[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Backbutton Example

2006-07-15 Thread khsiow
Anyone has an example to share on how to get the prevent backbutton? So far, 
all the examples allowed the backbutton operation and it was messing up 
conversation. Thanks.

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[jboss-user] [Persistence, JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - Urgent help please!

2006-07-15 Thread ihunter
[Using JBoss 4.0.3, EJB2, MySQL]

Hi Folks,

I have an EJB 2.0 app. and I need to effect the following (psudo) query for an 

 SELECT obj FROM Obj WHERE (obj.x IN {0}) LIMIT {1}

Using dynamicQL does it, but the LIMIT doesn't go into the actual SQL for MySQL 
and blows the transaction timeout.

OK, so I use declared-sql, but I NEED to parameterise the IN list from the 
application - how can do I do this?

Anybody got any ideas, or alternative approaches.

Many many thanks for any help

[Hope this is clear enough]

Ian Hunter

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - Re: Deploying with JBoss rules

2006-07-15 Thread lafr
The class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult is not part of 
any lib of jbossrules. The class is needed, when an error occured in your rules.
I added org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.2.0.v_671.jar from eclipse 3.2.0 to the libs.

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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Deployment error mapping a parent/child related entity

2006-07-15 Thread elkner
 = unbound type ...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION table not found

2006-07-15 Thread abdielj

First of all thanks for your help. 
The schema was automatically created. I used the JBPM Starter's Kit. I checked 
the DB Administrator and there are no typos in the table name. I'm also using 
the Eclipse JBPM IDE Bundle which has a plug-in that automatically creates a 
JBPM Project, but i noticed that the generated folder with the needed 
dependencies is missing the hibernate3.jar so I added manually to the project 
in another folder. I don't know if that may be the problem. 

Another thing is that the problem is with all accesses to the database, because 
i tried to obtain the list of tasks for a user with 

  | List taskList = jbpmContext.getTaskList(ernie);

and got the same error for the JBPM_TASKINSTANCE table. 

Also when I try to run the project I get the following warning

  | WARN  EhCacheProvider : Could not find configuration


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: ejb-jar.xml for bookings example: hosed?

2006-07-15 Thread vashistvishal

I encountered this beast today as i was trying to get some hand on SEAM after i 
heard lots of good reviews. As mentioned in one of the posts here I 
're-installed JBoss', using JEMS installer, using ption 'ejb3' on installer 
menu, previously i opted for option 'ALL'.

And when i deployed example of 'booking' from SEAM it deployed sucessfully.

Prior to this i had the above mentioned errors and i tried changing ejb-jar 
file as suggested above, but all those things didn't work.

So if you reinstall JBoss using ejb3 option than it will be fine, it is also 
metoined on JBoss app server download page specifically.

I hope this helps, sometimes trying to become smart can bite you badly, as i 
encountered :)

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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - JBoss goes down!

2006-07-15 Thread nabieh
 We have an application that been used by a 600 users via netowrk 
connections over the country, at a time, not less than 150 users are online 
using the application, the main goal of the application is to be an interface 
for a huge database and oter network components, we are facing a strange 
behavior of the application server - JBoss, from time to time, it goes down and 
became unaccessible, and it seems that the application is not able to run any 
more. I monitored the logs and found lot of exceptions regarding JDBC result 
sets exceptions says: java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset, I am sure we 
are closing every single connection/statement/result set we used! Can any one 
advice me on this field? We are using DAOs for DB conections, we use JNDI for 
retrieving datasourses, we cach those common used info into memory, we are 
using HP servers which considered to be v. good machines. Any comment will be 
highly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Note: We have lot of those requests that waits for responses for a period of 
time, and lot of those requests beeing executed at a time all the day. Those 
requests goes to queues and wait for the reply as XML from other queues, we are 
using IBM MQ services.


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[jboss-user] [Persistence, JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - Using LIMIT in EJBQL

2006-07-15 Thread WGPuckett
I have JBoss v4.0.3SP1 installed along with MySQL v5.0.22.

I am using Eclipse 3.1.2 with MyEclipse 4.1.1 for my development.  I am using 
XDoclet to generate the code for the EJBs.

In my application I have my CMP EJBs configured for v2.X.

