[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-762045 ] Cannot get EJB Home interface from Remote interface

2003-08-07 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #762045, was opened at 2003-06-27 12:12
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by dciarnie
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossServer
>Group: v3.2
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Dan Ciarniello (dciarnie)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Cannot get EJB Home interface from Remote interface

Initial Comment:
One cannot get an EJB home interface from a remote
interface (using getEJBHome()) when the JNDI connection
properties are not set in the System property space. 
The following code fragment illustrates the problem:

Properties props = new Properties();

// host must be remote, not local

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(props);

FooHome foohome = (FooHome)ctx.lookup("ejb/foohome");
Foo foo = foo.findByPrimaryKey(id);

EJBHome home = foo.getEJBHome();

The last line will fail with a
java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException caused
by a java.net.SocketTimeoutException.

I have traced the problem to

which has the line 

InitialContext iniCtx = new InitialContext();

and therein lies the problem.  This assumes that the
JNDI connection properties have been set in the System
property space which is not the case in the above example.

The remote interface must have explicit access to the
JNDI properties used to retrieve it in the first place.
 It cannot assume that these properties have been set
in the System property space.

Note that this problem also exists in v3.2.  It does
not exist in 2.4.x.


>Comment By: Dan Ciarniello (dciarnie)
Date: 2003-08-05 09:30

Logged In: YES 

Changing group to 3.2 since no one is responding to it
marked as 3.0 and it still exists in 3.2.2.


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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-784584 ] Class-Path entry in war manifest ignored

2003-08-07 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #784584, was opened at 2003-08-06 23:08
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by bstansberry
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossWeb
Group: v3.2
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Brian Stansberry (bstansberry)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Class-Path entry in war manifest ignored

Initial Comment:
JBoss 3.2.2RC2, with either Tomcat or Jetty, appears to 
ignore the Class-Path header in a war's Manifest.mf file.  
If an EAR includes a library jar that is only referenced 
via a war's Class-Path header, the jar is not loaded and 
the war will fail with ClassNotFoundExceptions.

It appears the Class-Path header in an EJB jar is handled 

Attached is a test case that demonstrates this.  The 
attached zip includes an EAR, along with the source and 
Ant script to build the ear.

The ear includes two trivial wars, each of which has a 
manifest Class-Path header pointing to its respective 
library jar.  Each library jar includes a trivial 
ServletContextListener implementation that will be 
invoked when the war is loaded.

There is also a trivial EJB.  The ejb jar's manifest 
includes a Class-Path entry pointing to one of the library 
jar's.  The EJB does not actually use the library; I just 
included the Class-Path entry to test if JBoss loads the 
jar based on the EJB's manifest.

One of the wars has a web.xml reference to the EJB.  
The EJB is not really used by the war; the web.xml 
reference is just there to ensure the EJB is loaded 
before the war.

The war associated with the EJB will load properly; the 
other war will fail with a ClassNotFoundException when 
the web container attempts to instantiate the 

In 3.2.1, both wars load properly.


>Comment By: Brian Stansberry (bstansberry)
Date: 2003-08-07 00:18

Logged In: YES 

To get the zip to upload I had to remove a jar with the 
javax.ejb and servlet classes in it.  So, if you want to rebuild 
the test you'll have to add those to the build classpath.


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JBoss-Development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Problem with anonymous CVS checkout of Nukes

2003-08-07 Thread Joachim Van der Auwera
I don't think you are missing anything.
Sourceforge have had problems with their anonymous CVS servers being
overloaded for a while now.
They have announced updates, and I too hope they will happen soon.


- Original Message -
From: "Steffen Zschaler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 10:01 AM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] Problem with anonymous CVS checkout of Nukes

> Hi,
> I tried (several times already) to do a CVS CO of nukes as described in
> your docs. 98 out of a 100 trials I get to see nothing but:
> cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above
> messages if any)
> with no above messages to consult. The rest of the time I usually get:
> cvs [update aborted]: reading from server: Connection reset by peer
> again with no additional info.
> Every once in a while the update will get through, but it usually locks
> up at some time and doesn't wake up again (I had it standing there over
> night).
> What am I missing? (Please CC my mail-address, as I am not on the
> mailing list)
> Regards,
> Steffen
> --
> Dipl.-Inf. Steffen Zschaler
> Research Assistant
> Dresden University of Technology
> Department of Computer Science
> Phone +49 351 463 38555
> Fax   +49 351 463 38459

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-784870 ] FilePersistenceManager cannot be used

