Re: [JAWS-Users] Pronunciation dictionary

2018-04-09 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
You could try this.
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[JAWS-Users] Controlling Which Dialect Jaws Speaks

2018-01-09 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
I have Jaws 9 and 17.
When I am reading a Spanish web page, Jaws automatically detects the change of 
language, speaking in Castilian Spanish. But I live in Guatemala, Latin 
America! I don't really care for the Castilian dialect. Is there a way to 
change the default dialect when Spanish is detected?

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Request for suggestion for an accessible rss reader for firefox

2017-07-17 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
You could also try
which delivers the contents of RSS and blogs to your inbox. They have a full 
text RSS version that allows you to forward entire articles to your inbox in 
this way.
The service is free if you can put up with little graphics at the top and 
bottom of your messages. They sell plans for add free and customizable service 

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Kindle books to braille?

2017-06-28 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
I know nothing about Kindle for PC. Aren't your files accessible to you, the 
owner of the computer?
Yes, in order for to be able to convert a file, you will 
either need to select it by browsing to the file's location on your hard drive, 
or you can insert the URL to the file if it is online and not behind a password 

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] correct posting and replying practices

2017-06-26 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
I have a suggestion.
If your question isn't answered right away, be patient and wait 3 days minimum 
before you re-post. That goes for me too.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Final Kindle Solution

2017-06-26 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
It sounds like a problem for the developer of that particular software.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Is there an easier way to navigate the JAWS

2017-06-26 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Here's how I do it.
First I hit insert control F and type "content" in the search box, then press 
Hit F3 to find the next occurrence of "content," which is usually the first 
thing right before the actual message starts. I find this nice because I can 
skip all the preliminaries.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Kindle books to braille?

2017-06-26 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
You could try this.
Go to
and try converting the Kindle file to a Microsoft Word or TXT file first, and 
from there you should be able to send it over to your braille device to convert 
it from text to brf format.
This process hinges on if the conversion engine recognizes 
Kindle files, which it should.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Problem setting up Gmail account in Outlook Express

2017-06-21 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Check the Gmail settings to be sure that modern security protection is turned 
off. This is the only way Outlook Express can access Gmail.
What exactly is the edrror that you get when trying to send and receive?
I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] A fireFox Question

2017-06-05 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
When you first enter a username/password combo into a website, Firefox will ask 
you if you want Firefox to remember it for that site.
Go to the address bar with alt+d
tab past the search box.
Tab past the tab name.
The next three tab strokes should give you the options for dealing with 
Firefox's memory of your credentials: remember, never for this site, and not 
now. Or you could press the appropriate keystroke without tabbing: alt+r, 
alt+e, and alt+n, if I remember correctly.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Trouble opening a link

2017-06-05 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
You told us you can't right click on your laptop. Is there a reason why you 
can't set up a Jaws right click keyboard command? Then you could "copy target 
location" or how ever your email client phrases to copy the link location to 
the clipboard. Then you could paste it into a text file and open it whenever 
you need to.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Firefox, RSS feeds and saving files

2017-06-01 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
I was able to get the MP3 link URL; the right click worked for me.
When right clicking links, I always make sure that the Jaws cursor is pointing 
at the link, then I right click. Otherwise, I've found that on some web pages, 
the computer cursor isn't always following the Jaws PC cursor closely. so you 
right click, but the link that the computer cursor is pointing to isn't the 
link you want.
I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Making Word 2010 default line spaving to single

2017-06-01 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
try changing the paragraph settings while you have the template 
open, then save the file.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Downgrading to JAWS 16

