Abu Anas of Khacharoy (it does not appear that this individual is the
same as Commander Abu Anas [a.k.a. Muhannad, a.k.a. Khalid Yusuf
Muhammad al-Emitat], an Arab field commander operating in Chechnya).
This posting discusses intelligence and security techniques in an
article entitled Security Advice from an Ingush Jihadi. The material
is based on the experiences of Salafi-Jihadi fighters operating in the
Russian North Caucasus republic of Ingushetia.

Triumph over Interrogators

The anti-interrogation lessons, prepared by an al-Qaeda operative
nicknamed Abdulaziz al-Abini, discuss two methods of interrogation
aimed at eliciting confessions and intelligence from imprisoned
jihadis and ways to counter them. The first method is psychological
manipulation and the second method is physical torture. The lesson
starts with the psychological methods used by security forces, which
begin on day one of imprisonment when the jihadi is restrained with
chains as a show of authority. This is typically followed by further
manipulative techniques:

•Intimidation versus Endearment - This method is applied by two
interrogators. One plays the good guy and the other the bad guy. The
good-guy interrogator will promise to help the jihadi if the latter
confesses and provides intelligence on the terror cell. The training
warns jihadis not to fall for the false promises of this interrogator.
The bad-guy interrogator will use obscene language while threatening
the jihadi with all kinds of torture. The counter-measure suggested by
the training is to simply ignore the interrogators' threats - easier
said than done.

•Empathy - Interrogators use empathy, pretending to care for the
jihadi's fate in an attempt to build rapport with the subject.
Building rapport achieves short-term and long-term objectives for
security forces. The long-term objective is to recruit the jihadi and
release him to penetrate the terror cell. Even though the technique is
a very common and crucial instrument in counterterrorism operations,
the training fails to explain how the jihadi is supposed to counter
this technique.

•Indifference - Leaving the imprisoned jihadi for long intervals
without interrogation is another technique used by interrogators when
no timely intelligence is required in the given case. In this case,
the jihadi is instructed to pretend to be coping well with prison
conditions and spend the time reciting the Holy Quran.

•Exaggeration - The interrogators will question the jihadi about a
very serious case, implying his involvement, such as a conspiracy to
assassinate a head of a state. This technique is designed to
manipulate the captive into confessing a lesser evil and to study his
reactions when he is being honest and compare them to his reactions
when he lies. To fend off this technique, the jihadi should answer
sarcastically to all allegations. The training relates the experience
of a fellow jihadi who was accused of involvement in the 9/11 attacks.
The accused told his interrogators that he was in one of the planes
used in the attacks.

•Simplify - The interrogators try to convince the jihadi that his case
is not serious, unless he keeps denying the charges. The training
reminds the jihadi that denying the charges will not exacerbate the
case legally.

•Wear Out - The jihadi is repeatedly questioned about a single incident.

•Insult - Obscene language may be used in the interrogation to break
the jihadi's morale. Interrogators may curse God and religion to shake
up the pious jihadi who is ordered by God not to tolerate blasphemy
and to try and stop it in any way possible. In this case, the jihadi
might think its better to confess than to let the blasphemy continue.

•The Bombshell - After long sessions of trivial conversation, the
interrogators will surprise the jihadi with questions related to
terror activities, hoping to catch him off guard. The training relates
other bombshell techniques from actual experience, such as awakening
the suspect and immediately posing questions.

•Uncertainty - The training warns the jihadi not to believe
allegations that security forces have penetrated the terror cell using
one of the amirs. The attempt to cast doubt in the jihadi's mind and
weaken his loyalty to his 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Degradation of Congress

2009-05-25 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Ramachandra Guha (INDIA)

One of the forgotten heroes of Indian democracy is Kumaraswamy
Kamaraj. This withdrawn, monosyllabic, self-educated man from a
backward caste background was instrumental in building a base for the
Congress party in South India. Later, as President of the national
party, he helped mediate between different factions of the Congress.
But perhaps his greatest service to his party and nation was to
successfully oversee two major transitions.

First, when Jawaharlal Nehru died in May 1964, he consulted the
party's MPs before arriving at the conclusion that Lal Bahadur Shastri
would be the best choice to take over as Prime Minister. Eighteen
months later Shastri died suddenly of a heart attack. Now Kamaraj
again moved swiftly to contain the damage, by helping choose Indira
Gandhi as Shastri's replacement.

