[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-11 Thread martin.wickus
Hi Tim

Glad to hear (that we tracked it down that is). Keep us posted how the testing 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-07 Thread martin.wickus
Two developers tried independently to reproduce this problem in our development 
environment, but no success. We've thusfar only seen it in our production and 
(thereafter) testing environments. The setups (firewall restrictions, machine 
architecture, etc) in those environment are very different from our run 
everything on a windows box development environment. I cannot rule out 
environmental/configuration issues our side, thus I'm not confident to claim 
this is a bug in JBM. 

I am going to upgrade to JBoss EAP 4.3 standard and deploy for testing. 

Tim, I think you could close the associated Jira as unable to reproduce. I'll 
let you know how it goes with JBoss EAP 4.3.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-06 Thread martin.wickus
I am busy setting up a dev environment hooked up to production data (same 
messaging load for feeds) to replicate this. I will also try and debug the code 
,assuming I can trigger the condition, and will update the results 

Rationale: Our UAT/PROD environments are not ideal for this due to firewall 
setups and difficulty gaining access in order to retrieve logs, etc.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-05 Thread martin.wickus
I think I've found a bug in JBM 1.4.0.SP3.

I ran JBM 1.4.0.SP3 to reproduce my earlier problem in UAT.

I then went through each of the items listed as oversights before until the 
problem dissapeared. The order was:

1. Updated to latest schema. Problem still occurs.
2. Changed to non-EAP version of JBM and JBR libraries. Problem still occurs.
3. Turned clustering for PostOffice off. Problem still occurs.
4. Changed PrefetchSize to 1000 and SlowConsumers to false. Problem fixed.

I undid/repeated step 4 a few times and it this is definately my problem area.

I then switched to the JBM 1.4.0.GA libraries to see if I can reproduce the 
problem. I couldn't. It works stably whether SlowConsumers is true or false.

This makes me think that between JBM1.4.0.GA and JBM1.4.0.SP3, there must have 
been a change to the client consumer flow control.

I compared the source code for the revisions and noticed there was significant 
refactoring in org.jboss.jms.client.container.ClientConsumer.

Additionaly, since the behavior happens only after a period and only under 
heavy load, this sounded like a threading problem.

I can't be sure by looking at the code as I'm not a JBM expert, but I do notice 
that most of the time when consumeCount gets modified, it is done so within the 
mainLock. However, not always  so this might cause contention issues. 
Perhaps consumeCount should be declared as volatile to prevent threads storing 
local values for the variables.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-05 Thread martin.wickus
No. By default these values were not specified and that's when I get the 
problem. When I set SlowConsumers to false and PrefetchSize to 1000 the problem 
did not occur.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-05 Thread martin.wickus
That's correct. Under item 2 for post Tue Mar 4, 2008 07:55 AM you'll see I 
mentioned that when we upgraded from JBM 1.4.0.GA to JBM1.4.0.SP3, we did not 
bring across our customizations (those two attributes specifically).

In other words, under JBM 1.4.0.GA, we'd customized our 
connection-factories-service.xml to include those attributes. Then when we 
upgraded to JBM 1.4.0.SP3, we did not apply those customizations again. This is 
when we experienced the problem. However, after re-adding those customizations, 
everything works.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-05 Thread martin.wickus
No, we're not running a cluster, thus no failover.

I'll need to come back to you wrt the requested information. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-04 Thread martin.wickus
Hi. The clients were using the following libraries:

JBM: Implementation-Version: 4.3.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA 
date=200801031548). This taken from EAP 4.3\client
JBR: Implementation-Version: 4.3.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA 
date=200801031548). This taken from EAP 4.3\client