2017-05-27 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
I've still got JAWS version 9 running on this Windows XP machine, along with 
Microsoft Word 2003 and Outlook Express.
I also have a Windows 7 laptop with JAWS 17 instaled. But sadly, on that 
computer, JAWS seems to get stuck and has to restart itself rather more 
frequently than I like. I can tell you, that makes for some very anxious 
moments when speech stops and will not restart.
My advice is, do what you need to, in order for you to do your job. If a newer 
version would give you better productivity, by all means upgrade it if you can.
In my case, if I want to use Windows 7, I have to use the later JAWS version. 
But after several attempts to fully upgrade, I only use that system as a backup.
Conversely, if you find that a piece of software isn't helping you, and you're 
spending time trying to force it to perform its function, it's best to go to an 
earlier version or try another program.
This is why I use the fine port someone made of Outlook Express to Windows 7. 
Why? because other email programs (and believe me, I've tried many) don't meet 
the requirements which OE has met for all these years.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] [jaws] creating a gmail email account

2017-05-26 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Hello Andy,
Assuming you're using Outlook Express, you'll need to change the security 
settings in your Gmail account.
The thing is, with some applications, Google detects they aren't "modern" so it 
blocks their access to Gmail.
You should lower the security setting in Gmail.
I don't remember exactly how to do it, but if you would like I can check the 
settings again.
I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] subscriber count

2017-05-26 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
That's very impressive.
Thanks to all the moderators for their hard work.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] What program should be used to read a .doc document?

2017-05-24 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
You can also open the .doc file in Word Pad, if it isn't too heavy on layout.
Just right click it and choose the Word Pad program in the Open With . . . 

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] question about

2017-05-20 Thread Andrew James Bontrager has the same problem. I asked one of their customer support 
reps about it, and she told me the Confirm button was some weird combination of 
colors and a symbol that Jaws apparently was having trouble interpreting.
In these cases, we just have to hang up our independence and take down the 
phone and order that way. Just look on their site, contact us, and there should 
be a way to phone in an order.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] check hardware on a laptop

2017-05-18 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
I don't know of any special Jaws keystroke to check your hard disk information. 
All I can recommend is that you right click your hard disk in Computer and 
choose properties.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] JAWS keeps wanting me to authorize it

2017-04-25 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
You could also try the less slick manual license code option.
where you go to and give it your authorization number, thence 
to your locking code, and then the site will give you a license code. With 
that, you can authorize your software without going online.

If something sounds too good to be true, just remember, it might be.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Microsoft Excel Column Headings

2017-04-25 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Hey Steven,
I did some more digging in the Jaws Keyboard manager. Just to get the record 
straight, I use Jaws version 9.0 and Microsoft Excel and Word 2003. So maybe 
these keystrokes aren't available in the newer versions.
In the Microsoft Excel JKM file, there is a neat little keystroke called Say 
Column Title. Alt plus shift plus C.
but in the Microsoft Word JKM file the keystroke is alt plus jaws key plus 
shift plus C.
now the strange part. When I tried it in Excel, it wouldn't give me the column 
title. But when I did an Alt 1, I heard it loud and clear.
that's just how things are sometimes.

If something sounds too good to be true, just remember, it might be.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Microsoft Excel Column Headings

2017-04-24 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
I looked in the default Jaws Keyboard manager, and there are already keystrokes 
available to read current Column and Read Current Row.

Is this not what you're looking for?

If something sounds too good to be true, just remember, it might be.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Alternative to Dropbox for sharing files

2017-04-15 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
you could also try my favorite
a free online library for all.
it's easy to create an account, and there's an upload process that's (somewhat) 
optimized/simplified for those of us with print disabilities.
Once you have created your account, go here:
and you're on your way to your first upload.
Side note: if you want to search the Archive, I advise you to use this third 
party site
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[JAWS-Users] Eloquence, Pauses, and some pronunciation adjustments that I like

2017-04-15 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Good morning.
Oh, the beauties of switching to newer software! some benefits, but also 
difficulties that I hadn't expected.
In Jaws 9, I set the dictionary to give pauses when Jaws encounters dashes.
actual words
replacement word

along with other dashes such as
but in Jaws 17, I find that my neat little custom rules don't apply anymore. 
Jaws keeps running through the sentences without any pauses.
I have my punctuation set to None; would that have a bearing?
Maybe you can help solve this riddle.
For the record, here are some of my favorite pronunciation fixes. Maybe they'll 
help you with some nagging pronounced errors that you keep hearing.
I've found that for newer versions of Jaws, if you're going to make dictionary 
entries with mainly capital letters, you need to check the Case Sensitive box.

