[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - JBoss goes down!

2006-07-15 Thread nabieh
 We have an application that been used by a 600 users via netowrk 
connections over the country, at a time, not less than 150 users are online 
using the application, the main goal of the application is to be an interface 
for a huge database and oter network components, we are facing a strange 
behavior of the application server - JBoss, from time to time, it goes down and 
became unaccessible, and it seems that the application is not able to run any 
more. I monitored the logs and found lot of exceptions regarding JDBC result 
sets exceptions says: java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset, I am sure we 
are closing every single connection/statement/result set we used! Can any one 
advice me on this field? We are using DAOs for DB conections, we use JNDI for 
retrieving datasourses, we cach those common used info into memory, we are 
using HP servers which considered to be v. good machines. Any comment will be 
highly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Note: We have lot of those requests that waits for responses for a period of 
time, and lot of those requests beeing executed at a time all the day. Those 
requests goes to queues and wait for the reply as XML from other queues, we are 
using IBM MQ services.


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: JBoss goes down!

2006-07-17 Thread nabieh
Dear Jaikiran,
  Your reply is very appreciated, here you are the answers of your 

anonymous wrote : exceptions says: java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset

I have more than 12 exceptions in my DAOs, the whole DAO's works in the same 
behavior as shown in the following pseudocode:

  | PreparedStatement ps = null;
  | ResultSet rs = null;
  | try {
  | con = db.getConnection();
  | String sql = "SELECT where id = ?";
  | ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
  | ps.setInt(1, id);
  | rs = ps.executeQuery();
  | while (rs.next()) {
  |   // Get integers, chars, strings, .
  | } 
  | } catch (SQLException ex) {
  |  log.error("Exception ...", e);
  |  throw new DAOException("DAO Exception : ", e);
  | }
  | finally {
  |try {
  |  if (rsGet != null)
  |  rsGet.close();
  | } catch (SQLException e) {
  |  log.error("Error : ", e);
  |  }
  |   if (stmtGet != null) db.close(ps); /* db is a Serializable class where I 
close my connections and  statements and it works very fine */
  |   db.closeConnection(con);
  | }

I suggested to increase the Oracle cursers, does that make scense?

anonymous wrote : we are facing a strange behavior of the application server - 
JBoss, from time to time, it goes down and became unaccessible, and it seems 
that the application is not able to run any more

Dear, I have contacted my operation team and ask them about that, they told me 
that the JBoss is kept running but with no response at all, if you try to enter 
a web application it gives you the common 'Page not found' html page. I asked 
them also about the memory, the server has 2 GBs of memory, half of them 
assigned to the deployed application by setting that condition in the batch 
file for the java command within JBoss environemt.

anonymous wrote : Also, which version of JBoss are you using?

I contacted the operations, the JBoss version is 'JBoss 4.0.1SP1'

Your feedback will be very kind of you Jaikiran. Please feel free to ask 
any question you would like to.


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: JBoss goes down!

2006-07-17 Thread nabieh
Dear Jaikiran,
 Thanks for your being concerned about my issue.

I am quite sure that we do not use rs.next unless in reguler if statements and 
when one record is to be obtained from it:

  | String sql = "select count(*) as COUNT from table";
  | if (rs.next()) {
  |int count = rs.get("COUNT");
  | }
  So, it is okay. And I have been in writing J2EE application about 4 
years. It is okay.
  Since we run JBoss as a service and not a DOS console, I have to review 
this "SendSignal" to achieve the goal of getting those records, I will update 
you once get a concern. Will be waiting for the JBoss till it gets into that 
status and get the logs of the threads. Thanks to you, you gave me a great idea.


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - JVM Memory information

2006-07-25 Thread nabieh
   I have explored the JBoss Web-Console and found these information:

JVM Environment
Free Memory: 137 MB
Max Memory: 988 MB
Total Memory: 220 MB

   I am wondering what is the difference between these parameters, thanks 
in advance.


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - GC statistics/info

2006-07-25 Thread nabieh
   When the GC performs its processes, it has been all logged some where, 
do you know how can I get the GC or DGC process logs in order to know when 
those processes ran and how long is the gap between one and another. Thanks in 


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: JVM Memory information

2006-07-25 Thread nabieh
anonymous wrote : - Total memory gives the details of total heap memory space.

   We have set the maximum heap size to 1 GB, I am asking why I have only 
137 free? And what do you mean by "Details of Total space"? I am lost! Total of 
   Let us refer to a simple case, when I have 100 space, and the current 
free space is 30, then the used space must be 70. Where is the case in our 
example of Heap Size details? Thanks in advance.


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: GC statistics/info

2006-07-25 Thread nabieh
Dear Jaikiran,

 Your reply was so helpful, I really appreciate that. Thanks.


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: JVM Memory information

2006-07-26 Thread nabieh
   Any help please? That answer confused me instead of giving me the 
answer. Thanks in advance.


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