Growing up as an only child, with a sick mother and a father
frequently abroad or in jail, Indira Gandhi did not allow herself to
easily trust anybody. Least of all the Congress Old Guard. Thus, the
very men who had helped make her Prime Minister were the men she broke
away from, soon after assuming the top job in Indian politics. In 1969
Indira Gandhi divided the Congress party. The faction that stayed with
her was soon recognised as the real Congress, especially after it won
an authoritative victory in the General Elections of 1971, riding to
power on the backs of the slogan of 'Garibi Hatao'.

To retain control over party and government, Indira Gandhi adopted
four different strategies. First, she built a core of loyal advisers
outside the Congress. She increasingly took her counsel not from her
fellow Cabinet Ministers but from civil servants and technocrats in
the Prime Minister's Office, which was headed by her fellow Allahabadi
P. N. Haksar. Second, she disbanded the old, decentralised structure
of the Congress - where district and state units had substantial
autonomy - and placed individuals who were personally loyal to her at
the head of Pradesh Congress Committees.

Third, at Haksar's inspiration, she floated the idea of the
'committed' civil servant and the 'committed' judge, so that key
positions in the bureaucracy and the judiciary were also now occupied
by individuals known to be loyal and subservient to the Prime
Minister. Fourth, at election time she appealed directly to the
voters, asking them to place their trust in her as an individual
rather than in her party or its programme.

The dangers of Indira Gandhi's brand of politics had been anticipated
by the chief draughtsman of the Indian Constitution, Dr B. R.
Ambedkar. In his final speech to the Constituent Assembly, Ambedkar
warned his compatriots against an unthinking submission to charismatic
authority. He quoted John Stuart Mill, who had cautioned citizens not
'to lay their liberties at the feet of even a great man, or to trust
him with powers which enable him to subvert their institutions'.

From the time she split the Congress in 1969, Indira Gandhi worked
systematically to dismantle the institutions and procedures of
constitutional democracy. This she did by privileging loyalty over
competence - in her party, in her Council of Ministers, in the
legislative and judicial branches of government. Ministers,
Congressmen, bureaucrats, judges, and in time even ordinary citizens -
all were encouraged to lay their liberties at the feet of this Great
Woman, the submission conveyed in the slogan 'Indira is India, India
is Indira'.

It is important to note that this undermining of democratic
institutions was well under way before the imposition of the Emergency
in 1975. By suppressing freedom of expression and jailing opposition
politicians, the emergency completed a process begun in the late
1960s. Shortly after its imposition, Indira Gandhi introduced a
further departure from democratic functioning, by naming her second
son, Sanjay, as her heir apparent. The locus of decision-making now
shifted from the Prime Minister's Office to the Prime Minister's

When Sanjay died in an air crash in 1980, Mrs Gandhi immediately
drafted her other son into the Congress party. When she was herself
killed in October 1984, this son, Rajiv, was sworn in as Prime
Minister. One of his first acts was to bring his old school friends
into politics. Like his mother, he could not bring himself to trust
his own party men. While promoting his friends, he behaved arrogantly
towards senior leaders of the Congress, and towards senior

Jawaharlal Nehru did not hope or desire that his daughter should
succeed him as Prime Minister - a fact that is not as widely known as
it should be. On the other hand, Indira Gandhi worked to make first
Sanjay and then Rajiv her political successor. Sonia Gandhi has
followed her mother-in-law scrupulously in this respect, for she has
likewise ensured that her own son would head the party, and, perhaps
in time, the government. The example set by India's greatest political
party has been followed by 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Indian Army Fears China Attack by 2017

2009-05-30 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Rahul Singh, Hindustan Times

The Indian military fears a 'Chinese aggression' in less than a
decade. A secret exercise, called 'Divine Matrix', by the army's
military operations directorate has visualised a war scenario with the
nuclear-armed neighbour before 2017.