IS = Aye S
Anabaptist = Anabaptisst
Anabaptists = Anabaptissts
survivalist = survighvalist
1:1 = 1 to 1
401(k) = 4o1K
Amish = Ahmish
apostate = aposstayte
aquifer = aaquifer
Assange = asonje
behemoth = biheehmoth
bejeezus = bejeezzuss

block quote = quote

Breitbart = Brightbahrt

complicit = complissit

Dr. = doctor

Ecuadorian = Ehquadorian

encrypted = encriptedd

genocidal = genocighdal

gobbledygook = goobldegooc

hullabaloo = hullabullOo

hypertrophy = hypirrtrofy

impregnated = impregnneighted

jihadis = jihahdeez

Jr. = junior

kinda = kyenda

macular = mhacular

Mr and Mr. = Mister

same with Misses

No. 1 = Number one

oligarch = oligark

Penelope = Paneloppy

propagandist = propagandisst

RIP = Rest in Peace

scoliosis = skoaleeohsis

serotonin = serotoanin

WhatsApp = What'sApp

x 3 = times 3

xenophobe = zenofoab

See you,

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[JAWS-Users] Jaws, Braille, and Print Newline Indication

2017-04-15 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Hello to all.
Is there a way to force Jaws to handle print newline characters differently?
I do a great amount of proofreading using braille, and it's a constant source 
of annoyance to me that many times, the braille display isn't used to its 
fullest potential. Many times, the first part of the print line is shown nicely 
on the display, but the latter part only takes up a very small amount of the 
cells. Also, lists are repetitive to navigate. For example, when reading this 
1.  Asthma.
2.  COPD.
3.  Chronic back pain.
4.  Migraine headaches
In that example, I have to press the Next button on the braille display four 
times in order to get that little bit of information, because Jaws wraps the 
braille line to the end of the current print line.
Does anyone know of any script that I could use to indicate the newline 
character by a special braille symbol? Or if there are any skilled scripters 
out there, I'd be happy to pay for such a script. In my above example, let's 
say that the newline character is indicated on the braille display as "space L 
with dot 7 space"
making the list look like this:
IMPRESSION: symbol 1.  Asthma. symbol 2.  COPD. symbol 3.  Chronic back pain. 
symbol 4.  Migraine headaches
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I use Jaws 9 or  17, depending on the computer I'm running at the time.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] IM client recommendation

2014-01-11 Thread Andrew James Bontrager

You can download the program here
Original message
That would be me, you're welcome. I don't have that program in my
collection, if you drop box it to me or something like that I can post it
when time permits.

David Ferrin
A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from
a simpler system that worked perfectly.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On
Behalf Of Andrew James Bontrager
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 10:06 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] IM client recommendation

First of all, thanks to the person who put the Jaws programs list together.
It is very helpful.
I have found a program that I feel should be added to the list: the
Instantbird messaging client. It brings all your IM contacts on different
networks all together into one place.
Trust me on this, I've tried many many messaging clients and Instantbird is
by far the easiest to use and most accessible and the lightest for all the
features it gives. I can even edit the about:config advanced settings easily
with no problems, using Jaws version 9..

God bless,
Andrew Bontrager
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Switching From XP To Windows7

2014-01-06 Thread Andrew James Bontrager

Flash Player.

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Re: [JAWS-Users] Switching From XP To Windows7

2014-01-06 Thread Andrew James Bontrager

I'll tell you. IE6 has no fluff and just works.

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Re: [JAWS-Users] Switching From XP To Windows7

2014-01-06 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
You are right. Those certainly were my opinions. It's all right to disagree 
with me, I don't mind that a bit. But first let me tell you some of the 
reasons I have for these opinions of mine.

