[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: PostConstruct loadClass fails when porting to JBoss 5

2009-07-29 Thread jcstaff2

* Thanks for the specifics on why the handling of deployment descriptor 
whitespace changed. Yes, with a more-compliant application server schema, "I 
was adding the extra whitespace" - point taken.

* We are all set on the reading of a read-only resource.

* Tom Marrs wrote about 3 classloaders; system, current, and thread. He ruled 
out use of the first 2 for known reasons and then stated why you should use the 
later. This is what my code is doing; access the classloader through the 
current Thread.
anonymous wrote : 
  | You gain access to the current Thread Context ClassLoader by calling 
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(). ... Use the Thread Context 
Class Loader for the following reasons:

* On the use of the reflection API and ClassLoader, the listed restrictions 
state that what I wanted to do with the ClassLoader was legal
anonymous wrote : 
  | Contrary to common belief, most of the Java Reflection API can be used from 
EJB components. For example, loadClass() and invoke() can both be used by 
enterprise beans. Only certain reflection methods are forbidden. 

Thanks for taking the time on this.


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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: PostConstruct loadClass fails when porting to JBoss 5

2009-07-28 Thread ALRubinger
"jcstaff2" wrote : When I did some searching, I found that Tom Marrs (Lead 
Author, JBoss at Work: A Practical Guide) had the same solution as I did as 
late as 2006. http://www.coderanch.com/t/89900/JBoss/reading-properties-file

Respectfully disagree.

"Tom Marrs" wrote : The EJB specification forbids EJBs to use the Current Class 
Loader, and since the System Class Loader isn't a workable option, you're left 
with the Thread Context ClassLoader.

It's this which I say is wrong.

"Sun EJB Restrictions Guide" wrote : Read-only data can, however, be stored in 
files in a deployment JAR, and accessed with the getResource() or 
getResourceAsStream() methods of java.lang.Class.



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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: PostConstruct loadClass fails when porting to JBoss 5

2009-07-28 Thread ALRubinger
"jcstaff2" wrote : I understand where your caution comes from about the 
ClassLoader after reading the spec, but  when I read the Javadoc on 
getClass().getResource(), it sounds like it too is locating the ClassLoader.

The difference is in your definition of "the". 


Class.getResource() uses the ClassLoader which defined the Class in question.  
So it's:


...under the hood, and not:


In theory the two could be the same.  In fact, I'd say any access to any CL 
from application code is a no-no, as the application could change the internal 
mutable state of the CL itself which may lead to problems elsewhere.  But the 
Class.getResource() case should be fine.

"jcstaff2" wrote : I finally tracked the issue down to the deployment 
descriptor. The JBoss 5 parsing of the deployment descriptor elements seems to 
now include white-space characters into values.
  | (...snip)
  | However the problem in porting from JBoss 4 to JBoss 5 ended up being a 
whitespace interpretation change of the ejb-jar.xml between the two versions.

This is expected.


javaee:env-entry-value is of type javaee:xsdStringType which extends from 
xsd:string.  Pure String types are not trimmed.


"jcstaff2" wrote : JBoss 5 is adding extra whitespace to the injected String 

Looks like *you* were adding the whitespace. :)  We just became a bit more 
compliant/strict and stopped trimming it away.


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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: PostConstruct loadClass fails when porting to JBoss 5

2009-07-28 Thread jcstaff2
I understand where your caution comes from about the ClassLoader after reading 
the spec, but  when I read the Javadoc on getClass().getResource(), it sounds 
like it too is locating the ClassLoader. When I did some searching, I found 
that Tom Marrs (Lead Author, JBoss at Work: A Practical Guide) had the same 
solution as I did as late as 2006. 

I spent the last few days building up a simple set of test cases where I loaded 
classes and resources from different types of ClassLoaders both inside and 
outside the EJB. In my simple test case, I could not recreate the problem. I 
finally tracked the issue down to the deployment descriptor. The JBoss 5 
parsing of the deployment descriptor elements seems to now include white-space 
characters into values.