Read Full Article :

Bismillah [IslamCity] India-China Border Dispute

2009-05-30 Thread Ahsan Waheed

The McMahon Line boundary dispute is at the heart of relations between
China and India. China has land and sea boundary issues with 14
neighbors, mostly for historical reasons. The Chinese have two major
claims on what India deems its own territory. One claim, in the
western sector, is on Aksai Chin in the northeastern section of Ladakh
District in Jammu and Kashmir. The other claim is in the eastern
sector over a region included in the British-designated North-East
Frontier Agency, the disputed part of which India renamed Arunachal
Pradesh and made a state. In the fight over these areas in 1962, the
well-trained and well-armed troops of the Chinese People's Liberation
Army overpowered the ill-equipped Indian troops, who had not been
properly acclimatized to fighting at high altitudes.

In the early 20th Century Britain sought to advance its line of
control and establish buffer zones around its colony in South Asia. In
1913-1914 representatives of China, Tibet and Britain negotiated a
treaty in India: the Simla Convention. Sir Henry McMahon, the foreign
secretary of British India at the time, drew up the 550 mile (890 km)
McMahon Line as the border between British India and Tibet during the
Simla Conference. The so-called McMahon Line, drawn primarily on the
highest watershed principle, demarcated what had previously been
unclaimed or undefined borders between Britain and Tibet. The McMahon
line moved British control substantially northwards. The Tibetan and
British representatives at the conference agreed to the line, which
ceded Tawang and other Tibetan areas to the imperial British Empire.
However the Chinese representative refused to accept the line. Peking
claimed territory in this far north down to the border of the plain of

The land is mostly mountainous with Himalayan ranges along the
northern borders criss-crossed with mountain ranges running
north-south. These divide the state into five river valleys: the
Kameng, the Subansiri, the Siang, the Lohit and the Tirap. High
mountains and dense forests have prevented intercommunication between
tribes living in different river valleys. The geographical isolation
thus imposed has led different tribes to elove their own dialects and
grow with their distinct identities. Nature has endowed the Arunachal
people with a deep sense of beauty which finds delightful expression
in their songs, dances and crafts.

A slow forward move towards the McMahon Line was begun on the ground,
to establish a new de facto boundary. The McMahon Line was then
forgotten until about 1935 when the British government decided to
publish the documents in the 1937 edition of Aitchison's Collection of
Treaties. The NEFA (North East Frontier Agency) was created in 1954.
On 7 November 1959, Chou En-lai proposed that both sides should
withdraw their troops twenty kilometres from the McMahon line. The
issue was quiet during the decade of cordial Sino-Indian relations,
but erupted again during the Sino-Indian War of 1962. During the 1962
war, the PRC captured most of the NEFA. However, China soon declared
victory and voluntarily withdrew back to the McMahon Line.

China is in occupation of approximately 38,000 sq. kms of Indian
territory in Jammu and Kashmir. In addition, under the so-called
China-Pakistan Boundary Agreement of 1963, Pakistan ceded 5,180 sq.
kms. of Indian territory in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir to China. China
claims approximately 90,000 sq. kms. of Indian territory in Arunachal
Pradesh and about 2000 sq. kms. in the Middle Sector of the
India-China boundary. Beijing has stated that it does not recognise
Arunachal Pradesh.

The border between China and India has never been officially
delimited. China's position on the eastern part of the border between
the two countries is consistent. Not a single Chinese government
recognizes the illegal McMahon Line. For China, the McMahon Line,
stands as a symbol of imperialist aggression on the country. The
so-called Arunachal Pradesh dispute is China's most intractable
border issue. Because the gap between the positions of China and India
is wide, it is difficult for both nations to reach consensus. The area
of this disputed region is three times that of Taiwan, six times that
of Beijing and ten times that of the Malvenas islands, disputed by
Britain and Argentina. It is flat and rich in water and forest

Arunachal Pradesh is the only issue which has a potential for conflict
between India and China. If ever, India and China go to war one day,
it will be on this issue. India considers recurring Sino-Indian border
clashes a potential threat to its security. Since the war, each side
continued to improve its military and logistics capabilities in the
disputed regions. China has continued its occupation of the Aksai Chin
area, through which it built a strategic highway linking Xizang and
Xinjiang autonomous regions. China had a vital military interest in
maintaining control over this region, whereas 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Identity And Religious Conversion

2009-06-04 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Tomichan Matheikal