Try these programs with Windows 7:
Outlook Express
Microsoft ActiveSync
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 (iexplor.exe file)
Windows Media Player version 11
The majority of IT professionals still run the XP operating system. You can 
find the story here.
I don't feel nervous if IT professionals are still running this system.
Here's the deal. Jaws version 9 works with Windows 7 but not optimally. NVDA 
works with Win 7 but it has its issues. Jaws version 9 works perfectly with 
XP. And now to get a fully accessible "modern" operating system I'm going to 
have to shell out $500 to Freedom Scientific for another Jaws version? I 
don't think so! I make a shoestring income and I even have to buy the 

Security takes a truck-bed to performance for me, always.
One of the quarrels I have with Windows 7 is the sluggish response of its 
file explorer system. For example, when I open a folder in Windows Explorer, 
I'm used to pressing a letter (b for example) a microsecond after opening 
the folder and it will jump to the first item beginning with the letter. 
Windows 7 file explorer takes at least a second to get oriented to the 
correct position, and I might have to press the letter several times to get 
to the first item. I've deleted wrong files because of this "modern 
explorer." The split buttons and most of the other new features they added 
are pure fluff to me.
Again, the above are my opinions. If you like Windows 7, continue. These are 
just one user's perspectives. 

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Re: [JAWS-Users] Switching From XP To Windows7

2014-01-04 Thread Andrew James Bontrager

Below are my opinions.

Don't switch to Windows 7. It's just a big hastle. I've had a Windows 7 
machine for two months, and I still don't use it regularly. Keep getting 
automatic updates if you must, but I believe that the XP security risks are 
hiped by Microsoft to try to push people toward more modern, bloated 
operating systems.
From my experience, you will see all sorts of error messages when trying to 
instal your favorite programs to Windows 7. Some programs you use every day 
will no longer work, some not even in compatibility mode.
It seems to me that Windows 7 was not made for a power user but radically 
simplified and coolized to simplify the computer at the expense of 
For all around grunt work (sound management, music ripping, document 
editing, PDF viewing), I'll put XP against Windows 7 any day. 

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Re: [JAWS-Users] Switching From XP To Windows7

2014-01-04 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
He'll need to have Jaws version 15 to get full functionality with Windows 7. 
I have learned this to my cost.
True, there is NVDA, but in my experience Jaws is superior in reviewing the 
total contents of the screen (Jaws cursor) and also in the ability to change 
Sorry, I don't know the answer to the Jaws version question. 

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Re: [JAWS-Users] automatic windows update and jaws

2014-01-04 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
You could turn off the Windows Update feature for a week or a month and then 
restart it when you have some idle time at work. I'm not sure when that 
would be, just a thought.
I myself have Windows automatic update turned off because it uses up 
bandwidth I could be using for other things. 

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Re: [JAWS-Users] reg-job opportunity in US

2014-01-02 Thread Andrew James Bontrager

You might try medical transcription.
For this job, you will need to invest in a medical transcription course. I 
recommend the InScribe University. They will do their best to place you with 
an externship when you finish with their course. InScribe runs the 
University and also has a nice sized transcription business. I work there. 
The people are grand to work with. If you do sign up with them, be sure and 
tell them Andrew sent you.

Andrew Bontrager 

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Re: [JAWS-Users] WMP 12

2013-12-27 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Windws 7 always comes with version 12 instaled, I think. How did you manage 
to get version 11 on Windows 7? I've been trying and trying with no success. 
Please tell me.

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Re: [JAWS-Users] gold wave editing

2013-12-23 Thread Andrew James Bontrager

two programs to try:
Wave Padd free sound editor
mp3 directCut application
You can host your music for free at the Internet Archive

God bless,
Andrew Bontrager

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Re: [JAWS-Users] Repair JAWS?

2013-12-21 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Try inserting your Jaws 15.0 program CD and running the setup file. You 
should get the choices of removing, modifying or repairing the software.

Note: I have Jaws 9.0, so I am not familiar with later versions.