In one of my EJBs I have the following finder:

  |  * @ejb.finder
  |  *  query=SELECT OBJECT(t) FROM TaxMaster t WHERE t.taxNbr 
= ?1 ORDER BY t.taxNbr
  |  *  signature=java.util.Collection 
findListByTaxNbr(java.lang.String partialKey)
  |  *  description=find the list of entries that start with a 
specific character string

When I run this the DAOImp module fails with 

  | javax.servlet.ServletException: Unexpected Error
  | java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  | ; CausedByException is:
  | Unexpected Error
  | java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Obviously JBoss is trying to read every entry in the table that satisfies the 
query and load it into memory.  This won't work at all.

According to the JBoss documentation I can include a LIMIT parm on the QL call. 
 So I changed the QL to:

  |  * @ejb.finder
  |  *  query=SELECT OBJECT(t) FROM TaxMaster t WHERE t.taxNbr 
= ?1 ORDER BY t.taxNbr ASC LIMIT ?2
  |  *  signature=java.util.Collection 
findListByTaxNbr(java.lang.String partialKey, int tLimit)
  |  *  description=find the list of entries that start with a 
specific character string

Now when I attempt to deploy the application I get the following failure:

  | 10:56:42,111 INFO  [BaseLocalProxyFactory] Bound EJB LocalHome 'TaxMaster' 
to jndi 'TaxMasterLocal'
  | 10:56:43,736 INFO  [STDOUT] org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.ejbql.ParseException: 
Encountered LIMIT at line 1, column 79.
  | Was expecting one of:
  | EOF 
  | , ...

So, how do I implement the LIMIT option?  I don't mind to upgrade to a more 
current version if that will fix the problem.  But I'd rather not go to that 
touble just yet if it won't help.

I have researched this somewhat and can't find anything in the forums that 
indicate that JBoss has a problem with LIMIT.  So I am hoping I am just doing 
something wrong.

Thanks for your interest and feedback.

Glenn Puckett
MetaMAP, Inc
Lexington, KY

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Custom fork - jbpm 3

2006-07-15 Thread c.vidal

I'm also interested by the answer to this :) I'm trying to achieve the exact 
same purpose.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Ajax4JSF experiences

2006-07-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OK, so I spent some time playing with JSF yesterday afternoon. Overall I'm 
pretty happy with the APIs but

So, what I've noticed so far is:

(0) a4j:region is required in MyFaces, as per Ajax4JSF docs (ugly!)
(1) a4j:region selfRendered=true breaks with Seam, probably some problem to 
do with phase listeners/filters
(2) a4j:region selfRendered=false is totally broken, at least in 
JSP/MyFaces. Might be OK in facelets and/or the RI
(3) The echo example works with a h:outputText as the component to be 
re-rendered, but not with a h:inputText

Does anyone know how to solve any of these problems?

Ajax4JSF is implemented as a servlet filter instead of as a custom UIViewRoot 
(which is the route that Jacob/Ed/Adam have been going down).

The Ajax4JSf docs hint that the difference b/w the UIViewRoot implementations 
in MyFaces and the RI is what causes problems in MyFaces, which leads me to 
wonder if they really should be replacing the viewroot. Furthermore, it seems 
to be their hacked lifecycle that causes probelm (1) on Seam. However, it might 
be that Ajax4JSF is doing extra stuff compared to what is in facelets CVS 
(Ajax4JSF seems to do partial restores as well as partial renders).

Anyway, my conclusion is that this stuff needs some serious work to be usable...

I will contact the Exadel guys next week probably.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Using JGuard to secure the portal

2006-07-15 Thread pelo67000

I would like to use jguard with pentaho (which is deployed on JBoss 4.03) to 
secure the portal.