2003-08-07 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #784870, was opened at 2003-08-07 09:36
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by starksm
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossMQ
Group: v3.2
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Invalid
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Srivatsan (srivatsanp)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: FilePersistenceManager cannot be used

Initial Comment:
org.jboss.mq.pm.file.PersistenceManager does not
implement org.jboss.mq.pm.CacheStore.
Because of this, ClassCastException is thrown when
jbossmq-service.xml is configured to use File

Version JBoss3.2.1

2003-08-07 22:06:36,617 ERROR
[org.jboss.mq.server.MessageCache] Starting failed
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor7.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at $Proxy13.start(Unknown Source)
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor6.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at $Proxy5.start(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)


>Comment By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Date: 2003-08-07 11:31

Logged In: YES 

Read the org.jboss.mq.server.MessageCache service comment:
 | ATTENTION: When the "file" or "rollinglogged" Persistence
Manager is used
 | you have to set the "CacheStore" to the CacheStore (the
commented out line)
 | and not to the PM itself.


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JBoss-Development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] RE: [JBoss-user] Re: Recent CVS removals

2003-08-07 Thread Matt Munz
  Opinions on professionality aside, isn't forking a very expected activity in open 
source development?  If someone can't take Open Source code and make a new (Open 
Source) product with it, then what is the difference between Open Source and (closed) 
Shared Source?[1]
  As long as a given fork adheres to the LGPL, what differentiates a "good" fork from 
a "bad" one?  Or are all forks bad? 
  FWIW, I don't have an opinion about this particular dispute, but am rather trying to 
learn more about the LGPL, Open Source, and your/JBoss.org's views on them.
[1] Assuming, of course, that trademarks, etc. are not violated.
  - Matt

-Original Message- 
From: Bill Burke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thu 8/7/2003 1:11 AM 
Subject: [JBoss-dev] RE: [JBoss-user] Re: Recent CVS removals

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Greg Wilkins
> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 8:37 PM
> Subject: [JBoss-user] Re: Recent CVS removals
> Firstly a note to the list moderator: This is a request for CVS access, so
> I believe that it is on topic and should not be censored.
> Bill Burke wrote:
> > JBoss Group, as caretaker of the JBoss project, has recently decided to
> > remove CVS access committers for a few of our committers.  We
> do not remove
> > from CVS without good reason nor without just cause.  These are
> the reasons
> > for the removals:
> I'll take these in reverse order:
>  > 3. There is just too much conflict of interest of developers
> working on two
>  > different J2EE projects that are being developed under two
> very different
>  > open-source licenses.
> Surely that is for the developers or their actions to determine?  Or is
> this taking the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive action to it's
> logical extreme?
> There are conflicts all the time in open source development - between the
> day job and the project - between license types - between duplicate
> projects - between competing clients both using your code - between time
> developing and time to have a life etc.

The fact remains that you participated in a JBoss fork.  This shows a
complete lack of commitment to the JBoss project and community.  You have
lost the trust of the JBoss project admins.

> As the author of Jetty, I have helped it be integrated with
> JBoss, JOnAS and
> avalon among other proprietary projects.   I am serving on JSR154 and give
> effort to improve all J2EE containers.   I have worked with and submitted
> bug reports and patches for tomcat.  I frequently consult to competative
> companies.I believe I have proven that I can deal with such conflicts
> in a professional manner.

Participating in a fork of JBoss is not professional.  You and other Jetty
developers are listed as CVS developers of Elba.

> JBoss has many users and JBG has many clients that they have encouraged
> to use Jetty/JBoss as a stable and supported platform.   JBoss is
> currently
> the best J2EE platform out there and I only wish to continue supporting
> it - and fullfilling the implicit promise made to all JBoss users that
> we will make best efforts to support our contributions.
> If you give us back our CVS access - what harm can it be?  If we vandalize
> the code, or become idle for a long period - then remove our access.
> But we only wish to maintain our contributions and support the JBoss
> community.  The only reasons that I can see for removing us is so you
> can make "no jboss developer" marketting claims.

Granting of CVS is a contract of trust between the project admins and
yourself.  You have broken this trust.  You are free to submit patches
through Sourceforge, but you have lost your CVS privilege.