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-04 Thread martin.wickus
We rolled back to the old libraries and config files and all is working fine. 
However, for those following this thread, would like to point out I'm not 
convinced this is a bug in JBM. We might have made a couple of mistakes during 
out deployment. Email thread posted for public interest:

anonymous wrote : Just a bit of background.
  | We've been running with EAP 4.2 and JBM 1.4.0.GA for a while. I'm quite 
aware this is not the environment supported by Red Hat, but this is what we 
have and we've been on a steady path to becoming 100% compliant: We were 
running JBoss 4.2.1 GA and ActiveMQ, replaced ActiveMQ with JBM and then took 
on Red Hat support. At this point we upgraded to JBoss EAP 4.2 (but kept JBM in 
place). I've been working on a branch running JBoss EAP 4.3 and the default 
configured JBM 1.4.0.SP3, however this is not yet deployed into production. We 
had a couple of issue with JBM 1.4.0.GA (or really JBoss Remoting I should say) 
which was sorted out by using a slightly modified version of the 
remoting-biscoket-service.xml that bundles with JBM 1.4.0.SP3. Please note we 
were still at this time using the JBM 1.4.0.GA libraries. However, as JBM 
1.4.0.SP3 is the stable release, we heeded a suggestion by Red Hat and decided 
to upgrade. That's when the problem occurred.
  | As already mentioned, I'm going to run a couple of experiments today to see 
whether I can narrow down the reason for the problem. I'm not yet convinced it 
is a bug in JBM. My reasons are:
  | 1. We used the same JBM database schema from 1.4.0.GA. This did not give 
any problems when we tested in the dev environments. However, after more 
careful inspection of the SQL in oracle-persistence.sql I noticed a couple of 
changes were in place (e.g. new index, delete_message sql script switched order 
of parameters arround ... this could be problem is JBM is not using name 
parameters, but positional, supports_blob_on_select flag, composite primary key 
for JBM_MSG_REF changed declaration order for composite columns, etc). I don't 
know if this could be the cause of our problem and the old schema certainly 
worked fine for us in the development environment, but I'll try and use the new 
schema and see whether that makes a difference.
  | 2. The following customisations were dropped from 
  | Setting attribute PrefetchSize to 1000.
  | Setting attribute SlowConsumers to false.
  | 3. Were PostOffice was marked as not clustered before, it was deployed as 
clustered this time round (default from bundled 
oracle-persistence-service.xml). Do not anticipate this to be a problem since 
we are running just a single node.
  | 4. Using EAP 4.3 build for JBR 2.2.2.SP4 --- Implementation-Version: 
4.3.0.GA (build: VNTag=JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA date=200801031548) instead of the BREW 
library. I reckoned the EAP 4.3 one would be most stable since tested by Red 
Hat. However, perhaps there are modifications specific to EAP 4.3. 
  | PS. Clients were using the following libraries:
  | JBM: Implementation-Version: 4.3.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA 
date=200801031548). This taken from EAP 4.3\client
  | JBR: Implementation-Version: 4.3.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA 
date=200801031548). This taken from EAP 4.3\client

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-04 Thread martin.wickus
Tim Fox's reply inline:

anonymous wrote :  
  |  Just a bit of background.
  |  We've been running with EAP 4.2 and JBM 1.4.0.GA for a while. I'm quite 
  |  aware this is not the environment supported by Red Hat, but this is what 
  |  we have and we've been on a steady path to becoming 100% compliant: We 
  |  were running JBoss 4.2.1 GA and ActiveMQ, replaced ActiveMQ with JBM and 
  |  then took on Red Hat support. At this point we upgraded to JBoss EAP 4.2 
  |  (but kept JBM in place). I've been working on a branch running JBoss EAP 
  |  4.3 and the default configured JBM 1.4.0.SP3, however this is not yet 
  |  deployed into production. We had a couple of issue with JBM 1.4.0.GA (or 
  |  really JBoss Remoting I should say) which was sorted out by using a 
  |  slightly modified version of the remoting-biscoket-service.xml that 
  |  bundles with JBM 1.4.0.SP3. Please note we were still at this time using 
  |  the JBM 1.4.0.GA libraries. However, as JBM 1.4.0.SP3 is the stable 
  |  release, we heeded a suggestion by Red Hat and decided to upgrade. 
  |  That's when the problem occurred.
  |  As already mentioned, I'm going to run a couple of experiments today to 
  |  see whether I can narrow down the reason for the problem. I'm not yet 
  |  convinced it is a bug in JBM. My reasons are:
  | I don't want to speculate too much at this point, but 1.4.0.SP3 is our 
  | most highly tested JBM release - having gone through rigorous load and 
  | soak test with our QA department before it was allowed to go in the EAP. 
  | So a bug of this magnitude slipping through the net would surprise me, 
  | although, of course we can't rule this out.
  |  1. We used the same JBM database schema from 1.4.0.GA.
  |  This did not give 
  |  any problems when we tested in the dev environments. However, after more 
  |  careful inspection of the SQL in oracle-persistence.sql I noticed a 
  |  couple of changes were in place (e.g. new index, delete_message sql 
  |  script switched order of parameters arround ... this could be problem is 
  |  JBM is not using name parameters, but positional, 
  |  supports_blob_on_select flag, composite primary key for JBM_MSG_REF 
  |  changed declaration order for composite columns, etc). I don't know if 
  |  this could be the cause of our problem and the old schema certainly 
  |  worked fine for us in the development environment, but I'll try and use 
  |  the new schema and see whether that makes a difference.
  | Yes the schema has changed between GA and SP3. It is critical that the 
  | old database is dropped before installing the new version, otherwise all 
  | kinds of strange problems might occur.
  |  2. The following customisations were dropped from 
  |  connection-factories-service.xml
  |  Setting attribute PrefetchSize to 1000.
  |  Setting attribute SlowConsumers to false.
  | This may cause behavioural differences w.r.t message consumption.
  |  3. Were PostOffice was marked as not clustered before, it was deployed 
  |  as clustered this time round (default from bundled 
  |  oracle-persistence-service.xml). Do not anticipate this to be a problem 
  |  since we are running just a single node.
  | Best to set clustered = false though if you are running a single node.
  |  4. Using EAP 4.3 build for JBR 2.2.2.SP4 --- Implementation-Version: 
  |  4.3.0.GA (build: VNTag=JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA date=200801031548) instead of the 
  |  BREW library. I reckoned the EAP 4.3 one would be most stable since 
  |  tested by Red Hat. However, perhaps there are modifications specific to 
  |  EAP 4.3.
  | Yes, that is a possibility. The EAP versions of a product and the 
  | community version of the product can and do diverge sometimes, this is 
  | mainly because we can provide bug fixes etc on the EAP version that's 
  | not available on the free version until a later date. Not sure if this 
  | applies to those versions of JBR but it's possibility. To be safe, it's 
  | always wise not to mix and match version from the EAP and community 
  | versions.
  | If you want to run JBM 1.4.0.SP3 inside EAP 4.2, you should obtain the 
  | JBM jar from the download on the labs site:
  | http://labs.jboss.org/jbossmessaging/downloads/
  | And the JBoss Remoting version should be obtained from here:
  | http://repository.jboss.com/jboss/remoting/2.2.2.SP4-brew/lib/
  | To summarise, in order to upgrade versions, you should follow the 
  | following steps:
  | 1) Drop the old database
  | 2) Obtains the distro and jars from above urls.
  | 3) Replace jboss-messaging.jar in the app server in the 
  | server/messaging/lib directory with the one inside the distro. (assuming 
  |   you have named your server profile messaging)
  | 4) Replace jboss-remoting.jar in the app server in the 
  | server/messaging/lib directory with the one download from the above url.
  | 5) Replace 

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - messages stuck in queues

2008-03-03 Thread martin.wickus
we upgraded from the following:

JBoss Messaging 1.4.0.GA 
JBoss Remoting 2.2.2.SP1 


JBoss Messaging 1.4.0.SP3
JBoss Remoting 2.2.2.SP4

Suddenly, under load we are getting messages stuck in queues.  

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: messages stuck in queues

2008-03-03 Thread martin.wickus
exact builds using:

JBM: Specification-Version: 1.4.0.SP3
Implementation-Version: 1.4.0.SP3 (build:CVSTag=JBossMessaging_1_4_0_ SP3_CP01 

Specification-Version: 2.2.2.SP4 
Implementation-Version: 4.3.0.GA (build: VNTag=JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA 

I can see my consumer count is 1, thus a consumer is definately active. The 
queue also has an expiry queue configures, so it is queries that my messages 
aren't getting expired after the 60 seconds I configure them to be.

