Announce: Nested group support

2005-03-10 Thread Jochen Wiedmann
after quite some time of inactivity, I am glad to announce, that we have 
basic support for nested groups in JaxMe. "Basic" means, that the 
multiplicity is currently limited to <=1. In other words, the following 
is valid:


but the following isn't:


I have good faith, that this can be extended to general nested groups in 
the near future.

As a side effect, this should allow us to implement xs:extension 
properly (by deriving subclasses), because xs:extension is a special 
case of a nested group with multiplicity 1. Another side effect, we are 
very close to support for POJO's now. In fact, the marshalling and 
unmarshalling code doesn't have any more expectations on the objects, 
the exception being the presence of the bean properties. I also reduced 
the code complexity to a great deal. (In fact, I must admit, that I 
definitely overengineered the generation of marshalling and 
unmarshalling code in the past.)

1.) Does anyone have interest and is able to work on the extensions or
the POJO stuff?
2.) To me, this feature should be able to attract a larger user base.
In order to enhance the community, I would like to create a 0.4 beta
release real soon. Thoughts? Volunteers?
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Re: Announce: Nested group support

2005-03-10 Thread Nacho G. Mac Dowell
Hi Jochen,
Another side effect, we are very close to support for POJO's now
Do you mean we'll be able to reverse jaxb's behaviour? This would 
definitely attract a lot more users!

I am releasing an app next week and will probably be able to come back 
(hopefully) in two weeks time. I expect a smooth release so probably it 
could be less than 2 weeks. All I've recently done is try to mavenize 
jaxme. I am quite close, just need a bit of spare time... There are a 
couple of maven contributions needed which hopefully will see the light 
soon. I think Maven will make our life (and future contributor's life 
too) much easier. I will probably need assistance on the build process. 
What I am not sure if you'll like about the way i'm "mavenizing jaxme" 
is that we'd probably need to reorganize the project layout... not too 
much though...

Maven is the only way I can imagine to include the plugin (because of 
eclipse's dependencies). any ideas?

this should allow us to implement xs:extension properly
I think it would be nice to have this in 0.4. There are a number of bugs 
(some probably unreported) that would get solved this way. Remember the 
recursive tv xsd? Recursively extending an element causes an infinite 
loop... With extension-inheritance "mapping" this would not be an issue 
because it wouldn't need to go to its original definition, just extend 
it with its new properties.

Should I commit JAXME-47's patch? It's about default values handling. 
I'm still quite scared of committing anything... :-[

Can you explain a little bit jaxme's versions and branches? I get 

Best regards,
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Re: Announce: Nested group support

2005-03-10 Thread Jochen Wiedmann
Hi, Nacho,
Nacho G. Mac Dowell wrote:
Do you mean we'll be able to reverse jaxb's behaviour? This would 
definitely attract a lot more users!
No idea, what you mean. :-) The idea is, that the user may supply his 
own data beans (that do not generate an interface or something similar) 
and that JaxMe generates the marshalling and unmarshalling code only. A 
bridge to Betwixt, in other words.

All I've recently done is try to mavenize jaxme.
I have absolutely no idea about Maven. What are the advantages?

I will probably need assistance on the build process. 
No problem. As far as I am concerned, I would only ask, that the clean 
separation between api, xs, js, jaxme core, and pm is kept.

Maven is the only way I can imagine to include the plugin (because of 
eclipse's dependencies). any ideas?
If it is for the plugin only, that's no problem. As we can and will not 
distribute the Eclipse jar files (license issues), one has to add them 
manually to the build directory. In other words, it is not a necessity, 
that it can be built out of the box. It is quite fine to specify "Get 
that jar file from there, put it in some directory and create a property 
foo with the directory path. Then the build will work." or something 

Should I commit JAXME-47's patch? It's about default values handling. 
I'm still quite scared of committing anything... :-[
Go on. :-) If you want to do things good, add a unit test, that 
demonstrates the bug and proofs that you did indeed fix it.

Can you explain a little bit jaxme's versions and branches? I get 
There's nothing special. We have a maintenance branch (0.3) and the 
HEAD. As far as I am concerned, we'll cut a new maintenance branch for 
0.4 at some point. Maintenance branch means nothing more, than that only 
bug fixes should go into the branch. Features etc. go into HEAD.

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Re: Announce: Nested group support

2005-03-11 Thread Nacho G. Mac Dowell
I have absolutely no idea about Maven. What are the advantages?

Quoting Maven's site:
"Maven is a Java project management and project comprehension tool. 
Maven is based on the concept of a project object model (POM) in that 
all the artifacts produced by Maven are a result of consulting a well 
defined model for your project. Builds, documentation, source metrics, 
source cross-references and a countless number of reports are all 
controlled by your POM"

In JaxMe we've got a project with 4(5?) subprojects: api, xs, js and pm 
(and jaxme core?). These are the "artifacts" that make up the project. I 
would consider jaxme core to be the main project itself (I am not sure 
about this and it is why I put a question mark).

The main advantages I see are:
- You forget about dependencies. Your scm will no longer include jars as 
these would go in a repository. When using maven there are 2 types  of 
repository: local so you don't have to go to the internet all the time 
and remote (usually Take a look there.
- You can totally automate the build process with quite a few plugins 
that are out there: eg: checkout the project, make a distribution, tag a 
release, upload to the central repository... You can do this with ant, 
but you need to maintain scripts. If needed, maven can use an ant task 
as well.
- Your  (multiproject) site gets automatically generated (no need to 
configure forrest) with quite a lot of reports (simian, checkstyle, 
metrics, xref...) from the Project Object Model. This would give us a 
good insight of the project.

The maven contributions we need that I talked about:
- Use velocity in user supplied xdocs (so we can keep all docs almost as 
is). This should be ready soon.
- Tabbed browsing for multiprojects. This will probably take some time 
as to do it nicely, some changes (already proposed) must go in the POM.

When i'm done with the mavenizing process, I'll give you access to a cvs 
repository so you can check it out.

PD: I accidentally made this mail private...

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