> > 2. More importantly, we have learned that they have forked
> JBoss.  We also
> > believe they are preparing to submit it, or some derivation, to the new
> > Apache Geronimo project which would violate copyright and LGPL.
>  Our proof?
> >
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/elba
> I'm not exactly up to speed with the full motivation for Elba,
> but it is not
> for submission to geronimo - nor would the ASF

[JBoss-dev] July 2003 news

2003-08-07 Thread marc fleury
Hello folks, 

As usual I will take the time to pitch you our new trainings and keep
you update with the latest news about jboss.

First let's take care of the business.


Atlanta Boot Camp is fast approaching: Aug 16-17 in Atlanta at the
Swissotel. This is a fast paced, and quite comprehensive overview of
JBoss taught by the me, Scott, Bill and other US core developers.  Come
see the core in action in the famous "Atlanta Sessions".

System Administration is in New York, Aug. 11-12.  It is designed
specially for those who administer JBoss and want to learn
administration as they go to production.

Lastly, advanced JBoss training in Washington DC, Aug. 11-14. Learn all
about the intricacies of the most downloaded app server and how to
maximize your apps. IT IS ALMOST SOLD OUT SO HURRY.

Contact Stephen Hobbs at 404-467-8555 ext 205, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or go
to our web site for more information about training.
ces/training/index for the training schedule and registration. 


Our recently announced Production Support, in addition to our
Developer's support has been a best seller.  Since our recent launch of
the JBoss production support contract we have signed many new support
customers (dev and prod) in the month of july.  Some of the names are
Dun and Bradstreet, Siemens, Compuware, Glaxo, Sagamore Hill Capital, a
well know NYC financial firm under NDA and many more.  Going to JBoss is
almost routine for many IT depts.  We are glad to support these fine
companies in their professional usage of JBoss and we hope you are next.
In addition, Unify and Librados have joined our software partner
program, Unify ships fast development tools for JBoss and Librados
produces a high end integration platform.  Apple has given us great
press coverage with their integration of JBoss in Panther (OSX)


JBoss J2EE certification effort. 
JBoss is increasingly used in production and as you all move to
production we realize that certification brand becomes an important
check mark.  We have the financials to take it on, so we are. So many
people have asked us where that was at and the press is having a field
day with the story.  It seems everyone likes drama.  So there is no
drama at least not anymore on our side.  For all intents and purposes,
JBoss has agreed to ALL the conditions imposed by SUN. It includes what
for us is a hefty sum of money.  They didn't give us a break, they
didn't give us any break, which is kind of normal if you think about it
as there are many parties involved and SUN must treat all licensees the
same.   In short the ball is in SUN's court and we are looking forward
to inking the contract. 

Apache J2EE effort. 
First a bit of history.  I offered EJBoss when it was 4 month old to
Apache.  The guys at Jakarta vote OK unanimously and their vote was
overridden by Brian Behlendorf. The reason from behlendorf was that they
'were not the dust bin of open source projects'. I heard the Apache
crowd got offended for me calling them "a bunch of fat ladies drinking
tea" at a later date when they were running around telling us how to run
our project.  We had reports that this was the non-official reason for
this "challenge".  Challenge accepted.  More seriously as we overtake
them in corporate penetration and business model, I guess they are
finally looking beyond the HTTPD C codebase and imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery.

We are the real thing, all we have so far is talk and announcement,
announcements are a dime a dozen.  Apache code on this project has yet
to be released and then production reached and then maturity bla bla
bla.  I have little comment on the project except to say that JBOSS IS
NOT A PART OF IT. In a misleading announcement Apache chairman's Greg
Stein implied JBoss was participating and that JBOSS CODE WAS PART OF
THE PROJECT.  No current JBoss developers are participating in the
Apache J2EE project and since JBoss is LGPL only full copyright holders
can offer JBoss code under other licenses.  Bottom line? JBoss can't be
forked by apache.   As our customers know, we are a business, a serious
one and we seriously believe in and defend "professional open source".
That includes legal protection of IP.  Make no mistakes, JBoss will
AGGRESIVELY defend its copyright and LGPL license. 