The messages are all non-persistent.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Failure on Control Connection : Messages going into ethe

2008-02-25 Thread martin.wickus
Hi Tim

Thanks for the update. I took a chance last week and did exactly that (config 
listing 2 from previous forum was modified from JBM 1.4.0.SP3) and after 5 days 
in production the problem hasn't shown itself again. Looks like the updated 
config does indeed do the job as you suggest.

PS. The only other change was to make sure I still refer to the older  
clientMaxPoolSize attribute instead of the newer JBM_clientMaxPoolSize. I 
may have overcompensated a bit with this figure (1ooo instead of default 200), 
but haven't had problems.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Failure on Control Connection : Messages going into ether

2008-02-20 Thread martin.wickus
Environment in this case using: 
JBoss Messaging 1.4.0.GA 
JBoss Remoting 2.2.2.SP1 

Seeing the following warning: 

2008-02-18 13:53:43,993 WARN  
[org.jboss.remoting.transport.bisocket.BisocketServerInvoker] org.jbos
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: detected failure
 on control connection Thread[control: 
 (a3w4x10-9m4crq-fcsan8o9-1-fcsan9pl-9: requesting new control connection
2008-02-18 13:53:43,993 DEBUG 
[org.jboss.remoting.transport.bisocket.BisocketClientInvoker] getting 
secondary locator

This continues for a while then eventually I get exception saying could not 
connect. I guess at that point I've exhausted the connections in the client 

However, before I get the could not connect exception, there is a long period 
where I can still send JMS messages, yet they never end up on my queue. No 
JMSException reported either.

My installation was running fine for the last month under this codebase and 
only recently started showing this problem. I guess the real problem is that 
something has changed in our network and as a result control connections are 
experiencing problems. I will investigate that issue our side, but it exposed 
what looks like a bug in JBoss Messaging / JBoss Remoting. 

I've modified my bisocket configuration from config listing 1 to config listing 
2 and it seems to be behaving better. I could try updating to a later version 
of the JBM/JBR libraries... but only want to do so if I can find the Jira 
marking the issue as closed.

Another user reported the issue is also present in JBM 1.4.0CR2.

Thread here:

bisocket config listing 1 (old)
 mbean code=org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector
  |   name=jboss.messaging:service=Connector,transport=bisocket
  |   display-name=Bisocket Transport Connector
  |   attribute name=Configuration
  |  config
  | invoker transport=bisocket
  |attribute name=marshaller 
  |attribute name=unmarshaller 
  |attribute name=dataType isParam=truejms/attribute
  |attribute name=socket.check_connection 
  |attribute name=timeout isParam=true0/attribute
  |attribute name=leasePeriod1/attribute
  |attribute name=clientSocketClass 
  |attribute name=serverSocketClass 
  |attribute name=numberOfRetries 
  |attribute name=numberOfCallRetries 
  |attribute name=clientMaxPoolSize 
  | /invoker
  | handlers
  | /handlers
  |  /config
  |   /attribute

bisocket config listing 2 (updated)

   mbean code=org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector
  |   name=jboss.messaging:service=Connector,transport=bisocket
  |   display-name=Bisocket Transport Connector
  |   attribute name=Configuration
  |  config
  | invoker transport=bisocket
  |attribute name=marshaller 
  |attribute name=unmarshaller 
  |attribute name=dataType isParam=truejms/attribute
  |attribute name=socket.check_connection 
  |attribute name=timeout isParam=true0/attribute
  |attribute name=clientLeasePeriod 
  |attribute name=clientSocketClass 
  |attribute name=serverSocketClass 
  |attribute name=numberOfRetries 

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Detected failure on control connection

2008-02-20 Thread martin.wickus
Hi Tim

This specific environment is not yet using EAP 4.3 (although I am using it 
elsewhere). I will push for an upgrade into that environment as well. 