We did not convert because we are poor. If I am poor but accepted by
my community, there is no [social] terror in that poverty We did
not convert for money. We converted because of the society that saw us
as lesser, not worthy. We were 'lower caste', 'untouchable', 'lowly'.
Now we are Christian. Our god wants us. We can walk into his temple.
We are worthy. You understand? [Spoken by a Dalit convert in Orissa.
Quoted in Violent Gods by Angana P. Chatterji, Three Essays
Collective, Gurgaon, 2009]

The driving force behind religious conversions is, more often than
not, a desire to live a worthy life, to have an identity that one
can be proud of. The caste system being practised even today in
Hinduism, despite all governmental efforts to eradicate it, is a major
cause of religious conversions in India. Poverty and attendant
exploitation is also another cause. But it appears that poverty and
exploitation are intertwined with the caste system.

The caste system in India was seen by Dr Ambedkar, principal author of
India's Constitution, as the country's greatest evil since it treated
millions of people as subhuman by the simple fact of their birth. The
man who tried his best to replace the discriminatory caste system with
an egalitarian society, the Buddha, ended up as yet another god among
the millions of deities in India. His teachings were suppressed by the
Brahmins who feared that their stranglehold on society would be

Orissa is a state in India which witnessed much terrible violence in
the name of religion and religious conversions. The violence still

The Sangh Parivar organisations are opposed to the alleged mass
conversions into Christianity of Oriya adivasis (tribal people) and
others belonging to the lower castes. Many acts of outrageous violence
have been perpetrated on the Christians and thousands of them are
displaced from their hometowns. The Hindutva organisations allege that
Christian missionaries allure the poor people with money and other
enticements. How much water does the allegation hold?

Angana P. Chatterji, from whose book the introductory quote has been
taken, has done a commendable job researching into the violence in
Orissa. According to her, the adivasis and other lower caste people of
Orissa seldom considered themselves Hindus. In her words, The Paika
Bidroha of 1817-1825, the Kol insurrection of 1831-1832, the Kanika
agitation of 1921-1922, the Praja Mandal (peasant) Movement of the
1930s and 1940s speak powerfully of Adivasi and subaltern refusal to
submit to cultural colonialism and Brahminical imposition (199). Even
in the 1990s there were conflicts between the adivasis and the
exponents of Hindutva including Lakshmanananda Saraswati (who claimed
to be working for the welfare of the adivasis and the lower caste
people of Orissa). For example, the RSS and Lakshmanananda Saraswati
opposed the adivasis when they fought for indigenous child rights
(359). These Hindutva leaders did not want the adivasis to be
organised. They opposed the adivasi struggle for Kuidina (a state for
themselves). They tried to suppress the Kandhamal Nari Jagaran Samiti
and the Kuidina Ekta Samiti. They (the RSS and Lakshmanananda
Saraswati) are dangerous people, Chatterji quote some Kui people.
They want to kill our people like animals. They do not understand
religious differences. They do not understand our connection to our
land. We are neither Christians nor Hindus. We are Adivasi. We worship
the Earth. There are Christian Kui's. The Mission [church] never
forced us to convert. Not in Kandhamal, before or after 1947... (359)

Chatterji exposes the myth that the adivasis considered or were eager
to consider themselves Hindus. In May 2006, at a convention attended
by about 50,000 adivasis, the Bisu Sendra Tribal Council, which serves
the tribal communities in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa,
determined to ban Hindu customs and rituals, representations and
priests from Adivasi spiritual and religious ceremonies (96).

Not different is the case with the lower caste people. Caste
oppression has been a bone of contention for long in Orissa as in
other parts of India. In Orissa, says Chatterji, Dalit students and
teachers have been denied employment and entry into schools and
community events, and Dalit community members have been assaulted for
participating in Hindu religious ceremonies (69). Chatterji lists a
number of incidents to show the disaffection between the people
belonging to the higher and lower castes. Such incidents led to the
conversion into Buddhism of about 3000 Dalits in Dec 2006.


Poverty also plays its role in this complex issue. Orissa is one of
the most backward states in India. In the words of Ramachandra Guha,
In 1999 Orissa overtook - if that is the word - Bihar as India's
poorest state [India After Gandhi, Picador India, 2007, p.707]. The
adivasis and the lower caste people were exploited economically in