Expanded Tomcat Support. 
We hired Remy Maucherat the lead developer of Tomcat 5 on Monday and he
will be part of our support organization in Europe.  Remy was a SUN
employee where he lead the TC4 development and is now on staff with
JBoss Group Europe, reporting to Sacha Labourey and developing TC5 while
on our watch.  Moving forward Tomcat will be our default container as
the market demands that support from JBoss Group.  We are in a position
to offer the best support for Tomcat enterprise users out there and are
thrilled to continue providing a 

[JBoss-dev] RE: [JBoss-user] Re: Recent CVS removals

2003-08-07 Thread Bill Burke

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Greg Wilkins
> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 8:37 PM
> Subject: [JBoss-user] Re: Recent CVS removals
> Firstly a note to the list moderator: This is a request for CVS access, so
> I believe that it is on topic and should not be censored.
> Bill Burke wrote:
> > JBoss Group, as caretaker of the JBoss project, has recently decided to
> > remove CVS access committers for a few of our committers.  We
> do not remove
> > from CVS without good reason nor without just cause.  These are
> the reasons
> > for the removals:
> I'll take these in reverse order:
>  > 3. There is just too much conflict of interest of developers
> working on two
>  > different J2EE projects that are being developed under two
> very different
>  > open-source licenses.
> Surely that is for the developers or their actions to determine?  Or is
> this taking the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive action to it's
> logical extreme?
> There are conflicts all the time in open source development - between the
> day job and the project - between license types - between duplicate
> projects - between competing clients both using your code - between time
> developing and time to have a life etc.

The fact remains that you participated in a JBoss fork.  This shows a
complete lack of commitment to the JBoss project and community.  You have
lost the trust of the JBoss project admins.

> As the author of Jetty, I have helped it be integrated with
> JBoss, JOnAS and
> avalon among other proprietary projects.   I am serving on JSR154 and give
> effort to improve all J2EE containers.   I have worked with and submitted
> bug reports and patches for tomcat.  I frequently consult to competative
> companies.I believe I have proven that I can deal with such conflicts
> in a professional manner.

Participating in a fork of JBoss is not professional.  You and other Jetty
developers are listed as CVS developers of Elba.

> JBoss has many users and JBG has many clients that they have encouraged
> to use Jetty/JBoss as a stable and supported platform.   JBoss is
> currently
> the best J2EE platform out there and I only wish to continue supporting
> it - and fullfilling the implicit promise made to all JBoss users that
> we will make best efforts to support our contributions.
> If you give us back our CVS access - what harm can it be?  If we vandalize
> the code, or become idle for a long period - then remove our access.
> But we only wish to maintain our contributions and support the JBoss
> community.  The only reasons that I can see for removing us is so you
> can make "no jboss developer" marketting claims.

Granting of CVS is a contract of trust between the project admins and
yourself.  You have broken this trust.  You are free to submit patches
through Sourceforge, but you have lost your CVS privilege.

> > 2. More importantly, we have learned that they have forked
> JBoss.  We also
> > believe they are preparing to submit it, or some derivation, to the new
> > Apache Geronimo project which would violate copyright and LGPL.
>  Our proof?
> >
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/elba
> I'm not exactly up to speed with the full motivation for Elba,
> but it is not
> for submission to geronimo - nor would the ASF accept it if it
> was offered.

We are contacting ASF to determine what has or has not been submitted.
JBoss Group will protect any infringement on copyright or LGPL.

> The elba CVS is a totally legal fork of the JBoss code, which after recent
> public legal threats is good to know that it can be done if needed.  I
> do know it was motivated by removing a private trademarc from an open
> code base.

Trademark, copyright, and LGPL(or similar license) are all an open-source
project has to protect itself from becoming closed source and proprietary.
JBoss Group firmly believes in the spirit of LGPL and will protect against
any violation.

> But whatever, it's got nothing to do with JBoss nor my continuing desire
> to support the project.
>  > 1. These individuals have refused to discuss design issues on
> our public
>  > forums.  It is crucial to have a public record of design
> discussions so that
>  > others may particpate in future work.
> I have always been willing to discuss issues on jboss-dev.  I, Jan, David,
> Jeremy, Hiram and others have all posted to this forum recently - although
> several such posts were censored.

The forums on www.jboss.org have been the designated place for design
discussions since their inception over a year ago.  You and your friends
know this and yet made a public statement saying you would not participate
in these forums.  The jboss-dev list is meant only for general
announcements, recruiting, and high level, random discussions.

> Besides, even if we have done something to warrent our removal
> from current
> committers, we should not have

[JBoss-dev] [AUTOMATED] JBoss (HEAD/linux1) Test Results: 92 % ( 13 / 14 ) - come on - pull your finger out

2003-08-07 Thread Chris Kimpton
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss1.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

JBoss daily test results


Number of tests run:   14

Successful tests:  13


Failures:  0

[time of test: 2003-08-07.00-27 GMT]
[java.version: 1.4.1_03]
[java.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[java.vm.version: 1.4.1_03-b02]
[java.vm.name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM]
[java.vm.info: mixed mode]
[os.name: Linux]
[os.arch: i386]
[os.version: 2.4.20-18.7]

See http://jboss1.kimptoc.net/linux1/logtests/testresults/reports/html//. for
the junit report of this test.

