[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Portal-Cluster: REPL_ASYNC vs. REPL_SYNC

2008-06-13 Thread IronMan77
Although the logout has been fixed in 2.6.5-sp1 (i can confirm that!) it's no 
viable option for us. As we were already in a production environment there are 
to many changes in my opinion (many services have been renamed for example) to 
use it. 

As a follow up to the portlet preferences problem:

We currently working to a solution with a hardare loadbalancer, but with sticky 
sessions - no HTTP-Session replication and no SSO. Only the configuration is 
clustered with a shared db. 

I can reproduce the issues without the load balancer if i adress the cluster 
nodes direct. Example: Three nodes (node-1, node-2, node-3).

Say i configure a (new!) portlet instance via the admin portlet on node-1 and 
add it to a (new) window on a existing page. 

Log in to node-2 or being already logged in on node-3 (it doesn't seem to 
matter) the content of the PortletPreferences for the new instance from the 
JBossRenderRequest are NOT populated right - the "fall back" (mostly - not 
every time) to the standard values from the portlet.xml. They are ALWAYS(!) 
correct in node-1 and on all nodes(!) within the admin-portlet. 

I have spent some time debugging the issue - it seems that the 
InstanceDefintion is not popluated correct from the TreeCache. The 
InstanceDefinition should contain a value like "local_51" but it contains a 
value like "./portletname-local" or something. I have given up at this point , 
we are now working with the ASYNC setting.

Kind regards,


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Portal-Cluster: REPL_ASYNC vs. REPL_SYNC

2008-06-13 Thread IronMan77

as a follow up to this posting


we have discovered some strange effects when using the default setting of 

REPL_SYNC for the TreeCache within a clustered portal setup. These issues 

  | * the logout bug (see the post above)
  | * synchronisation issues for PortletPreferences  if the instance 
preferences are modified via the Admin-Portlet

Strangley, these issues could be fixed when using the REPL_ASYNC setting for 
the TreeCache. I am aware of the drawbacks of using async vs sync but the sync 
settings doens't work as expected.

Has anybody else experienced the same issues?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Admin Portlet: Strange Behavior with Oracle-DB

2008-03-19 Thread IronMan77
Hi Peter,

i tried

* org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect
* org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect

but no effect. 

An extension to the previous description:
If you try to add a property (e.g. "hidden") first nothing happens (reload). If 
you try to add the property again you get a:

 java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-1: Unique Constraint 

Exception as the property is already written to the database table!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Admin Portlet: Strange Behavior with Oracle-DB

2008-03-19 Thread IronMan77

using this setup

* Version: jboss-portal-2.6.1.GA and jboss-portal-2.6.4.GA
* Download Version
* JBoss AS Version: 4.2.1.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_1_GA date=200707131605)] 
and 4.2.2
* Database: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 
Production With the Partitioning and Data Mining options
* JDBC Connector and Version: ojdb14.jar ( and
* OS Platform: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (i586)
* Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03)

i have a rather strange behavoir when using the admin portlet. Adding a 
property to a page or modifying a user does not work as expected. The data 
seems to be written to the oracle database but it is NOT shown in the admin 
portlet. Using a mysql 5.0.26 database with the same setup does work as 

This seems to a strange effect, as it affects 2.6.1 and 2.6.4 without any 
modification. Is this a known bug (i have found nothing in the jira) or could 
it be related to the setup of the oracle database?

Oracle seems to be a quite popular database, so i am under the expression that 
this could be a bug with portal 2.6.1 AND 2.6.4?

Thanks in advance!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Admin Portlet: Adding a listener to a window?

2008-03-03 Thread IronMan77
Hi using this development setup:

  * Version: jboss-portal-2.6.1.GA
  * Download Version
  * JBoss AS Version: 4.2.1.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_1_GA 
  * Database: Mysql 5.0.51a-community-nt
  * JDBC Connector and Version: mysql-connector-java-5.0.5-bin.jar
  * OS Platform: Windows XP 32-Bit 

Is it possible to add a listener to a window instance via the admin portlet? 
Setting the listener via the *-object.xml does work, but we want an admin to be 
able to add / remove the listner.

Thanks in advance.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: NullPointer: Setting portlet instance preferences via In

2008-03-01 Thread IronMan77
Hi chris,

we set some portlet instance parameters via the portlet-instance.xml. These 
parameters are visible to all user - we want a user with a defined role ("site 
admin") to be able to modify these settings. Setting the values via the 
PortletPreferences is not an option as these values are stored in connetion 
with the logged in user and not for all users. That is why we want to modify 
the portlet instance parameters via the InstanceContainer.

There is a reason for using this version: we are devloping since mid 2007 and 
want to keep our developing platform and libary base stable. We have also 
noticed that, there a some bigger changes between the different portal 
versions, like a change of the underlaying jboss application server version 
from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1. So maybe we grade up after our portal projetk is final, 
but until now we want to keep the version.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: NullPointer: Setting portlet instance preferences via In

2008-02-29 Thread IronMan77
2. Is the setting of portlet instance prefs via the InstanceContainer bound to 
the admin user?

3. Am i missing some service?
4. What am i doing wrong ;-) Reading seems to work 

Thanks in advance.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - NullPointer: Setting portlet instance preferences via Instan

2008-02-29 Thread IronMan77
Hi using this development setup:

  | * Version: jboss-portal-2.6.1.GA
  | * Download Version
  | * JBoss AS Version:  4.2.1.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_1_GA 
  | * Database: Mysql 5.0.51a-community-nt
  | * JDBC Connector and Version: mysql-connector-java-5.0.5-bin.jar
  | * OS Platform: Windows XP 32-Bit
  | I have injected the InstanceContainer and set transaction support via 
  |   |
  |   |   InstanceContainer
  |   |   
  |   |   :container=Instance
  |   |
  | and
  | Required

Reading from the portlet instnaces does work, writing to the portlet 
preferences creates a nullpointer, using this example code:

  | //Get the instance container
  | InstanceContainer instanceContainer = (InstanceContainer) 
  | InstanceDefinition id = 
  | // This does work!
  | PropertyMap pmap = id.getProperties();
  | String uuid = ((StringValue) pmap.get("uuid")).toString();
  | List tmp = new ArrayList();
  | if (pmap.containsKey("uuid")) {
  | PropertyChange change = PropertyChange.newUpdate("uuid", new 
  | tmp.add(change);
  | }
  | PropertyChange[] changes = (PropertyChange[]) tmp.toArray(new 
  | //This doesn't work 
  | id.setProperties(changes);

I have debugged the setProperties() method for my portlet und the admin portlet 
and found the problematic section:


The following code line leads to the nullpointer:


The problem seems to be, that the loaded (hibernate?) PersistentPortletState 
object is not set up correctly, most properties are empty. I have compared this 
to the admin-core portlet - there is the object  loaded correctly.

Some questions:

1. Am i gettin the InstanceCotainer correctly:

InstanceContainer instanceContainer = (InstanceContainer) 

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