Is there a Jira I can reference as motivation this issue has been addressed in 
EAP 4.3 (or the component JBM/JBR libraries) ? Will make my task easier 
convincing a release (as we are running in a couple of different countries :-)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Detected failure on control connection

2008-02-19 Thread martin.wickus
I am seeing what I believe is the same. 

Environment in this case using:
JBoss Messaging 1.4.0.GA
JBoss Remoting  2.2.2.SP1

Seeing the following warning:

2008-02-18 13:53:43,993 WARN  
[org.jboss.remoting.transport.bisocket.BisocketServerInvoker] [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: detected failure on control connection Thread[control: 
(a3w4x10-9m4crq-fcsan8o9-1-fcsan9pl-9: requesting new control connection
  | 2008-02-18 13:53:43,993 DEBUG 
[org.jboss.remoting.transport.bisocket.BisocketClientInvoker] getting secondary 

This continues for a while then eventually I get exception saying could not 
connect. I guess at that point I've exhausted the connections in the client 

However, before I get the could not connect exception, there is a long period 
where I can still send JMS messages, yet they never end up on my queue. No 
JMSException reported either.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Message redistribution

2008-02-18 Thread martin.wickus
Precondition: JBM cluster consisting of two nodes posting messages to a 
clustered queue. The JBM cluster is formed across JBoss nodes.

Step1. Start up a plain java process (configured with JBM client libraries and 
patched JBoss Remoting lib) which looks up a ClusteredConnectionFactory from 
the JBoss/JBM partition via JNDI, creates a connection then registers a 
MessageListener to receive messages. Let's say the resulting connection is 
attached to node 1 of the JBM cluster. 

Step2. Send a message from node 1 of the JBM cluster to the clustered queue. 
The message is immediately received by the message listener.

Step3. Send a message from node 2 of the JBM cluster. The message is not 
received by the message listener.

Step4. Kill the external java process hosting the MessageListener.

Step5. Start the external java process hosting the MessageListener. This is a 
repeat of Step1, but this time my connection is to node 2. Backlog of messages 
sent from node 2 are immediately received.

Step6. Send a message from node 2 of the JBM cluster to the clustered queue. 
The message is immediately received by the message listener.

Step7. Send a message from node 1 of the JBM cluster. The message is not 
received by the message listener.

Red Hat JBoss support has let me know that a consumer on node 1 is able to 
consume messages on the same distributed queue hosted on node 2. However, the 
messages will not be sucked over until the local queue is empty.  So, for 
example, if Consumer A is connected to node 1, messages in the distributed 
queue on node 2 will not be moved to node 1 until Consumer A has exhausted all 
messages in the queue on node 1. That is, messages queued to node 1 would have 
precedence over messages queued to node 2 for Consumer A.

Two things from this then:

1. I am not seeing the behavior described by Red Hat (messages seem to stay 
stuck in their original node).
2. The behavior described by Red Hat would mean that if any activity is 
generated by node 1 (eg. even just 1 message on the distributed queue for node 
1) then none of the messages on node 2 will get delivered since they won't be 
sucked over to node 1. 

I'd prefer being able to look at the distributed queue as a single virtual 
queue from which my consumer can take messages without having to worry from 
where a message originated.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Message redistribution

2008-02-18 Thread martin.wickus
1)You have deployed your queue as clustered 
2) ClusterPullConnectionFactory is specified in the server peer config and is 
3) Something is wrong in your JGroups config. 

1. - confirmed (via JMX attribute of destination in JMX-Console)
2. - confirmed (JMX mbean present in JMX-Console)
3. - Might need to investigate more here. However, I do find JBM clustering 
working for another scenario. I have a distributed topic and when I publish 
from any node, the resulting messages are consumed by all MDBs in cluster (1 
such MDB per node).