NOTE: If there are any errors shown above - this mail is only highlighting 
them - it is NOT indicating that they are being looked at by anyone.

It is assumed that whoever makes change(s) to jboss that 
break the test will be fixing the test or jboss, as appropriate!


Suite:   InvocationLogUnitTestCase
Exception:   java.lang.InternalError
Message: Test timeout

===Thu Aug  7 
01:27:38 BST 2003
===Linux nog 
2.4.20-18.7 #1 Thu May 29 08:32:50 EDT 2003 i686 unknown
version "1.4.1_03"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_03-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_03-b02, mixed mode)

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Data Reports, E-commerce, Portals, and Forums are available now.
Download today and enter to win an XBOX or Visual Studio .NET.
JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-763378 ] housekeeping in mbean server module

2003-08-07 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #763378, was opened at 2003-06-30 20:36
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by juhalindfors
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossMX
Group: v4.0
>Status: Pending
Resolution: Accepted
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Rod Burgett (rodburgett)
Assigned to: Juha Lindfors (juhalindfors)
Summary: housekeeping in mbean server module

Initial Comment:
The mbean server has no clean operation, the server is 
never emptied or released from the mbean server 
factory.  This constitutes a resource leak if JBoss is 
started (and restarted) from within a single JVM process.

Unfortunately, the JMX API does not include a shutdown 
method for the MBeanServer interface.  So cleanup must 
be performed outside of the JMX API, and must involve 
casting an MBeanServer to a specific implementation.  
The strategy used by this patch is to add a shutdown 
method to the mbean registry and mbean server 
implementations.  The registry shutdown method is 
exposed through JMX, so it may be called during JBoss 
shutdown processing.  The registry has a reference to 
the mbean server, so registry.shutdown can cast the 
server to server impl and invoke the server shutdown 

This strategy might be improved by defining a new 
interface that extends MBeanServer, adding the 
shutdown method.  Then the registry impl becomes 
coupled to the new interface, rather than the server 
implementation class.  On the other hand, such a 
generalization might be viewed as overkill until new 
mbean server implementations are considered.

An alternative solution could reverse the shutdown 
method calls, so the mbean server shutdown calls the 
registry shutdown.  This solution would require adding 
the registry shutdown method to the MBeanRegistry 
interface.  And would also require whatever method 
invokes the server shutdown to cast it's server 
reference to MBeanServerImpl.

 I prefer the first solution because it limits the casting, 
and specific implementation knowledge to the registry 
implementation, which is more closely related to the 
mbean server than most other JBoss classes.

It should be noted that this patch will have no effect at 
run-time until code elsewhere is changed to invoke the 
registry shutdown method.  Actual invocation of these 
new shutdown methods is left for another patch, aimed 
at improving cleanup in the JBoss ServerImpl class.

These patch files implement the mbean server and 
registry cleanup strategy.

The patch file for MBeanServerImpl.java adds a new 
shutdown method that releases the server from it's 
factory, shuts down the default loader repository and 
clears each listener proxy.  Note that attempts to invoke 
the loader repository shutdown method will fail until the 
org.jboss.mx.loading patch, #763343, is applied.

A second addition to the MBeanServerImpl class adds a 
shutdown method to the jmx operations supported by 
the mbean registry mbean.  MBeanServerImpl creates 
this MBean dynamically.

The patch file for BasicMBeanRegistry.java adds a 
shutdown method that shuts down it's mbean server, 
nulls some field references and clears it's domain map 


>Comment By: Juha Lindfors (juhalindfors)
Date: 2003-08-08 01:12

Logged In: YES 

This patch has been added modifed to the JBoss 4.0 branch
(4.0 DR3).

Modifications were made to handle the MBeanListenerRegistry
implementation. The call sequence was reversed from
MBeanServer to MBeanRegistry by adding a 'releaseRegistry'
methd to MBeanRegistry interface.

MBeanServer implementations that implement a 'void
releaseServer' method will have that method invoked via Java
reflection from the MBeanServerFactory.releaseServer()
method. Any subsequent patches should use the standard JMX
MBeanServerFactory.releaseMBeanServer() method to invoke the
server and registry cleanup methods.