My class looked like the following...

  | @Stateless
  | public class TellerEJB implements TellerLocal, TellerRemote {
  | ...
  | @Resource(name="daoClass")
  | protected String daoClassName;
  | @PostConstruct
  | public void init() {
  | log.debug("init(), daoClass=" + daoClassName);
  | teller = new TellerImpl();
  | try {
  | AccountDAO dao = (AccountDAO)Thread.currentThread()

My deployment descriptor was written as follows

  | ...
  | TellerEJB
  | daoClass
  | java.lang.String
  | xxx.jpa.JPAAccountDAO

Note the line break after ...DAO and the line break in the original debug 
output. Once I removed the white-space from the deployment descriptor all 

  | TellerEJB
  | daoClass
  | java.lang.String
  | xxx.jpa.JPAAccountDAO

I've seen this same type of problem elsewhere in the processing of deployment 
descriptors by JBoss 5. In one post I saw where adding export 
JAVA_OPTS="-Dxb.builder.useUnorderedSequence=true" to the startup corrected the 
issue. I have not yet tried that for this issue.

So, in short. I may be violating what you think is wrong with my use of 
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(). However the problem in porting 
from JBoss 4 to JBoss 5 ended up being a whitespace interpretation change of 
the ejb-jar.xml between the two versions. JBoss 5 is adding extra whitespace to 
the injected String variable. 


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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: PostConstruct loadClass fails when porting to JBoss 5

2009-07-27 Thread ALRubinger
Hey Jim:

"jcstaff2" wrote : If obtaining the current classloader is 
illegal/non-portable, how does one read in a data file from the EJB's 
classpath? Is there a legal classloader we can access that will have the file 
Resource that can be read in as a stream?

In general, use of File (and other I/O) resources is frowned upon in EJB 
because again you've got the issue of application code directly accessing 
something by bypassing the abstraction provided by the container.  This means 
that nothing is guarding it from concurrent access, providing rollback 
capabilities, etc.

For *non-mutable* resources, like reading in properties, you can package these 
inside your EJB JAR and get at them via this.getClass().getResource() in your 
bean implementation class.


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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: PostConstruct loadClass fails when porting to JBoss 5

2009-07-27 Thread jcstaff2
Thank you for the reference to the specific spec requirement that explains why 
this is allowed to not to work. The legacy code was from a time (EJB 2.x) when 
dependency injection was more limited, and it may have advanced to the point 
that we can inject the POJO class dynamically in other ways. However...

If obtaining the current classloader is illegal/non-portable, how does one read 
in a data file from the EJB's classpath? Is there a legal classloader we can 
access that will have the file Resource that can be read in as a stream?

We can come up with ways to get around obtaining the classloader to dynamically 
load a class, but I don't currently know of a way to avoid getting the 
classloader for reading on streams/files. 


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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: PostConstruct loadClass fails when porting to JBoss 5

2009-07-26 Thread ALRubinger
"alesj" wrote : Or what does the spec say about what should the TCCL be in this 

"EJB 3.0 Specification 21.1.2: Programming Restrictions" wrote : The enterprise 
bean must not attempt to create a class loader; obtain the current class 
loader; set the context class loader; set security manager; create a new 
security manager; stop the JVM; or change the input, output, and error streams.

In short, this is non-portable because application-level code should leave the 
details of the environment to the container.

Why are we taking the reflection-based approach?  Let's take a look at the 
structure of the JAR/EAR as well?


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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: PostConstruct loadClass fails when porting to JBoss 5

2009-07-26 Thread alesj
Can you do some more debugging / logging?
e.g. print out TCCL in 4.x vs. 5.x in that code

It might just be a bug in not setting TCCL properly.
Or what does the spec say about what should the TCCL be in this case?

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