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Re: [JAWS-Users] what is a no-fluff email client that works wellwithJaws screen reader?

2013-12-18 Thread Andrew James Bontrager

Why do you prefer WLM to thunderbird?

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Re: [JAWS-Users] what is a no-fluff email client that works wellwithJaws screen reader?

2013-12-18 Thread Andrew James Bontrager

Thanks so much. I will try WLM and give feedback.

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Re: [JAWS-Users] what is a no-fluff email client that works wellwith Jaws screen reader?

2013-12-18 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Yes, I'm sure Windows Live Mail would work with Jaws, but it does not meet 
all my requirements of an email client and is hard to instal. 

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[JAWS-Users] what is a no-fluff email client that works well with Jaws screen reader?

2013-12-17 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Windows 7 took away Outlook Express email client, so I am looking for a 
suitable replacement. I haven't found one yet. Here are my requirements. The 
email client should be able to do the following:

Ability to import DBX files
Ability to show the entire message title when reading down through the 
messages in the InBox (Microsoft Outlook does not do this)
Ability to tell me the status of sending and receiving. For example, Outlook 
Express will say Sending message 1 of 2" or "receiving message 1 of 12." I 
can even tab over and view how many kb in total need to be received and 

Ability to work with identities or, at the least, have separate inboxes
Preferrably be a small program low on fluff (like Outlook Express).
Accessible with Jaws screen reader (of course)
Any suggestions are appreciated.

God bless and merry Christmas,

Andrew Bontrager

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[JAWS-Users] Jaws 9 and Windows 7

2013-12-13 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
Does anyone run Jaws version 9.0 with Windows 7? I forwarded the following 
questions to Freedom Scientific and they told me Version 9 and Windows 7 are 
not compatible. If anyone can help, I would be grateful. Here are the questions:
Every time I start up my Windows 7 Ultimate Dell Latitude PC, Jaws says that 
the Freedom Scientific Mirror Display Driver is not properly instaled. I have 
tried rebooting and repairing the instalation using the Jaws 9.0 program CD, 
but nothing has helped. I even changed the theme to Windows 7 basic theme. Do 
you have any suggestions on how to fix the problem?
Other problems
In Windows 7, when I press insert f11 to look at the system tray, Jaws says 
that it could not find the list of task tray icons.
In certain programs, I cannot see certain parts of the screen, evenn with the 
Jaws cursor. For example the Instantbird messaging program will not update me 
as to the connection status, whether connecting, not connected, username sent, 
password sent, or the amount of time connected, while with Windows XP all this 
information is spoken directly with no problems. Also in the conversation 
window, I cannot review what I have written. I can, however, read it once it is 
There is just something about Jaws on Windows 7 that is far inferior to XP and 
I wish it would stop.

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[JAWS-Users] IM client recommendation

2013-12-13 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
First of all, thanks to the person who put the Jaws programs list together. It 
is very helpful.
I have found a program that I feel should be added to the list: the Instantbird 
messaging client. It brings all your IM contacts on different networks all 
together into one place.
Trust me on this, I've tried many many messaging clients and Instantbird is by 
far the easiest to use and most accessible and the lightest for all the 
features it gives. I can even edit the about:config advanced settings easily 
with no problems, using Jaws version 9..

God bless,
Andrew Bontrager
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[JAWS-Users] question About QuickBooks Scripts

2009-04-08 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
I posted to this group several months ago asking if anyone knew of a way to use 
Jaws with QuickBooks. Someone replied and said they'd have scripts ready by 
April. Does anyone know if scripts are available?
Thank you.
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[JAWS-Users] I Have a Question About Jaws and Accounting Software

2009-02-19 Thread Andrew James Bontrager
I just joined this list, and I hope to learn from it.
Has anybody had experience working with Jaws and QuickBooks? I've heard the 
programs aren't matched to work together.
What other accounting software would you recommend for use with Jaws?
Much obliged,
Andrew Bontrager
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