After downloading the jguard zip and install it, i was able to launch 
start-pentaho.bat but i had the following errors :

anonymous wrote : 
  | 2006-07-07 10:55:29,984 WARN [org.jboss.system.ServiceController] Problem 
starting service portal:service=CMS
  | java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
  | at net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter.begin_class(ClassEmitter.java:77)
  | at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory$Generator.generateClass(KeyFactory.java:173)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory$Generator.create(KeyFactory.java:145)
  | at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.create(KeyFactory.java:117)
  | at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.create(KeyFactory.java:108)
  | at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.create(KeyFactory.java:104)
  | at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.(SessionFactoryImpl.java:362)

anonymous wrote : 
  | [org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner] Incomplete Deployment 
  | --- MBeans waiting for other MBeans ---
  | ObjectName: portal:service=CMS
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | portal:service=JAASLoginModule
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:mapper=CMSObject
  | ObjectName: portal:service=TreeCache,type=persistent
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:service=TreeCacheProvider,type=persistent
  | ObjectName: portal:service=Hibernate
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:service=Module,type=User
  | portal:service=Module,type=Role
  | ObjectName: portal:service=Hibernate,type=globalinstance
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:container=Instance,type=global
  | ObjectName: portal:service=Hibernate,type=globalportal
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:container=PortalObject,type=global
  | ObjectName: portal:service=Hibernate,type=globalportal
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:container=PortalObject,type=global
  | ObjectName: portal:service=CMS
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | portal:service=JAASLoginModule
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:mapper=CMSObject
  | ObjectName: portal:service=Hibernate,type=globalinstance
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:container=Instance,type=global
  | ObjectName: portal:service=Hibernate
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:service=Module,type=User
  | portal:service=Module,type=Role
  | ObjectName: portal:service=TreeCache,type=persistent
  | State: FAILED
  | Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  | I Depend On:
  | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding
  | Depends On Me:
  | portal:service=TreeCacheProvider,type=persistent

However, my jguard example worked... (pentaho didn't work at this time)

I have resolved this problem, Jguard needs asm-2.0 when jboss uses asm 1.5.03, 
i have also change the cglib from /jboss/server/default/lib/ with the latest 
cglib-nodep version...

I don't have errors anymore but my jguard example don't really work because i 
have only access to the login,logon and access denied pages which is according 
to the jguard forum the basic accessible pages...

However, if i comment this part of the 

anonymous wrote : 
  | mbean
  | code=org.jboss.portal.server.deployment.WebAppAdapter
  | name=portal:deployer=Adapter

[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Entity bean state not rolled back on TX rollback:

2006-07-15 Thread jnorris10
Just for any that are interested in this thread, here is what the spec says 
about this:

anonymous wrote : 
  | EJB3 Persistence Specification, page 54
  | 3.3.2 Transaction Rollback 
  | For both transaction-scoped and extended persistence contexts, transaction 
rollback causes all pre-existing managed instances and removed instances [15] 
to become detached. The instances? state will be the state of the instances at 
the point at which the transaction was rolledback. Transaction rollback 
typically causes the persistence context to be in an inconsistent state at the 
point of rollback.  Inparticular, the state of version attributes and generated 
state (e.g., generated primary keys) may be inconsistent. 
  | Instances that were formerly managed by the persistence context (including 
new instances that were made persistent in that transaction) may therefore not 
be reusable in the same manner as other detached 
  | objects?for example, they may fail when passed to the merge operation.[16] 
  | ...
  | [16] It is unspecified as to whether instances that were not persistent in 
the database behave as new instances or detached instances after rollback. This 
may be implementation-dependent.

I personally am curious why full blown @Entity property rollback isn't in the 
spec.  Perhaps in the big picture it's not as useful as I think it is.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - nested datatables with s:link

2006-07-15 Thread lcoetzee

I want to nest datatable, with the inside loop containing a s:link with an 

Something like:

  | t:dataList value=#{sections} var=currentSection layout=simple
  | rendered=#{not empty sections} id=dt1
  | li#{currentSection.sectionLabel}
  | t:dataList value=#{currentSection.questions}
  | var=currentQuestion 
  | rendered=#{not empty 
currentSection.questions} id=dt2
  | lis:link 
  | /t:dataList
  | /ul
  | /li
  | /t:dataList

Each section has several questions associated with it (section is annotated 
with a @DataModel). 
It displays nicely, but as yet I have no clue how to get hold of the selected 
currentQuestion in my SFSB method (questionSelectionBean.selectQuestion).

Any ideas ?