Will check the distributed example and report back here.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Message redistribution

2008-02-18 Thread martin.wickus
Disclaimer: I used my own queue (configured as per bottom of post)

I ran the test 5 times in a row:

1. Failure
2. Success
3. Success
4. Success
5. Failure

The two failures had the same error message:

o-1.2-clustering\abfo-jboss-1.2-clustering-dev-1 -Djboss.configuration0=abfo 
-Dexample.queue.name=OTL-LIFFEF-Send -Djava.naming.provider.url=jnp:
 -Djboss.configuration0=abfo -Dex
Buildfile: build.xml

 [echo] #Running the DISTRIBUTED QUEUE example  
 [echo] The queue:  OTL-LIFFEF-Send
 [echo] The client jar: ../..//jboss-messaging-client.jar




 [java] Distributed queue /queue/OTL-LIFFEF-Send exists
 [java] The message was successfully sent to the distributed queue
 [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] #
 [java] ###FAILURE!   ###
 [java] #

Queue configuration:

!-- destinations for sending and receiving orders --

mbean code=org.jboss.jms.server.destination.QueueService

depends optional-attribute-name=ServerPeer



mbean code=org.jboss.jms.server.destination.QueueService

depends optional-attribute-name=ServerPeer



mbean code=org.jboss.jms.server.destination.QueueService

depends optional-attribute-name=ServerPeer





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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Message redistribution

2008-02-18 Thread martin.wickus
I added the test destinations to my configurations and it works with the 
default test queue. This would indicate something is wrong with the way my 
queue is configured. I'm about to make the configuration more similiar (remove 
DLQ, ExpiryQueue and SecurityConfig)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Message redistribution

2008-02-18 Thread martin.wickus
mbean code=org.jboss.jms.server.destination.QueueService
  | xmbean-dd=xmdesc/Queue-xmbean.xml
  | depends optional-attribute-name=ServerPeer
  | jboss.messaging:service=ServerPeer
  | /depends
  | dependsjboss.messaging:service=PostOffice/depends
  | attribute name=DLQ
  | /attribute
  | attribute name=ExpiryQueue
  | /attribute
  | attribute name=SecurityConfig
  | security
  | role name=guest read=true write=true /
  | /security
  | /attribute
  | attribute name=Clusteredtrue/attribute
  | /mbean

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Message redistribution

2008-02-18 Thread martin.wickus
I got it working, but something strange is afoot here. 

Although the JMX-Console showed my mbeans are clustered, the two entries in the 
table JBM_POSTOFFICE did NOT. In other words, the flag for the CLUSTERED column 
was set to 'N'.

I deleted all entries from the JBM_POSTOFFICE table and restarted my nodes. 
This time, the clustered flags were set correct in the database and everything 
worked as expected. I ran the distributed-queue example with my own queue and 
it worked 10 times out of 10.

I only recently clustered this destination, so I wonder if after making the 
config change, the entry didn't get updated in the database properly. I'll see 
if I can re-produce this and will report back.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Message redistribution

2008-02-18 Thread martin.wickus
I can confirm that updating a destinations' configuration (eg. setting the 
clustered attribute to true) doesn't seem to update the configuration in 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Message redistribution

2008-02-15 Thread martin.wickus
We are running JBoss EAP 4.3 which comes as standard with JBoss Messaging 

Two nodes are running in clustered configuration.

Sending messages from nodes to distributed/clustered destination. 

External consumer (not in cluster or even in JBoss) consuming from distributed 
queue. Connection was obtained via ClusteredConnectionFactory.

Problem: Only consuming messages from partial queue of node connected to.

Each of the nodes send messages to the distributed queue. The messages 
obviously go into their respective partial queues.

The external consumer will get a connection to one of the nodes (sticky once 
created) and hence can receive messages only from the partial queue on the node 
it is connected to. In the meantime, my messages are bundling up on the other 
partial queue. If I kill my receiver connection, the ClusteredConnectionFactory 
is smart enough to dish out a connection to the node with the backlog of 
messages. However, that means messages will now start backlogging on the other 

After reading Tim Fox’s explanation of the design behind JBM 
clustering, I understood the Intelligent Balancer would redistribute messages 
from one partial queue to another based on real-time statistics. I am not 
seeing this behaviour however, thus perhaps there are additional configuration 
changes I need to carry out. 

PS. JBoss Messaging User Guide doesn’t discuss the Intelligent 
Balancer or Message Redistribution.

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