I'm currently leaving this bug report to PENDING state.
Depending on whether the other related patches are applied
to 3.2 branch the original patch in this report should be
applied as well.


Comment By: Rod Burgett (rodburgett)
Date: 2003-06-30 21:28

Logged In: YES 

Why null?   Nulling the instance fields may not be required, 
but in this type of situation I think the GC needs all the help it 
can get.  The MBean server/registry includes a reference to 
every registered mbean and each mbean holds a reference to 
the mbean server.

Why restart?   Our product embeds JBoss and permits 
bouncing the JBoss server without restarting the larger 
product.  So, we can't rely on JVM destruction for memory 
and thread cleanup.


Comment By: Juha Lindfors (juhalindfors)
Date: 2003-06-30 21:01

Logged In: YES 

[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-784343 ] Invalid msgType Concurrency Bug?

2003-08-07 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #784343, was opened at 2003-08-06 19:15
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by wolfftw
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossMQ
Group: v3.2
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Todd Wolff (wolfftw)
Assigned to: Adrian Brock (ejort)
Summary: Invalid msgType Concurrency Bug?

Initial Comment:
Using 3.2.2RC3 Jetty Build, 1.4.2jdk on Windows XP Pro 
SP1 the attached test case causes an intermittent 
IllegalArgumentException: Invalid msgType error, when 
using the UIL2ConnectionFactory.

When using the jvm IL (java:/ConnectionFactory), the 
process simply hangs after a few thousand messages, 
with no error messages.  It may take a few attempts to 
get it to hang, and the machine should be relatively fast 
(roughly 100 messages per second) to duplicate the 

The sessions are all non-transacted, the messages are 
non_persistent and do not expire.  I don't believe I've 
broken any design idioms within the test case, but if so, 
please email me with the problem.  I've spent several 
days trying to solve this one.

See readme.txt in attached test case for test execution 
instructions.  Thanks and let me know if you need 
anything else.



>Comment By: Todd Wolff (wolfftw)
Date: 2003-08-07 13:42

Logged In: YES 

I get two different errors when using UIL2.  Here's the first 
trace.  BTW, it fails everytime unlike the jvm IL.


Comment By: Todd Wolff (wolfftw)
Date: 2003-08-07 13:39

Logged In: YES 

Here's the thread dump using the jvm il following the hang.  
BTW, I'm not using a multiprocessor machine.  What I meant 
by multithreaded was multiple httpclient threads, multiple 
queue receivers listening on the same queue, multiple queue 
senders ...

I had to run at least six times sending 3000 messages each 
time to get it to hang.  My machine is a Pentium M, 1.3 ghz.  
It processes the 3000 messages in .489 minutes.

I will follow-up with the UIL2 trace.


Comment By: Adrian Brock (ejort)
Date: 2003-08-07 09:19

Logged In: YES 

I've tried to get your testcase to crash but it is not happening
for me. Probably because I don't have a multi-processor machine.

When it hangs using the jvm IL, take a threaddump using
and post the results.
Alternatively, set TRACE logging for org.jboss.mq while running
with UIL2 and post the log snippet for the last couple of
minutes before
you get the IllegalArgumentException



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[JBoss-dev] Problem with anonymous CVS checkout of Nukes

2003-08-07 Thread Steffen Zschaler


I tried (several times already) to do a CVS CO of nukes as described in your
docs. 98 out of a 100 trials I get to see nothing but:
cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above
messages if any)

with no above messages to consult. The rest of the time I usually get:
cvs [update aborted]: reading from server: Connection reset
by peer

again with no additional info.

Every once in a while the update will get through, but it usually locks up
at some time and doesn't wake up again (I had it standing there over night).

What am I missing? (Please CC my mail-address, as I am not on the mailing


Dipl.-Inf. Steffen Zschaler
Research Assistant

Dresden University of Technology
Department of Computer Science

Phone +49 351 463 38555
Fax   +49 351 463 38459

[JBoss-dev] Re: [JBoss-user] Recent CVS removals

2003-08-07 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 7 Aug 2003 08:49, Bill Burke wrote:
> 2. More importantly, we have learned that they have forked JBoss.  We also
> believe they are preparing to submit it, or some derivation, to the new
> Apache Geronimo project which would violate copyright and LGPL.  Our proof?
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/elba

I had a look (at one randomly selected file) and it is a direct copy with the 
line "JBoss, the OpenSource EJB server" removed from the top.

Shit. Back to the unix wars of my youth. And that is the thing that really 
damaged unix and gave MS an unassailable head start.

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