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[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - can't auto connect

2006-07-15 Thread huangqingqing
 In  jboss4.03  ; I config the datasource with msql-ds.xml ;but  if  the  mssql 
server disconnect ; jboss can't auto connect the mssql server I must start up 
the jboss server again . why  and how can i do ? thank:)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simple Problem Literal Problem

2006-07-15 Thread ncapito
The work around for the bug worked 

To all who are interested here was how i assigned an int constant



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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simple Problem Literal Problem

2006-07-15 Thread ncapito
Code didn't make it:  

  | from expression=string(1) /
  |to variable=MyVar part=myInt/
  | /copy

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[jboss-user] [Persistence, JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - Ignoring empty but not-null cascaded entities...

2006-07-15 Thread bluetrade
I have a question regarding the possibility to ignore entities dynamically, 
based on whether or not they contain data. Let me explain: 

class Person implements Serializable {
  private Information info = new Information(); 
  private String name;


now I don't want to save the information in case it remains empty, but at the 
same time I want to make use of the cascading functionality, but at times, 
Persons don't have information the information object would be empty. I cannot 
just leave it out, since I work with Seam and info.description for example 
might be injected, but if that field for example is null, I would like to 
ignore the info object so that I don't have any null-containing rows in the 
database. Also the not-null annotation does not help me...

Any ideas?


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: examples: bank

2006-07-15 Thread muellx
I'm having exact same problem! Have you come across a solution for that? Can 
anyone help? Thanks! 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: registration-sample ear does not work when renamed

2006-07-15 Thread javidjamae
The incorrect components.xml documentation is here:


This should probably be updated to have the correct jndiPattern.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam reverse engineering tool

2006-07-15 Thread gcowsar
markfoerstein wrote : 
  | These exceptions are usually not the cause of the problem itself. Try 
looking at the JBoss/Tomcat console window. At the end of the stack you will 
find the exception that caused everything.
  | Post'em here.

Thanks Mark I'll do that. First I'm going to do a clean restart and see what 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Accessing static finals

2006-07-15 Thread bluetrade
I want to evaluate an EL against some static final from an entity which I tried 
to outject and (@Out (value=final1)) however it is ignored. Can I not outject 
from entities? How is it usually solved if one would like access a public 
static final w/o having to implement getters for them?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Backbutton Example

2006-07-15 Thread khsiow
Thanks for the pointers. I just tried the booking example. When I used the 
backbutton and later clicked on a action button, it displayed no conversation 
message. I was expecting the system would redisplay the current page 
immediately as soon as I hit the backbutton.

I guess I've to debug my current test program. It didn't display the currently 
active state page.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Getting XAException while logging in to portal as admin

2006-07-15 Thread kslm23
I see, now it makes sense :-)
Thanks a lot for your help!!!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Accessing static finals

2006-07-15 Thread CptnKirk
You can't outject from entities and by default the EL requires getters/setters. 
 I was thinking that a custom JSF VariableResolver might help, but it seems 
that it only resolves the top-level object (ie, the entity), not the actual 
returned variable.

I think you're SOL here, unless the JSF EL in 1.2 has changed to support this 
(or supports new extension points that I'm unaware of).  If you really, really 
can't just add getter/setters to your entity, then you can use cglib or some 
other class manipulation library to generate those getters/setters for you.

I experimented with this in the past and it worked, but is probably overkill 
for your needs.

Now just because Entities don't outject doesn't mean you couldn't have a Seam 
component lookup and outject that static variable (and then inject and set the 
variable).  Although this brings us, why not just have getter/setters?

If you really wanted to you may also be able to abuse a custom DataBinder into 
doing what you want as well.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Backbutton Example

2006-07-15 Thread khsiow
I reprogrammed my test example and now I got an example. There must be 
something I didn't get it right to have Seam to redisplay the current page.

21:23:34,937 ERROR [PhaseListenerManager] Exception in PhaseListener 
RESTORE_VIEW(1) afterPhase
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context
at org.jboss.seam.core.Process.instance(Process.java:32)
at org.jboss.seam.core.TaskInstance.instance(TaskInstance.java:51)
at org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance(Component.java:1245)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: create method not found + @Factory

2006-07-15 Thread Basel
Isn't that being taken care of by the @Factory(newEntry) annotation? Neither 
the jbossworld-seam-lab example nor Gavin's 
http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopict=72267 thread used an 
@Out annotation.

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